= 1.5.2 - 26-01-2025 = * Fix - Updated deactivation hook to uninstall plugin if dependeny is not available * Freemius SDK updated to 2.10 * minor code enhancement = 1.5.1 - 09-08-2024 = * Freemius SDK updated to 2.8 * Minor bug fixes = 1.5 - 09-06-2024 = * New - Added settings for display confirmation message before empty cart * New - New template added for cart empty confirmation * Enhancement - Added service time missing error message when time is not set * Fix - Modal overflow issue when edit product clicked from cart * Fix - Empty service type issue on checkout page when cookie is deleted * Freemius SDK updated to 2.7.2 = 1.4.10 - 20-04-2024 = * Fix - issue with recalculate order * Fix - Empty service time error * New - Added hook for asap service time * Freemius SDK updated to 2.7.0 * Code cleanup = 1.4.9 - 20-03-2024 = * New - Shortcodes attributes for product_service_type is available now. * New - Added admin settings under each product where admin can set whether the product is available for pickup, delivery or both. * Code cleanup = - 01-02-2024 = * Fix - Store time range issue when open or close time is not set * Fix - Modal popup close fallback functionality updated * Code cleanup = - 19-01-2024 = * Fix - Service type selection issue on checkout page with few themes * Fix - Service type issue on listing page after order is completed * Enhancement - Added admin bar submenu for order online page * Fix - CSS update for checkout page * Minor code cleanup = - 11-01-2024 = * Fix - Service type selection issue with divi theme * Fix - Checkout service type toggle issue with divi theme * Updated Freemius SDK 2.6.2 * Code cleanup = - 05-12-2023 = * Fix - Cart subtotal issue when variation has been updated * Fix - WooCommerce HPOS notification with latest version of woocommerce * Updated Freemius SDK 2.6 * Code cleanup = 1.4.8 - 13-10-2023 = * New - Added functionality for different cart on different devices * Fix - Fixed issue for invalid cart items count entered by user * Fix - Fixed issue from checkout page when minimum amount is not matched * Fix - Fixed select2 css issue in the admin setting page * Fix - Fixed service type cookie issue from the checkout page * Updated Freemius SDK 2.5.12 * Language file updated * Code cleanup = - 08-09-2023 = * Fix - Fixed an issue for headers sent which was causing due to setcookie * Minor code cleanup = - 30-08-2023 = * Fix - Fixed an issue which was showing addon selection type always multiple even it was selected as single * Enhancement - Updated addon selection dropdown into select2 dropdown * Updated Freemius SDK 2.5.11 * Made compatible with WooCoommerce 8.0 * Minor code cleanup = - 14-08-2023 = * Minor code cleanup * Updated Freemius SDK 2.5.10 = - 16-07-2023 = * Minor code cleanup * Updated Freemius SDK 2.5.9 * Made compatible with WooCoommerce 7.8 = - 29-04-2023 = * Code cleanup * Made compatible with WordPress 6.2 * Made compatible with WooCoommerce 7.6 = - 30-12-2022 = * New - Added developer hook for the modal. * Typo fixed for the string. * WooCommerce Compatibility Update. * Minor bug fixes and code enahncements. = - 12-11-2022 = * Enhancement - Scroll to new category section in the admin when create new addon is clicked * New - Mini cart with bottom cart added, now user can select which cart they can use from settings. * Minor bug fixes and code enahncements. = 1.4.7 - 31-10-2022 = * New - ASAP option added with label settings * WooCommerce Compatibility Update. * Minor code cleanup. = - 22-08-2022 = * Enhancement - Hide save settings in admin page when tools section is enabled * WooCommerce Compatibility Update. * Minor bug fixes and code enhancements. = - 12-08-2022 = * Fixed - Service type error message when service type is disabled * Fixed - Service type error from my account reorder when service option is disabled * Minor code cleanup. = 1.4.6 - 09-08-2022 = * Fixed - Empty service type issue when payment is failed * Minor code cleanup. = 1.4.5 - 02-08-2022 = * Enahancement - Store closed message on cart and product list page when store is closed * Fixed - Typo in cart template * Fixed - Service type cookie with the default service type * Fixed - Product addon issue when making reorder from myaccount page * Minor bug fixes and code enhancements. = 1.4.4 - 19-05-2022 = * Fixed - Addon price issue when price is empty. * Minor code cleanup. = 1.4.3 - 13-05-2022 = * Fixed - Variable product pricing issue on popup. * Fixed - Validate product before add to cart. * Minor bug fixes and code enhancements. = 1.4.2 - 29-04-2022 = * New - Added shortcode parameter orderby, order. eg. [foodstore orderby="title" order="ASC"]. Available orderby parameters are ( id, menu_order, title, relevance, date ). * Minor bug fixes and code enhancements. = 1.4.1 - 13-04-2022 = * Fixed - Assign newly category to the selected product when created from edit screen * Fixed - Message for category already selected still category is empty * Fixed - Typo fixed for food store import text * New - Trigger transactional email when order status changes * Minor bug fixes and code enhancements. = 1.4 - 07-03-2022 = * Fixed - Shipping fee when pickup has been selected from checkout page * New - Add Addons category option in the admin product page * New - Created functionality to add new category from admin product page * New - Added functionality for order status to track order * New - Added functionality to sort product terms from admin page * WooCommerce Compatibility Update * Minor bug fixes and code enhancements. = 1.3.14 - 28-08-2021 = * Enhancement to Quantity field on Popup. * Minor UI enhancements = 1.3.13 - 28-07-2021 = * Compatibility issue fixes with WP 5.8 = 1.3.12 - 11-05-2021 = * Enahancement - Dynamic Offset value for Sidebar * Enhancement - Admin option to choose Automatic Shipping Selection * WooCommerce Compatibility Update = 1.3.11 - 26-04-2021 = * New - Shipping method based on selected service. Local pickup will be selected when Pickup is chosen and local pickup will be removed when Delivery is selected. * Enhancement - Message for slot unavailable instead of invisible time field on Checkout page. * Enhancement - Added condition to hide select time when store is closed * Minor bug fixes and code enhancements. = 1.3.10 - 13-04-2021 = * Fixed - Experiencing blank popup has been resolved. * Fixed - Adding to Cart being stuck in some cases. = - 07-04-2021 = * Fixed - Checking Food Store page conditions updated * Compatible to WooCommerce 5.2 = 1.3.9 - 05-04-2021 = * Fixed - Adding to Cart being stuck in some cases. = 1.3.8 - 31-03-2021 = * Fixed - Sidebar click to Scroll was not working under some languages. * Fixed - WooCommerce hidden items will be kept hidden in Food Store menu. * Fixed - Security fixes = 1.3.7 - 25-03-2021 = * New - Admin option added to select default service instead of Pickup. * Fix - Broken variation UI in WooCommerce Product Single Pages. * Fix - Categories ID specified in shorcode will show properly now. * Fix - Code enhancement & Security fixes = 1.3.6 - 16-02-2021 = * Fix - Error log due to string to interger conversion issue * Compatible to WooCommerce 5.0 * Enhance - Minor code optimizations = 1.3.5 - 29-01-2021 = * Fix - Auto keyboard display restricted when popup opened on mobile devices. * Enhance - Dynamic top position for scroll top filter added. * Enhance - Before category title filter updated with taxonomy parameter. = 1.3.4 - 13-01-2021 = * Fix - Search functionality issue * Compatible to WooCommerce 4.9 = 1.3.3 - 11-12-2020 = * Fix - Store closed message display in menu page and cart page only when service is enabled. * Fix - Invalid timings were coming when auto service timing was enabled. * Compatible to WordPress 5.6 * Compatible to WooCommerce 4.8 = 1.3.2 - 03-12-2020 = * Fix - Display error when no time is available for a day. * Many more code optimizations. = 1.3.1 - 26-11-2020 = * Fix - Min value attribute was not working for few admin fields. * Fix - Modal close button sensitivity issue fixed. * UI - Prices of addons were showing on next line on few themes. * UI - Showing each addon on a new line on order receipt page. * Enhance - Translations added for few words which were missing earlier. * Enhance - Filters added for default text of search and special note placeholders. = 1.3 - 15-11-2020 = * New - Admin option to turn off services completely. * New - Admin option to disable services fields on checkout page. * UI - Service details on Order Receipt page now matches the WC UI. * UI - Service details on Email Notification now matches the UI. * UI - Service details on admin order details screen enahnced. * Update - WooCommerce 4.7 Compatibility. * Update - Updated condition to load assets on Food Store related pages only. * Removed - Hide mode of Service details on Cart Overview bar has been removed. Instead whole service can be turned of with new settings. = 1.2.7 - 02-11-2020 = * Fix - Translation was not working. * UI - Popup UI updated. = 1.2.6 - 26-10-2020 = * New - Add to Cart will now come only if product is in stock. * New - Filters for Add To Cart button on menu page. * Fix - Incomplete product schema has been removed in order to improve page ranking. * UI - Service modal UI update * UI - Item details modal UI compatibility update for varios themes. * UI - Item summery text and button alignment. * Other minor code enhancements and updates. = 1.2.5 - 11-10-2020 = * Enhance - Service details info styling in Plain Text Emails. * Fix - Stock check while editing cart item. * UI - Popup not closing on some themes has been fixed now. * Other minor code improvements. = 1.2.4 - 05-10-2020 = * Fix - Updated functionality to check stock status and quantity as well before adding to cart. * Fix - Default pickup was being selected to pickup even if disabled. * Enhance - More filters added to allow Image gallery on popup with Essential Extension. = 1.2.3 - 02-10-2020 = * Fix - Issue where food items were not checked for stock status. * Fix - Error message if the item is out of stock. * Enhance - More filters added to allow Top Category menu with Essentials Extension. = 1.2.2 - 29-09-2020 = * UI - Flexbox UI updated for item popup. * UI - Quantity button height mismatch on some themes. * Enhance - Minor bug fixes. = 1.2.1 - 28-09-2020 = * Enhance - Customers can select service time and order outside of Store Time. * Enhance - Code Cleanup. * Enhance - Support for Premium Addons. = 1.2 - 27-09-2020 = * Enhance - More filters for admin and frontend. * Enhance - Popup UI with more flexbox UI instead of Bootstrap Grids. * Emhance - Minor bug fixes. = 1.1.4 - 13-09-2020 = * New - Page creation with Food Store shortcode when plugin is activated. * Enhance - Load assets only on Food Store pages. * Enhance - More filters for admin and frontend. * Fix - Food Preparation time was not calculated when showing Service Times. * Fix - Activation hook running multiple times. * Fix - Mobile view footer icons were not working on iPhone. Thanks to @itism64. * Update - Compatibility update for WooCommerce 4.5. * Update - Migration script for deprecated functionalities. * Deprecated - 3 columns layout settings. * Deprecated - Food Store Option for Time format. Instead WordPress time format will be used. = 1.1.3 - 11-08-2020 = * Fix - Service time dropdown error when store time interval was very short * Fix - Addons with 0 value were showing parent item price instead of Zero * Fix - Auto modal condition when a cart is cleared * Language - Support added for Spanish (Spain). Thanks to @jaimedkorat = 1.1.2 - 06-08-2020 = * Update - Food store cart with more detailed information * Fix - Button text were not translating because of wrong function. * Fix - Services data not reflecting in Checkout page. * UI - Bootstrap grids have been replaced with Flex box for more interactive UI. * UI - Updated content for Empty Cart display. * UI - Responsive issue on Tabs has been fixed. = 1.1.1 - 03-08-2020 = * Update - Choosing Pickup and Delivery options are more flexible now. * Update - Various usablity options for showing service modal to users. Find the options under Food Store > Services > General Tab. * Update - Rename Pickup and Delivery words form admin itself. * Update - Option to modify the service preferences at the checkout page as well. * Update - Showing service preferenes on Receipt, Order Email, Order Listing and Order Details page. * Update - Food store cart won't allow you to proceed if store is closed or minimum cart amount not satisfied. * Fix - Addon prices will now be calculated as per tax settings by default. = 1.1 - 19-07-2020 = * NEW - Pickup and Delivery services options are available now. * NEW - Multi Column layouts are available now. Select upto 3 colums to show your items. * NEW - Fully compartible with WooComerce 4.3. * Fix - Missing close icon for Cart. * Fix - Item prices and Subtotals are now updated WC Tax settings. * Fix - Invalid product id while editing variable product. * Fix - Store open and close time as per timezone. * Fix - Restrict checkout if total is less then the set value or store is closed. * UI - Irregular image sizes has been replaced with WC Thumbnail. * UI - Proper image size and layout in mobile devices. * UI - Custom scrollbar and spacious layout in cart area. * UI - Special Notes area width and Label. * Admin - Food Store submenus for easier access to Settings Tabs. * Admin - Services details in Orders listing page = 1.0.10 - 08-07-2020 = * Fixed - Nonce verifier restricting ajax calls and throwing 403 = 1.0.9 - 07-07-2020 = * Update - Addon quantity selection as per parent quantity * Update - Code and UI enhancements = 1.0.8 - 19-06-2020 = * New - Set Cart or Checkout page URL in Purchase button Call to Action. * New - Option to open popup by clicking item Image or Title. * New - Added Category short descriptions. * Update - All the icons on Frontend & Backend are optimized for better visibility. * Update - More filters to make the plugin completely flexible. = 1.0.7 - 12-06-2020 = * New - Add special instructions for each item while adding to cart. * New - You can hide item image in popup with admin settings. * Fix - Item addons were not updating properly with edit cart item. * Update - UI update for cart area. = 1.0.6 - 08-06-2020 = * New - Shortcodes attributes are available now. * New - Multiple shortcodes can be used as per need. * Fix - Variations not updating once cart item is edited. * Fix - Quantity mismatch in some cnditions were not updating. * Update - Verious UI enahncements and bugs fixing. = 1.0.5 - 07-06-2020 = * Fix - Missing variation ID creating warnings = 1.0.4 - 07-06-2020 = * New - Item addons are available now. * New - Item listing page Lazy Load is now available. * Fix - Selected variation was not checked during edit. * Fix - Subtotal value updated in Cart. * Fix - Store timing calculation was wrong under certain timezones. * Update - WooCommerce 4.2 compatibility updates. * Update - Query optimization to make functionalities faster. * Update - Cart area UI enhancements. * Update - Popup area UI enhancements. = 1.0.3 - 03-06-2020 = * New - Customizer section added under Settings > Layout & Styling > Stylesheet * New - Add primary and secondary color schemes to match it with your theme. * New - Add your own stylesheet to override theme or plugin settings. * Update - Code Enhancements = 1.0.2 - 01-06-2020 = * New - Items Catalog Mode/Restaurant Menu added. * Update - Code Enhancements = 1.0.1 - 30-05-2020 = * New - Custom variation pricing label. * New - UI for variations pricing display. * New - Language support added. * Update - UI for product popup. * Update - UI improvements. = 1.0 - 25-05-2020 = * Initial release.