Detailed Namelist Options

This page gives detailed descriptions on all possible namelist options for the WRFDA system.

Common runtime namelist options

Name Type Size Default Detailed description
var4d logical 1 .false. Switch for 4DVAR assimilation. ".true." turns on 4DVAR.
var4d_bin integer 1 3600 For 4DVAR, sets the observation sub-window bin length in seconds.
var4d_bin_rain integer 1 3600 For Precipitation 4DVAR, sets the observation sub-window bin length in seconds.
var4d_lbc logical 1 .true. Switch for lateral boundary control in 4DVAR. See "update_bc" section for more details.
fg_format integer 1 1 Indicates the format the first guess (background) file.
1 = WRF-ARW (by far the most likely option)
4 = Korean Meteorological Association (KMA) Global Model
ob_format integer 1 2 Indicates the format the files containing conventional observations to be assimilated.
1 = BUFR (WMO binary format) WRFDA must be compiled with BUFR libraries to use this option.
2 = ASCII (WRFDA format, output from OBSPROC)
use_synopobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_shipsobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_metarobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_soundobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_mtgirsobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_tamdarobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_pilotobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_airepobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_geoamvobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_polaramvobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_bogusobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_buoyobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_profilerobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_satemobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_gpsztdobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_gpspwobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_gpsrefobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
top_km_gpsro real 1 30.0
bot_km_gpsro real 1 0.0
use_ssmiretrievalobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_ssmitbobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_ssmt1obs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_ssmt2obs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_qscatobs logical 1 .true. Switch for
use_radarobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_radar_rv logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_radar_rf logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_radar_rle logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_radar_rr logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_rainobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_hirs2obs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_hirs3obs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_hirs4obs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_mhsobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_msuobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_amsuaobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_amsubobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_airsobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_airsretobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_eos_amsuaobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_hsbobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_ssmisobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_iasiobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_kma1dvar logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_filtered_rad logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_obs_errfac logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_atmsobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_mwtsobs logical 1 .false. Switch for
use_mwhsobs logical 1 .false. Switch for

Advanced options

Name Type Size Default Detailed description
write_increments logical 1 .false. ".true." directs WRFDA to write out an "analysis_increment" file in native WRF format. This is a binary format, and will be unreadable for most users.
multi_inc integer 1 0 Flag for multi-incremental 4DVAR.
0 = Normal 4DVAR
1 = Multi-incremental 4DVAR
2 = ???
print_detail_radar logical 1 .false. Extra output for radar The "print_detail" options print additional diagnostic output to the rsl.out.* files. These options can make the rsl.out.* files extremely large, and drown out the important output messages. For this reason, these options should be used sparingly.
print_detail_rain logical 1 .false. Extra output for rainfall assimilation
print_detail_rad logical 1 .false. Extra output for radiance assimilation
print_detail_xa logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_xb logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_obs logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_f_obs logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_map logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_grad logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_regression logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_spectral logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_testing logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_parallel logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_be logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
print_detail_outerloop logical 1 .false. Extra output for ????
check_max_iv_print logical 1 .true. Used only in radar assimilation.
analysis_accu integer 1 900 If the difference between the "analysis_date" set in the namelist and the date read from the first guess file are larger than this value in seconds, WRFDA will issue a warning message: "=======> Wrong xb time found???"
calc_w_increment logical 1 .false. If set to .false., the increment of the vertical velocity w will be zero unless information on the vertical velocity is directly assimilated (for example, from radar radial velocity observations).
If set to .true., the increment of the vertical velocity w will be diagnosed based on the increments of other fields.
dt_cloud_model logical 1 .false. ??????????
var_wind logical 1 .false. Switch for wind speed/direction assimilation.
".true." enables direct assimilation of wind speed/direction observations
".false." WRFDA will convert speed/direction observations to u- and v-components prior to assimilation.
qc_rej_both logical 1 .false. ".true.": If quality control rejects one component of the wind speed (u, v, speed, or direction) for an observation, both components will be discarded.
".false.": Quality control for each component of a wind observation will be handled separately.
num_fgat_time integer 1 1 Number of time slots for FGAT assimilation. Only works with ob_format=2.
thin_conv logical 1 .true. Switch for thinning conventional observations (radiance observations are automatically thinned). Only works with NCEP PREPBUFR obs(ob_format=1). Thinning mesh for each observation type is determined by thin_mesh_conv.
thin_mesh_conv real max_
20.0 Sets the thinning mesh scale for each individual observation, in kilometers. The observation numbers are defined as follows:
  1. SOUND: Sounding
  2. SYNOP: Non-metar synoptic observation
  3. PILOT: Pilot balloon
  4. SATEM: Satellite temperature retrieval
  5. GEOAMV: Atmospheric Motion Vector from Geostationary Satellite
  6. POLARAMV: Atmospheric Motion Vector from Polar-orbiting Satellite
  7. AIREP: Aircraft report
  8. GPSPW: Precipitable Water derived from Global Positioning System (GPS)
  9. GPSRF: GPS Refractivity
  10. METAR: METAR synoptic observation
  11. SHIPS: Ship observation
  12. SSMI_RV: Retrieved precipitable water or sea-surface wind observation from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSMI)
  13. SSMI_TB: SSMI Brightness Temperature
  14. SSMT1: SSMT/1 Water Vapor Profiler
  15. SSMT2: SSMT/2 Water Vapor Profiler
  16. QSCAT: QuikSCAT wind
  17. PROFILER: Wind profiler
  18. BUOY: Buoy observation
  19. BOGUS: Bogus observation, typically for tropical cyclone initialization
  20. PSEUDO: Pseudo-observations; user-specified artificial observations
  21. RADAR: Doppler radar
  22. RADIANCE: Satellite radiance
  23. AIRS RETRIEVAL: Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder retrieval
  24. SONDE_SFC: Surface observation taken in conjunction with radiosonde launch
  25. MTGIRS: Meteostat Third Generation InfraRed Sounding
  26. TAMDAR: Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological DAta Reporting
  27. TAMDAR_SFC: TAMDAR observation for plane on ground
  28. RAIN: Rainfall observation; works only with 4DVAR. As opposed to all other observations in this list, rainfall observation thinning is controlled by thin_rainobs. See User's Guide for more details.
thin_rainobs logical 1 .true. Switch for thinning rainfall observations.

Non-recommended or obsolete options

Name Type Size Default Detailed description
use_background_errors logical 1 .true. Setting this value to ".false." disables the reading of background error, and no assimilation is performed. For debugging purposes only.
check_buddy_print logical 1 .false. "buddy_check" is depreciated, and will likely be removed in a future version.
write_mod_filtered_obs logical 1 .false. Enables additional output to "filtered_obs*" files when "analysis_type" = "QC-OBS"

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