Welcome to the WRFDA Online Tutorial!

Please Note!
This tutorial is still under construction! You will likely find dead links, missing text and images, and probably an ugly color scheme. It's coming along, we promise! But we always appreciate your suggestions; you can send them via the "WRFDA Tutorial webmaster" link at the bottom of this page.

What is WRFDA?

What is the purpose of this tutorial?

  • This tutorial has been designed to take you step-by-step through different processes that are necessary for running WRFDA, including the installation, running, and customization of WRFDA and its associated utilities.
    Simply follow the at the bottom of each page to continue.
  • Some of the links on these pages are mouse-overs, especially in the namelist pages. Example.
    If these do not work, please enable Java on your computer.
    If the mouse-over links stop working, please refresh your browser.
  • If you plan on attending one of our annual tutorials at the NCAR Foothills Lab in Boulder CO, USA, we recommend that you work through the basic exercises in this online tutorial before attending the on-site tutorial.

What should I know before attempting this tutorial?

  • You should be comfortable using a UNIX/Linux environment:
    • You should know how to operate a terminal
    • You should know how to use basic UNIX/Linux commands (cd, ls, mkdir, etc.)

What's new in this tutorial?

Look out for the following signs indicating:

Tips / Hints
Recommendation Recommendations
Important note Important note
Things did not go as planned - what now?
Sample datasets


Comments / questions

For questions regarding WRFDA, please submit emails to wrfhelp@ucar.edu

Note: This website is currently under construction. If you notice any problems with the website, including but not limited to broken links, formatting errors, or incorrect information, please submit an email to the or wrfhelp@ucar.edu so that we can address the problem. We appreciate your feedback!



NOTE: These pages makes use of Java Script. Enable Java on your computer to make use of all the functionality.