= 14.6.3 - 18.04.2024 = * Fixes: Resolved SQL query issues while purging the table from optimization & getting the browsers count. * Fixes: Addressed the builder scripts problem to minify the `tracker.js`. * Fixes: Corrected deprecated jQuery event and resolved errors on the overview page. * Improvement: Changed the autoload setting for the dailySalt option to false to compatible with Cache plugins. * Improvement: Encoded search query parameter for more consistency in hit request. * Improvement: Enhanced visitor identification by flagging users as robots when browser and platform data are absent, improving accuracy of statistics. * Improvement: Enhanced performance by optimizing VisitorProfile handling in class `Pages` = 14.6.2 - 16.04.2024 = * Addition: Integrated Chart Zoom Library * Fixes: Removed self-referred URLs from statistics * Fixes: Corrected search chart step size issue * Fixes: Resolved add-on save issue with backward compatibility * Update: Upgraded ChartJS to v4.4.2 * Improvement: Addressed cron event issue in admin reports * Improvement: Refined spam referrer exclusion logic and updated spam list URL * Improvement: Enhanced performance by optimizing VisitorProfile handling in exclusions * Improvement: General performance enhancements and code clean-up = 14.6.1 - 13.04.2024 = * Feature: Introduced a sequential IP detection method in Settings → Basic Tracking * Fixes: Updated the Compatibility Visits meta-box and Widget to support PHP version 7.0. * Fixes: Refined and optimized SQL query processes for accurate page count calculations. = 14.6.0 - 11.04.2024 = * Updated: A new admin header is needed for easier use and quick access to important links. * Performance: Moved a `tracker.js` script to footer load last for faster page display. * Performance: Made scripts smaller to speed up loading. * Performance: Added fast, in-memory data storage for user profiles. * Performance: Improved 'Visits' functionality for faster performance. * Performance: Made general speed improvements. * Performance: Made city data storage and retrieval faster. * Fixes: Fixed "Unknown" issue in showing the cities. * Fixes: Fixed a bug in the Most Visited Pages display. * Fixes: Fixed the bug when resetting the user online. * Fixes: Fixed issues with charts not displaying correctly in some browsers. * Fixes: Fixed a tracking bug on the homepage. * Fixes: A GeoLite2 download URL to get the latest version of databases. * Fixes: Made sure dashboard widgets stay visible after updates. * Improvement: Moved some settings to a more logical place in the menu. * Improvement: Updated and simplified various parts of the plugin. * Improvement: Removed outdated "Search Words" feature. * Improvement: Made setting default options easier in multisite setups. = 14.5.2 - 12.03.2024 = * Feature: Added section 'Event Tracking' in the settings page. [More info](https://wp-statistics.com/2024/03/11/big-news-for-data-plus-introducing-link-and-download-tracking) * Fixes: The last year stats issue. * Improvement: Tooltip and improvement the admin styles. * Improvement: Minor Improvements. = 14.5.1 - 08.03.2024 = * Development: Action `wp_statistics_record_visitor` added. * Improvement: Escaped `str_url` in output of page metabox. * Improvement: Changed `check_online` input type to number & add failsafe for non-numeric values. * Improvement: Minor Improvements. = 14.5 - 24.02.2024 = * Feature: Added 'Allowed Query Parameters' option for specifying permissible URL query parameters. [Read more](https://wp-statistics.com/resources/managing-url-query-parameters/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=changelog&utm_campaign=settings). * Fixes: Resolved issue with displaying the home page in Top Pages. * Improvement: Updated name and description settings for better clarity and coherence. * Improvement: Enabled JavaScript tracking by default instead of relying on HTTP requests. * Deprecate: Removed 'Strip URI Parameter' option from the plugin. = 14.4.4 - 15.02.2024 = * Fixes: Resolved issue with latest visitor when option 'Record User Page Visits' is disabled. = 14.4.3 - 14.02.2024 = * Improvement: Introduced a close button for easily dismissing the admin notice regarding database cleanup. = 14.4 - 13.02.2024 = We’re delighted to roll out WP Statistics 14.4, bringing advanced privacy features and performance enhancements to your WordPress experience. This update includes a robust Random Daily Salt Mechanism for IP hashing, options for data anonymization, and numerous optimizations for better site efficiency. For a deep dive into all the new features and improvements, check out our detailed [blog post](https://wp-statistics.com/2024/02/13/wp-statistics-14-4-elevating-privacy-and-performance/) * Feature: Added option to removal `user_id` and `UAString` from visitor table. * Feature: Enhance IP Hashing with [Random Daily Salt Mechanism](https://wp-statistics.com/2024/02/13/enhancing-privacy-with-our-updated-ip-hashing-mechanism/). * Feature: Included browser version information in 'Latest Visitor' data. * Feature: Added the link for IPs that are hashed. * Feature: Introduced a new notification for database cleanup and performance optimization. * Improvement: Set 'Purge Old Data Daily' to 180 days for fresh installation. * Improvement: Extended 'Keep User Online' duration to 5 minutes for enhanced performance. * Improvement: Upgraded `visitor_relationships` table to support efficient handling of record updates or insertions * Improvement: Refined sorting algorithm to prioritize visitors by their most recent visits. * Improvement: Enhanced the relationship deletion process in purge schedule. * Improvement: Modified purge conditions to encompass a 30-day threshold. * Improvement: Removed redundant `page_id` index from historical data. * Improvement: Implemented logic to avoid using the same current URL for visitors with no referrer. * Improvement: Ensured compatibility with PHP v8.2. * Improvement: Enhanced error responses for GeoIP failures. * Improvement: Error handling added for WP Statistics upload directory creation * Improvement: Improved GeoIP error message notice * Fixes: Corrected issue where `user_id` was not updating for existing records. * Fixes: The IP detector in settings page and set to Ipify.org * Fixes: Prevent duplicate color generation in charts * Fixes: Resolved issue with closing donation ajax requests. * Development: Added new filters `wp_statistics_notice_db_row_threshold`, `wp_statistics_schedule_db_maint_days`, and `wp_statistics_ajax_list` for advanced customization. = v14.3.5 - 17.01.2024 = * Improvement: Set Requires at least to v5.0 * Improvement: Remove storing the filter data in browser local storage * Improvement: Change date format to international date system * Improvement: Refactor IP Anonymization Logic to Use `wp_privacy_anonymize_ip()` Function to make more compatible with GDPR * Development: Added filters `wp_statistics_pages_countries_args`, `wp_statistics_data_export_base_query` and `wp_statistics_data_export_query` * Fixes: Compatibility WhichBrowser with PHP v8.3 = v14.3.4 - 30.12.2023 = * Fixes: Improved layout of the settings page tabs in tablet-view. * Improvement: Implemented asynchronous requests for performance enhancement. = v14.3.3 - 28.12.2023 = * Fixes: Display issue with screen option on overview page now corrected. * Fixes: Warning issues in author features resolved. * Fixes: Type Error in User Online Subtraction Operation addressed. * Fixes: Loading the filter modal in admin area. * Development: Added `wp_statistics_author_items` filter for extended functionality. * Improvement: Admin styles enhanced for better user interface. * Improvement: Tooltips added to settings page sections for improved clarity. * Improvement: Hit request now initiates after page loads for optimized performance. = v14.3.2 - 22.12.2023 = * Feature: New pagination on countries page for easier navigation. * Feature: Added informative tooltips to overview components for better understanding. * Fixes: Resolved issue where the table was being altered with every update. * Fixes: Corrected display of decimal numbers on the y-axis in charts. * Improvement: Updated settings page with new styles and a more user-friendly sidebar. * Improvement: Enhanced security by properly handling variables in the countries page. * Improvement: Updated admin area with the latest versions of plugins for better performance. * Improvement: Ensured compatibility with PHP version 8.2. * Development: Introduced `wp_statistics_meta_box_{metabox}_args` filter for developers. * Development: Added `wp_statistics_after_user_column` action for extended functionality. = v14.2 - 09.10.2023 = * Feature: Save default date range filter for overview components * Feature: Add filter `wp_statistics_search_engine_list` to modify the search engines. * Feature: Add User column to the Online Users component * Feature: Add last month option to date range picker * Feature: Add total post hits in single taxonomy * Improvement: Improve top posts list template in single taxonomy * Improvement: Update GeoIP functionality to support conditional loading * Feature: Add abbreviated format to `wpstatistics` shortcode like `[wpstatistics stat=visits time=total format=abbreviated]` * Fixed: The page URL issue in UTF-8 characters * Fixes: The visits duplicate entry issue * Fixes: Fix words field database error * Improvement: Add XML-RPC, Cross-Site, and Pre Flight request exclusions = v14.1.6.2 - 18.09.2023 = * Enhancement: Utilized admin-ajax.php for improved Ad-Blocker compatibility when displaying admin meta boxes with statistics. = v14.1.6.1 - 11.09.2023 = * Bugfix: Resolved font loading issues in widgets * Enhancement: Improved error messages when the plugin endpoints are blocked by Ad-Blockers = v14.1.6 - 30.08.2023 = * Bugfix: The missing record logged users in visitor. * Update: ChartJs to v4.4.0 = v14.1.5 - 15.08.2023 = * Update: Compatibility with WordPress v6.3 * Bugfix: Resolved compatibility issue between custom post types and WP Statistics MiniChart plugin. * Bugfix: Included sub-page ID parameter within the pages-chart component for enhanced functionality. * Development: Introduced a new filter, `wp_statistics_report_email_receivers`, to facilitate customization of report email recipients. * Development: Implemented an exclusion to the hit response for improved debugging capabilities. = v14.1.4 - 26.07.2023 = * Bugfix: Fixed an issue with deprecated WhichBrowser Useragent in PHP v8.2. * Bugfix: Resolved a bug preventing storage of long URIs in the Pages Table. * Bugfix: Addressed the home page counting stats issue. * Development: Added a new filter `wp_statistics_mail_attachments` for enhanced customization. * Improvement: Refined Plugin Header for better clarity and consistency. = v14.1.3.1 - 08.07.2023 = * Improvement: Backward compatibility = v14.1.3 - 04.07.2023 = * Feature: Add possibility to load geoip from other sources * Feature: Integrated a Feedback button powered by [FeedbackBird!](https://feedbackbird.io/) in the admin area to gather user feedback. * Bugfix: Showing private default post types * Bugfix: Fix js error on summary once the visits/visitors are not enabled * Bugfix: Fix calendar issue on top visitors page * Update: ChartJs to v4.3.0 and add source map * Improvement: Mirror and backward compatibility = v14.1.2 - 23.05.2023 = * Improvement: Fix showing actual page name in post types hit meta boxes * Improvement: Fix a bug when date filter doesn't affect referring widget data * Improvement: Fix showing actual page name in post types hit meta boxes header * Improvement: Add filter `wp_statistics_geo_ip_download_url` = v14.1.1 - 20.05.2023 = * Feature: Add `/wp-json/wp-statistics/v2/online` endpoint to maintain real-time user presence on the page. * Improvement: Enhance `tracker.js` and implement minor optimizations. * Improvement: Upgrade email template and enhance email functionalities. * Improvement: Ensure compatibility with PHP v5.6, although we highly recommend upgrading your PHP version for better performance and security. = v14.1 - 02.05.2023 = * Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress v6.2 * Improvement: Update ChartJs to the latest version, v4.2.1 * Improvement: Avoid to return cache status before filter statement * Improvement: Implement post types section * Improvement: Categorize page hits by query strings in single view statistics for improved tracking * Bugfix: Fix a bug related to displaying rest API error messages in the meta box AJAX. = v14.0.2 - 09.03.2023 = * Bugfix: Compatibility with PHP v7.0 * Bugfix: Fix some Javascript errors that caused to not showing-up the charts. * Bugfix: Fix search chart height issue * Update: Updating all screenshots * Update: Add total visitors and total visits on Summary * Improvement: Set top pages to 25 per page * Improvement: Add all data points on the x-axis of charts * Improvement: Support IPv6 in Settings -> IP configuration by SeeIP.org = v14.0 - 26.02.2023 **New Feature** * **Time-Frame Filter:** All widgets now support custom date ranges, giving you greater flexibility in your data analysis. * **Statistics Hit Link:** A new feature that adds a link to the detailed statistics page in all widgets, making it easier to see the complete data behind your website's traffic. **Improvements** * **Widget Admin UI & UX:** We've completely redesigned the widget interface to improve the overall user experience, making it more intuitive and easy to use. * **Category and Tags Statistical Merge:** We've merged the Category and Tags Statistical into Taxonomy to make it more user-friendly and easier to understand. * **Assets and Icons Update:** All assets and icons have been updated to enhance the overall look and feel of the plugin. * **Update License Functionality:** We've made it easier to manage your license under the Add-Ons, so you can keep your plugin up-to-date and running smoothly. * **Admin Styles & Settings Page:** We've made some updates to the admin styles and settings page to improve the overall usability and functionality of the plugin. * **Many other improvements:** We've made numerous other improvements to enhance the overall performance and functionality of WP Statistics. **Add-Ons** * **Data Plus Add-On:** We recently launched a new Add-On called [Data Plus](https://wp-statistics.com/product/data-plus/) that unlocks advanced analytics features for WP Statistics. [click here](https://wp-statistics.com/2023/01/01/unlock-advanced-analytics-with-data-plus-for-wp-statistics) to get the limited-time offer! For more information about this update, please [visit our blog post](https://wp-statistics.com/2023/02/26/wp-statistics-gets-a-major-update-version-14-0-breakdown/). = v13.2.16 - 03.02.2023 = * Bugfix: The exclusion cache issue * Improvement: Populate post type title for archive pages = v13.2.15 - 13.01.2023 = * Bugfix: The exclusion issue when user is logged-in * Bugfix: The issue the API request to hit endpoint when permalink is default = v13.2.14 - 10.01.2023 = * Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress < 5.0 = v13.2.13 - 09.01.2023 = * Bugfix: Fix recent, Top Visitor and Visitor page timeout & querying issue = v13.2.12 - 08.01.2023 = * Bugfix: Get top 10 visitor issue has been fixed * Bugfix: Changing the current language in admin has been fixed = v13.2.11 - 01.01.2023 = * Feature: A privacy setting has been added that allows customers to enable Do Not Track mode. * Improvement: Hardened plugin security and improvement = v13.2.10 - 24.12.2022 = * Bugfix: Logs the pages with query strings and UTM parameters = v13.2.9 - 17.12.2022 = * Bugfix: The include issue in CLI mode * Improvement: Error handler for referred that doesn't have any URL * Improvement: Hardened plugin security and improvement * Enhancement: Minor Improvements = v13.2.8 - 03.12.2022 = * Feature: Respect and compatibility with [Do Not Track](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Not_Track) browsers setting. * Feature: Add filter `wp_statistics_top_pages_arguments` to change the arguments of top pages. * Bugfix: Fix the Add-On notice constraint issue. * Bugfix: Sanitize the input of the URLs in the pages list * Improvement: Dynamic sending referred in the frontend by JavaScript while Cache is enabled. * Improvement: Remove `time` and `_nonce` parameters from the URL of the frontend while Cache is enabled. * Improvement: Compatibility with PHP v8.1 * Improvement: Support method `Helper::get_pages_by_visitor_id()` to get pages by visitor id. = v13.2.7 - 23.10.2022 = * Bugfix: The error message while purging all databases * Update: The ChartJs library updated to v3.9.1 * Improvement: Compatibility with PHP v8.0 * Improvement: Add index for user online & visitor tables * Improvement: Make anonymous the browser version * Improvement: Enable Hash & Anonymous IP by default and make anonymize it before hashing = v13.2.6 - 07.09.2022 = * Improvement: Compatibility with Apache `security_mode` * Improvement: Remove coefficient per visitor field from general/visitors settings * Improvement: Hardened plugin security and improvement * Improvement: Avoid printing visitor data to the page while caching compatibility = v13.2.5 - 27.07.2022 = * Feature: Support plugin in the Privacy Policy content * Feature: Support plugin in Data Privacy Exporter and Data Eraser * Bugfix: The Top 5 Trending Pages Error has been fixed * Bugfix: The URL parameter issue in platform and browsers pages has been fixed * Bugfix: Total referrers issue has been fixed * Improvement: Crawler-Detect library has been updated to v1.2.111 * Improvement: Compatibility with PHP v8.0, minor bugfix, and improvement * Improvement: Prevent showing Unknown entities = v13.2.4.1 - 25.06.2022 = * Bugfix: An issue to modify the visitors' table to add type and device model has been fixed = v13.2.4 - 11.06.2022 = * Feature: The new device type & device model meta boxes has been added in Overview! * Bugfix: Enhancements and CSRF protection added to the settings and optimization pages * Improvement: REST API status checking * Improvement: The WP-CLI commands is enabled by default and remove Its tab from Settings page * Improvement: Moved out "Top Referring" & "Online Users" from Overview side to right column = v13.2.3 - 12.05.2022 = * Bugfix: Rendering the email reporting with HTML tags has been fixed * Bugfix: The browser version issue has been fixed * Update: WhichBrowser library has been updated to v2.1.7 * Update: Requires WordPress version is set to at least v4.4 = v13.2.2.1 - 08.05.2022 = * Bugfix: Compatibility & fixed the UTF-8 permalinks issue * Bugfix: Showing the right hits of Total Page Views in the widget = v13.2.2 - 08.05.2022 = * Improvement: Downloading 3rd party services, the GeoIP & Referrer Spammer databases now is on [jsDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/) * Bugfix: Storing & sending HTML tags allowed for notification message body * Bugfix: Hardened plugin security and improvement = v13.2.1 - 25.04.2022 = * Bugfix: Compatibility with PHP version lower than v7.4 = v13.2.0 - 25.04.2022 = * Enhancement: The admin bar statistical is smarter and shows the Hits based on the current page, category, tag, author, etc. * Enhancement: The number of page hits in the render hit column has been improvement * Enhancement: The ChartJs is more user-friendly * Enhancement: The render column has been updated * Enhancement: The Hits in publish Metabox has been improvement * Update: The Hits column added in all visitor's table. * Update: Styles and assets * Update: Increase showing statistical items per page up to 25 * Update: GeoIP City & Countries Databases has been updated to the latest version * Bugfix: Hardened plugin security and improvement * Bugfix: Showing the widget form bug has been fixed = v13.1.7 - 18.03.2022 = * Update: Chart.js library updated to v3.7.1 * Update: New filter `wp_statistics_cache_status` has been added * Enhancement: Backward compatibility of the widget data to prevent a notice error * Enhancement: Minor and small issues = v13.1.6 - 16.02.2022 = * Bugfix: Hardened plugin security. (Special thanks to Muhammad Zeeshan (Xib3rR4dAr) & WPScan for reporting the issues) = v13.1.5 - 02.02.2022 = * Enhancement: Tested up to v5.9 * Enhancement: Disable showing the notices with hidden class in the admin settings page * Bugfix: A security issue to accepting the correct `exclusion_reason` through request * Bugfix: The 403 Forbidden Error issue in REST request = v13.1.4 - 14.01.2022 = * Enhancement: Datepicker direction issue has been fixed * Enhancement: UTF-8 referrers URLs has been supported * Bugfix: The Apache 403 error has been fixed when passing the actual URL as the GET parameter * Bugfix: Date filter in Top Referring Sites has been fixed = v13.1.3 - 23.12.2021 = * Bugfix: The issue for showing the pagination in date range template has been fixed * Enhancement: Skip undefined `HTTP_HOST` notice error * Enhancement: Minor Improvements = v13.1.2 - 09.11.2021 = * Enhancement: Avoiding altering some tables after every upgrade * Enhancement: Pages widget table clutter issue fixed when URLs are long * Bugfix: The variable types bug in Matomo Referrer schedule weekly update fixed * Bugfix: the Nonce check to active/deactivate add-ons added * Update: User roles added in online page = 13.1.1 = - Fixed exclusions setting page and storing properly data in option page and keep lines in the input data - Fixed some tweak issues and improved setting pages - Fixed showing chart in RTL language - Disable checking the SSL certificate while sending the request to check the plugin's REST API is enabled - Updated Chart.js to v3.5.1 = 13.1 = - New admin design! - Improvement input data in setting and optimization page as well - Escaping all input data in admin pages, (Special thanks to Vlad Visse) - Improvement GeoIP enhancements - Added subdivision names to cities for clarity - Added links to mapping tools on more pages - Updated the mapping tool link to a site that doesn't have errors = 13.0.9 = - Compatibility with PHP v8 and WordPress v5.8 - Fixed log file path and moved out to wp-content/uploads/wp-statistics/debug.log and protected for the public access as well - Fixed updating widget and compatibility with block-based - Improvement Image optimisation with ImageAlpha (png8+alpha) and ImageOptim. Thanks [vicocotea](https://github.com/vicocotea) - Updated Chart.js to v3.4.1 = 13.0.8 = - Improvement getting page id & type queries for the admin page - Added no-cache in the hit endpoint response to compatibility with Cloudflare HTML caching - Improvement exceptions to make sure working properly = 13.0.7 = - Compatibility with WordPress v5.7 - Fixes linking hits page from post meta box - Support new hooks for email reporting and fix email logging - Compatibility with Advanced Reporting and fixes tweak issues = 13.0.6 = - Improvement the time-out functionality while downloading the GeoIP city database. - Fixed conflict with custom post-type column. - Fixed error to passing the wrong argument for implode in WhichBrowser. - Fixed date range selector in Top Pages. - Fixed purge cache data after deleting the table. - Fixed some issues & improvement historical functionality. - Minor Improvements. = 13.0.5 = - Compatibility the ChartJs with some kind of plugins. - Compatibility with WordPress v5.6 - Improvement error handling with REST API - Added an option in the Optimization page to optimize & repair the tables. - Added ability to filter `wp_statistics_get_top_pages()` by post type [#343](https://github.com/wp-statistics/wp-statistics/pull/343) - Fixed the issue to load Purge class. - Minor Improvements in SQL queries. = 13.0.4 = - Compatibility with PHP v7.2 and adjustment requires PHP version in the Composer to 5.6 - Fixed the issue to get the `Referred::get()` method during the initial plugin. - Fixed issue to create tables queries in MariaDB v10.3 - Fixed the ChartJs conflict with some plugins. - Disabled the Cronjob for table optimization in the background process (we're going to create an option on the Optimization page to handle it) - Minor Improvements. = 13.0.3 = **We're very sorry regarding the previous update because we had a lot of changes on v13.0, we worked almost 1 year for this update and considered all situations and many tests, anyway try to update and enjoy the new features!** - Fixed critical issue when some PHP modules such as bcmath are not enabled. it caused a fatal error, the purpose flag `platform-check` from Composer has been disabled. - Fixed the "Connect to WordPress RestAPI" message while loading the admin statistics' widgets, the uBlock browser extension was blocking the WP Statistics's requests. - Fixed the upgrade process issue, one of the previous action was calling and that caused the issue, that's now disabled. - Disabled some repair and optimization table queries during the initial request. - Minor Improvements. = 13.0.2 = **New Feature** - Added error logs system - Added the ability to change visitors’ data based on WordPress hook - Added the ability to manage the plugin based on WP-CLI - Added a link to show user’s location’s coordinates on Google Map based on their IP - Added advanced filters in the page of WordPress website visitors list - Added the class of sending standard email reports in the WordPress - Added the ability to get WordPress users in the database record **Bug Fix** - Fixed recording visitors data problem when the cache plugin is installed - Fixed exclusion problem in Ajax requests mode - Fixed REST-API requests problem in JavaScript mode without jQuery library - Fixed the issue of limiting the number of database table records - Fixed the problem of getting WordPress page type in taxonomy mode - Fixed display of visitor history for yesterday and today **Improvement** - Improved widget information based on REST-API - Optimized and troubleshot database tables after an interval of one day - Improved plugin information deleting operation - Improved receiving country and city visitors information based on WordPress cache IP - Improved display plugin management menus list in WordPress - Improved search engine display in the mode of referring users from the search engine to the website - Improved widgets display and Ajax loading capability - Improved loading of JS files based on plugin-specific pages = 12.6.1 = - Added Whip Package for getting visitor's IP address. - Fixed get the country code when the Hash or Anonymize IP Addresses is enabled. - Added database upgrade class for update page type. - Fixed duplicate page list in report pages. - Fixed bug to get home page title. - Improvement Sanitize subject for sending email reporting. - Improvement jQuery Datepicker UI. - Improvement visitor's hit when there was a broken file in that request. = 12.6 = # Added - Post/Page Select in statistics page reporting according to post Type. - Online Users widget, A cool widget to show current online users! - A new table `visitor_relationship` for saving visitors logs. - `user_id`, `page_id`, `type` columns to `statistics_useronline` table. - Visitor count column in Top Country widget. # Improvement - Improvement MySQL time query in all functions. - Improvement online users page UI. - Improvement Top referrals UI. - Improvement CSV exporter. - Improvement pagination in admin pages that used the WordPress `paginate_links`. - Improvement time filter in admin pages stats. - Improvement `admin_url` link in all admin pages. - Improvement text wrap in all meta boxes. - Fixed reset number online users list in period time. - Schedule list in statistical reporting. - Refer Param in Top Referring Sites page. - Fix method to get IP addresses. - Fix Page CSS. - Fix the error of No page title found in the meta box. - Fix show number refer link from custom URL. - Fix update option for Piwik blacklist. # Deprecated - Remove `WP_Statistics_Pagination` class. - Deprecate Top Search Words (30 Days) widget. = 12.5.7 = * Added: The Edge To Browser List. * Added: `date_i18n` function in dates for retrieving localized date. * Improved: The Browsers charts. * Improved: Minor issues in GeoIP update function. * Optimized: All png files. (60% Save). = 12.5.6 = * Fixed: Counting stats issue in Cache mode. = 12.5.5 = * Improved: The WP-Statistics Metaboxes for Gutenberg! * Improved: The `params()` method. * Improved: Referrers URL to be valid. = 12.5.4 = * Disabled: Notice cache in all admin pages just enabled in the summary and setting of WP-Statistics pages. * Improved: Some methods. `params()` and `get_hash_string()`. = 12.5.3 = * Added: Option for enabling/disabling the hits meta box chart in the edit of all post types page and that option is disabled by default. * Improved: The responsive problem of Recent Visitors and Latest Search Words widgets in WP Dashboard. * Improved: Avoid using jQuery in the inline script to for send request when the cache is enabled. * Improved: The GeoIP updater. * Improved: The cache process in the plugin. * Improved: Get location for Anonymize IP Addresses. * Improved: The query in the Author Statistics page. = 12.5.2 = * Improved: Some issues in php v5.4 = 12.5.1 = * Added: Cache option for support when the cache enabled in the WordPress. * Added: Visitor's city name with GeoIP, you can enable the city name in Settings > Externals > GeoIP City * Added: WP-Statistics shortcode in the TinyMCE editor. you can use the shortcode easily in the posts and pages. * Added: Qwant search engine in the Search Engine Referrals. * Added: Referrers to WP-Statistics shortcode attributes. e.g. `[wpstatistics stat=referrer time=today top=10]` * Added: [WhichBrowser](https://whichbrowser.net/) and [CrawlerDetect](https://crawlerdetect.io/). These libraries give us more help in identifying user agents. the Browscap library removed. * Improved: The Datepicker in the WP-Statistics pages, supported WordPress custom date format. * Improved: The pagination class. * Improved: The assets and fixed conflict ChartJS issue, when the Hit Statistics Meta box was enabled in posts/pages. * Improved: The responsive summary page. * Improved: Exclude Ajax requests, now compatible with [Related Post by Jetpack](https://jetpack.com/support/related-posts/). * Improved: Some issues. * Updated: Chart.js library to v2.7.3 * Enabled: Hit Statistics in posts/pages. the conflict problem solved. * Disabled: The setting menu when the current user doesn't access. * Disabled: Baidu search engine by default after installing. = 12.4.3 = * Disabled: The welcome page and Travod widget. = 12.4.1 = * Implemented: The `do_welcome()` function. * Updated: Libraries to latest version. * Added: `delete_transient()` for deleting transients when uninstalling the plugin. = 12.4.0 = * Removed: The Opt-Out removed. * Added: Anonymize IP addresses option in the Setting > Privacy. = = * Updated: Libraries to latest version. * Enabled: The suggestion notice in the log pages. * Improvement: Counting non-changing collections with `count()`. Thanks [Daniel Ruf](https://github.com/DanielRuf) = = * Disabled: The suggestion notice. = = * Tested: With PHP v7.2.4 * Added: Suggestion notice in the log pages. * Added: New option for enable/disable notices. = = * Improvement: I18n strings. * Improvement: GDPR, Supported for DNT-Header. * Improvement: GDPR, Added new option for delete visitor data with IP addresses. = 12.3.6 = * Note: GDPR, We Updated Our [Privacy Policy](https://wp-statistics.com/privacy-and-policy/). * Added Privacy tab in the setting page and moved Hash IP Addresses and Store entire user agent in this tab. * Added Opt-out option in the Setting page -> Privacy for GDPR compliance. * Updated: Chart.js library to v2.7.2 * Fixed: Issue to build search engine queries. = 12.3.5 = * Improvement: Isolation Browscap cache processes to reduce memory usage. * Improvement: Include `file.php` and `pluggable.php` in GeoIP downloader when is not exists. * Fixed: GeoIP database update problem. Added an alternative server for download database when impossible access to maxmind.com = 12.3.4 = * Updated: Browscap to v3.1.0 and fixed some issues. * Improvement: Memory usage in the plugin when the Browscap is enabled. * Improvement: Cache system and update Browscap database. = 12.3.2 = * Added: New feature! Show Hits on the single posts/pages. * Added: Pages Dropdown in the page stats. * Fixed: Menu bar for both frontend & backend. * Fixed: Issue to create the object of the main class. * Fixed: Issue to get page title in empty search words option. * Fixed: Issue to show date range in the charts. = 12.3.1 = * We're sorry about last issues. Now you can update to new version to resolve the problems. * Updated: Composer libraries. * Fixed: A minor bug in `get_referrer_link`. * Improvement: `wp_doing_cron` function, Check before call if is not exist. * Fixed: Issue to get IP in Hits class. * Fixed: Issue to get prefix table in searched phrases postbox. * Fixed: Issue in Browscap, Used the original Browscap library in the plugin. * If you have any problem, don't forget to send the report to our web site's [contact form](https://wp-statistics.com/contact/). = 12.3 = * The new version proves itself more than twice as faster because we had a lot of changes in the plugin. * Improvement: Management processes and front-end have been separated for more speed. * Improvement: MySQL Queries and used multi-index for `wp_statistics_pages`. * Improvement: Top Referring widget in Big data. Used Transient cache to build this widget data. * Fixed: Issue in checking the Cron request. * Fixed: Issue in i18n strings. The `load_plugin_textdomain` missed. * Fixed: issue in generating query string in some state pages. * Fixed: issue in admin widget. The `id` in label missed and used `get_field_id` method to get a correct id. * Fixed: Admin bar menu icon. * Updated: Chart.js library to v2.7.1 = 12.2.1 = * Fixed: Issue to `add_column` callback. = 12.2 = * The new version proves itself more than twice as faster because we had a lot of changes in the plugin. * Improvement: Many functions converted to classes. * Improvement: Export data on the optimization page. * Improvement: Constants, Include files. * Improvement: Setting/Optimization page stylesheet and removed jQuery UI to generate tabs. * Added: Top Search Words in the plugin. * Fixed: Some notices error. * Removed: Some unused variables. * Removed: Force English option feature in the plugin. * Thanks [Farhad Sakhaei](https://dedidata.com/) To help us with these changes. = 12.1.3 = * We're sorry about last issues. Now you can update to new version to resolve conflict issues. * Fixed: Chart conflict issues with other libraries. * Fixed: Chart height issue in css. * Fixed: Correct numbering for pages > 1 in Top Referring page. [#22](https://github.com/wp-statistics/wp-statistics/pull/22/files) * Fixed: Don't run the SQL if `$reffer` is not set. [#21](https://github.com/wp-statistics/wp-statistics/pull/21) * Fixed: Refferer url scheme. [#24](https://github.com/wp-statistics/wp-statistics/pull/24) Thanks [Farhad Sakhaei](https://github.com/Dedi-Data) * Fixed: Network menu icon. = 12.1.0 = * Added: Awesome charts! The Chartjs library used in the plugin for show charts. * Updated: Missed flags icons. (Curaçao, Saint Lucia, Turkmenistan, Kosovo, Saint Martin, Saint Barthélemy and Mayotte) * Updated: Countries code. * Updated: Settings and Optimization page styles. * Fixed: Showing data on the Browsers, Platforms and browsers version charts. * Fixed: Postbox container width in Logs page. * Removed: `WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT` define for load `.min` version in css/js. * Removed: Additional assets and the assets cleaned up. = = * Fixed: PHP syntax error for array brackets when the PHP < 5.4 = 12.0.12 = * Added: Add-ons page! The Add-ons add functionality to your WP-Statistics. [Click here](https://wp-statistics.com/add-ons/) to see current Add-ons. * Fixed: Translations issue. * Updated: GeoIP library to v2.6.0 * Updated: admin.min.css = 12.0.11 = * Release Date: August 17, 2017 * Fixed: links issue in the last visitors page. * Fixed: i18n issues (hardcoded strings, missing or incorrect textdomains). * Updated: admin CSS style. set `with` for Hits column in posts/pages list. * Updated: Improve consistency, best practices and correct typos in translation strings. * Updated: More, Reload and Toggle arrow buttons in metaboxes are consistent with WP core widget metaboxes, with screen-reader-text and key navigation. by [Pedro Mendonça](https://profiles.wordpress.org/pedromendonca/). = 12.0.10 = * Release Date: July 24, 2017 * Added: UptimeRobot to the default robots list. * Fixed: Uses `esc_attr()` for cleaning `$_GET` in referrers page. * Removed: `screen_icon()` function from the plugin. (This function has been deprecated). = 12.0.9 = * Release Date: July 3, 2017 * Fixed: XSS issue with agent and ip in visitors page, Thanks Ryan Dewhurst from Dewhurst Security Team. * Updated: GeoIP library to v2.5.0 * Updated: Maxmind-db reader library to v1.1.3 = = * Release Date: July 2, 2017 * Fixed: load languages file. please visit [translations page](https://wp-statistics.com/translations/) to help translation. = 12.0.8 = * Release Date: June 29, 2017 * Fixed: SQL Injection vulnerability, thanks John Castro for reporting issue from sucuri.net Team. * Added: new hook (`wp_statistics_final_text_report_email`) in email reporting. * Removed: all language files from the language folder. Translations have moved to [translate.wordpress.org](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-statistics). = 12.0.7 = * Release Date: June 8, 2017 * WordPress 4.8 compatibility * Updated: WP-Statistics logo! Thanks [Arin Hacopian](http://aringrafix.com/) for design the logo. * Removed: manual file and moved to [wp-statistics.com/category/documentation](http://wp-statistics.com/category/documentation) * Fixed: items show issue in referring page. * Fixed: recent visitor link in dashboard widget. = 12.0.6 = * Release Date: April 27, 2017 * Fixed: Additional XSS fixes, thanks Plugin Vulnerabilities Team. = 12.0.5 = * Release Date: April 6, 2017 * Fixed: Referrers, that are not search engines, are missing from the referrers widget/page. * Fixed: Additional XSS fixes, thanks Gen Sato who submitted to JPCERT/CC Vulnerability Handling Team. * Fixed: Updated CSS definition for widgets to avoid overflow only for WP-Statistics widgets instead of all active widgets to avoid conflicts with other plugins. = 12.0.4 = * Release Date: April 1, 2017 * Fixed: Additional XSS issue with referrers, thanks Gen Sato who submitted to JPCERT/CC Vulnerability Handling Team. * Updated: Optimizations for referrers encoding. * Updated: Logic for detecting invalid referrer types to capture more types. = 12.0.3 = * Release Date: March 31, 2017 * Fixed: Additional XSS issue with referrers, thanks Gen Sato who submitted to JPCERT/CC Vulnerability Handling Team. = 12.0.2 = * Release Date: March 30, 2017 * Fixed: Top referrer widget was not using the new search table. * Fixed: On the referrers page, selecting a host would reset the date range. * Fixed: XSS issue with date range picker, thanks Anon submitter to JPCERT/CC Vulnerability Handling Team. * Fixed: XSS issue with referrers, thanks Gen Sato who submitted to JPCERT/CC Vulnerability Handling Team. = 12.0.1 = * Release Date: March 24, 2017 * Added: Check for BCMath or GMP Math extensions to support newer GeoIP database files. * Fixed: Robots list not being updated on upgrades properly in some cases. * Fixed: wp_statistics_get_uri() to handle cases where site and home URI's are different. * Fixed: wp_statistics_get_uri() to validate what is being removed to make sure we don't remove the wrong things. * Fixed: Display of individual referring site stats. = 12.0.0 = * Release Date: February 18, 2017 * Added: Categories, tags and authors stats pages. * Added: Option to exclude AJAX calls from the statistics collection. * Fixed: Removal of settings now uses the defaults and handles a conner case that could cause corrupt settings to be saved during the reset. * Fixed: URI retrieval of the current page could return an incorrect result in some cases. * Fixed: Images in the HTML version of the admin manual did not display correctly in Microsoft IE/Edge. * Fixed: Incorrect variable name on the exclusions page for the robots list. * Updated: After "removal" the notice on the plugins page is now at the top of the page as an admin notice instead of being embedded in the plugin list. * Updated: Split change log, form this point forward only the changes for the last two major versions will be included, older entries can be found in the changes.txt file in the plugin root. = 11.0.3 = * Release Date: January 13, 2017 * Added: Option to reset plugin options without deleting the data. * Fixed: If IP hashing as enabled a PHP would be generated during the hashing. * Fixed: Typo in JavaScript code that would cause some errors not to be displayed. * Fixed: Make sure the historical table exists before checking the keys on it which would cause extra output to be generated on first install. * Updated: RTL CSS styles for left/right div's in the admin dashboard, thanks sszdh. = 11.0.2 = * Release Date: December 1, 2016 * Fixed: Top visitors page css for date picker. * Fixed: Incorrect url for link on recent visitors widget. * Fixed: Make sure the tick intervals are always whole numbers, otherwise the axis ticks won't match up with the data on line charts. * Fixed: Make sure when looking up a page/post ID for a URL to take the latest visited id instead of the first in case the URI has been reused. * Fixed: Duplicate display of hit statistics on hits page in some corner cases. = 11.0.1 = * Release Date: November 7, 2016 * Fixed: Don't refresh a widget if it's not visible, fixes the widget being replaced by a spinner that never goes away. * Updated: Minimum PHP version is now 5.4. * Updated: Additional error checks for new IP code. * Updated: jqPlot library to version development version and added DST fix. = 11.0 = * Release Date: October 28, 2016 * Added: IPv6 Support. * Added: Time attribute to searches shortcode. * Added: Basic print styles for the overview and log pages. * Fixed: Default provider for searches shortcode. * Fixed: Display of top sites list when the display port is very small would . * Fixed: CSS for date picker not loading. * Fixed: Incorrect stats on some pages for date ranges that end in the past. * Fixed: Date range selector on stats now properly displays a custom range after it has been set. * Fixed: "Empty" log widget columns could not have widgets added to them. * Updated: GeoIP library to version 1.1.1. * Updated: phpUserAgent library to 0.5.2. * Updated: Language on the front end widget to match the summary widget in the admin. * Removed: Check for bc math. * Removed: Last bits of google maps code. = 10.3 = * Release Date: August 19, 2016 * Added: Support for minified css/js files and the SCRIPT_DEBUG WordPress define. * Added: