## shoelaces v0.1.0 ##### _September 23, 2017_ - Exposed existing `min`, `max` and `between` media queries via api - `import { min, max, between } from 'shoelaces'` - Added support for flex properties - These properties are available on row and col - flex properties can be used manually by importing flex : `import flex from 'shoelaces'` - Added basic prop validation - Fixed an issue where `min-width: 0` would render ([#5](https://github.com/will-hitchcock/react-shoelaces/pull/5)) ## react-shoelaces v0.1.0 ##### _September 24, 2017_ - Updated shoelaces to v0.1.0, see the shoelaces ([CHANGELOG](https://github.com/will-hitchcock/shoelaces/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)) for details - Added `` component ## react-shoelaces v0.0.3 ##### _September 22, 2017_ - Initial working release ([#5](https://github.com/will-hitchcock/react-shoelaces/pull/5))