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"title: \"Notes: Julia installation, Jupyter Lab, and Quarto\"\n",
"subtitle: Advanced Statistical Computing\n",
"author: Joong-Ho Won\n",
"date: today\n",
"date-format: \"MMMM YYYY\"\n",
"institute: Seoul National University\n",
" echo: true\n",
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"jupyter: julia \n",
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"## Installing Julia\n",
"* Install the current stable release of Julia from \n",
"* Follow the platform-specific instructions in \n",
"* Make sure you run Julia REPL from the command line."
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"### Julia REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)\n",
"The `Julia` REPL, or `Julia` shell, has at least five modes.\n",
"1. **Default mode** is the Julia prompt `julia>`. *Type backspace in other modes* to return to the default mode. \n",
"2. **Help mode** `help?>`. Type `?` to enter help mode. `?search_term` does a fuzzy search for `search_term`. \n",
"3. **Shell mode** `shell>`. Type `;` to enter shell mode. \n",
"4. **Package mode** `(@v1.9) pkg>`. Type `]` to enter package mode for managing Julia packages (install, uninstall, update, ...).\n",
"5. **Search mode** `(reverse-i-search)`. Press `ctrl+R` to enter search model. \n",
"6. With `RCall.jl` package installed, we can enter the **R mode** by typing `$` (shift+4) at Julia REPL.\n",
"Some survival commands in Julia REPL: \n",
"1. `quit()` or `Ctrl+D`: exit Julia.\n",
"2. `Ctrl+C`: interrupt execution.\n",
"3. `Ctrl+L`: clear screen.\n",
"0. Append `;` (semi-colon) to suppress displaying output from a command. Same as Matlab.\n",
"0. `include(\"filename.jl\")` to source a Julia code file."
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"## Jupyter \n",
"* IPython notebook (precursor of Jupyter notebook) is a powerful tool for authoring dynamic document in Python, which combines code, formatted text, math, and multimedia in a single document. \n",
"* [Jupyter](http://jupyter.org) is the current development that emcompasses multiple languages including **Ju**lia, **Pyt**hon, and **R**. \n",
"* In this course, you are required to write your homework reports using [Jupyter Lab](https://jupyter.org/install.html).\n",
"* You can use Julia in Jupyter notebook through the [IJulia.jl](https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl) package."
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"### Anaconda\n",
"- [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com) is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. The distribution includes data-science packages suitable for Windows, Linux, and macOS. [[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaconda_(Python_distribution))]\n",
"- Go to https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual and clike \"Download\" to install the Anaconda.\n",
"- From [Anaconda Navigator](https://docs.anaconda.com/free/navigator/index.html), user can launch Jupyter Lab.\n",
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"### Jupyter Lab Usage\n",
"* Useful to know some keyboard shortcuts. I frequently use\n",
" * `shift + return`: execute current cell. \n",
" * `b`: create a cell below current cell.\n",
" * `a`: create a cell above current cell. \n",
" * `y`: change cell to code. \n",
" * `m`: change cell to Markdown. \n",
" Check more shortcuts in menu `Help` -> `Keyboard Shortcuts`.\n",
"* Notebook can be **converted to other formats** such as html, LaTeX, Markdown, Julia code, and many others, via menu `File` -> `Download as`. \n",
"* **Mathematical formula** can can be typeset as LaTeX in Markdown cells. For example, inline math: $e^{i \\pi} + 1 = 0$ and displayed math\n",
" e^x = \\sum_{i=0}^\\infty \\frac{1}{i!} x^i.\n",
"For multiline displayed math:\n",
" e^x &=& \\sum_{i=0}^\\infty \\frac{1}{i!} x^i \\\\\n",
" &\\approx& 1 + x + \\frac{x^2}{2}.\n",
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"### IJulia\n",
"Install IJulia from the Julia REPL by pressing ] to enter pkg mode and entering:\n",
"# in Pkg mode\n",
"(@v1.9) pkg> add IJulia\n",
"If you already have Jupyter installed on your machine, this process will also install a kernel specification that tells Jupyter how to launch Julia. "
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"## Julia package system"
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"* Like R, the functionality of Julia can be extended by using packages.\n",
"* Each Julia package is a Git repository. Each Julia package name ends with `.jl`. E.g., `Distributions.jl` package lives at . \n",
"Google search with `PackageName.jl` usually leads to the package on github.com. \n",
"* The package ecosystem is rapidly maturing; a complete list of **registered** packages (which are required to have a certain level of testing and documentation) is at https://julialang.org/packages/ \n",
"* For example, the package called `Distributions.jl` is added with\n",
"# in Pkg mode\n",
"(@v1.9) pkg> add Distributions\n",
"and \"removed\" (although not completely deleted) with\n",
"# in Pkg mode\n",
"(@v1.9) pkg> rm Distributions\n",
"* The package manager provides a dependency solver that determines which packages are actually required to be installed.\n",
"* **Non-registered** packages are added by cloning the relevant Git repository. E.g.,\n",
"# in Pkg mode\n",
"(@v1.9) pkg> add https://github.com/kose-y/ParProx.jl\n",
"* A package needs only be added once, at which point it is downloaded into your local `.julia/packages` directory in your home directory. "
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"Package dependencies are very important in reproducing results. In Julia they can be managed at each project, with `Project.toml' and 'Manifest.toml' files (see [here](https://bkamins.github.io/julialang/2020/05/10/julia-project-environments.html)). For example, this lecture note is a project whose environment has the following dependencies."
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"using Pkg\n",
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"* Directory of a specific package can be queried by `pathof()`:"
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"using Distributions\n",
"pathof(Distributions) # should look different in your machine"
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"* If you start having problems with packages that seem to be unsolvable, you may try just deleting your .julia directory and reinstalling all your packages. \n",
"* Periodically, one should run `update` in Pkg mode, which checks for, downloads and installs updated versions of all the packages you currently have installed.\n",
"* `status` lists the status of all installed packages.\n",
"* Using functions in package.\n",
"using Distributions\n",
"This pulls all of the *exported* functions in the module into your local namespace, as you can check using the `whos()` command. An alternative is\n",
"import Distributions\n",
"Now, the functions from the Distributions package are available only using \n",
"All functions, not only exported functions, are always available like this."
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"### Creating your own environments\n",
"* By default, packages are added to the default environment at `~/.julia/environments/v1.9`. \n",
"* It is however easy to create other, independent, projects. This approach has the benefit of allowing you to check in a `Project.toml`, and even a `Manifest.toml` if you wish, into version control (e.g. git) alongside your code. \n",
"* In order to create a new project, create a directory for it and then activate that directory to make it the \"active project\", which package operations manipulate:\n",
"(@v1.9) pkg> activate MyProject\n",
"Activating new environment at `~/MyProject/Project.toml`\n",
"(MyProject) pkg> st\n",
" Status `~/MyProject/Project.toml` (empty project)\n",
"* Note that the REPL prompt changes when the new project is activated. Until a package is added, there are no files in this environment and the directory to the environment might not even be created. Added packages and dependencies are stored in `~/MyProject/Project.toml` and `~/MyProject/Manifest.toml`.\n",
"* The above code (default mode in Julia REPL)\n",
"using Pkg\n",
"activates the `Project.toml` in the current working directory and sets a new environment; `instantiate` installs and precompiles any missing packages for the environment to be ready."
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"## Quarto\n",
"* [Quarto](https://quarto.org), developed by Posit (formerly RStudio), is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system.\n",
"* Install Quarto by following the instructions at \n",
"* This note is converted from the Jupyter notebook (`jupyter.ipynb`) to HTML by running\n",
" quarto render jupyter.ipynb\n",
"from the command line."
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