AssertUtf8: ä Name: MetricShift Aliases: [QuantumLeap] Year: 2247 Title: "Spacetime Shift by Metric Manipulation" ShortTitle: Quantum Leap Short: "Scientists achieve a groundbreaking spacetime shift in 2247, marking a major leap in quantum physics and paving the way for potential interstellar travel" Headline: "Warp Bubble Created: Interstellar Travel Nears" Post: "2247 Spacetime Shift by Metric Manipulation. Scientists achieve a groundbreaking spacetime shift in 2247, marking a major leap in quantum physics and paving the way for potential interstellar travel.. more:" Twitter: "2247 Spacetime Shift by Metric Manipulation. Scientists achieve a groundbreaking spacetime shift in 2247, marking a major leap in quantum physics and paving the way for potential interstellar travel.. more:" Link: "" Image: en_2247_MetricShift.jpg Author: Heiner Wolf Translation: Heiner Wolf Timestamp: 2024-01-26 Tags: [_project_expansion, _new, _new_en, _hilite, _carousel, spacetime shift, quantum physics, interstellar travel, negative mass, spacecraft drive] Topics: [science, spaceflight] Ideas: | First successful spacetime shift demonstrated as a precursor to faster-than-light travel. At the Metric Field Research Facility (MFRF). Basic principle is to use virtual particles of negative mass that are made real particles of effective negative mass by a quantum mirror that separates virtual particles. This is like an event horizon but only for the particles in question. Over time the type of particle varies very much with the available technology. A huge machinery is used to create a space bending effect in some small volumes. The engines used look like a particle accelerator. Actually, they employ particle accelerators to generate and store the required high-energy particles and the device for creating and observing the spacetime-shift effect is very similar to a large particle detector. Thousands of people work on these experiments over decades. Relevant physics theories and technologies involved: spin-graph quantum space-time (SGQS , as the theoretical foundation), quantum mirror by weak symmetry breaking (to separate virtual particles), localized Higgs field shift (LHFS, to stabilize the negative mass particles for long enough), quantum entanglement (to control the generating particles over a relatively long, yet microscopic distance), and later Grundarfjördur-Zilberstein isochoric scaling (to make spacetime bubble shifts permanent). The efforts produce the first enclosed micro-scale space-time volume that is shifted in normal space. Initially the micro-bubble can only be shifted on very short dimensions starting at the femtometer scale, equivalent to the size of an atomic nucleus. This experiment results in a Nobel prize for the lead scientist of the project and for a theoretical physicist who developed the metric based on SGQS and for the leading researcher of a precursor experiment that developed many of the technologies used for the first actual bubble-shift. However, at the time the bubble-shift required a large amount of energy that remained stored in the bent space-time. For this reason, these experiments were conducted far from space settlements in deep space. Without external forces the shifted bubble snapped back to its original position, releasing the stored energy, which resulted in several large explosions in earlier experiments that on occasion destroyed the first setups. The first experiments even built one-shot setups that were known to be destroyed by the experiment. Later, applying Grundarfjördur-Zilberstein in practice, scientists learn to make the shift permanent by isochoric scaling along thin sheets of bent space-time. In the following decades large experimental setups are built with ever more advanced technologies. The volume of bent space-time sheet shrinks while the enclosed volume grows from the femtometer scale to actually visible macroscale sizes (meaning millimeters). All the time there is a huge machinery necessary to produce these effects. A lot of high energy machinery comprising particle accelerators, storage rings, energy production, compensation masses, high-tesla mag field generators, antimatter production facilities and storage, and factories for other more exotic particles. All connected via high performance energy transducers and a hollow-core power grid. All this just to move a small volume of space-time inside a huge machine proving the effect practically, but without any practical use. Until humanity finally learns to produce the spacetime shift effect from inside the spacetime bubble effectively constituting a real spacecraft drive. Though at first, they are rather big and power hungry. They are unreliable and often fail. They are easily interrupted in their operation by imperfect circumstances like moving masses in the vicinity or by space dust hitting the fractal converter surfaces. In other words: they are brittle, and they need much maintenance with long downtimes. But that will change with better technology, although FTL drives will never be simple tech. Text: | A selection of news headlines about the biggest breakthrough of the century: - "Quantum Leap: Scientists Warp Space on Microscopic Scale" - *Lagrange Times*, general news feed. - "Physicists Create Warp Bubble" - *Shackleton Metro*, general news feed. - "Humanity Steps Closer to Interstellar Travel with Spacetime Shift" - *The Hitchhiker's Guide*, commercial space travel magazine. - "Spaceship Udyama Becomes Real" - *That’s No Moon*, SciFi magazine. - "New Frontiers: Spacetime Bubble Shift Paves Way for Galactic Exploration" - *Giga Xinxi*, buzz generator. - "Revolution in Physics: Negative Mass Particles Bend Space-Time" - *The Bubble*, AI-driven investigative journalism, analyzing vast data sets to uncover stories. - "Unlocking the Universe: Scientists Warp Space-Time in Historic Experiment" - *Electric Sheep*, subconscious in-dream news feed and education program. - "Nobel Prize Awarded for Spacetime Bubble" - *RL-Reporter*, VR in-world news service reporting on events in the real world (RL meaning real life). - "Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact: Real Space Bubble Created" - *AndClickTheBellIcon*, retro style video newscaster, a so called Tuber. - "First Controlled Spacetime Jump Achieved in Deep Space Laboratory" - *The Space Teleoperator*, a BotOps special interest magazine by the Hikikomori Virtual Nagaya association. - "Faster-Than-Light Travel Nears Reality with Spacetime Manipulation Breakthrough" - User "You talkin to me?" on TauChan, a Greynet newsgroup. - "Quantum Mirrors and Negative Mass: The Future of Space Travel Unveiled" - *Gravity 4 ya all*, popular science subchannel of an engineering association IEEE Gravity SIG. - "A Small Jump for a Bubble: A Giant Leap for Quantum Physics" - *All-Things-Q*, Subgreen (newsgroup) on Greenit. - "Quantum Entanglement Controls Spacetime Bubbles" - *TunnelDefect*, quantum computing hobbyist magazine. - "Warp Drive in Sight: Scientists Make Monumental Strides in Spacetime Control" - *Standard Disclaimer*, a mega-slinker. The journey behind this groundbreaking event: The developments leading up to the first spacetime shift begin in the mid-22nd century with the formulation of spin-graph quantum spacetime, the SGQS theory. This theoretical framework, emerging as an alternative way to circumvent the incompatibilities between quantum mechanics and general relativity, lays the foundation for what becomes the most significant scientific achievement of the century. By 2175, the concept of virtual particles of negative mass, once a mere theoretical curiosity, starts to take a more concrete form. The development of quantum mirrors through weak symmetry breaking allows for the separation of virtual particle pairs, creating short-lived effective negative mass particles. This process, akin to an event horizon but limited to specific particles, marks a significant leap in quantum physics. Subsequent decades see incremental advancements. The localized Higgs field shift (LHFS) technology, developed in the last decade of the 22nd century, stabilizes negative mass particles for extended periods. Meanwhile, quantum entanglement techniques evolve to control these particles across their particular event horizon. What is more, the type of virtual particles changes over time as technology progresses. At the Metric Field Research Facility, a sprawling complex far from any space settlement, these theories and technologies converge. Resembling a colossal particle accelerator, the MFRF houses the machinery necessary to bend space in small volumes. Thousands of scientists, engineers, and technicians work tirelessly, employing particle accelerators, storage rings, and exotic particle factories powered by an array of fusion reactors and interconnected by a high-performance hollow-core energy distribution system. In 2247, the MFRF project achieves the first controlled spacetime volume shift. This event, initially on the femtometer scale – equivalent to the size of an atomic nucleus – demonstrates the practical application of SGQS theory. The experiment creates a spacetime bubble and shifts it within normal space. The Nobel Prize that year is awarded to - the lead scientist of the MFRF project, - the theoretical physicist who refined SGQS to put the theory to practical use, and to - the manager of a precursor experiment that developed many of the technologies used for the first actual bubble-shift. The success of the MFRF experiment is not without its challenges. The spacetime bubble, while a scientific marvel, is initially unstable and requires a huge amount of energy. Once released spacetime bubbles snap back to their original position yielding the energy stored in the bent spacetime. This instability leads to several large-scale explosions in early trials, necessitating the construction of disposable one-shot experimental setups which is time consuming and very expensive. However, the application of Grundarfjördur-Zilberstein isochoric scaling in 2287 marks a significant advancement. This method enables scientists to render the spacetime shift permanent earning Grundarfjördur and Zilberstein another Nobel Prize. By the early-24th century, the volume of these spacetime sheets has considerably shrunk, while the enclosed volume expands to visibly macroscopic sizes. Despite these advancements, the path toward practical application is still laden with numerous challenges. The most significant of these is that the spacetime bubble must be maintained and controlled from the inside to function as a practical spacecraft drive. It turns out that mastering the operation of these warped spacetime bubbles from within requires an additional six decades, and evolving the concept into a fully functional drive system ultimately takes more than a century. These reactionless drives, harnessing the principle of bent spacetime, initially are much slower than the speed of light. They are massive, voraciously energy-consuming constructs, with a high susceptibility to malfunctions. Their functionality is notably fragile, vulnerable to disruptions caused by external influences such as the gravitational effects of nearby moving masses or the collision of space debris with their intricately structured fractal converter surfaces. Maintenance of these drives will emerge as a persistent challenge, characterized by prolonged periods of downtime being a commonplace occurrence. Yet the success of 2247, humanity’s first artificial spacetime shift, is a major milestone. It can be regarded as a precursor to an unconventional non-reactive spacecraft drive system. Over the span of yet another century, they gradually evolve to achieve velocities approaching fractions of the speed of light, simultaneously enhancing their reliability, and reducing their cost. And then, more than 200 years after the first atomic scale spacetime shift, will the first human made vessel win the race against its own light cone.