# DRAMA Syntax Highlighter ## Overview This is a DRAMA syntax highlighter for Sublime Text 3 and 2. The DRAMA language was created by the teachers at KU Leuven. It was designed for learning assembly. There was no syntax highlighting available so I created my own. The syntax coding isn't 100% correct since it's a bit different than most languages. The syntax coding was created with the monokai color scheme in mind, but will look fine with most color schemes. ## Installation **Package Control:** You can install this through [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/). You will automatically get the latest patches. ## Usage After installing, open up a DRAMA file in Sublime and go to View->Syntax and select DRAMA. You should now see the text highlighted in color. ![Example](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3637265/4618550/d310c914-530a-11e4-87b2-d8798f6735be.png) ## Bug report If you find any bugs, please let me know or post an issue here on github. If you fixed a bug submit a pull request and let me know.