EXTENSION ICON: I slightly modified the cursor icon from https://old.reddit.com/r/boykisser/comments/18g82vb/boykisser_cursors_lol/ I couldn't find the original author from this reddit post, pls let me know if you know who it is :3 FONT: Montserrat (Open Font License) - https://github.com/JulietaUla/Montserrat DOCS HEADER by Vera Kratochvil (Public Domain/CC0) "Rainbow Gradient Border" - https://codepen.io/unnegative/details/dVwYBq (MIT License) by @morgane https://codepen.io/unnegative If there is anything wrong with the attributions or content, or if you want me to stop using your content, please let me know! (attributions updated 6/17/24)