Scene Transition is now mantained by DM_miX # scene-transitions Allows GM to make simple transitions to show players before navigating to new screen. Can be used for narrative effect. Can now be used with macros to create transitionless Transitions. And journal entries can now be used to generate a Transition. Macro sample code: ```javascript /** * Transition.macro(options, showMe) */ Transition.macro({ sceneID: false, content:"TEST MACRO", fontColor:'#ffffff', fontSize:'28px', bgImg:'', // pass any relative or absolute image url here. bgPos:'center center', bgSize:'cover', bgColor:'#333333', bgOpacity:0.7, fadeIn: 400, //how long to fade in delay:5000, //how long for transition to stay up fadeOut: 400 //how long to fade out audio: "" //path to audio file skippable:true, //Allows players to skip transition with a click before delay runs out. gmHide: true, // hide the transistion on other windows logged in as a GM gmEndAll: true, // whwn the fm clicks to end the transition - end for everyone }, true ) //show to the triggering user ``` To play a transition without a scene activation, simple pass `false` as the sceneID in the data object. # 0.1.1 New helper for macros - Transition.macro(options, showMe) Use new WebAudio API for sound (0.8.2+) Added option to hide transition on other GM broswer windows (default true) Added option to end the transition when the GM ends iy (deafult true) Refactor to clean up global namespace Refactor sceneID to be part of options object for simplictity FVTT 0.8.2+ compatability # 0.0.9 Play as Transition from Journal top bar can be hidden in the module settings Set initial volume of the audio file # 0.0.8 0.8 Compatability. Minor fixes and clean up # 0.0.7 0.7.5 Fix. Pull Request merge to fade out audio. # 0.0.6 You can now create and send a transition to all players using a macro. There is now a 'Play as Transition' option on the context menu for Journal Entries and it's sheet header. This takes the content and image from the journal and makes a transition out of it with the default settings. # 0.0.5 Background size and positioning is now configurable. # 0.0.4 Fixed some bugs. # 0.0.3 Hotfix: Socket emit transition did not have preview mode set. # 0.0.2 Removed preview from form window and instead create live preview transition in the background. # 0.0.1 Alpha Release Click Create Transition on scene context menu. Add text, audio, and background image. Set length to show players and whether you want players to be able to close it.