/** * @file * SimpleAds JS Helper. */ (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.simpleads = { attach: function(context) { var ad_type = $('#edit-field-ad-type select[id^=edit-field-ad-type]').val(); var ad_text_format = $('#field-ad-text-add-more-wrapper select[id^=edit-field-ad-text]').val(); _simpelads_switch_form(ad_type, ad_text_format); $('#edit-field-ad-type select[id^=edit-field-ad-type]').change(function(){ ad_type = $(this).val(); _simpelads_switch_form(ad_type, ad_text_format); }); _simpelads_switch_form(ad_type, ad_text_format); $('#field-ad-text-add-more-wrapper select[id^=edit-field-ad-text]').change(function(){ ad_text_format = $(this).val(); _simpelads_switch_form(ad_type, ad_text_format); }); var ad_block_limit = $('form#block-admin-configure #edit-ads-limit').val(); var ad_block_rotation_type = $('form#block-admin-configure #edit-ads-rotation-type').val(); _simpelads_switch_block_settings(ad_block_limit, false); $('form#block-admin-configure #edit-ads-limit').change(function(){ _simpelads_switch_block_settings($(this).val(), false); }); _simpelads_switch_block_settings(ad_block_rotation_type, 'delay'); $('form#block-admin-configure #edit-ads-rotation-type').change(function(){ _simpelads_switch_block_settings($(this).val(), 'delay'); }); } }; }(jQuery)); /** * Show/hide form elements. */ function _simpelads_switch_form(ad_type, p1) { (function ($) { el_image = $('form#simpleads-node-form #edit-field-ad-image'); el_url = $('form#simpleads-node-form #edit-field-ad-url'); el_url_target = $('form#simpleads-node-form #edit-field-ad-url-taget'); el_flash = $('form#simpleads-node-form #edit-field-ad-flash'); el_text = $('form#simpleads-node-form #edit-field-ad-text'); if (ad_type == 'graphic') { el_image.show(); el_url.show(); el_url_target.show(); el_flash.hide(); el_text.hide(); } else if (ad_type == 'text') { el_text.show(); el_image.hide(); el_url.hide(); el_flash.hide(); if (p1 == 'plain_text') { el_url.show(); el_url_target.show(); } else { el_url.hide(); el_url_target.hide(); } } else if (ad_type == 'flash') { el_url.show(); el_url_target.show(); el_flash.show(); el_image.hide(); el_text.hide(); } }(jQuery)); } /** * Show/hide block settings. */ function _simpelads_switch_block_settings(ad_setting_value, setting) { (function ($) { if (setting == false) { ad_rotation = $('form#block-admin-configure #ads_rotation_settings'); if (ad_setting_value != 1) ad_rotation.show(); else ad_rotation.hide(); } else { if (setting == 'delay') { ad_rotation_delay = $('form#block-admin-configure #ads_rotation_settings .form-item-ads-rotation-delay'); if (ad_setting_value == 0) ad_rotation_delay.hide(); else ad_rotation_delay.show(); } } }(jQuery)); } /** * Ajax call for Ads. * elem - Ad container * tid - term id * num - numer of ads to display * img_loader - image (ad load indicator), should be HTML tag */ function _simpelads_load(elem, tid, num, img_loader) { (function ($) { basepath = Drupal.settings.basePath; if (tid > 0 && num > 0) { if (img_loader != '') $(elem).html(img_loader); $.get(basepath + '?q=simpleads/load/' + tid + '/' + num, function (data) { $(elem).html(data); }); } }(jQuery)); } /** * jQuery Plugin. * SimpleAds rotator. */ (function ($) { $.simpleads_globals = { pos: [] }; $.simpleads_rotator = function(element, options) { this.options = {}; element.data('simpleads_rotator', this); this.init = function (element, options) { this.options = $.extend({}, $.simpleads_rotator.defaultOptions, options); $.simpleads_globals.pos[options.delta] = 0; simpleads_start(element, this.options); }; this.init(element, options); }; $.fn.simpleads_rotator = function(options) { return this.each(function(){ (new $.simpleads_rotator($(this), options)); }); } function run_rotation(element, options) { elem_id = element.attr('id'); total_ads = $('#' + elem_id + " > div").size(); if ($.simpleads_globals.pos[options.delta] == (total_ads - 1)) { $.simpleads_globals.pos[options.delta] = 0; } else { $.simpleads_globals.pos[options.delta]++; } $('#' + elem_id + " div").hide(); var simpleads_elem = $('#' + elem_id + " > div:eq(" + $.simpleads_globals.pos[options.delta] + ")"); if (options.rotation_type == 1) { simpleads_elem.show(); } else if (options.rotation_type == 2) { simpleads_elem.fadeIn('fast'); } else { simpleads_elem.show(); } return false; } function simpleads_start(element, options) { run_rotation(element, options); setInterval(function(){run_rotation(element, options);}, options.delay); } $.simpleads_rotator.defaultOptions = { rotation_type: 1, delay: 5, delta: 0 }; }(jQuery));;