The interplay between immune cells and microRNAs in the tumor microenvironment (TME). MRX34 and MRG‐106 (cobomarsen) are miRNA therapeutic agents. Adapted from figure 1 in [ Cortez et al]. d3b T cell CL:0000084 Cell Type 30578699 PubMed Role of miRNAs in immune responses and immunotherapy in cancer. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2019 Cortez MA Anfossi S Ramapriyan R Menon H Atalar SC Aliru M Welsh J Calin GA macrophage CL:0000235 Cell Type cancer DOID:162 Disease professional antigen presenting cell CL:0000145 Cell Type antigen processing and presentation pathway PW:0000825 Pathway Ontology natural killer cell CL:0000623 Cell Type neoplastic cell CL:0001063 Cell Type lymphocyte CL:0000542 Cell Type immune response pathway PW:0000023 Pathway Ontology natural T-regulatory cell CL:0000903 Cell Type