# [Added non-breaking space handling capabilities](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/2.2.0) ## Version 2.2.0 April 03, 2024 ### ✨ Features - Detokenization restores both regular and non-breaking spaces to their original positions. πŸ€“ # [Introducing cosine similarity for word vectors](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/2.1.0) ## Version 2.1.0 March 24, 2024 ### ✨ Features - You can now use `similarity.vector.cosine( vectorA, vectorB )` to compute similarity between two vectors on a scale of 0 to 1. πŸ€“ # [Word embeddings have arrived!](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/2.0.0) ## Version 2.0.0 March 24, 2024 ### ✨ Features - Seamless word embedding integration enhances winkNLP's semantic capabilities. πŸŽ‰ πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ - Pre-trained 100-dimensional word embeddings for over 350,000 English words released: [wink-embeddings-sg-100d](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-embeddings-sg-100d). πŸ’― - API remains unchanged β€” no code updates needed for existing projects. The new APIs include: 🀩 - **Obtain vector for a token:**Β Use theΒ `.vectorOf( token )`Β API. - **Compute sentence/document embeddings:**Β Employ theΒ `as.vector`Β helper:Β use `.out( its.lemma, as.vector )` on tokens of a sentence or document. You can also useΒ `its.value`Β orΒ `its.normal`. Tokens can be pre-processed to remove stop words etc using the `.filter()` API. Note, the `as.vector` helper uses averaging technique. - **Generate contextual vectors:**Β Leverage theΒ `.contextualVectors()`Β method on a document. Useful for pure browser-side applications! Generate custom vectors contextually relevant to your corpus and use them in place of larger pre-trained wink embeddings. - Comprehensive documentation along with interesting examples is coming up shortly. Stay tuned for updates! 😎 # [Added Deno example](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.14.3) ## Version 1.14.3 July 21, 2023 ### ✨ Features - Added a live example for how to run winkNLP on Deno. πŸ‘ # [Fixed a bug](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.14.2) ## Version 1.14.2 July 1, 2023 ### πŸ› Fixes - Paramteters in `markup()` are optional now in TS code β€” squashed a [typescript declaration bug](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/commit/e6314658766cfa4d40f96b89c211d2d98358cfae). πŸ™Œ # [Squashed a bug](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.14.1) ## Version 1.14.1 June 11, 2023 ### πŸ› Fixes - Fixed a [typescript declaration](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/commit/0ad0690e93f59397dbdde7b876f60c2e5875215b). βœ… # [Introducing helper for extracting important sentences from a document](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.14.0) ## Version 1.14.0 May 20, 2023 ### ✨ Features - You can now use `its.sentenceWiseImprotance` helper to obtain sentence wise importance (on a scale of 0 to 1) of a document, if it is supported by language model. πŸ“šπŸ“ŠπŸ€“ - Checkout live example [How to visualize key sentences in a document?](https://observablehq.com/@winkjs/how-to-visualize-key-sentences-in-a-document) πŸ‘€ # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.13.1) ## Version 1.13.1 March 27, 2023 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Some behind the scene model improvements. 😎 πŸ€“ - Add clarity on typescript configuration in README. βœ… # [Improving mark's functionality in custom entities](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.13.0) ## Version 1.13.0 December 09, 2022 ### ✨ Features - Mark allows marking w.r.t. the last element of the pattern. For example if a pattern matches `a fluffy cat` then `mark: [-2, -1]` will extract `fluffy cat` β€” especially useful when the match length is unknown. πŸ’ƒ - Improved error handling while processing mark's arguments. πŸ™Œ # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.12.3) ## Version 1.12.3 November 18, 2022 ### βš™οΈ Updates - README is now more informative and links to examples and benchmarks πŸ‘ - Benchmarked on latest machine, browser versions πŸ–₯ # [Ready for Node.js version 18](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.12.2) ## Version 1.12.2 October 13, 2022 ### πŸ› Fixes - Fixed incorrect install command in README βœ… # [Ready for Node.js version 18](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.12.1) ## Version 1.12.1 October 13, 2022 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Ready for future β€” we have tested winkNLP on Node.js version 18 including its models. πŸ™Œ πŸŽ‰ # [Some enhancements plus earned OpenSSF best practices passing badge](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.12.0) ## Version 1.12.0 May 13, 2022 ### ✨ Features - winkNLP earned [Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) Best Practices passing badge](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/projects/6035). πŸŽ‰ πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ - `.bowOf()` api of [BM25Vectorizer](https://winkjs.org/wink-nlp/bm25-vectorizer.html) now supports processing of OOV tokens β€” useful for cosine similarity computation. 😎 - [Document](https://winkjs.org/wink-nlp/document.html) has a new API β€” `.pipeConfig()` to inquire the active processing pipeline. # [Enhancing custom entities & BM25Vectorizer](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.11.0) ## Version 1.11.0 January 30, 2022 ### ✨ Features - Obtain bag-of-words for a tokenized text from BM25Vectorizer using `.bowOf()` api β€” useful for bow based [similarity](https://winkjs.org/wink-nlp/similarity.html) computation. πŸ‘ - [`learnCustomEntities()`](https://winkjs.org/wink-nlp/learn-custom-entities.html) displays a console warning, if a complex [short hand pattern](https://winkjs.org/wink-nlp/custom-entities.html) is likely to cause learning/execution slow down.πŸ€žβ—οΈ # [Enabling loading of BM25Vectorizer model](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.10.0) ## Version 1.10.0 November 18, 2021 ### ✨ Features - Easily load BM25Vectorizer's model using newly introduced `.loadModel()` api. πŸŽ‰ # [Enhancing Typescript support](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.9.0) ## Version 1.9.0 November 06, 2021 ### ✨ Features - We have enhanced typescript support to allow easy addition of new typescript enabled language models. πŸ‘ ### βš™οΈ Updates - Added naive wikification showcase in README. 😎 # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.8.1) ## Version 1.8.1 September 22, 2021 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Included NLP Pipe details in the README file. πŸ€“ # [Introducing Typescript support](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.8.0) ## Version 1.8.0 July 31, 2021 ### ✨ Features - We have added support for Typescript. πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰ # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.7.2) ## Version 1.7.2 July 15, 2021 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Some behind the scene updates & fixes. πŸ˜ŽπŸ€“ # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.7.1) ## Version 1.7.1 July 09, 2021 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Improved documentation. πŸ“šπŸ€“ # [Adding more similarity methods & an as helper](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.7.0) ## Version 1.7.0 July 01, 2021 ### ✨ Features - Now supported similarity methods are cosine for bag of words, tversky & Otsuka-Ochiai (oo) for set. πŸ™Œ - Obtain JS set via `as.set` helper. πŸ˜‡ # [Enabling configurable annotation pipeline](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.6.0) ## Version 1.6.0 June 27, 2021 ### ✨ Features - No need to run the entire annotation pipeline, now you can select whatever you want or just even run tokenization by specifying an empty pipe. πŸ€©πŸŽ‰ # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.5.0) ## Version 1.5.0 June 22, 2021 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Exposed `its` and `as` helpers via the instance of winkNLP as well. πŸ€“ # [Introducing cosine similarity & readability stats helper](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.4.0) ## Version 1.4.0 June 15, 2021 ### ✨ Features - Cosine similarity is available on Bag of Words. πŸ›πŸ”‘πŸŽ‰ - You can now use `its.readabilityStats` helper to obtain document's readability statistics, if it is supported by language model. πŸ“šπŸ“ŠπŸ€“ # [Adding long pending lemmatizer support](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.3.0) ## Version 1.3.0 May 22, 2021 ### ✨ Features - Now use `its.lemma` helper to obtain lemma of words. πŸ‘ πŸŽ‰ # [Introducing support for browser ready language model](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.2.0) ## Version 1.2.0 December 24, 2020 ### ✨ Features - We have added support for browser ready language model. 🀩 πŸŽ‰ - Now easily vectorize text using bm25-based vectroizer. πŸ€“ πŸ‘ # ### βš™οΈ Updates - Examples in README now runs on [RunKit](https://npm.runkit.com/wink-nlp) using web model! βœ… # [Enabling add-ons to support new language model ](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.1.0) ## Version 1.1.0 September 18, 2020 ### ✨ Features - We have enabled add-ons to support enhanced language models, paving way for new `its` helpers. πŸŽ‰ - Now use [`its.stem`](https://winkjs.org/wink-nlp/its-as-helper.html) helper to obtain stems of the words using Porter Stemmer Algorithm V2. πŸ‘ # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.0.1) ## Version 1.0.1 August 24, 2020 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Benchmarked on Node.js v12 & v14 also and updated the speed to minimum observed. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ # [Announcing the stable version 1.0.0](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/1.0.0) ## Version 1.0.0 August 21, 2020 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Happy to release version 1.0.0 for you! πŸ’«πŸ‘ - You can optionally include custom entity detection while running speed benchmark. πŸ˜‡ # [Operational update](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/0.4.0) ## Version 0.4.0 August 9, 2020 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Getting ready to move to version 1.0.0 β€” almost there! πŸ’« # [Operational updates](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/0.3.1) ## Version 0.3.1 August 3, 2020 ### βš™οΈ Updates - Some behind the scene updates to test cases. 😎 - Updated the version of English light language model to the latest β€” 0.3.0. πŸ™Œ # [Simplified language model installation](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/0.3.0) ## Version 0.3.0 July 29, 2020 ### ✨ Features - No need to remember or copy/paste long Github url for language model installation. The new script installs the latest version for you automatically. πŸŽ‰ # [Improved custom entities](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/0.2.0) ## Version 0.2.0 July 21, 2020 ### ✨ Features - We have added `.parentCustomEntity()` API to `.tokens()` API. πŸ‘ # ### πŸ› Fixes - Accessing custom entities was failing whenever there were no custom entities. Now things are as they should be β€” it tells you that there are none! βœ… # [Improved interface with language model](https://github.com/winkjs/wink-nlp/releases/tag/0.1.0) ## Version 0.1.0 June 24, 2020 ### ✨ Features - We have improved interface with the language model β€” now supports the new format. πŸ‘