
LITTLE_R what??

LITTLE_R is an ASCII-based observation file format, in use since the MM5 era. Because raw observation data files have many possible formats (such as ASCII, BUFR, PREPBUFR, MADIS, and HDF) LITTLE_R is designed to be an intermediate format so that WRFDA might be able to assimilate as many observation types as possible in a universal manner. It is a report-based file format, so all manner of observation types can easily be "cat-ted" together into an easy-to-read and -edit text file.

It is the user's responsibility to develop an interface to convert their own observations to LITTLE_R format so they may be read by OBSPROC. We do not support any existing tools which do this. However, on this help page, we hope to describe the format as thoroughly as possible to aid the user in the conversion process.

What is the LITTLE_R format?

A LITTLE_R file is composed of reports. These reports are composed of records: a header (detailing the specific data reported by this type of observation), the data itself (organized in a way specified by the header values), and three tail integers. These records are composed of fields: these fields contain the definitions for the data indicated by this observation type (in the header record) and the individual pieces of data for each observation (in the data record).

Header record

The header record is a single line: the first line of each observation record which stores information about the observation type and location. Below is a table showing the description of each field, its format, and a few examples.

LITTLE_R was designed for applications other than WRFDA, so many fields are not used. See Chapter 7 of the WRF User's Guide for more detail about each field.

Latitude Longitude ID Name Platform (FM‑Code)note Source Elevation Valid fields Num. errors Num. warnings Sequence number Num. duplicates Is sounding? Is bogus? Discard? Unix time Julian day Date SLP, QC Ref Pressure, QC Ground Temp, QC SST, QC SFC Pressure, QC Precip, QC Daily Max T, QC Daily Min T, QC Night Min T, QC 3hr Pres Change, QC 24hr Pres Change, QC Cloud cover, QC Ceiling, QC Precipitable water, QC (see note)
F20.5 F20.5 A40 A40 A40 A40 F20.5 I10 I10 I10 I10 I10 L L L I10 I10 A20 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7 F13.5, I7
Only the colored fields above are used by WRFDA. Fields in blue are read and used by OBSPROC/WRFDA, other fields are unused (see this section for more details on mandatory/optional/unused fields). Optional/unused fields should still be filled with blanks (for text) or "missing" values (as described in this section).
Below are some examples of this header format in action. The first is a sounding from the Denver Airport location
39.78000 -104.86000 72469 DENVER/STAPLETON INT., CO. / U.S.A. FM-35 TEMP GTS (ROHK) UKUS09 KWBC 051200 RRA 1626.00000 1 -888888 -888888 890 -888888 T F F -888888 -888888 20080205120000 -888888.00000
This is what it looks like on a single line. Notice that there is no separation between the fields, so sometimes they run together! Look at, for instance, the longitude and ID:
            39.78000          -104.8600072469                                   DENVER/STAPLETON INT., CO. / U.S.A.     FM-35 TEMP                              GTS (ROHK) UKUS09 KWBC 051200 RRA                 1626.00000         1   -888888   -888888       890   -888888         T         F         F   -888888   -888888      20080205120000-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
The next example is a buoy observation from the Antarctic Ocean, west of the Antarctic Peninsula
-71.86300 -125.59700 -7777 Platform Id >>> 71656 FM-18 BUOY GTS (ROHK) SSVX07 LFVW 051100 0.00000 6 -888888 -888888 564 -888888 F F F -888888 -888888 20080205110000 97940.00000
This example is a wind profiler observation from northeast of Anchorage, Alaska.
36.88000 -89.97000 ----- ID BLMM7 FM-32 PROFILER MADIS NOAA Profiler Network NWS N 130.00000 258 0 0 1 0 F F F -888888 -888888 20080205120000 -999999.00000
This example is a satellite retrieval observation from the northern Atlantic Ocean, about 2000km east of Bermuda.
31.00000 -43.00000 US unknown ### <20413> instrument not sp FM-86 SATEM GTS (ROHK) THAA01 KWBC 051300 -888888.00000 3 -888888 -888888 560 -888888 T F F -888888 -888888 20080205130000 -888888.00000
Finally, this example is a ground-based GPSPW observation from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. NOTE: GPSPW observations have some differences in how their data is stored.
30.40742 -91.18026 00001 1LSU FM-111 GPSPW HOURLY_PWV.LLH 20.91000 0 0 0 0 0 F F F 0 36 20080205114500 -888888.00000

Data record

After the header record, there can be one or more data records. Multiple data records usually correspond to multiple vertical levels of data for a single observation site, and only certain observation types support more than one data record (for example, vertical soundings, FM-35). Unlike the header record, all fields here can be utilized (depending on the observation type), and all are optional, though some observations will be discarded if they are missing certain fields.

Pressure (Pa) QC Height (m) QC Temperature (K) QC Dew point (K) QC Wind speed (m/s) QC Wind direction (deg) QC Wind U (m/s) QC Wind V (m/s) QC Relative humidity (%) QC Thickness (m) QC
F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7 F13.5 I7

Below are the data records from the same examples used above

Denver, CO FM-35 (sounding, 12 levels):

  83500.00000      0-888888.00000      0    264.44998      0    263.35001      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  72100.00000      0-888888.00000      0    257.85001      0    256.14999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  59100.00000      0-888888.00000      0    252.45000      0    250.34999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  46600.00000      0-888888.00000      0    241.84999      0    239.34999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  40000.00000      0-888888.00000      0    232.84999      0    229.75000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  37200.00000      0-888888.00000      0    229.84999      0    223.84999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  33900.00000      0-888888.00000      0    228.04999      0    214.04999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  25400.00000      0-888888.00000      0    226.45000      0    202.45000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  23300.00000      0-888888.00000      0    229.45000      0    201.45000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  14100.00000      0-888888.00000      0    220.64999      0    195.64999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
  10000.00000      0-888888.00000      0    218.64999      0    194.64999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0

Antarctic Ocean FM-18 (buoy, 1 level):

  97940.00000      0      0.00000      0    272.04999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0

Anchorage, AK FM-32 (profiler, 58 levels):

-888888.00000      0    630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     14.01016      0    215.37839      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0    880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     19.01526      0    216.73862      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   1130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     22.00500      0    220.97760      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   1380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     25.44868      0    223.79138      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   1630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     25.42033      0    226.01888      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   1880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     23.25927      0    226.11497      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   2130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     21.96522      0    225.03618      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   2380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     21.06418      0    226.26228      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   2630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     21.71216      0    223.60741      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   2880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     22.40598      0    223.67085      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   3130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     23.04185      0    222.75717      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   3380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     24.06991      0    218.36322      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   3630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     26.94840      0    216.29131      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   3880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     28.16071      0    217.39850      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   4130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     29.77958      0    219.93613      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   4380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     31.44435      0    220.65549      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   4630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     32.97610      0    220.66956      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   4880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     33.97931      0    220.64391      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   5130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     33.48464      0    220.67572      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   5380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     33.33040      0    223.21815      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   5630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     35.24951      0    225.62820      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   5880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     36.06856      0    227.08728      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   6130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     37.07462      0    230.85640      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   6380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     39.35279      0    232.50116      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   6630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     38.77264      0    232.32939      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   6880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     38.22520      0    233.85529      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   7130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     36.11802      0    233.31396      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   7380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     35.34917      0    235.33400      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   7630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     35.84606      0    234.85262      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   7880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     36.40825      0    236.02185      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   8130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     36.68332      0    237.23056      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   8380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     37.58710      0    238.01053      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   8630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     38.73447      0    238.93161      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   8880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     41.07801      0    237.99295      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   9130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     42.27852      0    237.72690      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   9380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     43.83525      0    236.73672      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   9630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     45.34130      0    235.77557      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0   9880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     46.45245      0    235.05881      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  10130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     47.20798      0    235.34401      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  10380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     47.64291      0    236.46423      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  10630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     46.91370      0    237.69711      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  10880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     44.50612      0    239.37671      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  11130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     43.90522      0    242.24957      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  11380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     45.36367      0    243.62344      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  11630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     47.13397      0    244.09201      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  11880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     49.01556      0    243.94174      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  12130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     51.54340      0    243.71536      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  12380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     51.31867      0    243.19965      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  13880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     60.96596      0    243.23419      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  14380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     50.52311      0    246.05542      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  14630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     45.43076      0    247.17447      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  14880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     43.46430      0    252.21545      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  15130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     43.86338      0    251.92825      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  15380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     41.74652      0    254.03870      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  15630.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     42.68912      0    251.73486      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  15880.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     38.02165      0    249.62634      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  16130.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     34.22643      0    246.33746      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-888888.00000      0  16380.00000      0-999999.00000      0-999999.00000      0     32.20525      0    244.85468      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0

North Atlantic Ocean FM-86 (SATEM, 4 levels):

    700.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0   2360.00000      0
    300.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0   8300.00000      0
    100.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0  16680.00000      0
-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0

Louisiana State University FM-111 (GPSPW, 1 level). Note that the PW information itself was stored in the "header" record, so only other observations from this station (such as surface pressure) can be found in the data record:

 101180.00000      0     20.91000      0    295.04999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0

Ending record

For all observation types, after the data record(s), there is a final, single-line, ending record. These fields have no meaning for OBSPROC, except the height and pressure fields should have the "end record" flag value of "-777777.00000".

-777777.00000      0-777777.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0

Tail integers

Finally, after the ending record, there is another single line with three integer (I7) fields. The first is the number of valid fields for the observation, the second is the number of errors, and the third is the number of warnings. For the most part these are depreciated fields which were used by earlier MM5-era programs, but they are still used by OBSPROC to decide which observation to keep if two are identical observation types at identical places and times. The merge checks are in order of precedence, from left to right (most valid fields, least errors, or least warnings).

     39      0      0

Missing values

Even if there is no information available for a field, because LITTLE_R is a text-based format with no separator characters, even missing fields and those not used by OBSPROC/WRFDA must be filled with something so that subsequent fields can be read in correctly. There are standard "flag" values which are used to indicate to OBSPROC/WRFDA that a value is missing rather than a real observation. For most observation fields (those which should be a floating-point number), this flag value is "-888888.00000". These observations can be given a QC flag of -88 as well.

Mandatory, optional, and unused fields

Header record

In the header record, there are some mandatory and optional fields, most of which are noted by color-code in the. However, there is a note about the final column which contains precipitable water data and QC info: these fields are only used for GPSPW and GPSZTD observations, and are the only truly "optional" data in the LITTLE_R format as read by OBSPROC: this data can be left out entirely rather than filled with missing values.

More details about the necessity of different header fields can be found in the table below:

Field name Field type/width1 Field description Mandatory, optional, or unused Example Other notes
Latitude F20.5 The decimal latitude of the observation location, relative to the equator. Mandatory 31.12000 Positive values are north of the equator, negative values to the south. Must be in the range [-90.00000, 90.00000].
Longitude F20.5 The decimal longitude of the observation location, relative to the prime meridian. Mandatory 31.12000 Negative values are west of the prime meridian, positive values to the east. Must be in the range [-180.00000, 360.00000] (values between 180 and 360 will be subtracted by 360 prior to being re-encoded for ob.ascii).
ID A40 The ID of the observation. Optional 3009S 13625E • For buoy observations, this field can be used as an alternate way to include elevation information (see the section on elevation)
• For SATOB (FM-88) observations, if this field contains the text "AVHRR", this indicates that WRFDA should treat it as a POLARAMV observation, rather than a GEOAMV observation.
• For all other observations this field is only included for human readability. Can be any text: for example, the type of instrument used.
Name A40 The name of the observation. Optional LINZ/HOERSCHINGFLUGHAFEN / AUSTRIA • For SATOB (FM-88) observations, if this field contains the text "MODIS", this indicates that WRFDA should treat it as a POLARAMV observation, rather than a GEOAMV observation.
• For all other observations this field is only included for human readability. Can be any text: often used to describe the observation location name
Platform (FM‑Code) A40 The FM-code of the observation, followed by an optional text description of the observation. Mandatory FM-97 AIREP The first 3 characters must be exactly "FM-". Characters 4–6 should be a valid FM Code, either a 3-digit number or a 2-digit number followed by a space. The remaining 34 characters are typically a text description of the platform (e.g. "SYNOP", "SHIP", "AIREP", etc.), but theoretically can be any text.
Source A40 The source of the observation. Optional MADIS NOAA Profiler Network NWS N This field is only included for human readability. Can be any text: often used to describe the source or data stream from which the observation was obtained.
Elevation F20.5 The elevation of the observation above sea level in meters. Mandatory for some observations 1626.00000 See note about elevation for different observations
Valid fields I10 Number of valid fields in the observation Unused 5
Errors I10 Number of errors reported in writing the observation Unused 0
Warnings I10 Number of warnings reported in writing the observation Unused 0
Sequence number I10 The sequential order of this observation type/set Optional 523 This field is only used as one of the "tiebreakers" for deciding which observation header will be kept when merging duplicate obs. It is assumed that lower numbers are more recent observations.
Duplicates I10 Number of duplicate observations Unused 0
Is sounding L10 Logical flag: true if observation has multiple levels Unused F
Bogus L10 Logical flag: true if observation is a "bogus" observation Optional T This field is only used for some internal quality control checks that should not apply to "bogus" type observations.
Discard L10 Logical flag: true if observation should be discarded Optional F This field can be used to specify the observation should not be used. Will not be written to WRFDA-format ASCII file.
Unix Time I10 Unix Time in seconds Optional 1497388306 This field is only used as one of the "tiebreakers" for deciding which observation header will be kept when merging duplicate obs.
Julian Day I10 Julian Day Optional 2457918 This field is only used as one of the "tiebreakers" for deciding which observation header will be kept when merging duplicate obs.
Date string A20 The date as a string of numerical characters (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) Mandatory 20080205120000 This is the date used for checking against the namelist-specified time window. Observations outside of the specified time window will be rejected.
Sea level pressure/QC F13.5
Sea level pressure (Pa) and quality control flag Optional 100459.85900
Optional for bogus observations (FM-135), unused for all others
Reference pressure/QC F13.5
Reference pressure (Pa) and quality control flag Mandatory for some observations 100000.00000
Mandatory for SATEM observations (FM-86): reference pressure for geopotential thickness. Unused for all other observation types
Ground temperature/QC F13.5
Ground temperature (K) and quality control flag Unused 288.50000
SST/QC F13.5
Sea surface temperature (K) and quality control flag Unused 275.80000
Surface pressure (Pa) and quality control flag Optional 98150.00000
• Optional for METAR (FM-15,16) if calc_psfc_from_QNH=true; this entry should be the altimeter setting (QNH, and OBSPROC will calculate the surface pressure from that value.
• Used for consistency checks for sounding-type observations (FM-32 through 38).
• Unused for other observation types.
Precipitation/QC F13.5
Precipitation accumulation (cm) and quality control flag Unused 1.80000
Max temp/QC F13.5
Maximum daily temperature (K) and quality control flag Unused 305.10000
Min temp/QC F13.5
Minimum daily temperature (K) and quality control flag Unused 249.00000
Min night temp/QC F13.5
Minimum overnight temperature (K) and quality control flag Unused 249.00000
3H pressure tendancy/QC F13.5
3-hour pressure tendency (Pa) and quality control flag Unused 150.00000
24H pressure tendancy/QC F13.5
24-hour pressure tendency (Pa) and quality control flag Unused -400.00000
Cloud cover/QC F13.5
Cloud cover and quality control flag Optional 0.00000
Optional for SATEM observations (FM-86): Values greater than 10 will be rejected as cloudy observations. Unused for all other observation types
Ceiling/QC F13.5
Height of cloud base (m) and quality control flag Unused 4342.00000
PW or ZTD / QC F13.5
Precipitable water/ZTD and quality control flag Mandatory for some observations 3.04000
Mandatory for GPSPW (FM-111) and GPSZTD (FM-114): values are in centimeters, and the QC field is in tenths of a millimeter (see the section on GPS observations for more details. Unused for all other observation types. These are the only fields which are truly optional (can be left out rather than filled with missing-data flags).

Data record

In the data record for each observation, each level is considered separately for rejection within OBSPROC and/or WRFDA. If it is a single-level observation type (SYNOP, METAR, BUOY, etc.), then the entire observation will be rejected.

Before looking at the individual observation types, there are two basic rules that must be followed in almost all cases, otherwise that level will be rejected:

  • At least one of pressure or height must be included
  • If only one of pressure or height is included, at least one other field must be included

To put it another way: at least two fields of information must be filled in for a level to be used by WRFDA, and at least one of those must be pressure or height.

Aside from the above rules, the variables in the data records that are mandatory, optional, or unused depends on the observation type. A partial list of these criteria is compiled below. Unless otherwise noted, observations which are missing mandatory information will be discarded. For multi-level observations, if some levels are missing mandatory information only those levels will be discarded.

In the following table, the data fields are abbreviated as follows:

  • P  Pressure
  • H  Height
  • T  Temperature
  • Td Dew point
  • Sp Wind speed
  • Dr Wind direction
  • U  East-west wind
  • V  North-south wind
  • RH Relative humidity
  • Th Thickness

Code Obs Type Mandatory variables Optional variables Unused variables Notes
P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,RH† Td,U,V,Th
FM‑13 SHIP P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,RH† Td,U,V,Th Observed pressures less than 850 hPa will be discarded.
P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,RH† Td,U,V,Th
BUOY (none) P,H,T,Td,Sp,Dr,U,V,RH† Th Unlike most other observations, if surface pressure and elevation are included in the header record, the observation will be used regardless of the inclusion of other fields
Observed pressures less than 850 hPa will be discarded.
P and/or H Sp,Dr T,Td,U,V,RH,Th
P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,Td,RH U,V,Th
FM‑42 AMDAR P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,Td,RH† U,V,Th Aircraft height will be converted to pressure if higher than 3000m above ground level
FM‑86 SATEM P,H,Th (none) T,Td,Sp,Dr,U,V,RH,Th
FM‑88 SATOB P,Sp,Dr (none) H,T,Td,U,V,RH,Th
AIREP P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,Td,RH† U,V,Th Aircraft height will be converted to pressure if higher than 3000m above ground level
FM‑101 TAMDAR P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,Td,RH U,V,Th
FM‑111 GPSPW (none) (none) P,H,T,Td,Sp,Dr,U,V,RH,Th GPS PW data is stored in the header; see relevant section for details.
FM‑114 GPSZD (none) (none) P,H,T,Td,Sp,Dr,U,V,RH,Th GPS ZTD data is stored in the header; see relevant section for details.
FM‑116 GPSRF P,H,T,Td,RH (none) U,V,Sp,Dr The GPSRF data should be stored as follows:
  • P: pressure
  • H: height
  • T: temperature
  • Td: refractivity
  • Sp: impact parameter / 1000
  • Dr: azimuth
  • U: latitude
  • V: longitude
  • RH: Bending angle * 1.e7
Only pressure, height, temperature, refractivity, and bending angle are used by WRFDA.
FM‑121 SSMT1 P and/or H T Sp,Dr,Td,U,V,RH,Th
FM‑122 SSMT2 P and/or H T Sp,Dr,Td,U,V,RH,Th
FM‑132 PROFILER P and/or H Sp,Dr T,Td,U,V,RH,Th
FM‑133 AIRSRET P and/or H T,Td,RH Sp,Dr,U,V,Th
FM‑135 BOGUS P and/or H Sp,Dr,T,Td,RH† U,V,Th
FM‑281 QSCAT H,Sp,Dr (none) T,Td,U,V,RH,Th

†RH observations will be unused unless the observation also contains P and T; these variables are required for the calculation of the saturation vapor pressure.

Special cases

Because LITTLE_R is a legacy format that was developed decades ago, it was developed before many observation types became available. As a work-around for this, several observation types deviate from the formats described above. The exceptions are listed below:


GPS Precipitable Water (GPSPW) and Zenith Total Delay (GPSZTD) observations are stored in similar formats. For these observation types, the observation of interest is actually in the header record, rather than the data record.

For the GPSPW and GPSZTD data, the "Precipitable Water" field contains the observed value in cm, and the "QC" field contains observation error information. Since the QC field must be an integer, it is stored as an integer number of tenths of millimeters. So an observation error of 1.5 mm should be stored as "15", an error of 3.0 mm should be "30", etc.

Scroll right to see the entire header.
Here is an example GPSPW observation (the same shown earlier). Important fields are bolded, unused fields have a gray background. The observation is for 3.04 cm. Note that the QC field is 0, so OBSPROC will assign a default value of 2 (0.2 mm)
Lat. Lon. ID Name Platform Source Elevation Valid fields Num. errors Num. warn. Seq. number Num. dup. sound bogus Discard? Unix time Jul. day Date SLP, QC Ref Pres., QC Ground Temp, QC SST, QC SFC Pres, QC Precip, QC Dly Max T, QC Dly Min T, QC Ngt Min T, QC 3hr Pres Chg, QC 24hr Pres Chg, QC Cld cvr, QC Ceil, QC Precipitable Water, QC
30.40742 -91.18026 00001 1LSU FM-111 GPSPW HOURLY_PWV.LLH 20.91000 0 0 0 0 0 F F F 0 36 20080205114500 -888888.00000
Pressure (Pa) QC Height (m) QC Temperature (K) QC Dew point (K) QC Wind speed (m/s) QC Wind direction (deg) QC Wind U (m/s) QC Wind V (m/s) QC Relative humidity (%) QC Thickness (m) QC
101180.00000 0 20.91000 0 295.04999 0 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888

And here is the entire observation as it should appear in LITTLE_R format:

            30.40742           -91.1802600001                                 1LSU                                    FM-111 GPSPW                            HOURLY_PWV.LLH                                      20.91000         0         0         0         0         0         F         F         F         0        36      20080205114500-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888      3.04000      0-888888.00000-888888
 101180.00000      0     20.91000      0    295.04999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-777777.00000      0-777777.00000      0      1.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
      1      0      0

Scroll right to see the entire header.
Here is an example GPSZTD observation (a fake observation with fake values). Important fields are bolded, unused fields have a gray background. The observation is for 250.20 cm. Note that the QC field is 0, so OBSPROC will assign a default value of 2 (0.2 mm)
Lat. Lon. ID Name Platform Source Elevation Valid fields Num. errors Num. warn. Seq. number Num. dup. sound bogus Discard? Unix time Jul. day Date SLP, QC Ref Pres., QC Ground Temp, QC SST, QC SFC Pres, QC Precip, QC Dly Max T, QC Dly Min T, QC Ngt Min T, QC 3hr Pres Chg, QC 24hr Pres Chg, QC Cld cvr, QC Ceil, QC Zenith Total Delay, QC
30.40742 -91.18026 Fake observation for GPSZTD test Fake observation for GPSZTD test FM-114 GPSZTD Fake observation for GPSZTD test 20.91000 0 0 0 0 0 F F F 0 36 20080205114500 -888888.00000
Pressure (Pa) QC Height (m) QC Temperature (K) QC Dew point (K) QC Wind speed (m/s) QC Wind direction (deg) QC Wind U (m/s) QC Wind V (m/s) QC Relative humidity (%) QC Thickness (m) QC
101180.00000 0 20.91000 0 295.04999 0 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888 -888888.00000 -888888

And here is the entire observation as it should appear in LITTLE_R format:

            30.40742           -91.18026Fake observation for GPSZTD test        Fake observation for GPSZTD test        FM-114 GPSZTD                           Fake observation for GPSZTD test                    20.91000         0         0         0         0         0         F         F         F         0        36      20080205111500-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888-888888.00000-888888    250.20600      0-888888.00000-888888
 101180.00000      0     20.91000      0    295.04999      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
-777777.00000      0-777777.00000      0      1.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0-888888.00000      0
      1      0      0


FM Codes

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) specifies a list of 2-digit "FM" codes to distinguish between different observation types (described in this presentation [WARNING: LARGE PDF]). WRFDA assimilates a number of different observation types that do not have standard FM codes, so we use an extension of this system to identify different observation types. This code should appear in the "Platform" field as described above so that OBSPROC can properly identify the observation type. A list of valid FM codes for OBSPROC is listed below (codes in the same box are treated equivalently by OBSPROC and WRFDA):

Code Obs Type Description
Surface observation from a fixed land station
Surface observation from a mobile land station
FM-13 SHIP Surface observation from a sea station
Aerodrome routine meteorological report
Aerodrome special meteorological report
BUOY Buoy observation
Upper-wind report from a fixed land station
Upper-wind report from a sea station
Upper-wind report from a mobile land station
Upper-level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind report from a fixed land station
Upper-level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind report from a sea station
Upper-level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind report from a sonde released by carrier balloons or aircraft
Upper-level pressure, temperature, humidity and wind report from a mobile land station
FM-42 AMDAR Automated aircraft report
FM-86 SATEM Report of satellite remote upper-air soundings of pressure, temperature, humidity, and thickness
FM-88 SATOB Report of satellite observations of wind, surface temperature, cloud, humidity and radiation
AIREP Aircraft report
FM-101 TAMDAR Automated aircraft report from TAMDAR system
FM-111 GPSPW Ground-based GPS Precipitable Water observation
FM-114 GPSZD Ground-based GPS Zenith Total Delay (GPSZTD) observation
FM-116 GPSRF Space-based GPS Refractivity observation
FM-121 SSMT1 SSM/T- Atmospheric Temperature Profiler (description page)
FM-122 SSMT2 SSMT/2 Atmospheric Water Vapor Profiler (description page)
SSMI Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) (description page)
FM-131 TOVS TIROS Observational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) observations (description page)
FM-132 PROFILER Profiler observation
FM-133 AIRSRET Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) temperature retrievals (description page)
FM-135 BOGUS Bogus observations for TC relocation (Paper: Xiao et al., 2008)
FM-281 QSCAT Scatterometer observation (originally Quickscat, but new scatterometers such as Oceansat can use this code as well)

Fortran format notation

This is standard fortran format notation, or "format edit descriptors". They are described in depth on this page. To introduce them briefly, they are in the format "nXn.n", where i"n" is a number, "X" is a letter, and "." is a literal decimal point.

The first number simply multiplies the content that comes after it. For example, "10I5" indicates there are 10 I5 fields, 3F10.2 indicates there are 3 F10.2 fields, and 1L15 indicates there is just one L15 field (in which case, the 1 is optional and can be omitted).

The character indicates what the data type is. "F" for floating point number , "I" for integer, "A" for text/characters, and "L" for logical (true/false).

The rest of the content indicates how wide the field will be, and how the decimal point will be placed (if applicable). Floating point numbers are a little bit more complicated: F10.2 indicates the whole field will be 10 characters wide (including the decimal point), and there will be 2 characters after the decimal point. If the input data is less than that number of characters across, it should be padded at the beginning with the appropriate number of spaces.

Here are several examples to put this all in practice:

  • I8: An integer 8 characters across. Only numerical characters (0-9) or spaces can be included, otherwise there will be a read error. Valid possibilites include:
    • "       8"
    • "    0423"
    • "00010000"
    • "      42"
    • "12345678"
  • L5: A logical 5 characters across. Can be "T" or "F", padded with 4 spaces. Valid possibilities include:
    • "    T"
    • "    f"
  • A10: A character string 10 characters across. Can be any valid printable ASCII characters:
    • "         8"
    • " puppyface"
    • "?*Skjs-3`#"
    • "forty-two "
    • "          "
    • " !Q~w 1=2 "
  • F20.5: A floating point number 20 characters across. There should be 5 digits after the decimal point, and any extra space to the right of the decimal should be padded with zeros or spaces
    • "             0.00008"
    • "00000123456789.00000"
    • "             3.14159"
    • "     000001729.00000"
    • "            48.23000"


Elevation has a complicated set of criteria for determining its necessity. They are listed below:

  • Mandatory:
    • Surface observations: FM-15,16
    • GPS Observations: FM-111,114
  • Optional:
    • Marine observations: FM-13,18,19,33,36 (see below for more details)
    • Scatterometer: FM-281 (If elevation is missing, it is set to 10 meters)
  • For other types elevation is unused.

For marine observations, if the user has elevation information, that can be included. Otherwise OBSPROC will attempt to assign an observation based on the body of water the observation is from. In most cases, the elevation will automatically be assigned "0", unless it is from the Great Lakes, in which case it will be assigned the appropriate elevation depending on which lake it is in:

  • For ship observations, the elevation for Great Lakes observations will be assigned from a set value for each lake based on the lake's standard elevation
  • For buoy observations, the elevation for these observations will be assigned from the table contained in the text file msfc.tbl (provided in the WRFDA/var/obsproc/ directory). For these observations, the first 5 digits of the "ID" field must correspond to one of the codes contained in that table.

Note: This website is currently under construction. If you notice any problems with the website, including but not limited to broken links, formatting errors, or incorrect information, please submit an email to the or so that we can address the problem. We appreciate your feedback!



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