openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: fw_api version: '1.0' servers: - url: '' description: Production - url: '' description: Staging - url: 'http://localhost:4400' description: Local paths: /v1/forest-watcher/area: parameters: [] get: summary: Get All User Areas operationId: get-user-areas description: Retrieve areas for the logged in user responses: '200': description: OK '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' parameters: [] tags: - v1 post: summary: Create User Area operationId: post-user-area responses: '200': description: OK '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' description: Create a new area for the logged in user tags: - v1 /v1/fw_api/healthcheck: get: summary: Healthcheck responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Healthcheck' operationId: get-fw_api-healthcheck security: [] tags: - v1 parameters: [] /v3/fw_api/healthcheck: get: summary: Healthcheck responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/Healthcheck' operationId: get-fw_api-healthcheck security: [] tags: - v3 parameters: [] /v3/forest-watcher/area: get: summary: Get All User Areas tags: - v3 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: description: '' type: object x-examples: example-1: type: area id: 6266c920046114001b4c6cda attributes: name: Home application: gfw geostore: geojson: crs: {} type: FeatureCollection features: - geometry: coordinates: - - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 - - -3.613926 - 50.537315 - - -3.613272 - 50.537355 - - -3.612811 - 50.537372 - - -3.612732 - 50.537212 - - -3.614187 - 50.537099 - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 type: Polygon type: Feature hash: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e provider: {} areaHa: 0.20428315615859005 bbox: - -3.614294 - 50.537099 - -3.612732 - 50.537372 lock: false info: use: {} id: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e userId: 6266c6f798340a001ad51caa createdAt: '2022-04-25T16:15:28.606Z' updatedAt: '2022-04-27T09:44:15.522Z' image: '' env: production datasets: - slug: viirs name: VIIRS active: true startDate: '1' endDate: '8' use: {} iso: {} templateId: 6269106ed884b464700b0b00 coverage: [] reportTemplate: - name: en: Forest Watcher Questionnaire es: Cuestionario de Forest Watcher fr: Questionnaire de Forest Watcher id: Forest Watcher Laporan pt: Relatório do Forest Watcher languages: - en - es - fr - id - pt defaultLanguage: en user: 57ac9f9e29309063404573a2 answersCount: 0 questions: - type: blob name: question-1 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf5 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 0 required: false label: pt: Foto id: Gambar fr: Photo es: Foto en: Photo - type: radio name: question-2 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf4 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 1 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não - value: 2 label: Incerto id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak - value: 2 label: Tidak yakin fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non - value: 2 label: Je ne suis pas sûr es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: No estoy seguro en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: Unsure label: pt: Você vê desflorestamento ou degradação? fr: Voyez-vous une déforestation ou dégradation ? id: Apakah anda melihat adanya deforestasi atau degradasi? es: ¿Usted ve deforestación o degradación? en: Do you see deforestation or degradation? - type: radio name: question-3 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf2 conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf3 childQuestions: [] order: 2 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: 'Sim - queimada recente, nenhum broto' - value: 1 label: Não - fazenda estabilizada ou floresta brotando id: - value: 0 label: 'Ya - baru terbakar, tidak tumbuh kembali' - value: 1 label: Tidak - kebun sudah muncul atau hutan kembali merintis fr: - value: 0 label: 'Oui - incendie récent, pas de repousse' - value: 1 label: Non - ferme installée ou repousse de la forêt es: - value: 0 label: Sí - Se aprecian zonas quemadas recientes y falta de crecimiento de la vegetación - value: 1 label: No - Es una granja establecida o un bosque cultivado en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes - burning fresh, no regrowth' - value: 1 label: No - farm established or forest regrowth label: pt: O desflorestamento/degradação é recente? fr: La déforestation/dégradation est-elle récente ? id: Apakah deforestasi terjadi baru-baru ini? es: ¿La deforestación es nueva? en: Is the deforestation/degradation recent? - type: select name: question-4 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdef conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf1 childQuestions: - type: text name: question-4-more-info conditionalValue: 9 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf0 order: 0 required: false label: en: Please describe. order: 3 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: Corte seletivo - value: 1 label: Corte total - value: 2 label: Produção de carvão - value: 3 label: Queimadas - value: 4 label: Limpeza de terreno - value: 5 label: Estradas - value: 6 label: Barragem - value: 7 label: Mineiração - value: 8 label: Extração de gás/petróleo - value: 9 label: Outro (por favor descreva abaixo) id: - value: 0 label: Tebang pilih - value: 1 label: Tebang habis - value: 2 label: Produksi batu bara - value: 3 label: Pembakaran - value: 4 label: Pembukaan hutan untuk pertanian - value: 5 label: Jalan - value: 6 label: Bendungan - value: 7 label: Tambang - value: 8 label: Eksplorasi migas - value: 9 label: Lainnya (jelaskan) fr: - value: 0 label: Coupe sélective - value: 1 label: Coupe complète - value: 2 label: Production de charbon - value: 3 label: Incendies - value: 4 label: Coupe à visée agricole - value: 5 label: Route - value: 6 label: Barrage - value: 7 label: Extraction minière - value: 8 label: Extraction de pétrole/gaz - value: 9 label: Autre (veuillez décrire ci-dessous) es: - value: 0 label: Deforestación selectiva - value: 1 label: Deforestación completa - value: 2 label: Producción de carbón - value: 3 label: Quemado - value: 4 label: Deforestación agrícola - value: 5 label: Carretera - value: 6 label: Presa - value: 7 label: Minas - value: 8 label: Extracción de gas/petróleo - value: 9 label: Otro (por favor describa) en: - value: 0 label: Selective cutting - value: 1 label: Clear cutting - value: 2 label: Charcoal production - value: 3 label: Burning/fires - value: 4 label: Agricultural clearing - value: 5 label: Road - value: 6 label: Dam - value: 7 label: Mining - value: 8 label: Oil/gas extraction - value: 9 label: Other (please describe below) label: pt: Descreva o motorista fr: Décrivez le moteur id: Jelaskan deforestasi es: Describa el motivo en: Describe the driver - type: radio name: question-5 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fded conditions: [] childQuestions: - type: text name: question-5-more-info conditionalValue: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdee order: 0 required: false label: en: Why? order: 4 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' label: pt: Você acha que mais ações deveriam ser tomadas nesta área? fr: Pensez-vous que des actions doivent être entreprises dans cette zone ? id: Apakah perlu tindak lanjut di area deforestasi ini? es: ¿Considera necesaria alguna otra medida en este área? en: Do you think further action should be taken in this area? - type: text name: question-6 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdec conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 5 required: false label: pt: Alguma outra nota? fr: Souhaitez-vous ajouter des notes ? id: Catatan / informasi tambahan es: Añada otra información / notas en: Any other notes? createdAt: '2017-09-11T14:49:15.236Z' public: true status: published id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdeb properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' examples: example-1: value: type: string id: string attributes: name: string application: string geostore: geojson: crs: {} type: string features: - {} hash: string provider: {} areaHa: 0 bbox: - {} lock: true info: use: {} id: string userId: string createdAt: string updatedAt: string image: string env: string datasets: - cache: true active: true _id: string slug: string name: string startDate: string endDate: string use: {} iso: {} coverage: - {} reportTemplates: - {} '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' operationId: get-v3-forest-watcher-area description: Retrieve areas for the logged in user post: summary: Create an Area operationId: post-v3-forest-watcher-area responses: '200': description: OK '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' description: Create a new area requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string geojson: type: object image: type: string format: binary required: - name - geojson - image description: 'Form data should be in form of: an image file and a body containing name and geojson' tags: - v3 /v3/forest-watcher/area/teams: get: summary: Get All User Areas and All Their Teams Areas tags: - v3 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: description: '' type: object x-examples: example-1: type: area id: 6266c920046114001b4c6cda attributes: name: Home application: gfw geostore: geojson: crs: {} type: FeatureCollection features: - geometry: coordinates: - - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 - - -3.613926 - 50.537315 - - -3.613272 - 50.537355 - - -3.612811 - 50.537372 - - -3.612732 - 50.537212 - - -3.614187 - 50.537099 - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 type: Polygon type: Feature hash: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e provider: {} areaHa: 0.20428315615859005 bbox: - -3.614294 - 50.537099 - -3.612732 - 50.537372 lock: false info: use: {} id: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e userId: 6266c6f798340a001ad51caa createdAt: '2022-04-25T16:15:28.606Z' updatedAt: '2022-04-27T09:44:15.522Z' image: '' env: production datasets: - slug: viirs name: VIIRS active: true startDate: '1' endDate: '8' use: {} iso: {} templateId: 6269106ed884b464700b0b00 coverage: [] reportTemplate: - name: en: Forest Watcher Questionnaire es: Cuestionario de Forest Watcher fr: Questionnaire de Forest Watcher id: Forest Watcher Laporan pt: Relatório do Forest Watcher languages: - en - es - fr - id - pt defaultLanguage: en user: 57ac9f9e29309063404573a2 answersCount: 0 questions: - type: blob name: question-1 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf5 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 0 required: false label: pt: Foto id: Gambar fr: Photo es: Foto en: Photo - type: radio name: question-2 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf4 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 1 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não - value: 2 label: Incerto id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak - value: 2 label: Tidak yakin fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non - value: 2 label: Je ne suis pas sûr es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: No estoy seguro en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: Unsure label: pt: Você vê desflorestamento ou degradação? fr: Voyez-vous une déforestation ou dégradation ? id: Apakah anda melihat adanya deforestasi atau degradasi? es: ¿Usted ve deforestación o degradación? en: Do you see deforestation or degradation? - type: radio name: question-3 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf2 conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf3 childQuestions: [] order: 2 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: 'Sim - queimada recente, nenhum broto' - value: 1 label: Não - fazenda estabilizada ou floresta brotando id: - value: 0 label: 'Ya - baru terbakar, tidak tumbuh kembali' - value: 1 label: Tidak - kebun sudah muncul atau hutan kembali merintis fr: - value: 0 label: 'Oui - incendie récent, pas de repousse' - value: 1 label: Non - ferme installée ou repousse de la forêt es: - value: 0 label: Sí - Se aprecian zonas quemadas recientes y falta de crecimiento de la vegetación - value: 1 label: No - Es una granja establecida o un bosque cultivado en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes - burning fresh, no regrowth' - value: 1 label: No - farm established or forest regrowth label: pt: O desflorestamento/degradação é recente? fr: La déforestation/dégradation est-elle récente ? id: Apakah deforestasi terjadi baru-baru ini? es: ¿La deforestación es nueva? en: Is the deforestation/degradation recent? - type: select name: question-4 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdef conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf1 childQuestions: - type: text name: question-4-more-info conditionalValue: 9 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf0 order: 0 required: false label: en: Please describe. order: 3 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: Corte seletivo - value: 1 label: Corte total - value: 2 label: Produção de carvão - value: 3 label: Queimadas - value: 4 label: Limpeza de terreno - value: 5 label: Estradas - value: 6 label: Barragem - value: 7 label: Mineiração - value: 8 label: Extração de gás/petróleo - value: 9 label: Outro (por favor descreva abaixo) id: - value: 0 label: Tebang pilih - value: 1 label: Tebang habis - value: 2 label: Produksi batu bara - value: 3 label: Pembakaran - value: 4 label: Pembukaan hutan untuk pertanian - value: 5 label: Jalan - value: 6 label: Bendungan - value: 7 label: Tambang - value: 8 label: Eksplorasi migas - value: 9 label: Lainnya (jelaskan) fr: - value: 0 label: Coupe sélective - value: 1 label: Coupe complète - value: 2 label: Production de charbon - value: 3 label: Incendies - value: 4 label: Coupe à visée agricole - value: 5 label: Route - value: 6 label: Barrage - value: 7 label: Extraction minière - value: 8 label: Extraction de pétrole/gaz - value: 9 label: Autre (veuillez décrire ci-dessous) es: - value: 0 label: Deforestación selectiva - value: 1 label: Deforestación completa - value: 2 label: Producción de carbón - value: 3 label: Quemado - value: 4 label: Deforestación agrícola - value: 5 label: Carretera - value: 6 label: Presa - value: 7 label: Minas - value: 8 label: Extracción de gas/petróleo - value: 9 label: Otro (por favor describa) en: - value: 0 label: Selective cutting - value: 1 label: Clear cutting - value: 2 label: Charcoal production - value: 3 label: Burning/fires - value: 4 label: Agricultural clearing - value: 5 label: Road - value: 6 label: Dam - value: 7 label: Mining - value: 8 label: Oil/gas extraction - value: 9 label: Other (please describe below) label: pt: Descreva o motorista fr: Décrivez le moteur id: Jelaskan deforestasi es: Describa el motivo en: Describe the driver - type: radio name: question-5 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fded conditions: [] childQuestions: - type: text name: question-5-more-info conditionalValue: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdee order: 0 required: false label: en: Why? order: 4 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' label: pt: Você acha que mais ações deveriam ser tomadas nesta área? fr: Pensez-vous que des actions doivent être entreprises dans cette zone ? id: Apakah perlu tindak lanjut di area deforestasi ini? es: ¿Considera necesaria alguna otra medida en este área? en: Do you think further action should be taken in this area? - type: text name: question-6 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdec conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 5 required: false label: pt: Alguma outra nota? fr: Souhaitez-vous ajouter des notes ? id: Catatan / informasi tambahan es: Añada otra información / notas en: Any other notes? createdAt: '2017-09-11T14:49:15.236Z' public: true status: published id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdeb properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' examples: Response example: value: data: - name: string application: string geostore: string userId: string createdAt: string updatedAt: string image: string datasets: - {} use: {} env: string iso: {} admin: {} tags: - {} status: string public: true fireAlerts: true deforestationAlerts: true webhookUrl: string monthlySummary: true subscriptionId: string email: string language: string confirmed: true teamId: string reportTemplate: - {} '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' operationId: get-v3-forest-watcher-area-teams description: Retrieve a user's areas for the logged in user and also areas associated with their teams parameters: [] '/v3/forest-watcher/area/{areaId}/teams': parameters: - schema: type: string name: areaId in: path required: true delete: summary: Delete all team relations for area operationId: delete-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId-teams responses: '204': description: No Content '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' description: Deletes all team relations for an area given its area id '/v3/forest-watcher/area/{areaId}/templates': parameters: - schema: type: string name: areaId in: path required: true delete: summary: Delete all template relations for area operationId: delete-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId-templates responses: '204': description: No Content '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' description: Deletes all template relations for an area given its area id '/v3/forest-watcher/area/{areaId}': get: summary: Get Single Area By Id tags: - v3 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: description: '' type: object x-examples: example-1: type: area id: 6266c920046114001b4c6cda attributes: name: Home application: gfw geostore: geojson: crs: {} type: FeatureCollection features: - geometry: coordinates: - - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 - - -3.613926 - 50.537315 - - -3.613272 - 50.537355 - - -3.612811 - 50.537372 - - -3.612732 - 50.537212 - - -3.614187 - 50.537099 - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 type: Polygon type: Feature hash: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e provider: {} areaHa: 0.20428315615859005 bbox: - -3.614294 - 50.537099 - -3.612732 - 50.537372 lock: false info: use: {} id: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e userId: 6266c6f798340a001ad51caa createdAt: '2022-04-25T16:15:28.606Z' updatedAt: '2022-04-27T09:44:15.522Z' image: '' env: production datasets: - slug: viirs name: VIIRS active: true startDate: '1' endDate: '8' use: {} iso: {} templateId: 6269106ed884b464700b0b00 coverage: [] reportTemplate: - name: en: Forest Watcher Questionnaire es: Cuestionario de Forest Watcher fr: Questionnaire de Forest Watcher id: Forest Watcher Laporan pt: Relatório do Forest Watcher languages: - en - es - fr - id - pt defaultLanguage: en user: 57ac9f9e29309063404573a2 answersCount: 0 questions: - type: blob name: question-1 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf5 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 0 required: false label: pt: Foto id: Gambar fr: Photo es: Foto en: Photo - type: radio name: question-2 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf4 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 1 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não - value: 2 label: Incerto id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak - value: 2 label: Tidak yakin fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non - value: 2 label: Je ne suis pas sûr es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: No estoy seguro en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: Unsure label: pt: Você vê desflorestamento ou degradação? fr: Voyez-vous une déforestation ou dégradation ? id: Apakah anda melihat adanya deforestasi atau degradasi? es: ¿Usted ve deforestación o degradación? en: Do you see deforestation or degradation? - type: radio name: question-3 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf2 conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf3 childQuestions: [] order: 2 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: 'Sim - queimada recente, nenhum broto' - value: 1 label: Não - fazenda estabilizada ou floresta brotando id: - value: 0 label: 'Ya - baru terbakar, tidak tumbuh kembali' - value: 1 label: Tidak - kebun sudah muncul atau hutan kembali merintis fr: - value: 0 label: 'Oui - incendie récent, pas de repousse' - value: 1 label: Non - ferme installée ou repousse de la forêt es: - value: 0 label: Sí - Se aprecian zonas quemadas recientes y falta de crecimiento de la vegetación - value: 1 label: No - Es una granja establecida o un bosque cultivado en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes - burning fresh, no regrowth' - value: 1 label: No - farm established or forest regrowth label: pt: O desflorestamento/degradação é recente? fr: La déforestation/dégradation est-elle récente ? id: Apakah deforestasi terjadi baru-baru ini? es: ¿La deforestación es nueva? en: Is the deforestation/degradation recent? - type: select name: question-4 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdef conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf1 childQuestions: - type: text name: question-4-more-info conditionalValue: 9 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf0 order: 0 required: false label: en: Please describe. order: 3 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: Corte seletivo - value: 1 label: Corte total - value: 2 label: Produção de carvão - value: 3 label: Queimadas - value: 4 label: Limpeza de terreno - value: 5 label: Estradas - value: 6 label: Barragem - value: 7 label: Mineiração - value: 8 label: Extração de gás/petróleo - value: 9 label: Outro (por favor descreva abaixo) id: - value: 0 label: Tebang pilih - value: 1 label: Tebang habis - value: 2 label: Produksi batu bara - value: 3 label: Pembakaran - value: 4 label: Pembukaan hutan untuk pertanian - value: 5 label: Jalan - value: 6 label: Bendungan - value: 7 label: Tambang - value: 8 label: Eksplorasi migas - value: 9 label: Lainnya (jelaskan) fr: - value: 0 label: Coupe sélective - value: 1 label: Coupe complète - value: 2 label: Production de charbon - value: 3 label: Incendies - value: 4 label: Coupe à visée agricole - value: 5 label: Route - value: 6 label: Barrage - value: 7 label: Extraction minière - value: 8 label: Extraction de pétrole/gaz - value: 9 label: Autre (veuillez décrire ci-dessous) es: - value: 0 label: Deforestación selectiva - value: 1 label: Deforestación completa - value: 2 label: Producción de carbón - value: 3 label: Quemado - value: 4 label: Deforestación agrícola - value: 5 label: Carretera - value: 6 label: Presa - value: 7 label: Minas - value: 8 label: Extracción de gas/petróleo - value: 9 label: Otro (por favor describa) en: - value: 0 label: Selective cutting - value: 1 label: Clear cutting - value: 2 label: Charcoal production - value: 3 label: Burning/fires - value: 4 label: Agricultural clearing - value: 5 label: Road - value: 6 label: Dam - value: 7 label: Mining - value: 8 label: Oil/gas extraction - value: 9 label: Other (please describe below) label: pt: Descreva o motorista fr: Décrivez le moteur id: Jelaskan deforestasi es: Describa el motivo en: Describe the driver - type: radio name: question-5 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fded conditions: [] childQuestions: - type: text name: question-5-more-info conditionalValue: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdee order: 0 required: false label: en: Why? order: 4 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' label: pt: Você acha que mais ações deveriam ser tomadas nesta área? fr: Pensez-vous que des actions doivent être entreprises dans cette zone ? id: Apakah perlu tindak lanjut di area deforestasi ini? es: ¿Considera necesaria alguna otra medida en este área? en: Do you think further action should be taken in this area? - type: text name: question-6 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdec conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 5 required: false label: pt: Alguma outra nota? fr: Souhaitez-vous ajouter des notes ? id: Catatan / informasi tambahan es: Añada otra información / notas en: Any other notes? createdAt: '2017-09-11T14:49:15.236Z' public: true status: published id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdeb properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' examples: example-1: value: type: string id: string attributes: name: string application: string geostore: geojson: crs: {} type: string features: - {} hash: string provider: {} areaHa: 0 bbox: - {} lock: true info: use: {} id: string userId: string createdAt: string updatedAt: string image: string env: string datasets: - cache: true active: true _id: string slug: string name: string startDate: string endDate: string use: {} iso: {} coverage: - {} reportTemplates: - {} teams: - id: ObjectID name: string '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' operationId: get-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaid description: 'Retrieve an area for the logged in user. Area object contains geostore, associated report templates and associated teams.' parameters: - schema: type: string name: areaId in: path required: true delete: summary: Delete an area by id operationId: delete-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId responses: '204': description: No Content '401': description: You are not authorised to delete this record description: 'Delete an area which the logged in user has either created, or is associated with a team they are manager of' tags: - v3 patch: summary: Update an area by id operationId: patch-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' description: Update an area requestBody: content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string geojson: type: object image: type: string format: binary description: 'Form data can include an image file, a name field and/or a geojson field' tags: - v3 '/v3/forest-watcher/area/teamAreas/{teamId}': get: summary: Get All Team Areas By Team Id tags: - v3 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '': content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: {} examples: example-1: value: data: - string operationId: get-v3-forest-watcher-area-teamAreas description: Return an array of area Ids that are associated with the supplied team id parameters: - schema: type: string name: teamId in: path required: true '/v3/forest-watcher/area/areaTemplates/{areaId}': get: summary: Get All Templates by Area Id tags: - v3 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: data: type: array items: type: string examples: example-1: value: data: - string '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' operationId: get-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaTemplates description: Return an array of template IDs that are associated with the supplied area id parameters: - schema: type: string name: areaId in: path required: true '/v3/forest-watcher/area/areaTeams/{areaId}': get: summary: Get All Teams Associated With An Area Id tags: - v3 responses: '200': description: OK content: application/json: schema: description: '' type: object x-examples: example-1: type: area id: 6266c920046114001b4c6cda attributes: name: Home application: gfw geostore: geojson: crs: {} type: FeatureCollection features: - geometry: coordinates: - - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 - - -3.613926 - 50.537315 - - -3.613272 - 50.537355 - - -3.612811 - 50.537372 - - -3.612732 - 50.537212 - - -3.614187 - 50.537099 - - -3.614294 - 50.537178 type: Polygon type: Feature hash: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e provider: {} areaHa: 0.20428315615859005 bbox: - -3.614294 - 50.537099 - -3.612732 - 50.537372 lock: false info: use: {} id: 8cd1a5ea42f1bf1b69cb61a39e41f24e userId: 6266c6f798340a001ad51caa createdAt: '2022-04-25T16:15:28.606Z' updatedAt: '2022-04-27T09:44:15.522Z' image: '' env: production datasets: - slug: viirs name: VIIRS active: true startDate: '1' endDate: '8' use: {} iso: {} templateId: 6269106ed884b464700b0b00 coverage: [] reportTemplate: - name: en: Forest Watcher Questionnaire es: Cuestionario de Forest Watcher fr: Questionnaire de Forest Watcher id: Forest Watcher Laporan pt: Relatório do Forest Watcher languages: - en - es - fr - id - pt defaultLanguage: en user: 57ac9f9e29309063404573a2 answersCount: 0 questions: - type: blob name: question-1 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf5 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 0 required: false label: pt: Foto id: Gambar fr: Photo es: Foto en: Photo - type: radio name: question-2 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf4 conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 1 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não - value: 2 label: Incerto id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak - value: 2 label: Tidak yakin fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non - value: 2 label: Je ne suis pas sûr es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: No estoy seguro en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' - value: 2 label: Unsure label: pt: Você vê desflorestamento ou degradação? fr: Voyez-vous une déforestation ou dégradation ? id: Apakah anda melihat adanya deforestasi atau degradasi? es: ¿Usted ve deforestación o degradación? en: Do you see deforestation or degradation? - type: radio name: question-3 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf2 conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf3 childQuestions: [] order: 2 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: 'Sim - queimada recente, nenhum broto' - value: 1 label: Não - fazenda estabilizada ou floresta brotando id: - value: 0 label: 'Ya - baru terbakar, tidak tumbuh kembali' - value: 1 label: Tidak - kebun sudah muncul atau hutan kembali merintis fr: - value: 0 label: 'Oui - incendie récent, pas de repousse' - value: 1 label: Non - ferme installée ou repousse de la forêt es: - value: 0 label: Sí - Se aprecian zonas quemadas recientes y falta de crecimiento de la vegetación - value: 1 label: No - Es una granja establecida o un bosque cultivado en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes - burning fresh, no regrowth' - value: 1 label: No - farm established or forest regrowth label: pt: O desflorestamento/degradação é recente? fr: La déforestation/dégradation est-elle récente ? id: Apakah deforestasi terjadi baru-baru ini? es: ¿La deforestación es nueva? en: Is the deforestation/degradation recent? - type: select name: question-4 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdef conditions: - name: question-2 value: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf1 childQuestions: - type: text name: question-4-more-info conditionalValue: 9 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdf0 order: 0 required: false label: en: Please describe. order: 3 required: false values: pt: - value: 0 label: Corte seletivo - value: 1 label: Corte total - value: 2 label: Produção de carvão - value: 3 label: Queimadas - value: 4 label: Limpeza de terreno - value: 5 label: Estradas - value: 6 label: Barragem - value: 7 label: Mineiração - value: 8 label: Extração de gás/petróleo - value: 9 label: Outro (por favor descreva abaixo) id: - value: 0 label: Tebang pilih - value: 1 label: Tebang habis - value: 2 label: Produksi batu bara - value: 3 label: Pembakaran - value: 4 label: Pembukaan hutan untuk pertanian - value: 5 label: Jalan - value: 6 label: Bendungan - value: 7 label: Tambang - value: 8 label: Eksplorasi migas - value: 9 label: Lainnya (jelaskan) fr: - value: 0 label: Coupe sélective - value: 1 label: Coupe complète - value: 2 label: Production de charbon - value: 3 label: Incendies - value: 4 label: Coupe à visée agricole - value: 5 label: Route - value: 6 label: Barrage - value: 7 label: Extraction minière - value: 8 label: Extraction de pétrole/gaz - value: 9 label: Autre (veuillez décrire ci-dessous) es: - value: 0 label: Deforestación selectiva - value: 1 label: Deforestación completa - value: 2 label: Producción de carbón - value: 3 label: Quemado - value: 4 label: Deforestación agrícola - value: 5 label: Carretera - value: 6 label: Presa - value: 7 label: Minas - value: 8 label: Extracción de gas/petróleo - value: 9 label: Otro (por favor describa) en: - value: 0 label: Selective cutting - value: 1 label: Clear cutting - value: 2 label: Charcoal production - value: 3 label: Burning/fires - value: 4 label: Agricultural clearing - value: 5 label: Road - value: 6 label: Dam - value: 7 label: Mining - value: 8 label: Oil/gas extraction - value: 9 label: Other (please describe below) label: pt: Descreva o motorista fr: Décrivez le moteur id: Jelaskan deforestasi es: Describa el motivo en: Describe the driver - type: radio name: question-5 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fded conditions: [] childQuestions: - type: text name: question-5-more-info conditionalValue: 0 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdee order: 0 required: false label: en: Why? order: 4 required: true values: pt: - value: 0 label: Sim - value: 1 label: Não id: - value: 0 label: Ya - value: 1 label: Tidak fr: - value: 0 label: Oui - value: 1 label: Non es: - value: 0 label: Sí - value: 1 label: 'No' en: - value: 0 label: 'Yes' - value: 1 label: 'No' label: pt: Você acha que mais ações deveriam ser tomadas nesta área? fr: Pensez-vous que des actions doivent être entreprises dans cette zone ? id: Apakah perlu tindak lanjut di area deforestasi ini? es: ¿Considera necesaria alguna otra medida en este área? en: Do you think further action should be taken in this area? - type: text name: question-6 Id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdec conditions: [] childQuestions: [] order: 5 required: false label: pt: Alguma outra nota? fr: Souhaitez-vous ajouter des notes ? id: Catatan / informasi tambahan es: Añada otra información / notas en: Any other notes? createdAt: '2017-09-11T14:49:15.236Z' public: true status: published id: 59b6a26b138f260012e9fdeb properties: data: type: array items: type: string examples: example-1: value: type: string id: string attributes: name: string application: string geostore: geojson: crs: {} type: string features: - {} hash: string provider: {} areaHa: 0 bbox: - {} lock: true info: use: {} id: string userId: string createdAt: string updatedAt: string image: string env: string datasets: - cache: true active: true _id: string slug: string name: string startDate: string endDate: string use: {} iso: {} coverage: - {} reportTemplates: - {} '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '': description: Array of team ids content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string operationId: get-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaTeams description: Retrieve teams for an area parameters: - schema: type: string name: areaId in: path required: true '/v3/forest-watcher/area/{areaId}/template/{templateId}': parameters: - schema: type: string name: areaId in: path required: true - schema: type: string name: templateId in: path required: true post: summary: Associate Area with Template operationId: post-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId-template-templateId responses: '200': description: OK '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' description: Link a template to an area tags: - v3 delete: summary: Remove area-template association operationId: delete-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId-template-templateId responses: '200': description: OK '401': description: Unauthorized '404': description: Not Found description: Remove a template from an area tags: - v3 '/v3/forest-watcher/area/{areaId}/team/{teamId}': parameters: - schema: type: string name: areaId in: path required: true - schema: type: string name: teamId in: path required: true post: summary: Associate area with team operationId: post-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId-team-teamId responses: '200': description: OK '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' '404': $ref: '#/components/responses/Error' description: Link a team to an area tags: - v3 delete: summary: Remove area-team association operationId: delete-v3-forest-watcher-area-areaId-team-teamId responses: '200': description: OK '401': description: Unauthorized '404': description: Not Found description: Remove a team from an area tags: - v3 components: schemas: Area: description: '' type: object x-examples: example-1: name: tests application: gfw geostore: 507d44b65582536fe66f3b07ebf61048 userId: 62334dae880445001a46c494 createdAt: '2022-03-17T17:31:51.336Z' updatedAt: '2022-03-21T12:44:48.675Z' image: '' datasets: - cache: true active: false _id: 6238734056b0c7001bf9523b slug: umd_as_it_happens name: GLAD startDate: '6' endDate: '20220321' - cache: true active: true _id: 6238734056b0c7001bf9523c slug: viirs name: VIIRS startDate: '1' endDate: '8' use: {} env: production iso: {} admin: {} tags: [] status: pending public: false fireAlerts: false deforestationAlerts: false webhookUrl: '' monthlySummary: false subscriptionId: '' email: '' language: en confirmed: false properties: name: type: string minLength: 1 application: type: string minLength: 1 geostore: type: string minLength: 1 userId: type: string minLength: 1 createdAt: type: string minLength: 1 readOnly: true updatedAt: type: string minLength: 1 readOnly: true image: type: string minLength: 1 datasets: type: array uniqueItems: true minItems: 1 items: type: object use: type: object env: type: string minLength: 1 iso: type: object admin: type: object tags: type: array items: type: object status: type: string minLength: 1 public: type: boolean fireAlerts: type: boolean deforestationAlerts: type: boolean webhookUrl: type: string monthlySummary: type: boolean subscriptionId: type: string email: type: string language: type: string minLength: 1 confirmed: type: boolean teamId: type: string reportTemplate: type: array items: type: object required: - name - application - geostore - userId - image securitySchemes: Authorization: type: http scheme: bearer responses: Error: description: Error Response content: application/json: schema: description: '' type: object properties: errors: type: array uniqueItems: true minItems: 1 items: required: - status - detail properties: status: type: number detail: type: string minLength: 1 required: - errors examples: {} Healthcheck: description: Healthcheck response content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uptime: type: number examples: {} Basic-area: description: Example response content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string type: type: string attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' application/xml: schema: type: object properties: data: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string type: type: string attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' examples: {} security: - Authorization: []