  fixed_mods: Carbamidomethyl of C
  variable_mods: Acetyl of Protein N-term,Propionamide of C
  precursor_mass_tolerance: 20 ppm
  fragment_mass_tolerance: 0.2 Da
  enzyme: Trypsin/P
  fions: b
  rions: y
  isotope_error_range: 1
  add_decoys: true
  num_hits: 1
  miscleavages: 1
  min_precursor_charge: 2
  max_precursor_charge: 3
  min_peptide_length: 5
  max_peptide_length: 12
  max_mods: 4
  ident_fdr_psm: 0.01
  ident_fdr_peptide: 0.01
  ident_fdr_protein: 0.01
  enable_match_between_runs: False
  protein_inference: unique
  quantification_method: precursor
  summarization_proteins: median
  min_num_peptides: 2
  summarization_psms: sum_abs
  quant_transformation: log
  normalization_method: median
  run_statistics: true
  fdr_method: qvalue
  fdr_threshold: 0.01
rawfiles: None

fastafile: None
version: dev