{ "אשׁקוקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a fictitious word for an oath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "might", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטה": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"he profited\" (in Greek)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stick, rod", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תימחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "soft bark", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יסוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "foundation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be killed (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be killed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "to be executed", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to kill", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pluck off", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to cut (reeds, trees, etc.)", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to kill many", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to order killed, to execute", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אקראי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "accidental, incidental", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דאקראי : temporary", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to be small, thin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to waste away", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטט": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sing in a certain manner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנפק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unmixed wine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סבויה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wine retailer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבוותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ק' דדשׁא : door-frames", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "balsam, resin", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to pluck, to harvest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to droop(?)", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pinch dough", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to disturb", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be bound together", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bind, tie on, tie together", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+tāḡ : to put on the crown", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to frame, shape, construct", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "knot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "joint", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "node", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "restriction", "def_num": "3.5" } ] }, "יסור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "frequently as pl. tant.", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מרדו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rebellion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבוטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bird (Pers.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבר מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "outside of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "except for", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "beyond", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ניר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "yoke", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "weaver's beam", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tie, connector", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "טריטי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "plural as collective", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פירוז אנדרפטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכנשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "gathering, collection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "halter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברישׁ": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "first", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "at the head", "def_num": "2" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "at the head of", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: main cause of", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אשׁתומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "confusion(???)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעירי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(of an animal) domesticated", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "threshing, threshing floor", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ספסיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "sword or dagger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זווא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pair", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "couple", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scissors", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אידי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "this one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אידך": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the other", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the remainder (i.e., the other part)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סמאל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to place on the left", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "left hand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיותן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig. : distinguished, splendid, haughty", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סיכר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74" ], "definition": "dam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "large tooth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "easy", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "convenient", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " (logic) as a technical term of logical argument:: presenting no problems to one's opinion", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "placid, soft", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be wanted by someone", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be well/better off", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be satisfactory to someone: see s.v. nyḥˀ adv.", "def_num": "4.3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "resting, comfort, quiet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "peacefulness", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "נייח נפשׁא : satisfaction, peace, ease", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "w. ל-: to be satisfactory to someone : see s.v. nyḥ adv.", "def_num": "3.1.1" } ] }, "חסר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be lacking", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make to lack", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to deprive", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "דכוות": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוכלא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "laundry vat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוכלא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an eye disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסס": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be apprehensive, uncertain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סלק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be removed", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be defeated in an argument", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "60", "71" ], "definition": "beet, beetroot", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to go up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "53" ], "definition": "to rise in rank", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to go to a higher authority", "def_num": "1.2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to amount to, total", "def_num": "1.2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to result", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be finished", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to fall to someone's lot", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to travel", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to travel from a lower elevation to a higher one", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "44", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "in particular, to Eretz Israel", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig.: to a place of higher status", "def_num": "3.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דעתא", "def_num": "4.1.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to make ascend, bring upward", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to produce", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to offer up", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to bring from Babylonia to Eretz Israel", "def_num": "1.1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to produce a claim against", "def_num": "1.2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to promote in rank", "def_num": "1.2.6" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to close up a wound or sore", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to complete", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(al bAleh or דעתיה to think about", "def_num": "6.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "šm : to give a name", "def_num": "6.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׂרטון : to produce alluvial soil", "def_num": "6.4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cast lots", "def_num": "7" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remove from a position", "def_num": "8" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make to ascend, raise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to allow to ascend", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to remove", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to prevail over someone", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to postpone", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to eliminate a mortgage-holding creditor", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ נפשׁא : to renounce a claim", "def_num": "2.4.1" } ] }, "דפתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "record book", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזבלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "matting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "small coins", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "money", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בוצינ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pivot/hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוצינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) pumpkin, gourd", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: pivot", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חמצין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "pl. chickpeas", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁניו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) strabismus", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חסם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to become strong", "def_num": "1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hard one", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חסל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to be completed, to be finished, to come to an end", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "to complete", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "as co-verb : to consent", "def_num": "3.2.1" } ] }, "חסד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "devotion, devout love", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חביל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "71", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strong vinegar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולקסייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) colocasia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "segment, fragment", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to cut off, to cut down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to cut into pieces", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to stipulate, agree on", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to divide into sections", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cut off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to divide into sections", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ארקפט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "couch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערכ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be evaluated for dedicatory value", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to evaluate dedicatory value", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become soiled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "to throw down", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to break up clods", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטירבולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "magistrate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "pl. meshes (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמתי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "when, whenever", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "when ?", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דאימת : from any time", "def_num": "3.4" } ] }, "צפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "rush mat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נימ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strand of hair", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "דיר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "inhabitant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "proselyte", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to give marriage gifts (bride-price)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to provide a dowry", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "marriage settlement (ketubbah)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "marriage deed", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צפי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to look out, to observe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to foresee", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to look out for", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be split", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to cut", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chopped food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "urn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be crushed to pieces", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be crumbled, crushed by hand", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to be refuted", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to crumble, crush something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. crushed", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to raise an objection", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to remove husks by rubbing", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פרי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to increase", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "44", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "fruit, produce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to separate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to specify", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "פרח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transient", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(camel) fast running", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to depart suddenly", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to crawl", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to vibrate", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to make to fly", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to refute", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) caper tree", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עשׁי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to force", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to influence", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גולגיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(Roman) shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to flee", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to be scattered", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "mule", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "flesh", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "+ wdm : human being", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to treat with disdain constantly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to put to shame", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עשׁן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be made strong", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקרוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "frog", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קקופרגמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ill-behaved person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחלוחי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fish brine (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרת": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be split", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be separated", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig.: to speak disdainfully of someone (comp. English 'to take apart')", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ייסי חלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of bitter herb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be made sweet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become intoxicated", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "spice, perfume", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "often pl. tant.", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to perfume", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: to cause joy", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טרי#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מי ט' : ink (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "lustful, licentious", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to make a breach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to behave licentiously", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hole, gap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to despise (?), insult (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be punished", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to accept payment", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to pay back", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "20", "21", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "the debt", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "the creditor", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "טרי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "striking upon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁובלה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "current", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחשׁי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "quietly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "false charge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חומתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "early morning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be ground up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to be depressed, upset", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to grind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. depressed (mental state)", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to curse a deceased person (i.e. to say שׁחיק טמייה: may his bones be crushed", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "כרכושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "weasel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גידרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "young ass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "collective: animals, beasts", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "metal plaque", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרסה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "parasang", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דירה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "dwelling (structure)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רציץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bruised", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a cosmetic compound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be black", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71", "74" ], "definition": "blackness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to exude moisture", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to flow", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to draw something out of a liquid", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. see s.v. šḥyl adj.", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "שׁחי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to waste away", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: to cower", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "בי שׁחייה", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עמרני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "wool-bearing stuff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "domination, dominion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "55", "60", "70", "72", "74" ], "definition": "mistress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפצפ#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to squeak (mice)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "31", "51", "53", "54", "74", "81" ], "definition": "rebellious", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to resist", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to run away", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to rebel, resist authority", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to resist", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to escape", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "meadow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to quarrel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to retreat", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to rebel", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "master", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "human", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "divine", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "owner", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "title of respect", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. first pers. suffix (מר, מור) in respectfully addressing a man : sir", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the previously mentioned rabbinic master", "def_num": "3.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in the construct state as the head of many compound expressions", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "chief of ...", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "owner of ...", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "master of (i.e. specialist in) ...", "def_num": "4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an element of many PN's", "def_num": "4.4" } ] }, "ניצפא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a cantillation sign, possibly zaqef", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "exorcist", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "tepid", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "קינתור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(pl.) rebuke", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "similar thing", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+ d_ : just as, just like", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "יסר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to suffer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביית": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "having spent the night", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יסף": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "+ ˁal : to be added to", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to add", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "plain sense", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "study", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "injustice", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "against one's will", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בייך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "head-dress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "palm branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "valley", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to be paid", "def_num": "2" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "diluted or the like", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "26", "50", "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to pay off a claim or debt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to crush", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be sick", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make sick", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sickness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "שׁכיב מרע : adj. : see s.v. škyb", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נדוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excommunication", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריחן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "odor, fragrance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pl. : aromatic spices", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be bitter", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bitterness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "pl. bitter herbs", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מדר ומזיג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תני": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to repeated", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "of a learned tradition", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "stipulated condition", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) conditional form", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to repeat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to teach a tannaitic tradition", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to teach a tannaitic tradition", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to repeat, to teach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to learn by repetition", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תנן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "smoke", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to fumigate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. metaph.: embracing, attached to (esp. idolatry)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "dust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבר": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "on top of", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "limb", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a human being", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "of an animal", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "arm", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "wing (of birds, fig.: wind)", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "euph.: male sexual organ", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "מרטק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרגום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "translation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "Targum", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תנח": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to place, put down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put on phylacteries", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זרנוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "skin bag for liquids", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "an irrigation device, hose", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יטון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "on the verge of death", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרציד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "kernel, seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a small vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוב#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roasted dough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "pitcher", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "cup, drinking jar", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי כובי: tavern", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מאמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "speech", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "command", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אבד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be lost", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. l_ + possessor : to lose", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be lost, disappear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p. lost", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. l_ + possessor : to lose something", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to perish", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be transient, perishable", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be deprived of (w. d.o. or mn)", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "55", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to destroy, to ruin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to lose, to let go", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to forfeit", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give up something", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to destroy, ruin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to lose something", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pole with an iron goad for scraping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of food (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "60" ], "definition": "patrician, noble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to mourn", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "but", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to mourn", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "mourning, grief", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "stone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "rock, stone as a material", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "gem", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סורחן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "crime, guilt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "temple", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "side-burn", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "צדק": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to justify", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "coarse garment, chadur", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיקולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "basket maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוניני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "brine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to be cast down", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be imposed", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to throw down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁירה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "72" ], "definition": "remnant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "chance occurrence", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53" ], "definition": "affliction", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "+b_ : to meet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to attack verbally, disagree with", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to disqualify", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to arrange a meeting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "hoof", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלע": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become lame", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to limp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to deceive", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "טלל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be on top", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "ceiling", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to roof over", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cast shade on", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פגם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be injured", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be adversely affected", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to mutilate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to harm, affect adversely", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a document", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "defect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of alkali", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "young", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "subst.: see s.vv. ṭly, ṭlyh n.", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "lamb", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "youth", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "servant", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בני כופרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be unripe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הלין": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "these", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מליח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "salty, salted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הליל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(liturg.) the Hallel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הליך": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "72" ], "definition": "those", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הובלילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "one of the stomachs of a ruminant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרפ#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be buffeted, to knocked about", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to be troubled", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to strike", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to chop up", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to contest the validity of a decision", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to hurl down", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to seize for a debt", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "טרפ#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become terefah", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "to make a terefah", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "document conferring the right of seizure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כסירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרכיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bath attendant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "thigh fat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבועה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "oath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרזק": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to imprison", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to sew", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עומרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "dwelling place", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוונכרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trader, traveling merchant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרכיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמוניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "furnace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "sunrise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ההיא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "that one (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטיב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stoa", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ורד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) rose", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rose-color", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(medic.) עינוניתא : rose lobe of lung : see s.v. ˁynwny n.f.", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חשׁיכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "darkness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לעיל מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "55", "60", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "above", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "in the presence of (i.e. standing over)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסטיכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "gum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לכאורה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "at first glance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוכ תוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sound of boiling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נעכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "braying", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "beak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "litter or canopy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be taken", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to get married", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to take, pick up, carry", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to marry", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to take a grammatical particle", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to bring back", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. עEצAה", "def_num": "3.5.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. yhb: to bargain, negotiate a commercial transfer : see s.v. yhb", "def_num": "4.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to marry off", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to provide a wife", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "דרידא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרתוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "device placed on animal's head to keep it straight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "23", "28", "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to remove from within", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "w. דעה מן or לבב מן to take one's mind off something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "20", "23", "32", "44", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to lift up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to support", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "purchase on credit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ך": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "number 20", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נסס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become seriously ill", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "saw", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to saw", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוררה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "74", "81" ], "definition": "a type of cake", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53" ], "definition": "clot", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פעל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "worker", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "day laborer", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תמ#2": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "mn tm, mytm : from there", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רוק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strainer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילאו": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "if not", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלוגני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "56", "71" ], "definition": "fire", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in a charm formula", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) inflammation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁנין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "sharp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכלל": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "by inference", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלעינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר חם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "brother-in-law; lit.: son of father(s)-in-law, i.e. wife's brother", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בליט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "protruding", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברת קל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "voice, sound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בליה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "rag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "cardamom, sea rocket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קקוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוריי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "villager", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני דיינין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sons of judges", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "worn-out garment, rag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "high, raised up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: superior", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חסף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ceramiac, baked clay", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "71" ], "definition": "sherd", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "shell", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אסתן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "north", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "north wind", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "faith", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בלל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be confounded (?), assimilated (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V11": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be mixed up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be disturbed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to mix up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to silence", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wrap up (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בלי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be worn out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be worn out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to grow old", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to wear out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to destroy", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "column (of page)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "board", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מכותי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "bite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "subst.: small child or pupil", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בלד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to frighten, to excite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלא": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "without", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "open land", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mortar [for grinding]", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fig.: a socket bone, part of a \"mortar and pestle\" type structure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כל היכי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "so much", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "די": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of, genitive particle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. implied head word: the thing(s) belonging/related to s..o./something", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "first element of lexemes", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in split genitive phrases", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "after numbers", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "determinative pron. : see s.v. dy conj.", "def_num": "5" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "who, which (indeclinable relative)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the one(s) who (determinative)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "introducing object clauses", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. verbs of perception, desire, fear, request", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "before direct speech", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. preformative verbal form : so that, in order to", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "because", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in compound conjunctions w. preps. : see s.v. first element ", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "דן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "blood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "direction of movement or current", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " above", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דל בדל : (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "דד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "breast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דא": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "camel (or camel driver's?) cry", "def_num": "1" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "this (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be swallowed up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be consumed", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to disappear, be absorbed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to swallow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be beaten, wounded", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to absorb", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to cause to disappear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to swallow", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "choking fit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלס": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to stop up the mouth with something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגוסט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "Augustus, Roman emperor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "august one", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁקיזמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קובעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "plowed clods of earth (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית מלכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "palace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "vapor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "air", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ממולי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "frail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סעודה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "meal (generally festive)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדדא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": " one another", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בהדי הדדי : with each other", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "להדי הדדי : towards one another", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "כי הדדי, כהדדי : like each other", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "רישׁ שׁתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "new year, Rosh HaShana", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עובר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "roe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היזק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "damage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקדשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "50", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "temple, sanctuary", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרכיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "shuttle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stick for knocking off olives", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "רמי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "defrauder", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to deceive", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(astron.) Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri, i.e. רישא דעגלה)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "snake (dialectal for חיוי)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלפ#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to arrange in an overlapping manner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיצוצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "embankment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גורקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unripe fruit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספנוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "treachery(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרברובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dry heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "leech", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פונדקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "innkeeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "pain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "החל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סורסי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Syrian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלילי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "Galilean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעכעכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who was shaken", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נייר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "paper: a blank sheet of paper or leather, or the unused part of one, prepared for writing a legal document", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "such a document", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חירשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפצף": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be scarce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פנטקקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "completely evil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "garbage heap, dunghill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היכמה": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "as, just as", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נעימה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "melody, tone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחריו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "surety, guarantee", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "responsibility", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כוסלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "cupping-glass. blood-letting apparatus", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blood-letting procedure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁבלילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fenugreek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ladel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציפרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become faint", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "rib", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p.: dressed with flour", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pulverize", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fine flour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to bind, constrict", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause constipation", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to tie", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גכרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to take a handful", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to close (eye,mouth)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to scrape off", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "locust(s)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "usually pl. tant.", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עלם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to disappear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. מנ : to be forgotten by", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eternity (usually as a nomen rectum)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as an adv.: ˁd ˁlm, lˁlmˀ, lˁlmyn, lˁlmyˀ: forever", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "repeated as an expression of absolute foreverness", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "עלמא דאתי : the World to Come", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eternal ages past", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "an epoch", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a place : this world", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בעלמא : in a general way, merely", "def_num": "2.3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מעלמא : from elsewhere, from somewhere or other", "def_num": "2.3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לעלמא : to elsewhere", "def_num": "2.3.4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to conceal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. עינ : to avert one's glance", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עלל": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to get in", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to enter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "most commonly with l_", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "literally: to enter into a place", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "+ wnpq : to go in and out freely, i.e., to frequent", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.: to enter into a condition or situation", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with an ethical dative", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+mn : to enter via", "def_num": "1.1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with other prepositions", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "alone", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "w. ˁl, ˁm, lwt : to have sexual relations with", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(w. l_ + a noun of action : to begin", "def_num": "6" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring in", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to include, subsume", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bring in", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to insert", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to usher in a holiday", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to ripen", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אמיטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "70", "81" ], "definition": "dark cloud", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרומני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "להדיא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "directly facing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "immediately", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "burnt offering, sacrifice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טחון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "miller", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the grinding animal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נחת": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be settled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to descend", "def_num": "2" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be brought down", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to descend, go down physically", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of naturally falling elements", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to dismount", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a traveler", "def_num": "1.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to leave the land of Israel", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in general, to go from one place to another involving a lowering of status", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a body part or garment", "def_num": "1.3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to move toward a body of water", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+למסחי: to go down to bathe; see s.v. sḥy vb.", "def_num": "1.4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to descend a generational level", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of inanimates", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to reach final form", "def_num": "2.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to penetrate", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as a co-verb: to do something while descending or penetrating", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ אדעת: to enter into a contractual agreement with someone", "def_num": "5.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ל:", "def_num": "5.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to seize, take possession of", "def_num": "5.4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to deal with a matter", "def_num": "5.4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to acquire", "def_num": "5.4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to specify", "def_num": "5.4.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. סלק: to be concerned with regularly", "def_num": "5.5" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "physically", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to shed tears", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put on clothing or other accoutrements", "def_num": "1.1.5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to assign to a task, set someone's position", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to lower in rank, depose", "def_num": "1.2.2" } ] }, "נחר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to snore, snort", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rebuke", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "נופץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "of the bowels", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תימור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "eyelid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ז": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "7th letter of alphabet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "number 7", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניפרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "prefect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פינך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "prefecture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי מיצעי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "in the middle area", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cornerstone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליטרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Roman pound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אודייני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cistern(J)/armchair(Lev)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לדיל_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "self", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "according to", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קלי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "burnt", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "alkali", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ירקא דקיליא : an alkaline plant", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אודיינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "water rights???", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to sift", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "wadi, stream", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to be comforted, to consoled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to comfort, to console", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "specific statement", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "portion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מלוגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of bag or basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמבליגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a species of cedar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חקק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be decreed as law", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to engrave", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hollow out", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to carve out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁכרתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלל#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to relinquish a right", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to pardon", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בלחוד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "53", "55", "60", "72", "74" ], "definition": "alone, by oneself", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "only, but only", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53" ], "definition": "provided that, on the sole condition that", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "provided that", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסחני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flowering growth of a male palm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חקר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to investigate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cross-examine", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כונא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a small dry measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lizard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "accuracy, correctness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בסר#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to announce, proclaim", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסקרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "archivist", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "hornet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כונת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(bot.) spelt or emmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר משׁשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "substantial matter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "field", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "flat open space", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פילוסוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "philosopher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרעה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tip of the toes (?), bottom of the foot (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זגג#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be glass-like", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be shiny", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be transparent", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "סקל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "to stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ראשׁ ירח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "new moon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "sack maker (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סדרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "arranging", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "standing one", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "protector, patron", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סקד": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to goad", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סקב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to injure oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : difficult portion", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to injure, wound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמפומטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "windows", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כאילו": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "as if", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סקר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stare at", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to look at", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדכיו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in purity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reneger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ שׁעתא ד_": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "since the time", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "beauty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטקוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dispute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פושׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to remain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be left over", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "impers. + l_ : (?)", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "קירי קירי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of cry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) large owl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צידני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "Sidonian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fibula, brooch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסנקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stuffed (?), choked (?) : of a pig or kid in an expression of disgust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scraping off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר קריתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "inhabitants of a city", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפת#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to vault over", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפת#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be concerned", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inferior date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמוסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "oppressed ones: a poetic synonym for the Children of Israel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיר": { "V07": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "שׁורר : to sing", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "song", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁית": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to order", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "large rock", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "stone", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. brq, ברד : hailstone", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דנורא : meteorite, meteor", "def_num": "3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. jewelry", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "שׁפרנונא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דובשׁקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כובי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. turrets", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chip", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "incision", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גומרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "coal (from a fire)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "pox, pimple, malignant pustule", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "swimmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "shin, twenty-first letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית נורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fire temple (i.e., Persian temple)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "reed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "stick", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אונקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a cut of meat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית נשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "family home", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "circumcision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "coal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תוחלני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. unripe dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. eyebrows", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוטי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) bud of caper, caper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נול#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נול#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be disgraced", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be disfigured", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disgrace", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dishonor", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תרגמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "interpreter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tray", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "blast of heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנורת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "metal helmet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁורן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "cat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכולי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיזמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "trust, security", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "consolation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מערבב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who causes destruction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמילו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "in גמילות חסדא recompense for devotion [=Hebrew גמילות חסדים]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gum Arabic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לכך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to mix thoroughly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "base of a gourd (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לכי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "when", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whenever", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a white bean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "beating", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sword", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיפ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "second part of biblical verse", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "second part of Mishna, etc.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נתיני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "of the village of Nethin", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סיפ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swordsman", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מלכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "kingship, reign", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "kingdom, realm (a political entity)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "royal administration, the government of such an entity", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מלכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "queen, queen-mother", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימפונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bronchus", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large blood vessel", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אשׁכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "testicle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכב#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to press", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dead body, corpse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "porter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁכף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "60", "71" ], "definition": "shoemaker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרג": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to exchange, to redeem", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ירקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "mildew, a blight affecting grain", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bitter wine", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "בטנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "70", "74" ], "definition": "pregnant woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כילה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "canopy or enclosure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cella", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "insect net", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסדרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inferno", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "coral", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר שׁטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one subject to insanity attacks", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסקוטלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a finger bone", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blow from a snapping finger", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חלודה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "skin disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "sweet wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרהר": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "(heart, mind) to have moving thoughts", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to ponder", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "זהי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "shining, splendid", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to rise up in glory", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to rejoice", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "radiance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוביה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "loom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be offensive", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become fouled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to contaminate", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to contaminate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נשׁא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a depilatory agent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפנוקיין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "enjoyment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרונקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to beware", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "22", "44", "71" ], "definition": "to take care with something/someone", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to guard, protect", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to warn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put in charge", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "moon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁמרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "watch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to come apart", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be taken apart", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be redeemed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to go apart, become separated", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "segment, separate status", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "chapter of a canonical text", "def_num": "1.5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "period of time", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "time of maturity", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "קמת על פירקה : reached one's maturity", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "lecture in the academy", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "רישׁ פירקא : head of the convocation", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר פרקא : student", "def_num": "3.1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig. : to redeem, ransom", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to redeem goods for money before delivery", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to rescue", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p.: redeemed, rescued", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to unload, take off, dismantle", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to dismantle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dislocate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to solve a problem", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to split", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to redeem priestly gifts", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁלופפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unripe dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "glory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כזז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be shy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלע#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "ante-room", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "compartment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כורזסתי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"I gave\" in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיבשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an agricultural levy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמזוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "juniper berry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלע#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to occur", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ל_", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to drop in on someone, to visit", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " to be possessed by", "def_num": "1.1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "sling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to spread something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to recite the prayers preceding the Shema", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "textile covering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תורעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "breach, fissure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אצווא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) creeper of a cactus type plant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) דדיקלא : young sprout of the date palm", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עפף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to plait, fold", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to fold", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to double", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עפר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "dust", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "earth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פורענו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "retribution, vengeance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "punishment", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "repayment", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עניב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפפ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to let drip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבי#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to correct a document (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "opportunity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תולשׁמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ותר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be loose", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to relent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטלעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "limping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרייסקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a Persian festival", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "axe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eulogizing or lamenting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fish brine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפנטי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "towards. along with", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הפתקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a hard object", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר בי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "servant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "(plural) wife, wives", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אסתיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "28", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "stater", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטורה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "guard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לברה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "outside (directional)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "outside (location)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר בר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "grandson", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר ברתא : daughter's son", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר בר ברא : great grandson", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "עסוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "compulsion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רתחין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": " boiling water", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פאריט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "servant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "grain dealer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "געמו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vomit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבראי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "outside", "def_num": "1" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "outside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גושׁפנקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "signet ring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנגרייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "forced public labor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צינה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) wild date palm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חריפו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "quickness (or sharpness!) of mind", "def_num": "2.4" } ] }, "חריפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swift current", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רצין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "worn down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דייטגמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "edict, ordinance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דימוס": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "released", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl.: a tax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "royal or fancy kitchen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סלה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אישׁכרתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of creeping animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערער#3": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to contest, challenge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיקתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a rare animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סליקוסתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bouquet of narcissus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "redemption", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר תור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "fattened ox", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפיתיטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "title, epithet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיהר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "landed estate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sweet food (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "על עסיק": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "concerning, regarding", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "sailyard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "flawed sancta", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be withered", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be sent", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "spine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ridge", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "twisted rope", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "an inanimate object", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פטגריטוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sick with gout", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "widespread branches (?)", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to be at ease", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to calm down, become quiet", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "calm something down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to negotiate a marriage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁדי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be cast out, expelled", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to throw", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to remove, throw away", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "to cast down", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pull down something high", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cast down seed, sow", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to shoot an arrow", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to put something down or upon", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(al : to set in", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to insert", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to impose", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to pour out", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(rain) to rain", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to invest", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. יד: to touch", "def_num": "4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attack", "def_num": "4.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. נרגא: to disagree with an opinion (i.e. to throw an axe on it!)", "def_num": "4.5" } ] }, "הרד": { "V": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to lay down reed mats", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנת#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "ileum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפ על פי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "even though", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "conj.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אשׁישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתמה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(vinegar) weak or turbid", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חרסף": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to take off scales", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sinew", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "גמר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "to come to an end", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "completion, perfection", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "tradition", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to complete, to fulfill", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to learn (tradition)", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to decide a case, derive a law", "def_num": "1.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be learned (tradition)", "def_num": "2.4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to teach a tradition", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to consume, destroy", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "משׁבח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lit.: praiseworthy: excellent, superb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמע": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to swallow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עורמה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "guile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוגיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "furrow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "pledge, surety", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) willow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "the willow branches of Sukkot, in particular those of the seventh day", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ערבב": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to blend in", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be ruined", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be confused", "def_num": "3" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to mix up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כריה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "sick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be cut off or out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to lop off, cut short", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "as subst.: curved portion of a limb", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be shown kindness", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to treat someone well or badly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. חסד : to show kindness", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "camel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a plank bridge made of such beams", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "גמד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shrunk", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to contract, to cut short", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערבל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sift", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "sieve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מתרמי בגמא (lit.: to occur in the reed-marsh) : to happen at a certain time of year", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "plant fiber (used for ropes)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ערבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "Arab", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hole in a vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "birthright of primogeniture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנפין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "flattery (?), deception (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוסקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inquisitive person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גז#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wasp(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפושׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) beetle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוס": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become soiled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to soil, make dirty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קקופדיפט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "having bad education", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגשׁ": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קדשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be consecrated", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be betrothed", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be proclaimed (of new moon)", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become sanctified", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sanctify", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to consecrate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to proclaim the new moon", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to recite the qiddush", "def_num": "1.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to wash hands and feet prior to a sacred act", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to betroth a woman", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "קסם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to divine", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "magic, divination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנדקוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot) a type of plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קסט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "pitcher", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "xestes measure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁחד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bribe", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to bribe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פספס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to spread out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "knee", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "the knee and that part of the leg immediately below it", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ארכובה דעילא : colt's knee (shape of a type of berry?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תלח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be split", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(intrans.)", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "אוי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "oh! woe!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": " to sense, to feel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to suffer", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be ill", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be anxious", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to care about", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to take something into consideration", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to cause pain", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "suspicion, sense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "snow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) chill", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אדרא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) curved fish bone (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחתן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(topog.) incline, descent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "necromancer, medium", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "log, firebrand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כזני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a small jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטיליק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dish, plate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "course in a meal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פזיזו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impetuousness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "alluvial ground", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "back", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כולי האי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "so much, to such an extent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to dance", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to dance around", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימוק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "red", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "as substantive: redness", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "an illness", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "צרעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "leprosy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "female", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "senator", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chamomile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁלהי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "(of humans) exhausted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוכרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "first born female animal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁפנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "72", "81" ], "definition": "turtle-dove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוחמדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": " delight, precious object", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דשׁתנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "woman in menses", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רקק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to spit", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(of blood) expectoration", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רקע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to patch", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to patch garments together", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רקף": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to shut a gate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נינהי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "they (f.) as predicate or copula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אטיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "folded object/material", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר פרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "student", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נינהו": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "they (m.) as predicate or copula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמא": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "unclean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסטרופיקיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁושׁמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "ant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be defiled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to touch a corpse", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to defile, make unclean", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to consider or declare unclean", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טמם": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "= Dt", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to stop up a cavity by filling", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to stop up completely", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to hide, to conceal, to store", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to have hidden", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cache to maintain temperature", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מערוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rolling pin (or the like)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become assimilated", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to be swallowed up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to sink", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to set (sun, star)", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to sink, drown (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זקיפה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "being erected", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארבע בשׁבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "Wednesday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זכיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "(of liquids) clear, pure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to hide, conceal oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hide oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hide or bury something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to conceal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חומשׁ": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fifth (fraction)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the five Megillot", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פטומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "compounding of ingredients", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטומ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who fattens animals", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כהיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blindness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוהרקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a Persian holiday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבת": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be attached", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to join together (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to group together", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to repair", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צבר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to heap up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ לגו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "inside, on the inside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפקעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cancellation of obligations", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עשׂירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "group of ten people", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפשׁלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הלכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "accepted legal decision, halakah", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "mishna section", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "talmudic argumentation to reach such a decision", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "customary practice", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "text teaching such a practice", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "ערס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "neighborhood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(person) to be emaciated, feeble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to prepare something ornate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to wish", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "72" ], "definition": "to consent, to be mutually willing", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד כדון": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "now", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "weed fiber", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flotsam", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "objects made of such fibers", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרפ#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to swallow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "status as head of an academy", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "beginning, early stages", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גאגאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a profession, perhaps roofer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיקוקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Hikok", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דומיניקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "church", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁויסקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roast (?); sausage(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלטונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרפ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take hold, grab", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a skin disease", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "זמר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to prune", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "singer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרקיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "Arab, Saracen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוכ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "laughter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סירכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "injury", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דביר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "divine commandment", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "verse of the Bible", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עוצבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grief", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמועה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "legal tradition", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטוסרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bale, skein", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בר קטלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one liable for execution", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גילי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "having the same age", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארגינט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of demon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bar, bolt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חטה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wheat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עינתונדרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Ein Tundra", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רויח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "full, wide", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: extensive, ample", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נהר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. to remember, recall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "slave (i.e., =Heb. נער ??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחת#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an illness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיטוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוהר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "net for trapping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפותא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פזר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to rise up (of cantillation)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "firstborn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "human", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "animal", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inanimate: see s.v. bkwr#2", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "חלוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "shirt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דימוס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "row of stones", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דימוס#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "release, pardon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pap (of figs)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלובחא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלוקבל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "opposite", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "against", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "concerning", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "קסיטולין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reservoir in water tower", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁתוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "archer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כופתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פספס#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to singe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדחד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "each one, one by one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית יד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: area of the hands (?)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "sleeve", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תנב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to become stiff or numb", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "stupor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוקיאנוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ocean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תהי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ב_ : to inhale from something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר דדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cousin (lit. uncle's son)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגמג": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cause to flow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוטנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) terebinth, a species of pistacia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "prohibitory law", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הכירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "recognizable distinction, distinctiveness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פילון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "malabathrum ointment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדקן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "charitable", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "charity", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "היגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקקיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "acacia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקפק": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make light of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(zool.) a smallish bird", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a specific type of such a bird", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an exceptionally large bird", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) דדיקלא : a kind of locust", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חמרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "she-ass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to fight, quarrel with one another", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be stirred up, to rage", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "12", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to beat, to pound", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to fight", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסר#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be lowered(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁיט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "simple", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clear, obvious", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "פשׁיטא : it is obvious!", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. subst. : blisters", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. subst.: small coins", "def_num": "7" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "luxuriant", "def_num": "8" } ] }, "כפוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inflorescence of palms", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חולי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "sickness, weakness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mortar (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפשׁ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become soiled", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכוי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "prospect, hope", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עישׂור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tithe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "stadium", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ב_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a place", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "within a structure or other enclosing object", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "during a time period", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with (instrumentative)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "using, according to", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. ymˀ, etc., : to swear by", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "among", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "adjective + b_ = superlative", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "at", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a certain time", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to, into", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(w. to give:) for, in exchange for", "def_num": "6.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "specialized meanings with various verbs: see s.vv. šlṭ, ḥzy, ḥwy", "def_num": "6.2" } ] }, "קורסם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "blow (emend to קורנס ?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקוון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. arguments", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "courtyard", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "environs of a city", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הורייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "decision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסקנטלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "snapping with thumb and middle finger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to announce (dial.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבנ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "56", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "purchase", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "merchandise", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זבנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "74" ], "definition": "time", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלתה בשׁבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "Tuesday", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "ellipt. תלתא", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מודי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "27", "41", "53", "55", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "a dry measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קינרס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(bot.) artichoke", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רתע#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to tremble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנחנה": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "we", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to join", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to swathe", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to mould (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נכתמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lid of a pitcher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפת": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be smeared (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "turnip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טשׁי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hide oneself", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דבב#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to murmur", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "interrogative particle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a coin: underweight", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "nether region", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "72", "82" ], "definition": "mem, thirteenth letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "from", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "direction", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "place", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "person", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as first element of compound prepositions and adverbs indicating the origin of directional movement", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "origin", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "place", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with words indicating location : e.g. מימינ : on the right", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "person", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "material", "def_num": "1.2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "time", "def_num": "1.2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "conj.: since, after : see s.v. mn conj.", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as first element of compound prepositions and adverbs indicating the origin of movement through time", "def_num": "1.2.5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as the second element of compound prepositions indicating relative location", "def_num": "1.2.6" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "partitive", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "indicating the cause", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "comparative", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": ": other verbal complements", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as the first element of compound adverbs of manner", "def_num": "9.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mnh wbh, mnh wlh : of itself, by itself", "def_num": "9.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as an emphasizing first element of compound prepositions, conjunctions", "def_num": "9.2" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(w. relative) since, after", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "41", "44", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "because", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "(alone, before non relativized participles) : while ...ing", "def_num": "2" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "who?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+(h)w, (h)y", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mn dhw : someone", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+ zy/dy/d : whoever, one who", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "manna", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלמול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "piece of dough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "priest's cloak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מה": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "what", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "before adj./nominal modifiers:", "def_num": "2" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "what?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+ l_ : what is the matter with?", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "interrog. how, why", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "what (indef./rel. pron.)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רביעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "first rain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוגי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "walk", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "study, subject", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "וי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "woe, alas!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רורא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוטרון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "first, foremost", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוטרוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small money", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of hoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to push or guide a donkey", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "watering trough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "14", "21", "23", "27", "44", "50", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "region", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "land", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "town", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מס": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in a charm formula", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "tax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גימנוס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "naked", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרוסארגיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "gold and silver tax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כי היכי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in order that", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תובלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) device for climbing the palm tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blue-eyedness", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מובל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "70", "74" ], "definition": "burden, load", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אב#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(bot.) fruit (of specific trees and vines)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(bot.) of trees in general", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "produce in general", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חרשׁין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "magic arts, sorcery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Ab (July/August)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריוטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "caryota wine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "caryota dates (from which the wine is made)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כרוז#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "53", "74" ], "definition": "proclamation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרדק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "43", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "small (child)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "young", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דרדס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "foot covering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סתור": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "destroying, destroyer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רצי#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to discourse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "thorn, thistle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזבוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארקובט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "Persian revenue inspector", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גורן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "large stone water vessel as a bath or trough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "young animal, cub", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוטוגמייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "first marriage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(human) corpse", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to break up, to destroy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוכמיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of food dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרדג": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to drip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דאי": { "V": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדוכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "mortar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "piece of bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתח": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to have eyes or ears restored to functioning", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to have one's sight restored", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be opened", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to open", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "begin a homily", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to offer an initial suggestion", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to make open up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p. : wide : see s.v. pty adj.", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to broaden something, expand", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "breadth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בקעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "valley", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "low-lying place", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : category? : see s.v. byqytˀ", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אנדיסקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tax official(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נביו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "prophecy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טונפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "defilement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "cattle, herd of cattle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "other domesticated animals", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to flog", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to inspect, examine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "70" ], "definition": "to visit the sick", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בקע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to split", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cross over", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "crack, crevice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפיץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "something jumped", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלימה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "girl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלימו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "youth, youthfulness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁירה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "caravan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל שׁעה": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "whenever", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בקי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to examine, to test", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "to inquire about", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "expert", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "well-known", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איצרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "juice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "objection", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "carefulness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) she gnat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "געגע": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to wallow", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make filthy", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(flowing) cataract", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to pierce, penetrate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to insert something inside", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "פתר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be explained", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to interpret,explain", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "explanation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איכתס": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "yesterday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to break off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפובלסמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(bot.) balsam sap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "righteous person, righteous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעלדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "adversary", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "street", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "quarter of town", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "42", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "market, market place", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "public square", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "outside place (in. adv. usages)", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: business affairs", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "יקד": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be burned", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(of fire) to burn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(of flammable objects)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to set fire, set on fire", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to smear", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rub", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "שׁוע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to plaster", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "to plaster", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plaster over thoroughly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגרונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) hip disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיקוק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small water skin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁור": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be jumped upon", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wall", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "city wall, rampart", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to jump", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(of eyes) to bulge out", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to jump", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פגל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be made piggul", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make piggul", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוח": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to melt something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "plague", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "commoner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "discretionary judgement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוג": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to wash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "evaluation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "entitlement to indebted property", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to evaluate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "id.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(astron.) turning point of the solar year", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "תקופת תמוז summer solstice", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "תקופת טבת : winter solstice", "def_num": "2.4" } ] }, "שׁוי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "71" ], "definition": "to be made like, converted into", "def_num": "2" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "equal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "adv.: equally", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "bi/ašwē adv.: equally", "def_num": "6.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be equal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be considered worthy", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "adv. equally : see s.v. šwy adj.", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to place something down", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.: to set up, make into", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to consider", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "שׁוט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to swim, float", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to fly", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "whip", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "rod", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "יקר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be honored", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rise in value", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "honor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "majesty, gloriousness", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be precious", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to go up in price", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "54", "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to honor", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to honor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסכ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cast metal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מליכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "advice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עשׁתרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(artificial word)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסכ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be made into yen nesekh", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be poured out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pour out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to libate", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to libate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to turn wine into a pagan libation (so-called yen nesekh)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "זוהם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "filth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "stink, putrefaction", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sensuality", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "צדיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "emptying (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פצי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pass by or between", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבשׁובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "Sunday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעבד": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "w. b_ to treat as your own slave, subjugate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "fig.: to be subservient", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be pledged as collateral", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to enslave", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to make subservient, subordinate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. נפשׁא : to undertake to do something without obvious self benefit", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : pledged as collateral", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "אספטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "weaver's blade", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "storax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעבתני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ravenous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סילתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסתדירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "collar of a mast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעבתנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "voracity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sink down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גאי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to boast, be haughty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "servitude", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גללה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "small stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "frying pan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cauldron", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי גובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "logs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "desolation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "threshing floor, barn", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to distinguish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טענה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "plea", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרומן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "unclear (PRK 192)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרטיוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "policeman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיהנם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "hell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיטל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "water jar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיפיור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "litter (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "shadow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדך": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to extinguish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קליד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "key", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "fish's gill", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "handle", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "opening, mouth of a bag-like object", "def_num": "3.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lobe of an organ", "def_num": "3.5" } ] }, "הילני": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the sound of a ship", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁביב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "spark", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fishbone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קליל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "light", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lenient", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "few, of little amount", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "קליל קליל, קלי קלי, bqlyl qlyl : little by little", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "ינוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "female child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלמה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lest, perhaps", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "story", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמבטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "bath, bathtub", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁראי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sale on trust, credit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the debt due to such a sale", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of fig pest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהימן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "trustworthy, faithful, reliable", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "believer", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ליבוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Samaritan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁאול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "Sheol, the netherworld", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "cut off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fraction, part", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "פסיק רישׁא ולא ימות : fig.: inevitable result (lit. one whose head is cut off must die)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אנהרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "illumination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עברין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transgressor, apostate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "eyelid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כנישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "synagogue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר הכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "person fit for something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "sow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דנח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to shine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to rise (sun, moon)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אטקט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "robber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחתומר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "baker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעמומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "idiocy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "market vendor", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אסיסנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(unclear:Pes4a)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטלנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pl. idlers", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "purity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "doe, hind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "metaph. first glimmer of dawn (fr. Heb. אילת השחר)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זלזלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gluttonous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גואה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inside", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לגואי : toward the inside", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ענב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be looped", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "to fasten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענג": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to find pleasure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "time", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "advice, counsel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עני": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to find relief", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "humble, poor person", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to respond", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to keep busy", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "ענן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "cloud", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "often w. יקר, the Cloud of Glory", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be cloudy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנושׁי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sweeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרגמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלע#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a shrub used to mark boundaries", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "harvester", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פירושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "explanation", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "בפירושׁ : explicitly", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חתירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "breach", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוזר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(egg) rotten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ גלותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "exilarch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "neck", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנינקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "distress", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בית אינקא : prison", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אכסוסיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "authority", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חול#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to develop", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to take effect, be valid or relevant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נעים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "pleasant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bandage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צררה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "74" ], "definition": "money bag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chips from stone-cutting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ו_": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "and, also", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "introducting a nominal sentence as a circumstantial clause", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "weak adversative, but", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "in elevated language, when used without a preliminary coordinated nominal: even, too", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "איסרטוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חורתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Temple Court", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מושׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to touch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prepare", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "אנדיפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "temple (of the head)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יתור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "something superfluous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סירון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "shore", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "edge", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גד#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weaving (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "gall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁמשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "usage, using", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "use, function", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "חברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "(female) companion", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "inanimates", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "חברו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "social relationship", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נקשׁ": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be compared", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to knock", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "of a coin", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(hands, palms) to clap", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to strike, to knock", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to compare", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "clapping", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "יתוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sojourner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to embalm", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "embalmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרגושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a small measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "palate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sore throat", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "הינוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small, unripe date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נמילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "harbor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלחל": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be perforated", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to collapse, become discomfited", "def_num": "2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to pierce", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to perforate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. hollow", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to be wasted away", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בס": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "indeed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "50", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pretext, opportunity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קכלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) gnat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "son, child", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of an animal", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "member of the same cohort (see also 'compounds' 3.2)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "liable to be acted upon", "def_num": "3.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in construct with a unit of time to express age", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "סנאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hatred", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכדי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "for no cause", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "41", "71", "74" ], "definition": "gate, gateway", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "see s.v. bbˀ dˀbwlˀ", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a residential structure", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "door", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of another structure", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sluice gate", "def_num": "1.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "see s.vv. bbˀ dˀqlydˀ , bb nhrˀ", "def_num": "1.3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "courtroom", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "section of a literary work", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גשׁתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tube, siphon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "outskirts of a town", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "liberty, freedom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "breast, teat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Persian \"good\", as the first element of GN's", "def_num": "1" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "between", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "followed by a number: a group of x", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in other expressions:", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי שׁותפי : partnership", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי קרנתא : directly overhead", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "house", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "household", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "family", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in construct with (or implying) a proper noun: dynastic house or the like", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(with genit. name of a teacher) school, teachings (see also s.v. by rb)", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. divinity : temple", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with royalty : palace", "def_num": "1.5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a structure", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "place, area", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "before proper nouns as a geographical or political term", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "place or area where something occurs or is found", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "receptacle for something", "def_num": "3.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "storage area for things ", "def_num": "3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "compartment of a phylactery", "def_num": "3.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "area of the body characterized by something", "def_num": "3.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "area of such and such a size", "def_num": "3.5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "byt X : field sufficient for X amount of seed", "def_num": "3.5.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. v.n.: place where something occurs", "def_num": "3.6" } ] }, "מפנקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "delicate way of life", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "mind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "w. סים, יהב, קבע: to pay attention", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "יהב בל מן: beware of", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ] }, "שׁכנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "sediment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אוזן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "basin, bathtub", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צומות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "gathering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כובסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of garment (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קליבוסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "coccyx", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "this", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "marriage gift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "האידנא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "today", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "now", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הדם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. pl.: אדימי : cut in pieces", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to arrange the limbs", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to dismember", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדך": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "that", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to give instructions (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תרטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "this (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to lament or eulogize", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to mourn, to lament", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "same as peal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go around begging", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to return", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to renege", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to complete a cycle", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "to do something again", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "3sg. m. ptcp. used impersonally as an adverb: then, next, afterwards : see s.v. hdr adv.", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to surround", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to return something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to reply", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to repeat", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to surround", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to carry around", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "to reverse, turn something around", "def_num": "5" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go around begging", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go around searching, pursue", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to review", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "glory", "def_num": "1" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "afterwards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרצ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to sting", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "portion(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(knot) to become snug", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fit something snug, force into a tight space", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כופרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Cypriote", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "myrtle branch", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to dance with a myrtle branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be divorced", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be left, abandoned", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be permitted, condoned", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) undressed vine", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to leave, depart", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to leave a wife, i.e., to divorce", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to leave something left over", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "22", "44", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to entrust, to put aside, leave behind", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to bequeath", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to omit something", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to abandon, leave alone", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to divorce", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to permit, allow", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to condone, to forgive", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to release, let free", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to let alone", "def_num": "5.3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to divorce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערבון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "surety, security, pledge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to respect, to mind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "p.p. : worthy", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ship's captain", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ערבוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "uproar", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "turbulence", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בוקלט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "soldier's bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוגרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lameness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "herd of camels (??) : see s.v. gmwlh n.f.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁבט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "כוכבא דשׁביט : meteor", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tribe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גירסנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fruits of one's labor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיגמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "illustration", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ דוכנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assistant teacher (i.e. head of the platform)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגלב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "whip", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "whiplash", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כעין": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "like, similar to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "scroll", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בצירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "paucity, deficiency", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסמ#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be silenced", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to silence", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hesitate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסמ#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hesitate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנומוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "judgment, wisdom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוכבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "Venus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "hidden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בקורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "herd of cattle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דאציפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "species of doves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "patron, protector", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיסרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Caesarean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צנין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cold", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. cold water", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עטף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to wrap oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(intr.) to go back the way one has come", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(trans.) to clothe, wrap up", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fold, depression", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קיבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "72", "81" ], "definition": "top of the stomach (omasum or abomasum of a ruminant)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מססטול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עטם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "hip, flank", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "thigh of an animal", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "portion of a foundation wall that projects into a river", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "שׁתין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sixty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צניף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shrill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צניע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "clever", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "modest", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בדי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "liar", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "למפני": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "towards, nearly (a time of day)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרציני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "cinnamon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טטרגונוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "square, quadrangle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "slippery places", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרהדיא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mill for crushing date stones", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to retail wine", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גררי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(zool.) moray/lamprey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be slaughtered", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to slaughter", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "to slaughter (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בפורי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "quickly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to bite", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to have a negative effect on", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "metaph.: (interest) to discount capital", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to bite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be recognized, distinguishable", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be repudiated", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "p.p.:. recognizable, known", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוני": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be failing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סממי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) gecko", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוליה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "kidney", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as seat of emotion", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נכי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "less, minus", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be harmed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. to be deducted: see s.v. nky adj.", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to harm", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to deduct", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קצבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "limit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבראי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "toward the outside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לישׁנא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "the following year", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרייקונטה": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "thirty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכח#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be forgotten", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to forget", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "forgetfulness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. cavities", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לידי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "into one's possession", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "into one's attention", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "into a state of", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארכיטקטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "architect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be lost", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hide oneself", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be damaged", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "roof rafters, ceiling", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "raft of reeds and mud", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תאנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(bot.) fig tree", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+ ḥwr : (lit. white figs) : Aleppo pine", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "שׁפכין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "gutters, downspouts", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make use of something, use something up", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(time) to be sufficient", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be sufficient", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be able", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be sufficient", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to have sufficient time", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "doubt", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ספק ,,, ספק לא : maybe, maybe not", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "manly, powerful woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to be softened", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to soften", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "mother-in-law", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hot spring", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the Sun [Hebrew]", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רכן": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to dismount", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "70" ], "definition": "to incline", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "60" ], "definition": "peddler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "toward: see s.vv. klqwbl, klcpwn, klmdnx", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פכור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "destroyer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "artificial (?) word for 'king'", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "back of the neck", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "floating stuff, floating state (i.e. not fixed)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "signaling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טגן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be vexed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to cook, fry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוזי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "castrated: eunuch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fem. pl.: demons", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מגסטר פלטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one in charge of the palace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירושׁלמ דדהבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a decorated golden headband", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) young (of doves, birds)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig.: children", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "זינ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "27", "71" ], "definition": "financial loss", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "weapon, weaponry", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to write the top of a letter with crownlets", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזוריי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הפסד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "loss", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גופרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sulphur", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בולוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mirror", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "lump of glass", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרמ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to study hard (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גרמ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bare twig", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרמ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "indirect, accidental, or collateral effect, cause", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁושׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wasting away of the body", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוק": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to be distressed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לעילא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "above", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72" ], "definition": "previously", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "upward", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in price", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "צוץ": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to squint at", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרביט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "staff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "despair", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עביר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "liable, used to", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "שׁריקריק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whistling sound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צות": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to listen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to obey", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to hear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to listen", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צור": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to depict, form, shape", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "neck", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bṣwˀr : in the vicinity of, in the region around", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "יבשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to dry up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to wither", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be paralyzed", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to dry something up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדמדמני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of earth plastered on the body", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עביד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as adj: likely, apt", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "צוד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hunt for/capture an animal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hunt", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fish", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to catch fowl", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "פרדיסק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "chest, coffer", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צוב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to come to, visit", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "triangular arrangement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עביט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pack-saddle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צום": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to fast", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "fast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(boiling water)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to growl (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דול#4": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spin wool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר מלחכ פינכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flatter (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דול#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to serve, attend on", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זירפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a disease involving a skin eruption", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "table", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "money-changer's table", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "קרסול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ankle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who mixes fodder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זלל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to become unworthy, disgraced", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "זלזל (Man. znzl) : to treat lightly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to despise", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to count the lowest price", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be of little value", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be vile, contemptible", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make cheap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זלג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "(of eyes) to weep profusely (tears)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "back part", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "barber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זלח": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to sprinkle", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "sprinkling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "afflicter(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of ornament", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלגלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרכס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to kick convulsively", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to raise an objection", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁת": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "six", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל מן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "whoever", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיבול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clod of earth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "watchman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פילגוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "ocean, high sea", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "number, total", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפחנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " victory in a dispute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זלף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to sprinkle", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to provide abundant drink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pile on", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cover something to keep it hot", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "fig.: to do something again", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ועד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to gather together", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "+ˁm : to join, be with", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "appointed time or place", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אליה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "fat tail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דות#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make ink spots", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קונכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "snail-shaped lamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורזינקא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "turban", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Ammonite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הברא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "darkness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גני#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "disgrace, shame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גני#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be reproved", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be disgraced", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to seem repulsive", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to revile, to disgrace, to reprove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דאדי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "mother or grandmother", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רהוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "runner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to hide, conceal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כמך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "vinegary sauce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליצנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "irreverence", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "licentiousness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כמה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "how much, how many (interrog)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "how much! such a long time!", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a large amount", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "כל כמה : so much! so long as", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "74", "81" ], "definition": "just as", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "just as much as", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "as long as", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "כמה ד_, כמאנ ד_ : as if", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נקז": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to let blood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "female camel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to provide vowel points", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be pierced", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "bodily orifice", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "hole, hollow place", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pierce", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to pierce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חידקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. parts of a candlestick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "51", "53", "55", "56", "70", "81" ], "definition": "to take revenge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקט": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to be seized", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to hold", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72" ], "definition": "p.p. used as active", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to seize", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take, collect, gather", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to choose one out of a number of possibilities", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a usage or custom", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an example", "def_num": "3.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a direction", "def_num": "3.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to maintain a position", "def_num": "3.1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attach", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "idiomatic expressions", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "6" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to wander", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. גוונא: to regain color", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to gather, to collect", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to place in someone's hands", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "74" ], "definition": "clean", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clear", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "prepared", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sheep, ewe", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "71" ], "definition": "to remove a claim or obligation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56" ], "definition": "to cleanse from sins", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cleanse the hands", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "וושׁט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "72" ], "definition": "esophagus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טריתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sopped bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי גיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלמין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "shlamim offering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגהי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dawn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "brick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסטק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "pistachio", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טייזן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרכשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large intestine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fringe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נקף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to circle around, surround", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to encircle, surround", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to cut hair all around", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(pubic hair) to grow in completely", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "נקס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to cut into pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנטל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "elevated, exalted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to dig up, hew out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to peck at, gnaw", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to cut out, perforate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to gouge out (eyes)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "יתיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "excessive, extra", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "superfluous", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "24", "27", "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "adv.: more", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "55", "71" ], "definition": "adv.: excessively (see also s.v. ytyrˀ)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בר ים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dolphin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרדומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stump", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמצורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכר#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to repudiate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרושׁה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sorcery, witchcraft", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "sickness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטיכיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tunic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסינתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "receptacle for grain/mortar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "56", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ritual uncleanliness, defilement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תורבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "aurochs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזוזי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "doorpost", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "mezuzah", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טיבול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "immersion, bath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרעינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stone of a fruit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדוא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "joy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כילול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "74" ], "definition": "completion, perfection", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "entirety", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חדוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "joy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכזרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "cruel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "curse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "beggar, vagrant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "itinerant worker", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חדות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bride", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איזגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פנרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in a magic formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גפה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "agape", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוקן": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to be emptied out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיאטס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "room, level", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זווא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "boat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(dream) to be interpreted", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(a difficult season or a spell): to be finally broken", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to give the interpretation of a dream", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to loose, to dissolve", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make a compromise", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to melt something", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to break a spell", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to tear loose", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to interpret a dream", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יומדן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "55" ], "definition": "today", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אונא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "handle of vessel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lobe of lung", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרס#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to divide", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "בעי מטותא, במטותא : to make a request", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "במטותא מן, במטו מן : I beg of ...", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ] }, "אפורסם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) balsam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "name of a disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "adulterer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכרי": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to keep away (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to come, to reach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "physical movement", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "extent", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "(w. ˁl or d.o.) to happen to someone, befall", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cause (a tradition) to reach", "def_num": "6" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make arrive, bring", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to hand over, deliver", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.: to be on the verge of, to be ready for", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סמיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "sign", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרונימוס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "prudent, sensible", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "rain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "nḥt mṭr : to rain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טבהקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a Persian meat dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "handbreadth, sixth part of cubit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to stretch out (a body part)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to explain, solve", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "extension", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "simple explanation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פשׁח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "cut off branch", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cut off", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(fire) to break out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cut into pieces", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to cut off", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נסיובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to escape", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תור#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ox-driver", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ox-fattener", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תור#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. awake", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to awaken", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אצבעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "finger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלפול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "debate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "thyme", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "doubt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גונדרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "balustrade", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרקוזי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "said of pumpkins", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54" ], "definition": "panel (of stone)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרבוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of oryx", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליפוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "joining", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "tin", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צלופח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pavilion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קובל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "opposite, over against", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become turbid", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to make turbid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכפ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to scourge, to maltreat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבלב#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sprout, blossom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stirring ladle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rakeings", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פזמק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "greave", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of shoe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁביעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "seventh (ordinal)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fem.: sabbatical year", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בי מפקתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "anus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומיס קלטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "appointment officer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרינ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who makes a proclamation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מכושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תני#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "tanna : rabbinic teacher of the mishnaic period", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "arranger of a Tannaitic text", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "traditionary", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תני#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make a condition, stipulate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "troop of soldiers", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלמא#2": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "why?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. retinue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלוייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "drawer of water (?) (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגלה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגלה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "chariot, wagon", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(astron.) name of a star", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דרום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "81" ], "definition": "south", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a specific area of southern Palestine", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Succoth (i.e. the feast of booths)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "festival (season?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אלל#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פנק": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to pamper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פנס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "lamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71" ], "definition": "gift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טוטפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "phylactery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הפך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to negotiate, trade", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reverse", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to turn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to turn around", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to turn away", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to overturn", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.: to destroy", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to change", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "trans.", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "intrans.", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to return, come back to an original state or position", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to handle", "def_num": "5.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to turn around", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to exchange words, respond", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be engaged in", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "כנד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סאפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "course of bricks", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארזני#3": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "Arzunite", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a species of wheat", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רישׁ פירקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "head of the pirqa", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרעי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי דוגי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "oven, fire-pit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרופס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "superfluous (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פני": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to be released", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be dismissed (from school)", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to be removed", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be completed", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to be at leisure", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to relieve oneself", "def_num": "5" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to be available, free to act", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to face", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to release", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to ease oneself", "def_num": "5" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to free for interpretation", "def_num": "5.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to remove, clear out", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to empty out", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to dismiss (from school)", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to complete", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "evening (or twilight, while still a bit light out)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "end time", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "empty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דשׁר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a wild growing grain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחצלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "mat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "aunt by marriage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "71" ], "definition": "parchment", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "דומנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "animal cage, vivarium", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קקוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "a type of jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיליה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "afterbirth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרפר": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to writhe in death (or death-like) agony", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבט#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be seized (of goods)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בת יומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "something of the same day", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to refrain from action", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be prevented", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be diminished", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to hold back, stop doing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "w. מן : to refrain from doing something", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to diminish, make less", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פער#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to defecate before Baal Peor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "fugitive", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אצבע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "27", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "finger", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+יהב על : to touch with a finger", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53" ], "definition": "toe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דינו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "judicial right", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גיד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "wormwood : see, too, s.v. gddyn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בוטנה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a disease", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sinew", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "נשׁיא : sciatic nerve", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "fiber", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to sever the sinews, hamstring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be(come) weak, feeble", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to weaken", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "whence?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מני": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to be appointed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to be designated, assigned", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be ordained", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be counted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to count, to number", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to designate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to appoint, assign", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to ordain", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "enclitic particle (=Gk. men?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "expert (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לעוז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "one that speaks indistinctly or in an unknown language", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תושׁבחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "psalm, hymn of praise", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "part, portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "whence", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "mina (weight)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "a small coin, penny", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כלדי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "astrologer", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "Chaldaean, magician", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flat section of an animal organ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צריף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cleaned, bleached", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "small building", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in toponyms", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "איר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "23", "24", "41", "50", "53", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "Iyyar (April/May)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוגמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of bean (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אית": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "there exists", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "with. infinitive: to be necessary to do", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "l_ X : of X, to have", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to have an opinion", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+גבי : to owe", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "b_ : of X, to have", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "אורזן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rice dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחתה מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "below", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אירס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "iris", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "barley porridge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cycle, count", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אין": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "yes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסתוננס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of business person or official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלליי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reveler (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "age, generation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(as opposed to ṭly) : older generation", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in distributive use : as an expression of eternity", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "dr dryn : ever and ever", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "row, rank", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מכס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "duty, i.e., tax on goods", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "toll", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מכס#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "tax-collector", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "במצע": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "within, in the middle of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כנשׁות מיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reservoir", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to close the eyes [i.e.=עמצ] (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רישׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "resh, twenty-first letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "soaking aromatic wood in oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "youth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to carve, to sculpt, to engrave", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "sculptor, engraver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "31", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "hewn stone", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large chunk of rock", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "hailstone", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "גלי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be uncovered", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be revealed", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be visible", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be uncovered", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "54", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be revealed, to appear", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to uncover", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to go into exile", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to banish, to exile", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to reveal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to shed light on, clarify", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "גלויי מילתא : making a self-evident statement", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "גלויי דעתא : revealing one's intention", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to uncover", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. : in a state of gilluy, i.e. food or drink left uncovered overnight", "def_num": "5" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "exiled", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "exile, diaspora (situation)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "exiles (people)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גלב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "little knife, razor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to develop a skin (?? see note)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leather", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scab", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גלג": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to boast", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to chatter, to tell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fig.: to trouble", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מעט": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be reduced, diminished", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be excluded", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to decline, be diminished", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to diminish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to exclude", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טיזן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bold, impetuous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "from (being) upon", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "coming in, entering", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "of the sun: setting", "def_num": "2" } ], "V": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to use sacred property improperly, misappropriate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "blemished behavior, scandal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a weight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחרף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "blasphemer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁושׁנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) lily", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "calyx", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלום": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "interrogative particle (rhetorical)", "def_num": "1" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "most often as an emphasizing particle with a negative: nothing at all, not at all", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זוד#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to provide burial shrouds", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "כדור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ball", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחר": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to be late", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to delay (transitive)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to place later", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁבוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "week", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "sabbatical cycle, seven year cycle", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "חaגAא ד:שׁAבuועaיAא, (E)dA) d$Ab:o(e) : Pentecost", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "זניי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "adulterer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sister", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "kinswoman", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "brethren", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁבוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "captor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be shut up", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be shut, locked", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hold, take, to catch, to seize", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to shut, close (door, gate, book, mouth)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to shut in, keep from leaving", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(disease) to cause to suffer, seize", "def_num": "6.1" } ] }, "וותרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "benevolent, lax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "as two words: אח דאב , אחי אב", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אחל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) saltwort and/or other similar plants producing such alkali", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אחך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to laugh", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to laugh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "וותרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sew together", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיחור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "ember", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "blackness", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "רבל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to shake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלינס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "rein or bit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "girdle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרויחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "material comfort", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : shaky, unsound", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "friend", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "cup-bearer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "71" ], "definition": "worthless person or thing", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מזון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "food, sustenance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "70", "71" ], "definition": "pl. maintenance; standard of living", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "support due divorced wife or children", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "דח": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ten in Persian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "temptation, testing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מישׁר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "plain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוכב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "star", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "כוכבא דשׁביט : meteor", "def_num": "3.4" } ] }, "כוכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "storm, whirlwind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלכניק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "jute stalk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבושׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) apple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טחוסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fortress (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בולא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "71" ], "definition": "council", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ריו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "countenance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a rare measure of volume", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "smell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי אבידן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "fullers's mallet", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תחתה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53" ], "definition": "below", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "celebration of a festival", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תככ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(zool.) a worm that is formed in silk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמצם": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be severely limited", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to make tight", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to confine, restrict", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נפשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "rest, relief", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "judge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוהא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "loud rumbling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הורדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "reed mat (used as roofing material)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגניקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "commoner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גופתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a topographical term for an area near Sepphoris", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלקלני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "woman with a loud voice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stammer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיהא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "at least, in any case", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "sin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיהו": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "but, however", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁור": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "go on!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פילי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "flat bowl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קניי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "east wind (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארבעתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Wednesday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "bolt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Qairwan ??", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) fir tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "drought, thirst", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אשׁון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hard (of vegetables, etc.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "time, season", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלימו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "completion, perfection", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "אזל ב', הלך ב' : to behave properly, perfectly", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "דיקונתיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Dikunt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to join together, assemble", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "set time", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לזימנינ : subsequently (?)", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "instance", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pl. abs. : sometimes", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p. : see s.v. zmyn adj.", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to designate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to invite", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to summon to court", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to invite to say grace in common", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to appoint", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זמם": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be shown to be a false witness", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to refute a witness", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fastenings, reins, bridle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "specifically, a muzzle-ring for a camel", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חפורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of inferior grass or grain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be punished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. קנס", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פורקדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(blow?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלידון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "filth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תיגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "dispute, quarrel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מברכ#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "blessed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמבוהא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crowd", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small share", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "end of an open section of the bible (marked with פ in texts)", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "קצוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bodyguard (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קצור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reaper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דורון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "gift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כגנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "frying pan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טורטן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "balancing beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "song", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sing", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sing, to praise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "appearance", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "color", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ] }, "אלי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74", "81" ], "definition": "wailing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of worm in books", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. see s.v. ˀyltˀ", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כללה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנון": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "43", "50", "51", "52", "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "they", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתורגמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expositor", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוניה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: Mas 52a)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a glaze made from it", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "דוד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "UNCLE", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיטטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chatter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "bride", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "daughter-in-law", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כלא": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be restrained, to prohibited", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to restrain, to ward off", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remove by force", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "an academic assembly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "dog", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "60" ], "definition": "base person", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרדיוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "soldier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tenth, tithe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלל": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "at all", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "often repeated כלל כלל perhaps for extra emphasis", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to include, combine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to state a general rule", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "general rule", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "total", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כלם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be ashamed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to shame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר פאתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a laudatory appellation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורזינקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "turban", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיב#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "cloudiness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמינק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bellows", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a small coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to increase in value", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to increase the value of something", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "71" ], "definition": "increased value", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "oak", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "acorn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁמר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fennel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "treasury", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "kappa, greek letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a strong sack for grain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "pl. property, wealth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "כתב ל (also + מן) : to convey property to someone", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תיוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "repentance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "answer", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "argument", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מחבלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "midwife", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "woman in travail", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בלוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: chasm", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פיגם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scaffold, raised platform", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרגל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "to trace lines", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חובץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cheese", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הקדשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "consecrated object", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "fence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "good, proper, appropriate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as a substantive:", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the Good", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "good thing", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "precious, valuable, of worth", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "ranking individual : see s.v. ṭb qrtˀ ", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "adv.: very, much", "def_num": "4" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "more", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "nature, character", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁוירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "agricultural districts surrounding a town", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) carob tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁככף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוממו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "sovereignty, majesty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "70" ], "definition": "(zool.) kid (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "obligation. liability", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "נפק ידי חובה : to fulfill an obligation", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "sin, guilt", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חובא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סדרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inferno (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגב": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on, on top of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "by way of", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on account of", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "by means of", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "יהודי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "Judaean, Jew", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רומי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one on high", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרדייתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. rough cloth garments", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנתי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "you (f sg)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרד#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stump", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chunk", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרד#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "combing, scraping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכל קרצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "accuser, slanderer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "woman", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wife", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אנתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "50", "51", "53", "72", "81" ], "definition": "לאנתו : in marriage", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חמישׁית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Thursday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפתח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "key", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתות": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "a sixth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stumbler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wooden framework (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זודה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "burial shroud", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גדר#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to distinguish oneself", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cut off dates from the palm tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלפוחי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלמיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנ וכן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "such and such an amount", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to look out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנובייתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "mourners (fem.pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערער#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to add (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בינה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "hair, thread of hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר רגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who participates in a pilgrimage festival", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁיקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "kiss", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גופ#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to close", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוספא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "residue after the pressing of oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יהר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be arrogant, overbearing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דייקלר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basket maker (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנקדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cleanliness, cleaning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "rod or pole", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "spear or lance", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁבשׁ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to flatter, coax, persuade", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר מצרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "contiguous neighbor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולוניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71" ], "definition": "colony", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "free person (see s.v. qwlwn)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברת אחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sororal niece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "27", "41", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "Sivan (May/June)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדכרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": " invocation", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "סיוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "fright", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "a type of demon", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסיין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53" ], "definition": "physician", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "arrangement or formation of fruit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיבתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "name of a demon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרנון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bald (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אימירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "day", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארזיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "young gazelle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁב": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "seven", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear:BR 838)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חד בשׁבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "Sunday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דולל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spun thread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece of glass (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניחלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(gram.) cantillation sign representing zarqa", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסטמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "learning, discipline", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רשׁי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "empowered, permitted to do something", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "b_ : to be owed", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "71" ], "definition": "bring suit to collect on an obligation", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "קומיטטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "royal court", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבורי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grave-digger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נרדשׁיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "backgammon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגיסטר פלטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one in charge of palace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איצטבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bench", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקשׁק": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to rinse off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזיזו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chiding", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתולין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "virginity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׂר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "angel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "chief, master", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "זיזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "projecting part of roof", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרקעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "patch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פצי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "45", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to save", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to recompense", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פוליטריכון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "maidenhair (a fern)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנוי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "narration, oral tradition", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "studying the tradition", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תנוי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "narrator (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמלות חסד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deeds of charity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "התם": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "there", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fish pond (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אצבע#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "leather covering for a bed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרוביא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "??", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leaven, flour used for leaven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טאטי": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sweep", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "broom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרוא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "oregano, marjoram", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פצע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to split open", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "72" ], "definition": "to split into pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיפטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bags, luggage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be darkened", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to grow dark", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to darken something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to do something in the evening", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to await the end of Sabbath", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to do something in the evening", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חשׁי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53" ], "definition": "to be silent", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to observe the sabbath", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) anise, dill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "71" ], "definition": "to crush", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to suspect", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "suspicion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be considered, counted as", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to reckon", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to compute", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to calculate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to swear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to vow", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pronounce the tetragrammaton", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to adjure", "def_num": "4" } ], "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "seven", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cause to take an oath", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "70" ], "definition": "to adjure", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to forbid by a vow", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "כנדוקא": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an uncertain personal attribute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be captured", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to take captive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "people", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "objects, animals", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with cognate accusative", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "places: to conquer", "def_num": "1.4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "captives", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מסמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "50", "51", "53", "55", "74", "81" ], "definition": "nail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be sifted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to sift", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to distill", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסמס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to foul in liquid", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sabbath", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "week", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "number + b$bh : the day of the week", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "שׁבח": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to boast, be proud", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "w. ב_ : to praise, commend", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "praise", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. praiseworthy : see s.v. šbyḥ adj.", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to praise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "in the sense of hymning a divinity or royalty", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to commend", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טרפוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זיק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60" ], "definition": "comet, meteor", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "strong wind, storm", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stream of air", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flatus", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "25", "53", "60", "70" ], "definition": "(magic) a type of demon", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סאה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנדב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "endive", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to claim against someone", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "הנדז": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be incised", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to mark to a standard, measure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to incise", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "measure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "calculation of proportions", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ערס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "25", "41", "71" ], "definition": "mortuary couch, bier", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ערסא דגדא : a luxurious couch", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ערסא דצלא : a folding bed made of leather", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "ערף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. mixed up (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "half a roof-tile or wall brick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to flee", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לתחת": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "downwards", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "from the bottom", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "ערי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53" ], "definition": "cold", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be snagged, held fast", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "גזיזא : to threaten with a fist", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make caught (?)", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attach", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be kneaded", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to knead", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "portion of a bed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be mixed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be made a part of an eruv", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "woof", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to combine", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be included in an eruv", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to mix", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make an eruv", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אירוסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "betrothal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארמלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "widowhood", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unmarried state", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דעכ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to laugh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנהר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "illuminator", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "date-palm", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. as an example of any insignificant object one might possess", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "beard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד מטי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "as far as", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "dust: fine grains from beaten or blown vegetation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(fish) scale", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אנס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to meet with an accident", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be prevented", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to force", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to urge, to press", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to attack", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to rape", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prevent by force, constrain", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : unavoidably prevented", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "קנוקנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grape vine creeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנת": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "you (m.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of material", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to groan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנה": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "I", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הכדן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one like this", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "we", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to pierce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עצור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "presser, treader", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "courier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנהג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "custom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to pound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוסף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "Musaf sacrifice", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "Musaf prayer", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סתרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "destruction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רשׁיע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wicked", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר לוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jaw brace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צריב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(eggs) hardened", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גצצ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to gnaw", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "liar, lying person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צריך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "w. inf. must ..", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "(usually w. ב_) or relative clause : in need of, requiring", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גנדר#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lord oneself", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממזרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "bastard (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חגול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who surrounds", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכתב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "writing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "letter", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "writing implement", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "stylus", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מנ לחור": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "behind", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קורטמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) safflower seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אספלידא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "vaulted chamber, used as an entrance or sitting room", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "שׂכירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rental", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרנוגלתא דאגמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) 'marsh' hen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניאקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית גזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "treasury", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תזקיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear:KohR 21c)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jaundice", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "דביר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scribe [Persian]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סניגור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "defense lawyer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "lily", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטולין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "murder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חכים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "71" ], "definition": "scholar, sage", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מברכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "euphemism for pudenda", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "ערר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "perforated vessel for dripping water", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sack", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פסיעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "step, pace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גברו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "might, mighty deed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טוב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be made suitable by cleaning", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to do good", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "51", "53", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "goodness, good things, preciousness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "pl. const.: blessed is, happy is", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "much, many : see s.v. ṭwbˀ adv.", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "מיעוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reduction", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "limitation of the exegetical application of a verse", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "minority", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "ugliness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חכיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tenant farmer or tenancy agreement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקישׁון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "finish, lateness (???)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) ewe lamb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקטרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "smoke/steam producing material", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיכסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "nonsense (?) or braggart (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סעדון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "help, aid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טום": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be enveloped", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cover up, envelop something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "inclined", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "soft", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "tender", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "ד": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "number 4", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בי כוורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "window frame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לא כלום": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "nothing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חליטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "dumpling (or other small serving of cooked dough)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חליטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dumpling baker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זאפן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "forger, cheater", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "המלט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(arch.) a type of support for beams", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זעור": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "small", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(med) boil, sore", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרכסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "action", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עונשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "punishment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁיכלתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wash basin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "steadfast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מספרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "scissors", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) glaucium (or a variety of mint)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: Pes 30a)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גינברא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ginger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחתיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lower floor", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "חשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "grief, pain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "41", "44", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "marble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תומ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fringe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגוסטרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "nail-cutter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crowing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בת מין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of the same kind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפיפיור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "high ranking officer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורקס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "leather sack", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיבא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roasted meat, kibbe (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנינות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "a second time", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "old age", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טריני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "טריינא הדריינא : (coin of) Trajan Hadrian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטרטליט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "military officer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סהדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "testimony", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. : evidence of virginity", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "גושׁקר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of silk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טופן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "deluge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סביסק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mandrake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנך": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "those", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "certain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הני": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to find useful, benefit (from)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be pleased", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "these, those", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "certain", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be pleasing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to benefit (trans.)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to profit, to aid someone", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to please", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוב#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unsoundness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cause for suspicion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוב#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "beam or log", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "chunk or piece of a body", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עד יתפני": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "until the end of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסס#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pay off the ketubba", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תותרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. a type of wool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be hungry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפיל#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "premature birth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "torch of pine wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "dome", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "43", "53" ], "definition": "vaulted chamber", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "arch", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "soft round object", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "palm branch", "def_num": "3.3" } ] }, "גמשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " to bend down (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טופס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "document template", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "כרומשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) service tree (Sorbus domestica)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנשׁי ביתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "members of a household (both family and staff)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "71" ], "definition": "wife", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כסח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to prune", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to cut off (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפרוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "eyelid", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "garment", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "74" ], "definition": "covering", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fodder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "greatness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "exceptional or remarkable thing", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מדושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mortar (grinding)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "one who knows scripture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a ridge between furrows", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: pl. ranks (?)", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "תקיף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "strong", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "תקיפה : a regular poetic epithet for the Lord", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "substantial, great", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קריח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "bald : see s.v. qrḥ adj.", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "גלגל": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to roll around", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ מילתא : fig. : the matter continued to be dealt with", "def_num": "3" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to poach an egg : see s.v. mgwlgl adj.", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to impose, produce something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to put up with someone", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "wheel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "70", "71" ], "definition": "w. עינ: eyeball", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(astron.) heavenly sphere", "def_num": "2.4" } ] }, "מרומם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "exalted one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טשׁתקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "basin", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חתים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sealed up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנת מעייא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ileum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to occur, to happen suddenly (miracle)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "reptile", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "any creeping animal", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "maggot", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to creep", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to move around, wriggle", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to produce creeping things", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to move (lips), mumble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "small", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(of fever) severe (see also s.v. dqyqh)", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. : children", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "תקיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of full weight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be embarrassed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be reluctant due to embarrassment", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p.+ ל_ : bashful, reluctant", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to shame", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to put to shame", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "silver", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "money", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רעץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to coerce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be admonished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to chew, gnaw", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to give to chew", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to chew up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a pest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "load (?) or clothing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁרב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיטרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "deed, real estate contract", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרדא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of reed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר שׁנין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "x years old : see s.v. br", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": " young cock or hen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "במנת": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "on the condition that", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "mpqy šbtˀ : end of the week/Sabbath/ Saturday night", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "מפל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: downfall", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "napkin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bellows", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיבלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tevel, agricultural produce before separation of ritual tithes", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the state of being tevel", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דידבתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fly (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) kite, bird of prey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכסוסיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "magistrate's officer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גימטס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "indemnity for destruction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגר#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take time off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take a holiday, be absent", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make someone idle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלכיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) chalkis (small fish)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסקבטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "court scribe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדי#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to revile, reject", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to drop off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. to be excommunicated", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to reject, revile", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to excommunicate", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בסכנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "load", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תהי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be sorry, to regret", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to relent", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be desolate : see s.v. thh adj.", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to wonder, to marvel at", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "astonishment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תהה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "desolate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ת": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "22nd letter of the alphabet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "number 400", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁורייק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "streak", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stripe", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vein", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "מעזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spinner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "inhabitant, resident", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הודי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of raptor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדרינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "(bot.) cedar tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inference, implication", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קודמין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרטיגני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Carthaginian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "globe-shaped object", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "traveling merchant(?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to return (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "(as co-verb) to do something again", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(b_) : to retract", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to return (trans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to restore", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make to repeat", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to return (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוסר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "weak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "presumption, presumed legal status", "def_num": "3" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be under the presumption", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to wrap around", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take possession", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to contain, hold tightly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take possession", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to presume, i.e. to impose a presumptive status", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+טיבו : to acknowledge priority or origin", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to tighten, fasten", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. : firm", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ] }, "חזי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be seen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be visible", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to appear", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to appear in a vision", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "71" ], "definition": "to be fit, to be proper", "def_num": "3" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be made visible", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to see", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to visit", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p. see s.v. ḥzh adj.", "def_num": "7.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "44", "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to show", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "אפינ : to console", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חזן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "71" ], "definition": "sexton in a synagogue", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "חזנ מתא : town guard", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ליקשׁון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "delay (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "scabious, mangy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "42", "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "proper, fit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "74" ], "definition": "vision (dream, prophetic, etc.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כובע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thyroid cartilage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "purity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקיז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pure, clear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גולקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sack", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צייתון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: EchRB 68)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "species of beans", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכלב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "storeroom, shed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "no, not", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "heart", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mind", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(l lb: kept in mind, known by heart", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אסטרובל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: cone shaped part of a millstone", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרטע": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to jump, to leap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "lac", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "game", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "prey", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "provisions", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "side", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בצד : near (?) [possible error or Hebraism]", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁבי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "captor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "captivity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוקרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "punctilious person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרייתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a place for a bride to rest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צין": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to place fringes on a garment", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to mark a burial place", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ציל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mentally clear, sober", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נטפ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "52", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "specifically, the high-priest's head-plate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "splendor", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ציר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "hinge, pivot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרטט": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cut into small pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hazzan", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "warrior", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קרטל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוצר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "storehouse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁובך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "dove-cote", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיתר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "superfluous", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excessive", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ארויס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "crumb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרבוכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "darabukka, goblet drum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזגא חמרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird (lit. wine pourer/mixer)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "terror", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקסוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shorn wool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁלם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "completion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "retailer's wine shop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be careful", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fennel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיתן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72" ], "definition": "deceased person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "shout, outcry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "death", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "one of the stomachs of a ruminant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיתב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "inhabited", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוסני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חילוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "opposite, reverse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמימו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ בגלל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "because of, on account of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "conj : because, so that", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קשׁין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "as a part of GN's", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "42", "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "palace precinct", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תופ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spittle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "watch, guard (an official function)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "safekeeping", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "observance", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בירי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "goad", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נומיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "jurist", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fornication", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גלגטק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sedan chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחי#4": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be declared effective", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pass.part. declared an expert", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to declare effective", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "fornicating, fornicator", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "prostitute, courtesan", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to commit adultery, act promiscuously (pluralitive)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחי#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be dissolved", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dissolve, boil up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובתיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Gubta", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "taking out, ushering out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אפוקי יומא : dismissal of a holy day", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "אפוקי שׁבתא : Saturday night", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "אובצן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fatigue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לטוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "curser", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "payment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקדון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "deposit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to lean on", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "letter samekh", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make rest on, join one thing to another", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to rely on, to be sure", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. : supplied by", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to appoint, to ordain", "def_num": "5" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to prop", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to find textual support", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a thick mass", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to transfer to", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁלוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "security, ease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "one who sends", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bellows", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנקלווסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tenant's lease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "agreement", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pledge", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פלכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spindle, distaff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "drawer, remover", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to excel", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to go up in value", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "supreme, highest, exalted", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "upper", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "previous, above in a text", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to improve", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to raise the status of someone or something", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to raise the price, to outbid", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "אפקרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "licentiousness, irreverence", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ownerless-ness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עורדען": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "frog", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a disease", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זעף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: to rebuke", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "storm wind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "the raging of such a storm", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טלית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זעק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cry out, to shout", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "outcry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצוצרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "trumpet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זער": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to become small", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be small, to become small", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. נפשׁ : to faint", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "טליק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "box for documents", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: MQ 80a)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רביעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "fourth (ord.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ילד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be born", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to appear", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to come to pass, happen", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to beget", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cause to bear, to beget", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to serve as midwife", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "final result", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "ילל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of lizard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בישׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "evil, wickedness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as collective: deleterious statements", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "dilapidation, bad condition", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "absolute as adv.: with displeasure", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "בישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "evil, bad thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתק#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sweeten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "neighborhood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי לופתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a place on the loins of an animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "53" ], "definition": "caravan leader", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זעי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74" ], "definition": "to leave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלטיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "couch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טליו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "youth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טליה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "young girl", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "as a form of address among older women [compare American \"girls!\"]", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עתק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fig. : (of anger) to become hot, simmer", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מדנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bunch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "large", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excessive", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(water)", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "numerous", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "adv.", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "תורמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) lupine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עתר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to become rich", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make someone rich", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סער#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to produce hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עושׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take care", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "burial place", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוסתג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "towel, napkin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביתף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "oven", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קבורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "coarse bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפתיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Nabatean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי נשׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "woman's part of the house", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סובר#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to let blood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחשׁול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "tempest, surging of waves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלבד": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "on the condition that (!!)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "perforation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "creation (v.n.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "natural state", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "creature, person", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אלפ בית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "alphabet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "alphabetic acrostic poem", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lenient (as opposed to stringent) case", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נומירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "division of troops", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to flay, skin", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fish skin (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דלי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "water-drawer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gypsum, lime", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "early light, dawn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוקד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "burning", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עדיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "monstrous (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פוזמקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. foot covering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "במטותא מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "I beg of ...", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלוליב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a ricinus tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גריע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inferior, less", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "clay", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיומירון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rose wine (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבישׁה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "antagonistically", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "honor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גינדרופס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "nocturnal demon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדיף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "better", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "עדיף מ_ : preferable than", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מוקס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זילו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "disgrace, defamation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fear", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to fear", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "song", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to be lewd", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60" ], "definition": "salaciousness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a spice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלשׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "weak", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "sick", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to strip off skin", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to strip hides", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאו כל כמין": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "it is not all up to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוגית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "71" ], "definition": "a type of flat-bottomed boat used in the west", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "found", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "present", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "proximate", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "regular, frequent", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "likely, expected", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "familiar with", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "חוק#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dig out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "שׁכיב מרע: gravely ill", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "תפל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "table(?), drum(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרהב": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to rush", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "as coverbial: to do something quickly", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תקנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "arrangement, procedure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "legal remedy", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "medical remedy", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "ordinance", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "משׁמוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sneak, thief", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניחא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "all right, satisfactory", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "often with preposed ה, i.e. interj. followed by אלא", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁבשׁבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "joy, ease of mind", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "ניחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "placidity", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "calm", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "בניחותא : calmly", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "humility", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גמגם": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to stutter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פילוניס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cloak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(zool.) goat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבז#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "lot", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לכיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "legal prohibition", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "prohibited area", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "esp. prohibited sexual behavior, prostitution", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "כסי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "56", "71", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to be covered, concealed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "covering", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to cover", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to clothe", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "ביניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(zool.) a fish name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be taken away from someone", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to lift", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to carry", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to take away, remove", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "esp. to cut off a body part", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "w. טרי: to discuss, have dealings", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to take, take as acceptable, accept", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. יהב: to give and take = to bargain, have business dealings", "def_num": "4.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. other verbs of motion: to move along (cf. English 'to pick up and go')", "def_num": "5.1" } ] }, "שׁקי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to offer drink", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to irrigate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נדרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who vows often", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפיקור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "heretic, sceptic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "drink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be eager", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפרס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "lamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נתח#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be cut apart", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "youth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנישׁקניז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large drinking vessel with multiple straws", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ובורגן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reliable", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "certainty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "lie, falsehood", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "deceit", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lie", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "street, narrow course", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unclean animal", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קבר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grave-digger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקף": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56" ], "definition": "to look down at", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "water-hole", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to sink", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lower", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make sink into a liquid", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stick in, to insert", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to give up ownership", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "הוצי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטט#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to quarrel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטלטלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "moveable (as opposed to real) property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלל#4": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be desecrated", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to violate (a vow)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to make available for private use", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to desecrate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make available for private use by redemption", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תליתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "third, tertiary", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "mediator or factor", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "three-fold", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ביישׁניי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Beit Shean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "guarding", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "ראשׁנית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "name of one of Esther's handmaidens", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "corselet, cuirass", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "helmet", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לעי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to be weary", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to work, to study", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "12", "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be weary", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כלי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "כליא פרוחי : hair clasp", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כלי#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to destroy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ קרנא : to use up the object itself", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עיזא דקורקסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a threshing instrument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סודן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "brewer (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "incense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גונג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "color", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁעבד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: mortgaged property", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "משׁקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sea shell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ידוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "wise person, sage", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קונטרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear:Sab 10c)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתקן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "suitable, well organized", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "subst. : authenticated matter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סודר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "scarf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לולי": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to shout", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "point of a spear or arrow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי דואר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Persian circuit court", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לולב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "palm branch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lulav", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תינייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(arch.) beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סככ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "covering of the sukkah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפולוגוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "counselor for the defense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shield (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "table", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "money changer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קליעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "plait of hair", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "metaph..: network", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פעי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bleat, low", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: to protest noisily", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פעל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "act. ptcp.: see also s.v. pˁl #2 n.m.", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "labor, work", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wage, reward", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "possessions", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בזעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crevice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אידין": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "which one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפנוקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "enjoyment, pleasures", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרקפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "having a distinctive skull", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ל_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to, for", "def_num": "0" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": ": of general relationship (nominal)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "non-animate genitive", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of interest or disinterest", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": ": of general relationship (verbal)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+ infinitive : purpose", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": ": dative", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with transitive verbs", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with intransitive verbs", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ethical dative", "def_num": "3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": ": direction", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "addressee of letters", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": ": possession", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "forming a compound substantive : that which belongs to ...", "def_num": "5.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "l... wl... : one having to do with the other", "def_num": "5.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": ": marking the definite direct object", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "24", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": ": subject of a passive part. in a perfective construction", "def_num": "7" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to give or take lˀntw. lˀnth : as wife", "def_num": "9.1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in order to (from Arabic!)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פעפע": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to crush (eggs)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to seep through, penetrate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרקפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "head, skull", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמטריי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chest maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פצח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to get sober", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. (yn) to brighten the eyesight", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גורגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) bucket or basket for caching fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צונם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "hard stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "cover", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "clothing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בעלדבב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "accuser, enemy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גונדריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small fence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספצן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mourner, wailer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרופתקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large purse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "searching the genealogy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצץ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be sucked out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to suck", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to absorb", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to nurse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטופין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "bunches of grapes ready for plucking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be in the middle, be between", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ ביני": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "from between", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "out of", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כדבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deceiver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to twist", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "border of a field or other property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרדון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) a large lizard or crocodile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "60", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "struggle, strife", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "n.pl. slave mark, brand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "55", "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "farmer, farm laborer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "worm, maggot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פוטי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a small eel-like fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "54", "70", "81" ], "definition": "hand, palm =kp + yd", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : a shoulder bone(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כפין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "famished", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71", "81" ], "definition": "double", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "two-fold condition", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סיקרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leaping (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פויטס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "liturgical poet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "club or strap", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pl. : blows", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כשׁירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "proper matter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבל#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make an animal unfit by improper slaughtering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "teacher", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "specifically one authorized to make halakhic decisions", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אוראה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "the Torah, Pentateuch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a Torah scroll", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "דאורייתא adj. : Pentateuchal, having Pentateuchal authority", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "written law", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "instruction or interpretation of Jewish law", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מוריק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מוריקא דחוחי : prickly safflower", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "הרפני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "fish brine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי פגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bit or halter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פויטן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "liturgical poet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "bitch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to circumcise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטחה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "loin, upper thigh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁביח#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "valuable", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "seller", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פכחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "faintness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוחל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(chem.) stibnite, antimony", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "used as eye paint: kohl", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁמרמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "night blindness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיסקרתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "estate, settlement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "milk fat, butter [in Galilean dialect]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוכחא": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחוון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "willow twigs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "way, road", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "course", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "journey (compare American: \"the road\")", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אגב אורח: see s.v. על גב", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אורח ארעא : see s.v. ˀwrḥ ˀrˁˀ", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "אורז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "rice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרמוסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bathhouse attendant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "length", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "splendid, distinguished", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "fruit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "produce, crop", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "usufruct", "def_num": "4.3" } ] }, "משׁכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "length", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to skin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהרדעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "of Nehardea", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרחמנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "mercy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פארי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "course bran", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טהר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to become clean", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "noon", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "to be clean (as regards ritual)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to polish(?)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to make clean", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to declare clean", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אהניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "benefit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבריאל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a river", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) pelican", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קושׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "difficulty", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "question, argument", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פשׁקצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a huge raptor (perhaps griffin!)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צנף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fringe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צנע": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be hidden, set aside", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to conceal oneself", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "secreted thing?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "privacy, seclusion", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "בצינאע : in private, in secret", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to place, to lay aside", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to hide something", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to keep chaste (?)", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rebuke", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רוביא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of legume", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "handle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "intercalation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "setting of a leap year", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pregnancy", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁחפ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reed stalks", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קונדיטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spiced wine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spices used for flavoring wine", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "floss silk, cottonseed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "abolishment, abrogation, relinquishment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "a dry measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "aspectual modifier with the participle indicating progressive real activity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "nest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "animal burrow", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "metaph.: home, family", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: cluster", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "עקל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be twisted (see derivs.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bale for olive pulps", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צנן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to cool down", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cold food", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cold", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to cool down", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cool something down", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cool someone down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cool someone's sexual ardor", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "voice", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ql rm : a loud voice : see s.v. rm adj.", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sound, noise", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "report, rumor", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "מה קלה ב_ : what is the news", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "public knowledge", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "קושׁק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large building", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עליתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of financial measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "41", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "flock", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to hoe", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערב#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to serve as surety, guarantee", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "42", "50", "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "guarantor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "touch, sense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערב#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "74" ], "definition": "vessel, a type of boat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bowl, kneading trough", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ערב#5": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to set", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to set", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sheep, lamb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זעיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "32", "41", "42", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "70", "81" ], "definition": "small", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "young", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "אסטמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "steel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרז#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "species of locusts", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ כל אתר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in any event", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "60", "70", "74", "81" ], "definition": "body", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "door pivot in the ground", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "אמדלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורנא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "prostitute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיסתור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of tenancy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיונטייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: San30c)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גלגל#2": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be disdained", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to disdain", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a sort of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make a bridge", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bridge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cause to flow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כירים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי כירי", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מגן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "gratis", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "shield", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "sickle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "choice fruit", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מגג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "solution", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to alleviate (?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make tasteless (?), to use bad fruit (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיד_": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "51", "52", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "possessive particle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דדידיה : that which is his", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "often in apposition to the pronoun: _self, very own", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מגו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(logic) a type of legal ruling, see note", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומקם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "kettle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁורניקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "a species of hawk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחוף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "barefoot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "genealogy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "(bot.) sprout, branch of a fig", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרספי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) scale (of fish)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "71" ], "definition": "shoe-strap", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מגף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "Arqite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלמיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "embroidery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דפנא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "laurel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "list, memorandum", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "list or tablet of names carried by the angel of death; i.e., the tablet of destinies", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "ילידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "birth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "money", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדלאי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "from above", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלצל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to clap/shout?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to drill, bore through", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to draw a liquid", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dig out", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חשׁל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to fabricate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "physical objects", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "smith", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עולתין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "pl. endive", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלוסקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוריין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "muscle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רגשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to sense, feel", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sense", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "w. ב_ : to be aware of something or someone", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to stir up rage", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to treat violently (?)", "def_num": "4.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "tumult, movement", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "movement", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אלרסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "attachment, joining", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוס#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be arrogant, to be proud", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be intimate, to be familiar", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גוס#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to meet, encounter, confront", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קותלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ק' דחזירי : bacon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "slips of the loom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "המלתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ginger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרגשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "clay", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכדי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "now, well, since", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צליין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dried figs(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "love, friendship", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפיסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "leather bag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כת#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "clay, dirt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "to be tested", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "72" ], "definition": "to inspect, to search", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to inquire, to examine", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to purge oneself", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to attempt to predict the future", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "בדר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be dispersed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "28", "60", "71" ], "definition": "trans.: usually w. על: to spread or smear something all over something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "int.: to disperse", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of fire: to spread", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of plants: to take root", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to disperse, to scatter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. of fire: to spread", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "p.p. scattered, diverse", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sprinkle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ורדיני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of the rose garden (?) or of a GN (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביריי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Beri", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיפ טיף": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "drop by drop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסילוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stutterer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טירון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "guard, new army recruit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית כסייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a stomach of ruminant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פושׁתיבנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bodyguard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : see s.v. bdyḥ", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make someone laugh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mistake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in the instance where; see infra note", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ב,,, לא בדא : it does not to refer to", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רגוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wrath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to keep separate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to abstain from work", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to recite Havdala", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "Gublite (i.e., Byblian)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mixture of trumah and ḥullin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "measure of length", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קאוקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "clay brazier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמושׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "group of five", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "creation, formation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "breast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית חדיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bosom, chest area or a garment covering it", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יתושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "(zool.) mosquito or gnat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רומשׁית": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "last night", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנתרופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "man", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הינדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלמנטרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "jewelry box", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצוצ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eunuch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חכור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "tenant farmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדשׁ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to heap up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמוך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "sleepy, sleeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "jumper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרסטיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "large balance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרדכשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרשׁ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "secretion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72" ], "definition": "ox-goad", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עיזא דימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish with horns: swordfish(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טימי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "price", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנטורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "senatorial toga", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a medicinal plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחירתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the Tractate Ediyot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחלץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "large wicker basket", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר מדינתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "citizen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יליף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "used to, regular", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמיכ ל_": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "near", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thick", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הוטבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of textile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "compromise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁשׁ#2": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become very old", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to grow old", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "to mature", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁעע": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be smoothed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ססגוניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mental illness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁיטו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "simple share of an inheritance", "def_num": "2.4" } ] }, "סניתיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "custom, manner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "twisted strap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלאי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on high", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בדלא : upstream", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארמי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pagan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "party, group", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "collegium of disciples", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "collegium of scholars", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "בר יומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+3ms. pron.suf. : on the same day", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר אומנותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "member of the same artisanal profession", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפתח#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to open, opening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפתח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who sees", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "euphem.: blind person", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מפתח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "opening [a place]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חושׁבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סאב#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be(come) old", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיראה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) caper fruit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"small children\" in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ורשׁך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "belt worn by women", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הכשׁר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "proper ritual act", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית אלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "the Temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ורשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) wood dove, pigeon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁבקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "divorcee", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁכזג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "leather apron", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁישׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "vial (of alabaster?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חכינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "viper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמיד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wealthy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁווי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "equally", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "commandment", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "designated sacred function", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53" ], "definition": "charity", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חושׁבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "calculation, reckoning", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "item of an account", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "דינ וחושׁבנ : final reckoning", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+ḥšb : to make a reckoning, requite", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "computation, numerical value", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניסן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Nisan (March/April)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חגה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "camel thorn, thistle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליפו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "filed down", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "medicinal salve or paste", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a valuable bead or the like (?)", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "a smoothed board", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a measure at Ashkelon", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "שׁיע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "smooth", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "plaster, whitewashing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית הדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the Temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחריתי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "another", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרזיפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "a bitter herb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁכר בזאי : falconry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תותבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: Sab 7d(30))", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רימן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "wild ox", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "part of ship", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פעלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "day labor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזי#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "breast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזי#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "appearance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "entrails", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חטף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be seized", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to snatch away quickly, especially of wild animals and birds of prey", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "fig. : to take away", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to deceive (mind, eye)", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to rush, do something in a hurry", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) to pronounce a vowel hurriedly, i.e., with ḥaṭaf", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "כרשׁיני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. pebbles", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to hit the target", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אוחרן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "other", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זפת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to line with pitch", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "pitch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוחרי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "other (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר כלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who attends an academic assembly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זפו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "72" ], "definition": "loan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבר ים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "overseas", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנעל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יזף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to borrow", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to lend", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתיכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "necklace, choker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ בתר": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "after (in time)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(in space)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארבאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "boatman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רום": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "רoומeמ : to exalt", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be high", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be exalted, become haughty", "def_num": "1.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to exalt", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to take off, remove", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "height", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "heaven", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "עות#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "to make worse (antonym of \"to repair\")", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בי כיסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "privy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרחל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁריגדונא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a malady", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרחק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "distant", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קשׁיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "recalcitrance", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "קפא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "worm that destroys vegetables", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביעתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fright", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קציף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mourning (dial.)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קשׁיט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "honest, true", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "splint bone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "55", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "talk, speech", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אליקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "windlass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "virgin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "woman who has not given birth", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "דכס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "prince(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "remembrance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברת בר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "granddaughter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to remember, be mindful of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to recall", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be remembered", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to remember", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "p.p. (without l_!) in active perfective sense (compare ethpe'el", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to recall", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to be mindful of a great act and recite it in hymn", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "70", "81" ], "definition": "to recite in prayer", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to remind", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "male", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "ram", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁברר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72" ], "definition": "blindness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dazzling sunlight that causes blindness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אפץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prepare with gall-nut juice", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) gall-nut, oak-apple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(zool.) hyena", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרנס": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to support oneself, be supplied", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to supply, to support, to provide", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "community leader", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(natural processes) late appearing", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make dark", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "cover", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to change places", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move about", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to turn around, turn back (trans.)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "70", "71" ], "definition": "to overturn, to pervert", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "to overthrow, destroy (land, city)", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+שׁבועה : to shift an oath to someone", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "אפי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרנק": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to pamper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהוריתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an eye disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tuber (uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "demolished structure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "purification process", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "purity", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מגד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "duration", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "uncertain title: trapper(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד הכין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "meanwhile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עריה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "cold weather", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרתוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of GN", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be cleansed, purified", "def_num": "1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "pure, clean", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ritually clean", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cleanse, to purify ritually", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "substance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to crush", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סגד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to bow down in respect", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+ l_, qdm : to worship", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סגי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "many, much", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as adverb: much", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as subst.: many people, things, etc.", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to increase in number", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be(come) many", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "impers.: to be sufficient for someone", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לא זגי דלא, לא סגי דלא : one must, it is only possible if", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to make numerous", "def_num": "1" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "much", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סגל": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to acquire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפיסטקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sack for food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "chief", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ממצייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אומדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "estimate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assumed intent", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרט#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכלוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "crowd", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "pl. : population", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "(usually pl.) soldiers, troops", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עללה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "produce", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "harvest", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dowry", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "פרוכסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "praxis (legal decision)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמצעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "canal, aqueduct", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁתלם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who is punished", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סגר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be restrained", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to shut", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pebble", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "clump", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רופיטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "boiled egg", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יחידי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lone, unique", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "single authority", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אנין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+דעת : fastidious", "def_num": "1" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "those (f.) (i.e., as attrib.)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "pit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "piece of bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר אבהן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "someone with important ancestors, patrician", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפשׁי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stupid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "elder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "older", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אטרף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "leaf", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flap of flesh", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דנחירי : of nostrils", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פרה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "less", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "פרה ציבחד : nearly, a little less", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in phrase: x פרה x : every other x", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "74" ], "definition": "cow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בצל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "division, splitting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "hen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אטרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "vermicelli", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "pl. wood chips, firewood", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a flavored chip added to a drink", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רגל#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make it a habit", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lead", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סתימתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unnamed authority", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיצניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a marsh grass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קודשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "ear-,nose-ring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוזגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "employment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בליעין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "straits", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chasm", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עמ דארע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "common person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסילין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pieces of husk (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "checker", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "להן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "where to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כניא פרווא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "להל": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "further on", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נקפ#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bruise", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "להק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקפ#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to give on credit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקפ#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to put together", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stub, knock a limb into something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "להת": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to pant after", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דבבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "hostility", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טור#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bitter herb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקרקעין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "real estate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפיסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "indirect votive binding", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יומחרא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "future", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית טבחא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "slaughterhouse", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אלונקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sedan chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורסי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of bursa", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיגון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "condition of a deserted wife", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלטיר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁונמי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "Shunamite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כהונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "priesthood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת בירתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "irrigation channel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כירתיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "some kind of carrying chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טול#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to walk around", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "euph.: to relieve oneself, i.e. to do one's thing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פושׁקץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "raven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "height", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "elevated ground", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁתיא חמרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a forbidden bird (lit.: the wine drinker)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "baking surface for bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני מעין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "intestines", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "guile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "treading: a type of sandal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גניבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(with implied object of knowledge) : deception, fallacy", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גניבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "theft", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקיע#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expert", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "pheasant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארנונין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of tax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטסטסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "order", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ספדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eulogizer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוריריק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איידי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "by way of", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "because, since", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dry up", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "abdomen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "womb, uterus", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rumen", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "משׁוקיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסטלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "stole, fine garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כישׁ": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clapping sound", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "bunch of vegetables or reeds", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁקוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "drink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלי#4": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to make wonderful, to do wonders", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסטרולוגוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "astrologer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני סמכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "authorities", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלי#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be cracked open", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to split or cut open", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to cleanse of lice", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "פליא ביארי : a type of locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנהומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "roaring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be sticky like wet dough", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "id.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבע עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "seventeen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "multitude, abundance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מלג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to pluck out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "port", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sea port", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "20", "27", "41", "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "land-locked emporium, market square or market town", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "city, central settlement area", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "word", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "statement, speech", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71", "60" ], "definition": "thing", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "60", "71" ], "definition": "matter, case", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "complaint, disagreement", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "עבד: to let blood", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. איתארע : see s.v. ˀrˁ vb.", "def_num": "4.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "ממילא : of itself, intrinsically", "def_num": "4.5" } ] }, "מלח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "salted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to salt", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "salt", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ellipt. : covenant of salt (see Numbers 18:19)", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "דרבנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "guard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרבנן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rabbinic, having rabbinic authority", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to deliberate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to deliberate, to consult", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to regret, to reconsider", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "44", "50", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to reign", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as head of an academy", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to make king", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "king", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "emperor, caliph, emir, etc.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. (the biblical) Book of Kings", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "מלל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be spoken", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "w. עם: to converse w. someone", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to speak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "burden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עידני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "name of a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roasted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be wanting", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to need", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(impersonal): to be necessary", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74" ], "definition": "to need", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be necessary", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "p.p. (impersonal) :to be necessary for", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(alone) :", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "with following infinitive", "def_num": "3.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be in doubt", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to require", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חטי#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+ על : to be delightful to", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p.: delicate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטכסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "silk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "leveling stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בריו#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rebellion, defiance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scribe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קהיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rigorous argument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני מריך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the Jewish people, literally, children of your master", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "open area, campus, large field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "spark", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בט#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of unclean fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפי#2": { "V": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to be barefoot : see s.v. ḥpy adj.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורסישׁנמג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "investigation paper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלוא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impissated juice of aloes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Elul (August/September)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רביע": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "71" ], "definition": "a fourth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(cantillation) rbi'a", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קניבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "trimmings of vegetables", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתחלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "beginning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתנ דמיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "river weed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁררו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "power", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עורקם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hough (shin of an animal's hind leg)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ דמיא : pool", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תקנ#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "proper, correct, steadfast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sick person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברק#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "blockaded area in or attached to a house", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמצע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sewing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stich", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דסתודר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "broom(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליחושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "whispering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלילו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "perversity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלהו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "strength", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרסכנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפת": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make vibrate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרנוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "maintenance, sustenance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דריב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סובר": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "72" ], "definition": "to support", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to endure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עטעם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "sickly, s.o/t. in bad condition", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "column", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "71", "72" ], "definition": "fig.: indentation in a pot or basin where the liquid emerges, spout", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to make parallel or symmetrical", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תגד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crutch", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מרדעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "garment made of patches", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יהיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "situated at, positioned", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "image of an idol", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "a type of tunic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יהיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71" ], "definition": "haughty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "proud", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "דרמ#2": { "V": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to face south", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clod", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "open", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "one who can see", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "official document , summons, warrant", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "תגר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to profit, acquire", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "merchant, business man", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורדיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דיסנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרדכת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a local official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "castrated", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sack", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסתק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) pistachio", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדוותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "foam(?), swelling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כינתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "large worn protective cloth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "death", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(obligation) to be paid back", "def_num": "2" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "whole", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "perfect, complete", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fully in debt (?)", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be whole", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be complete", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "w. rational subject", "def_num": "6.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to owe", "def_num": "8" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to complete", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to fill up", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to supplement", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to hand over, transmit", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to recite a teaching", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(of the moon) to be full", "def_num": "8" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pay in full", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make restitution", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wellbeing, safety", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(ellipt. in letters and other greeting formulas: may you be well) : greetings", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "peace", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "foot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "71" ], "definition": "pilgrimage festival", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "as prep.: because of", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "בריגל_: ibid.", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "על ריגל_: ibid.", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to overturn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר ארי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "powerful person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"fool, dullard\" in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חידות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "novel interpretation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כפור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pitch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "henna", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בית מרבע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "place for lying down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בקיעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expertise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבשׁון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roasted ears of grain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צילו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "mental clarity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כודא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "woman in childbirth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁתמודע": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to recognize", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to accept someone as recognized", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גורגלידא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "head of a turnip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורפור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "purple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלפל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "pepper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to lie down or crouch down (in the manner of an animal)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to copulate with an animal", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to collapse (house)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to lay something down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to make copulate", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "place of symposia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבץ": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to inundate or irrigate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to have something done like a garden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הפקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "licentiousness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "ownerless-ness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הדור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "peddler, itinerant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דכנתא : coils of ileum", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "לכן": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. צריכה : it is necessary for such a case", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "so then", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sharp tip (or puncture ??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיפוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "projection, extension from a wall", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רבו": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ten thousand", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "(usually with משׁח) : anointment for making holy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרשׁ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to plow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיסירנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "garment of goatskin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become terefah", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to make terefah", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) leaf", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fragment", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "side of the nose", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leaf period, i.e. year or season", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "טרס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to go around", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to carry around", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "network of straps of sandals", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to sting, bite", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to strike", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: to bolt together firmly", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרח#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transient", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁמד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "apostate, excommunicated", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסקית": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cross-wise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁמע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(logic) logical meaning", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גל#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "door", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גל#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "straw, dried plant", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "בני בי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wives", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתיבייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scripture", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "traditional spelling of biblical words", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גזלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "robber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be expelled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be troubled or preoccupied", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make an error", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to quarrel", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to drive out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to trouble", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disperse", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to shut up, to confine", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "to close", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : engrossed, preoccupied", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "טרב": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to produce leaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be difficult", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to take pains in doing something, toil", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to beg persistently", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to strain", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to trouble", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "labor", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טרז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "embroiderer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "resinous gum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁודך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "tranquility", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אופן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Ophanim, section of morning prayers", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "wheel of Ezekiel's vision in chapter 1", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חרפד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "bat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "alley, lane", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי אתון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "oven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "the Deluge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small cavity", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "female pudenda", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בר אתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "local inhabitant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צובע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "dyed garment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניטרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(chem.) niter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת ארעא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gout", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ההוא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "that one (m.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ההוא גברא : that man = you", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עינוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "affliction, suffering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחדה קרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one horned animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אודורודוסטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרבלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of head covering", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "cock's comb", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ferry man", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרטן": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to ride in a balanced manner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עודד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "tuft of wool", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "used as stuffing material", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מבוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "spring, source", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפוכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reward", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bitter herb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to cook", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "boiling", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "boiled down vegetables", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "שׁלקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cooked vegetables", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יאי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "beautiful", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "suited, fitting", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טרימיסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "60" ], "definition": "tremissus (coin)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "oppression", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁושׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sounder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יברוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) mandrake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסיפו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרקטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "piece of dough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל אימת": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whenever", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "heavy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "soul, life force", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "w. נפק: to die", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אלתר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "immediately, on the spot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לאלתר : see s.v. lˀltr adv.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "מאלתר, מנ אלתר: from that moment on", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "איזאר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "veil, shawl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבידן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "pagan temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רגב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "clod of earth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ולי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "52", "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(it is) fitting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ולד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fetus", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "72" ], "definition": "newborn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קורבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sacrifice", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "gift", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": " a kind of porridge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁותא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבשׁ#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to assess or collect agricultural taxes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דית": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to mark with black ink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "dwelling", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "shed", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "שׁאילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "question", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "request, desire", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קורבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "proximity, closeness", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "relationship, kinship", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פחשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to squash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיהי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flame-red", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מערוקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fleeing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "60" ], "definition": "gram", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אהמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "number", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "instrument of torture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זקפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "straight arm", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an instance of hanging", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "erect position", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "black ink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "enough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דין": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "81" ], "definition": "this one", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "דין לדין, דין עם דין, etc. : to/with one another", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "judgment", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "literal: holding to account", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "Final Judgment day", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "w. יומ : weekday", "def_num": "7" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lawsuit", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "see s.v. bˁ ldyn", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "justice, law", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "cause, case", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "torture", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "exegesis of scripture", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "סריקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "vanity, worthlessness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבורה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hornet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתיבה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reply", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "subject of discussion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרנדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of silk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דימוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "comparison", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כוורדיקרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cook", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בארג": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "horse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על מנת": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "for the purpose of", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "with the intention that", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "on condition that", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "killing, execution", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לתך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a grain measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכחל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "tool for painting the eyes with kohl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלשׁין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hair arrangement with bare spots (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בנוי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "architect, builder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fellowship", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "luck", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נפתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Nabatean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמורי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wool dealer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דגלת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "The Tigris", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבכ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plait, to weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to be chosen", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to choose", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cause to choose (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to examine, certify", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁגר": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make move across", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to skip over", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to send off", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כרוסטוקטולין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "turret of gold (ornament)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל הכי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "all this", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נידויא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excommunication", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלני#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "bath-keeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלני#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bathing clothes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוגייני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. twigs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פומבייני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. seam between garment and its border", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזק#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to vow (an artificial word)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוכי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "of Socho", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "bath-keeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "guard, protection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "52", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "architect, builder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנטר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "guard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71", "72", "71", "81" ], "definition": "bread baked in ashes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דינמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "power", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עינן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "having large eyes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרקיד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "supine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "round", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "convex", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נכיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "deduction against a loan secured by property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "coupling (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביניין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "building", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "headache", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדשׁנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a species of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "he-goat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוקסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "corner area", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עולבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "humiliation, insult, injustice", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פדופסל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "foot bracelet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צנפ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to neigh", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to shriek", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "throat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gathering of peah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלגו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "half", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "discord", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "difference of opinion", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "נרזבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "drain pipe, gutter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אריסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "tenantship, tenancy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנדקוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of clover", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אריסט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "banqueter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרקדן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on one's back", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבזר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: accessories, appurtenances", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דקדק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "very small, fine", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be exacting", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תכשׁיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ornament, jewelry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "algae, seaweed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כדין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "so, thusly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כדיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "false", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפילו": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "even", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגיזה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "arbitrary decision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיספק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mule drawn wagon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהסאריק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pertaining to intestinal membrane", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "artery", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לגו מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "inward from (a point or periphery)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inside", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עינתיניי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Ein Teina", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרסתק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "royal guard or messenger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עצרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "holiday, Shavuot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עויר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "blinded, blind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "blind in one eye", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "זיפנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "forgery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "באמצע": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "in the middle of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזמנ ד_": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "when", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יסמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "jasmine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרימיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tremis", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על כורח_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "against the will of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בעל כורח : id.", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גמולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "herd of camels", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטא ליפטה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "by the piece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אריסטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "meal, banquet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטיגריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear:PRK 370)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרכושׁה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bellwether", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כורסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a large lounge chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיגריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) tiger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלט": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be(come) inalienable", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to declare permanent ownership", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to confiscate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sweet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. bitter herbs (euph. 'sweet things')", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(coin) unsullied (?)", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "secretion", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to make sweet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוח": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to smell (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig. : direction, cardinal point", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "spirit", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חלל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56" ], "definition": "cavern, cavity", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "hole, hollow place", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the inside contents of something", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "71" ], "definition": "to wash", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to forgive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to relinquish rights", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to cleanse, to wash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to dream", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "dream", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of myrtle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספיקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "doubt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "72" ], "definition": "to milk", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "milk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רון": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to take into consideration (??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ḥalla, the priest's portion of dough", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רוי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be sated with drink", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be drunk", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be moistened", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to offer drink", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make drunk", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כליל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "crown", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "crown tax", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "woman's headdress", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "wreath", "def_num": "2.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) kly_l malkA) : melilot", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "רוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "spittle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "name of a demon", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "דיכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cut off fan-shaped frond of the date-palm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "slope (hapax: rd. מדרונ?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to alternate", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be changed, exchanged", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to be reversed", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of reed or grass: perh. 'love grass' = Eragrostis cynosuroides", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to pass by", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to do the reverse, switch", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to exchange", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to take off shoes or clothes", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bare the shoulder in mourning", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to extract", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to perform the ḥaliṣah ceremony", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to arrange such a ceremony", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "חלק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to apportion, divide", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "31", "32", "50", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרוכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bundle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סגלתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) an aromatic riverside grass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become hard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פנחי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "protection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבועייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "shavuot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דשׁנג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "double-edged blade", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דימוסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "public bath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יובשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "dryness, drought", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(magic) a type of demon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארדבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "darabukka: a kind of drum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרגני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "pearl", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "precious object", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "על פם": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "according to", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כשׁכשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזיג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "dilluted wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בפרהסיא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "publicly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפותיסיס": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "on condition that", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסטילוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small loaf of bread etc.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צליב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "pole for hanging or impaling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לייד": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "towards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לייא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "whither", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיפורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "atonement, kippurim", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "cold", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cold weather", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גרשׁ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be divorced", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to divorce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלבה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of stitch", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ציני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "callus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אונס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "81" ], "definition": "act of force", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unavoidable compulsion", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "accident", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ] }, "תיהא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "breath, vapor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(anat.) a small growth on an organ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be manured", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "dung, manure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to manure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to pluck out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to tear out", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to tear out, uproot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיפלני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "compress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבילו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ritual immersion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "immersion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inhabitant of Ono", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "deed of sale", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "retribution", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מגיסתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "the Lord", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "cave, tunnel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחתרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "breach", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפטרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dismissal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פצל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be split", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be branched", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to split", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוח#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to have one's child delivered", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be spacious", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to give space to", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to widen", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to aid, bring relief", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to profit", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רוח#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to wash (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "54", "71", "74" ], "definition": "comfort, relief, convenience", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "71", "81" ], "definition": "space, room", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "precaution in a legal matter", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "קשׁורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be prolonged", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to make long", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) p.p. : connected to a previous or following word by an appropriate accent mark", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to wait a period of time", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be tall", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "ארי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to specify (?) or be specified(?), raise an objection (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to argue or stipulate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(see s.v. etpa)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(zool.) lion", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig. pl. : great men", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קשׁור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "binding", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: stilts", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "52", "55", "71" ], "definition": "box, chest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכלא טינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) parasitic worm on fish (lit. clay eater)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) mushroom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to weave", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72", "81" ], "definition": "only in שׁפר ארג : choice, best", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lurk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "decoy animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "traveller, guest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ארחא ופרחא : transient guest", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ארז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "cedar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיסקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) plums", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארמי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "Aramaean", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "gentile", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קשׁוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "difficulty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "41", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "honesty, truth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "53" ], "definition": "rightful appurtenance", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "adv./interj.: truly!", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ארע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "איתארע ליה מילתא : euph. for to die", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to occur", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ground", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "land, country", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the Earth", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in the expression \"Heaven and Earth\"", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "soil", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "piece of land, field", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "ארס": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be betrothed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "poison, venom", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "74" ], "definition": "to betroth a woman", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to betroth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתרנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "explanation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בהריק_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "instead of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיגי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "vessel, tub", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברקת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of demon", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תמוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "70", "81" ], "definition": "Tammuz (June/July)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרסוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of lupine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ קודם": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "32", "50", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "before, in front of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "in the presence of -> due to", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פלייה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "old [greek]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביבני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "bathhouse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אספרגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "72", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) quince", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספר מתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a regional official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רדיף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "rapid moving", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיצו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fixed length of time", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "definite sum", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בוסייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "willful negligence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁיכלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wash basin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי בדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(wine)press", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לגו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "within, inside", "def_num": "2" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "55", "56", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "towards, into", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "within", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גריעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inferior status", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "disadvantage", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "גריע#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fig.: inferior", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מעצרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "winepress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יוקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "weight", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "high price, expensiveness", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "heaviness", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "רתת": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be frightened", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to tremble", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to make tremble", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "trembling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bright light", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רתח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be seething", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be hot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to boil over", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to be excited", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be angry, indignant", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring to a boil", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to melt something", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to excite", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "hot object", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. boiling water : see s.v. rtḥyn", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pestilence", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "זהר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "venom", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לגס": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stammer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tube", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "channel", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁלקוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "upper peel of melon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "weight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכונגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "table steward", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארגון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "purple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פוטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) small fish or reptile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוזבול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "prozbul", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "useless", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "abolished, annulled", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "void, eliminated", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "idleness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pregnant", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טבוע#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who stamps", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סתר#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wind on a spindle", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "destruction", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "physical", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סתר#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hide oneself", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "melon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחוזי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Mahoz", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עכבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "mouse, rat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנטיפוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "proconsul", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "morning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be assembled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "to die", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sweepings", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to gather, collect together (trans)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to sweep up", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to gather, collect, assemble (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניותי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Nabatean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדד#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to tilt something on its side", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to turn oneself sideways", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to tilt something on its side", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(arrow) to fell someone", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to turn oneself to the side", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זעם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טננ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to moisten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטויטה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to cut, hew stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גניחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sound made by an animal in fright", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ברד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "hail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פעיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "quarrelsome woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אפיטרופא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "administrator, prefect", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "guardian", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "agent", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גזיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "path", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרחשׁון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "27", "50", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Marcheshwan (October/November)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקדיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטיכרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tunic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be blessed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "knee", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bless", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": " to praise ( God or another divinity)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to call down divinity's blessing upon (person)", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to recite a benediction", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פיל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "corrosion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיל#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "split, crack", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "beating, pressing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבט#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Shebat (January/February)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקוע#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "one who blows the shofar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כונדתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) mule", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ן": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "number 50", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כברי": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to treat with sulfur", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sulfur", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבע#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to overpower, to rob", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרפרנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "additional marriage money", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחמין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mercy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with bˁy : to pray for help", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רכבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an arrangement of palms", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית זיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "olive garden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "damage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטח": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to prostrate oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to spread out something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר זרע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "place suitable for sowing, arable field", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מוסנוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "middle, intermediate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bundle of reeds", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אולימרידי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the entire day", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיעור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "size", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "amount", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "standard measure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזג": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be mixed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to mix liquids together", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to mix a vessel with liquids", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to mix wine with water", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "mixed wine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53" ], "definition": "metaph.: male seed", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: temperament", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "הודיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of hawk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוטי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a nonsense word as part of a popular etymology for פרוסבול; q.v.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריחתן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fragrant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "constellation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "luck, destiny", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "elemental spirit, guardian angel", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בפריע": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "quickly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרפריין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of food, dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוכלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who eats a lot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דילני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "special, proper, personal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בירבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "important person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "54", "60", "74" ], "definition": "liturgical song", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "dirge", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "עובר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fetus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "garment, clothing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁשׁ": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be driven off", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to drive away pests by waving", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטלעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lameness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מאן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "vessel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "instrument, utensil", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "colter of a plow", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "garment", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מאי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "what?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "w. ד_ : rel. pron. : that which", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מאך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to lower", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "מאה": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hundred", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקזנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bloodletter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחבר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "darkened", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי קברי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "cemetery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "siphon", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בת גושׁתא : small siphon", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁושׁבינו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "office of groomsman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוקעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "60", "71" ], "definition": "piece of cloth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אהילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "jealousy, rancor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרי מצוון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "charitable person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גושׁק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "palace or pavilion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גושׁף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "rough cloth, felt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפסרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "halter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. אותב: to punish", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אפסירא דארעא : possession of land", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "איסמטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "alley", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "24", "44", "51", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": " tunic", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : membrane covering an organ", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כתוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "writer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "70", "81" ], "definition": "destroying angel", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מאס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become repulsive", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "p.p. : repulsive", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחבט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: Shekinah, the Divine Presence", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קיטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "inner chamber, bed chamber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כאכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of reed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיפוסק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "coarse meal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "male genitals", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: the tip of the ram's horn", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: source, fountain", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fructifying potentiality", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "אלבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורפדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of jar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a prepared dish (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פריזומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "girdle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fumigation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איידילן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגולגל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "poached (egg)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיבולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : something extra", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מלטום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "honey cake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "amphora", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁרתא": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strength!", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבעון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "likeness(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זריע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sown", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sea", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lake", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hedgehog", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירקני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hand", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "arm", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "power, control", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "possession", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ˁl yd (= byd q.v.) : in the hand of someone as a messenger or carrier", "def_num": "4.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "šlḥ yd: to attack, take aggressive action against", "def_num": "6.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mḥy yd: to stop someone from doing something", "def_num": "6.4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mn ydˀ lydˀ : from one hand to the other, face to face, in person", "def_num": "6.8" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "נפק ידי חובה : to fulfill an obligation : see s.v. ḥwbh", "def_num": "6.9" } ] }, "אקנתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "change in vegetation color (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ית": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "accusative particle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "as a demonstrative pronoun : see s.v. yt_ pron.", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "introducing indirect objects", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אותנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "linen garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זריז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "swift", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "scrupulous, diligent", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "דברי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "leader", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמני": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ראשׁ גלותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "exilarch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁמשׁנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "servant, attendant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמל#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "teaming arrangement", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small bridge", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרקע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "land, ground", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרקף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "skull, bald head", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "קרקף גברי : per individual", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרקר": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of cows", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סגי#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impersonal construction : to be able to walk", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to go, walk", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be current, valid", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to walk about", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ב_ : to act in a manner, engage in", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פלגי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "disputer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זליל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "cheap", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "באזיאר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "falconer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בושׁכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in a charm formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פהרגבנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "royal guard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אודנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bath-tub", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהיר#3": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bright", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר אנשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "man, person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זביל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shovel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁט#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to bedeck, adorn with beauty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prepare", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. תכא: to set the table = to prepare for sexual intercourse", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "קשׁט#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to do right, be truthful", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "true, honest person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "teacher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pupil (of eye)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "די#2": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "this", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרגרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "throat, gullet", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דיסקתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "market town", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרגרן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "lavish: gluttonous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסטובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bench", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניסכא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thread from a weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חתום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "signer, i.e. witness to a document", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "specifically one who signs as witness with a seal", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חתר#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be broken into", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חתוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cutting", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "slit", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "exemption", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזוזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "mezuzah: Pentateuchal text attached to the doorpost", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "Orion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספסירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "brokerage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הלא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "affirmative particle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרז#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "embroidery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לגמרי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "entirely", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הלך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to walk about", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to go, to proceed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "literally: to move from one place to another", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. inanimate subject", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "81", "82" ], "definition": "in the ethical dative construction", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to move from one state to another", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to die", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to behave, act", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. b_ : to follow a way", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to undertake an action", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as co-verb : to go and ...", "def_num": "" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to walk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקרוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "frog", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ברקרקתא < בר עקרוקתא", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁסטם": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to shackle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אציל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "elbow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעטן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "olive vat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרונא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of pomegranate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוורתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "kidneys", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "smoke", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ורשׁין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁהי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to grow faint, be extinguished", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to languish", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁכנן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "person with drooping eyelids", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "thin part", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קטול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "murderer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אציץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "pot, vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מציעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבור אנדרפיטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a forbidden bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפרזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hyena", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מציעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מציעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : eye of a needle (based on its shape?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "neck", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "windpipe", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אוותינט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "authentic, authoritative", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "clay brazier", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רישׁ כרכי ימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chief of the \"cities of the sea\"", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איני": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "is it not so?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עינוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "lobe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדל#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "absorbing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איסטפניני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "carrot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mass of sealant material", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרדי#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to split open (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wrought metal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דדינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wick made of pine wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסיק#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fraction, part", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bowl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוה": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to become sour", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make sour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weaver", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a forbidden bird (weaver bird?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קום": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be preserved, to last", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to live, stay alive", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to rise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to recover from an illness", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to stand, to be raised up", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be present", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be alive", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to occur", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to stand still, to stop", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be stuck, stay in one place, remain", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remain undecided, esp. in the form תיקו", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be dealing with a situation", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to persevere, last", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to occupy oneself with, take care of", "def_num": "4.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to support", "def_num": "4.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give in return", "def_num": "4.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": " to ascertain, understand", "def_num": "4.3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. + ל_ : to have become certain", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to meet", "def_num": "4.4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "w. btr, mn btr : to follow, succeed", "def_num": "4.7" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. lwqbl : to prevail against", "def_num": "4.8" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "31", "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "in hendiadys to indicate inception: 'go and'", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "aspectual marker w. participle: see s.v. adv.", "def_num": "5.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(milk) to curdle", "def_num": "6.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make to stand, to position", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to establish", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to interpret", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to appoint", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to impose", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to awaken s.o.", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to resurrect", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "טבאות to provide a guarantee", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make curdle", "def_num": "6" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to establish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to solve a problem", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "ˁm : to protect", "def_num": "4.2" } ] }, "קול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "lenient decision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טירונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ruler, lord", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "lamp-stand, menorah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "husk of grain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצר#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to become sick", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "בית קורבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the Temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רדד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become thin", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to stamp, to beat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גינוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "family", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "plowing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי רדו : area of one day's plowing", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חגל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to go around", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רדי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "plowing", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to plow", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "plowing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רדף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "w. d.o. or btr : to pursue", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to seek out", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to chase away, expel", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "דודאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "county governor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "driller", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mortar", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "socket bone", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁדה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of chest", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "משׁורתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stirrup (?)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jumping platform (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חגר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to cripple", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דייל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "attendant, serving person", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "constable, herald (or the like)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁבב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "neighbor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורדק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "withered flesh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיבוצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pressed cake(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "kite (raptor)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "linen garment (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "residence (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהורתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a mineral", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדרשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "textual exposition", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "homily", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "(ellipt. for byt mdr$) : school", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כסלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "27", "41", "51", "52", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Kislev (November/December)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סגיד ואכיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird (lit. \"bows and eats\")", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "apostate, Judaeo-Christian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירק#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be pale", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לדעבר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in the past", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "broom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסרן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fleshy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "egg", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "referring to the shell", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "testicle", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פרדשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יהב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be given", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be placed", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to give", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as a gift or donation", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to provide necessities", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pay off an obligation", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. nsb: to bargain, negotiate a commercial transfer", "def_num": "1.4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to place", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to grant, allow, concede (i.e., to 'give in')", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to hit", "def_num": "5.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. b_: to sell for, exchange for", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to entrust", "def_num": "7" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to invest", "def_num": "8" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "load, burden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמרוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dealer in wool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנתרופייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a saponid plant, perhaps Mediterranean statice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ מתיבתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "head of the academy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "shaft", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁופתא דתומא : shaft (?) of garlic", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רביתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "ocean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spoil (meat)", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "חתימו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "signature", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רגשׁ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain: BR 294)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כותא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blister of a burn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איזלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bunch (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of demon (i.e. 'strangling')", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרום": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "on top of", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "70", "74", "81" ], "definition": "height", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוסאן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lily", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אצו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "dough", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "kneading trough's contents, batch", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אצי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "row, furrow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרר#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to annul a vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחריק": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in place of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקרוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "frog", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הכין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "so, thus", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "הכי והכי : such and such", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בלאו הכי : in any event", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "so strong (?)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "לכד_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as regards the interpretation of ...", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדיחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "cheerfulness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "(usually pl. collective) bitter herb", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bitterness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דיב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "see s.v. snyy dybyn", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אצר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to store up", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "contraction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) part of a palm tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צור#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to grab", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to shut, to lock", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to besiege", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rub against", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בי שׁימשׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "Friday evening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמיר#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "learned", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איבריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hubris, violent haughtiness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתרצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sustained tradition", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרקוליס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "statue of Mercury", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר חירין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "free individual", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "unmortgaged property", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "גרגו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "well", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "רישׁ גרגותא : official in charge of irrigation", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בי סגנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "prison", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרען": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who repays a debt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ססגון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "vermillion (any shiny dark color?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נאגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) rocket (a type of mustard) = arugula and/or watercress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטיר#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "pure, clear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרגס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a type of gnat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אברייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "festive meal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארסנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "barley groats", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סאב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be made ritually unclean", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to defile, to dirty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "סייב : (uncertain)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "seah: a grain measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרבץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "courtyard", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "school study hall", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "לאי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "it is not", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become weary", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מוניק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "necklace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of rush (used in making sandals)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "it is not; interrog.: is it not", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "_לאו כל כמין : it is not at all the right of X : see s.v. kmyn p", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בלאו הכי : in any event ; see s.v. hkyn adv.", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "no!", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "non-", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פשׁיעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "negligence", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אלמלא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "if indeed", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מוניט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bread cooked in ashes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rumen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to become warm", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be aroused by love", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to warm fledglings", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזיזו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "strength", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיפור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "trumpet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "shofar", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "charity box", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נחות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "emigrant or traveler to Babylonia from Eretz Israel", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "+ ימא : seafarer", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "הקיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "circumference", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "enclosure fence", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חרוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "destroyer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורדיני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "Gordian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוסיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "property, estate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ירתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Yartha", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "inheritance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסוק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reader of first part of verse", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פסוק#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "biblical verse (see also s.v. pswq #1)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁטפ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rapidity", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "free behavior (?)", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "שׁטפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "heat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "fever", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to heat up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרסן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fish-hash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חממ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to sweep", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sweep", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגושׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "disturbance, commotion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a wide textile used as a covering, spread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרכ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to wait", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "road", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "manner", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מפנק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "delicate, pampered", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁכבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one whose eyebrows overshadow his eyes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "clothing (pl. for multiple items)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as a collective: complete wardrobe", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מתקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "weight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "suffering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one receiving a tradition", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נאני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mommy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוסתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "liquid measure (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צננ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "aroma of roast meat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) fork-like reed or reed bunch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pitchfork", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי בלועי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whirlpool or chasm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תתובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "repentance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "coat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "shame, disgrace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תתובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "repentance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "refutation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "oxgoad", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רתחן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "effervescent", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hot-tempered", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טרימוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגה": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to shine at dawn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ל-: to dawn", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to get dark", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be late", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prolong", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "43", "44", "51", "71", "74" ], "definition": "dawn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "goring", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to butt, gore (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to dry up", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to dry up (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "p.p. : dried up", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to dry up (trans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wipe dry", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קפולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grave robber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be beaten", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to grow weak, to faint", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(trans.): to draw something towards oneself; to stretch something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to guide, to lead", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "27", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to take away, remove", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(intr.): to be drawn out", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to flow", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) to be in disjunctive position", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to sigh", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to attract, to pull away", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to snatch away", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to flog", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "scourging, lashing, stripes", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אוויר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "air", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "empty space", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לחורייה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "backwards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "latticed grating", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "60 barrier", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ#2": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "what?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+(h)w : what is it?", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קנקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "cooking pot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "euph.: intestines or excrement", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסיפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(unclear:BK 104)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "volume", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "full shape, appearance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קדד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to penetrate", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to travel through an entire territory", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "strip of of cloth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "one who plaits", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדם": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "front part", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "spatial", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in the presence of, with a high official or divinity reflecting respect and distance", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "reflecting close relationship to a king or god", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "temporal", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "before a rel. clause as a conjunction", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to come before in time, precede", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to do beforehand, to do something first", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to do something first", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "as a co-verb", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be early", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to advance (trans.)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give preference to", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to precede", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "as co-verb: to do early on", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to do previously", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to greet someone", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(pig) hard back", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the bend at the top of a letter", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": " to remain/be delayed on one's neck = to be obligated for later payment", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נגס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to dine", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to feed dinner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפום": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "according to", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "divided into", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נגף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be bruised, to be wounded", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to bruise, to wound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגע": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to be afflicted with leprosy", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "sore, infection", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "70", "71" ], "definition": "to touch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to deal with", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bring into contact", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to afflict with leprosy or the like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרוצי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: SR 1d)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "carpenter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: for a scholar", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "artisan", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "nipple", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gland or cartilage in the throat of an animal", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "מומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "oath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dough-like mass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לונכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71" ], "definition": "dart, short lance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חטן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חטט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to dig out, excavate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to excavate contents", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(p.p.) having scabs, sores", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חטי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "guilty, sinful", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to sin", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגיריון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "kitchen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תורא דימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כותין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "tunic, linen garment", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "כ.iית.UנAא דוaור:ד.Aא: membrane surrounding the lungs: see s.v. kytwn", "def_num": "2.3.3" } ] }, "טיכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fortune, luck", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלמ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to close firmly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלמ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to close firmly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנובה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72", "81" ], "definition": "small (smallest?) coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרנוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thistle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חטר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to strike with a stick or other implement", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a tick on a letter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פחיז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impetuous", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ית_": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "that one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "end", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת נירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a small portion of a loom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "purple thread", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "purple fringe", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "uncertain : תכלתא דבבל, דחביל ימא", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "עופ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תותב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "shirt", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sheet", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קדי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of owl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפודקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "Cappadocian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניוול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "disgrace, abuse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a type of lodging (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיזב": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to save oneself", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be saved", "def_num": "2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to save", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "liquid, drink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. willows", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלוי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "uncovering", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "upper surface", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "food or drink left uncovered overnight", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "זה וזה": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the cry of a lion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גביו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "office of tax collection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "merchandise", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מורשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "projection, top", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "prow of a boat (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁוכת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "pus", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "איסקריטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scribe, secretary", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טנף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be soiled", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. soiled", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to defile, pollute", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to soil", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קינבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hemp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קתוליק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "officer of temple treasury", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "light", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "51", "53", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "net", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of legume", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) riding animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברק#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "the morning star's light", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "teaching", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of marsh reed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "corpse, body", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בינא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "leech or similar aquatic creature", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be sent", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "skin, hide", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to send (something or someone, but see note)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to send word; order, command", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to let loose, release, dismiss", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to let the hair grow long", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to send (pl.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁלך": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to throw", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to have power (+ b_ or (l = over)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to rule", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(body part) to be functional", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to have the right", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to prevail, dominate", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to empower", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. (or afel p.p.?) controllable (?) [cf. peal mng. 1.2]", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁלי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to err", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be forgetful", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to cease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sew or chain together", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "boiled", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "palpitation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיכוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "indispensable condition", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "delay, tardiness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁוני#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "diversionary canal", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר שׁוניא : a small such canal", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "תמנתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one-eighth of a qab", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ruling, having power (as a.p. of šlṭ)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. b_, ˁl : to have power over", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. l_ (rare b_) + infinitive: to have the right to do, to be allowed to do", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ruler", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁלף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pull, draw out (sword, shoe)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to annul (sec. dev. from the ḥaliṣah annulment ceremony", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to tear away", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיניטוס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פונדק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "inn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fully indebted", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פורתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "small amount", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "tranquility", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי מרזח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "place for a wake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "naked", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "messenger", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁ:לiיחAא ד:צiיב.UרAא : prayer leader", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ירת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to inherit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to take possession", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to bequeath", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "50", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "heir", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פירמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "used for liquids", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בימס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "elevated stand, pedestal, rostrum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קושׁרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "staff(?)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ירק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "72", "81" ], "definition": "green", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to spit", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "vegetables", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כייב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "guilty (dial.) : see s.v. ḥyyb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דובשׁני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "honey-like, honeyed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קליפרס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "important person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to bring suit, to complain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבל#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to become dark", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "counter charm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "thigh or buttocks", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: base course of stones (?) [or emend to אורבי]", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גריס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "as subst.: see s.v. grys n.m.", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "split fodder bean", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ירי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to teach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to make a legal decision", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אמודי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "diver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זריזו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "diligence", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "quickness", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ירח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "month", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "moon", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "new moon (i.e. = BH חדש)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "שׁיזף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) Zizyphus vulgarus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיתול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "turn of events", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "growth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "sprout", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "מנקרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expensive material (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אראל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "=MT אֲרִאֵיל, understood as the name of the altar in the Temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "she-ass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to come", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to come with a legal opinion", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to occur; w. ˁl : to befall", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to come to mind", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+לידי : to lead to (intran.)", "def_num": "4.5" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring in", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to bring a proof, derive", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to add (proof)", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to bring upon, to inflict", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קלעי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "hairdresser", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רסתקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "district, village", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Ursa Major", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "place", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "location, i.e. place where something/someone is located", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "ˀtr d : rel. conj. : place where, wherever", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as a spacial relative: place where", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "synagogue", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "land, region", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "טפי#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be in excess", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to increase, be in excess", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to increase something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to shut, to close", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניפון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a Nazirite's vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרונדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) stony clod or tree root", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית מקדשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "the Temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to conduct oneself, manage one's life", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lead, to drive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. על : to be leader over, take precedence over", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to live, act, behave", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to give precedence, treat as leader", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lead", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to shepherd sheep", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "metaph.: to govern people", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to treat someone/something", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בורא#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "uncertain small object of clay or shell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be joined, join", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to adhere to", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be stuck together", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "combination", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(usually w. b_) : to stick to, to adhere", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "71" ], "definition": "to adjoin, reach", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to attach, to make to stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דילטורייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "informing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(birds) to hunt, stalk (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be hostile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סקור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "astronomer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be slaughtered [dubious emendation]", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sacrifice", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "animal sacrifice", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "holiday requiring a special animal sacrifice", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "specifically, Passover", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "קיני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "smith", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איליסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a piece which fits into another", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרזומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a beverage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טריפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "terefah : animal ripped up by another and hence unclean", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "something suspected of being terefah", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "irregular way of life", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בריון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "creator (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרתוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "blow with the fist", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "לגרמ_": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "alone, by oneself", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ער#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) tamarisk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) he-goat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סילון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "tube, pipe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גמל#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to be weaned", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": " gimel, gamal, third letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "60" ], "definition": "camel-driver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמל#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mutual agreement", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גמל#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who performs charitable acts", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרבינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "foster mother", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרכמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "drachma", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיכן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "from here", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבעוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Gibeonite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bay (of water)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גולמישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of cedar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגחקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "entrance(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסכס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to chew up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rub", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קווקייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sheep", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כדו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "now, this time", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "already", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "כדב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lie", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "71" ], "definition": "false thing, fiction", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אנטל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a bucket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כדי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "worthy", "def_num": "1" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "for nothing, of no value", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+נסב : to deal with incidentally", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דכדי : adj. : of no value", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "סופיסט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "wise man", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מחסורייתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "defect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "Thursday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "roof", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "any upper horizontal", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ledge", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "top horizontal of a letter", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "אגר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "employer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רביעה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "specifically, of a log liquid measure", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גוהרקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chair, litter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) young date palm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "crying", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יבישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "dry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "unfit, blemished person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חורבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "destroyed building", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁדל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be deceived, enticed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to beguile, to deceive with flattery", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to entice", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חורבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ruined building", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "נקד#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to remove veins", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to cleanse", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בגלל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "because of, on account of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גחכן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jester", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סופיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "wisdom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "biblical verse", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "indicator, definer", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "declaration", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "דיקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. תבע, בעי : to investigate a legal case", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוביא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "part of a kiln upon which flat bread is baked", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנגיטריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "name of demon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "armor, i.e. chain mail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחת#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "depreciation, deduction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עטרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pitch", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "stairstep", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרר#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bore a hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרר#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "(throat) to become hoarse", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "legal contestation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טסקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "land tax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "האיך": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "that(m.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "deceased person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על יד": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "by means of (as messenger or carrier , and also see s.v. ˁl ydy)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יוהרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "splendor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "haughtiness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דחיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: distressed", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "contrived", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "הוגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "young camel, dromedary", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "terrible, frightening", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of divinity : awesome, worthy of worship", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ערבובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "disordering, entanglement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lowest level (i.e. firstborn!) in a clay retaining wall surrounding a field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעזל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "spindle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ורצץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "newborn chick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יבשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "dry land, earth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁזרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "backbone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכר": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to give birth to a firstborn", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "סניף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "attachment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית עלם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sepulcher, grave, tomb", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53" ], "definition": "eternal abode", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "cemetery", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בכי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to weep", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to weep uncontrollably", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "44", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to lament someone", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בכן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "72", "81" ], "definition": "then", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רברב#2": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to strive (עם, ל_ with )", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עצר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "speculator in provisions (?), juice-man (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחותי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "descent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלנית": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "so-and-so (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "farmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גירדון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "young ass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "planter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארזפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "hammer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "victor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "building", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקוליתוס": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in good order", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tripod stand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוזמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a small piece of jewelry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומיס פנטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "officer in charge of everything", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "nazirite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁוחאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "surveyor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tendon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזיזי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small chunk(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "marriage canopy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אברזין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "saddle cover", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סליקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "refuse of boiled dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עילו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "above, heaven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גחילנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ לרע": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "from below", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) ultimate stress", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פסול#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "disqualification", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "set time, proper time", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "time set for study of Law", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עדי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "here is/are, this is", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pass over, cross", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pass over", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pass through", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be over, finished, removed, pass away from", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to cease", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to overcome, overwhelm", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of one person upon another", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a condition or sickness upon someone", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "odor", "def_num": "4.2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to remove, take away", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to become pregnant", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בהרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "white spot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "this", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "lot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הזמנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "summons", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיטורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ינוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "youngster", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "infant", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "young man", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "איפיטרך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "patriarch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תררא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blithering idiot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרצוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "face", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחופ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(of an animal) blow or kick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוסבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) coriander", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "sorceress, enchantress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בהרק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to separate o.s. from another", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על גיף": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "on the shore of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "compress", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. fastened", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bring close to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "belt of palm leaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצחן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "victory, success", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "chapter, biblical lection", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "literary unit of a Psalm", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "נצחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl.; victories (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "relative (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "payment to the authorities", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "נהרבילי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Nahr-Bel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "excellent, eminent", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(witnesses, documents) reliable", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "lofty", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eve", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "מעלי שׁבתא : Friday", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Awite", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cry loudly", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to roar", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "infant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "entrance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "81" ], "definition": "still, while", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "additionally, more", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "51", "52", "53", "55", "45" ], "definition": "most commonly with w. : never again", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עוב": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be guilty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דול ידין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "handicraft", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפכעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part of the abdomen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרתר": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to throw?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "small piece of leather", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגואי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inside (as it relates to something on the outside)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חביט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "club", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "redemption money of the second tithe", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "תלת עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thirteen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עות": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to prepare, to fix [candles]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "60" ], "definition": "chaff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טקסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "regiment of troops", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "50", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "birds", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) a single bird", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עוק": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to oppress, trouble", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rung of ladder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to advise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dispute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רדוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "pursuer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be buried", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bury", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hide something", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to swell up (?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tomb, grave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be established", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make fixed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to insert", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to establish, designate", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to set, to fasten", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "proclamation of the fixation of the time of the new moon", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fixed point", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fixed time", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ] }, "נאם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to utter, say", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבהק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fig.: distinguished, brilliant", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טקסיוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "officer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be immersed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to immerse", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולבאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "23", "31", "41", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "province", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "country", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "city", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ספרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "teaching position", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "vow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the offering promised by a vow", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁגיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "inflamed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lower", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "terrestrial", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "downward", "def_num": "2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to lower", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as a co-verb: to do something in a low manner", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קבל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be accepted", "def_num": "1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dark, obscure", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "darkness, gloom", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to confront in complaint (w. mn, ˁl against)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cry out in complaint", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to receive, to accept", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to consent, acquiesce", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to bear (obligation, guilt)", "def_num": "1.4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to receive guests", "def_num": "1.7" } ] }, "חספני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "(med.) a skin disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(liquid) to be collected", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קדשׁ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to act promiscuously.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיקח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "seeing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "obligation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to desire", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "sexual appetite", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to desire", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to desire strongly, covet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרדנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "afflicted with an itch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "mule", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מולד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "birth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמט": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become infected(?); to droop(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "proper", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be seen, to appear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig. : to be seen as, seem to be", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to see", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. infinitive: to see fit to do something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. ב_ : to look at, study carefully", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to show", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "filling", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mound", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "חמם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be heated", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be hot", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71", "82" ], "definition": "to heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ewe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בשׂורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "tidings", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "millstone, mill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלת": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "three", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make threefold", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "רחב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "open space (i.e. = rḥwb)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסהדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "testimony, statement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עודפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "surplus", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "greater importance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עשׂור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "a tenth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסוסטל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be(come) distant", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to remove, move something away", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to remove something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to banish, remove someone", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. estranged", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "רחץ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "+על : to rely on, trust", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "+ב_ : to trust in", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "p.p. : to trust, to rely", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. supported, trust", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חמע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to become fermented/leavened", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to ferment", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cause fermentation, leavening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to commit חמס", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chametz", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיתבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sexual intercourse (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חמר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be stringent", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to make a stringent ruling", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סקרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": " red paint", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בי כבשׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "graded field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כבשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבינו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "purchase", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "purchase", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "merchandise", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עגול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "circle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: circular features", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "loaf of bread", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בולסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "glass lump", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מירסינטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "preparation from rose oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71", "72" ], "definition": "circle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרבעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "resting place of an animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלוליי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "wanderer, transient", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספנ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be fructified", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספנ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to fill an empty space, as the hold of a ship (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "footpath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "dripping", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סימטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "abscess in the skin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוצ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stick", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to squeeze", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוגמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "jaw, cheek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגדליי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Magdal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דהבן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": " golden one; i.e. goldsmith?? blond??", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "golden one; i.e. goldsmith?? blond??", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגירוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cook", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוסדוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "entry road", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוקר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "the living substance within bone or brain", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "cranium", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אכפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "contrivance to carry loads / shoulder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רצוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "low quality wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ סטר": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "beside, next to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת עינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pupil", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hole in a millstone", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁמם": { "V10": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "71", "81" ], "definition": "אשׁתומם : to be confounded", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be desolate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to destroy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיקמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קובטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "box maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכיפת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hoopoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "radish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ditch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) a small diurnal raptor: hawk or falcon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסוכריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stopper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "birth stool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקע#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "crack, rift", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "anal fissure", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make known", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be heard", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hear and respond to", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "šmyˁ l_ : he has heard, he knew", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to obey", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to understand", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+מן : to infer from", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cause to hear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to announce", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to give to understand, teach a legal tradition", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to imply", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "report", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בעגל": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "quickly, soon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pay attention (?? see s.v. smr vb.)", "def_num": "7" } ] }, "שׁמת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "excommunication, ban", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "excommunicate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bar for hanging meat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to boil over", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "horse, war horses", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתחתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "inferior, lower", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יתר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be left over", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as co-verb: to do something excessively", "def_num": "4" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56" ], "definition": "to be left over", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be left over, remain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be better", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to go up in value, be profitable", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to leave a remainder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "27", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to provide an advantage, make to excel", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "11", "53" ], "definition": "to add", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a sacrifice notar, i.e., remaining beyond the allowed time-frame", "def_num": "5" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to add", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "56", "70", "81" ], "definition": "remaining part, excess", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "intelligence, wisdom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רהיט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swift", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁוצין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "date spadix (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "hair, thread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מילה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fruit or sap of a tree used for invisible ink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזיז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "cracked, brittle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "span, handbreadth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be sprinkled", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to throw", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) to use a disjunctive accent", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "to throw", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(cantillation) zarqa", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "coal pan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "(fire, rain, sore) to grow fierce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(intrans.)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(trans.)", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(seed)", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(land)", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "1.2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(testicles) to be viable, contain semen", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "seed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sowing", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "offspring, family", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "הדוסט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "high", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be hung", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to suspend", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hang, execute by hanging", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to lift up (esp. eyes)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fig. : to suspend certainty, be undecided", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to make dependent, hold responsible", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "hook, loop, cord", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(med.) + lb : a part of the abdomen similarly shaped", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "זרז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bundle (?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to hurry", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to strengthen", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to arm, dress in military garb", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to encourage", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "זרב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "see s.v. zrby", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to press, to compress", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to shut up, to constrain", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "זרד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a hard, reed-like shrub", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to trim shoots", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "creator", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בינת": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "between", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יתם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "orphan", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: anonymous composition", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: ignorant one", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גויה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "male organ (euph.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קני#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become incensed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be jealous of one another", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "w. בט : to be jealous of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to warn one's wife of unfaithfulness", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ] }, "גויל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of parchment for scrolls", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סהר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the Moon", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "the monthly lunar cycle", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "נחשׁ#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to alloy with copper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחשׁ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "44", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "augury, divination, omen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אינהי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "they(f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אינהו": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "they(m.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוכן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pestle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "club", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rib bone at the spine", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁאלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "request", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "question", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "alone", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "responsum", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "borrowed object", "def_num": "4.2" } ] }, "בר עבדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "enslaved person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cowering, bending down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "potter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירקרקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סהד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to testify", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to admonish, to charge", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to testify, bear witness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to affirm publicly", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "witness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "complaint", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלכסון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "diagonal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמהה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "truffle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "(zool.) elephant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרגרנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gluttony", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pair", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74", "81" ], "definition": "spouse", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "suit of clothes", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "even number", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scissors", "def_num": "7" } ] }, "מרישׁ": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "at first, formerly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "once again", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מקרקע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "real estate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חורה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "horse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלאך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "angel", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סוסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "mare", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקב": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to rot away", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קימא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "curdled milk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צתת": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to light a fire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) saturia thymbra (savory)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרמני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Qarman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "'thorny one'", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ditch, small pond", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוסתקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stalk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיס": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be appeased", "def_num": "1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "friendly, agreeable", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "persuasion, argumentation", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to appease, to reconcile", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to persuade", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "vase, pot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fringe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחסנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "inheritance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורטיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spit (utensil)(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "matter, thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "frozen, congealed", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דבר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "70", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "high pasture, field", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spec. as opposed to town", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כגון": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "like, as", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "for instance", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "as if", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be shut up, blocked", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "in particular, of the mouth or voice", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to shut up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנטיגרף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "written reply", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "decree", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "22", "60", "71" ], "definition": "slab of wood or stone", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "גדדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "(bot.) wormwood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהוא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "what is it ?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "is it permitted? what is the law?", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "w. d_", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(logic) מהו דתימא : you might say (in raising an objection)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מיין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "water", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "body of water", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) + fish : fish brine", "def_num": "4.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+eggs : egg whites", "def_num": "4.6" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ bran, vegetables", "def_num": "4.7" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+ slq : an alcoholic brew made with beet-root", "def_num": "4.8" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+זריונ flax water/wine", "def_num": "4.9" } ] }, "שׁלוכיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "uncertain 'Galilean' form", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוסקניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כופרא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "palm spadix or spathe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "palm pollen", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כסיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "Orion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ תרעא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "royal gatekeeper (an honorary title?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיתון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": " jug or ladle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small piece of wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היזמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a prickly shrub", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be heavy", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig. : to make heavy", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "liver", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "anger, highly emotional state", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כבב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "charring", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to burn", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to char", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "border", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "territory within such a border", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be extinguished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to extinguish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "55", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "chain, foot fetter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "place of the foot-chain", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to tie up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : (of land) barren, not fertile", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לרע": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "below, downwards", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "דלרע : adj. : that which is below, lower", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כבס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "palm stalk with dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "70" ], "definition": "plow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "yoke (i.e a pair) of oxen", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תחות": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "under", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "at the bottom of", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54", "56", "70" ], "definition": "instead of", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כבר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "already, long since", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארגרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "siliqua (silver coin)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "path", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "poll tax", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to cut off, remove", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "metaph.: to detour", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "כיסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small bag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקרי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "primary teacher", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "w. דרדקי, ינוקי", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כיסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cramps", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "bride-price", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוזמיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "scalpel, knife for circumcision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "70" ], "definition": "thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ סידרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "head of the sidra", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "(sun)rise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "padding for a camel (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זור#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to turn (trans.) : p.p. said of the eyes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "going out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "pl.: the Hagiographa", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "53" ], "definition": "what is it?", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to liquify", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מהל": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to dilute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעיקרא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "originally, at first", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גושׁ חלביי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Gush Halab", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ורדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) boxthorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהר פפי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Nahr-Pappa", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "whisper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צנורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "hook", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a place for fleeing: cave (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רערע": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to weaken", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "גירותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכום": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "on top of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צנורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "a ritual hook or fork", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "scribal pen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sower", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סליק#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "boiled", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טברי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Tiberian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביסתרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "cushion, mattress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תספרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "haircut", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "licentious", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wild", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁיבתא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an artificial word", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "remnant of flour in sieve (?)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fan (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פקיסנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pomegranate seed", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חד עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eleven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפנתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leather upper part of shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר שׁורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "small wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁמעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "proclamation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלפן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dripping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "west", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד זמן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "until", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "until", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "animal pen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to do wrong", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "fool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבא דאקלידא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "keyhole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "byssus, fine linen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "60", "71" ], "definition": "a type of earthen vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בור": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to remain fallow, lie wasted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to leave fallow", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "uncultivated land", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כד_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "according to", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לכדי : for that of", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "as conj.: as is : see s.v. kd conj.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בות": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to spend the night", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to keep overnight", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "? : see s.v. byyt adj.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לא מידי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "nothing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לא ,,, ולא מידי : not anything at all", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קשׁקשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברח#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to flee", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remove, drive away", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "disgrace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to cry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בול": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to study thoroughly", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lump, chunk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבד#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be swept", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sweep", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל דכן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "how much more/less", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(logic) as subst.: argument a fortiori", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מתחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stretching", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתחל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "calyx surrounding date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "official document, contract", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תימליוסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basis, foundation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כחישׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weakness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "emaciation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חלפא דימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטופרס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "punishment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁומשׁמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ant (i.e., sesame-seed-like creature)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרי#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rake coals", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לובי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Lybian", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "a type of bean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנפריט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "servant (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "acacia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דפק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to beat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אטימיטון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "priceless", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to act like an insane person", "def_num": "1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "foolish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "insane, mad", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קיסוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) ivy (Hedera Helix)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערמו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "wile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "w. ל– מן: to be afraid of something", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "sadi, eighteenth letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפלוגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dispute, argument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ואו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "waw, sixth letter of the alphabet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלקלה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "garbage heap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "balance, scale", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bath, bath house", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "byt msxwt), בי מסותא : bath house", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עסירי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "tenth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גחך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to laugh", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to joke with, to sport with, to play", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to deride", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גחם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sigh", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(used as an artificial verb ?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גחן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "45", "51", "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to bend down, bend over (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטופיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "large profit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פליטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "remnant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "pot, cauldron", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "51", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to flow, to drip", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a flow of bodily fluids", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "as an infirmity", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of other fluids", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of wine", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "דון": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be judged", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to judge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to decree and inflict judicial corporal punishment", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to bring a lawsuit", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to debate, to argue a case", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to determine", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make an analogy", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to decide a case", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דום": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be suspected", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "guard, keeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "place", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "unfortunate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be miserable or weakened", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to afflict", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "misery, sorrow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to look at", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to observe (often as a co-verb w. ḥzy)", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to pay special attention", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to draw conclusions", "def_num": "1.2.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "74", "81" ], "definition": "person as subject", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "implication", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "דוע": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to sweat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסתקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דות": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sweat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דור": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to live, to dwell", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in a structure", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in a place", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to provide a dwelling", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of precious stone from the sea, perhaps a type of pearl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי פסק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "place of a cut, cut", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמטרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "box, chest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "gleaner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוסרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "goatskin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swelling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוניונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inalienable possession", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hot ash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רנן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to murmur", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמבון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ambo like topographic formation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תתאי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "downward", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נירבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of metal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיפופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. protruding stones (headers?) in a wall along a road", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) murrubium", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חופ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rubbing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pull", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to run (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזלוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weaver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "bald spot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוקניק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of sausage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בריונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rebel, highwayman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "side", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "direction", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hem/border of a garment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קיקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dunghill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורזמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird, probably the greater flamingo", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a description of a kind of stibium", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to turn aside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to behave in a hostile manner", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "Satan, devil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "steel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to moisten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to dye", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "color", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "dye", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "לטו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "curse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לדאתי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "in the future", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית דודין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "place for pots", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חולשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "weakness, weariness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spade, shovel", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נסר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "plank, something sawed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסקומטם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פילוסופוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "philosopher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "necromancy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁונר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) cat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "carob", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stringer of pearls", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of dye process", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חרוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "charring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁונן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(chem.) alkali", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלשׁלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "chain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "56", "71" ], "definition": "wrath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבונן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "intelligent", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "possessor of wisdom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "sea wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "bean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mouth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of animals", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.: opening", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a vessel", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a body of water", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) blossoming of a fruit tree", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "idiomatic expressions:", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mn pwm, אפומ : orally, by heart", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אפומ, אפומא ד : on top of", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "blade, sharp edge of a sword or knife", "def_num": "4.4" } ] }, "פי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the letter ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "trap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פוג": { "V10": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to be soothed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "evaporate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be faint, weak", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "פד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "handle of a spade", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blow from such a handle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברזין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a small drinking vessel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a measure of that size", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטיגוריה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "accusation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unpleasant thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "chronological", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the second/last clause of a Mishna", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "סוף or סוף סוף : finally, eventually", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71" ], "definition": "לסוף, בסוף : prep. at the end of", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "לסוף, לסופא, בסופא : adv. : eventually, in the end", "def_num": "3.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "לבסוף : finally, in the end", "def_num": "3.3" } ] }, "אסטרולוגיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "astrology", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גהיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "blind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. beans", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהריר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "ray", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טלפח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) lentil", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "object used for pressing grapes or olives", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "בני אמרנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוצל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "a small dove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיסטרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "animal body maimed to disfigurement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) Vigna sinensis (bean)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גהין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bowed, bent down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טימטימי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "value-replacement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי עצורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wine or oil press", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "jealous, vengeful", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be acquired", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to acquire", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be legally binding", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to give possession, furnish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רצען": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shoemaker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זאזא": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sound of a lion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מברוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ferryman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סור": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to turn aside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "white hellebore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תיאמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fringe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "forked pole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אולוסירקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "entirely of silk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מערה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "cave", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "20", "28", "41", "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "burial chamber, hypogeum", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תנין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "second", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sea serpent (or whale)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כול": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מערב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "west", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Palestine", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "כוי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to burn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "understanding", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "space (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "window", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "opening on top of a larger structure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hemorrhage in giving birth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ תחות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "from below, from beneath", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "below", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "below", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be sold", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be bought", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "54", "60", "74" ], "definition": "transaction", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to buy", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסטרט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "street, road", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "נסב לאסטרתא : to take to the road, i.e. begin or resume a journey", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. ˁקמ : to make a detour", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "כור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "kor: a dry measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to shrink", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to curl", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make something shrink", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית זינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "armory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בגר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be of marriageable age, to be mature", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דורמולוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית חלפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "place full of ferns", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנטינר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "centenarius, hundred-weight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "food, foodstuff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוכם": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "black", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pupil (of the eye; see also s.v. ˀwkmt ˁynˀ)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "various black (or very dark) objects", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. spots", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "algae, moss, or mildew spots", "def_num": "3.2.1" } ] }, "קרנזור": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "diagonally", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mallet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דידבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "fly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עפוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "folded, doubled-over portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "beam", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בית קורי : place where beams are placed", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קנתורס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "high boot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בונך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "appropriate place", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "base, foundation", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "physical object", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: basis", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "garden bed", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׂרטט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "dough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלפ#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be shelled, scraped", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "71" ], "definition": "use (see also s.v. ṭyn)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "ritual service, ministration", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קורני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thyme (?)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of mint", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חומר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of spice (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוכף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pack-saddle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of load-bearing contrivance", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חומר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "stringent restriction", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "stringency, strictness", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "severity", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בדיפלה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "double", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. claims of liberation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרצומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "low quality wine made from grape seeds", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גודלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "heap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפשׁוטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spreading out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חורי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "behind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "white clay", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "old age, white hair : see s.v. ḥwr adj.", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) anatomical feature of the kidney", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "דמיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "demai", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חורג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "stepson", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "price, value", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זורנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(med.) a disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דואר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mail-carrier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יומהין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "today", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זלחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a vessel of clay for sprinkling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "neighborhood in a city", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "will, desire", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thing, matter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁבבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "neighbor (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלל#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to be crowned", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to crown", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: to adorn", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to marry off", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בלוט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tooth of an 'elbow' key", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עתיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "old", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "82" ], "definition": "(med.) long lasting, chronic", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "הזר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thousand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפס#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "carder(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עתיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wealthy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבעו": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "please", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "often with mn or mn qdm addressing a superior : if it pleases you", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עתיד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "w. part. or infin.: expresses the explicit future tense, destined to", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קנב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to trim vegetables", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "id.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הזו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "unclear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יניק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "72", "81" ], "definition": "small child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "food preserved in vinegar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "intestinal worm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be eaten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be consumed", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "+qarṣīn_ impers. : to be accused", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to eat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to consume", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to use up", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to enjoy the usufruct of something", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+d.o. qarṣīn to accuse, slander : see s.v. qrṣyn", "def_num": "4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+d.o. lšn w. ˁl : to slander", "def_num": "4.4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to feed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "hammer or mallet", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blow of a mallet", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אכם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be(come) black", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "hump, hill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sprouting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "refutation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "objection", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אכף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to take care", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "impersonal +l_ : to be concerned about", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חליקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spelt, grist", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוצינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכלול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "completion, perfected founding of a construction", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "form", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ישׁב#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. settled, comforted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפרפר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "very beautiful (??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "dragon, serpent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדשׁין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "marriage money", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקנייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transfer of property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "belonging to a first born animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "50", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "upper story", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a measure (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מעגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "circular encampment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expounder of scripture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "במחוג": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "by gesturing with the hands", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לגלג": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to stammer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "ascent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרמיסקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of military person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "blossom, especially the first blossoming", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אימת": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "27", "43", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "when", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be rebuked", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "w. b_ : to rebuke", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "thickness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to be hurt", "def_num": "1" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be injured, to hurt", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "51", "53", "54", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to damage", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "damage", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53" ], "definition": "pl.tant.: damages", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "indemnity for damage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נזר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to make a nazirite's vow", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "to excommunicate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to become enlarged", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "fattening", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to fatten (an animal)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to console, cheer up", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: w. מלה : to embellish language", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "עובד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "act, deed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "עבדין טבין : good deeds", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "magical practice", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "preparation, concoction", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "case, happening", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "occupation", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "legal decision", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "לעובדיה : as a pragmatic decision", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "אהורייר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stable master", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be settled", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to squeeze", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to suck", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to give to suck", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to suck out", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מיסטרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "secret", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפרא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a high official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לסטיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "banditry, robbery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזה": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to startle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נזח": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a Nazirite's vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to shake loose", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "large clay vessel for fermentation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "flowing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "assembly of a large number", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אימה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "swimmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to dig", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to search", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חפף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "esp.: to shampoo hair", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ב : to rub against", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to clean hair (without washing??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "object", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "especially a sacred object held during adjuration", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "סקול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "polisher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to dig, excavate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפת": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be outwitted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to provide with folds or hems", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig. : to outwit", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "יהב בחפת : to outwit", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נרגיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) coconut, coconut fiber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to fence in", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בית כרם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "vineyard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הילייה": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a wedding shout", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אליון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "thumb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(bot.) cypress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רשׁק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fiber of a sweet-smelling plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברוק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "yellow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "71", "74" ], "definition": "fem.: cataract of the eye", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סחור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "merchant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74" ], "definition": "barefooted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cover a surface", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to take a handful", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "handful", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבתר_": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "the next one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפסנתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "appetizer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to thunder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to make a loud sound", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "thunder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "disgrace", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "corruption", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טפח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "handbreadth", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to strike", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to clap hands", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. על : to close a bolt or the like", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to clap hands (pl.)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קדים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "former", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dried up fruit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inferior quality", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be ugly", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "thorn bush", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנן": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "see s.v. sny dybyn", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "סנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "enemy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to tend to", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to attend to a dead person", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. בהדי : to join someone", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "children", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכתי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "still, yet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be extinguished", "def_num": "1" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "82" ], "definition": "more", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to die out, be extinguished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to extinguish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be troubled (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוזנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנף": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to gird, add supporting members", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טפר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fingernail", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "toenail", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hoof", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "יובל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jubilee cycle", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "ram", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נחר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to stab, pierce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁכשׁ#3": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to rattle, to shake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפוחא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיעבד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "having already been done, de facto", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בדיעבד : in a case where something has already been done", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מזל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "motion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "grass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוזינקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "expenses, price", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנשׁאדור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(chem.) sal ammoniac", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gum (of mouth)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "contested amount", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "suspicion (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גולגלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "skull", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "לגולגלה, לכל גולגלה : per head, per person", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "ellipt. : head tax", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "באישׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sickness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרונק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "messenger", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "precursor", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חס ל_": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "far be it from", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חומרא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "amulet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bead, small stone", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "joint", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "משׁתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "drinking, drink", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "feast, banquet", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קסרינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "Caesarian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טימיקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "treasury, royal property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סעד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to help, to aid", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to provide sustenance", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to dine", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חד": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "one", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "14", "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "someone, certain", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with another number (or b_ + number) : multiplicative: twice, thrice, etc.", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ḥd bšbˀ/h : Sunday; see s.v. šbh", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "xd xd : one by one : see s.v. ḥdḥd adv.", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to emphasize indefiniteness of a noun in the Eastern Aramaic determined state", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "חג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "festival", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "darkness, blackness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארסקינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "23", "44", "52", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "favor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "father-in-law", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "vinegar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "alive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "raw", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(of wine) undiluted", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "חט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "line (of text)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חס": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(usually governing l_ : God forbid, far be it from", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "lettuce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סער": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to visit, to inspect", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to heal", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנינו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "a second time : see s.v. tnynwt adv.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sackcloth", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כרושׁתינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an unknown animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפשׁיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stripping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דשׁתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thresher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדרעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Edrei", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "miracle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימלק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) an odiferous. edible plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) blossom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "brazier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "violet color", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הולוסטימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of weaving (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "substitute term", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בסורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "message, news, tidings", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחרר": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be freed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to free, emancipate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכרץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "earrings", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמד#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to appraise", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "טעם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to taste", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to eat", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to cause to taste, give to taste", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "taste", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sense, reason", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "explanation, reasoning", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cantillation sign", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "טען": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be carried", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lift up and carry a burden", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to bear fruit", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lay eggs", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to put a burden on, load", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to order to carry", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "burden, load", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : argument", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מטונך : from your own argument", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "טעי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be deceived", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to wander, stray", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to err", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "w. btr : to be enticed to false worship", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": " to be seduced by", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to lead astray", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "+b : to deceive", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "דורמסקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "damascene plum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a farmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדיה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "spoil, booty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "51", "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "error", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "idolatrous divinity", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "idol of such a divinity", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ערדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "laggard lamb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כירומניקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "handcuffs, manacles", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "nit, i.e. the egg of a louse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁעמד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "apostate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "immature seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(metaph.) refutation", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "receipt", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "משׁרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "troop, retinue", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מליגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "honey milk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁי#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dislocate the thigh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "count", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a sickness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "convolution in the intestine", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הדר#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to honor, to glorify", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "foul, damp", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "subst.: wetness", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "moist rot", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "נהמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "residence, community", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מתור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "rake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לודן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ladanum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לודי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Lydda (ie. Lod)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "gladiator show or promoter of such", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Babylonian", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "as a description of quality or type", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מעקוצי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קובלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "counter-charm (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fissure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פכר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. יד: to join the hands in prayer or blessing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איסקוטוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "whip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר נח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pagan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערטל": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be stripped naked", "def_num": "2" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "naked", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תופין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "a type of pastry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענוי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "suffering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחמן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "merciful", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "det. subst.: merciful One", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Word of God, Scripture", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "טנבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(music) long-necked string instrument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחמו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "love", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרמיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small bone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wet clay", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחילוף": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "instead of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be merciful", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "friend", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to love", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to like something", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "w. ˁl : to have mercy upon", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to love", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to suckle (a young animal)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "דברון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "current", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בילן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "curtain or canopy (of the heavens)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלנד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "calends", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקדם": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "in front of, before", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "towards (with respect)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בכיפלה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "14", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "double, doubly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "vocal", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבריתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "surface area", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "shekel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "obstacle", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hang, to weigh something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to weigh (intrans.)", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to weigh something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כריהו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "infirmity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be made, established, erected", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "proper preparation of a field for drainage", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be proper", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be firmly positioned", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to establish, to fix", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to station", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to prepare", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53" ], "definition": "to establish properly, correct", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to prepare", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to repair", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to set aside the priestly gifts", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to introduce", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "ארגז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מודעא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(leg.) declaration of protest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roof", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסתוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "small glazed earthenware vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to sound a horn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be(come) strong", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(anger) to blaze up, be vehement", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be heavy", "def_num": "5" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to raise an objection", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make strong, to firm", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to seize", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁחלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an ear infection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוקב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shape", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "תריץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "erect", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: honest", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "geom.: straight", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "perfect", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "ניקור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "snake bite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "word, speech", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "written word", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁני בדיבורא : to change ones style", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "instance of the Hebrew verb דבר", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "eulogy", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׂגיא": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "much, many, great", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארקה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "intestinal worm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "sanctification", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "qiddush prayer", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the doxology (i.e. Isaiah 6:3)", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "washing hands and feet for purity", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "holiness (i.e., the result of sanctification)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "sanctification of betrothal by means of transfer of goods", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סלפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) stock fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרדוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "of Corduene, Kurdish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "degradation (?), slander (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "uncle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דדי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move about", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pull", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוזמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hyperbole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "26", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "perfect, without blemish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חגיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "lame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמיה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "surprising, puzzling (in a negative sense)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תמיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "daily burnt offering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמצמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sword", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איפום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "opening(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפשׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "stupid, foolish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. churches", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "למה": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "why?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71" ], "definition": "with ל_ : what is X's need for?", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "זלזול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cheapening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתרכן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "afterwards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "למד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "72", "82" ], "definition": "lamed, twelfth letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "side-room", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר מחימ תנורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a difficult person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנפי": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "contamination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחל#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eggs of one fecundation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחוור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "dregs", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁחל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "skin of dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "מנ + inf. : to refuse to do", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גלגין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chatter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fish trap (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אציפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "protection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענותנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "humility", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיקוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "spark", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פולר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "follarion, a small coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טריקלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "triclinium, upper dining room", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "granary", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פכר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. demolished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to demolish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to crop (the ear)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חמת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "p.p.", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "צרי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be torn", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "crack, rift", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to split", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make pass through", "def_num": "6" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to burst something from within", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מלכיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "weakness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "inflammation, heartburn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be scorched", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bundle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "money bag", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. tant.: goods or money as a security deposit for a ketubbah", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of construction device", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to bind together, tie up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to store, to heap up", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "p.p.: accumulated", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to tie up (tightly?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נדוניה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "dowry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to be joined together", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be joined", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be combined", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "refiner, smelter", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to attach something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to combine", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p.: treated with alum", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "צרע": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to become leprous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פכח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become faint", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to moderate something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become faint (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בוצין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוע#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to melt (from fear or surprise?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלין": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "these", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "strong", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(argument) compelling, valid", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "authorized", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thick", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נעמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) ostrich", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר נעמי : young ostrich", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עויל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקינו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. parasitic worms", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר שׁהין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "falcon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיטומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "seal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "searcher, investigator", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחיי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "all right, ok!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקודמיא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "forwards", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גנוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "couch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכורנק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "royal garden or pavilion in such a garden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אושׁכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "nonsense word in a charm formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציו ציו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chirping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "carrying pole", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תורפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "validating final clause of a document", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "determination", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מכיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "low", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ותיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of prepared food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הואא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expounder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to crawl", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be collapsed, low down", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be dislocated", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פרוח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "flying bird or insect", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cloud", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "harbor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. : riverside market", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כירי#2": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "oh, slave!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "exchange, price", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "threshing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרוא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "porridge, mush", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shoemaker's glue", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "pl. crumbs, tiny pieces", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פרוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "savior", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית קודשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "sanctuary, holy place, temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטפין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dripping rain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bedspread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לסוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fine mesh veil (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזזי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "lichen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "(med.) psoriasis and similar scabious skin diseases", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר קשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a civil official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁושׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) licorice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "nightfall", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לאורתא : tonight", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בועה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "abscess, boil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קביעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "fixing, setting up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קביעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "certainty", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "formal designation", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "דיקלון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גידוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפושׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of unclean fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרי בי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "householder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁפר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "60", "71" ], "definition": "tailor, weaver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגע#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "depression, hollow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגע#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become leprous", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make leprous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי נשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "paternal home", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניניא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) Ammi copticum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "uncultivated", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(plants, land) barren", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נמימי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "kneading-trough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר סמכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "authority", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בין": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "between", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with two explicit end points", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "among", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לביני : among (allative)", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "בינ ... בינ: whether ... or", "def_num": "4" } ], "V10": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to pay attention, watch", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "tamarisk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוצף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "audacity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "drainage conduit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roll", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כרכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large mat (?)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "נסי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "71" ], "definition": "Nasi", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכלל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "included in the category of, as if", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "temple", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קלופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "strip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי דרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "threshing floor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היכא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "where", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "כל היכא : wherever", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מדבורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "torch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מציתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טורז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "silk (threat)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היכר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "distinction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "support beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרפלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "peppercorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עירבון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "surety", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בהתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "shame, disgrace", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "private parts", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עבר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to become pregnant", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be appeased", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "farther bank", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "see s.vv. ˁbr nhr, ˁbr ym", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bank, riverside", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cross over", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(of inanimates)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to review, go over something", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pass by", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70" ], "definition": "מנ עלמא : to die", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "ˁl: to violate, transgress", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to spend time", "def_num": "6" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be pregnant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "to remove", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to declare intercalation", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כוחילנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "weakened, powerless", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dull-bladed", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קנדרוג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "frankincense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית ספר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "school", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוצי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crying, whining", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דייסקרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "saucer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to feel touch", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to grope", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be done", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "perf. דיאבא, דיעבד, דאיעבד: after the fact : see s.v. dyˁbd adv.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to become, turn into something else", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to occur, to happen", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "servant", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "šˁbd: see s.v.", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to designate, make into", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to provide, produce", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to amount to, to be equal to", "def_num": "1.4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to work a field, plant", "def_num": "1.4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. עביד w. inf. or relative clause : likely to, apt to", "def_num": "1.5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to do, perform, act in a certain manner", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to pass (time) in a certain way", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to work", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to perform religious service", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to fare, prosper", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. id.", "def_num": "2.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "w. reflexive pron. : to pretend, simulate", "def_num": "4.4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to determine the law", "def_num": "5.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to produce or work in large quantities", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "60", "74" ], "definition": "thick", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(voice) deep", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "סימה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "treasure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to roar", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to moan (pl.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סמוק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "red", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "let it be : see s.v. hwy vb.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "breaking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "56", "71" ], "definition": "sign", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "identifying mark", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mnemonic", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "omen", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נהג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to follow a practice", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "+ב : to treat in a certain manner", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Bible reader", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גינייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "woman (Greek)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁופין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "file (tool)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יניכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a pest in flax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צורי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. palm bands", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to remember", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to understand, recall (see also s.v. nhyr adj.)", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to illuminate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to shine (=G!)", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "river", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as a proper noun: the Euphrates", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נהק": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to bray", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "female peddler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איטא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "and then, next, finally, therefore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמינו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "subpoena", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קטדיקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "judgment, penalty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "brew made of peeled and pounded fruits", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפתיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "breaking ground", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "glory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of container", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פומבדיתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Pumbeditha", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "burglar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדרע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "arm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חור#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "hole", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. : a fabric with holes or mesh (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מטרוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "matron", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרקוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "whistle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חור#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bore a hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גורמיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "elbow, cubit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוס#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become sick(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפותיקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "personal treasure box or room", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁושׁבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "groomsman", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "best friend", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דינומיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "two commandments", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to depart", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to go", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "literally: to go from one place to another", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+על : to attack", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to go away", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to disappear", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "depart (from life), especially with ethical dative.", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53" ], "definition": "to be destroyed", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be dropped as a subject of discussion", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as co-verb : to go ahead and do something", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to continue, go on and on doing something", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be going on, to be happening (colloquial only?)", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(price) to be current, to go for", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ב : to cost X", "def_num": "4.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to proceed, to behave, to act in a certain way", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " to follow an opinion (cf. also s.v. ˀzd)", "def_num": "5.2.1" } ] }, "שׁושׁיב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a species of locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "ruin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "animal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "spec. wild, carnivorous animal", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "+ br #2 n.m., $n n.f. : see s.vv. ḥywt br n.f., ḥywt šnˀ n.f.", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. zoomorphic angels bearing the divine throne", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סלת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to scrape off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(vinegar) cloudy (?), clear (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חיוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "judicial or ritual liability created by a violation, a found fault", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "nostril", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "destruction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כומר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "pagan priest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סלע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "sela (a coin)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "round spot", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חיוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "Hivvite", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "snake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדוכין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "betrothal negotiations", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גידודין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "embankment, elevated boundary", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על מגן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "for no reason", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "tube", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "duct", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁטי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wild-growing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁמשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to feel, grope", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to handle -> to prepare with the hands", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "attendant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארזפה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) an herb toxic to cattle (= a type of poppy?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁופר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "shofar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "curse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתגם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "pl. The Words = The Decalogue", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "thing, matter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טכס": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to assign, appoint", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רישׁ כיסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "principal sum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהרור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "glare", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reflection", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חדד": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to sharpen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "p.p. : fig. : quick-witted", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חזרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הוי#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to raise a question", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁכיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "71" ], "definition": "water basin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "vermin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p : clear : see s.v. clyl adj.", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be clear", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מיאחא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stiching", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכל#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": " (usually w. b_) to look at attentively", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to move (intr.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move something", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "a weight (half shekel)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "52", "53", "54", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "coin, drachma", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. money", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "זוח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be lifted up", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be overbearing", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "זוג": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to yoke, to join", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to join in wedlock", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(usually pl.) : provisions, victuals", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shrouds", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זון": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be nourished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to provide food", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to support, to provide", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "inexpensive price", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "corner", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "place", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מפלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "collapse, fall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוע": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to move oneself, tremble, shake", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to move", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to shake, tremble", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "באגנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ישׁיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "upright, firm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זור": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": " to hold on tightly", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "handful", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחפ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dredge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טולם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "loaf of bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דגר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fall down, trip", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "curtain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאוחר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "delayed [Heb.]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צורני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "heaps or groups (??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pistachio", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכר#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to let blood (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "highly feverish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגור#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "kiln-fired brick or tile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כושׁרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "attachment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ גו": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "50", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "from inside of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inside of", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "from among, out of", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "as a result of", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "since, inasmuch as", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "conj. : so that", "def_num": "4.2" } ] }, "כיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "sack, bag", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "money bag, purse", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ גב": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "from (the vicinity or possession of)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרזפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "hammer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית מיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "watercourse", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פקטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "froth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "porous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דריגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a Persian official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ננח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mint", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁופרז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "drinking horn (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "water course", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "clay", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁתיקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "silence, keeping silent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתכיף": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "suddenly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ננע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "mint", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ננס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54" ], "definition": "dwarf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to convert out", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "forcible conversion, religious persecution", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to convert someone from Judaism forcibly", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מקזז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "eunuch (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "crushed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקזן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "black", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גימטריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "gematria", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "secret code", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נוחרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מייבאדג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sweet wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמט": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to postpone", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put off payment to someone", "def_num": "3.2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "w. other objects", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+ גרמיה : to slip away", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to snatch away, pluck out", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to steal", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to expropriate", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to remit a debt", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "70", "81" ], "definition": "to be(come) detached", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "p.p. detached", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a body part: dislocated", "def_num": "4.1.1" } ] }, "סלוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of container", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עשׁין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "strong, hard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ רחיק": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "from afar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הוהר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) net to trap fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "grass, ground vegetation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דפקוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in a charm formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עשׁיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tight", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expensive, rare", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ממזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "twisted yarn, cord", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁישׁור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "rope of palm fiber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רומן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) pomegranate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "w.  ˀpyn : upper part of the cheek", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פנטסה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in every way", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Roman", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "Roman soldier", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁאול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "questioner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוצי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "linen maker", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of boat used in the marshes of southern Babylonia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערב#4": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to sift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורנסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "distaff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יאשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to abandon hope of finding something/someone and asserting claim of ownership", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לרע מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "below", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוים": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ho!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלל#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to sport with, play", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to sport with, play", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי רב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "academy, school", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר בי רב : student in an academy", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קוזמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "world", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "להונ_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "at the leisure of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאנ ל_": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "why do ..", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "perfect, complete, total", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חותל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "palm leaf wrapper for dates", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אוללא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "harvest, gleaning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "death", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "האי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "this (m.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "האי מאי : what then?", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "this (f.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קדמני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "primitive", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנגידין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "82" ], "definition": "(bot.) pepperwort (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מילני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "black", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אספליניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "bandage with salve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ילל#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to lament, wail; i.e., to ululate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערבה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "guarantor (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר טבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "high society person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "boat", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חפשׁישׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sediment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקלקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spoiled matter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הילין": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "which ones", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנקטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מנקטא פארי holder (necklace?) of amber pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) cress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "suspicion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוסח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "text, book", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "copy, exemplar", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "הודרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "circumference", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיקפצ פומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(gram.) the vowel qameṣ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "hidden thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לדיד_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "self, to oneself, on one's part", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בריך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "blessed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אליבא": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "according to the opinion of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בריו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strength", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "obesity", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "willpower(?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חנק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to be strangled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be hanged", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to hang oneself, have oneself hanged", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be suffocated or drowned", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to strangle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. inanimate subject: to choke", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to suffocate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כדי#2": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "merely", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "כדי נסבה : he says it only incidentally", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פשׁפשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to investigate", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rub or scratch (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חנף": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to deceive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to show favoritism, favor", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "זבזג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטללה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sukkah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to supplicate, entreat", "def_num": "1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "merciful, grantor of grace", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to show favor (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בריר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "72", "81" ], "definition": "clear, pure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "valid, truthful (i.e., without any uncertain elements)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "set apart, distinct", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "גלמודה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "menstruous woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "42", "50", "51", "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "store, shop", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "tavern, inn", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "chamber, cell", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. guild(?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בריק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "colored (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "dance, circle dance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "market, fair", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ספה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lip", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "margin, edge", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bank, shore", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ספג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to absorb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גושׁ": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "clod (of earth)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ground (as opposed to air)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לילי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "night", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "bowl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "upper lip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "basket, woven chest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "fig.: archive", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ספי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to pick up, snatch up", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "row of stones", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חומסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "protruding part of a loom, perhaps the beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁסי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be incited (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to incite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אולומרמרין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "entirely of marble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבלולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fenugreek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56" ], "definition": "giant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "middle position", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "intermediate row", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a small fish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a worm", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נפיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "bloated", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "low", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביצוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece, morsel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יתר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "cord of bow", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "straight side of stomach", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חיבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "love", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+על : to be beloved by", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ספת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to serve food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be shaved, have a haircut", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "document", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "scroll", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "book", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the Sifra midrash =ספרא דבי רב", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to shave, cut the hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיונ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "decoration of letters with crownlets", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נידותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "menstrual period", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיונ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "provisions", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כושׁי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "Ethiopian, Cushite", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "negro", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פורען": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "repayment meal", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "זידן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "74", "81" ], "definition": "malicious", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לווי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "caravan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to build", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to rebuild", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig. : to construct a logical argument", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "bathhouse, bath", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bath attendant", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כושׁר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "propriety", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vigor", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "סגי נוהרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "blind person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אהלוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dealer in aloe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבדלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "havdalah ceremony", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אונקייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "small coin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "ounce, small measure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עמסוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Amsunite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁהר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to be awake, alert", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנכ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be dedicated", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "collar: a prisoner's neck chain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of container (EchR 48:11 rdg??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "overturned position", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "יני": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "44", "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to vex, oppress", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to deal fraudulently", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אניגרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in a charm formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנתין": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "you (f pl)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטיספי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "from Ctesiphon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ינק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to suck", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of plants", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be rejuvenated", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to give suck, nurse", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית שׁיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cavernous or ditch-filled area", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁהי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to cause something to be delayed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "thin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. (of liquid) free flowing", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "light", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transparent", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אינוקרמיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wine jars", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדרוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clothes merchant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to fence in with rocks or brush", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. piled up", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. (leg.) to enact a protective measure", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to remove such a fencing down to its foundation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פפא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "71" ], "definition": "daddy (or grampa)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לעגל": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "quickly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tam status", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדע": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to hew off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "wing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "border", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bird", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "feather", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to revile, to blaspheme", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to denigrate, disparage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ לעיל": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "above", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "at the top", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "70" ], "definition": "from the top, from above", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) penultimate stress", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כבשׁ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pressure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of basket (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסכן": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to become impoverished", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "poor man", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקעה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "enforced idleness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cleft, rift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁימי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " bare (said of entranceways)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "tractate (of the Mishnah and its Talmud)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גדל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to twist, to braid", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. : piled up, organized", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to plait", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "cut branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזה#2": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be healed from demons", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "(magic) to withdraw, remove oneself", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(magic) to drive away demons", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(zool.) kid, goat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביוניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרד#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sink down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to cut off, cut up", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "thread, webbing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מריר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bitter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tavern girl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "wing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מריע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be hired, hire oneself out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to profit, benefit", "def_num": "2" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be hired out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hire (something, s.o)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to let", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hire, wages", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "payment for deeds or actions", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "profit", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אגר נטר לי: advance payment for goods", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rent", "def_num": "4.3" } ] }, "פלטנוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) plane tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענבי תעלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) fox-grapes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "lady, mistress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסובל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "carrying device", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסקל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to make an agreement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dealer in wax or bitumen", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dealer in wax and/or bitumen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "band (of fabric)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "girdle (or the like)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "period or moment of time", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "singer of psalms", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be angry", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be angry", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be particular", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלבינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "broom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to jump", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יתב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to dwell", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be set at ease", "def_num": "6" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to become settled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to dwell", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in a place", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in a dwelling", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to settle down", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be situated, located", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "active ptcp. as a modal particle of extended state", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. קא : of extended and repeated action", "def_num": "6.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make to sit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make sit and learn, to teach", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to appoint", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to convene an academy", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to set at ease", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "קפי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to float", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to overflow", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to float", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to float", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to hover", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make flooded", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to skim off", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁקיטנאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) pl. type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be peeled off", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to roll up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to roll s.t. away", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to scrape off", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dig", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בית מעון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the Temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to tie, to bind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: p.p.", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "binding (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "meadow, swamp", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as part of geographical names", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "door, gate (?) ; see s.v. gl #5 n.m.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "basin (?), jug, pitcher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תסס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to bubble [> tzz]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוליס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "slippers", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "weak, loose", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lacking a dagesh", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be lax", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be loose", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to leave, to forsake, to abandon", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to loosen, to weaken", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "82" ], "definition": "to soften", "def_num": "3.3" } ] }, "רפט": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fall apart", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סריח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sinful", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "פרווא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "curtained litter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבולי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "night watchman (?); ruffian of a city-quarter (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת צידעא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "curl or lock of hair at the temple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hoe", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hoeing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרכבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "74" ], "definition": "chariot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "saddle", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רפס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to trample", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to open the eyes wide", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to trample", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁאר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "garden bed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרזותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cistern", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "well", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁחוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bribe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "transf.: judicial tendency", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ארזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "cradle or hammock", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leather worker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכסדרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "exedra, arcade", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צורבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " מרבנן : young student", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כיאור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "abomination(?), ugliness (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארמלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "widow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארזג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to grieve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be rejected", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be superseded", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to push away, to repel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to supersede, to suspend", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to push out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to reject", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to delay (trans.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דחך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to laugh", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to make fun of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be afraid", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to worship, believe in a god", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to terrify", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלבני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "galbanum: a bitter aromatic gum resin that resembles asafetida", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "70", "81" ], "definition": "confusion, excitement, disturbance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלבנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "galbanum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמהו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "service as a maid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "radish", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תנחומין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "consolation, prayers of consolation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמי#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to trample, press on throughly with the foot", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pressure (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to push", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to push strongly or repeatedly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עשׁיק#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expensive", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be pushed out, to be pressed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be pressed for funds", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to press each other", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to do out of necessity", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to push, to press, to expel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מילתא דחקה : something that causes shortage of funds", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : constricted", "def_num": "1.5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. )qym : to force a meaning by necessity", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to press through", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "ear of grain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁובלי תעלא", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "כרושׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of bread or cake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עניבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "knot, loop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליסטיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "robbery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניקלוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Nicolaus date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to feed, to graze", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to tend flocks", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "metaph.: to govern, to be in charge", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "shepherd", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צביון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "will, pleasure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכסני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "as noun: stranger, foreigner, visitor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(fem.) as noun: foreign country : see s.v. ˀksnyˀ n.m.", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "רעד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "to tremble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "adv.: בגיתי : casually ?", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חסיסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. stunted grains (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "threshing sledge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילולי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "before sentences", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "before noun phrases", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "היתיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "permission, permitted situation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "דהיתירא : that which is permitted", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "להיתירא : for permission, on the side of permission", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "ליסטיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "robber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית כנישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74", "81" ], "definition": "synagogue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אליסון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פונוקט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of palace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סונטם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mouth of vessel (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיק קבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of execution", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פפוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one of פפוניא", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be red", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be red", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to make red", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "jug, jar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be medically dangerous", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to treat a serious medical condition", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl.: carriage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "remission", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתני#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "teacher of the oral tradition", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"body\" in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כולב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "axe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "turbid", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "troubled", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סמד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "pottage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cooling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמן": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to auger, divine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : inauspicious", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סמי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be blinded", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "blind, blind person", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to blind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to repudiate", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig.: to ignore", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "כולך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "soft wool from goat's hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "w. b_ : to use", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the Sun", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ב.Eי שׁiימ:שׁEי : Friday evening", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) fever", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to serve (a person or the like)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to perform ones function", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "+ עמ : to lie with, copulate", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מוריקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "safflower sowing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "44", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "cautious", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "attentive, observant", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "הפרך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "prefect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fawn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ער": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53" ], "definition": "enemy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "infertility", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "barren female", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברנשׁי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "human", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to make oneself forget", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to forget", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to forget", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עקרב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(zool.) scorpion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תעוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "doer of abomination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be cured", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to rest", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "breathing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחת": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to collapse", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to collapse", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be reduced", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to diminish", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. to break down", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to depreciate", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to diminish something", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "56", "71" ], "definition": "diminishment, deficiency", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ערי#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to pour out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "ṭeth, ninth letter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "abbreviation for tšˁ : nine", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נשׁב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "woven net or snare for trapping larger birds and animals", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "71", "60" ], "definition": "to blow (wind)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to blow constantly or strongly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פואה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(chem.) madder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to drop off or down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to tear off", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(said of a cow) to move or sound a certain way", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "vulture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "mustard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weakness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר פחתי : nobleman", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "טיט": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to blot over", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become dried out", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to blow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cover (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to defecate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נשׁק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to kiss", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "metaph. (of topographic/physical features) to touch each other", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to kiss", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "clay", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mud", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "used for mortar", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אלמ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become robust", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to be strong, to courageous", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to strengthen, to fortify", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to overpower", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רמוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deceiver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סורהבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "בסרהביא : too quickly", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "forest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "until", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in space", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in time", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as conj.: see s.v. ˁd conj.", "def_num": "3" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "until", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "not yet, before : see s.v. ˁd lˀ", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אד_ + ptcp. : rather than doing before", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "על": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "upon, over", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "against, over against", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "by (in measurements)", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "see ˁl ḥd kmh wkmh", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "toward, to", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "next to, alongside", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "together with", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in addition to", "def_num": "3.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "about, concerning", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "according to", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "על ד : according to the opinion of", "def_num": "4.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "using, by means of (?)", "def_num": "4.5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "governing the indirect obj. of verbal ideas in each of the various meanings", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as the first element of compound prepositions, conjunctions, and adverbs", "def_num": "7" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "prepositions", "def_num": "7.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "conjunctions", "def_num": "7.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "adverbs", "def_num": "7.3" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "since, because", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עם": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with, together with", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in the presence of, possession of", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "governing the indirect object of verbs performed in another's presence", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with a reciprocal party", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "at", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a place", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "toward or from the location of a something/someone", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "60" ], "definition": "at the time of", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "conj.: as soon as", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "related group of people, nation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "people, folks", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ען": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "flock (of sheep and goats)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "sheep (as opposed to goats)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בזוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "despoiler, rapacious one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקינר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "60" ], "definition": "ducenarius", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אימרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bandage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי נצרפו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרזליד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "slice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נער#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bray, to roar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוצצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cut piece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אימרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rebellion(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חופי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "material made from palm leaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חופי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "foam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הכי השׁתא": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "what now!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פגלגול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small radish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "forehead", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁונמיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Shunamite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדמיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "first part of a mishna", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כחל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be painted", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to paint the eyes", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "as adornment", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to blind", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "eye-paint, kohl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to test the way", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "heel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "end", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "curve", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(anat.) root or joint: point where an extremity attaches to the main body", "def_num": "4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "מעיקבא : adv. : from the beginning, orignally", "def_num": "4.4.2" } ] }, "עקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "trouble", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "narrowness : see s.v. byqytˀ", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "לפם": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "since, inasmuch as", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אושׁפיזכנתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "landlady", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make a detour", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מיקמ לישׁנא : slip of the tongue", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זחל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to shine", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "a type of locust", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קולסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of woman's headgear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי טמיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gathering of comforters around mourner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "wild ass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "to be pulled out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be destroyed", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be made sterile", "def_num": "3" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be destroyed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to uproot, extract", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "plants", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to overthrow structures from their foundations", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "parts of the body", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to annul (a document)", "def_num": "1.4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to remove a bottom or base", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make sterile", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to remove", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make childless", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sterile, infertile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אישׁתדה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "this year", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בניה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "hairdresser", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגד#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": " lashing", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בחיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "70", "74", "81" ], "definition": "chosen, select", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבלושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגד#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "one who pulls a boat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נאתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) a type of sore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "building", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רצועה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "strap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גילבון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chick pea", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁפזכן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "host, innkeeper", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מקרב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "near", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "friendly", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חטיף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "rapid", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אדהכי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in the meanwhile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אונייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "fraudulent dealings", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורצם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wine made of kernels", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כושׁנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(bot.) bitter vetch or the like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחיד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lone, unique", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) hapax legomenon", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "טטרגון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "quadrangle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "table or tray of woven palm leaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמן": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to become fat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מומחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "expert", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁושׁם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) sesame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁושׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "flower", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be effaced", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to tread", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to press", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דרע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "arm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוברא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "skill or strength", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "proselyte(f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "באחרייתא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "at the end", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ship's flag (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "stairway, step(s)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: prelude", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "rank, level", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "social status", "def_num": "4.3" } ] }, "דרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "courtyard", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "42", "44", "53", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "dwelling, residence", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דרי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to be scattered", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to scatter, to disperse", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to winnow", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דרך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to tread", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to follow", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to thresh", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "road, it is usual : see s.v. drk #3 and form section there", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "מגליין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "decreer of exile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a parasitic worm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "51", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "opening, gate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "midrashic proem", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פתח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a physical opening", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "commencement", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "לבשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to put on, be dressed with", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to clothe oneself with something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(p.p.) clothed, wearing", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to clothe someone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "w. a person as subject", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. an inanimate subj.", "def_num": "1.2.2" } ] }, "שׁישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bottle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "narrow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "thin", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "53" ], "definition": "emaciated", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "small", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "subst.: a type of plot of land, perhaps a long and narrow one (?)", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "קטיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "murdered, killed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרפת": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be bound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרפס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "celery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "Adar (February/March)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "w. ב_ or תניין : Second Adar (March/April)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קילוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "praise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to be alone together (a man and a woman in a private place)", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to unite (trans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to designate", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to put in one place", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "רוזיקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "daily ration", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "recompense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to castrate an animal (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "platter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנטיגרפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "duplicate copy of a document", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוצרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Qosra", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "neighbor (m.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סלק#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to boil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "conspiracy", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "אשׁרה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "certification (of judges)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "encouragement", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. credit : see s.v. ˀšr)y", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטיע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cut off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "shortened", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "mutilated, crippled", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "male deer, stag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדימה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "east wind (rdg.?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרהב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a type of fine wool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "beautiful", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "often with a qualifying genitive or adverbial infinitive", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "proper, good, suitable", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "idioms:", "def_num": "3" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "right, well", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "often w. עבד : to do or behave properly", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "72", "71" ], "definition": "שׁפיר דאמי : it is all right, permitted", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fetal membrane", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני פלטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "courtiers", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crossbeam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "enduring", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "alive, surviving", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "42", "60", "71" ], "definition": "valid", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "given, established", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "יחט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "70", "74" ], "definition": "aborted or still-born fetus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small bundle?", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "summer", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "summer fruit", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרטוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "tuft, coarse cloth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "cloak", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קיץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "defined, stipulated", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוניטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) acacia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "piece of wood", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a small weight", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כבוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "honor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוקבל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "opposite, over against", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "41", "44", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "before (in space)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "moving towards one's front", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "קיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bitumen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "wax", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נטר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be watched, guarded", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wait a while before acting", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be preserved in the same state", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to watch over, guard", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to observe, to keep", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to await", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to keep, remain fresh (fruits, plants, clothing)", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to retain in memory", "def_num": "3.3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to guard, protect over an extended period of time", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to preserve", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. נפשׁ: to be very careful", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אגר נטר לי: see s.v. ˀgr", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "תפי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spit", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stove-maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיניי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "man (artificial word)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוקיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to drip", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to drip copiously", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברירי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word used in an incantation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמר#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to stud with nails", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלפלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "peppercorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבזיינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "buckle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרכדונין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "chalcedony", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלפלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sharp minded scholar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "slaughtering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "if not, unless", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pledged field (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דלדל#2": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become minimal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילך": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "afterwards", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "beyond", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר סיום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a backbencher in the academy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to incline towards", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to incline (something) towards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(artificial verb: BR 618:5)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעפרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "a type of cloak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to lift up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "עינ : to raise the eyes and look", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to move on", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to marry (?)", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ladle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר אמודאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "diver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יהירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "haughtiness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמסת": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "adj. : worthy, adequate enough", "def_num": "2" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "equivalent to, adequate for", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדד#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to entertain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ל_ : to act impudently", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to urge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be bold, to dare, act impudently", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תיאורון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "divine protector", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדברן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "guide, shepherd; fig.: leader", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁאר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "bracelet", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plant in beds", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניחוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "44", "53", "56" ], "definition": "pl. : pleasant smelling incense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pick one's teeth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חצד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "harvest", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to reap, to harvest", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to harvest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to hew", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(shadows) to retreat, be short", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "pitcher", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "large wine jar", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shoemaker's last", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארדכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "builder, architect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סדינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "linen sheet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעשׁון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "clamor, thunder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "midwife", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "woman in labor", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פקוקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ramification of sinews", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סומסירקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "half silk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכואן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a fancy table", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיזוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "trimming", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מציע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "middle one (subst., adj.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מציץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mcycy (yn) having blinking eyes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פניה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "unmarried woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספחין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. aftergrowth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "speaker", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "teacher in a talmudic academy", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דהין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "succulent", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יחס": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to trace one's genealogy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be attributed", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דפנוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ruffian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעע": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to do something quickly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בער": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to burn (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to devour", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to remove, eliminate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "forum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעת": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be frightened", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to be eager to act, anxious (due to concern or fear)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : terrified", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to frighten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁני#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to repeat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעד": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to remove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "See s.v. bbˁw interj. : please", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בעט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to kick", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to reject", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to trample", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be contemptuous", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בעי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be sought", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be summoned, to be invited", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be necessary, required", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be asked", "def_num": "5" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to seek for something", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to seek for someone", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with infin. or relative clause", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to ask someone for something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to pray", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "esp. w. רחמין", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to wish for something", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to try to do something", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to require", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to require further study", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ inf. : to be required to", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to assert by way of argument", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be due, to about to do something", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "elliptical for: to seek revenge, hold responsible", "def_num": "8" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "question", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בעל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to have had coitus (of a woman)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to have sexual intercourse with a woman", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "husband", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lord, master", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "epithet of the north semitic god Had(a)d/Ad(a)d : see s.v. bˁl div.", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "owner", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אולפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "learning, instruction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוכלתנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "intelligence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לויתן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "Leviathan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כניס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "angry (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיתנ דמיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a river weed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bold", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פרעון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "53" ], "definition": "repayment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טומרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "בטומרה : in secret", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקיע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "well known", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic or member of a certain profession", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cushion, mattress", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁרג#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to slip in or out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to move suddenly or quickly", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move suddenly or quickly (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרג#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be entangled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pile up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענותן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "modest person", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "modest, humble person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוחא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fish trap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "oven, furnace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.t.: a type of cloth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מתיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "sweet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "fig. wise", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קשׁקושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hoeing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁזג": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to wash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוסקניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of wood (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "teacher of Mishna", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גור": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to commit adultery with, to prostitute oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "whelp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוסכוסטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the inner half of split leather", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to prostitute oneself", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "43", "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "human body", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "dead body", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of an animal", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "entrails", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "43", "71", "81" ], "definition": "person, self", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. pron. suffixes: oneself", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "גופה, גופא : the primary matter of discussion itself", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "alone: introducing the body of a midrashic pericope", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "אינקור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחוורתא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "it is evident, clearly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": " short", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דעוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "laughter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרגיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tooth of 'elbow' lock", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת מזגא חמרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יעץ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to take counsel with one another", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to advise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to plan", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ביטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציביתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shuttle (of a loom)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "training, education of the young", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יעד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be forewarned", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be declared mu(ad", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to designate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to declare an animal muˁad", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ביטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "caper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "foreskin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "interior, inner", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to introduce, bring into", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "last, latter, later", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(of legs) hind", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the tractate Baba Batra", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "גון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "kind", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "70", "71" ], "definition": "way, manner", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "כי האי גוונא : in such a manner, in that case", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a sub category of a ruling", "def_num": "3.1.1" } ] }, "גול": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to roll up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוב": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to answer", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cavity in a press for receiving wine", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "גוז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to go across", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cut off", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to pass, go away", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) nut", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pool", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אפותיקי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54" ], "definition": "mortgage, title deed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to fall in on oneself, collapse", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fall", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to collapse (house, wall)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fall in battle (or other dangerous situation)", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disintegrate", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to fall willingly, i.e. to jump down or prostrate oneself", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of a field: fallen into infertility or the like", "def_num": "1.5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. מנ or ל_ : to drop something", "def_num": "1.6" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "31", "41", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to befall, be given an opportunity", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "42", "50", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be given, come into possession", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of fire, plagues, etc. : to break out, occur", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to fall upon, overwhelm", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be someone's responsibility", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": " to be relevant to someone/something", "def_num": "3.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to spread, break out (fire)", "def_num": "4.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of light or shadow", "def_num": "4.1.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fell, throw down", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "stillbirth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גנבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "strong man, hero, fighter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "strong, mighty", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "important", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "גנזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "guard of the treasury", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נפט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "naphtha, petroleum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be ignited", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "smith", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי נפחא : smithy", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) בר נפחא : a type of bird", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "60" ], "definition": "to blow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to inflate", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to blow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to inflate, make swell", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sieve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערעור#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. : claims of rights", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁקיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "cliff, crag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "weary, worn-out (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "marriage contract", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפק": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70" ], "definition": "to be expelled", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to go out, come out, leave", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "(astron.) to rise", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to go out to greet, to meet", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to contend with", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to go away", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "p.p. : expelled, driven away", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be derived", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(progeny) to issue", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be published, promulgated, spread abroad", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to turn into, end up differently from how it started", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(logic) +מנ : to follow logically from", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be spent, i.e. used up, consumed", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be expended", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to pass time", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(npš)(mn ˁlmˀ) : to die : see also s.v. npq #4 n.m.", "def_num": "3.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "כד נפק ב_ : similar to, appropriate for", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מנ : to make a difference", "def_num": "5.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "b_ to fulfill a duty", "def_num": "5.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ידי חובה : (act) to fulfill an obligation", "def_num": "5.2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring forth, produce", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cause to come forth", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "42", "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to remove, expel", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to exclude", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to transfer from one legal status to another", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to divert", "def_num": "2.3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to expend", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to produce a text", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to announce a legal decision", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(math.) to subtract, to divide", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to read through completely", "def_num": "7.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ידי חובתא : to fulfill someone else's obligations", "def_num": "7.3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "projection", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גנבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "robber (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to shake off loose material from something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "to scatter", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hackle (flax)", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "25", "53" ], "definition": "to discharge", "def_num": "1.3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to shake off repeatedly or of many objects", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fan (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fan (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to card wool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חימצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fatty intestinal tissue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דידיוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נעור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a palm that drops its fruit early or easily", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתרגמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "interpreter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדר#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(part of the body) to be twisted or deformed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זאפנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "falsification, forgery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) myrrh gum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מורס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "abscess", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נקרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pedant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כורסתי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"'I gave\" in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to be held captive", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to imprison, shut in", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיתני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "flax worker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pile of loose bricks", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוזיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece(J)/sixth part(levy)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to jump", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to act quickly", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. על : to rush to acquire something", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to jump", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדבח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "altar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אף": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "also, even", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "אפ ציבחד : a little more", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "nose", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "pl. : face : see s.v. ˀpyn", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "old", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) myrtle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sandal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "את": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "letter (of the alphabet)", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "miracle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "father", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of humans", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of animals: sire", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ancestor, forefather", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. parents", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": " in particular, the three forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (also sg. for any one of them)", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ˀabbā : my father, dad (vocative or referential)", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: (of a non-animate substantive) origin, cause", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "common factor", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "as a personal name", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "אב דאב : paternal grandfather", "def_num": "7.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אבא דאימא : maternal grandfather", "def_num": "7.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אחא דאבא, אח אב : paternal uncle : see s.v. ˀḥb", "def_num": "7.4" } ] }, "אח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "brother", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "kinsman, comrade", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a non human", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "או": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "or", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ˀw ... ˀw : if . . . but if, whether . . . or", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "alone : if (possibly simply a scribal error for normative JBA אי < ˀn)", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53" ], "definition": "equivalent to MT אiמ as the second clause in a question", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אביינוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "important person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "ay! woe!", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "if, whether", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אי לאו ד_ : were it not that ...", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "even if", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אי ד_ : if the case is, in case of ...", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אי...אי : either...or", "def_num": "3" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "which", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכתק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fine chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "44", "51", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "where, wherever", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "if", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אל": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "81", "82" ], "definition": "usually preceding volitive verbal form", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "god", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אם": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "50", "51", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "if", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mother", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of human beings", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אימא דאימא : maternal grandmother", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אמה רבתי : grandmother", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of animals", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of branching roads", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : the way a stone of a fruit is attached to the flesh", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "גילמוהרג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "bulla", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "desert", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "face", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig. : front surface", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "way, manner", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "side, party", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in compound prepositions/adverbs.", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. l_ : see also s.v. lˀpy prep.", "def_num": "6.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. forms of gly, see s.v.", "def_num": "7" } ] }, "אוון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "inn, station where one spends the night", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁורינקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "species of hawk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(?? of a lung)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרנסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "charitable support", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74", "81" ], "definition": "livelihood, sustenance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אפיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "baker woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיפליס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלישׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weakness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרבל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "p.p.: (of a limb) wrapped in fat", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "71" ], "definition": "trousers", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of outer garment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אפוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "priestly garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתיבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "position, site", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "yeshiva, academy", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "members of an assembly", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רתית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "trembling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סאיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "unclean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lamp", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רומיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "contradictory argument, objection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "געייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lowing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תהלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "psalm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערק#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "leech", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פייסון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "intercessor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרי דורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סניגוריה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "defense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמורי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Amorite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפתא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bread (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "balcony (or the ceiling beneath a balcony)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כישׁרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תומרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "pl.: dates", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "date palm", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁתי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be drunk (drink)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to drink", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be irrigated", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "warp", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁתי וערב : adv. : lengthwise and crosswise [Heb.?]", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁתך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be rust bitten", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become very rusty", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make rusty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to plant", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to bore a hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "to urinate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוגריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "woven basket for dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית שׁקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "irrigated area", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גימטריון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "secret code", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלולן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "kneading trough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנהרותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "servitude (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to include oneself", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to become a partner, ally oneself with", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make an ally", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to go into partnership", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חמשׁ": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "five", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be silent, silence oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be quiet", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to silence", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "51", "53", "55", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to silence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הויא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "discussion, argumentation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁורציף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of sandal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסתור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "foot or leg of a piece of furniture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gourd", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pour water", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חמורה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "vertebra", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "41", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bead", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "seal", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "amulet", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "other small bead-like objects", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) bud", "def_num": "5.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(med.) (bladder or kidney) stone", "def_num": "5.2" } ] }, "שׁינן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "having long teeth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "awake, alert", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to awake from sleep, arise", "def_num": "1" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be stirred up", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to watch", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to awaken someone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "fig. : to stir something up, rouse", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eye", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "metaph. anything that looks like an eye", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "ring, hole", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "draft hole of an oven", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a part of the prow of a boat", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "metaph. focus, center, main part", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "spring", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "color or splendor of colored objects such as wine or gems", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "natural form : see s.v. b(yny prep.", "def_num": "3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in adv. expressions:", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "see s.v. l ˁyn, lˁyny prep.", "def_num": "4.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to look at, watch over carefully", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be on guard", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to study, to examine", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to investigate, look for something", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "עיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "colt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cataract [of the eye]", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אריכ#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "fitting, proper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "guilty (dial.) : see s.v. ḥyb", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pain (dial.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארזניג": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " worthwhile, important", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרקד": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to fall on the back", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני מתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "citizens", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורנס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "hammer, mallet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "horn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זקיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הילכך": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "therefore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצי#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be able", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be able", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to create, provide", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be dragged", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to pull, to drag", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to lead along", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to stretch s.t. out", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "continuation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "guardian, guard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזהרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "warning", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "legal prohibition", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קומרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of belt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמשׁם": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to rub(?) the eyes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרבב": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be lowered, descend", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to extend beyond something", "def_num": "2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to lower", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to let hand down", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עבד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "labor, work (v.n.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "result of work", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "north", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צינצלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "fringe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טחאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. type of cakes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אובנתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lobe of an organ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלל#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prepare the bridal room", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורח ארעא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "normal behavior, proper behavior", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכרני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fem.: masculine woman", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "blessing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "benediction", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ברכת מזונא : grace after meals", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "תרמוד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "truly needy, poorest of the poor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "explorer, spy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one carrying a sounding pole", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טבית": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54", "74" ], "definition": "well, properly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טביו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "good fortune", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטר#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be burned up upon an altar", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "into cloud, storm", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71" ], "definition": "upon an altar: to sacrifice", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כלמדם": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "everything", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרב#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to rob", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to seize for forfeiture", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to seize someone's property", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גרב#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "plunderers, plundering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפל#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take the trouble to do something", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "loins", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנתון": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "you (m. pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dusk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קותיסתיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gambler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stamp of a coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁאר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to remain in large numbers", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to remain", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "remainder", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to leave a remainder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יפי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to finish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁאל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to ask to be excused from an invitation or obligation", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be asked", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to ask", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to inquire of, to consult (person)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to ask for something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "specifically: to borrow", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "42", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to lend", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to ask", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to demand to \"borrow\" in large amounts", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "כתנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "linen undergarment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁאב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to draw out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת גושׁתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small siphon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזבוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "squandering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דכסיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain) EchRB", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלפ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) willow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיבול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "state of tebel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יומ טב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "holiday", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "feast, banquet", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "good omen", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "דוכן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "dais", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁתס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁתף": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be trampled", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "place", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "bdwkt_ : instead of, in the place of", "def_num": "3.3" } ] }, "קבס": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make vomit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "60", "71" ], "definition": "comes, a high official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קושׁשׁ": { "V07": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to investigate (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איצא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "wrinkled, withered up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a forbidden bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to hurry", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to frighten away or stun", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סימוניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of marsh-reed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "hut or lean-to, a rickety structure for overnight lodging in a field being harvested", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "umbilical cord", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "navel", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אנטיכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a receptacle for vessels", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "leader, commander", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיון": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "when, since", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "as soon as", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קלמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "60" ], "definition": "reed-case", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרהי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wait", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be delayed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to delay, make wait", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "someone", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "something", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "יציב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "permanent : see s.v. yṣyb n.m.", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "citizen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "handle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "food", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "eating", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קנס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to punish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to fine", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "penalty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "42", "53", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "fine", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צורנייתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "foodstuff served to mourners", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנם": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to invoke a vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזד": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to follow a scholar's opinion", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אזד לטעמה : to follow one's own or another's reasoning", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go away (?), i.e. = ˀzl)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מטרונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "matron", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזז": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make erect (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אזי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53" ], "definition": "to heat up an oven", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to heat up or burn up something in an oven", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנח": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to wipe off, scrape", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טולשׁא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crab-apple, medlar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאס#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to turn repulsive, decay", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be repulsive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. repulsive, offensive", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרסקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "peach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) peach tree", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארכיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "magistracy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יציר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fem.", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גננ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to construct a bridal canopy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניהל_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to (dative)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אושׁפיז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "lodging place", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "landlord", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "יציף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "anxious, worried", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמייא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: Mas 49a)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלכן": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "for if it is not so", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "she-goat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיטי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "of summer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכיוון": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "since", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dry manure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פדר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "dung or dried dung", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצטבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "bench", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רטב": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to show moisture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רטן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to murmur, mutter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "base, support", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דסמכא : authoritative", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "סמכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "basis", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דסמכא : authoritative", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "closeness, being on the verge", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "זלתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bucket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "almond", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "name of an idol", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמשׁבשׁבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "Thursday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יאוי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "woe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "12", "44", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁת עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sixteen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be accompanied", "def_num": "1" } ], "I": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "w. perfect : unreal conditional", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to accompany", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to accompany", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to accompany", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "row", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "line", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מצעי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "במיצעי, במיצי : prep. : in the middle of", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "זוסט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "belt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יאות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "well, proper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפטוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dealer in naphtha", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר קבליי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "'darky' (a derogatory term)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלואא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "aloe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of fencing", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "פתך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "p.p. : intermingled (see also s.v. ptyk adj.)", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chain of palm stumps (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כרכד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "device for beating", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁביסתנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lodge, inn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמנין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eighty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדוכי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a pestle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁומען": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reputation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "refuse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to heat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נרשׁי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "of Naresh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תריקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "antidote for a venomous bite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקיע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "firm", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "the sky", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיג": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "transparent", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חפיפה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shampoo", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "cornice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "radiance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "appearance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "splendrous appearance, beauty", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁפשׁף": { "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rub against", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "44", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "final, last, later", "def_num": "1" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "after (temporal)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "behind (spatial)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "end", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "temporal: future, latter part", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "b)xryt): finally, afterwords", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "זין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a weight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inexpensive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vulgar", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. snout or nostrils", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁביה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "captive (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מולדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "midwife", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורבתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "layer of bricks", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "mistake, error", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפוכי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who pours, spills", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר ניר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "small yoke", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "righteous person: i.e., one bearing the yoke of the commandments", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מקור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "cistern, aqueduct", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "forgery, false copy", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to counterfeit, forge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to adulterate", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to falsify", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איל#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ship's prow", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "a worm (or the like) in grapes", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁפיף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "bent over", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "skin bottle for carrying liquids", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטיגור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "prosecutor, accuser", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "olive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(bot.) olive tree", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. olive garden", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "olive oil", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בגדתיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Bgdt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לגיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "legion", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "legionnaire", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "עסב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "grass, plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עסי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to force, compel", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "metaph.: to deride (or the like)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "הנהו": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "those (m.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "certain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ייס": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "healing !", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחלוסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) cress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סני דיבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "pl. part of intestines", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קונטה": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Gk. -konta; i.e., a number ending in a multiple of ten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טופין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "additional amount", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנהי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "those (f.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "certain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "woven basket for fruit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁתקד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "last year, the previous year", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קונטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "spear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורוסטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rose-wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עסק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to occupy oneself", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "באורייתא : to study Torah", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to do business", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be occupied with, attend to something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. to argue with someone", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "באורייתא : to study Torah", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "difficult matter, problematic issue, burden (fig.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "70", "81" ], "definition": "normative mode of behavior, nature, procedure", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "business venture, affair", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "merchandise", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "מהולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "sieve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to sweep", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כורכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "crane, goose", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "sack", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sackcloth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אברי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כורכם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "כורכמא רישׁקא : saffron, saffron fiber (used as eye paint)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "following a number from 1-9 : 11-19 : see under the first number", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to tithe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pay tithes", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גוצטוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "zodiacal assignment (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפיז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a dry measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "skin bottle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "purse", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זכי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give oneself merit", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "just, innocent", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "righteous", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "cleaning", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be innocent", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be worthy", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to gain possession", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give charity", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to judge innocent, to justify, clear of blame", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to entitle", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give merit", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to entitle", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to win, to defeat", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give charity", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to clear away rubbish", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "גוד#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "wall", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "riverbed : see s.v. gd #2", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "זכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "41", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "merit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "meritorious deed, covenantal obligation", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "victory", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "in law, i.e., innocence, acquittal", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "writ of a favorable verdict", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "benefit", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "title of rights", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "סטכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tunic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lots = Purim", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיטור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "perfuming", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תיבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "chest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(Noah's) ark", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) word", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כנר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) lote tree", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lote fruit", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "medlar or holly (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אבילו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "mourning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רופיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a high official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרב#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stump of a palm branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיעות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in the Arab fashion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יכח": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to admonish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to decide [Heb.]", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יכל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be able (capability)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": " to overpower", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "42", "71" ], "definition": "(in prohibitive clauses) : to be empowered", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ככר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "talent (weight)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איטמוס": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "ready, prepared", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוריס": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "except for", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זממ#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to tingle an instrument", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זממ#3": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be proven a false witness", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to refute a witness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוניון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lord (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מינקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "72" ], "definition": "nursing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "winepress or vat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוושׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to make a loud noise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: (verses, texts) to be noticeable, stand out", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אכפ#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to saddle an animal(?) or to ride sidesaddle (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be reliable", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be declared valid or fit", "def_num": "4" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "proper, fit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ritually permissible", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to declare permitted, allow", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נעם": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be pleasant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דונ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be favorably contested", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנדר": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to roll, to revolve", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to roll something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁל": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to cause someone's downfall", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חורשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "forest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנזכי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Ginzak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) cuscuta, i.e., dodder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נער": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to shake out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(finger) ring", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "larger ring, loop", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "anus", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "טפל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to plaster, to smear", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "paste", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נגר#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "foot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "track, step", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נגר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "irrigation channel or stream", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "appeasement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bolt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "idle person", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) barren tree", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ליכא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "there isn't here, there is not", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסטרטיג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "general, commander", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "high community official", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרוסתקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סונקתדרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a high court official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "phylactery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "field", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "outside", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the wild", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in prepositional use", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "See s.vv. lbr, br mn, llbr mn", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "adverbial: see s.v. brʾ adv.", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "בר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "license, permission", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאלתר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "immediately", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטנה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "pregnancy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "confirmation", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "authenticated document", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "answer", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תלא אילן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "squirrel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרדס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "garden, park", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מציאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lost object", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אברום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a Nile fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתוכילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "relish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "in particular of animals", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "a particularly well-fattened animal", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "גרידא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "merely, alone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לגרידיה : by itself", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גרידו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "friction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבאות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "well, properly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמצ#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to become acid", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become leavened", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make leavened", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to delay (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ימין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "right", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "right hand", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "א_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "upon. over", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : in addition to", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אברור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part of building(?)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ballast (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סיסנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "date spadix", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "באפי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "in front of, in the presence of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בלא אפי = לא באפי : not in the presence of", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "south wind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אולמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strength", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thick part", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קביוסטיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gambler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "afterbirth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנגרבטיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "person in charge of forced labor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הגי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to think, to meditate on (w. b_)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "acerbity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי מסחותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bathhouse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to desiccate something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to muffle sound", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to heat something up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כור#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "land, district", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כור#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "27", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כור#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a wooden pole involved in weaving (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרצור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of locust", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) צרצר דטורה : a plant name", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "spring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עינ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the letter ˁayin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרשׁ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to batter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "a type of usury", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יוקרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "weight", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "heaviness", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "אריסטונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "noble person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבלנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "concubine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקוטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "vowel point", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reed basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be connected", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגדלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "Magdalene", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרתא#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "distinguished woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עידון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "pl. const. : time period", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עניו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "poverty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי אוורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "channel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תימזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unknown bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנדוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "Indian (= Ethiopian)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "Indian (= Indian!)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁיבתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערביתית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Friday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביניתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to be detained, held back", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to hold back, detain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53" ], "definition": "to invalidate an act", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to prevent", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מרוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Meiron", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be consumed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "viper, large snake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Acco", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על גבי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "upon", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "next to", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "on the bank of (river, etc.)", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אגב אורחא: by the way, i.e., incidentally", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "because of, on account of", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אגב ד : conj. : because, since", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "סתי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to winter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סתם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be intimidated", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to be closed up", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "unnamed (opinion, authority)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "undefined matter", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "81" ], "definition": "to close up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to state a law anonymously", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to stop up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "traveling", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swimming", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סתב": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to spend the winter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוסרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "loss, damage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "winter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חנוכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "dedication ceremony", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "Hannukah", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טלופח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lentil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמוט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one that dislocates (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כולניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of reed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "official appointed to hear lawsuits", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אניסכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "woven material", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופנדירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "shortcut", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תותרי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. coupled animals", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "secret", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to destroy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "lit. to dismantle or destroy a built object", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to refute", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(intrans.) to come apart", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disarrange", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארבונא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blindness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית מותבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "study house", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁחר#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to blacken", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to blacken", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרפיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "healing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בצר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to become lacking, diminished", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to take away away part of a substance", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to subtract", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to diminish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפיפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) serpent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בצל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be split", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) onion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד אימת": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "how long", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁתימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "forgery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סאסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sharp blade of grass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chief (f.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תרוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "spoon, spoonful", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תרוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "ethrog (citron), citrus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזקפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "brushing up an animal's fur", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מספילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(bot.) medlar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "destroyer, devastator", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יצף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "44", "51", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to worry about", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "22", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to take care of something/someone", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יתב#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "inhabitant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יצר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hinge [made of bamboo wood]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תיליתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחגר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעדלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) last sheep of flock (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "subst. : bruised area", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "מחרוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a Persian holiday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דויד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?) perhaps something like: recent bridegroom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איפכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " in an opposite manner", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reversible statement", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פטיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "unleavened", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "untanned", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "unleavened bread", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "untanned", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גבע": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to walk like a hunchback", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁידתין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "(magic) demon (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to prevail", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to prevail", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(of bodies of water) to swell", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to make strong", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "man", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "specifically a male as opposed to a female", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "husband", "def_num": "" } ] }, "גבה": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to rise high", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be high", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take up", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גבב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "tuft of fiber", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גבל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be kneaded", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be mixed", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to knead", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prepare fodder", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to form", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "70" ], "definition": "to make, to create", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "intrans.: to spontaneously generate", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to knead", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to mix", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מוהרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "document, writ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "selected, choice, chosen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(of the eyes) defective? (perhaps a euphemism?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to collect", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to revenge, avenge", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "56" ], "definition": "to punish, to fine", "def_num": "5" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make someone pay", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "piece of straw", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תרג": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד לא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "devotion (ḥesed), kindness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "beneficence, grace, Grace", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. אחזק : to be grateful", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לטיבו : adv. : for good, positively", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "correctness", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "משׁכ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become emaciated", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בית וועד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "academy, school", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rest, to wait", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to wait", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "barrier (?), opening in a door (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תביר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "broken", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as v.n.: breaking", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "קצר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to suffer from a wound", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to reap", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "fuller", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיצם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trunk", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אשׁלמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the Prophets", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קצץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cut short", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to chop down", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to reckon", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to agree on a fee", "def_num": "4.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cut off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטיטרך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rectum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעילאי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "from above", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": " to give terumah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלגה דיומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "noon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a small onion or dill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sky", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "drizzle, fine rain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אהן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "this", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "אהנו : this is", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אהל": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to constitute a shared environment", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "tent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניהלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "very fine drizzle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גירי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "arrow maker or arrow user", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארמני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "Armenian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזמ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to threaten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to speak hyperbolically", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רצי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be reconciled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be pleasant", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be appeased", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to consent", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to reconcile", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to appease", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פתק#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to aim, to hurl", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "brief memorandum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איצטלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רצד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to lie in wait", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "באלאנרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bath robe or towel (or the like)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סגדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "veneration, worship", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרדשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to gnaw, erode", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to break", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "gate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "54" ], "definition": "entrance", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "market price", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "רוי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "drunk person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדסרוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of broom or rake for carpets", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רצף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "p.p. : stuffed", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to hammer", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to smash or crush", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רצץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to crush", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hammer", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ווח": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shout of joy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shout of woe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פודגרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "gout", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תולען": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scarlet colored", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "attachment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תולעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "worm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חושׁלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "hulled and crushed grain, i.e., groats", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבלעדי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "lacking the oversight of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוספי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of GN", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלת#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "one third", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ גרגותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "superintendent of irrigation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלבושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "garment, dress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חומרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "charm", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bud", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weight-stone", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bladder stone", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "צלי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to roast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחר#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to strip leaves (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "treasurer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוסטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "district, province", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דנקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "sixth of a dirham", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "sixth of anything", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עקר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "root", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "outset : see s.v. mˀyqrˀ adv.", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(of a stick) end", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "main point, essence", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "descendant, offspring (also as collective)", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "מידי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "interrogative particle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "carrion, dead body", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lees", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to injure", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "injury", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רטנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "murmurer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאפי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "towards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "toll collector", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרחק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "removal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "face covering, mask", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "eater", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכום": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "black", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to redeem (a tithe)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. blows", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזבז": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to waste, to squander", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sleeve (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "redemption", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Tishri (September/October)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "excrement, dung", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנפקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "expenses", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בשׁל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be cooked", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "p.p.: cooked (boiled, baked, or roasted)", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to cook, boil", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(pustule) to suppurate", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אגרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "letter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "14", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "contract, document", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "72" ], "definition": "writ of divorce", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "צאי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "filthy", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to soil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצוביתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thrum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלמיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "formation of lines", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הגן": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be proper, to worthy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of legging", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תיובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "repentance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "reply", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "refutation", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עמר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "sheaf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be washed away", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to die", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "multitude of people", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to wash", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to inundate", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to carry off in a flood", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to best in a dispute", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to do something in a slipshod manner", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dissolute", "def_num": "4.2.1" } ], "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to receive payment: see s.v. šwtp", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to wash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי דפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "frame of an oil press", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁתוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "silence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאסרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "53", "60" ], "definition": "bundle, bunch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איפשׁר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "possible", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לא אפשׁר : impossible", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "איפשׁר ל X : X is able to afford", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "מרפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עתירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "breach (dial.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכשׁ": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to weed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to weed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוחלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "half ripe date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איהי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "she", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "50", "71", "81" ], "definition": "adjacent", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "compact, tightly composed", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "viscous", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ordained (as rabbi)", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "זוגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wife", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכי": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "from the time that", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "carpet, cushion", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to be low", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to lie down", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sink (ground)", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to spread out something below", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to lower", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bring down low", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to level", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "סמיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "blindness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איהו": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "he", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "as subject", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as object", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as prepositional object", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ] }, "סמיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "fine flour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תגרן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mercantile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחת ים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "sailor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיכלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. partridges", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קסמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "diviner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טסקא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "used as a dry measure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קסמ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "chip (of wood)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גושׁקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of flour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סערה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "barley", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצוח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "victory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכסניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "strange or foreign country", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סרס#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to intercede", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "stumbling-block", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "55" ], "definition": "flax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "possessions, property", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "esp. livestock", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "right or process of possession", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הבהב": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "p.p.: parched", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "stolen item", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁביל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "path", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(astron.) course, orbit", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "לקט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to gather", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make an animal pick up food", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to collect multiple things", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "defective", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to be smitten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to receive lashes", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to suffer", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be eclipsed", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to administer corporal punishment", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(of food) to sicken", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "לקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "leukon (a coin)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסטיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "place of safekeeping, political center (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תמה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "there", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "position in a text", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in opposition to \"here\" : Babylonia vs. Eretz-Israel", "def_num": "1.4" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to wonder at, be astonished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to wonder at, be amazed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to speak rhetorically", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "amazement, wonder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בתימהא : as if amazed", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: prodigy, extraordinary thing", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "לקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "being beaten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "defect", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קל וחומר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "a fortiori argument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sieve", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to winnow, to sift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבלב": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to have incestuous relations", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "large amount: see s.v. bgsˀ adv., gsw n.f.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁביח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "praiseworthy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "nerve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כד": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "when", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "followed by ptcp. (or + ptcp.) : while (not) X-ing", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "vessel, pot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : important person", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁמין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fat, fatty (of animals)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "heaven", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "metonymy for God", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "בשׁיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "ripe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כו": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "enclitic expressing surprise: so, then", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "41", "44", "51", "53", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "here", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "see s.v. ", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כך": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "so", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "כAכ וכAכ : such-and-such", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "molar tooth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "60", "71" ], "definition": "tooth in general", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: handle of a key", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "horizontal portion of a letter", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "כי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "like", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chi (Greek letter)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thus, so", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tube", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(original) position", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "כל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "all", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "כולי עלמא : everyone", "def_num": "3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "כל דהוא : any amount, any sort", "def_num": "3.5" } ] }, "גץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "60", "71" ], "definition": "chalk, lime, gypsum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁכפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shoemaking (?) or slaughtering (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pole with hook (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסתנדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a high official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בתר שׁבתא : Sunday", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54" ], "definition": "after", "def_num": "1" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "after", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in space", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in time", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ב.Aתaר שׁaב.:תAא: Sunday", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: according to", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "conj.: after", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "ˀ + btr: see s.v. ˀbtr", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "l+btr: see s.v. lbtr", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "גו": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "56" ], "definition": "inside, within", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "inward part, belly, viscera", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bgw : inside, within : see s.v. bgw prep.", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "גז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "shorn wool, fleece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גב": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "71", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "near, next to", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "at the place of", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "together with", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "אית גבי : to have", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "אית לי גב_ : to owe", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "מנגב... עד גב : from... to", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "towards, into the presence or possession of someone", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in the case of", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "side, flank: an edge that rises or stands out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "for use as a prep. see s.v. gb, gby prep.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "25", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "back, upper-flank", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fig.: top", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "body", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in compounds with prepositions: see s.vv. lgby, ˁl gb", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "upper horizontal of a letter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fortune, luck, fate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "byš gd : adj. : unfortunate, unlucky", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "god of fortune", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "43", "53" ], "definition": "as a person's or nation's god", "def_num": "2.1.2" } ] }, "גל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "wave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "26", "50", "51", "53", "54", "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "writ of divorce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיליוון": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "I ordered", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "palm, hand", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "71" ], "definition": "spoon, ladle", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "dish", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: shoulder", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sheaf, bundle (i.e., handful)", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "the eleventh letter kaph", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "כס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "cup", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "stupidity, foolishness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גסט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "hard flint", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "the shamir: a legendary (?) worm that cuts stone [based on an interpretation of Ezek 3:9]", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "לשׁן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to slander", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tongue", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "language", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "group speaking the same language", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "speech", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "expression, mode of speech", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "version", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "זלוחיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sprinkler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "mattress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be released from the need of redemption", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to split, to burst", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cease, be cancelled", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to cause splitting", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to release from an obligation", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to confiscate", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to release fro the need of redemption", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "סטוכטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "myrrh oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to stopper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלזונ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "murex, i.e., spiral-shelled mollusk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ נהרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "river inspector(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prostitute oneself", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to behave wildly", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to abandon, renounce ownership", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to declare free", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sarcophagus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוזי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Khuzestan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דורדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "sediment", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "lees", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסקריא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "mast or sailyard of ship", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איבריאתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלטתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. final decision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמטיריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a polyganum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "name", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "fame, reputation", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "see also s.v. bšm prep.", "def_num": "4.1.2" } ] }, "פקד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be commanded", "def_num": "1" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be deposited", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to keep in mind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to set someone in charge", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to store up", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "52", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to deposit", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "14", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to command (person)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to leave by testament", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(al bayteh : to make a will", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "כיפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "shore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת הכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one that is thusly capable", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זייר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "72" ], "definition": "pressing vat (for olives or cleaning)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "valley, plain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סתר פתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "??", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "post- : after another period of time", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "foolishness (?), impiety (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "demon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a strong wood for building purposes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסרול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "name of plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "two", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "elliptical for תרי בשׁבא : Monday", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "כספה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "money box, strongbox", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gatherer of figs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצצ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to interpose, come in between", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטיטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cave (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קילורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "eye salve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוכרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "foreign, alien", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחגר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תריע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "breach", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to move", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to search", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "armpit", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קורקס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "large lump or block of wood", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "עiיזAא ד:קUרק:סEי : sharp point on a threshing sledge", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "אשׁתים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "of a household", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "פרמקוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "magician", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היינו": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "this is, that is, that is to say", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפסקימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cord of coconut fiber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גליר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "soldier's servant, squire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוסיא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "nostril (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גליד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "thick", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ice, frost", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "breaker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוללה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "pl. : gleanings", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "cloak, mantle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גליל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "a type of round topographical feature or region", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "the Galilee", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טיוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " dotted lines of a document (i.e. the space for witnesses' names)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוכלתן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "intelligent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shovel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "last", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חריך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "singed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יאיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "a head ornament", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁריר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "firm", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "true", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אגומן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דירין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "unclear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "assarius (a small copper coin)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדרבא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on the contrary", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יזופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "loan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יקיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "heavy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "יקיר עלמא על : to be sluggish", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. ear : deaf, hard of heaing", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "honored, important", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "dear, precious", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חריף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sharp", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "of mind: clever", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "of smell: pungent", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "of coinage: current", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "of drink: potent", "def_num": "1.6" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of wind: fierce", "def_num": "1.7" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "prompt, speedy", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁלהב": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to kindle, set ablaze", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טופ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to look around", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "vile person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tender one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "Messiah", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בעל אומנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "artisan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(bot.) nettle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רם": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "high", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fem. subst.: see s.v. rmh", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of a voice: loud", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר רמי : child of high-ranking people", "def_num": "3.4" } ] }, "מרי חיטיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one with much knowledge of the traditions", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "large", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "great, of major significance", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "important, chief (see also s.v. rb n.m.)", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(of age) : older", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "chief", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "55", "72", "81" ], "definition": "nobleman, chieftain", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "master", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "teacher", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "רז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mystery, secret", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צותר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear:EchR 68)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁע": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "nine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "repairing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי דלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "irrigated area", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "71" ], "definition": "islands", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכבנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wrapping (as a head covering)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a twisted pin (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוזקזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chalice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "buyer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרחם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "friend", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוראי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of person, perhaps local?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבור נירין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) name of a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leavening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁר#4": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make a compromise (> p$r#1!!)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלטל": { "V11": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be moved", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to become a wandering refugee, be homeless", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to lift, remove", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to move something from place to place", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁפוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "spit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי שׁפודא : top part of a date palm", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁפול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) seat of tree in the ground", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "(usually pl.) lower part", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "pl. skirts", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lower border of a garment", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "היקף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "circumference", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "oven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחוד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "alone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מספר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "barber's scissors", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הנאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "benefit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bridal chamber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "probably 'Syrian rue'", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דונבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "tail, rump", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זותין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) zythos (a type of barley)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זחל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to sprinkle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היימן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "trustworthy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרגי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) young bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מניף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נרג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "axe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דעם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be suspected of illicit relations", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to raise such a suspicion", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to raise suspicion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "appropriate time", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "צומחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain: Pea 17c)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרא#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "72" ], "definition": "girdle, belt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איזוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "hyssop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "להדי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "towards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקמי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוריסטון": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "in Aramaic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "object, thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירושׁלמיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "Jeruselamite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מניח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deceased", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דעץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to thrust in", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דעת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "knowledge, mind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "w. peal or afel of סלק א_ : to come to mind, bring to mind", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "awareness", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לאו אדעת_ : unaware", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. יהב : to pay attention", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אדעתא ד_ : prep. : for the sake of", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "conj. : on the understanding that", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אדעתא ד_ : prep. : in compliance with the opinion of", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מדעת : prep. : of ones' own will", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לדעת : prep. : for oneself", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "disposition", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "intention", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "opinion", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to exude easily", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לפיץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "pot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מניך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "necklace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "number, amount", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "quorum", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "incantation", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "ירדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "the Jordan River", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ראשׁ שׁתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "new year's day", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספד#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(professional?) eulogizer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רסרס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to destroy by dispersal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בצורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "drought", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "flotsam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "parapet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "circuit", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרמיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "cubit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be explained", "def_num": "4" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to depart", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to separate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be separated", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to depart", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to sail away", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+mn : to keep away from", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to offer, to dedicate", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause secretions (?)", "def_num": "5" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to distinguish", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to specify clearly", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to explain", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to depart", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to sail", "def_num": "5.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "horseman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסדי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "couch, pillow, cushion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יורק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "green, livid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁתוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "silence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "cake of figs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלכסנדרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "Alexandrian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדור": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "insipid, rotten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכיבריון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gang chief", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורדק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of wheat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכרעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "weighing, balancing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אובל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דול": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move along", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "water bucket", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "fig. for sexual vigor", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "irrigation", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אפוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "baker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרקוע#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "patch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pestle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wicker-work used for making var. objects", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) asa foetida", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "adhesion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דהן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be made fat", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בקדמיתה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "formerly, previously", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "the first time, to begin with", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קיבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "coil, skein", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cluster of fruit", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גמר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to study, learn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "spring, fountain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעינ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "bowels", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפסינתינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "wormwood, absinthe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיבוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "collection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמיהה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "amazement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "hope", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "task, commission, work", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(divine) mission, message", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פטום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "body", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear:Qid 64a)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אודי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "document of debtor's declaration", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבאית": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "well, properly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורכא#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "branch (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "small strip ??", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כריסטוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Christ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית מדרשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "school, study hall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כי#3": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "when", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "לכי : whenever", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "net/sieve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עטר#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to adorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נרמקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לכלך": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "to make wet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכלל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to adorn with a garland", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "מוסדרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a Persian holiday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגדלי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "Magdalene", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a body of water: cove, inlet", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עקום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "curvature", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דולפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bleary-eyed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוצרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "Bosran", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "spine, tail", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "recess", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כרטיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "sheet of papyrus", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "document", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עקור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "point", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "essence", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צבע#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "dyer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גורי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "young female animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דגנ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be piled up like grain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסכופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "threshold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מותנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "loins", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורא#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a wild bird - partridge or the like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "beam", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trunk", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברייה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "external mishna, i.e. barraitah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כ_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "like", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "according to", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "אנשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "person, someone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "inhabitant", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with negative verb: no one", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unspecified male person", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "anyone", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "שׁרי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be loosened, untied", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be released from a spell", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be permitted", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "beam", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to loosen, untie", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to abolish, to annul", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to liquefy, to melt something, dissolve", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to release from a spell", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to open the meal with a blessing", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to dismiss", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to adjudicate", "def_num": "1.3.5" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to permit", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to forgive, absolve of obligation", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "intrans.", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to inhabit, dwell", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p. : loose, abundant : see s.v. šry adj.", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to make to dwell", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to begin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבדקן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thick-bearded", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרפיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of enclosure used for storage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזלנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "robbery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fatty secretion", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to chirp or whistle (of a bird)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to whistle", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to whistle (loudly?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרץ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to produce a swarm, i.e. to breed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to creep", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to produce a swarm, i.e., breed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "reptile, creeping creature", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to slip", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to slip away from something", "def_num": "3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig. : to avoid an issue", "def_num": "3.3.1" } ] }, "מקרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "14", "50", "53" ], "definition": "store room", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁרר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be made firm", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be firm, tight", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be true", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "+ ḥyl_ : congratulations to", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "ellip. אישׁר alone", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make something strong or rigid", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מרמאהוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of oregano, wild marjoram", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "\"heart\" of the palm, i.e., the terminal bud", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trunk (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טעיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Arab woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרסנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a small fish of the shoals, used to make hash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תאסור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "store, treasure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איברא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "indeed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר זוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "spouse", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "comrade, colleague", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "net", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקוטי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assembled person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תתאה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lower", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רטיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "moist", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "pasture", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "some kind of moist object", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "כיסא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "covering(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shovel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חניף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "idolatrous", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גויסן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "proud person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקיעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "shofar blast", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(pl.) prayers interspersed with shofar blasts", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "leopard/panther", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "shepherdess", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטלטל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "homeless", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נמק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "deed, book", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נמי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "also", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אינמי = אי + נמי : or also", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נמט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "felt cloth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "heavy bed covering", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "felt clothing", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "רעיע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "crushed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : impaired", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ruined, dilapidated", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר חולק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "recipient of a portion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרתיגני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of carthage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוני#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "retribution", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מזמנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "host", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "thorn-bush", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרעי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "family, clan", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "(pl.) progeny", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרטלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of turnip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרק#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to empty out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "need", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבשׁושׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "small mound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בציר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "small", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "less", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "abs. as adv.: less", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who writes defectively", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הו הו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "moo", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדיאין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. fictions (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממלל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "speech, facility of speech", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוגג": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "eating", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : usufruct, use of property", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אמטול": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "on account of, because of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסידו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "compassion (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חסידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pious woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to swallow", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סרס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "steward", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to castrate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to transpose word order", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "סרק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to comb", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to comb", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to card wool", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to flay", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "יריד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גתדקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הן": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "where", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "כולהן : wherever", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הם": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "also", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הך": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "that (m.&f.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a certain", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "הי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "woe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "oh", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fruit worm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הא": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "here, look! (presentative particle)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "now then", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as an indicator of the imminent future", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "here (adv.)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "up until now", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "this (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": ", fifth letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lattice work", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lay bricks in a interwoven pattern", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to saddle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יריק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) name of a fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to rip apart, ruin, destroy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become putrid", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to decompose", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stench", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of gnat", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "כמנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "ambush", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to adhere (normally with l_)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to acquire a habit or practice", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to clutch", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to adhere tightly", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁככ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "guess", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shrink", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to scratch, incise", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to do something for baskets (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סרי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become mischievous", "def_num": "1" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "stinking", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ill-reputed", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lazy (?)", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to stink, become foul", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "axle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "redemption", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיילר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "potter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלטיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "open place, plaza", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to wash the hands", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to draw (?)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "משׁך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be attracted", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to withdraw", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to flow", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become prolonged", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to pull, draw out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to carry along", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attract", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to engross someone", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take possession", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be prolonged", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to transfer possession", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "skin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "71" ], "definition": "leather", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פורצן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "kernels of grapes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁה": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(adjuring exclamation)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "palace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to anoint (w. person as d.o.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "oil", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ointment, salve, balm", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גזוז#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trimming", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לויה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wailing", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "נפצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "name of an accent mark", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפצ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "carder (?) see s.v. nps #3 n.m.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "garden plot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלטיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shopkeeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כריטס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "graces (= Greek)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכף": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to place next to each other", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אטר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "26", "71" ], "definition": "to pay off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרק#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bolt a door", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרק#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to mix", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבעונין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "pl. colored material", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קללה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "curse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אטב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "metal hook or sharp rod", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "used as a scriber", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרט#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "splitting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרט#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inventory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אטו": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on account of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "interrogative particle introducing a rhetorical question", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מאיס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "repulsive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of foodstuffs", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "otherwise", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "אישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "person", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "specifically: a male human being (?)", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "someone, no one, anyone", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "twisted rope or chain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפרחי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fem.pl. subst. : fringes or flaps", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ציבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "congregation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "public", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מלי דציבורא : public affairs", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מכנסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "lower undergarment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רודוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "name of an idol", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנפ#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be assembled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be gathered together", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to collect, join together", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to assemble a group", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פגנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) rue (Ruta graveolens [and others?])", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלכלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "torch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דליל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sparsely planted", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טרוקסימון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "endive", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "exaggerator", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "טבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mature gazelle, deer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "drum, tambourine", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to immerse oneself", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to have something or someone immersed for purification", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dip repeatedly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דארישׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "possession, ownership", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "goodness, the Good", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "good will, good acts", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טבז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) cony (Procavia syriaca)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to slaughter", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "butcher, cook", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "בי טבחיא : slaughterhouse, kitchen (see also s.v. byt ṭbḥˀ)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טבת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "27", "43", "52", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "Tevet (December/January)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "die or stamp (used to make a coin)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "coin", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to shape, form", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sink", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to drown", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make sink, drown", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עסור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בר עשׂורי : one subject to tithing", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "a tenth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טופי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "extra helping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "circumciser", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁותף": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to take part in business dealings", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to agree to a marriage contract", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to make a partner", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "associate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רסוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a braid of clothing or the like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זהויין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "joyous person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74" ], "definition": "stumbling block, obstacle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקל#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to stumble, to become snagged", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remove obstacles", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remove obstacles", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיסקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "double sack", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "image", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "representation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כריך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "circular", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bundle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צורי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "Tyrian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיחד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "unique, singled out", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מיחא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתר#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to soak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צהר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to understand", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. clear", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ וב_": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mnh wbh, mnh wlh : by means of and due to the very existence of oneself", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צהב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be angry", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to provoke to anger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחשׁבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "thought", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "intention", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צהו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "thirst", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צהי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "thirsty", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be thirsty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צהל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to ring out in joy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "to be bright", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרפ#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be burnt, burned", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to burn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "kindness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמתרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) dragon's blood or a similar coniferous sap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ לבר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "from the outside, from without", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "on the outside", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בטשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stomping", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to kick", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to stomp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "72" ], "definition": "+ 'giving' : commerce, trading", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "מיחס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one of pure genealogy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקרא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a metal instrument (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ בגין": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "because", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "conj.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עיפ#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "folded, doubled", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תשׁנוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "distress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיהום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) covering a tree with a rancid substance or with manure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנאבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "dross of metal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אספרוא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עורב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "raven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סירוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁירות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "service, ministry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגרמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a case of mugremet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיליה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "fishing net", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרק#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to slip down or off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be slippery", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "intrans.: to slip, slide", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "trans.: to plaster, smear", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "slippery", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "plastered, smooth", "def_num": "3.3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make slippery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרק#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plaster, smear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיעית": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in Arabic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דותקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "family", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "strangury or kidney stones", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבעין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "seventy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממשׁמע": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "by implication", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחדה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "much, very", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחטרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "punishment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "groan, groaning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁרוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "resting place, safe place", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to conquer, be victorious", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נצי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "litigious", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to strive, to quarrel", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to quarrel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "skilled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "81" ], "definition": "most excellent, worthy", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נצל": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be saved", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "32", "44", "51", "56", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to free, to save, to rescue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתמלי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "yesterday, the previous day", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. \"the day before yesterday\" : any time previously", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁקרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "liar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "14", "71", "72" ], "definition": "row", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דנן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "this time, now", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגחן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "gorer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דנב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "tail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דנה": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "this (m.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפפת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(corrupt)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "71" ], "definition": "unfit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסתגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלתין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thirty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיסי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "loss", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דנק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be tormented", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נצף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(horse) to neigh", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "נצע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to stick in", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to stick in", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to blossom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to chirp", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wicker basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מותב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "seat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sitting", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "session", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "counsel", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "דחוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "laughter, scorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "51", "53", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "cheese", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מותן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "plague, pestilence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "ignorant person", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "alkali", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל הן": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "55" ], "definition": "wherever", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חילפא גילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) white willow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברברון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "barbarian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "blasphemy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגח": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to look upon, pay attention to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמור": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(eyes) blue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסום": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "delicious", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חקלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rural, rustic", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ignorant", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(subst.): peasant", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pleasant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ignorant", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁגי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to reel", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "מותר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "surplus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "oppression", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "stress, pressure", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "financial distress", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אגוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) nut tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tied up bunch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "aqueduct", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of gown", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלח#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be stripped off", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "worker in hides", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to strip off skin or clothing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to shed skin", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to strip off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to let hair grow long", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "שׁלח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leather", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁחט#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cut the throat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בשׁול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cooking", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a specific type of prepared food", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אגור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "pagan shrine, pagan altar", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מלמלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of cloth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מילפפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of melon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסכנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "poverty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסיובו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "counsel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "woman who gives birth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁומן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fatness", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁומנא דמורא : oil of myrrh, stacte", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "גמרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "teacher of traditions", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "spindle, distaff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיפוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "72" ], "definition": "provisions", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.t.: needs", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אשׁפלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתנחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pause", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(cantillation) athnach", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁקיעין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "forgotten titles of property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "danger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "load", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפלין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "phylacteries", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יללה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "lamentation, ululation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who is in exile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיד#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bridge planking", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "space between the planks, partition (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אגוסתוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "august one (Lat. augustus)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "distress, anxiety", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁפ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to dine in the evening (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "twilight or dawn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁפ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move back and forth; move a bit away", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גיר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to be converted to Judaism", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "arrow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. fig. : direct consequence of one's action", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to convert someone to Judaism", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כודני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "mule", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "mule-load", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "81" ], "definition": "bank, shore", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "w. ˁl : see s.v. ˁl gyp prep.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "side", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "way, manner", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to ravage, to plunder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ווסת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "menstruation, menstrual period", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) opium", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוכך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "softening, softness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספסל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bench", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זקיף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "erect, high", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "crucified, hanged", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "gallows", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "execution", "def_num": "4.3" } ] }, "שׁנוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "solution, answer (based on a distinction)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רוכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "peddler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סופתק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(vinegar) strong", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תונחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "sigh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיסגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלו": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "if", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "oh that!, would that! if only!", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "whereas", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "god, God", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "pagan god(s)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the God of Israel", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in oaths and curses", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ] }, "יונוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ebony", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "51", "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "but rather", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "w. negative : only", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "except, unless", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ולא עוד אלא : moreover", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "אלם": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "violent", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "mute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wine vat/olive press", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to wail, to howl, to lament", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "wailing, lamentation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "leaf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלף": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thousand", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ship", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) portion of a bird", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to learn", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to teach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to explain a biblical passage", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "p.p. : accustomed to", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מקב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mallet", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "אלס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(corrupt)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יצר#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be created", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "agent, broker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמנוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fattiness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "frame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספסף": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be singed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיטני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of summer", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "a type of legume", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bottom part", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "ארעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "lower", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "bottom, lowest part", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחל": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to begin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנסורס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of footwear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמרורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?) (something contained in or constituting sacks)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wipe off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עציב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sad", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "guard-house", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רדיוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flowing water", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טולמיסן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "he dared (in Greek!)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלפבטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "alphabetic acrostic poem", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be trampled", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רגזן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "easily angered, quarrelsome", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rust (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(eyes) to wink (?), to drip (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלל#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to spin thread or weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פזיז#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gilded", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלל#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lift up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pride", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "רמות רוחא : id.", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "רמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "hill, mountain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to indicate (through a physical motion), signal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to wink", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to hint, intimate, suggest through hints", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to wink", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to beckon (with a wink or head movement)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to intimate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רמי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be thrown", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to exist, to occur", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to throw", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to set something down", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to place on", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "71" ], "definition": "(logic) to propose a challenge", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to show an incongruity", "def_num": "5.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to move something downward", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ קלא ב : to shout at", "def_num": "7.6" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to throw, cast down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to give", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to remove by force", "def_num": "7" } ] }, "סוסביל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a species of locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "herd", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "25", "53", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of mule", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נקמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "vengeance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצוצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "bar, piece; see also s.v. qṣṣh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוקאן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "afflicted with dropsy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) plane-tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עציץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "flower pot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "chamber pot", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אימתן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "fearsome, terrible", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוכ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of dwelling, small hut", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כוכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "cake, loaf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "cold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגואי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "shadow, shade", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "protection", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מצרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Egyptian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדורה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whip or thick stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "toot, blowing the shofar", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put in dots", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טוי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to spin yarn", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "roasted food", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קברניט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "box,chest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית חקל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bald", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hornless", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(gram.) missing something", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to pluck the hair, make bald", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "bald, bare spot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסיליון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "two-seat stool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוברניט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "steersman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר מכלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who knows ( how to apply the technique of midda) from a halakhic midrash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transfer of ownership", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. deeds of such transfer", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a holiday(?) : see note DJBA", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גזיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "72", "81" ], "definition": "robbery", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "stolen goods", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טוס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to fly, fly around", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "peacock", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טוף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to overflow, flow well", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to drip", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to float", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be flooded", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(also w. רוח) : to be confused", "def_num": "6" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "to cause to flood", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to run over", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גזיז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "large chunk", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fist", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: in the expression תבר גזיזא : to change one's mind", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קריה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "city, town", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "village", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mountain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "high pasture, field", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to augur (not just with birds!)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fasting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קריב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "near", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in space", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in time", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "relative", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "female relative or companion", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "חזר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזר#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרון": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "tyrant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bran (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חזר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "swineherd", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "troublesome person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ לות": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "from the presence of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיסקוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "plate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of cucumber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גודרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small hedge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "plate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברז#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bung-hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברז#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "line, strap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורבני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "papyrus reeds", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחלול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scarecrow", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "משׁכן": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to give as a pledge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to take as a pledge", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "loop or hole where a tool blade attaches to its handle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כדכדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chalcedony", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמזן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of fruit dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "hide, leather", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁכב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "grave", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "צן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "basket of palm leaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טירנוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ruler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "nobleman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כסנין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "roasted grain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תוה": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to be astounded and confused", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dislike", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mishap", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dilapidation", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "אוליסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "glass works", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרט#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to regret, repent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תהום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "74", "81" ], "definition": "abyss", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sea", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "subterranean waters", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסקופה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "an implement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to gather", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלויי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "גלויי דעתא : revelation of intention", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "גלויי מילתא : self-evident statement", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be bound", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be prohibited, forbidden", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a person", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a thing", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to stop diarrhea, constipate", "def_num": "1.2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to prohibit", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to bewitch, to cast a spell (also see s.v. ˀswr nom.ag.)", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "punishment", "def_num": "2.4.1" } ] }, "בר אוריה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "man of learning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גריב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "27", "60", "71" ], "definition": "a dry measure, approx. one liter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a measure of land", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גריד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bare, mere", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לגרידיה : by itself, without external cause", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "תרנגל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) rooster", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "headrest, pillow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיור": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "foreign, alien", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "proselyte", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "healing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "remedy", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מנול": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "disfigured", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלנידין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "chlanidion (a large cloak)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "14", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחתום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "baker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפתוקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "circumcision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדושׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "holiness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "rwḥ qwdš, rwḥˀ dqwdšˀ : the Holy Spirit", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "קודשׁא בריכ הוא : The Holy One blessed be He (a name of God)", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "as allusion to the Tetragram", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ] }, "יבל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) cynodon (plant name)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קסיסטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sextarius (a weight)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "curl, loose hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mosquito, gnat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ו": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "waw, sixth letter of the alphabet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רתמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) retama (Jerusalem thorn, broom)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גודשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "heaped up measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי עליתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "upper storey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבל#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. hot, steamy", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "damage", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "abs.: alas! see s.v. ḥbl interj.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כושׁר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "distaff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bull, ox", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) תורא דימא : an unclean fish", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חבל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "rope, cord", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "region", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חבל#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "damage", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "pl.: alas ; see s.v. ḥbl interj.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "היזם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נציבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "planting, plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוז#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eunuch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכ#2": { "V": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to extinguish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to cut off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "portion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פלג#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "a demon that causes paralysis or apoplexy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוכחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "admonishment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "partition", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "71" ], "definition": "to invoke a vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "date stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיני#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "gardener, vegetable dealer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הפיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "winding", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חוטבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "embroidery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורגנר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tenant farmer (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "red spot in the eye", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "maggot, maggots", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סריק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "empty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "idle fellow, bum", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gnat or mosquito", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "זנדקנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jailer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "extreme", "def_num": "1" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be set aside", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to break (as bread)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to set aside", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to designate for religious use", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מדורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חכמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wisdom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבטיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "officer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניהי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "she (as a predicate)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as copula", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כון": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to do deliberately, mean to do", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to do something intentionally or exactly", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to direct", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "ריסתק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "market place", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניהו": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "he (as a predicate)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in general", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "after הוא", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "תג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "43", "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "crown", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crownlet on letters", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חוזי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "seer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הני#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to adhere", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "to affect adversely", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מהלך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "journey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגיחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "being pushed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בראשׁית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "The Beginning , i.e., Creation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "meal, banquet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to determine, to limit", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "butcher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁער": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "market price", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to estimate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to calculate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כספ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sherd (dial.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כספ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "silversmith", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כירי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "oh, master!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gorer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "curved side of the stomach (oppos. יתרא)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עזיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spun yarn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "jug with a handle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as a small liquid measure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "האופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "breath (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחמנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mercy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "love", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פלמודא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Mediterranean bonito", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to dispute", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be asked a difficult question", "def_num": "6" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hard", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "difficult", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "strong, tough", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ ל_ : causing a negative result", "def_num": "5" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be difficult", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to get an erection", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to behave harshly or brazenly", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dispute, to argue", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to dispute", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ינקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "childhood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תומנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one eighth of a kab measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be aware", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "dried date", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) date tree", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תומני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small onion (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "moment of time", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "כל שׁעה ד : conj. : whenever", "def_num": "1.4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "hour", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "period of time", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "בשׁעת prep. : at the time of", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "emphatic+d_, bšˁtˀ d : conj. : when", "def_num": "3.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "after mn : since the time when", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "צדרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "vertigo, dizziness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to narrate a story (false or otherwise!)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to talk", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cover over", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אנטיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "bucket (= 1/4 log)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי פשׁקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "swamp (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנטיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "linen garments", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "kernels (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגוסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "meal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גמלן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "large-sized (of small insects)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחזי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cause for admiration", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "תוארי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "appearance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mold, mildew", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גצרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "large vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כושׁכר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an inferior type of flour", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כות": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "like, just as", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדיקניי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inspector", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "thinker, reasoner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי מרבעתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "resting place", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ישׁט": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to extend", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "w. 'word', 'question' etc.", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בנרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bathing clothes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "song", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "74", "81" ], "definition": "meal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁירי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "silk weaving (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ביר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of clock", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׂמח": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make glad", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חתן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to become joined through marriage", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "bridegroom", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "son-in-law", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "male in-law in general", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to ally by marriage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חתם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "(decree): to be fixed, determined", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to seal, close up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "32", "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "lit. to seal", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to sign", "def_num": "1.1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: to close up something", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to give a closing talk or benediction", "def_num": "1.2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to seal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to sign", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חתך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cut into pieces", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cut, to sever", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חתי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to rake coals", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "משׁכובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "lying down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צער": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to suffer", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to grieve", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to trouble oneself", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "physical pain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sorrow, suffering", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "p.p. suffering", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to torment, to afflict", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. נפשׁ: to abstain, fast", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to debauch, debase", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to take pains", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "חתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shovel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "self, person himself", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נגשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to gore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלע#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become wormy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "וודיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "certainty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אומצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece, esp. meat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמרטוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תותב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "resident (m.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cook, baker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כזבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deceiver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרדיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "weaver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דליקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fire, blaze", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סלו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דורא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "burden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטיפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סגד ואכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דהק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pole, stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הילבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ivy (?) or galbanum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיתיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "trapper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנהדרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Sanhedrin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(to be sick?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "finger joints", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חנוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "one that strangles, chokes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "palm branch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "to pierce as with a thorn or needle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to string pearls or shells into a necklace", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to pierce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁונ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "strength", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sword", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "חרבא דמשׁה : the 'Sword of Moses' : collection of magical divine names", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "blade", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(intran.) to become wasteland, become a ruin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to lay waste (inanimate)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to destroy (animate)", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to devastate", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to destroy, to harm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "dust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרם": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be excommunicated", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "43", "51", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to dedicate as sacred (and forbid for secular use)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to excommunicate, anathematize", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to excommunicate, anathematize", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כחישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "thin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "feeble", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרך": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be burnt, to singed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "window", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to burn, to singe", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to singe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תשׁעין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ninety", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "digger", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be cut into", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cut into", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "loin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "edge or joint", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to gnash the teeth", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to gnash the teeth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to grind", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טריחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "burden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "early", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "early ripening crop", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "sharp edge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ingenuity", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "pungency", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to do early", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "72" ], "definition": "to sharpen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to blaspheme", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חרר": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to free", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "boot black", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "deep, high", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "81" ], "definition": "secret", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חנוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "storekeeper", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "innkeeper, tavern-keeper", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ספסיר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "middleman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דני#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic(?) or vat-maker (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אומנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "trade, skill, craft", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "union of craftsmen, guild", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "בעל אומנו : craftsman, fellow craftsman", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "סרטט": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to draw lines", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to draw lines", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיהרור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "owner of large estates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ב": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "number 2", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ביליונא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "seal of a signet ring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׂיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "office of Nasi", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערד#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "pole, standard", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ערד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "mushroom (or truffle?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סריקו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "comb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עורער": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "lean, emaciated", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "poor quality", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lessened", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "ברזני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "boring a hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bore", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pierce though", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "he-goat or other large horned male animal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "specifically: bellwether", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "daughter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "daughter of a relation", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a female member of a animal species", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in construct with a noun characterizing the nature of such a species", "def_num": "1.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "minor town", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in compounds: member of the same cohort: see s.vv. brt_, bnt", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "a type of female relative", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "characterizing individual f. members of a class or group", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "same X one : someone sharing a characteristic", "def_num": "3.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fellow female member of a group", "def_num": "3.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in construct with a unit of time: female aged X", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "separated from the time unit by a number", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "berry", "def_num": "5.1" } ] }, "חסיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pious person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "healthy, firm", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ברי ל : it is clear to ...", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "heavy", "def_num": "3" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be created", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to create", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to get well", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to permeate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "pig", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוגי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "large amount, multitude", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "majority", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "ברם": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "but, however", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "low level", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בשׁפלא : downstream, with the current", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "תורן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "mast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bronze, copper", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to divine, augur", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תורי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cattle dealer", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "least form of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דגון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "cow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזיז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shaggy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lacking, deficient", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) lacking vowel letters, i.e., written defectively", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "חסיר יתיר : more or less", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ] }, "שׁמכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) onion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "white", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to shine, to flash", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lightning", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lightning flashes", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ברץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to penetrate", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hole, perforation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "examination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to be clarified", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "purity", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "clearness", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to select", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to demonstrate, prove legally", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "71" ], "definition": "to clarify legal status", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "גבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "51", "54", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "eyebrow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be cut off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be broken off", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be interposed", "def_num": "6" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "section", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to come to an end, stop", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to break away (from someone)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to cut off", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to divide", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to fix, determine, decree", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make a pledge", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to fix a price", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to read the haftara (סדרא)", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to divide, to sever", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to interrupt, make stop", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take last meal before a fast", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to cut through, cut apart", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פסס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "פספס : to dismantle", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to destroy", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to break up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to step in or into", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to step over", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pass, step over", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to step in (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בקיע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "expert", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. (unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אספרמכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) aromatic herbs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fish-hook", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "palm of hand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Passover", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "Passover sacrifice", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זבליג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "species of cedar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a location of some kind, perhaps \"ruin\" ?", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to demolish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to break through", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to cut into pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to spoil", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to forfeit, suffer a loss", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to suffer loss", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to lose something", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cause to lose something", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spoil, to ruin", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "פסל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to become unfit", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to make unfit", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make unfit", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lintel or board", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנא#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tannaitic statement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "flowing water (?), high water", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אדרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "inner chamber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ כלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "head of the academic convocation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי מדרשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "study house", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבעת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wedding ring", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמר גופנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cotton", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלגה דליליא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "midnight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טצהר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "four years", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארונוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "heaven", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "heavenly ruler", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גליליי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Galilean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁלג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) an alkaline plant or substance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מירסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stomache pressure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחית": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "less", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to surrender", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. מילי : to be given power of attorney", "def_num": "5" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to transmit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hand over", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to deliver", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. נפשׁ : to risk one's life", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. מילי : to assign power of attorney", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to betray", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "חליצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "ḥaliṣah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "oven shovel or poker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "enough for", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "לא מסת_: it is not enough for...", "def_num": "4.1" } ] }, "מנ דוחק": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "perforce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "donkey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתקנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "firm solution", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "authenticated matter", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מסי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "(of body parts, bodies) to melt away, rot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to condense (intrans.)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cackling hen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "accurate, precise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "conclusion, exact meaning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקא": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "exactly", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "exactness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "adv.: exactly", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לאו דווקא : not exactly, more or less", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פלסתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fraud", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרע#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ב : to treat wastefully (?)", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to butcher", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "disaster", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "layer of bricks", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזוב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unpleasant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארנק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "money bag", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דמוחא : membrane of the brain", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "guide", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "taw, twenty-second letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁכילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "71" ], "definition": "water basin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרווה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of gourd (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטרידא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mast, rigging", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארנב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) hare or hyrax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טלטול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "wandering, migration", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מאחר": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "since, because", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית דין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "court", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "boat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to have pity on ( ˁl), care about", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורכה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "confusion (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטילו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "washing the hands", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביניי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "intermediate row", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "palm leaf", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "foliage", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cord", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fence or barrier of some kind", "def_num": "3.3" } ] }, "חות": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be loathsome", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חור": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "white", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "14", "60", "71" ], "definition": "subst.: white, white object", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fem.: white hair", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fem. : a type of white flour", "def_num": "4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "white spot on meat", "def_num": "4.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transparent (?)", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(of trees) non-productive (?)", "def_num": "7" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be white", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be pale", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. of to be bright : to understand", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to whiten", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. )pyn : to shame in public", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to whiten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to clarify", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "כוזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "a type of jar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be obligated, subject to liability", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be punished for one's guilt", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "23", "52", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "debt, obligation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "guilt", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sin, iniquity", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "41", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to incur a debt", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to condemn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make obligatory", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to impose a debt", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "ציבחד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "a small amount", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) thorn-bush", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to laugh, smile", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to laugh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to appear, be manifest", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to see (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to show, demonstrate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "53" ], "definition": "to announce, tell", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to indicate non-verbally, make a sign", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "w. ˀpyn : to greet", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "53", "54", "60", "74" ], "definition": "lit. to enable someone to see something", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thread, string", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "shoelace", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "ṣiṣit: the string-like ritual fringes on a garment", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "seam, border line", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a very long and thin object", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to sew", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sew, to fasten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. unconsecrated food (i.e. MH ḥullīn)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "weekday", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "חולא דמועדא : intermediate day of a week-long festival", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פרגמטיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "merchandise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "commerce", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "משׁיחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rope", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "colic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "hunter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "fisherman", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טובען": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "flood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "disturbed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ידי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to praise with thanks", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to confess", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "26", "44", "50", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to consent, acknowledge", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "22", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to concede, agree", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "חיבוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "beating, striking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "significance, matter of concern", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "24", "71" ], "definition": "lˁnyn : concerning", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "קורקא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בהדי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "with", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ד: while", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "at the time of", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ל_+בהדי: corresponding to, over against", "def_num": "4" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "during the time that", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "while", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מגלוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "office of archon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ידע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be known", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to know", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to perceive, understand", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be acquainted with", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to inform", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to teach", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to announce", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "מלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "full", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) plene spelling", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be filled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be filled with (d.o. or b_)", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be filled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fill something with one's own bulk", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fill something", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be completed", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to fill something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to replace", "def_num": "2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "$mly: to ordain, see s.v.", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "stuffing", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "additional amount", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "דקנן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grown man", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מעצר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72" ], "definition": "winepress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבושׁ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hidden matter", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קונמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word for a vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ ירח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "new moon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גפף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to embrace", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to embrace ( repeatedly or ardently?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גפר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cover with pitch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גפת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "residue of olives after pressing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורסקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tannery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיקמריקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "vine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנקלטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "grating", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "Arurs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנוני#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "garden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמני מאה": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eight-hundred", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבר אפין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "countenance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נתן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to give", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to provide, make available", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pay", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "b_ : to sell for, exchange for", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "נסב + : to negotiate", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in various expressions: see s.v. the other word", "def_num": "7" } ] }, "בי שׁכיבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cemetery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סקוסני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "net (?)", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "רשׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "71" ], "definition": "possession, control", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "domain, property", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "permission, right", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נתח": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to distrain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pull out", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "side, loin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "rib", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "side-wall", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁותפו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "71" ], "definition": "partnership", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "matrimony", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁותפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "wife", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קורמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "קורמי דאגמא : a water plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רשׁם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be engraved", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make a mark, record", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איכדין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "how possibly (expecting a negative answer!)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bellwether", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "palm flower", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "date berry", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עבר אורח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "passerby", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רשׁע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be wicked", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רשׁף": { "d": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of demon (identified with the roof-top demon)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אגרונימוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "inspector of market prices", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נתר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to fall off, drop down", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make drop, shed (of trees: fruit or leaves)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fig.: to drop s.t", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to unloosen", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to crumble, to fall in", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נתק": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be torn out, withdrawn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be set aside and designated for something", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pull out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to remove by pulling", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pull at repeatedly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "31", "44", "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "meal offering", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "afternoon, prayer", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "afternoon (i.e. the time of the m. offering/prayer)", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "סטרנלייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Saturnalia festival", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "sailor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפחז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lewdness, shamelessness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורטבלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cushion (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיתוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "linen shirt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יתמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "orphan (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be thick, to dense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלאין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "curtains", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "name of a demon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "carrying pole", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trunk of a vine", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "קופ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "monkey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "collection box", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eye of a needle", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בר מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "except for, aside from", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁקייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "watering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוגמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "manner", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דור#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go around", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to peddle", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to overtake", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "דור#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "ridge : see s.v. dwr šnˀ and as first element of GNs", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דור#4": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make an enclosure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דור#5": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bear", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "id.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יזפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "loan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדמה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "dawn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עמר גפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "cotton", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמת": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be gathered together", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to gather together (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to contract blood vessels and inhibit flowing or swelling", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to bring many together", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריטלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "roman pound (liter)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיק#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crushed piece (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חוטרי רעיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנטיכריסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "antichresis: substitution of usufruct for interest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פולסא דנורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flaming lashing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרכשׁ#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to drive away insects", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ברשׁא : to nod the head", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "סריכ#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "adhering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עור#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be blinded", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "blindness", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to become blind", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to blind (eye)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאוקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איטמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pagan-ness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "gift", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "priestly dues", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "deed of gift", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הרפתק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "unfortunate event", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ מדרשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "school head", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מiכ.oחa ... אתי : to derive ultimately from", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מתני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "mishna, baraitha", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הספד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "eulogy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "belt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prepare, to dress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of thorn (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרור#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "certificate of free status", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "ניזך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "spear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטומרה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "in secret", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חפרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "plant intestinal remedy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(of blood) to be spilled", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to pour out, spill (tr.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to spill (intr.)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "spout", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "שׁפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wine merchant", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to smooth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to trim", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to smooth repeatedly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "71" ], "definition": "to settle, to pay off", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "שׁפל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "shameful, performing poorly, wanting", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be low", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to move downstream", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go to the end", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "71" ], "definition": "to vanquish", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to carry along downstream", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "שׁפד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to pierce", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put on a spit", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קיבוטרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a small chest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to smear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spread out", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פפיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "daddy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוחה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "well-being", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פרטה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "split", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יניב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a small insect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be beautiful", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "41", "50", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(w. l_, ˁl, bˁyny, etc.) : to please, be pleasing to", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to adorn, to beautify, improve", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "beauty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "best part", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מוגלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "fig. : abundance", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to flow abundantly", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to pour out abundantly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make slanting", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make flow down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "tower", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(geog.) as other geographical names or components thereof", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a tiered chest", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מגדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lashing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורכה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "private authorization to collect one's debt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפץ": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to restore, to repair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרעל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערעי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "wasp, hornet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסטיין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. mats", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "low, humble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "kind", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "type, species", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בת מינה : one of the same kind", "def_num": "1.1.2" } ] }, "מיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "mile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מית": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "dead", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מילות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of chickpea", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרזבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "warden, march prefect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "cooking pot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיטרטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rose oil preparation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ore", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hot coal", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " to forge (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אהל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "aloe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערער": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be stripped", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברת אלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of fig", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלח#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to have one's hair cut", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to cut hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "exaggeration", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "joy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "happy", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "to rejoice, enjoy oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "breast, chest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "of animals", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bḥdyˀ : see s.v. bhdyˀ adv.", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to rejoice", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to make rejoice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנגדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "one who gives lashes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלמיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "student", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "disciple", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scholar", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מסובריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "plug-hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "thorn-bush", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to force into a gap", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fasten", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חדר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to go around", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדת": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "new", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to change, restore", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to make a new ruling or observation", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "תרפתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "incision", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכונטס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "prefect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדרכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "authorization to collect a real estate debt", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רגע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "רגעא : adv. : for a moment, in a moment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רגם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to stone", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to stone repeatedly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בליון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "amulet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גולפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "להידיא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "alone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיכסינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "box-wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רגז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be angry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרט#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "plucked wool", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רגג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזמן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "prepared, ready, pre-assigned", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זביל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "50", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "transaction (i.e. sale/purchase)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "merchandise, wares", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בזיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "disgrace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרת#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "portion, small amount", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "פורתא פורתא : little by little", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פרת#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרזיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "water flow, stream, spurt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהדור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "peddler", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "wound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "roasted meat", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. \"ear\" : to listen attentively", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to turn aside (intran.)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to turn aside (tran.)", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pray", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w.o. an object", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "with the prayer that is prayed as object", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "צלם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "image (physical)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "picture", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "engraved image on a coin", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "71" ], "definition": "form, appearance", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "idol", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "alone:", "def_num": "3.2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to paint", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "דרושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "sophist, teacher", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צלב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to be crucified", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to impale", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to crucify", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "crucifixion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "prayer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפטרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "Haftara (closing scriptural reading)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "parting homily", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "eulogy", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "homiletic notes", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "צלח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to absorb well (?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to do well, to prosper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוכ#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "שׁכשׁכ : to rinse something in water", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shaking, bending", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמטו": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on account of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרי דיורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be split", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to split something lengthwise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "reproach", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in charm formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "third part", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלתי": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "two!!", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכסן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "אכסנ דגרדיאינ : weaver's pin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלתל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to deride", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "perfect one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלמי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "Shalmite, i.e. Nabataean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרטיס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71" ], "definition": "leaf of paper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"three\" in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרקישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "clanger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fungus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁנ דפיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "ivory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמיני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "eighth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סומ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to put on shoes", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put on shoes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כחשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be reduced", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be contradicted", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weakening", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "infertility", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become weak,", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become lean", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become infertile", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to wither", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to contradict", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to reduce", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to ruin", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טריח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "troublesome", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁע עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "nineteen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טריד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "preoccupied", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of beet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "evil, bad (i.e., the antithesis of good)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bad ( i.e., harmful, debilitating)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(of face) sad looking, upset", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פרטיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "shop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אהין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "unripe date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זקת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "goad", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זקק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attend to something", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to obligate", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "pp.+inf. : to be obligated to", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מסתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "vat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) main branch of a tree", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זקף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be crucified, hung", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to raise something high", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plant", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to suspend, hang", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to crucify", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to append one sum to another", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be straight up, erect", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "גנב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be stolen", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thief", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to steal", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to steal (much or regularly)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to deceive, i.e., behave like a thief", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מצר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to define boundaries", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "rope bridge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצר#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to stretch oneself: see s.v. mzr", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "appellative for slave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "disgrace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "garden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to groan", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to utter a trembling sound", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גנז": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to become hidden", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to hide (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "treasure chamber, treasury", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גני": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lie down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sleep", "def_num": "1.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to have one lie down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גנן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to protect", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "usually + ˁl ", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "23", "44", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "gardener", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gourd incisions", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדא#2": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "this (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זקן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to grow old", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make someone old", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חלשׁ#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become sick", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be sick", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be weak", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "חלישׁ עלמא ל : impers. : to feel faint", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sicken", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלשׁ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be smooth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to polish, to forge", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נשׂואין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "pl. tan.: marriage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקשׁי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "one who asks difficult questions (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרזח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "42", "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "funerary banqueting society", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חליפין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "53" ], "definition": "exchange", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרזב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "81" ], "definition": "spout, water pipe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרזל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "habitual", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקטר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "congealed, curdled", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Arabic woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיעא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Arab", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספק#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part. pass. to be in doubt", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make something doubtful", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ספק#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to strike", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חימוצתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of cloak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עד שׁעתה ד": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "until", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sin offering", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אדים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear:San 27b)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרבט": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a certain animal movement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמיצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pollen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "tenant farmer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "channel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "porter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרי#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be carried", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to carry, lift", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bear", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to stretch out the hand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אריו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) lioness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרקס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bond", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אריך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "long", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "often in genitive constructions with its headword", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "אריכ וקטינ : idem. (lit. long and narrow)", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "tall", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(gram.) conjunctive accent (see s.v. ˀrk vb.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אטלול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "jest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to reduce", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to reduce", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to dissolve", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁבשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be mistaken", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to confuse, confound", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to distort, corrupt", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רישׁ כורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an official", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיהי פיהי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "idleness (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סדי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shackle maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) trunk of a tree (dubious emend.; see DJPA s.v.)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "סדנא דארעא : the base of the Earth", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "wheel", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(dpḥrˀ) potter's wheel", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דמיא : water wheel", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "anvil", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גפ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(cave ??)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?? an implement)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לוג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stammer", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "log ( a liquid measure)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "palace", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tablet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "esp. the tablets of the Law, Ten Commandments", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "50", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "board", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "לוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "14", "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "curse", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to curse", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "layyeṭ : to curse (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בנקיו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in decency", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוך": { "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "see s.v. lklk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spiral staircase", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרחיני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of GN", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תגרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "case", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "strife", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "jaw", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "throat", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לוף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to join together", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לות": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "towards (animates)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "the letter nun", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סדק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to split something apart, cleave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרגזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "upper garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מועד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "72", "81" ], "definition": "holiday", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "intermediate days of festival", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "order, rank", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "series", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "order of the Sabbath-evening prayers", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "pericope of the Torah reading", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "order of the Mishna", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to deal with one's concerns", "def_num": "1.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to arrange", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to arrange, to set in order", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to recite a sequence", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דבשׁני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "of honey", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תגרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "business", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁפשׁנדי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of business person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלוא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "sum", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פלישׁתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Philistine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרקבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "craw, crop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "a small vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איספקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "goblet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוצריי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Bosra", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כבישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "secret", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pressed", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "path", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "המין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "wide belt, girdle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "as a symbol of military power", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ממלחי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Mamlah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הלול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "wedding feast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כחל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "udder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבא דאבולא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "panel of the city gate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) terebinth, a species of pistacia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sponge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמה#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lower millstone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "maidservant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מושׁקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "musk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזירין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shears", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערפל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "dark cloud and/or fog", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sailor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "salt merchant (?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to steer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניסוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "libation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "knowledge", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קומפרומיסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "compromise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁארי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "silk", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "silk garment", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כלפי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "towards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טטרג": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to molest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרימא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a spiced fruit concoction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ממזר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bastard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁמישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "56", "71" ], "definition": "usage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דינר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "denarius", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl.: coinage, money", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ביני ביני": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in the meantime", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as a substantive: something characterized by having something in its middle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טבות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "well, properly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוסכין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "musk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתקולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "weight", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טבוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of ornament", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתדירא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "constantly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוטף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "plucking off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קסמ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "chip of wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמיכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "rabbinic ordination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתנ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "giving", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "מיסב ומיתנ : negotiation, commerce : see s.v. msb", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "לגושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pine-needle wood", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרד#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bread shovel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמחתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hard vegetable matter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלטורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "amulet charm, a type of writing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בגר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "intr.: to weaken, become ill", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bruise, to harm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אידרוטירון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "myrrh-water", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁר#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to tear loose", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁר#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be paid", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pay", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "pl. lukewarm water", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "דורא דשׁנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "gums", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קסום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "diviner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוטרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fold, enclosure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוטרן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hunchbacked", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוטרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Hatra", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פישׁון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "garden pea", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) young bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגבא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on top of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בגד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "clothes, dress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בגו": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "within", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדיקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "examination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דייטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "an extended bonding course in a wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרהגבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. watchmen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אימם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "daytime", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Monday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלעול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "storm wind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיריתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "bee, hornet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צניעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "modesty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "privacy", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ריקן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "empty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "empty-handed", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ציעור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "trouble, bother", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרסי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "Tarsian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסיס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "broken", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לוקן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "white (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כעך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": " a type of dry cake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עטושׁיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Atosh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁלומין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "payment , compensation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לגבי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "towards someone's position", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "next to", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "as regards, in the matter of", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תיר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ox-driver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרקשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to make a noise by smashing things together", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מחלייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sweetness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כעס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be angry", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to provoke to anger", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לפרוטאטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "capital city", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "concluding session of the academy (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הילוזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "looped up portion of a cloak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be called", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cry out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to complain", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to call something, term", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to invite", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impers. w. l_ : to be in pain", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to shout", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to shout", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטמ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be turned to ash", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to turn something into ashes", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תגדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "staff, crutch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "head-rest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טעון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "load, burden", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) amount of fruit on a tree", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : hardship", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁולי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "apprentice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלחף": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make overlap", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lay crosswise", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "איסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(theol.) angel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "genius, i.e. the attendant spirit of a person or place", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לעלם": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "forever", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחצ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bathe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקד#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלווסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "order, command", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בירדוגא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיסקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "official document", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "arbitration (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "something lost", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפיקלוטורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טצרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "trick, subterfuge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כני": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be named", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to modify an expression", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עגל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to roll around", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make round", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "calf", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(astron.) name of two stars, part of a constellation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סנטירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "watchman's wage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית כרב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "arable field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלדי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leather worker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גלדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a small fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "to marry", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כנע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to humble oneself", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to bow", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to bend down", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to humble", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "כנף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "wing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bosom, lap", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כנר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "lyre, stringed instrument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "24", "27", "31", "53", "55", "60", "70" ], "definition": "colleague", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "70", "71" ], "definition": "biblical verse", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "Bible, scripture", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פודגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) pumpkin, gourd, melon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to approach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be a relative (l_)", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "war, battle", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to approach, to be near", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to touch", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "על to complain about", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to lead prayers", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring near, present", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring, bring near", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to offer, dedicate", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to save from judgment", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "קרם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to form a film (or aphel?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "felt or felt-like soft material", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "membrane", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קוקיון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a river name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "horn", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(music) as a wind instrument", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as the horn-shaped protrusion on the corners of an altar", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "corner", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(insect) antenna", "def_num": "2.2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בי קרנתא : meridian", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cusp of the Moon", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "54", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "capital funds, principal, intrinsic value", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קרט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "quarter of shekel", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to eat a quick meal while traveling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be called", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be named, termed", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. šm as subj.", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to call", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to name", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to read", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to study", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "על: to apply a biblical verse to someone", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to crow", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to teach by having students read", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "specifically a nocturnal emission", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ammi, Bishop's weed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוב": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "again", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "furthermore, further", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "indicator of a new section of text", "def_num": "2" } ], "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "(of a request or difficult textual problem) to be answered", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(of the scholar proposing such) to be refuted", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to return", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to change direction, turn away", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to regret, repent", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as co-verb : to do again", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to restore", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "(w. or without an object) to answer", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to raise an objection", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "ebb-tide", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אמן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "+ b_ : to believe in, live firmly by", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "על רישׁ : to outwit (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כדלא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "it not being the case that", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as a measure: cubit", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "enclosure", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "euph.: penis", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "תום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "garlic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be said", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to say", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to think", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lamb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "41", "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "mulberry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נצבא דקני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reed drain pipe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחימה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "love", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "a dish made of raw meat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גוז#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "staff", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tree trunk, stem", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "stick of wood", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a hollow wooden receptacle", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "קרץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to rise early", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a type of light shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(wine) to become sour", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be rent", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to rend", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rending, tear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as a sign of mourning", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a piece of flesh", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "קרר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be kept cold", "def_num": "1" } ], "V07": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to cool down something : see s.v. qwrr vb.", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to become cold", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to keep cold", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cool something down: p.p. מקרר", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בינלרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bath clothes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרזופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hammer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסמכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assistance, reliance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Scriptural support", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "promise of forfeiture", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תלתי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "one-third portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סקבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sufferer from sores (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ugly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חציבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "hewn out area", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרטמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "one short or dense of speech", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדק#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to split something, make a breach", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to insert (and see also s.v. ptq vb.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בדק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "torrent from a breached canal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁגגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "unintentional sin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדאוריתא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "according to biblical law", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dike, mound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "vermin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to count", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "scribe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "teacher", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "תורני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) cypress or acacia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to hurry, run", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "hearth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to associate oneself, make oneself a companion", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "companion, comrade", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "animate beings", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "a scholar or student", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חבק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to embrace", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clutch tightly", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ליברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be crushed or damaged", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to crush", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pressure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נמריר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "checkered field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to become ill after eating", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "I": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "alas !", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to injure", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to become ill, suffer", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "23", "31", "32", "44", "51", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to damage, injure something/someone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to kill, to destroy", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרגמטוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "merchant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דפנ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attack or treat roughly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hide oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. qālā: to lower the voice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "beating, a blow", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to beat, to strike", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(hail) to fall beating", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to shake vigorously", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חשׁיבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "importance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "value", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אתכל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "bunch of grapes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלדל": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be torn away", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p. to be fond of, in love with", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיס#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cast lots", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיס#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "lot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טחן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to grind", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(of teeth) molar", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טחל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "spleen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוקדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "punctilious person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טחי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be smeared with grease", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plaster, glaze or smear grease on the inside surface of something", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grease", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "a greased dish", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צמח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "splendor, bright light", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "plant growth", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "growth (on body)", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sprout forth", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to produce growth", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "to produce growth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמד": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be joined tightly together", "def_num": "1" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be repaired, healed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "yoke", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pair of oxen", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "to bind together", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to join with", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to bind magically", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to care for", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "איטרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "deed, real estate contract", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטאטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "broom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁכון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "pledge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to clip fingernails", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be dried up", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to dry out something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימבק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tallow candle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תובן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "44", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "again, back", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "more", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טירתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צמר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to restrict flow", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "urinary system stones", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טחר": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to strain at stool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "life", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צחנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) dish made with chopped fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על שׁם": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55" ], "definition": "in the name of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "with reference to", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in accordance with", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ניטופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "drop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׂדי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "Chaldean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "brewer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זנגביל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "ginger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עצב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71" ], "definition": "to become sad", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be sad", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "drop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרחו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "burden", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "fig. : trouble", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "discomfort", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פיריום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bridal litter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בנייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hair braid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁצניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of salt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארנבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "(zool.) hare", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיצומין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "agreement to enforce an apprenticeship contract", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטעומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tasting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "82" ], "definition": "hot", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "hot water", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hot cooked dish", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "חמין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "father-in-law", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חטר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "enclosure, fold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "door bolt", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אולוכרוסון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "entirely of gold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יבם": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be married (f.) by a levir", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(levir) to marry a brother's widow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יבל": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to bring", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to translate", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קדח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "inflammation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to spark, blaze up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to sprout up; grow", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(eyes) to be inflamed", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to cause to sprout", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁלשׁל": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to get loose bowels", "def_num": "2" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to let down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to loosen the bowels", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71", "72" ], "definition": "tradition", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "reading tradition", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "יבד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be lost", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to perish", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כנישׁה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sweeping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירבוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "strawberry blight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכוותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a surgical instrument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיסוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "covering", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cloak", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "comb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רביב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig.: child", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חמיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "stringent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמית": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "angry, indignant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dyer's weed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמיע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "leavened dough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גניז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "hidden, concealed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צהבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. strife", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "באישׁ#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "very sick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "handle of a hoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גער": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to rebuke", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ההוא דגער ביה : the one whom He rebuked = Satan (see Zech 3:2)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "איקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "image, representation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "statue", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קיקוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) castor oil plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "whisper", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to whisper", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to recite an incantation", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(coals) to glow or hiss constantly", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "געי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to low", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to low", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליל_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "towards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עותר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "wealth, riches", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עותק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "71" ], "definition": "oldness, old thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקע#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to thrust, strike with the hand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אובשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "mold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עצר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be pressed, held back", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to press", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to withhold", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to tread under foot", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "juice", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wine-press", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "תון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "chamber, room", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אכתר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(corrupt passage) see Sok. JPA", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "oven, brazier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמיט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "constipated", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "70", "71", "72" ], "definition": "vestibule", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרטופנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scratch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crack", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נוקדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(gram.) a diacritic point", "def_num": "1.1.2" } ] }, "מנוחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "rest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמיט": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thin", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "lb, hwn : insane", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "גדמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "palm frond", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אברושׁך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a dish made of flour, honey and oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמיע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "55", "60", "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "amulet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמרא דמיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) name of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוק#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלוגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "division, dividing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "alternative", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "difference of opinion", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "טנדו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "in matrimony, together with another", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חינגא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of demon (i.e., 'strangling')", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקוסנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "resin or glue (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "stick, staff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pertaining to the side, side money", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תולת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "three year old animal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ביוכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of head-covering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תור#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "row, line", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רברבתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "great things", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוטם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(of animals) snout", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נגיבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ אחורי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "from behind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעל לשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "linguist, multi-lingual person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁולטן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "power, rule", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לנגרוטיקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ישׁרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "straightness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "fig. : right conduct", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁנק": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to torture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁנץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "strap, lace", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to tighten a loop", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to tighten a noose", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁולטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bedpost", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "השׁתא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "now", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפוני#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבלנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "complainer, litigant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁנן": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to sharpen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלוליה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנבג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a liquid measure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(for אנפק) sweet wine (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אנבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) egg of lice (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "year", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוטא": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "small", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "young", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "short", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weak", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "insignificant", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מה זי": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "that which (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערמ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to become clever", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pretend", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to beguile", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דיעה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "sweat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היגמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "prefect", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קנדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "candle, lamp", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגרופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "spade", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ימי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to swear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנאגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "defender", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר רכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "prince", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסא#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "foreleg", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small pitcher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בגום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a permitted bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הילוף": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sailor's cry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רתע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be frightened", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to withdraw in fright", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁיבסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "seventeen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בב נהרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "opening of a canal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "group of people", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בצבץ": { "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bubble forth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיתום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "boring a hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרשׁ": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to take root", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמשׁ": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to stay up late", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "evening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתוארא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "platter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fungus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "farewell", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גולמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unformed mass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליצן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "irreverent or immoral person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אושׁפיזכן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "innkeeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוצין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "chirper (or one with fringes?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמגושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Magian practices", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לשׁם": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "for the purpose of, for the sake of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחזורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53" ], "definition": "returning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קינסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece of wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חאר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "noble", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברתיה דיעקב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "the Jewish people", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "reed mat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "homiletical interpretation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Haggada", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עסרין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "twenty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "animal's bit", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to clean up the growths or rind on vegetables", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "plum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיניגי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "hunter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. (uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תירוכין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "70", "71", "72" ], "definition": "ספר תירוכינ : writ of divorce", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אברוארא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tower, upper chamber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרוסלכינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) orach", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ כנישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "archisynagogos", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "thigh, leg", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "shank, shaft", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מצרני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bordering: growing on the balk between fields", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנקליטוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53" ], "definition": "senator, advisor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁתו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "wedding, wedding feast", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רבי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": " to be included, to be implied", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "interest", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to grow in size", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "humans: to grow up", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "animals", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "plants", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to grow in number or amount", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to outnumber", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to raise (children, etc.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to put forth, to cause to grow", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to include, to imply", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "שׁתל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "planter, gardener", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרכ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "customary practice, habit", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "adhesion, wound", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כחדה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "together, as one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to swell up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מה דיל_": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "property of ...", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "scholar, teacher", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "רaב.Aנaנ : lit. \"our masters\" : the rabbis", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "ד:רaב.Aנaנ : rabbinical : q.v.", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "rabbinical students", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "דישׁתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thresher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתיח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "summons, warrant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפיכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "spilling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפיכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "torrential rain", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אחריו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "future", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "rope", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be poured out", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to pour", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(blood): to shed", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "81", "82" ], "definition": "fire, flame", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "52", "60", "70", "71", "74", "82" ], "definition": "fever", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מינק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "young child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לתחתא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "72", "81" ], "definition": "below", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "downward (fig.: from Eretz Israel to Babylonia)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁומשׁוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "marjoram", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁומשׁום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rubbing(?) of eyes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אביב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) דפיל: a type of plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסקונדרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of game", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: lowest part, bottom", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אשׁר": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "see s.v. šrr", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "42", "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) sycamore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוכצנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fatigue, discomfort", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "remainder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "האסטו": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "be it !", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנשׁופי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "blowing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבא דמלכותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "royal court", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁני": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be changed, transformed", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to be moved away", "def_num": "2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be clarified", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be different", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(color, appearance) to change for the worse", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to distinguish", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to clarify a legal tradition", "def_num": "5" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to remove", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to change", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "p.p. different", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to reply", "def_num": "7" } ] }, "בגסא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in large quantities", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרגן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "like a pearl or other precious stone of the sea", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become dark in color (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי פוקרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a part of the body (anus?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נערו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "braying", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוסרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "disgrace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיטה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁיטה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "method", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "line, row", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "list", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "דהב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "goldsmith", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אברה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thyme", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אברתא בר הנג or המג : an unknown type of thyme", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרדם": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be mutilated, chopped off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "daleth, dolath, fourth letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סינק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "half-drachma", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to burn, be lit", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to kindle a fire", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to light a lamp", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to kindle, to light", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to drip", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "dripping, rain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sweet", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "vinegar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פוסתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "leather strip for writing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "foolishness, stupidity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטיח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "mat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תתי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be lowered", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בסיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "42", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "base, pedestal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tooth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: crag, rock", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "תרינ בשׁבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "Monday", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be torn loose", "def_num": "3" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "see s.v. דלדל", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פזיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rashness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דלי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be lifted up", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be exalted", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be relieved", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to draw out (liquid)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to lift up", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to lift up", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to raise (the eyes)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "פזיז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rash, impetuous", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כיפ#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: parts of a boat", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כומר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grapes aged in such a vat", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דלא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "lest", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "except", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "introducing a adverbial phrase: it not being the case that", "def_num": "2" } ], "p": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "without", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to skip over", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחן": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to carry, to support", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "camel load", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעע#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be broken down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(of validity) to be impaired", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to break", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to impair validity", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פולמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "debate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "war", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(ellipt.) army, military force", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "שׁמנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "name", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "swimmer", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to wash oneself, bathe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "נחת למסחי: to go down to a water source to bathe", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to wash (tran.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "someone", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סחט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to absorb", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wring out", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איקונין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "facial image, features", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יחמורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "antelope(f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rubbish, dirt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a large jug or barrel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כדכוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "81" ], "definition": "(geol.) a precious stone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אינדג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a small amount (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבן": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lay bricks", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to overflow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "heart", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "inner part", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "לבד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "felt garment", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גובי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחליטין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(euph. from 'to empty'): toilet", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "מכשׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bird flap", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עגלגול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "small calf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to trade", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to beg", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זמין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "invited, guest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדייני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain:Ber56a)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רקוע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "spotted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יותפי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Yodfat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי זיינא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "prison", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרתינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "leek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: bundles", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "פילקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "prison", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "splinter(?), threads of a web (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "sweetness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "sweet wine or mead", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אשׁל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(see note)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אכסניי פרך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "quartermaster", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חולף": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "23", "60", "71" ], "definition": "as successor to a ruler", "def_num": "1.2.1" } ] }, "חולק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "portion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "word in charm formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרגלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pearl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבי#8": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "the sea, ocean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדנב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוצלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "young reed shoot(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קאים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "standing one", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "thesis", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כנתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ileum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזעון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "crevice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרקחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "spiced dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "beginning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחז#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "artificial word for oath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרשׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mortar or pestle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיליי ביליי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of snail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "fearful thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דחילו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "religious awe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אנוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "violent criminal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנטולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "east", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרכוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "spasmodic movement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מואבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "Moabite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "anxiety", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרזיא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in a crushing manner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clod", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who hews", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מטמע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "setting (sun)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנון": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "they", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "as copula", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גלופקר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "heavy woolen bed covering or pillow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסיפס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mosaic stone piece", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "square on a garment", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ארבע עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fourteen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ferry boat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ford", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גובליי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גריזמי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of fruit dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מהדור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cycle (of a reading)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to thrust at, push at", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "שׁקל וטרי: to thrust and parry = to fight, argue", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to attack, bite", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to throw", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "splash liquid at", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to strike, smash against something", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "salted fish pieces sold in the market", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "זוטר": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become small", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be insignificant", "def_num": "2" } ], "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "small, young", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be insignificant", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פולמיי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "soldier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרתך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dross of silver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "nummus, a small copper coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארשׁי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a (funeral?) meal treated as a obligation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיסנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bramble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בגין": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "because of", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "because, since", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "so that", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אנטרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "intestine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be scattered", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to scatter", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to glitter", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "60" ], "definition": "pebble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזע": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "70", "81" ], "definition": "to be split open", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "crack,", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cracked piece", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "hole", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to rend, tear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to pierce", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to split", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אתריה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "warning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bundle, bunch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רוחק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "distance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קתדרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסדי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lovable", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיכסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "unclear, perhaps \"disk\"", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסדן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gracious", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קברנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיזקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "pl.: jujubes", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בזל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be shaking (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to scatter by shaking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to be disgraced", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to disgrace oneself", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to expose, to reveal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to scorn, to disgrace, to treat with contempt", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "prey, spoil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to despoil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עדיין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "still", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bundle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על ידי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "42", "51", "53", "54", "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "through, by means of (a person)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "by means of (an inanimate)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אליניסטין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "72", "81" ], "definition": "ash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוסך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reduction by wear", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁקפ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to beat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקפ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lintel or other main part of a door assembly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דולוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deceit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזי#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to divide", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרפיזיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "money-changer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דושׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be crushed, trampled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to trample", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to crush or subdue by trampling", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to thresh", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "crushing, treading", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(of a field) treading", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "course, habit", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עקידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "the binding of Isaac", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לוקטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוקוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כי מיכדי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "surely, now then", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפוסטולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mission", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁליות": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "at ease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסורק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "comb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי הילולא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "house of wedding feast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be punished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to punish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "pipe, reed, flute", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "51", "71", "74" ], "definition": "city gate", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרייפרסיקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) karyopersika (nut-peaches)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(astron.) cycle, circuit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבשׁיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "cooked dish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "carpet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סייעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assistance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "support (of an opinion, argument)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צנור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "door pivot or socket", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "spout, sluice", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hook, skewer (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עומצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "morsel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרסור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "middleman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפרכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large stone of a press", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר מחוניתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "topographical engineer (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרפחין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "purslane", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "night pot (dial.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערפ#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to break the neck", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פירא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sprout(?), egg(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כורסי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "chair", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "throne", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קזז": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to deduct, to settle a balance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכונו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "consular office", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארכבה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "top layer of clay surrounding a field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסקוריי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "envious", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "sacrificial bowl, censer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוראן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a parasitic worm", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גובין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "collection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רזי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(of rain) violent", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to chafe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנתר": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to rebuke", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיצפ פומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(gram.) the vowel qameṣ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ship", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מייתובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "seat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "curtain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סעיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(a hairy or goat-like) demon", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תרד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mad person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "המי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to buzz, to roar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי שׁיבבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. rags", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרדקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "boys", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כורת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tree trunk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תאוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who returns", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הולכך": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "therefore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריבט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "private bath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "disarrangement", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "degenerate behavior", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "damage", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to personal status", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בזייל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "outskirts of a city", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פורגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "part of a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רכב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to mount", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to ride (i.e., to be mounted)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "41", "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to put astride", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pollinate date-trees", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "באדג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of wine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁבשׁתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "faulty version", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספיקולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "capital punishment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איצפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a part of a date", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "redeemer", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מרזובלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. matting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדומי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "Roman", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בר חייל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "strong man, soldier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) artichoke", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקח#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make one feel better", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "טטרטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tetarton (liquid measure)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיצופ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blasphemy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפתקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ladle (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרק#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cut", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סרקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "tow, culling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפ על גב": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "72" ], "definition": "even though", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+ כנ : even so", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סרקי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "Saracen, Arab", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתאם": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "equal, matched", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כרוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "intestine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "במר ד_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in exchange for, instead of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) caraway or other aromatic seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "herald", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגעג": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to roll, to make dirty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזקה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "ownership, possession", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "בחוזקה : adv. : strongly", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "blossoming", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעדן": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "conj. : when", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "prep. : at the time of", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אספריס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "archery target", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גודנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יקיד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "70" ], "definition": "burning", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איצצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pressing, pressure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמשׁ עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fifteen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sign", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהיג": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "accustomed to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תיבורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "torch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נהיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "shining, bright", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "clear", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "fig.: intelligent, clear-sighted", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "משׁבק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "former husband", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סינ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "skull-cap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזיפו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "formal rebuke or suspension", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עליב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "unfortunate", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כלכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "storehouse for grain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עליז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wanton", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עלים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "boy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "27", "41", "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "servant, slave", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "oak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to act incorrectly", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גדרן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "heap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁברירי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dazzling light", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blindness", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אימר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bandage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אחמיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "showing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "process of making, doing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "something made or done", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁמע#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "servant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "disciple", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סליגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "basket of palm leaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיסב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "מיסב ומיתנ : negotiation, give and take", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעוטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "kicker (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "32", "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "chalk, lime, plaster", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יוי": { "d": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "abbreviation for the Tetragram", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "day", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "pl.: time", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lifetime", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "סדר יומא : the talmudic tractate on Yom Kippur", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "יון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "dove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "name of the letter yod", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "broken, stripped off", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רביבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפלוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "leek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to smooth w. plaster", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to level off a pile", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פנטוס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?? = GN Pontos?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נמוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "law", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "custom, practice", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נדיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "slip (of a boathouse)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיסיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "rock(?), boulder(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "will, desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טינר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "flint", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hard tubercle", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "large desert rock", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חשׁיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "considered, meaningful", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "worthy, noteworthy", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "valuable", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חשׁין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "bowels or lungs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סילתא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thorn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "cupbearer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mashed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁיך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "dark", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "evildoer (?) or one blind to the law (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סלבון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁט#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "71" ], "definition": "to flay", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "70", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "weeping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרוטין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "first", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיטורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "divorce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "clogged up, dammed up : see s.v. ṭmm G p.p.", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "שׁקוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "door post", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בוקלס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "staff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טורזין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "treasury official (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרסי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "Persian", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to uncover, to reveal", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "public matter", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "בפר', bprysyˀ, bprhsyˀ publicly", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "פרסם": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be revealed, exposed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to reveal,expose", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "a type of lyre", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁופטן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "idiot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פשׁל": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "to weave or spin yarn", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טמיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "crown property", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁקול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "porter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "group, band", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברת אח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "fraternal niece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבוקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "52", "53", "54", "56", "70", "74" ], "definition": "divorce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "herd of donkeys", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרינ עשׂר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "twelve", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "old woman", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "grandmother", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סבב": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to recline", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמין": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "like, as", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "_לאו כל כמין : it is not at all the right of X", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פטרוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sacrificial lamb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to carry, bear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to tolerate, endure, suffer", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to give wedding gifts to", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניאוטרון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "younger person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "hair net or ornamental mesh", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. attached", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to fasten o.s. on to something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to lick", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to lap up, lick up repeatedly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "fig. : side of an internal organ", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "lechi : stake as Sabbath mark for the eruv", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חרצני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "fruit pit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bread", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "food, meal", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קונן": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to sing a dirge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "central part of the hand or leg", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציהרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of liquid", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crust", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סמפירינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "sapphire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חריץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "ditch, channel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפדין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a disease (severe toothache?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "holy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כל מה": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "whatever", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבס": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pile up (?)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to pile up(?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סבע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(of body part) to be tired out (?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "plenty", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to be sated", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to satisfy", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to satisfy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תועבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "abomination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טב קרתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "town representative", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "מסתברה it is reasonable", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to be thought to mean", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "of expectations for the future", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to have thoughts", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be of the opinion", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(logic) to reason, derive by logical deduction", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to understand", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ותסברא : and how do you understand it?", "def_num": "2.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to understand properly, i.e. to believe religiously", "def_num": "2.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be aware", "def_num": "2.4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to greet, acknowledge", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to explain, teach", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(logic) logical conclusion", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "+ ˀpyn : see s.v. sbr ˀpyn n.m.", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "יסורין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "pl. suffering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלג": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be divided", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to become separated", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disagree with one another", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "half", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "part", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "reciprocal pronoun", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "groin area, waist", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to divide", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to distribute", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be distinctive, outstanding", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. בינ : to distinguish between", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to differ", "def_num": "4.2" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "72" ], "definition": "p.p. w. ב : to differ over a matter", "def_num": "4.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "p.p. w. על (or א) : to differ with another person or with a text", "def_num": "4.2.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sail away", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to distribute", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a distinction", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "תירתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ofTirtha", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be worked", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be worshipped", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to work", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to labor at (work, job)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to serve", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to worship", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to distribute", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "workman", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "worshipper", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פלז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bronze, brass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) scale? (of fish)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בשׁשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of food seasoning, presumably prepared from rue", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פלך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "w. ב_ : to jest at, make fun of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a joke", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פלט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(intrans.) to escape", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be rejected", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(trans.) to eject", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bring out faded writing", "def_num": "2.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to vomit", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to discharge", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make to discharge", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "פלן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "so and so", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "such and such", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "למין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "harbor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסכר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(med.) sore throat, laryngitis", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברדא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנדרט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "statue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חסרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "want, lack", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעיני": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in natural form", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עני#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to become poor", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be late to act", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be late for", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בית חמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tavern", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רירין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עורפילא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fine rain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to split apart", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "small coin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unstruck blank", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to demolish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "71" ], "definition": "to split", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wound", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁילי גופנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) a species of plum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גולהא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "glow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of mallow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסיקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "charitable collection", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "agreed amount", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עקרבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scorpion (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חברור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "companionship, companions (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ראשׁ כנישׁתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "head of the synagogue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of sandal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אצלחה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "success", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "min šilyā, mšlyˀ", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "74" ], "definition": "to draw out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hang up (?)", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to draw out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to skim off froth", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "טנוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "filth, excrement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "something lost", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חביבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "love", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר גנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "wedding-guest", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סיעה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assistance", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "support for an argument", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סילונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבלנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "contract work", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתנינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "loins", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרי#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to shoot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "knowledge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71" ], "definition": "sense, mind", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "opinion", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁלהי": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to weaken (trans.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become weak", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "end, dissolution", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתי#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to weave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הדיוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "unlearned, simple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלעס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to choke", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיקיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sausage maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רזיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vehemence", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "force", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תוב#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "detritus", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עתירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "riches", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפתינתיאוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "creator, ruler (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוד#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "burden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזרניא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "seeds, green crops", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "באשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be sick", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be bad", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. ל־: to be upset, to become worse for", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be sick", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דרומיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "inhabitant of southern Palestine", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גזירפטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a court official who enforces decrees, bailiff", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "merry-maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכאר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "unpleasant appearing, marred", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "dew", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "bone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "curtain, canopy or enclosure", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "insect net", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חגר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to gird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ם": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "for mn pron. \"who\"", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "אפתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "evening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרמא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a small vessel for liquids", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבולי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gatekeeper", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁיבתנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hot weather", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to increase, become extensive", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "as co-verb: to do much", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be empty (house)", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make room", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make larger", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to extend the range", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "soul", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as the life force", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "mind", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "24", "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "self; as a reflexive pronoun", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דנפש– : one's own property", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "body", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71" ], "definition": "personhood, seat of desire", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "טס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "foil, plating", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דבשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "honey", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. syrup", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברקרקתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "frog", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "inquirer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אלפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "alef, the first letter of the alphabet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "באר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "well", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pit", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to explain, to interpret", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלגו קיסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vice-emperor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "potter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבלבלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an eye defect or disease", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ירוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "adj.: yellow-green, green-blue", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "green stuff, vegetable", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ירור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) jackal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "(magic) a demon", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ירות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "heir", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צפר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ייבה": { "V": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "it (f.) is (a given)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיל_": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(with pronominal suffixes:) independent possessive pronoun", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בנוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Persian festival", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lead", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסוירוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "missorium, a type of platter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברסם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "(med.) pleurisy, catarrh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "weak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "palace", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוולא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עירוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "fleeing, flight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "she-mouse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עגלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "heifer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עירוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sg.", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "eruv , the boundary between domains on the Sabbath and the legal fiction demarcating them", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "עירובין : the name of the tractate dealing with such issues", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "דגל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "liar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרצומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קטם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "60" ], "definition": "to cut or lop off (part of a plant)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ash, ashes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזהא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביזלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small town", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be doubled", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to take the trouble", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to double", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fold in a fabric, hem", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כפן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be hungry", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cause to be famished", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hunger", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "famine", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כפי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be rebuffed", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be overturned", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bend (tran.)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to overturn", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to force", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעין": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "similar to", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": " belly, loins", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "womb", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": " intestines, viscera", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צנברי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Sanbar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "artificial (?) verb for invoking a vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עזל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to spin (yarn)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בולווטיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "councilman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "eyelid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיבורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blood-letting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כפר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be forgiven", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "village", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to deny, reject (often w. b_)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to reject faith", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to wipe away", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71" ], "definition": "w. על, ל_ : to forgive", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כפת": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to be tied", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tie, knot", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bind, tie up", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "53", "81" ], "definition": "to bind, tie up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אבזנגרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bath attendant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרקב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a measure equal to three qabs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁפזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "lodging", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "inn", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. to give: to extend hospitality", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כפף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bend", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to invest", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "70", "72" ], "definition": "to compel, force, subdue", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "איקא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "castrated goat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be fertilized with straw", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "straw", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "chaff", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תבל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "spice", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to spice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכרזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "72" ], "definition": "proclamation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "ruler, archon", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "consul", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ערכנ דיגונ iterum consul, i.e. ἄρχων δίγονος", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "בר נפלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a name for the Messiah", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be broken", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be refuted", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "breaking", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fracture, break", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "broken piece, fragment", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. sound of shofar", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: slaughter, calamity, destruction", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(logic) fig. : internal contradiction", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to break", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to refute someone's position", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to smash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "edge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "apex, projecting point", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to join, unite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טיפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "excess", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to look for, to seek", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to make a legal demand", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "to claim", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to propose marriage", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "הרדוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) oleander", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "canal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי חורשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "place of an abscess (in the eye??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pl. vessels for liquids", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוגדוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "first part of Greek number for eighty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרסק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "peach", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתי#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "bucket or large bowl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קהי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to be dull, blunt", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be tired", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be obstinate", "def_num": "3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to hold on or stick in firmly", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lit.", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to deal rigorously", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קהל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "congregation, community", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "the Jewish people", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "פנטוס": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "certainly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "thin part", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רהב": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "srhb: to rush; q.v.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיצולין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "unripe sun-dried dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אומנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "trade, profession", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רהט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to run", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to hasten", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to strive", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "running", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "runny gruel", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "פורסא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an official (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאכלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81", "82" ], "definition": "food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ראשׁ סדר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "first verse of reading", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הוליא": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sailor's cry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרנוגלתא ברא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) hoopoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרהון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "urination or vessel for urination", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁופ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to slip", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to crouch", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to slide", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to fan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פדברא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "servant (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הרהור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "disturbing, exciting thought", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כוסברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) coriander", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי הרזיקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "guard house", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיזבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "refuge, deliverance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיזבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "refuge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיעא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "perspiration", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלבן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "brick kiln", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילא#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a parasitic worm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁכנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a loan transaction secured by real property", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pledge", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "gall", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דרמינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "preparation from rose oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדי#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to bring over", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיות בר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "wild animal, wild beast(s)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בשׁקר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "evidently, clearly", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to recognize as one's own, claim", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to recognize, see clearly", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "תרי עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "twelve", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "definite : trē(n) ˁăsartā, const. : trē(n) ˁăsartē", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בולר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a tax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "night pot (dial.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סילתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "piece of wood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחר#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be sexually aroused", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לתת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to moisten", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בושׁל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "cooking, ripening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "command", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "authorization", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אספסתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) fodder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קביל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קציר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "sick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כאב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be caused pain", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "pain", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "wound, sore", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ulcer", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to feel sick", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "to cause pain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כאן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "here", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "now", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מכאן ואילך : from now on", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "זגד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be in a brooding position", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זגג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "glassmaker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סלריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "chair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זגי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to lie down", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lay something down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קביע": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fixed regulation", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "proclamation", "def_num": "4.2" } ] }, "זונר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "belt, girdle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מות": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to die", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to kill", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "death", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מור": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be exchanged", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to exchange", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "myrrh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מומאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "oath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to suck", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "81" ], "definition": "chaff", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "peelings", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כפר נבורי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "resident of Kfar Nabora", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הואיל ו_": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "since", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבואה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "51", "54", "55", "71" ], "definition": "prophecy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "prophetic book", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אלמא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "consequently, therefore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלאלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "small piece of leather", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to dig, to bore", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pierce, breach", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כרי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dredging", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיפות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pitch, or that which is tarred", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מול": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to circumcise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "defect, blemish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lie down", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "יוכני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of GN", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוט": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to waver", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to totter", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to decline", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to collapse (?)", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to become poor", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to shake", "def_num": "1" } ], "V10": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to become poor, empty", "def_num": "1" } ], "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "מטמט : to stagger", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "ruin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a mesh head covering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be dissolved", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "brain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "skull", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "טושׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to smear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוג": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be languid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "pricking pain in the eye", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכלושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בולבול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(zool.) nightingale", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "column", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jet, flow", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קפיליט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפילין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wine tavern", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "(sea) to be in commotion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגוד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bellwether", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "עציבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "grief", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורדיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shoe of bark", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמברא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grain store", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁישׁלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(gram.) vowel point with vertical dots", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "biblical accent sign shalsheleth", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "חלה#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "water pitcher, bucket", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גללני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ball-shaped", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גונדלית": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in a left-handed manner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגביא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(chem.) alum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "parasitic worm", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in humans", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) in fish", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "קומץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(מלי ק') handful", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קומי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "before (spatial)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "in the presence of (respectfully)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "53", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) apple", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "stature", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "body", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fathom", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "בבי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gutter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדיל": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "on account of", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "44", "53", "71" ], "definition": "on account of, because", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56" ], "definition": "in order that, so that", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קנוי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "warning of jealousy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדיח": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cheerful, merry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לסטר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "on one side, aside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרוין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of cypress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עילוי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "above, on top of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "standing over", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "next to, against", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "evaluation", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "best thing", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "improved stage", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בר הימצא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small piece of animal fat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תעני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "fast day", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "fasting", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זקר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to leap for joy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stagger", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to stagger, bend up and down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתקפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "refutation, objection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בכיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "early, first", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "first trees to bear fruit, i.e. the finest fruits", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "שׁרשׁי#2": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be profitable, to benefit", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to benefit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סומק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "milt", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "בהת": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be ashamed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be ashamed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אברתא בר הנג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סערה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "54", "60", "71" ], "definition": "strand of hair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דקל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cleaning", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמעתה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "tradition, traditional law", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חליו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sweetness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטכסין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "silk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גריצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "cake, loaf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בהל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to be frightened", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be be in an uproar", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hurry", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סוכר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "bolt", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dam", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חליל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "hollow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(coin) round (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חלים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "sound, strong", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "whole", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פתכייתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. variegated trinkets", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אספידכא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(chem.) white lead (i.e., ceruse)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עוקסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sting, stinger", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סלת#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to split wood", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to split wood into many pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרפיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "palm leaf basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הימן": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to believe", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. direct obj. or l_ : to believe a person or speech", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. b_ : to believe in, have faith in", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bring a convincing argument", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "p.p. : see s.v. mhymn adj.", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "טרקט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "tracta (type of loaf)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלגמה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "poultice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Maon", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "head", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as the seat of vision", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "top", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.: top, best, choice", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "choice, first quality", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lit. top, thing on top", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "53", "60" ], "definition": "beginning", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "first part of a tannaitic statement", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "רישׁ כיסא : principal", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "tip, extremity", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "major element", "def_num": "7" } ] }, "שׁומשׁם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "27", "50", "71" ], "definition": "sesame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פסק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "w. dyn: legal decision", "def_num": "2.2.1" } ] }, "כשׁום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "sesame plant, sesame sprig", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be excessive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to hang down", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "היך": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "24", "27", "44", "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "how, in the manner of", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "22", "44", "56", "71" ], "definition": "as an interrogative", "def_num": "2" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "13", "12", "14", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "just as, as", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "איכ : introducing direct speech in writs", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "as if", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "היו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "living substance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לושׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to knead", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "she", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רגמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stone (for stoning)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁושׁבינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "best friend (f.)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חכך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rub or scratch oneself", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to scratch", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "חכם": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "to be recognized, known", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to know", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be made wise, acquire wisdom", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to know someone, recognize", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to know sexually", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to make wise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to behave more wisely", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חכן": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to get food poisoning (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקמומי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crooked portion, crookedness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hump of a hunchback", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "חכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "fish hook", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "potter's workshop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בראי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "outside", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "more commonly prefixed by א_", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כיב#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "roasted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נתשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to tear", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to pull off", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁחלינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ear infection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימ#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be marked", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to indicate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חכר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to lease (land in tenancy)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגטרגט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cataract, waterfall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קצת#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "מiנ ק:צAת, מiק.:צAת : some of, a fixed or certain part of", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "גיגאנטס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "giants", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבולי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "load-carrier", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ קריב": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "from close up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאיסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "repulsion, repulsiveness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאיסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rejection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוסייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "landed property, estate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקדמות": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "towards (for either confrontation or respectful distance)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כופר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fine paid for the killing of a person by an animal", "def_num": "1.1.1" } ] }, "טבייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "deer, mature gazelle (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עקובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "rear-end", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מבלעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "uppermost part of gullet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדעם": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "מידי דהוה א_, מידי ד_ : something analagous to", "def_num": "4.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. מידאני : items, pieces", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "interrogative particle : see s.v. mydy conj.", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "פוריון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "litter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "moth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "worm", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "threshold", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "doorpost", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of locust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁכבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eulogy on anniversary of death or the like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "51", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "measurement, dimension, size", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "surveying", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צות#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "company, fellowship", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bet, second letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חזרן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "busy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "56", "71" ], "definition": "old", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "grandparent", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "elder", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "old man, elder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "learned elder", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ancestor", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "'Tanna', a carrier of the oral tradition", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "shackle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טהר#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be noontime", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "limit, maximum", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "סם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "medicine", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "poison", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "סמא דמותא, סמא דמיתותא, סמא דקטול : deadly poison", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "color, dye", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "essential ingredient", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "מיסטריקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mystery", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארבעין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "forty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רימ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "54", "56", "60", "81", "71", "81" ], "definition": "buffalo, aurochs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סעד#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "72" ], "definition": "(bot.) cyperus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלח#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crack : see s.v. pyl #4 n.m.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלח#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "salary", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פלח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "millstone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניקודא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(v.n.) removal of veins", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "bereavement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכל#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "decay", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכל#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "childless person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "א": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "11", "20", "42", "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "first letter of the alphabet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדושׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "sanctity", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "status as hqdš", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "qedushah prayer", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גורגנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a musical instrument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "(w. l_, b_) : to attack a person", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to attack in law, i.e., to bring a claim against someone", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become impassionate", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to be jealous of someone", "def_num": "3.1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to incite", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to thrust", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "גרדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weaver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קנתיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "saddle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to cause to happen, to bring about", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "bone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "self", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "mgrmh, mn grmh : on ones own, without outside force", "def_num": "2.5" } ] }, "מסגר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "53" ], "definition": "enclosure", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "43", "51", "53", "56", "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "skin bottle, jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to scrape off", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stimulate the appetite (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עולל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "child, infant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלוחי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "vial, cruse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בתוא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "middle part(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרגימא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assortment of foods", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בר מצוון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a charitable person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולשׁא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flat part", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלוסקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "loaf of bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ודי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "in reality, certainly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "בודאי : idem", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סינר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "door socket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be pulled, to be dragged", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. בתר : to be drawn after", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to draw away, to pull, to drag", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to draw off liquid", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ בתר to entice by", "def_num": "1.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to scrape", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to whet the appetite", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אגב גררא : incidentally, by association", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אפרסמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "balsam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פזיר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whip or stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to learn a text or oral tradition thoroughly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to know by heart", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to recite by heart", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to have a textual tradition of interpretation", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "acquired learning", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "studies", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "textual version", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "גרף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to rake, to sweep out", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to scoop up", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scraping, raking (?) or flooding", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרע": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to grow less", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to shear, to shave", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "fig. : to deduct", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עיני": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to guard, to watch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דואר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "judge", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחפי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "hidden", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fem.pl.: hidden or covered objects of some kind", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פירוק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "solution", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reply", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "ארבע": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "four", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "marble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "giantess", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׂרי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "master", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "יומא רבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the Day of Atonement", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיסר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "emperor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ קומי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פצים": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "71" ], "definition": "doorpost or door panel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פומפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "utensil for food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכסא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "glory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דוכסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dukedom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be healed", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "physician, healer", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to heal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרביצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "irrigated field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דאב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wolf", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דאג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be anxious, troubled", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איפופי": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "term of oath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפרעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "part of an animal's abdomen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁריו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "license, permission", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "שׁריב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "warm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת תיהא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vapor hole", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קוצם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "barley flour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כליום": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "daily", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תתור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bridge", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a bridge-or ramp-like structure on a phylactery", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "mucous (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מזמור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "psalm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בוטט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spark of fire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אדיורא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "porter (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ כבר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "previously", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכך": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cover with sheeting", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סכי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to hope, to expect", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to look", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "to expect", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to look out for someone or something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "to wait expectantly", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "סכן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be in mortal danger", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to endanger oneself", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to endanger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁמעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "proclamation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכם": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to agree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרפס": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to climb up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "unctarium", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "peg, nail, spike", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "plowshare", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "thorn", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "prickly hair (?)", "def_num": "3.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "coin stamp", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "בי ורדי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flower garden", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lavishly decorated chamber, or simply: among roses", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרוג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "chick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חביץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "pl. cake; see s.vv. ḥbyṣ, ḥbyṣʾ n.m, ḥybwṣˀ", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "a cake or porridge made of flour, honey, and oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גריו#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "neck of an animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעברן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "parent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to weep", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "ford, pass", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "passageway for the strap of Tefillin", "def_num": "1.3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a beard", "def_num": "1.5" } ] }, "תתא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "below", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "likeness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "בiדמuות, badmu : prep. : like", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "image, form", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁחרורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "blackening", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lie down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to sleep", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to die", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "fig. : to be motionless, take a rest from functioning", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "dead person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be similar", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "w. l, b : to imitate, be in the guise of", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be like", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ptcp. : see s.v. dmy adj.", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "שׁפיר דאמי : it is permitted (see also s.v. špyr adv.)", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to compare", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נגיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spiced drink (?), cup (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "container", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "plow", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כיפור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "atonement", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "יומא דכיפורי : the Day of Atonement", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "חסירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lack, deficiency, defect", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קליסיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "christian community", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חביל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "loss, damage", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "s.t/someone damaged", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גרבל": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be rolled or kneaded into something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חביב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "dear, beloved", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "close relative", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "uncle", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "fem.: aunt -> ḥbybh", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "uncle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי גזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "treasury", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרכף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "coop", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בוקא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "thigh joint", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חביה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "60", "71" ], "definition": "amphora", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוס": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to turn (of a knife)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to go around", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to visit, to examine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאבראי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "from without", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמעה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "legal tradition, practice : see s.v. šmˁth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לדן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "ladanum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "oven", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁתית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "web of a loom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דלו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "irrigation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "piece of meat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קופה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "50", "53", "55" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרי דיכי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a euphemism for God", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארבעמאה": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "four hundred", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלא אפי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "negative of bˀpy prep.; q.v.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כמון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "cumin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁחרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "blackness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to look with joy", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be joyful", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוט": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be startled", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to move", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוד#3": { "V": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to spin or twist thread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to add up, sum", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to add up, sum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סום": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be placed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to place, put, install [-JBA; see note]", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to place something within something else", "def_num": "1.6" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to put on shoes : see swm #2", "def_num": "1.6.3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fig.: to set out, set down something", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "see s.v. sym #2 vb. and syym vb.", "def_num": "1.4" } ] }, "בבולייה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cymbals", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "bramble-bush and/or the fruit thereof [a berry]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרצין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. ˀkl : to inform on someone, slander", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטי": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to endure (?), to function (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to chatter", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to chatter a lot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציפורי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "of Sepphoris", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54" ], "definition": "wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "foulness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טוח#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to smear", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to smear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בורגרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "farming", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חברבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of snake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ninth (part)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זלדקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "having a thin beard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עיפושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "moldering, mold", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כופיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) name of a fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטר": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to depart", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be sent(?)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be exempted", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to release", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to exempt from obligation", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to divorce someone", "def_num": "3.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "70" ], "definition": "to make to go away, to dismiss", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to eulogize", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to take leave", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to divorce someone", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "תמני עסר": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "eighteen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגנא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of vessel ??", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "המניק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of fork", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "excrement", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "בית מפקתא : anus", "def_num": "6" } ] }, "נמנום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sleeping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מפקן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "anus", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "צעלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "filth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "utensil for drawing wine", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to incline", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to let someone bleed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pour out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁפי#3": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to settle a claim", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרקוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פוטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "a type of mint: pennyroyal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דסתנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "portion of food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תביעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "claim", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חצין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "axe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תחנונין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "supplication", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "youthful", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "grapes", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "berry, single grape", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a type of hemorrhoids or boils", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "מטלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "booth (sukkah)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלמוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "learning, study", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "the Talmud", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרקור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: piece of meat", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרקוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "ring", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חציף": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "audacious, impudent", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציפדון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a sickness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "louse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוצי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "curl", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tail of a mouse", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) tendril or tuft", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "spark, i.e. curl or fringe of flame", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "כבשׁ": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be subjugated", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "path", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "press (i.e. squeezing device)", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hidden thing, secret", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to tread on", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to conquer", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to overcome, subdue", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to press", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to withhold, to hide", "def_num": "5" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to preserve, pickle", "def_num": "6" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to preserve, pickle", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צמיד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "accustomed, used to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of vessel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחק": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be erased", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "erasure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "paliimpsest", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to wipe out, erase", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to level off a measure", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to rub", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחמת": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "because of", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אהייא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to which?", "def_num": "1" } ], "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to which one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "60" ], "definition": "one who slaughters", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "tomorrow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "wound, blow", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "single instance (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרח#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "weaver (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "outside", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁונ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sudatorium", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מטרופליס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "metropolis", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מררי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a bitter herb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מררה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "gall", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "gall bladder", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "מגושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "magus, Magian", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בשׁלמא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "it is all right, granted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחמם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hot object", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pound to dust", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נכול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "deceiver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to forgo, to remit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרבועי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "place for lying down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צלצול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "a type of belt, connected with sexual impropriety", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "needle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחי": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be struck", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be wiped from the record [often w. שׁמ, as Heb. יiמ.aח שׁEם]", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "protest", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "fabric, webbing", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fastening (?) : see s.v. mḥy vb.", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to strike", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to wound", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "(of a deadly creature) to sting or bite", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make any movement involving a sudden and/or strong impact", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to throw the shuttle --> to weave", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "usually w. ˁl or b_ : to affix s.t firmly to something", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מחיתא חדא מחי : to make a single group", "def_num": "3.3" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to protest", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to protest", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "מחך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to laugh", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על אפי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "upon [a surface]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרפשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "T' dlyb) pericardium", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ט' דכבדא : surface membrane of the liver", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נקר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "worm", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pieces of cloth as a compress", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to clear (of stubble)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant name (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כשׁרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "industriousness, efficiency", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאתין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "two hundred", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סולתני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. ל_ : to die", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "lying down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "death", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lie down", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to sleep", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "13", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to die", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to rape", "def_num": "4.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to make to lie", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to kill", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלק#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of crushed wheat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלק#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a round weight", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אודיא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "box(?), container(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סמוכ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "thickness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארכנ ליפרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "customs' officer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "the Zab river", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברוק#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strong (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זט": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "live! (in Greek)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "enclitic particle of logical emphasis: \"so then\" or the like after imperative", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "72" ], "definition": "zayin, seventh letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "24", "44", "51", "54", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "kind, type", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרבי": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be in commotion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "eye lash", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "pitcher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "course of bricks", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to invert", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put on as a cover", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to overturn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pomegranate seed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בת שׁתיא חמרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a forbidden bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גובה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "height, top", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "elevated ground", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עגן": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be prevented from marrying", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to desert (a wife)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כרת": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to divorce", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "leek", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "leek-green", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סיימ#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be completed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to complete", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כופתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "basket", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסקולוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bow down", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to tip the balance", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "fig.: to decide definitively", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "leg, thigh, shin", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "leg of a piece of furniture", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of a letter", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rank, stance", "def_num": "3.3" } ] }, "כרף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to develop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גבונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דברה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pestilence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דברה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "despoiling", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארז#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be hard [dubious interpretation]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קסטרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "fortress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארגנטרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "expensive tableware", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "vessel (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תירוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "solution, answer", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זקיפ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(cantillation) zaqef ", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפקיד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "bequeathed one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "keryat leh : to be sad", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pile, heap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרך": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be wrapped up, rolled up", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to attach one's self", "def_num": "5" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "41", "51", "54", "56", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "walled city", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "42", "71" ], "definition": "enclosed area", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to wrap up", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to wrap around", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to roll up", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "+ ריפתא to eat a meal", "def_num": "6.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to wrap around", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to read extensive verses", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "כרם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "vineyard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרב": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to plow", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "plowing", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כרג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "71", "81" ], "definition": "a type of tax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "(bot.) gum arabic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קומ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "curd", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "42", "51", "53", "56" ], "definition": "to announce", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to proclaim, to announce", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "force : see s.v. על כורח_", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבג": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to to gush out", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "twig, shoot", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נבז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to bark", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make a loud sound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "25", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to spew forth, spout", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sprout", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "causing to spew forth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to act as a prophet", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to predict", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to predict (i.e. to prophesy transitive)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "prophet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קירה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a type of whip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לרישׁ": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "at the end", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אקושׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "hard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "safekeeping, protection", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נטרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "safekeeping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תנורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "corselet maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדמו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "previousness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "advance payment of the ketubba", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dawn (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אדר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of large tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הוצני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "soaked flax", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדמי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "first", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "41", "44", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "former", "def_num": "2" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "first, at first", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "קדמי מנ, קדמיינ מנ : before", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "זחורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "scarlet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "servant, servitor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "captive, bound", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "byt )syr:) : prison", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "71" ], "definition": "forbidden", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "איכו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "would that, if only", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to gush forth", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make to gush forth", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מדברה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איכא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "there is here", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "74" ], "definition": "there is", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. infin. : it is possible to", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "איריא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "conclusive argument, clear understanding", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טכס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נבר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "part of the palm, probably the sheath fiber used for baskets and ropes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבע#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "sinking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמשׁין": { "b": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fifty", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דמדמ#2": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74" ], "definition": "to be stupefied", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to mumble", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "life", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "livelihood", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "סירקי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "grain warehouse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "guilty", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "23", "41", "50", "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "obligated, liable", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "it is necessary, obligatory", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "deserving of ...", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ב־ responsible for", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "חיא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71", "72" ], "definition": "rapidly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "strong (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "21", "27", "44", "51", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "army", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "multitude", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "power, strength", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "12", "53", "60" ], "definition": "strength, essence, best part", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "force of an argument", "def_num": "4.2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to strengthen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "72" ], "definition": "umbilical cord", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁור#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53" ], "definition": "to proceed straight ahead, in a row", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "jumper", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "robber", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חיי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to live", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to revive", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to revive", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to keep alive", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to save, sustain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "60", "74" ], "definition": "tailor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "neighbor (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "neighborhood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זיווג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "matchmaking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מכילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "section of halakhic midrash", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: tannaitic collection of rules", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "חיץ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "metaph.: difficult", "def_num": "3.3" } ] }, "אשׁקלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "transaction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חית": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "het, eighth letter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רפסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "trembling, shaking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "shoemaker (?), saddlemaker (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנסן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "fruit stalk (palm)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי קיט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "summer house", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נזירו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "nazirite vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כותר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "duration, persistence", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כותח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "a type of prepared food (a liquid or suspension)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברא דתומא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a clove of garlic or a small-sized garlic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עימ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כותל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "41", "44", "51", "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסיס": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(water) turbulent", "def_num": "1.3" } ] }, "כותי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "Samaritan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זכרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "male force ?? (worshipped as an idol)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "source, fountainhead", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קטר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "smoke", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרגלן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "foot of bed (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקישׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "late in season", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פארא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צוי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be dry", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to shrivel up", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to desiccate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פארי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. trinkets strung on chains", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁום": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "because of", "def_num": "1" } ], "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "because, since", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסתניס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "weak person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הי#3": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "which", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי כרב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "plowed field", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בהיימנו": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "faithfully", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁוטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "branch", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עלול": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "pl.t. : a type of claim", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "דמ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "congestion", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נהור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "light, illumination", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "light source", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "eyesight", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "משׁור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rover", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפדן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hot-tempered", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁנה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sleep", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעבע": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to burp", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to bubble up", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לכתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small wooden fastening clip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "bran", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פחתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. noblemen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערקום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bend of an animal's hind leg", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pool (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תוספי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who writes plene", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to feed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to perform an operation involving grinding of flour for food", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ספי#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be afraid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על פום": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "by the testimony of", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "according to", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "on top of (an object with a \"mouth\" opening)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כרכשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+ br$) to nod the head", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "large intestines", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "belt or belt fringe", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁרי#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to carry around", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרי#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרי#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "to make the blessing over bread to begin a meal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rim", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "pl. outlying areas", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60" ], "definition": "flask, jug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דביתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "associate, member of a group headed by ...", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "with officials", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. other nouns", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "איגרי : roof demons = lunacy demons; see also s.v. br ˀgrˀ", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "זרדתא : demon of the reeds", "def_num": "1.2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(fem.) wife", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "with male relationship nouns: wife of that relation", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ד.:בEי אaב.Aא רaב.Aתiי : paternal grandmother", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ד.:בEי א:aחaב.Aא : aunt (father's brother's wife)", "def_num": "2.1.2" } ] }, "טיפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "drop", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריקוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "dancing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ואבריגן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "trustworthy, valid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תוספה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "additional amount", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "tosefta (extra-mishnaic/targumic traditions)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חכרנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tenancy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עסורי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "group of ten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tenth portion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מסאב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "60", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "unclean", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיטרוסילינון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "parsley", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קונבאה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "vault, dome", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בולימוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "ravenous hunger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לקמי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "before (spatial)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in the future of", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "לקמן : ahead of us, below in the text", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "קלוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "catcher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "animal fat", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "in rabbinic texts, specifically forbidden fat", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to remove fat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁוך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "emph. as n.m. : the dark, darkness", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "darkness", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "snuffed out wick", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "תרד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "beet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרזיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "shepherd or junior shepherd", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תרה": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wait", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be delayed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to delay someone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to delay something", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מינוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "rabbinical ordination", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תרז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to burst, to be distended", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "71" ], "definition": "to soak something", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרך": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "p.p. divorced", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to drive out", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "50", "53", "56", "70", "71" ], "definition": "to divorce", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ווס": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be stained", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "tavern-keeper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to oppose", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרף": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be digested", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "בוסתן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "garden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרץ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be properly explained", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to direct", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to sit up straight", "def_num": "1.3" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to settle, to harmonize, explain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מינוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבר#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to wound", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to darken : see s.v. mḥbr adj.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חבר#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+על : to shout down, to boo someone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חשׁוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "strong desire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חבר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Zoroastrian, i.e. Magian priest", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חבר#7": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "darkness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁטנא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מזג#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "glass goblet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטמ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to close", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "רוב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "majority", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מנ לתחת": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "from below", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבתר": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "after", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "conj.", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רעי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "pasture", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רעי#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to mutually agree", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to desire", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "13", "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to reconcile", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פרזל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "iron", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "iron instrument", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פרזם": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to squeeze out liquid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גופה#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(zool.) a catch of birds", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁלוח#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "messenger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁתיתי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sixth (ord.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גומ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "depression", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דשׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "50", "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "door panel", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74" ], "definition": "doorway", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ממרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תלול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "14", "53" ], "definition": "fortress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפידרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(unclear:Nid28)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "seal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעבוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "enslavement, servitude", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(leg.) fig. : legal obligation", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רגיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a middling sum, three zuz", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "a small scale for measuring such amounts", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a greater thing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to trust someone", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to assure someone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ידפי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "55", "60", "70", "74" ], "definition": "to be(come) pregnant, conceive (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "56", "81", "72", "74" ], "definition": "womb", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בטל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to be abolished", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cease", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to be invalid", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to make to cease; stop", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to abrogate", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "רפוק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who hoes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איפרסן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "he became poor (in Greek)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רובע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "quarter of a kab measure", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "quarter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טוי#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be roasted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to roast", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to roast", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to roast", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁתי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "foundation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אולר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נסע#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to travel, to move [Heb.]", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אי#2": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "emphatic particle before ptcp.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארמיה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "53" ], "definition": "gentile woman", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כליו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "74", "81" ], "definition": "despair", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צבת#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "tongs", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "connection (?)", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to prepare", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to offer", "def_num": "3" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to adorn, decorate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to prepare", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ריר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "saliva, spittle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "discharge, liquid secretion", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "זירזא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bundle, bunch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אברתא בר המג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁיצין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "twig", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מחושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "suffering, sorrow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמירה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "stringent ruling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בגלטורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unclear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כאפור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) camphor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "deceit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמיה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deceiver (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רמיז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "hinted at : see s.v. rmz vb.", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מינוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "child", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמפומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "window", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הוי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(gram.) as a marker of tense", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "w. participle to mark progressivity or imperfectivity", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "past tense, to mark perfectivity or conditionality", "def_num": "1.1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to become", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "w. l_ : to change state, to turn into", "def_num": "1.2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to endure, to exist", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to come to pass, to happen", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "in idioms:", "def_num": "4" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "justification of a legal tradition", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "אפקותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "neck, throat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "sense", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הוא": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "he", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "as copula", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "הוד": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "glory", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fragment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אופתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "palm branch stump", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביסי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a thorny grass eaten by camels", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערטלי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "naked", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "wool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רב קריה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "city head", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעבר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "72" ], "definition": "pregnant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig.: intercalated", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "ferry", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "פליז": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bronzed or gilded", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמק": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to make deep", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(colors) to deepen, make darker", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גונדא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72" ], "definition": "troop of soldiers", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to close the eyes or other senses", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אקרפיטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "couch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כהנה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "priest's daughter", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קרי#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71", "72", "81" ], "definition": "Scripture reading", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to lay a beam", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרי#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to happen", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "beam, long piece of lumber typically used for a ceiling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרי#3": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause semen to flow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גשׁתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "feeling, touch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to grow dim, faint", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תמם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to come to an end", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be dull", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "gentile, non-Jew", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עמל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "labor, toil", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "rent, income", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עמד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to sink, submerge oneself", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פיקיל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "turban", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נול": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be disfigured", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be disgraced", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "loom", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to torment", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disfigure", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disgrace", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נום": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to fall asleep", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "nmnm : to doze", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be dying", "def_num": "2" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to sleep, slumber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנתא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "wicker basket", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "(zool.) fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כנתא#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of (twisted?) bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "על מ_": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "above", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוח": { "V06": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be placed, alight upon", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to delight in, agree with", "def_num": "4" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to rest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "w. נפשׁא: to die, rest in peace", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "תנוח נפשׁה ד : may he rest in peace", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to become quiet", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(logic) תינח (i.e. 3fs. impf.) : let it be, granted", "def_num": "2.1.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to place down, impose", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to give comfort to someone", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to bless a deceased person", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "נוד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to beat or shake rapidly", "def_num": "1.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to move", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to move something violently", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אינישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "only in the absolute! : person, someone", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אינישׁ אינישׁ each one", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "קלס": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be commended", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "stalk, thin fiber", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "to praise", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to approve", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to clap, to clamor", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קלע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to plait", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "curtain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "small chamber, ante-room", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קלף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be peeled off", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fish scale", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to peel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מקילון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "kitchen", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלק": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "to throw down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלט": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be held within something else", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "instruction (?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to absorb", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to clutch, crush", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to clutch (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלי": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be burned up", "def_num": "2" } ], "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "q' q' little by little", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "56", "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "to roast", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to burn", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to expose to the evil eye", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "קלל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be light", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be lenient", "def_num": "6" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to curse", "def_num": "7" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to act in a lax manner", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to treat lightly", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to rule leniently", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to curse", "def_num": "4" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to lighten", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "24", "53", "56" ], "definition": "to curse", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to make a lenient ruling", "def_num": "5" } ] }, "תיגר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "a type of bowl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pitch, resin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלד": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to disappear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "stem", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(unclear: BR 525)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עומס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "burden", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפריט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "servant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fire", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפרין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "praise", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עומק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "56", "60", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "depth", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "valley", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁותא#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) sproutings of caper tree", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סבני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "linen cloth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפריז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cross-beam of gateway", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "28", "41", "42", "53", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "temple, shrine", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוע": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to move (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to move (trans.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נוף": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "npnp: see s.v.", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to wave to and fro in a boastful manner", "def_num": "4" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to wave", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ביד": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "into the possession of, into the control of", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "by means of, because of", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "an animate agent", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "an inanimate agent", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "קליפה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "peeling", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיה#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bag, pouch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "duck; goose", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חיה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "animal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "באנפי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פתילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "lamp-wick", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "tampon", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "long stalk", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "בסיליוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "king", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רגיל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "familiar with, accustomed to", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זונין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "(bot.) weed grass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תכריכין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "shrouds", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צליל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "subst.: pure condition", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כמשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to wither", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דרשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be interpreted", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to interpret, to expound", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "homiletical interpretation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עכר#2": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to be distraught", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "turbidness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרשׁ": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "deaf", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "mute", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "deaf and dumb", "def_num": "2.2" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to become mute", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "sorcerer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלפוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bladder", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורדני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a gentilic (Kurdish?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדנח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "east", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דשׁשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to neglect, be unmindful of something", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to neglect, ignore", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to close the ears (?)", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "זגוגי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "glass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פטפט": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to chatter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גהץ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to desire sexually (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתח": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to stretch something", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to pull taught (bow or arrow)", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to deal strictly w. someone", "def_num": "2.3" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pull ropes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "60" ], "definition": "palm of the hand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדיעבד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "having been done", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be slow", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to await", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cord, rope", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גהר": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to extinguish", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מתל": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be compared", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to compare", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to use a parable", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "parable", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גביה": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "high", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקדה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "last will", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מתונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "reeky earth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרדוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "manufacturer/seller of clothes", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעידנא ד_": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "when, at the moment when", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בתשׁ": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain; cf. ktš)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרוליון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "coral", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תשׁיעי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ninth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מתק": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to suck", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גהי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of intense, dark color", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גהט": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to erase", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תעז": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "artificial word for invoking Naziriteship", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תעל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fox", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "53", "81" ], "definition": "chest", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "coffin, sarcophagus", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "60", "81" ], "definition": "ark of the covenant", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כדון": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "now", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דיאורא": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "come !", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דהא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "because, since", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דהב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "gold", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "ירושׁלמ דדהב (`Jerusalem of gold') golden headband", "def_num": "1.2.2" } ] }, "חמועי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "cress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צללה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "clarity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלופ דוץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "sticky clay (lit. 'draw out - stick in')", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בלני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "bath", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמועה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "(bot.) sorrel, cress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טענ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plead", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to claim against", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דהי": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to make a color lighter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of fish", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בצע#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to break", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to break", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אחרי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "responsible, guarantor", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "22", "27", "41", "50", "53", "71", "72" ], "definition": "guarantor, responsible party", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "betrothed (m)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדופ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "blasphemy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כומתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of cap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צינור#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "canal", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "groove", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "דדשׁא : door socket", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hook", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "עפשׁ": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become moldy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נישׁתרופא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבלאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היידיל_": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "behold this / those", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁישׁו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "old age", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "right of firstborn", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרטט#2": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be torn to pieces", "def_num": "1" } ], "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to pull to pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ודוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "confessional prayer", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוכ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "to smear with ointment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁלמן": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "41", "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "perfected, perfect one", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ניכפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "epileptics", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "70", "71" ], "definition": "lord, leader", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גולם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "unformed mass", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גולב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a grain", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לית": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "=lˀ+ˀyt : there is/are not", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "alone", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "with pronominal subject suffixes instead of an independent pronoun", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "גולה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "cloak, hood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טובינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fortunate person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חכימי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one pretending to be a scholar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פריצו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "licentiousness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית גנזין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "51", "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "treasury, treasury building", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ניטפא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an infusion or solution of dates", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בי פרחי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמרי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "Samaritan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "curser", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הלוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "walking", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פזר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "whip/stick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלוז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bag", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "drawer of water", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דורשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "darshan", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "70", "72", "81" ], "definition": "speech", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "44", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "meal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגעורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shouting", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נקוטאי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "assemblage of day laborers", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קאבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "doorframe", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "לקנ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "flask", "def_num": "4" } ] }, "הושׁענא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "the palm branch (lulav) device of the Sukkot festival", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דיוקט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "prosecutor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פזח": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "artificial word for invoking a vow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ליוי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "Levite", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לטי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to curse", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מילת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fine wool", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "carpet", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרודיא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "uncertain nautical term", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עבבי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "shivering fit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסלסל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "comb (dial.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תקוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "strength, vigor", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מסתורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "spindle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היידה": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "which one (fem. interrog.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענתותי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "of Anatot", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "היידן": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "which one (masc.)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+הו = היידינו, היידינ הו, היי דינו", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בר חוליא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "membranes of the windpipe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קבוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "establishing proclamation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "במצעה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "in the middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כהן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "priest", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חוצ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to connect with a partition", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כהי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "(eyes) to grow weak", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to make eyesight fail", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איילינון": { "R": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "which ones", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "pigmy", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "tiny piece, grain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עצי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cause to rebel", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "אבקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "door socket", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "buckle or loop", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עצל": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to be lazy", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עצץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pressure, squeeze", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מובלה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "load", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסטור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רברב": { "V12": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to lord it over, claim superiority over", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חרצ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crack, rift", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אנונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "tax paid in kind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עירוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "sunset", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברי#4": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to eat a meal", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "71" ], "definition": "to serve a funeral meal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברי#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "creator", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברי#2": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "adv. most often preced. by א_: outside", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "54", "55", "56", "60" ], "definition": "foreign, alien, strange", "def_num": "4" } ], "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be wholesome", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impers. : to get well", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be strong", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "55", "71" ], "definition": "to be heavy, large", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be healthy", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to strengthen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to make healthy", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "70" ], "definition": "to be strong", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ברי#3": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to be liberated, released from such an obligation", "def_num": "1.2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to permeate, penetrate", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to separate, remove", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ערובה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "53", "55", "56", "60", "74" ], "definition": "(with and without the word for Sabbath) : Friday", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בסתרק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "mattress or pillow, textile for lying", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "carpet", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "כרזני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "calling out", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קיצותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "fixed term", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fixed amount", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מחטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "decay (??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אניגרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of coin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁבק#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "testator", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "סופלי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "date residue", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ישׁפ#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to blow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ענוה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "modesty, chastity", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ענון": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "81" ], "definition": "humble", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מנ יד": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "immediately", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁמיטה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "72", "81" ], "definition": "sabbatical year", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זאז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "foliage, dried branches", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיפי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "sheaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בני מדינה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "citizens of a city", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כיבא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "70", "71" ], "definition": "pus, bleeding sore", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאחורי": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "behind", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצוין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נאקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "female camel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scholar", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "teacher!", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "רבי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "young man", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to crouch down", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to set down", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לאחורא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "back, backward", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבי#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "growth", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "healing", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רבי#7": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lying, natural position", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבי#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "young girl", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מאתי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "coming", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סימפון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "postscript to a document", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טבל#3": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become tevel", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to become tevel", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אילתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "branch, tendril", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זוגי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "glass, crystal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פילי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "city gate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "entrance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בית מלך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "palace", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "government authorities", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חורגה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "stepdaughter", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיחסו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "genealogical purity", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קשׁות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "truth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרצוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "a type of pouch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סביך": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(wine) sticky, viscous (?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סיקריקון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בהדיא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "in one's presence, openly", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "w. כתב or תני and the like: explicitly", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "together", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "סגמוטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "covering, saddle cloth or the like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בחושׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ladle or stirrer for a jug", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מחיצה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "partition", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "wall", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "נפקו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "71" ], "definition": "expense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נפקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "41", "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "expense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדל#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to grow up", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to extol", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to bring up", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תאטרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "theater", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ברהנג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קמא קמא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one after the other", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gradually", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארמל": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to become widowed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפצ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "jumping", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קפצ#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to contract (intrans.)", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "contraction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "זרגון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "golden colored vine shoot (?)", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "ארטכלס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a plant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איסורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bundle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כנישׁה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "v.n. : gathering, assembling", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "gathering, assemblage, cohort", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "synagogue", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "congregation in the synagogue", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "עטשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to sneeze", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אומה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "32", "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "people, nation", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁסתג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of flour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אומן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "artisan", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "skilled, talented person", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "skilled medical practitioner (involving cutting!)", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bloodletter, barber", "def_num": "2.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "circumciser", "def_num": "2.1.2" } ] }, "על מא": { "c": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "72", "74", "81" ], "definition": "why?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נמורק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of finger(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בית גנון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "60", "74" ], "definition": "bridal chamber", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פינקס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "55", "81" ], "definition": "board, tablet", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיצותא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "middle part", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרדום": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "court tribunal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הגרוני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Hagronia", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיזרא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "protective strap on an animal's leg", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מדבר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "81" ], "definition": "pot, cauldron", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פראסוף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אתמהה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "question", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "preposed interrogative indicator", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "72" ], "definition": "postpositive interrog. indicator", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "מסורקה דידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "metacarpus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעלדבבו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "hostility", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁונרה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "(zool.) cat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נרקיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "(bot.) narcissus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אשׁקק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "lane, street", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סחור סחור": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "around", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כהוגן": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "properly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגיר": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "hired", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "54", "55", "71", "81" ], "definition": "hireling", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "ירחני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "lunar person (i.e. astrologer?)", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "סולת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "fine flour", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אגיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "brother-in-law, wife's sister's husband", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איזי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "then, at all events", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנטר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "guard", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפוח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who knocks", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סולם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "ladder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "promontory", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "stepped, terraced river banks", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "טרופי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "one who determines the טרף status of animals", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקפוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "gossip(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארוסה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "betrothed (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פקוע#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "a type of fruit/gourd", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קרשׁ#2": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be congealed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הילך": { "I": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "here it is for you", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הימנו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "faith, religion", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "60", "71" ], "definition": "faithfulness", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "fidelity", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "מזרק#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "neck piece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גדריי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "of Gedar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אמאי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "why?", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בבא דמתיבתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "geonic court", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סוטא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a type of oil", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טרשׁ": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be clogged", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "p.p. : hardened", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to stop up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מוסר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הכה": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "70", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "here", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "מהכא : hence", "def_num": "1.2" } ] }, "צלצול": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a bird that catches fish", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ריבוע": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "square", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "cardinal point", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אסטומך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "the contracted part of the stomach immediately above the small intestine", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "איסטומכא דכרסא : opening of the rumen", "def_num": "3.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "אצטומכא דליבא : opeing of the stomach", "def_num": "3.2" } ] }, "כורסי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "flat chair", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מחוזני": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of Mahoza", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צרי#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "palm band (or the like)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רסיס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "musical instrument", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פלחן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56" ], "definition": "work", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "53", "54", "55", "56" ], "definition": "worship", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כתף": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be carried on shoulders", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "shoulder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "shoulder width (?)", "def_num": "2.4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "riverside (?)", "def_num": "2.5" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to carry on the shoulder", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to carry in a chair on the shoulder", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "כתת": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be crushed", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "81" ], "definition": "to pound, to crush", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to pound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אורייר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "olearius, keeper of the storeroom", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתר": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "uncertain figurative usage", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "עוכלא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "small measure of capacity", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a weight", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כתב": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be written", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to write", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to leave by will", "def_num": "1.1.2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "writing, text", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "handwriting, script", "def_num": "1.1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ktb yd: handwriting, signature, manuscript", "def_num": "" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "53", "60" ], "definition": "book", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בבה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "an area in a garden bed", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חדיבי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "of Adiabene", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בקר#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "cowherd", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כתן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "linen", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "flax", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "כתם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71" ], "definition": "blood stain", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "למפרע": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "out of order", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אביל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "mourner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אביד": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "lost : see s.v. ˀbd v. p.p", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "לגין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "amphora, wine pitcher", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אביב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "דפיל : an unknown type of ripe plant : see s.v. pyl #2", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "Spring, early ripening", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מרי אוסיין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "property owner", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to spatter, sprinkle", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to throw", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נדל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "centipede", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לחודי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "solitary", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "singular", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "נדב": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "31", "51", "52", "53", "54", "72", "81" ], "definition": "to donate", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אוקימיני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "inhabited land", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עולם": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "strong", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טחין": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ground", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טמשׁ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "immersion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מעליו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "excellence", "def_num": "2.2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "improvement", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "תרי#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to warn", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נתידזור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(a type of property??)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בזיינא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "hair covering or clasp\\", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קהרמן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "administrator", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמישׁי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fifth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אפוזייני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl. obsidian beads", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כרוב#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71" ], "definition": "cabbage", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אכפא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "band of sheaves", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to vow, promise to devote", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to impose a vow upon someone", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צימוקין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "raisins (pl.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נורה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "a flower name: perhaps ranunculus", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כולבא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(wind) to blow", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁרשׁיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "footstool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "איין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "nothing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סנבירין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "blindness", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מסס#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to melt (?), unclog(?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הקישׁ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "heqqeš", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טוזיג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "picnic, party or the like", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "משׁשׁ": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "see s.v. mšmš", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to handle→to prepare (comp. English)", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "something touchable: substance", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מגור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "neighborhood", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מצמח": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "+יומ : daybreak", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כלפי לייא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "how could this be so?", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "often followed by אדרבה : how could it be? rather the contrary is true", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "פרושׁ#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "sailor", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חפוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(uncertain)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכן": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "32", "44", "53", "54", "60" ], "definition": "to nest", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "52", "56", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to rest, settle down", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "of boats: to settle on the bottom", "def_num": "4.2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53", "55", "60" ], "definition": "to donate, give a gift", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "רבע#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "quarter of full grown size", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "גדנף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "rim", "def_num": "2.2" } ] }, "שׁכח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be found", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "32", "41", "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be present, to exist", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71" ], "definition": "as coverb: to happen by while doing something; to turn out to be something", "def_num": "2.1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to find", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "60" ], "definition": "w. infinitive : to be able to, capable of", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "See pe'al and note on forms", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁעווי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Shaab", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבע#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to make square", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "master, lord", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הרנוג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(bot.) a type of thistle", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) an unclean bird", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "אברנים": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "partially roasted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רבוי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "amplification, extension (of the interpretative value of a biblical verse)", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "larger amount", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "בעות": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "terror, fear", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "elimination, removal", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קדמי מן": { "p": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "before", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בעוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "kick", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁכר": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "71" ], "definition": "to become drunk", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "56", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "intoxicating drink, beer", "def_num": "1" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "to make drunk", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלט#3": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause contraction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be angry", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גונתיי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "Goth, particularly as a servant", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טירז": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "gore of a garment", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עריך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "thin sacrificial cake", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נדבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "52", "53", "54", "56", "74", "81" ], "definition": "free will offering", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עריה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "81" ], "definition": "nakedness, private parts", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to cut", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "54", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to decree", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to circumcise", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to be circumcised", "def_num": "3.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "part, cut piece", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עריב": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "pleasing", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כופשׁן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a type of bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "כילה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "measure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רחיק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "distant", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "far-fetched", "def_num": "2.3" } ] }, "רחים": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "beloved", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תרגם": { "V09": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "55", "56", "60", "71" ], "definition": "to translate", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to explain, describe in detail", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "צלח#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "23", "51", "55", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to split wooden objects into many pieces", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ציצתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "extremity, flap", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁידה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "52", "53" ], "definition": "demon (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזז": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to shear fleece", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "to cut off, lop off", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to eliminate, omit", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "גזה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "fleece", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁידן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "demonic", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56" ], "definition": "to pay, to repay", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to exact retribution", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to answer (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "בר יוכני": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "(zool.) a large bird", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נשׁור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "crumbs", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזם": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to cut, trim", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גזל": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to rob", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "robbery", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "robbed object", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "מטמועי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "setting (of sun)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "ארמיו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "heathenness, state of being a pagan", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ארדב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "22", "23", "24", "27", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "ardab (see note)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צדי": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "to be deserted", "def_num": "1" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "60", "81" ], "definition": "to make deserted", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קלקל": { "V11": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to be ruined", "def_num": "1" } ], "V08": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "56", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "to ruin", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁדי#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spin or twist thread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפל": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "fig.: impropriety", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תבר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "+גרמא : butcher's block", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ג": { "s": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "52", "53", "56", "60", "74", "81" ], "definition": "the number three", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "תבר#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "71" ], "definition": "contradiction", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תבר#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "receipt", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפח": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to recover, to get well", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "to swell up", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דגן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "20", "53", "54", "56", "81" ], "definition": "grain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "kernel, edible part of grain", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "דגל": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "liar", "def_num": "2" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "carrying pole", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "שׁעול#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "cough", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלמינ#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a type of ornament", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרי כולא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "Lord of all, God", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפס": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "81" ], "definition": "to be caught", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be punished", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be deposited", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be put into a ritual state by indirect reference", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56", "71", "81" ], "definition": "to grab, seize", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to force something or someone into a certain state", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to be valid", "def_num": "2" } ], "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to cause to seize", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to put into someone's possession", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to refer to something votively binding only indirectly", "def_num": "3" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "seizure", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "אסכולסטיק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "scholar", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תפף": { "V04": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to spit at one another", "def_num": "1" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "to spit", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁזר": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to twist", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרור": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "one who tows (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיס#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60", "71", "74", "81" ], "definition": "army, troop", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "41", "60", "71" ], "definition": "band of raiders", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "גיס#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "robber, hoodlum", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיס#4": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "bold man", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גיס#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "brother-in-law", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "גרוס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "grist maker", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קץ": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "44", "51", "53", "55", "60", "81" ], "definition": "end", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "72" ], "definition": "(w. b_) + cs.: prep. on account of, in the presence of", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "חבוט": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "giblets", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁלהבת": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "flame", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סרונגי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "of Serug", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמר#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "43", "53", "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "donkey driver", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חמר#2": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to become wine or bitumen colored", "def_num": "1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "ass", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "she-ass", "def_num": "2" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "metaph.", "def_num": "4" }, { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "a stupid, stubborn person", "def_num": "4.1" }, { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "a mechanical device (cmp. Eng. 'mule')", "def_num": "4.2" } ] }, "גרון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "71", "81" ], "definition": "throat", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סטרומטין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "mattress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רושׁם": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "incision, mark", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "trace", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "בהמנק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "two-pointed compass", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fork", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חינוך": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "training", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "\"kyre \" in Greek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "דומי#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "gossip", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיס": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "tuft or coil of thread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיע": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72" ], "definition": "(argument) to be supported", "def_num": "1.1" }, { "dialects": [ "71", "81" ], "definition": "to succeed", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "to aid", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מרמוצי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wound", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מיסון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "56" ], "definition": "middle", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טפתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "middle layer of a clay retaining wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "תגרא#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "ditch", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "רתק": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impediment or parapet upon a wall", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קקבטון": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54" ], "definition": "fine bread", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "50", "51", "53", "74", "81" ], "definition": "shoe", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "קורר": { "V07": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "60" ], "definition": "to cool something, keep something cool", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיו": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "black", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיב": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "55" ], "definition": "fibrous substance", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיד": { "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "56", "71" ], "definition": "to plaster", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to plate with metal as with plaster", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "56", "60", "71", "81" ], "definition": "lime, plaster", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיג": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "woven work (?)", "def_num": "3" } ] }, "זיפן": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "forger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "בדובר": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "backwards", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "עורבה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "raven (f.)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "שׁשׁי#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "wick (?)", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לבונה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "frankincense", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחת#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "a word in a magic formula", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "נחת#2": { "V03": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to satisfy a demand", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מלחה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "salt earth", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טביעו": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "impression", "def_num": "3" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "טביעות עינא : identification by impression", "def_num": "3.1" } ] }, "חרזי": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "prickly", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פהי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "falling apart", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "קפח": { "V05": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "to be robbed", "def_num": "3" } ], "V01": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53" ], "definition": "to rob", "def_num": "2" } ], "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "71", "74" ], "definition": "to rob", "def_num": "2.1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "to best someone in a displute", "def_num": "3.1.3" } ] }, "עוברה#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "anger", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוצ#2": { "V02": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "to chirp, to squeak", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "when boiling", "def_num": "1.1" } ] }, "עבור": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "passerby", "def_num": "1.1" } ], "N": [ { "dialects": [ "21", "20", "23", "22", "25", "24", "27", "26", "28", "51", "50", "53", "52", "55", "54", "56", "41", "43", "42", "45", "44", "46", "71", "70", "72", "74", "60", "81", "82" ], "definition": "grain", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "71", "81" ], "definition": "produce", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "ביקיתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "74" ], "definition": "hut", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "fig. : category", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "מקרובי": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "approaching", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "טובא": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "much, very", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "knife", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חל#5": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "60", "71", "74" ], "definition": "dust", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "60", "71" ], "definition": "secretion, powdery film", "def_num": "2" } ] }, "חל#6": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "globular concretion", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חל#2": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "00" ], "definition": "sand", "def_num": "1" }, { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "pl.: rough area on the skin", "def_num": "2.1" } ] }, "בר ביקתא": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "neighbor", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "מגרדה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "scraper", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "הכדין": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "51", "53", "54", "55", "70", "71", "81" ], "definition": "thus, in this way", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "חלחלוין": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "(bot.) a spice", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "צוקה": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53", "54", "55", "56", "81" ], "definition": "distress", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "לעילוי": { "X": [ { "dialects": [ "71", "72", "74" ], "definition": "upward", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סכיף": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "53" ], "definition": "afflicted person", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "פג#3": { "N": [ { "dialects": [ "55", "60", "71" ], "definition": "cheek", "def_num": "1" } ] }, "סיפתק": { "A": [ { "dialects": [ "71" ], "definition": "strong, sour", "def_num": "1" } ] } }