Name: OctopusSapiens Year: 2208 Title: Discovery of Octopus Sapiens Headline: "Aliens on Earth: Oktopus Sapiens discovered" Author: Heiner Wolf Translation: Heiner Wolf, Rosmarie Wolf Tags: [Biology, Octopus, Intelligence, Discovery] Topics: [visitors, ecology, science] Text: | A new octopus species has been discovered in Gurig National Park / Australia. The octopus genus has many different sub-species. The common octopus, octopus vulgaris, is in reality a whole species complex, a number of related but slightly different species. Some differ in their physiology, others only by their behavior. Some octopus species die after laying eggs, others protect their clutch. The newly discovered octopus population in Gurig National Park belongs to those that protect their eggs. Males and females watch over the larvae until they hatch. Even then the parents stay together and protect their offspring. Indeed, Octopus Sapiens offspring is lovingly cared for. Adults pass on their knowledge. Know-how and skills do not get lost with each generation. They are at least as intelligent as the great apes. Some scientists believe that their intelligence is between that of apes and humans. The new species is therefore called "Octopus Sapiens". The population lives in seclusion. Almost all individuals flee from humans, but not from other marine animals. Most attempts to watch Octopus Sapiens fail. They shy away from well camouflaged cameras. Apparently, they discover even millimeter sized observation drones. There is a recording made by a team at the University of Chittagong in which young octopuses group around adults using tools together. Some scientists interpret this behavior as school like teaching. Others believe the recording is just a coincidence. In captivity, they behave differently than in the wild. Unlike other octopus species – who quite willingly submit to any kind of scientific experiment – Octopus Sapiens is extremely uncooperative and introverted in captivity. The fact, that Octopus Sapiens eludes investigation, both in their natural habitat and in captivity, is considered a sign of intelligence.