import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import com.willyg.sagittarius.Handler; import com.willyg.sagittarius.Module; import com.willyg.sagittarius.SagRequest; import com.willyg.sagittarius.SagResponse; import com.willyg.sagittarius.Sagittarius; public class LeaderboardModule extends Module { private LinkedHashMap leaderboard; private Handler onGetHandler, onPostHandler; public LeaderboardModule(Sagittarius s) { super(s); this.ID = "leaderboard"; leaderboard = new LinkedHashMap(); } public void RegisterOnLeaderboardReceivedHandler(Handler h) { this.onGetHandler = h; } public void RegisterOnPostCompleteHandler(Handler h) { this.onPostHandler = h; } /** * Returns an iterator that can be used to go through the leaderboard * starting from first place. Use it like so: * * Iterator> it = GetLeaderboard(); * while (it.hasNext()) { * Entry next =; * // ScoreID: next.getKey(); * // Score: next.getValue(); * } */ public Iterator> GetLeaderboard() { return leaderboard.entrySet().iterator(); } public void QueryLeaderboard(String leaderboardName) { this.QueryLeaderboard(leaderboardName, 20, 0); } public void QueryLeaderboard(String leaderboardName, int limit, int offset) { SagRequest req = new SagRequest(parent).setDestination("/ldbds").setModuleInfo(ID, "getlb"); req.addURLPair("act", "get", false); req.addURLPair("n", leaderboardName, false); req.addURLPair("rlim", Integer.toString(limit), false); req.addURLPair("roff", Integer.toString(offset), false); req.submit(); } public void PostToLeaderboard(String leaderboardName, int score, String scoreID) { SagRequest req = new SagRequest(parent).setDestination("/ldbds").setModuleInfo(ID, "postlb"); req.addURLPair("act", "post", false); req.addURLPair("n", leaderboardName, false); req.addURLPair("score", Integer.toString(score), false); req.addURLPair("sid", scoreID, false); req.submit(); } @Override public void OnResponseReceived(String ActionID, SagResponse resp) { if (ActionID.equals("getlb")) { if (resp.wasSuccessful()) { leaderboard.clear(); JSONArray data = (JSONArray) resp.getResponseObject().get("data"); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) data.get(i); leaderboard.put((String) obj.get("sid"), ((Number) obj.get("score")).intValue()); } } onGetHandler.invoke(); } else if (ActionID.equals("postlb")) { onPostHandler.invoke(); } } }