# ScopeStatus ScopeStatus is a Sublime Text 2 plugin for displaying the syntax scope at the current cursor position in the status bar. ![The scope displayed in the Status Bar](https://raw.github.com/willurd/ScopeStatus/master/screens/scope-in-status-bar.png) This setting is applied *per file*. ## Installation With [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control): 1. Run the "Package Control: Install Package" command 2. Search for "ScopeStatus" 3. Install and Enjoy Manually: 1. Clone or [download](https://github.com/willurd/ScopeStatus/zipball/master) this repo into your Packages folder (Preferences > Browse Packages...) 2. Enjoy ## Showing the scope When the scope is not shown in the status bar, you can show it via the Command Palette: ![Showing the scope via the Command Palette](https://raw.github.com/willurd/ScopeStatus/master/screens/show-command-palette.png) or the Tools menu: ![Showing the scope via the Tools menu](https://raw.github.com/willurd/ScopeStatus/master/screens/show-tools-menu.png) ## Hiding the scope When the scope is shown in the status bar, you can hide it via the Command Palette: ![Hiding the scope via the Command Palette](https://raw.github.com/willurd/ScopeStatus/master/screens/hide-command-palette.png) or the Tools menu: ![Hiding the scope via the Tools menu](https://raw.github.com/willurd/ScopeStatus/master/screens/hide-tools-menu.png)