import sys import os import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter import sqlite3 import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz import time import csv import urllib3 from argparse import ArgumentParser # we are ignoring the HTTPS check because the server occasionally returns malformed certificates (missing EOF) urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) class CommentsDownloader: """This class is used for downloading dockets, documents, and comments from It can be used in very general ways, by getting the raw JSON from the API, or in a more common way, downloading the "headers" and "details" of items in bulk. """ def __init__(self, api_key): self.api_key = api_key def get_requests_remaining(self): """Get the number of requests remaining. An API key usually gives you 1000 requests/hour. Returns: int: number of requests remaining """ # this is a document that we know exists; it was chosen arbitrarily r = requests.get('', headers={'X-Api-Key': self.api_key}, verify=False) if r.status_code != 200: print(r.json()) r.raise_for_status() return int(r.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining']) def get_request_json(self, endpoint, params=None, print_remaining_requests=False, wait_for_rate_limits=False, skip_duplicates=False): """Used to return the JSON associated with a request to the API Args: endpoint (str): URL of the API to access (e.g., params (dict, optional): Parameters to specify to the endpoint request. Defaults to None. If we are querying the non-details endpoint, we also append the "page[size]" parameter so that we always get the maximum page size of 250 elements per page. print_remaining_requests (bool, optional): Whether to print out the number of remaining requests this hour, based on the response headers. Defaults to False. wait_for_rate_limits (bool, optional): Determines whether to wait to re-try if we run out of requests in a given hour. Defaults to False. skip_duplicates (bool, optional): If a request returns multiple items when only 1 was expected, should we skip that request? Defaults to False. Returns: dict: JSON-ified request response """ # Our API key has a rate limit of 1,000 requests/hour. If we hit that limit, we can # retry every WAIT_MINUTES minutes (more frequently than once an hour, in case our request limit # is updated sooner). We will sleep for POLL_SECONDS seconds at a time to see if we've been # interrupted. Otherwise we'd have to wait a while before getting interrupted. We could do this # with threads, but that gets more complicated than it needs to be. STATUS_CODE_OVER_RATE_LIMIT = 429 WAIT_MINUTES = 20 # time between attempts to get a response POLL_SECONDS = 10 # run time.sleep() for this long, so we can check if we've been interrupted params = params if params is not None else {} # whether we are querying the search endpoint (e.g., /documents) or the "details" endpoint if (endpoint.split("/")[-1] in ["dockets", "documents", "comments"]): params = {**params, "page[size]": 250} # always get max page size # Rather than do requests.get(), use this approach to (attempt to) gracefully handle noisy connections to the server # We sometimes get SSL errors (unexpected EOF or ECONNRESET), so this should hopefully help us retry. session = requests.Session() session.mount('https', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=4)) def poll_for_response(api_key, else_func): r = session.get(endpoint, headers={'X-Api-Key': api_key}, params=params, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: # SUCCESS! Return the JSON of the request num_requests_left = int(r.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining']) if print_remaining_requests or \ (num_requests_left < 10) or \ (num_requests_left <= 100 and num_requests_left % 10 == 0) or \ (num_requests_left % 100 == 0 and num_requests_left < 1000): print(f"(Requests left: {r.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining']})") return [True, r.json()] else: if r.status_code == STATUS_CODE_OVER_RATE_LIMIT and wait_for_rate_limits: else_func() elif self._is_duplicated_on_server(r.json()) and skip_duplicates: print("****Duplicate entries on server. Skipping.") print(r.json()['errors'][0]['detail']) else: # some other kind of error print([r, r.status_code]) print(r.json()) r.raise_for_status() return [False, r.json()] def wait_for_requests(): the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f'{the_time}: Hit rate limits. Waiting {WAIT_MINUTES} minutes to try again', flush=True) # We ran out of requests. Wait for WAIT_MINUTES minutes, but poll every POLL_SECONDS seconds for interruptions for i in range(int(WAIT_MINUTES * 60 / POLL_SECONDS)): time.sleep(POLL_SECONDS) for _ in range(1, int(60 / WAIT_MINUTES) + 3): success, r_json = poll_for_response(self.api_key, wait_for_requests) if success or (self._is_duplicated_on_server(r_json) and skip_duplicates): return r_json print(r_json) raise RuntimeError(f"Unrecoverable error; {r_json}") def get_items_count(self, data_type, params): """Gets the number of items returned by a request in the totalElements attribute. Args: data_type (str): One of "dockets", "documents", or "comments". params (dict): Parameters to specify to the endpoint request for the query. See details on available parameters at Returns: int: Number of items returned by request """ # make sure the data_type is plural data_type = data_type if data_type[-1:] == "s" else data_type + "s" r_items = self.get_request_json(f'{data_type}', params=params) totalElements = r_items['meta']['totalElements'] return totalElements def gather_headers(self, data_type, params, db_filename=None, csv_filename=None, max_items=None, verbose=True): """This function is meant to get the header data for the item returned by the query defined by params. The API returns these data in "pages" of up to 250 items at a time, and up to 20 pages are available per query. If the query would return more than 250*20 = 5000 items, the recommended way to retrieve the full dataset is to sort the data by lastModifiedDate and save the largest value from the last page of a given query, then use that to filter the next batch to all those with a lastModifiedDate greater than or equal to the saved date. Unfortunately, this also means it's you'll retrieve some of the same headers multiple times, but this is unavoidable because there is no uniqueness constraint on lastModifiedDate. The data retrieved are output either to a database (db_filename), or a CSV (csv_filename), or both. These data do not include more specific detail that would be retrieved in a "Details" query, which returns that data (e.g., plain-text of a comment). That kind of data can be gathered using the gather_details function below. An example call is: gather_headers(data_type='comments', db_filename="comments_2020", params={'filter[postedDate][ge]': '2020-01-01'}) Args: data_type (str): One of "dockets", "documents", or "comments". params (dict): Parameters to specify to the endpoint request for the query. See details on available parameters at db_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the sqlite database to write to. If it doesn't yet exist, it will be created automatically. If it does exist, we will add to it. Can be None, in which case a CSV file should be specified. csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file to write to. Can be None, in which case a database file should be specified. max_items (int, optional): If this is specified, limits to this many items. Note that this is an *approximate* limit. Because of how we have to query with pagination, we will inevitably end up with duplicate records being pulled, so we will hit this limit sooner than we should, but we shouldn't be off by very much. Defaults to None. verbose (bool, optional): Whether to print more detailed info. Defaults to True. """ if db_filename is None and csv_filename is None: raise ValueError("Must specify either a database file name or CSV filename") # make sure the data_type is plural data_type = data_type if data_type[-1:] == "s" else data_type + "s" n_retrieved = 0 prev_query_max_date = '1900-01-01 00:00:00' # placeholder value for first round of 5000 EASTERN_TIME = tz.gettz('America/New_York') # remove the trailing s before adding "Id"; e.g., "dockets" --> "docketId" id_col = data_type[:len(data_type)-1] + "Id" if db_filename is not None: conn = self._get_database_connection(db_filename) cur = conn.cursor() else: conn = cur = None # first request, to ensure there are documents and to get a total count totalElements = self.get_items_count(data_type, params) print(f'Found {totalElements} {data_type}...', flush=True) if max_items is not None and max_items < totalElements: print(f'...but limiting to {max_items} {data_type}...', flush=True) totalElements = max_items while n_retrieved < totalElements: # loop over 5000 in each request (20 pages of 250 each) if verbose: print(f'\nEnter outer loop ({n_retrieved} {data_type} collected)...', flush=True) page = 1 data = [] while (n_retrieved < totalElements) and (page == 1 or (not r_items['meta']['lastPage'])): ## note: this will NOT lead to an off-by-one error because at the start of the loop # r_items is from the *previous* request. If the *previous* request was the last page # then we exit the loop (unless we're on the first page, in which case get the data then exit) retries = 5 while retries > 0: try: r_items = self.get_request_json(f'{data_type}', params={**params, 'filter[lastModifiedDate][ge]': prev_query_max_date, 'page[number]': str(page), 'sort': f'lastModifiedDate'}, wait_for_rate_limits=True) break except Exception as e: retries -= 1 if retries <= 0: raise e n_retrieved += len(r_items['data']) data.extend(r_items['data']) # add all items from this request page += 1 ## There may be duplicates due to pagination, so the commented out code here doesn't apply, ## but I'm leaving it in so I know not to "fix" this issue later on. #if n_retrieved > totalElements: # data = data[:-(n_retrieved - totalElements)] # remove the extras # assert len(data) == totalElements # n_retrieved = totalElements if verbose: print(f' {n_retrieved} {data_type} retrieved', flush=True) # get our query's final record's lastModifiedDate, and convert to eastern timezone for filtering via URL prev_query_max_date = r_items['data'][-1]['attributes']['lastModifiedDate'].replace('Z', '+00:00') prev_query_max_date = datetime.fromisoformat(prev_query_max_date).astimezone(EASTERN_TIME).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') data = self._get_processed_data(data, id_col) self._output_data(data, table_name=(data_type + "_header"), conn=conn, cur=cur, csv_filename=csv_filename) self._remove_duplicates_from_csv(data_type, csv_filename) self._close_database_connection(conn) # Note: the count in n_retrieved may not reflect what's in the database because there may be # duplicates downloaded along the way due to the pagination mechanism on's API. # The sqlite database uses a unique constraint to avoid duplicates, so the final count printed # below may not match what is shown in the database. For CSVs, the count here should match # the number of rows in the output. the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f'{the_time}: Finished: approximately {n_retrieved} {data_type} collected', flush=True) def gather_details(self, data_type, ids, db_filename=None, csv_filename=None, insert_every_n_rows=500, skip_duplicates=True): """This function is meant to get the Details data for each item in ids, one at a time. The data for each item is output either to a database (specified by db_filename) or a CSV (specified by csv_filename). An example call is: gather_details(data_type='documents', cols=documents_cols, id_col='documentId', ids=document_ids, csv_filename="documents_2020.csv") Args: data_type (str): One of "dockets", "documents", or "comments". ids (list of str): List of IDs for items for which you are querying details. These IDs are appended to the URL directly, e.g., db_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the sqlite database to write to. If it doesn't yet exist, it will be created automatically. If it does exist, we will add to it. Can be None, in which case a CSV should be specified. csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file to write to. Can be None, in which case a database file should be specified. insert_every_n_rows (int): How often to write to the database or CSV. Defaults to every 500 rows. skip_duplicates (bool, optional): If a request returns multiple items when only 1 was expected, should we skip that request? Defaults to True. """ if db_filename is None and csv_filename is None: raise ValueError("Must specify either a database file name or CSV filename") # make sure the data_type is plural data_type = data_type if data_type[-1:] == "s" else data_type + "s" n_retrieved = 0 data = [] attachments = [] # remove the trailing s before adding "Id"; e.g., "dockets" --> "docketId" id_col = data_type[:len(data_type)-1] + "Id" if db_filename is not None: conn = self._get_database_connection(db_filename) cur = conn.cursor() else: conn = cur = None the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f'{the_time}: Gathering details for {len(ids)} {data_type}...', flush=True) for item_id in ids: retries = 5 while retries > 0: try: r_item = self.get_request_json(f'{data_type}/{item_id}', params={"include":"attachments"} if data_type == "comments" else None, wait_for_rate_limits=True, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates) break except Exception as e: retries -= 1 if retries <= 0: print(f"Error encountered for {item_id}") raise e if(skip_duplicates and self._is_duplicated_on_server(r_item)): print(f"Skipping for {item_id}\n") continue n_retrieved += 1 data.append(r_item['data']) # only one item from the Details endpoint, not a list, so use append (not extend) if 'included' in r_item.keys(): attachments.append(r_item['included'][0]['attributes']['fileFormats']) else: attachments.append(None) if n_retrieved > 0 and n_retrieved % insert_every_n_rows == 0: if data_type != "comments": attachments = None data = self._get_processed_data(data, id_col, attachments) self._output_data(data, table_name=(data_type + "_detail"), conn=conn, cur=cur, csv_filename=csv_filename) data = [] # reset for next batch attachments = [] if len(data) > 0: # insert any remaining in final batch if data_type != "comments": attachments = None data = self._get_processed_data(data, id_col, attachments) self._output_data(data, table_name=(data_type + "_detail"), conn=conn, cur=cur, csv_filename=csv_filename) self._close_database_connection(conn) the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f'{the_time}: Finished: {n_retrieved} {data_type} collected', flush=True) def gather_comments_by_document(self, document_id, db_filename=None, csv_filename=None): """User-friendly function for downloading all of the comments on a single document, using the documentId visible on the website. This abstracts away all the details around filtering and paginating through the API and downloads the data into either a CSV or sqlite database or both. Note that if a database is used (i.e., db_filename is not None), the "header" information for comments will be saved, in addition to the "details" of each comment. In other words, the table comments_header will be populated in addition to comments_detail. Args: document_id (str): document ID, as visible in either the URL or on the website. Note, this is distinct from the docket ID and from the API's internal objectId. db_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the sqlite database to write to. If it doesn't yet exist, it will be created automatically. If it does exist, we will add to it. Can be None, in which case a CSV should be specified. csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file to write to. Can be None, in which case a database file should be specified. """ if db_filename is None and csv_filename is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify either a database filename or CSV filename or both") def get_object_id(document_id): # first, get the objectId for the document, which we use to filter to its comments the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"{the_time}: Getting objectId for document {document_id}...", end="", flush=True) r_json = self.get_request_json(f'{document_id}') object_id = r_json['data']['attributes']['objectId'] print(f"Got it ({object_id})", flush=True) return object_id def get_comment_ids(object_id): # We need to create a temporary CSV so we can read back in the commentIds. This is because the # comment headers do not include the associated documentId or objectId, so if we append the # comment headers to an existing file or database, we won't be able to tell which comments # correspond to this document. the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"{the_time}: Getting comment headers associated with document {document_id}...\n", flush=True) temp_filename = f"comment_headers_{'%H%M%S')}.csv" self.gather_headers(data_type="comments", params={'filter[commentOnId]': object_id}, db_filename=db_filename, csv_filename=temp_filename, verbose=False) # if file didn't get created, we found 0 comments if os.path.isfile(temp_filename): comment_ids = self.get_ids_from_csv(temp_filename, "comments", unique=True) try: os.remove(temp_filename) except: pass else: return [] print("\nDone getting comment IDs----------------\n", flush=True) return comment_ids object_id = get_object_id(document_id) comment_ids = get_comment_ids(object_id) if len(comment_ids) > 0: the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"{the_time}: Getting comments associated with document {document_id}...\n", flush=True) self.gather_details("comments", comment_ids, db_filename=db_filename, csv_filename=csv_filename) # Get the total number of comments retrieved. This may differ from what we expect if there # are issues during the download process or the database prevents importing duplicates from pagination. n_comments = self._get_item_count(data_type="comments", csv_filename=csv_filename, db_filename=db_filename, filter_column="commentOnDocumentId", filter_value=document_id) else: n_comments = 0 print(f"\nDone getting all {n_comments} comments for document {document_id}----------------\n", flush=True) def gather_comments_by_docket(self, docket_id, db_filename=None, csv_filename=None): """User-friendly function for downloading all of the comments in a docket, using the docketId visible on the website. This abstracts away all the details around finding all the documents in a given docket and getting their individual comments, including filtering and paginating through the API. It downloads the comments into either a CSV or sqlite database or both. Note that if a database is used (i.e., db_filename is not None), the "header" information for documents and comments will be saved, in addition to the "details" of each comment. In other words, the table comments_header will be populated in addition to comments_detail, and the table documents_header will be populated as well. Args: document_id (str): document ID, as visible in either the URL or on the website. Note, this is distinct from the docket ID and from the API's internal objectId. db_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the sqlite database to write to. If it doesn't yet exist, it will be created automatically. If it does exist, we will add to it. Can be None, in which case a CSV should be specified. csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file to write to. Can be None, in which case a database file should be specified. """ if db_filename is None and csv_filename is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify either a database filename or CSV filename or both") def get_document_ids(docket_id): the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"{the_time}: Getting documents associated with docket {docket_id}...\n", flush=True) temp_filename = f"document_headers_{'%H%M%S')}.csv" self.gather_headers(data_type="documents", params={'filter[docketId]': docket_id}, db_filename=db_filename, csv_filename=temp_filename, verbose=False) # if file didn't get created, we found 0 documents if os.path.isfile(temp_filename): document_ids = self.get_ids_from_csv(temp_filename, "documents", unique=True) try: os.remove(temp_filename) except: pass else: raise ValueError(f"Docket {docket_id} has no documents (did you specify a documentId instead of a docketId by mistake?)") print(f"\nDone----------------\n", flush=True) return document_ids document_ids = get_document_ids(docket_id) for document_id in document_ids: the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"******************************\n{the_time}: Getting comments for document {document_id}...\n", flush=True) self.gather_comments_by_document(document_id, db_filename, csv_filename) # get the total number of comments retrieved n_comments = self._get_item_count(data_type="comments", csv_filename=csv_filename, db_filename=db_filename, filter_column="docketId", filter_value=docket_id) print(f"DONE retrieving all {n_comments} comments from {len(document_ids)} document(s) for docket {docket_id}----------------\n", flush=True) def get_ids_from_csv(self, csv_filename, data_type, unique=False): """Get IDs for dockets, documents, or comments in a given CSV. Assumes that the header row exists in the file and that the ID column is named one of docketId, documentId, or commentId. Note: the CSV could be very large, so we don't load the whole thing into memory, but instead loop over it one row at a time. Args: csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file with the data data_type (str): One of "dockets", "documents", or "comments". unique (bool, optional): Whether to remove duplicates, making the list of IDs unique. Defaults to False so that the IDs are returned in the same order and number as the input file. Returns: list of str: IDs for the given data_type from the specified csv_filename """ # make sure the data_type is NOT plural before adding Id id_column = (data_type[:-1] if data_type[-1:] == "s" else data_type) + "Id" id_column_index = None ids = [] with open(csv_filename, 'r', encoding='utf8', newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if id_column_index is None: try: id_column_index = row.index(id_column) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Missing id column {id_column} in {csv_filename}") else: ids.append(row[id_column_index]) if unique: ids = list(set(ids)) return ids def _get_database_connection(self, filename, drop_if_exists=False): """Get a connection to the database in the file at filename. If the database does not exist it will be created with the necessary tables. If it does exist, tables are kept as-is unless drop_if_exists is specified, in which case existing tables are dropped before creating the necessary tables. Args: filename (str): Filename of database, optionally including path. drop_if_exists (bool, optional): Whether to drop the necessary tables if they exist. Defaults to False, in which case if the tables exist, they will be left as-is and new data will be appended. Returns: sqlite.Connection: open connection to the database """ # If the database exists already, this just ensures all the necessary tables exist self._setup_database(filename, drop_if_exists=drop_if_exists) return sqlite3.connect(filename) def _setup_database(self, filename=None, drop_if_exists=False): """Set up a sqlite database with the tables and columns necessary for the data returned by the API. Args: filename (str): Filename, optionally including path. drop_if_exists (bool, optional): Whether to drop the six tables used here if they already exist. Defaults to False so that we don't delete any information. """ if filename is None: filename = 'regulations.gov_' +'%Y%m%d') + ".db" # make the path if necessary if len(os.path.dirname(filename)) > 0: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) conn = sqlite3.connect(filename) cur = conn.cursor() if drop_if_exists: cur.execute('drop table if exists dockets_header') cur.execute('drop table if exists dockets_detail') cur.execute('drop table if exists documents_header') cur.execute('drop table if exists documents_detail') cur.execute('drop table if exists comments_header') cur.execute('drop table if exists comments_detail') cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dockets_header ( docketId TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, agencyId TEXT, docketType TEXT, title TEXT, lastModifiedDate TEXT NOT NULL, objectId TEXT, sqltime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )""") cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dockets_detail ( docketId TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, agencyId TEXT, category TEXT, dkAbstract TEXT, docketType TEXT, effectiveDate TEXT, field1 TEXT, field2 TEXT, generic TEXT, keywords TEXT, legacyId TEXT, modifyDate TEXT NOT NULL, objectId TEXT, organization TEXT, petitionNbr TEXT, program TEXT, rin TEXT, shortTitle TEXT, subType TEXT, subType2 TEXT, title TEXT, sqltime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )""") cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS documents_header ( documentId TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, commentEndDate TEXT, commentStartDate TEXT, docketId TEXT, documentType TEXT, frDocNum TEXT, lastModifiedDate TEXT NOT NULL, objectId TEXT, postedDate TEXT, subtype TEXT, title TEXT, withdrawn INTEGER, sqltime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )""") cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS documents_detail ( documentId TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, additionalRins TEXT, agencyId TEXT, allowLateComments INTEGER, authorDate TEXT, authors TEXT, category TEXT, cfrPart TEXT, city TEXT, comment TEXT, commentEndDate TEXT, commentStartDate TEXT, country TEXT, docAbstract TEXT, docketId TEXT, documentType TEXT, effectiveDate TEXT, exhibitLocation TEXT, exhibitType TEXT, field1 TEXT, field2 TEXT, firstName TEXT, frDocNum TEXT, frVolNum TEXT, govAgency TEXT, govAgencyType TEXT, implementationDate TEXT, lastName TEXT, legacyId TEXT, media TEXT, modifyDate TEXT NOT NULL, objectId TEXT, ombApproval TEXT, openForComment INTEGER, organization TEXT, originalDocumentId TEXT, pageCount TEXT, paperLength INTEGER, paperWidth INTEGER, postedDate TEXT, postmarkDate TEXT, reasonWithdrawn TEXT, receiveDate TEXT, regWriterInstruction TEXT, restrictReason TEXT, restrictReasonType TEXT, sourceCitation TEXT, startEndPage TEXT, stateProvinceRegion TEXT, subject TEXT, submitterRep TEXT, submitterRepCityState TEXT, subtype TEXT, title TEXT, topics TEXT, trackingNbr TEXT, withdrawn INTEGER, zip TEXT, sqltime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )""") cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments_header ( commentId TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, agencyId TEXT, documentType TEXT, lastModifiedDate TEXT NOT NULL, objectId TEXT, postedDate TEXT, title TEXT, withdrawn INTEGER, sqltime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL )""") cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS comments_detail ( commentId TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, agencyId TEXT, category TEXT, city TEXT, comment TEXT, commentOn TEXT, commentOnDocumentId TEXT, country TEXT, docAbstract TEXT, docketId TEXT, documentType TEXT, duplicateComments INTEGER, field1 TEXT, field2 TEXT, firstName TEXT, govAgency TEXT, govAgencyType TEXT, lastName TEXT, legacyId TEXT, modifyDate TEXT NOT NULL, objectId TEXT, openForComment INTEGER, organization TEXT, originalDocumentId TEXT, pageCount TEXT, postedDate TEXT, postmarkDate TEXT, reasonWithdrawn TEXT, receiveDate TEXT, restrictReason TEXT, restrictReasonType TEXT, stateProvinceRegion TEXT, submitterRep TEXT, submitterRepCityState TEXT, subtype TEXT, title TEXT, trackingNbr TEXT, withdrawn INTEGER, zip TEXT, attachmentLinks TEXT, sqltime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP )""") conn.close() def _close_database_connection(self, conn): """Close a database connection Args: conn (sqlite3.Connection): Try to close the connection. If there are any errors, ignore them. """ try: conn.close() except: pass def _is_duplicated_on_server(self, response_json): """Used to determine whether a given response indicates a duplicate on the server. This is because there is a bug in the server: there are some commentIds, like NRCS-2009-0004-0003, which correspond to multiple actual comments! This function determines whether the returned JSON has an error indicating this issue Args: response_json (dict): JSON from request to API (usually, from get_request_json) Returns: bool: whether the response indicates a duplicate issue or not """ return ('errors' in response_json.keys()) \ and (response_json['errors'][0]['status'] == "500") \ and (response_json['errors'][0]['detail'][:21] == "Incorrect result size") def _get_item_count(self, data_type, csv_filename=None, db_filename=None, filter_column=None, filter_value=None): """Simple helper function used to get the number of items retrieved, as stored in either a CSV file or a sqlite database. Args: data_type (str): One of "dockets", "documents", or "comments". csv_filename (str): File name (optionally with path) where items are stored. Defaults to None, in which case a db_filename should be specified. db_filename (str): File name (optionally with path) where database, containing comments, is located. Defaults to None, in which case a csv_filename should be specified. filter_column (str): Identifies the column used to filter the database to get the count. Defaults to None for the case when we are using a CSV or don't want to use a filter. filter_value (str): The value used in filter_column to filter the database to get the count. Defaults to None for the case when we are using a CSV or don't want to use a filter. Returns: int: Number of items stored in either the detail table (contained in the database db_filename) or the CSV """ if csv_filename is None and db_filename is None: raise ValueError("Must specify either a csv_filename or a db_filename") # make sure the data_type is plural data_type = data_type if data_type[-1:] == "s" else data_type + "s" if db_filename is not None: conn = sqlite3.connect(db_filename) cur = conn.cursor() if filter_column is not None and filter_value is not None: n_items = cur.execute(f"select count(*) from {data_type}_detail where {filter_column}=?", (filter_value,)).fetchone()[0] else: n_items = cur.execute(f"select count(*) from {data_type}_detail").fetchone()[0] conn.close() else: n_items = len(self.get_ids_from_csv(csv_filename, data_type, unique=True)) return n_items def _get_processed_data(self, data, id_col, attachments=None): """Used to take the data contained in a response (e.g., the data for a bunch of comments) and remove unnecessary columns (i.e., those not specified in `cols`). Also adds the ID associated with the items and flattens lists contained in each item's data. Args: data (list of dict): List of items to process from a request (e.g., a bunch of comments). Each dict is expected to be formatted like: {'id': '...', 'attributes': {'attrib1': 'data', ...}, } id_col (str): Name of the ID column for this data type, i.e., 'docketId', 'documentId', or 'commentId' attachments (list of dict): List of dict with the file attachments, if any. Dict contains 'fileUrl', 'format', and 'size' keys. Returns: list of dict: processed dataset, ready for input into sqlite or output to CSV """ output = [] cols = [x for x in data[0]['attributes'].keys() if x not in \ ['id', 'displayProperties', 'highlightedContent', 'fileFormats']] for idx, item in enumerate(data): # get just the dict of columns we want, and if one of the values is a list, flatten it out = {k:(' '.join(v) if type(v) == list else v) for (k,v) in item['attributes'].items() if k in cols} if attachments is not None: if attachments[idx] is not None: # create a "|" separated list of URLs out["attachmentLinks"] = "|".join([x['fileUrl'] for x in attachments[idx]]) else: out["attachmentLinks"] = "" # add the item's ID at the first position out = {id_col: item['id'], **out} output.append(out) return output def _insert_data(self, data, table_name, conn, cur=None): """Add data to a specified sqlite table Args: data (list of dict): Data to be inserted into database table_name (str): specifies table to insert into (one of: "dockets_header", "dockets_detail", "documents_header", "documents_detail", "comments_header", or "comments_detail") conn (sqlite3.Connection): Open connection to database cur (sqlite3.Cursor): Open cursor into the database """ # upload into staging table, then insert, skipping any rows that violate key constraints if conn is None: raise ValueError("conn cannot be None") if table_name is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify table_name") if cur is None: cur = conn.cursor() the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cols = [x for x in pd.read_sql_query(f'select * from {table_name} limit 1', conn).columns if x != "sqltime"] print(f"{the_time}: Inserting {len(data)} records into database...", flush=True) pd.DataFrame(data).to_sql("tmp", conn, if_exists="replace", index=False) cur.execute(f"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {table_name} ({','.join(cols)}) SELECT {','.join(cols)} FROM tmp") conn.commit() def _write_to_csv(self, data, csv_filename): """Write out data to a CSV file. Data will be appended to an existing file, or if the file does not exist, the file will be created with headers. Subsequent appends do not include the header row. Args: data (list of dict): Data to write out csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file to write to """ if csv_filename is None: raise ValueError("csv_filename cannot be None") the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"{the_time}: Writing {len(data)} records to {csv_filename}...", end="", flush=True) df = pd.DataFrame(data) # remove line breaks in each field so that the rows of the CSV correspond to one record df.replace(r"\r\n|\n", " ", regex=True, inplace=True) # make the path if necessary if len(os.path.dirname(csv_filename)) > 0: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(csv_filename), exist_ok=True) df.to_csv(csv_filename, index=False, mode='a', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, header=(not os.path.isfile(csv_filename))) print("Done", flush=True) def _output_data(self, data, table_name=None, conn=None, cur=None, csv_filename=None): """Routes the output call to either database or the CSV, depending on parameters Args: data (list of dict): Data to write out table_name (str): For sqlite database, specifies table to insert into (one of: "dockets_header", "dockets_detail", "documents_header", "documents_detail", "comments_header", or "comments_detail"). Can be None if using CSV. conn (sqlite3.Connection): Open connection to database. Can be None, in which case a CSV should be specified. Can be None if using a CSV. cur (sqlite3.Cursor): Open cursor into the database. Can be None, in which case a CSV should be specified. Can be None if using a CSV. csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file to write to. Can be None, in which case a database file should be specified. """ if conn is None and csv_filename is None: raise ValueError("Need to specify either conn or csv_filename") if conn is not None: self._insert_data(data, table_name, conn, cur) if csv_filename is not None: self._write_to_csv(data, csv_filename) def _remove_duplicates_from_csv(self, data_type, csv_filename): """Function used to remove duplicates (on docketId, documentId, or commentId, depending on the data_type) from a CSV, which may be introduced because of the pagination mechanism. Args: data_type (str): One of "dockets", "documents", or "comments". csv_filename (str): Name (optionally with path) of the CSV file containing the data. Can be None, in which case a database file should be specified. """ if csv_filename is None or not os.path.isfile(csv_filename): return the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"{the_time}: Removing any duplicates in the CSV...", flush=True) # first, create a tempfile to hold the new CSV temp_filename = f"{csv_filename}_temp_{'%H%M%S')}.csv" id_column = (data_type[:-1] if data_type[-1:] == "s" else data_type) + "Id" id_column_index = None ids = set() duplicates = 0 # loop over CSV, adding unique rows to our new CSV with open(csv_filename, 'r', encoding='utf8', newline='') as source_file, \ open(temp_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as dest_file: reader = csv.reader(source_file) writer = csv.writer(dest_file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) for row in reader: if id_column_index is None: try: # get column number of ID column and output header row id_column_index = row.index(id_column) writer.writerow(row) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Missing id column {id_column} in {csv_filename}") else: new_id = row[id_column_index] if new_id not in ids: # otherwise, don't add this row to our output file ids.add(new_id) writer.writerow(row) else: duplicates += 1 # replace old CSV with new one os.remove(csv_filename) os.rename(temp_filename, csv_filename) the_time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"{the_time}: Done. Removed {duplicates} duplicate rows from {csv_filename}.") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description="Download comments on a given document or docket") parser.add_argument("--key", type=str, help="API key used to download the comments. Get one at") parser.add_argument("--document", type=str, help="documentId for which to download comments") parser.add_argument("--docket", type=str, help="docketId for which to download comments") args = parser.parse_args() api_key = args.key if api_key is None: # More user-friendly on command-line than raising a ValueError print("Error: Must specify an API key (get one at") else: document_id = args.document docket_id = args.docket downloader = CommentsDownloader(api_key=api_key) if document_id is None and docket_id is None: print("Error: Must specify either a docket ID (via --docket) document ID (via --document)") elif docket_id is not None: print(f"Downloading comments for docket ID {docket_id}...") downloader.gather_comments_by_docket(docket_id, csv_filename=f"{docket_id}.csv") else: print(f"Downloading comments for document ID {document_id}...") downloader.gather_comments_by_document(document_id, csv_filename=f"{document_id}.csv")