using System; using GTA; using GTA.Native; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ActionMode { public class EntryPoint : Script { bool TOGGLE = true; // Should mod be toggled on first start? bool bShowAlert=true; // Show on screen short message for script status bool bArmedOnly = true; // Only put in action mode when armed, no fists bool bApplyToGroup = false; // Force your bodyguards to go into action mode Keys myKey = Keys.T; // Change 'T' to any key you want, see Ped playerPed = null; public EntryPoint() { playerPed = Game.Player.Character; base.Tick += new EventHandler(this.OnTick); base.Interval = 750; KeyDown += OnKeyDown; } protected override void Dispose(bool A_0) { base.Dispose(A_0); } bool IsValid(ref Ped ped) { return ped != null && ped.Exists() && ped.IsAlive; } bool IsPedArmed(ref Ped ped) { return ped.Weapons.Current.Hash != WeaponHash.Unarmed; } bool IsPedInActionMode(ref Ped ped) { return Function.Call(Hash.IS_PED_USING_ACTION_MODE, ped); } void PutPedIntoActionMode(ref Ped ped, bool toggle) { Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_USING_ACTION_MODE, ped, toggle, -1, "DEFAULT_ACTION"); } void UpdateActionMode(ref Ped ped) { if (IsValid(ref ped)) { if(bArmedOnly) { if(!IsPedArmed(ref ped) && IsPedInActionMode(ref ped)) PutPedIntoActionMode(ref ped, false); else if(IsPedArmed(ref ped) && !IsPedInActionMode(ref ped)) PutPedIntoActionMode(ref ped, true); } else { PutPedIntoActionMode(ref ped, true); } } } void UpdatePlayerGroup() { int groupCount = Game.Player.Character.CurrentPedGroup.MemberCount; for(int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { Ped curPed = Game.Player.Character.CurrentPedGroup.GetMember(i); UpdateActionMode(ref curPed); } } void UpdatePlayer() { UpdateActionMode(ref playerPed); } public void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(TOGGLE) { if(Function.Call(Hash.IS_ENTITY_ON_SCREEN, Game.Player.Character)) { playerPed = Game.Player.Character; if (bApplyToGroup) { UpdatePlayerGroup(); UpdatePlayer(); } else { UpdatePlayer(); } } } } private void OnKeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { if(e.KeyCode == myKey) { if(TOGGLE){ PutPedIntoActionMode(ref playerPed, false); TOGGLE=false; } else if(!TOGGLE) { TOGGLE=true; } if(bShowAlert) UI.ShowSubtitle("ForceActionMode : " + (TOGGLE == true ? "~g~true" : "~r~false"), 1000); } } } }