// // Webserver4Rainbow // Cube4Fun // // Created by Nikolai Rinas on 27.03.15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Nikolai Rinas. All rights reserved. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see #define DEBUG #include #include #include #include //#include #ifdef DEBUG #define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x) Serial.println (x) #define DEBUG_PRINT(x) Serial.print (x) #define DEBUG_PRINT2(x,y) Serial.print (x,y) #define DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT(x) Serial.println (F(x)) #define DEBUG_PRINT_TXT(x) Serial.print (F(x)) #else #define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x) #define DEBUG_PRINT(x) #define DEBUG_PRINT2(x,y) #define DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT(x) #define DEBUG_PRINT_TXT(x) #endif #define INBUFFER 65 #define MY_CUBE_ADDR 2 #define MAX_SEND_RETRY 10 #define SERVER_PORT 8081 #define ANIM_FILE_NAME "ANIMS.FRM" #define MAX_ANIMKEY_LENGTH 12 #define MY_STREAM_KEEPALIVE_TIME 2000 // Send at least every 2 seconds one frame //#define MY_STREAM_TIMEOUT 30000 // Reset broken connection #define MY_CONTROL_PASS "Ss12345678" // need to be the same and 10 char length #define MY_WRITE_PASS "Ww12345678" // need to be the same and 10 char length unsigned char myReadBuffer[INBUFFER]; // string for fetching data from address unsigned char myReadBufferCount = 0; //int getState = 0; // Enter a MAC address for your controller below. // Newer Ethernet shields have a MAC address printed on a sticker on the shield byte mac[] = { 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x06, 0x00, 0x2A }; // Fallback defaults IPAddress ip(192,168,0,79); IPAddress gateway(192,168,0, 1); IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); //unsigned char x,y,z; unsigned char mySendBuffer[32]; unsigned char myReceiveBuffer[64]; unsigned char serverMode = 0; // Default waiting for commands/requests unsigned char myAnimationCount = 0; unsigned int _animationSpeed = 0; unsigned long _animationLength = 0; unsigned long _animationStartPos = 0; unsigned long _animationEndPos = 0; unsigned int _animationActFrame = 0; unsigned long _previousMillis = 0; // will store last time animation frame was sent unsigned long _lastTimeFrameSent = 0; // general check when last frame was sent, use for timeout // often used chars unsigned const char lc_b = 'b'; unsigned const char lc_g = 'g'; unsigned const char lc_r = 'r'; unsigned const char lc_n = 'n'; unsigned const char lc_f = 'f'; unsigned const char lc_F = 'F'; unsigned const char lc_s = 's'; unsigned const char lc_S = 'S'; unsigned const char lc_G = 'G'; unsigned const char lc_E = 'E'; unsigned const char lc_T = 'T'; unsigned const char lc_coma = ','; unsigned const char lc_space = ' '; unsigned const char lc_slash = '/'; unsigned const char lc_question = '?'; unsigned const char lc_newline = '\n'; unsigned const char lc_return = '\r'; // Initialize the Ethernet client library // with the IP address and port of the server // that you want to connect to (port 80 is default for HTTP): //EthernetClient client; // Initialize the Ethernet server library // with the IP address and port you want to use EthernetServer server(SERVER_PORT); // --- FUNCTIONS --- // // String functions START void appendChar2readBuffer(unsigned char c) { myReadBuffer[myReadBufferCount] = c; myReadBufferCount++; } int readBufferCompare2(const char* c, int count) { int result = 0 - count; for (unsigned char x=0;x "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(newMode); // Transition from 0 -> 1 if ( serverMode == 0 && newMode == 1 ) { clearBufferedFrame(); sendStartFrameStream(); // Transition from 0 -> 2 }else if ( serverMode == 0 && newMode == 2 ) { clearBufferedFrame(); sendStartFrameStream(); // Transition from 1 -> 0 }else if ( serverMode == 1 && newMode == 0 ) { sendEndFrameStream(); // Transition from 2 -> 0 }else if ( serverMode == 2 && newMode == 0 ) { sendEndFrameStream(); clearSavedAnimation(); // Transition from 2 -> 1 }else if ( serverMode == 2 && newMode == 1 ) { // Don't display saved animation again // this behaviour may be changed if prefered clearBufferedFrame(); clearSavedAnimation(); } // Transition from 1 -> 2 // nothing special to do serverMode = newMode; } } unsigned char checkRequest(unsigned char c, unsigned char readState) { // Check for GET request and safe the data switch (readState) { case 0: if ( c == lc_G ) { readState = 1; }; break; case 1: if ( c == lc_E ) { readState = 2; }else{ readState = 0; }; break; case 2: if ( c == lc_T ) { readState = 3; }else{ readState = 0; }; break; case 3: if ( c == lc_space ) { readState = 4; }else{ readState = 0; }; break; case 4: if ( c == lc_slash ) { readState = 5; }else{ readState = 0; }; break; case 5: if ( c == lc_question ) { readState = 6; }else{ readState = 0; }; break; case 6: // Falls der Buffer noch nicht voll if ( myReadBufferCount < INBUFFER ) { if ( c == lc_space || c == lc_return || c == lc_newline ) { // Less data than buffersize readState = 7; }else{ // Fille the buffer appendChar2readBuffer(c); } }else{ // More data than buffersize readState = 7; } break; default: // Reset the state for unknown data readState = 0; } return readState; } void processRequest(EthernetClient client) { boolean debugFunc = false; #ifdef DEBUG // check the form if(readBufferCompare2("2=red", 5) > -1) { sentBlink(lc_r); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Red blink sent"); debugFunc = true; }else if(readBufferCompare2("3=blue", 6) > -1) { sentBlink(lc_b); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Blue blink sent"); debugFunc = true; }else if(readBufferCompare2("4=green", 7) > -1) { sentBlink(lc_g); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Green blink sent"); debugFunc = true; }else if(readBufferCompare2("5=send", 6) > -1) { setFrame(); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Frametest started"); debugFunc = true; }else if(readBufferCompare2("6=start", 7) > -1) { sendStream(); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Streamtest started"); debugFunc = true; }else if(readBufferCompare2("7=file", 6) > -1) { printFileContent(); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("File content"); debugFunc = true; } #endif if ( debugFunc == false ) { if (readBufferCompare2(MY_CONTROL_PASS, 10) > -1) { // Streammode, expect frames DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Set mode to 1"); setServerMode(1); }else if(readBufferCompare2(MY_WRITE_PASS, 10) > -1 ) { // Stream write mode writeAnimationSDCard(client); // blocking mode !! }else{ checkAnimationSDCard(); // Check if we have animations on the SD card } } } void wireSendBytes(const uint8_t *data, size_t quantity) { boolean try_again = true; uint8_t error; unsigned char send_retries = 0; while ( try_again == true ) { Wire.beginTransmission(MY_CUBE_ADDR); if ( quantity == 1 ) { Wire.write(data[0]); }else{ Wire.write(data, quantity); } error = Wire.endTransmission(); if ( error == 0 || send_retries > MAX_SEND_RETRY ) { // everything went well or timeout try_again = false; }else{ // Something went wrong DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Send failed"); } delayMicroseconds(10); } send_retries++; } void sentBlink(unsigned char color) { mySendBuffer[0] = lc_b; mySendBuffer[1] = color; wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 2); } void setFrame() { int color = 0; int pos = random(0,64); mySendBuffer[0] = lc_f; wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 1); for (unsigned char x=0;x<32;x++) { if ( x == pos ) { color = random(0,64);} mySendBuffer[x] = color; color = 0; } wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); for (unsigned char x=0;x<32;x++) { if ( x+32 == pos ) { color = random(0,64);} mySendBuffer[x] = color; color = 0; } wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); mySendBuffer[0] = lc_F; mySendBuffer[1] = 50; // Show for two seconds wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 2); } void sendStream() { unsigned char pos; // Set to the stream mode mySendBuffer[0] = lc_s; wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer,1); // Begin data transmission for ( pos=0;pos<64;pos++ ) { //DEBUG_PRINT_TXT("Sende frame: "); //DEBUG_PRINTLN(pos); // Send walking led int color = 0; for (unsigned char x=0;x<32;x++) { // First half frame if ( x == pos ) { color = 128;} mySendBuffer[x] = color; color = 0; } wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); for (unsigned char x=0;x<32;x++) { if ( x+32 == pos ) { color = 128;} mySendBuffer[x] = color; color = 0; } wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); // call for new frame if ( pos<63 ) { mySendBuffer[0] = lc_n; wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 1); } // Delay for 200ms delay(50); } // End the stream mode mySendBuffer[0] = lc_S; wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 1); } void sendBufferedFrame() { // Split the received Buffer in two parts and send them to the LED shield for (unsigned char x=0;x<32;x++) { // First half frame mySendBuffer[x] = myReceiveBuffer[x]; } wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); for (unsigned char x=0;x<32;x++) { // Second half frame mySendBuffer[x] = myReceiveBuffer[x+32]; } wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); mySendBuffer[0] = lc_n; wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 1); // Remember when the frame was sent las time _lastTimeFrameSent = millis(); } void sendEmptyFrame() { // Because we need last frame for the LED shield for (unsigned char x=0;x<32;x++) { // First half frame mySendBuffer[x] = 0; } wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); wireSendBytes(mySendBuffer, 32); } int sendFrameCached(unsigned char c, int bufferSize) { myReceiveBuffer[bufferSize] = c; if ( bufferSize<63 ) { bufferSize++; }else{ // send the buffer sendBufferedFrame(); bufferSize=0; } return bufferSize; } void printFileContent() { File myProjectFile = SD.open(ANIM_FILE_NAME, FILE_READ); if (myProjectFile) { while (myProjectFile.available()) { unsigned char myC = myProjectFile.read(); DEBUG_PRINTLN(myC); } } } void checkAnimationSDCard() { // Open File for read File myProjectFile = SD.open(ANIM_FILE_NAME, FILE_READ); if (myProjectFile) { DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Reading keys"); unsigned char myReadStatus = 0; // 0 = expect key unsigned char myC = 0; unsigned char myKeyBuffer[MAX_ANIMKEY_LENGTH]; // maximum length for the key unsigned char myKeyLength = 0; unsigned char myIntBuffer[2]; // Byte to int unsigned char myIntBufferLength = 0; while (myProjectFile.available() && myReadStatus < 20) { myC = myProjectFile.read(); switch (myReadStatus) { case 0: // expect key if ( myC == lc_coma ) { myReadStatus = 1; // Startkey found } break; case 1: // expect keyline confirmation if ( myC == lc_F ) { myReadStatus = 2; // Key-line confirmed }else{ myReadStatus = 0; // Reset } break; case 2: // Reading animation key if ( myC == lc_coma ) { myReadStatus = 3; // change to read next element }else if ( myKeyLength < MAX_ANIMKEY_LENGTH ) { // Fill till max buffer myKeyBuffer[myKeyLength] = myC; myKeyLength++; } break; case 3: // Save playtime if ( myIntBufferLength < 2 ) { // Save playtime value myIntBuffer[myIntBufferLength] = myC; myIntBufferLength++; } if ( myIntBufferLength == 2 ) { // Buffer is full, set values unsigned int animationLength = word(myIntBuffer[1], myIntBuffer[0]); // Save the time the animation will end _animationLength = animationLength * 1000 + millis(); // clear buffer myIntBufferLength = 0; // expect next value myReadStatus = 4; } break; case 4: // Save speed if ( myIntBufferLength < 2 ) { // Save speed value myIntBuffer[myIntBufferLength] = myC; myIntBufferLength++; } if ( myIntBufferLength == 2 ) { // Buffer is full, set values _animationSpeed = word(myIntBuffer[1], myIntBuffer[0]); // clear buffer myIntBufferLength = 0; // expect next value myReadStatus = 5; } break; case 5: // Save frames if ( myIntBufferLength < 2 ) { // Save speed value myIntBuffer[myIntBufferLength] = myC; myIntBufferLength++; } if ( myIntBufferLength == 2 ) { // Buffer is full, set values // set to complete read myReadStatus = 6; unsigned int animationFrames = word(myIntBuffer[1], myIntBuffer[0]); // Calculate start and end position _animationStartPos = myProjectFile.position() + 1; _animationEndPos = _animationStartPos + 65 * animationFrames; // Check if the key matches if(readBufferCompare2(reinterpret_cast(myKeyBuffer), myKeyLength) > -1) { // We found animation DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Found animation"); myReadStatus = 20; // End search, we found our animation }else{ DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("No animation found"); if (_animationEndPos > _animationStartPos ) { // Goto next frame myProjectFile.seek(_animationEndPos); myReadStatus = 0; } } // clear buffer myIntBufferLength = 0; } break; case 6: if( myC == lc_newline ) { // uncomplete keyline or no animation found // check for values if ( _animationEndPos > 0 && _animationStartPos > 0 && _animationSpeed > 0 ) { DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Anim key found"); }else{ DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("--keyline failed--"); // Reset everything myReadStatus = 0; myKeyLength = 0; myIntBufferLength = 0; clearSavedAnimation(); } } break; } } } myProjectFile.close(); } boolean readAnimationSD() { unsigned char myC; unsigned char myBytes = 0; // Read SD Card File myProjectFile = SD.open(ANIM_FILE_NAME, FILE_READ); // Goto start position if ( myProjectFile.available() ) { unsigned long _animationPos = _animationStartPos + _animationActFrame * 65; // startPos + offset if ( _animationPos < _animationEndPos ) { myProjectFile.seek(_animationPos); }else{ _animationActFrame = 0; // Start at the first frame again myProjectFile.seek(_animationStartPos); } } // Read one frame while ( myProjectFile.available() && myBytes < 64 ) { myC = myProjectFile.read(); myReceiveBuffer[myBytes] = myC; myBytes++; } // close the file: myProjectFile.close(); // If we have complete frame, return true if ( myBytes > 63 ) { // read successfull _animationActFrame++; return true; }else{ return false; } } unsigned long byte2Long(unsigned char* byteArray) { // little endian conversion unsigned long retval; retval = (unsigned long) byteArray[3] << 24 | (unsigned long) byteArray[2] << 16; retval |= (unsigned long) byteArray[1] << 8 | byteArray[0]; return retval; } void writeAnimationSDCard(EthernetClient client) { // Send answer unsigned char readBuffer[4]; // First 10 bytes is a key, following by the length readBuffer[0] = myReadBuffer[10]; readBuffer[1] = myReadBuffer[11]; readBuffer[2] = myReadBuffer[12]; readBuffer[3] = myReadBuffer[13]; unsigned long fileSize = byte2Long(readBuffer); // DEBUG_PRINT_TXT("fileSizeBuffer: "); for (unsigned char i=0; i<4; i++ ) { client.write(readBuffer[i]); // DEBUG_PRINT(readBuffer[i]); } client.write(lc_return); client.write(lc_newline); // DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT(" "); // DEBUG_PRINT_TXT("Filesize expected:"); // DEBUG_PRINTLN(fileSize); // Blocking mode to write receiving data to file if (client) { // Remove file if exists if ( SD.exists(ANIM_FILE_NAME) ) { SD.remove(ANIM_FILE_NAME); } File myProjectFile = SD.open(ANIM_FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE); unsigned long receivedBytes = 0; if (myProjectFile) { while (client.connected() && receivedBytes < fileSize) { if (client.available()) { unsigned char c = client.read(); //writing bytes myProjectFile.write(c); receivedBytes++; } } } /* if ( receivedBytes == fileSize ) { DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Complete data received\n"); }else{ DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Data incomplete\n"); } DEBUG_PRINT_TXT("Expected:"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(fileSize); DEBUG_PRINT_TXT("Received:"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(receivedBytes); */ myProjectFile.close(); } } void displaySavedAnimation() { if ( _animationLength > 0 ) { // Animation was set unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // Display animation set over the network if ( currentMillis < _animationLength ) { // __animationLength = startTime + animLengthTime if ( _animationStartPos > 0 && _animationEndPos > 0 && _animationSpeed > 0){ // validity check if ( _animationEndPos > _animationStartPos ) { //DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Setting mode to 2"); setServerMode(2); // Switch the server mode if ( currentMillis - _previousMillis >= _animationSpeed ) { // Sent data with the set speed // save the last time you sent frame _previousMillis = currentMillis; // Fill Buffer if ( true == readAnimationSD() ) { // Send buffered frame sendBufferedFrame(); } } } } }else{ // End the stream mode setServerMode(0); } } } void keepAliveFrame() { // Check if we need to send a keep alive frame if ( millis() - _lastTimeFrameSent > MY_STREAM_KEEPALIVE_TIME ) { // Send buffered frame sendBufferedFrame(); } } // --------- MAIN ---------- // void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Wire.begin(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.begin(9600); #endif DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Sender1"); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Init SD card..."); // On the Ethernet Shield, CS is pin 4. It's set as an output by default. // Note that even if it's not used as the CS pin, the hardware SS pin // (10 on most Arduino boards, 53 on the Mega) must be left as an output // or the SD library functions will not work. // disable w5100 SPI //pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //digitalWrite(10,HIGH); if (!SD.begin(4)) { DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("init failed!"); // TODO: deny some functions }else{ DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("init done."); } // start the Ethernet connection: Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet); // ---------------------- // Sorry, but had to drop DHCP support due to missing memory // If you have a MEGA, feel free to use it /* if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) { DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP"); DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Using defaults"); // initialize the ethernet device not using DHCP: Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet); } */ // ----------------------- #ifdef DEBUG // print your local IP address: DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("My IP: "); for (byte thisByte = 0; thisByte < 4; thisByte++) { // print the value of each byte of the IP address: DEBUG_PRINT2(Ethernet.localIP()[thisByte], DEC); DEBUG_PRINT("."); } DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT(""); #endif // Print free memory //DEBUG_PRINT("freeMemory()="); //DEBUG_PRINTLN(freeMemory()); } void loop() { // Process Server requests // listen for incoming clients EthernetClient client = server.available(); if (client) { // Client connected and sending data DEBUG_PRINTLN_TXT("Client attached"); // Init status unsigned char readState = 0; unsigned char lastChar = 0; // Make sure you never check for 0-value !!! int bufferSize = 0; // If we receive data, interrupt other states setServerMode(0); // Read incoming data while (client.connected()) { if (client.available()) { // get incoming byte unsigned char c = client.read(); // check for server mode switch (serverMode) { case 0: // Checking incoming requests readState = checkRequest(c, readState); // Processing if request is recognized if ( readState == 7 ) { // HTTP GET recognized processRequest(client); // process only one time readState = 0; myReadBufferCount = 0; } break; case 1: // Streaming frames bufferSize = sendFrameCached(c, bufferSize); // Check for streaming end if ( c == lc_S && lastChar == lc_s ) { // "sS" received //sendEndFrameStream(); setServerMode(0); bufferSize = 0; } break; } // if we got whole HTTP Head and still waiting for commands, // send HTTP answer if ( serverMode == 0 && c == lc_newline && lastChar == lc_return ) { // \r\n was send // send a standard http response header //client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\nRainbowduino Webserver

Rainbowduino Webserver 1.0


Print file to serial

")); client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")); // Close the connection client.stop(); } lastChar = c; } // If we are in the streaming mode and don't receive any frames, // check for timeout if ( serverMode == 1 ) { // keep the connection to the Rainbowduino alive keepAliveFrame(); } } // give web browser time to receive the data delay(1); // close the connection client.stop(); } if ( serverMode == 1 && client == false) { // If client closed the connection and we are still in the // stream mode, reset to normal operation setServerMode(0); } // ------------------------------------------------// // Display Animation displaySavedAnimation(); }