--- template: overrides/main.html title: Contribute --- # GCoM Meetup > GCoM (Control and Modelling Group) is a research group of the Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of São João del-Rei. GCoM works on two main areas: Analysis and Modelling Systems and Control Systems. They are devoted to undertake knowledge from Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics to build and analyze models that mimics and control real dynamical systems. Some of applications are on robust control of uncertainty systems, Assistive Technology, Hysteresis system identification, Chaotic Dynamics. Recently, a great effort has been undertaken to better understand the play that numerical computation plays at modelling and control of nonlinear dynamical systems. Wilson Rocha, the maintainer of SysIdentPy, gave a meetup talk about SysIdentPy and the video is available bellow: !!! info "In Portuguese" [Talk: Aplicações em Data Science e Identificação de Sistemas com o SysIdentPy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7viny5Ft_Ew) Just click in the link above to watch the video.