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Get pre-compiled code

To save the limited time available for these practice sessions, we recommend running practice cases with pre-compiled code.
If you are interested in compiling the code yourself, you can do that as a separate exercise.

The pre-compiled WRFDA code can be accessed from /kumquat/wrfhelp/PRE_COMPILED/WRFDA.

You should copy the pre-compiled code into your local working directory. Follow the steps below:

Pre-compiled code for 3DVAR

mkdir /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA    (your main working directory)
cd /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA
cp /kumquat/wrfhelp/PRE_COMPILED/WRFDA/WRFDA_3DVAR_compiled.tar.gz .
tar -xzf WRFDA_3DVAR_compiled.tar.gz

This will generate the WRFDA directory containing the compiled WRFDA-3DVAR code. This WRFDA package is pre-compiled to run in parallel (dmpar) mode using the GNU compiler (gfortran/gcc 4.9.2).

The command for running dmpar jobs on the classroom machines is

mpirun -np 6 ${your_exe_file}

Note: In the pre-compiled tar file, the WRFDA TOOLS scripts (can be downloaded separately from are already included.

Pre-compiled code for 4DVAR

NOTE: if you already have a "WRFDA" directory in your main working directory /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA, be sure to rename it before extracting the new code.

cd /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA
cp /kumquat/wrfhelp/PRE_COMPILED/WRFDA/WRFDA_4DVAR_compiled.tar.gz .
tar -xzf WRFDA_4DVAR_compiled.tar.gz

This will generate the WRFDA directory containing the compiled WRFDA-4DVAR package. The WRFDA code is pre-compiled to run in parallel (dmpar) mode using the GNU compiler (gfortran/gcc 4.9.2). It is not necessary to copy over the WRFPLUS code unless you will be running it directly, like with the FSO exercise.

Pre-compiled code for WRFPLUS

The pre-compiled WRFPLUS package can be accessed from the same directory:

cd /kumquat/users/${USER}/DA
cp /kumquat/wrfhelp/PRE_COMPILED/WRFDA/WRFPLUSV3_compiled.tar.gz .
tar -xzf WRFPLUSV3_compiled.tar.gz

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