import type { CookieStore, CookieListItem, CookieList, CookieInit, CookieStoreGetOptions, CookieStoreDeleteOptions, } from ''; export * from ''; import { setCookie, attrsToSetCookie, parseCookieHeader } from './set-cookie.ts'; /** * An implementation of the [Cookie Store API]( for request handlers. * * It uses the `Cookie` header of a request to populate the store and * keeps a record of changes that can be exported as a list of `Set-Cookie` headers. * * Note that this is not a polyfill! It is intended as a cookie middleware for Cloudflare Workers, * and perhaps some other uses. */ export class RequestCookieStore implements CookieStore { #origin?: URL; #map: Map = new Map(); #changes: Map = new Map(); constructor(request: Request) { const origin = request.headers.get('origin') || request.url; const cookie = request.headers.get('cookie'); if (origin) this.#origin = new URL(origin); this.#map = parseCookieHeader(cookie); } get(name?: string): Promise; get(options?: CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise; get(options?: string | CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise { // FIXME if (typeof options !== 'string') throw Error('Overload not implemented.'); return Promise.resolve(this.#map.has(options) ? { name: options, value: this.#map.get(options)! } : null); } getAll(name?: string): Promise; getAll(options?: CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise; getAll(options?: string | CookieStoreGetOptions): Promise { // FIXME if (options != null) throw Error('Overload not implemented.'); return Promise.resolve([...this.#map].map(([name, value]) => ({ name, value }))) } set(name: string, value: string): Promise; set(options: CookieInit): Promise; set(options: string | CookieInit, value?: string): Promise { const result = setCookie(options, value, this.#origin); if (!result) return Promise.resolve(); const [attributes, expires] = result; const [[name, val]] = attributes; this.#changes.set(name, attributes); if (expires && expires < new Date()) this.#map.delete(name); else this.#map.set(name, val); return Promise.resolve() } delete(name: string): Promise; delete(options: CookieStoreDeleteOptions): Promise; delete(options: string | CookieStoreDeleteOptions): Promise { // FIXME if (typeof options !== 'string') throw Error('Overload not implemented.'); this.set({ name: options, value: '', expires: new Date(0) }); return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Exports the recorded changes to this store as a list of `Set-Cookie` headers. * * Can be passed as the `headers` field when building a new `Response`: * ```ts * new Response(body, { headers: cookieStore.headers }) * ``` */ get headers(): [string, string][] { const headers: [string, string][] = []; for (const attrs of this.#changes.values()) { headers.push(['Set-Cookie', attrsToSetCookie(attrs)]); } return headers; } /** Exports the entire cookie store as a `cookie` header string */ toCookieString() { return [...this.#map].map(x => x.join('=')).join('; '); } /** Helper to turn a single `CookieInit` into a `set-cookie` string. * @deprecated Might remove/change name */ static toSetCookie(cookie: CookieInit): string { const x = setCookie(cookie); return x ? attrsToSetCookie(x[0]) : ''; } addEventListener( _type: string, _listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, _options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions ): void { throw new Error("Method not implemented.") } dispatchEvent(_event: Event): boolean { throw new Error("Method not implemented.") } removeEventListener( _type: string, _callback: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, _options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions ): void { throw new Error("Method not implemented.") } }