{ "name": "JOHNNY DASCH", "description": "This snappy young thing is an up and coming, super slick music producer. Johnny is setting up his own record label and knows perseverance in this industry, works. He is hot on the heels of the top talent about town and is recruiting all the edgy artists before they get signed somewhere else.", "image": "https://meta.wows.finance/wolves_assets/cards/bois/level2/JOHNNY-500.mp4.jpg", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Team", "value": "One of the Bois" }, { "trait_type": "Cryptofolio Level", "value": "PHENOM" } ], "external_url": "https://app.wows.finance/detail?type=bois&levelId=1&cardId=dasch", "localization": { "uri": "./0101_{locale}.json", "default": "en_US", "locales": [ "en_US", "zh_CN" ] }, "animation_url": "https://meta.wows.finance/wolves_assets/cards/bois/level2/JOHNNY-500.mp4" }