This pathway was adapted from several resources and is designed to provide a theoretical frame-work for examining Wnt signaling and interacting components in the context of embryonic stem-cell pluripotency and self-renewal. A central organizing theme of this pathway are known drug targets which promote self-renewal or pluripotency (BIO and IQ-1) and implicated upstream regulators of the core pluripotency transcriptional components (e.g. Nanog). It should be noted that it is unclear whether all the depicted components participate in this pathway in human embryonic stem cells. Interactions and object/gene groups for the pathway exist for the majority of components. ab3 Non-canonical Wnt signaling enhances differentiation of human circulating progenitor cells to cardiomyogenic cells. PMID: 15701629 canonical Wnt signaling pathway PW:0000201 Pathway Ontology PubMed Kegg version of this pathway 17372190 PubMed Wnt/beta-catenin/CBP signaling maintains long-term murine embryonic stem cell pluripotency. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Miyabayashi T Teo JL Yamamoto M McMillan M Nguyen C Kahn M 16894029 PubMed Repression of Nanog gene transcription by Tcf3 limits embryonic stem cell self-renewal. Mol Cell Biol 2006 Pereira L Yi F Merrill BJ 16881513 PubMed Manipulation of self-renewal in human embryonic stem cells through a novel pharmacological GSK-3 inhibitor. Methods Mol Biol 2006 Sato N Brivanlou AH