subroutine da_read_obs_bufratms (obstype,iv, infile) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: read in NCEP bufr atms 1b data to innovation structure ! ! METHOD: use F90 sequential data structure to avoid reading file twice ! so that da_scan_bufrtovs is not necessary any more. ! 1. read file radiance data in sequential data structure ! 2. do gross QC check ! 3. assign sequential data structure to innovation structure ! and deallocate sequential data structure ! Peiming Dong Added NPP atms, 2012/4/17 ! Peiming Dong seperated the atms from in that ! all the data needs to be read in together first to make ! the spatial average, 2013/1/10 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none character(5) , intent (in) :: obstype character(20) , intent (in) :: infile type (iv_type) , intent (inout) :: iv #ifdef BUFR integer :: iost integer(i_kind), allocatable :: nread(:) !Dongpm for the spatial average integer(i_kind) ,parameter :: Num_Obs = 800000 integer(i_kind) ,parameter :: NChanl = 22 integer(i_kind) ,allocatable :: Fov_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: Time_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: BT_InOut_save(:,:) integer(i_kind) ,allocatable :: Scanline_save(:) integer(i_kind) :: Error_Status integer(i_kind) :: nnum, nn real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: lat_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: lon_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: obs_time_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: satzen_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: satazi_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: solzen_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: solazi_save(:) real(r_kind) ,allocatable :: srf_height_save(:) integer(i_kind) ,allocatable :: landsea_mask_save(:) integer(i_kind) ,allocatable :: satid_save(:) character(len=19),allocatable :: date_char_save(:) !Dongpm integer(i_kind),parameter:: n1bhdr=15 integer(i_kind),parameter:: n2bhdr=2 !Dongpm integer(i_kind),parameter:: n1bhdr=13 integer(i_kind),parameter:: maxinfo=12 integer(i_kind),parameter:: maxchanl=100 logical atms logical outside, outside_all, iuse integer :: inst character(10) date character(8) subset,subfgn character(80) hdr1b !Dongpm character(80) hdr2b integer(i_kind) ihh,i,j,k,ifov,idd,ireadmg,ireadsb integer(i_kind) iret,idate,im,iy,nchan integer :: num_bufr(7), numbufr, ibufr character(20) :: filename ! thinning variables integer(i_kind) itt,itx,iobs,iout real(r_kind) terrain,timedif,crit,dist real(r_kind) dlon_earth,dlat_earth real(r_kind) tbmin,tbmax, tbbad real(r_kind) panglr,rato ! real(r_kind) rmask real(r_kind) step,start real(r_double),dimension(maxinfo+maxchanl):: data1b8 real(r_double),dimension(n1bhdr):: bfr1bhdr !Dongpm real(r_double),dimension(n2bhdr):: bfr2bhdr ! Instrument triplet, follow the convension of RTTOV integer :: platform_id, satellite_id, sensor_id ! pixel information integer :: year,month,day,hour,minute,second ! observation time real*8 :: obs_time ! real :: rlat, rlon ! lat/lon in degrees for Anfovs real :: satzen, satazi, solzen ,solazi ! scan angles for Anfovs integer :: landsea_mask real :: srf_height ! channels' bright temperature real , allocatable :: tb_inv(:) ! bright temperatures ! end type bright_temperature type (datalink_type), pointer :: head, p, current, prev integer :: ifgat type(info_type) :: info type(model_loc_type) :: loc !Dongpm data hdr1b /'SAID FOVN YEAR MNTH DAYS HOUR MINU SECO CLAT CLON SAZA SOZA HMSL LSQL SOLAZI'/ data hdr2b /'CLATH CLONH'/ ! data hdr1b /'FOVN YEAR MNTH DAYS HOUR MINU SECO CLAT CLON SAZA SOZA HOLS LSQL SLNM BEARAZ'/ data tbmin,tbmax,tbbad / 50.0_r_kind, 550.0_r_kind, -9.99e11_r_kind / integer :: num_tovs_local, num_tovs_file, num_tovs_global, num_tovs_selected integer :: num_tovs_thinned, num_tovs_used, num_tovs_used_tmp integer :: lnbufr integer :: n integer(i_kind), allocatable :: ptotal(:) real , allocatable :: in(:), out(:) logical :: found, head_found call da_trace_entry("da_read_obs_bufratms") ! Initialize variables !Dongpm !Dongpm nchan = 20 nchan = NChanl allocate(nread(1:rtminit_nsensor)) allocate(ptotal(0:num_fgat_time)) nread(1:rtminit_nsensor) = 0 ptotal(0:num_fgat_time) = 0 ! Set various variables depending on type of data to be read ! platform_id = 1 !! for NOAA series ! platform_id = 10 !! for METOP series atms= obstype == 'atms ' if (atms) then sensor_id = 19 step = 1.11_r_kind start = -52.725_r_kind nchan=22 subfgn='NC021203' end if allocate (tb_inv(nchan)) num_tovs_file = 0 ! number of obs in file num_tovs_global = 0 ! number of obs within whole domain num_tovs_local = 0 ! number of obs within tile num_tovs_thinned = 0 ! number of obs rejected by thinning num_tovs_used = 0 ! number of obs entered into innovation computation num_tovs_selected = 0 ! number of obs limited for debuging iobs = 0 ! for thinning, argument is inout ! 0.0 Open unit to satellite bufr file and read file header !-------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(Fov_save(1:Num_obs)) allocate(Time_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(BT_InOut_save(1:NChanl,1:Num_Obs)) allocate(Scanline_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(lat_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(lon_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(satid_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(obs_time_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(satzen_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(satazi_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(solzen_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(solazi_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(srf_height_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(landsea_mask_save(1:Num_Obs)) allocate(date_char_save(1:Num_Obs)) ! num_bufr(:)=0 numbufr=0 nnum=1 if (num_fgat_time>1) then do i=1,7 call da_get_unit(lnbufr) write(filename,fmt='(A,2I1,A)') trim(infile),0,i,'.bufr' open(unit = lnbufr, FILE = trim(filename),iostat = iost, form = 'unformatted', STATUS = 'OLD') if (iost == 0) then numbufr=numbufr+1 num_bufr(numbufr)=i else close (lnbufr) end if call da_free_unit(lnbufr) end do else numbufr=1 end if if (numbufr==0) numbufr=1 bufrfile: do ibufr=1,numbufr if (num_fgat_time==1) then filename=trim(infile)//'.bufr' else if ((numbufr ==1) .and. (num_bufr(ibufr) == 0)) then filename=trim(infile)//'.bufr' else write(filename,fmt='(A,2I1,A)') trim(infile),0,num_bufr(ibufr),'.bufr' end if end if ! We want to use specific unit number for bufr data, so we can control the endian format in environment. lnbufr = 99 open(unit=lnbufr,file=trim(filename),form='unformatted', & iostat = iost, status = 'old') if (iost /= 0) then call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__, & (/"Cannot open file "//infile/)) call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_bufratms") return end if call openbf(lnbufr,'IN',lnbufr) call datelen(10) call readmg(lnbufr,subset,idate,iret) if (subset /= subfgn) then call closbf(lnbufr) close(lnbufr) message(1)='The file title does not match the data subset' write(unit=message(2),fmt=*) & 'infile=', lnbufr, infile,' subset=', subset, ' subfgn=',subfgn call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2)) end if iy=0 im=0 idd=0 ihh=0 write(unit=date,fmt='( i10)') idate read(unit=date,fmt='(i4,3i2)') iy,im,idd,ihh write(unit=stdout,fmt=*) & 'Bufr file date is ',iy,im,idd,ihh,infile ! Loop to read bufr file and assign information to a sequential structure !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if ( ibufr == 1 ) then ! allocate (head) ! ! allocate ( head % tb_inv (1:nchan) ) ! nullify ( head % next ) ! p => head ! endif if (tovs_start > 1) then write (unit=stdout,fmt='(A,I6)') " Skipping tovs obs before", tovs_start end if bufrobs: do while (ireadmg(lnbufr,subset,idate)==0 .and. subset==subfgn .and. nnum < Num_Obs) do while (ireadsb(lnbufr)==0 .and. nnum < Num_Obs) ! 1.0 Read header record and data record call ufbint(lnbufr,bfr1bhdr,n1bhdr,1,iret,hdr1b) call ufbint(lnbufr,bfr2bhdr,n2bhdr,1,iret,hdr2b) ! Dongpm call ufbrep(lnbufr,data1b8,1,nchan,iret,'TMBR') call ufbrep(lnbufr,data1b8,1,nchan,iret,'TMANT') ! call ufbrep(lnbufr,data1b8,1,1,iret,'BEARAZ') ! check if observation outside range ! 1.5 To save the data if(abs(bfr2bhdr(1)) <= 90. .and. abs(bfr2bhdr(2)) <= 360.)then lat_save(nnum) = bfr2bhdr(1) lon_save(nnum) = bfr2bhdr(2) elseif(abs(bfr1bhdr(9)) <= 90. .and. abs(bfr1bhdr(10)) <= 360.)then lat_save(nnum) = bfr1bhdr(9) lon_save(nnum) = bfr1bhdr(10) endif ifov = nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_ifov)) Fov_save(nnum) = ifov satid_save(nnum)=nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_satellite_id)) year = bfr1bhdr(bufr_year) month = bfr1bhdr(bufr_month) day = bfr1bhdr(bufr_day) hour = bfr1bhdr(bufr_hour) minute = bfr1bhdr(bufr_minute) second = bfr1bhdr(bufr_second) write(unit=date_char_save(nnum), fmt='(i4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2)') & year, '-', month, '-', day, '_', hour, ':', minute, ':', second ! QC3: time consistency check with the background date if (year <= 99) then if (year < 78) then year = year + 2000 else year = year + 1900 end if end if call da_get_julian_time(year,month,day,hour,minute,obs_time) obs_time_save(nnum)=obs_time Time_save(nnum)=obs_time_save(nnum)*60.0+second panglr=(start+float(ifov-1)*step)*deg2rad satzen_save(nnum) = bfr1bhdr(bufr_satzen) !*deg2rad ! local zenith angle satazi_save(nnum) = panglr*rad2deg ! look angle solzen_save(nnum) = bfr1bhdr(bufr_solzen) ! solar zenith angle solazi_save(nnum) = bfr1bhdr(bufr_solazi) !RTTOV9_3 srf_height_save(nnum) = bfr1bhdr(bufr_station_height) ! station height landsea_mask_save(nnum) = nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_landsea_mask)) ! 0:land ; 1:sea (same as RTTOV) BT_InOut_save(1:nchan,nnum)= data1b8(1:nchan) ! nnum=nnum+1 num_tovs_file = num_tovs_file + 1 end do end do bufrobs ! call closbf(lnbufr) close(lnbufr) end do bufrfile ! write(*,*) 'The num of observation is:',nnum-1 !Dongpm write(*,*) Time_save(20),Fov_save(20), Scanline_save(20),BT_InOut_save(:,20) nnum=nnum-1 if(nnum <= 0) then write(*,*) 'READ_ATMS: No ATMS data were read in' return endif call ATMS_Spatial_Average(nnum, NChanl, Fov_save(1:nnum), Time_save(1:nnum), BT_InOut_save(1:NChanl,1:nnum), & Scanline_save, Error_Status) !Dongpm write(*,*) Time_save(20),Fov_save(20), Scanline_save(20),BT_InOut_save(:,20) if(Error_Status==1) then print*,'Error! Check it!' stop 1212 endif ! ! obs: do nn=1, nnum if ( nn == 1 ) then allocate (head) ! ! allocate ( head % tb_inv (1:nchan) ) nullify ( head % next ) p => head endif ! 2.0 Extract observation location and other required information ! QC1: judge if data is in the domain, read next record if not !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! rlat = bfr1bhdr(bufr_lat) ! rlon = bfr1bhdr(bufr_lat) ! if (rlon < 0.0) rlon = rlon+360.0 !Dongpm !Dongpm info%lat = bfr1bhdr(bufr_lat) !Dongpm info%lon = bfr1bhdr(bufr_lon) info%lat = lat_save(nn) info%lon = lon_save(nn) call da_llxy (info, loc, outside, outside_all) if (outside_all) cycle ! 3.0 Extract other information !------------------------------------------------------ ! 3.1 Extract satellite id and scan position. if ( satid_save(nn) == 224 ) then ! npp platform_id = 17 satellite_id = 0 end if ifov = Fov_save(nn) !Dongpm write(*,*),'ifov',ifov ! QC2: limb pixel rejected (not implemented) ! 3.2 Extract date information. info%date_char=date_char_save(nn) obs_time=obs_time_save(nn) if (obs_time < time_slots(0) .or. & obs_time >= time_slots(num_fgat_time)) cycle ! 3.2.1 determine FGAT index ifgat do ifgat=1,num_fgat_time if (obs_time >= time_slots(ifgat-1) .and. & obs_time < time_slots(ifgat)) exit end do ! 3.3 Find wrfvar instrument index from RTTOV instrument triplet ! go to next data if id is not in the lists inst = 0 do i = 1, rtminit_nsensor if (platform_id == rtminit_platform(i) & .and. satellite_id == rtminit_satid(i) & .and. sensor_id == rtminit_sensor(i)) then inst = i exit end if end do if (inst == 0) cycle ! 3.4 extract satellite and solar angle satzen = satzen_save(nn) satzen = abs(satzen) ! if (amsua .and. ifov .le. 15) satzen=-satzen ! if (amsub .and. ifov .le. 45) satzen=-satzen ! if (hirs3 .and. ifov .le. 28) satzen=-satzen if ( satzen > 65.0 ) cycle ! CRTM has a satzen > 65.0 check satazi = satazi_save(nn) ! look angle ! if (satazi<0.0) satazi = satazi+360.0 solzen = solzen_save(nn) ! solar zenith angle solazi = solazi_save(nn) !RTTOV9_3 num_tovs_global = num_tovs_global + 1 ptotal(ifgat) = ptotal(ifgat) + 1 if (num_tovs_global < tovs_start) then cycle end if if (num_tovs_global > tovs_end) then write (unit=stdout,fmt='(A,I6)') " Skipping radiance obs after", tovs_end exit obs end if num_tovs_selected = num_tovs_selected + 1 if (num_tovs_selected > max_tovs_input) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I10,A)') & "Max number of tovs",max_tovs_input," reached" call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) num_tovs_selected = num_tovs_selected-1 num_tovs_global = num_tovs_global-1 ptotal(ifgat) = ptotal(ifgat) - 1 exit obs end if if (outside) cycle ! No good for this PE num_tovs_local = num_tovs_local + 1 ! Make Thinning ! Map obs to thinning grid !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (thinning) then dlat_earth = info%lat dlon_earth = info%lon if (dlon_earth=r360) dlon_earth = dlon_earth-r360 dlat_earth = dlat_earth*deg2rad dlon_earth = dlon_earth*deg2rad timedif = 0.0 !2.0_r_kind*abs(tdiff) ! range: 0 to 6 terrain = 0.01_r_kind*abs(bfr1bhdr(13)) crit = 1.0 !0.01_r_kind+terrain + timedif !+ 10.0_r_kind*float(iskip) call map2grids(inst,ifgat,dlat_earth,dlon_earth,crit,iobs,itx,1,itt,iout,iuse) if (.not. iuse) then num_tovs_thinned=num_tovs_thinned+1 cycle end if end if num_tovs_used = num_tovs_used + 1 nread(inst) = nread(inst) + 1 ! 3.5 extract surface information srf_height = srf_height_save(nn) ! station height if (srf_height < 8888.0 .AND. srf_height > -416.0) then else srf_height = 0.0 endif landsea_mask = landsea_mask_save(nn) ! 0:land ; 1:sea (same as RTTOV) !Dongpm There is no landsea-mask in atms bufr data if (landsea_mask <= 1 .AND. landsea_mask >= 0) then else landsea_mask = 0 endif ! rmask=one ! land ! if (nint(bfr1bhdr(bufr_landsea_mask))==1) rmask=0.0_r_kind ! reverse the land/sea mask in bufr ! landsea_mask = rmask+.001_r_kind ! land sea mask info%elv = srf_height ! 3.6 extract channel bright temperature tb_inv(1:nchan) = BT_InOut_save(1:nchan,nn) do k = 1, nchan if ( tb_inv(k) < tbmin .or. tb_inv(k) > tbmax) & tb_inv(k) = missing_r end do if ( all(tb_inv<0.0) ) then num_tovs_local = num_tovs_local -1 num_tovs_used = num_tovs_used - 1 nread(inst) = nread(inst) - 1 cycle end if ! 4.0 assign information to sequential radiance structure !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (p % tb_inv (1:nchan)) p%info = info p%loc = loc p%landsea_mask = landsea_mask p%scanpos = ifov p%satzen = satzen p%satazi = satazi p%solzen = solzen p%tb_inv(1:nchan) = tb_inv(1:nchan) p%sensor_index = inst p%ifgat = ifgat !RTTOV9_3 p%solazi = solazi !end of RTTOV9_3 allocate (p%next) ! add next data p => p%next nullify (p%next) ! end do end do obs ! call closbf(lnbufr) ! close(lnbufr) !end do bufrfile if (thinning .and. num_tovs_global > 0 ) then #ifdef DM_PARALLEL ! Get minimum crit and associated processor index. j = 0 do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time do n = 1, iv%num_inst j = j + thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax end do end do allocate ( in (j) ) allocate ( out (j) ) j = 0 do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time do n = 1, iv%num_inst do i = 1, thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax j = j + 1 in(j) = thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%score_crit(i) end do end do end do call mpi_reduce(in, out, j, true_mpi_real, mpi_min, root, comm, ierr) call wrf_dm_bcast_real (out, j) j = 0 do ifgat = 1, num_fgat_time do n = 1, iv%num_inst do i = 1, thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax j = j + 1 if ( ABS(out(j)-thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%score_crit(i)) > 1.0E-10 ) thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%ibest_obs(i) = 0 end do end do end do deallocate( in ) deallocate( out ) #endif ! Delete the nodes which being thinning out p => head prev => head head_found = .false. num_tovs_used_tmp = num_tovs_used do j = 1, num_tovs_used_tmp n = p%sensor_index ifgat = p%ifgat found = .false. do i = 1, thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%itxmax if ( thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%ibest_obs(i) == j .and. thinning_grid(n,ifgat)%score_crit(i) < 9.99e6_r_kind ) then found = .true. exit endif end do ! free current data if ( .not. found ) then current => p p => p%next if ( head_found ) then prev%next => p else head => p prev => p endif deallocate ( current % tb_inv ) deallocate ( current ) num_tovs_thinned = num_tovs_thinned + 1 num_tovs_used = num_tovs_used - 1 nread(n) = nread(n) - 1 continue endif if ( found .and. head_found ) then prev => p p => p%next continue endif if ( found .and. .not. head_found ) then head_found = .true. head => p prev => p p => p%next endif end do endif ! End of thinning iv%total_rad_pixel = iv%total_rad_pixel + num_tovs_used iv%total_rad_channel = iv%total_rad_channel + num_tovs_used*nchan iv%info(radiance)%nlocal = iv%info(radiance)%nlocal + num_tovs_used iv%info(radiance)%ntotal = iv%info(radiance)%ntotal + num_tovs_global do i = 1, num_fgat_time ptotal(i) = ptotal(i) + ptotal(i-1) iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(i) = iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(i) + ptotal(i) end do if ( iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(num_fgat_time) /= iv%info(radiance)%ntotal ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I10,A,I10)') & "Number of ntotal:",iv%info(radiance)%ntotal," is different from the sum of ptotal:", iv%info(radiance)%ptotal(num_fgat_time) call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) endif write(unit=stdout,fmt='(a)') 'num_tovs_file num_tovs_global num_tovs_local num_tovs_used num_tovs_thinned' write(unit=stdout,fmt='(5i10)') num_tovs_file,num_tovs_global, num_tovs_local,num_tovs_used,num_tovs_thinned deallocate(tb_inv) ! 5.0 allocate innovation radiance structure !---------------------------------------------------------------- do i = 1, iv%num_inst if (nread(i) < 1) cycle iv%instid(i)%num_rad = nread(i) iv%instid(i)%info%nlocal = nread(i) write(UNIT=stdout,FMT='(a,i3,2x,a,3x,i10)') & 'Allocating space for radiance innov structure', & i, iv%instid(i)%rttovid_string, iv%instid(i)%num_rad call da_allocate_rad_iv(i,nchan,iv) end do ! 6.0 assign sequential structure to innovation structure !------------------------------------------------------------- nread(1:rtminit_nsensor) = 0 p => head ! do while ( associated(p) ) do n = 1, num_tovs_used i = p%sensor_index nread(i) = nread(i) + 1 call da_initialize_rad_iv (i, nread(i), iv, p) current => p p => p%next ! free current data deallocate ( current % tb_inv ) deallocate ( current ) end do ! deallocate the save data deallocate(Fov_save) deallocate(Time_save) deallocate(BT_InOut_save) deallocate(Scanline_save) deallocate(lat_save) deallocate(lon_save) deallocate(satid_save) deallocate(obs_time_save) deallocate(satzen_save) deallocate(satazi_save) deallocate(solzen_save) deallocate(solazi_save) deallocate(srf_height_save) deallocate(landsea_mask_save) deallocate(date_char_save) deallocate ( p ) deallocate (nread) deallocate (ptotal) ! check if sequential structure has been freed ! ! p => head ! do i = 1, num_rad_selected ! write (unit=stdout,fmt=*) i, p%tb_inv(1:nchan) ! p => p%next ! end do call da_trace_exit("da_read_obs_bufratms") #else call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,(/"Needs to be compiled with a BUFR library"/)) #endif end subroutine da_read_obs_bufratms