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When an int is banged, it sends its value back to the coll object to initiate a move in that direction." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-42", "linecount" : 7, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 580.5, 175.0, 201.0, 100.0 ], "style" : "", "text" : "Each row in the collection contains the location number and name, and the numbers of the locations to the North, East, South and West respectively. If you can't go in a particular direction, the current location number is listed." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-40", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 32.0, 525.0, 248.0, 33.0 ], "style" : "", "text" : "Make sure to view this patch in presentation mode, too." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-37", "linecount" : 5, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 580.5, 90.0, 194.5, 74.0 ], "style" : "", "text" : "When the patch is first loaded, we clear a coll object, store all of the navigation information, then set the user position to the first location, the Study." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-35", "linecount" : 4, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 32.0, 223.0, 248.0, 60.0 ], "style" : "", "text" : "The textbutton objects allow us to create a simple user interface. Send and receive objects keep our patch clean and easy to understand." } } , { "box" : { "fontname" : "Arial", "fontsize" : 12.0, "id" : "obj-32", "linecount" : 2, "maxclass" : "comment", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 32.0, 90.0, 254.0, 33.0 ], "style" : "", "text" : "As an example, we will use the Manor House setting from the popular boardgame Clue." } } , { "box" : { "fontsize" : 16.0, "id" : "obj-30", "legacytextcolor" : 1, "maxclass" : "textbutton", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "", "", "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 205.0, 375.0, 75.0, 30.0 ], "presentation" : 1, "presentation_rect" : [ 627.0, 285.0, 75.0, 40.0 ], "style" : "", "text" : "East", "usebgoncolor" : 1, "usetextovercolor" : 1 } } , { "box" : { "fontsize" : 16.0, "id" : "obj-28", "legacytextcolor" : 1, "maxclass" : "textbutton", "numinlets" : 1, "numoutlets" : 3, "outlettype" : [ "", "", "int" ], "parameter_enable" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 55.0, 375.0, 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