swagger: '2.0' ###################################################### # Prolog ###################################################### info: version: "0.13.0" title: "WSO2 API Manager - Admin" description: | This document specifies a **RESTful API** for WSO2 **API Manager** - Admin Portal. Please see [full swagger definition](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wso2/carbon-apimgt/v6.1.66/components/apimgt/org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.rest.api.admin/src/main/resources/admin-api.yaml) of the API which is written using [swagger 2.0](http://swagger.io/) specification. contact: name: "WSO2" url: "http://wso2.com/products/api-manager/" email: "architecture@wso2.com" license: name: "Apache 2.0" url: "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html" ###################################################### # The fixed parts of the URLs of the API ###################################################### # The schemes supported by the API schemes: - https # The domain of the API. # This is configured by the customer during deployment. # The given host is just an example. host: apis.wso2.com # The base path of the API. # Will be prefixed to all paths. basePath: /api/am/admin/v0.13 # The following media types can be passed as input in message bodies of the API. # The actual media type must be specified in the Content-Type header field of the request. # The default is json, i.e. the Content-Type header is not needed to # be set, but supporting it serves extensibility. consumes: - application/json # The following media types may be passed as output in message bodies of the API. # The media type(s) consumable by the requestor is specified in the Accept header field # of the corresponding request. # The actual media type returned will be specfied in the Content-Type header field # of the of the response. # The default of the Accept header is json, i.e. there is not needed to # set the value, but supporting it serves extensibility. produces: - application/json x-wso2-security: apim: x-wso2-scopes: - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:tier_view key: apim:tier_view - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:tier_manage key: apim:tier_manage - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:bl_view key: apim:bl_view - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:bl_manage key: apim:bl_manage - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:mediation_policy_view key: apim:mediation_policy_view - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:mediation_policy_create key: apim:mediation_policy_create - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:app_owner_change key: apim:app_owner_change - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:app_import_export key: apim:app_import_export - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:label_manage key: apim:label_manage - description: "" roles: admin name: apim:label_read key: apim:label_read ###################################################### # The "API Collection" resource APIs ###################################################### paths: ###################################################### # The "Application Throttling Policy Collection" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/application': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve all Application level policies #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer e59e2657-4c2a-3cd0-8b48-0f4f39940c41\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application Authorization: Bearer e59e2657-4c2a-3cd0-8b48-0f4f39940c41 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"count\": 4,\r\n \"list\": [\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"aef4447a-f996-4b3c-9c47-d0a401ab913c\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"50PerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"50PerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 50 request per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 50\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"472b573d-b162-4ac9-9984-531ee03d9d7c\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"20PerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"20PerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 20 request per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 20\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"251d4f70-29f8-40f4-8aad-f2d1e7b8cfc2\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"10PerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"10PerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 10 request per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 10\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"aaaef257-5453-42e6-b4a6-c48567864f92\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Unlimited\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Unlimited\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows unlimited requests\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 2147483647\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}\r\n" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get all Application Throttling Policies description: | Retrieves all existing application throttling policies. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/Accept' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Application Policy (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policies returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationThrottlePolicyList' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Add a Application level Throttling Policy #----------------------------------------------------- post: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0c6439fd-9b16-3c2e-be6e-1086e0b9aa93\" -X POST -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0c6439fd-9b16-3c2e-be6e-1086e0b9aa93\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 1 request per minute\",\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 1\r\n }\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nLocation: https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application/f7becc49-9cc1-463f-bc2b-fc4c82582479\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"f7becc49-9cc1-463f-bc2b-fc4c82582479\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 1 request per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 1\r\n }\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Add an Application Throttling Policy description: | This operation can be used to add a new application level throttling policy. parameters: - in: body name: body description: | Application level policy object that should to be added required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationThrottlePolicy' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' tags: - Application Policy (Collection) responses: 201: description: | Created. Successful response with the newly created object as entity in the body. Location header contains URL of newly created entity. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationThrottlePolicy' headers: Location: description: | Location of the newly created Policy object. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 415: description: | Unsupported media type. The entity of the request was in a not supported format. ###################################################### # The "Individual Application Throttling Policy" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/application/{policyId}': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve a certain Application Policy #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0c6439fd-9b16-3c2e-be6e-1086e0b9aa93\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application/6fc88136-dd36-4e81-ac6c-746225c5001b" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application/6fc88136-dd36-4e81-ac6c-746225c5001b Authorization: Bearer 0c6439fd-9b16-3c2e-be6e-1086e0b9aa93 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"6fc88136-dd36-4e81-ac6c-746225c5001b\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"10PerMwin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"10PerwMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 10 request per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 10\r\n }\r\n}\r\n" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get an Application Policy description: | Retrieves an Application Policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Application Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationThrottlePolicy' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Tier does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Delete an Application level throttling policy #----------------------------------------------------- delete: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X DELETE -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application/f7becc49-9cc1-463f-bc2b-fc4c82582479" x-wso2-request: | DELETE https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application/f7becc49-9cc1-463f-bc2b-fc4c82582479 Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Delete an Application Throttling policy description: | Deletes an Application level throttling policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Application Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Resource successfully deleted. 404: description: | Not Found. Resource to be deleted does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Update an Application throttling policy #----------------------------------------------------- put: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X PUT -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0c6439fd-9b16-3c2e-be6e-1086e0b9aa93\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application/f7becc49-9cc1-463f-bc2b-fc4c82582479 -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "PUT https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/application/f7becc49-9cc1-463f-bc2b-fc4c82582479\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0c6439fd-9b16-3c2e-be6e-1086e0b9aa93\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows single request per minute\",\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 1\r\n }\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"f7becc49-9cc1-463f-bc2b-fc4c82582479\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"1PerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows single request per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 1\r\n }\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Update an Application Throttling policy description: | Updates an existing Application level throttling policy. Upon succesfull, you will receive the updated application policy as the response. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - in: body name: body description: | Policy object that needs to be modified required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationThrottlePolicy' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Application Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationThrottlePolicy' headers: Location: description: | The URL of the newly created resource. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional request. type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional reuquests. type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /policies/mediation: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Retrieving the list of all global mediation sequences under a given search condition #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- get: x-scope: apim:mediation_policy_view x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 36a1644d-16c8-3f10-af2a-cedac82a6f21\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation" x-wso2-request: "GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 36a1644d-16c8-3f10-af2a-cedac82a6f21" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"count\": 13,\r\n \"next\": null,\r\n \"previous\": null,\r\n \"list\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"debug_json_fault\",\r\n \"id\": \"563de8f3-dd1d-4ec7-afc2-d158c663ed34\",\r\n \"type\": \"fault\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"json_fault\",\r\n \"id\": \"f9c36f4d-a2b6-41e7-b311-d358a47916be\",\r\n \"type\": \"fault\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"debug_json_fault2\",\r\n \"id\": \"378169d3-6fd2-427f-b0db-0f378e89ccea\",\r\n \"type\": \"fault\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"json_to_xml_in_message\",\r\n \"id\": \"3921225b-7918-4b95-a851-22c4e4e3e911\",\r\n \"type\": \"in\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"debug_in_flow\",\r\n \"id\": \"2bc15f93-4455-4763-89b8-83600fb9d731\",\r\n \"type\": \"in\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"log_in_message\",\r\n \"id\": \"4d287cca-76ab-44ca-b22e-919fc27c50e3\",\r\n \"type\": \"in\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"preserve_accept_header\",\r\n \"id\": \"3776b215-b3bc-40b6-bdcb-06efa7de64be\",\r\n \"type\": \"in\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"xml_to_json_in_message\",\r\n \"id\": \"50ac2002-769e-4f90-8549-6d0248dff7d2\",\r\n \"type\": \"in\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"xml_to_json_out_message\",\r\n \"id\": \"2af75853-ed75-4d25-81aa-0ebbeca691ea\",\r\n \"type\": \"out\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"json_to_xml_out_message\",\r\n \"id\": \"d9fa3ffc-f6b6-4171-ab97-eb44196cb66e\",\r\n \"type\": \"out\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"debug_out_flow\",\r\n \"id\": \"260b7701-4071-46bd-9b66-900ac6fffed6\",\r\n \"type\": \"out\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"apply_accept_header\",\r\n \"id\": \"15c17c2f-33e3-4c37-a262-04dfa49983a4\",\r\n \"type\": \"out\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"log_out_message\",\r\n \"id\": \"d37dca41-c048-492a-82cf-9a2292c6fff0\",\r\n \"type\": \"out\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" summary: | Get all global mediation policies description: | This operation provides you a list of available all global level mediation policies. parameters: - $ref : '#/parameters/limit' - $ref : '#/parameters/offset' - name : query in: query description: "-Not supported yet-" type: string - $ref : "#/parameters/Accept" - $ref : "#/parameters/If-None-Match" tags: - Mediation Policy (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. List of mediation policies is returned. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/mediationList' headers: Content-Type: description: The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Upload a global mediation policy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- post: x-scope: apim:mediation_policy_create x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 45c1e774-7d5a-3e2a-b76c-53f786efac6b\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X POST -d @data.json \"https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation\"" x-wso2-request: "POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 45c1e774-7d5a-3e2a-b76c-53f786efac6b\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"name\": \"add_custom_header_fault\",\r\n \"type\": \"fault\",\r\n \"config\": \"\\n \\n<\\/sequence>\\n\"\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nLocation: https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/registry/resource/_system/governance/apimgt/customsequences/fault/add_custom_header_fault.xml\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"id\": \"2e5cebbb-e48c-4345-a912-1f0a2058aa05\",\r\n \"name\": \"add_custom_header_fault\",\r\n \"type\": \"fault\",\r\n \"config\": \"\\n \\n<\\/sequence>\\n\"\r\n}" summary: Add a global mediation policy description: | This operation can be used to add a new global mediation policy. parameters: - in: body name: body description: mediation policy to upload required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Mediation' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Mediation Policy (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. Mediation policy added successfully. schema: $ref : '#/definitions/Mediation' headers: Location: description: | The URL of the uploaded thumbnail image of the API. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Individual global mediation sequence" resource ###################################################### /policies/mediation/{mediationPolicyId}: #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve a particular global mediation policy #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-scope: apim:mediation_policy_view x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer da3b0521-5adb-3edc-8ab9-295b4c34c809\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation/2e5cebbb-e48c-4345-a912-1f0a2058aa05" x-wso2-request: "GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation/2e5cebbb-e48c-4345-a912-1f0a2058aa05\nAuthorization: Bearer da3b0521-5adb-3edc-8ab9-295b4c34c809" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: application/json\n\n{\n \"id\": \"2e5cebbb-e48c-4345-a912-1f0a2058aa05\",\n \"name\": \"add_custom_header_fault\",\n \"type\": \"fault\",\n \"config\": \"\\n \\n<\\/sequence>\\n\"\n}" summary: Get a global mediation policy description: | This operation can be used to retrieve a particular global mediation policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/mediationPolicyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/Accept' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Mediation Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Mediation Policy returned. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Mediation' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Document does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Delete the mediation policy #----------------------------------------------------- delete: x-scope: apim:mediation_policy_create x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer fb2a0784-f60c-3276-8fde-5b0f70e61ecc\" -X DELETE https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation/2c85844c-588f-4000-9ce5-f4cdc422cc8b" x-wso2-request: "DELETE https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation/2c85844c-588f-4000-9ce5-f4cdc422cc8b\nContent-Type: application/json\nAuthorization: Bearer 58b3b072-74bb-3381-a213-ce1ca2857c2f" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" summary: Delete a global mediation policy description: | This operation can be used to delete an existing global mediation policy providing the Id of the mediation policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/mediationPolicyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Mediation Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Mediation policy successfully deleted. 403: description: | Forbidden. The request must be conditional but no condition has been specified. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. Resource to be deleted does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Update the a mediation policy #----------------------------------------------------- put: x-scope: apim:mediation_policy_create x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 58b3b072-74bb-3381-a213-ce1ca2857c2f\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X PUT -d @data.json https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation/8242d72c-b7d7-4b51-9098-d24bd4a5ea3a" x-wso2-request: "PUT https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/policies/mediation/76cc38e4-f41a-457a-a987-3a677c290dc6\nContent-Type: application/json\nAuthorization: Bearer 58b3b072-74bb-3381-a213-ce1ca2857c2f\n\n{\n \"name\": \"add_custom_header_fault\",\n \"type\": \"fault\",\n \"config\": \"\\n \\n<\\/sequence>\\n\"\n}\n" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: application/json\n\n{\n \"id\": \"8242d72c-b7d7-4b51-9098-d24bd4a5ea3a\",\n \"name\": \"add_custom_header_fault\",\n \"type\": \"fault\",\n \"config\": \"\\n \\n<\\/sequence>\\n\"\n}" summary: Update a global mediation policy description: | This operation can be used to update an existing global mediation policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/mediationPolicyId' - in: body name: body description: | Mediation policy object that needs to be added required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Mediation' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Mediation Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Successful response with updated mediation policy object schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Mediation' headers: Location: description: | The URL of the newly created resource. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 403: description: | Forbidden. The request must be conditional but no condition has been specified. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Subscription Throttling Policy Collection" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/subscription': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve all Subscription level policies #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"count\": 5,\r\n \"list\": [\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"6fac9345-6e49-4a31-813b-3d520e09e38b\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Gold\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Gold\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 5000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 5000\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": 0,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": null,\r\n \"customAttributes\": [],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"FREE\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"851bf1b4-19da-4019-949a-9b371f53c8d6\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Silver\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Silver\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 2000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 2000\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": 0,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": null,\r\n \"customAttributes\": [],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"FREE\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"f0b88e6e-cb02-46d6-9c7c-6204729b39f2\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Bronze\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Bronze\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 1000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 1000\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": 0,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": null,\r\n \"customAttributes\": [],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"FREE\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"880bd267-4b14-4248-ac35-37c52546851f\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Unauthenticated\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Unauthenticated\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 500 request(s) per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 500\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": 0,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": null,\r\n \"customAttributes\": [],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"FREE\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"c61f9682-a5f5-4991-b8f9-ea0f44147a5a\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Unlimited\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Unlimited\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows unlimited requests\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 2147483647\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": 0,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": null,\r\n \"customAttributes\": [],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"FREE\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get all Subscription Throttling Policies description: | This operation can be used to retrieve all Subscription level throttling policies. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/Accept' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Subscription Policy (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policies returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionThrottlePolicyList' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Add a Subscription level Throttling Policy #----------------------------------------------------- post: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X POST -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 4000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 4000\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": -1,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": \"NA\",\r\n \"customAttributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr1\",\r\n \"value\": \"value1\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr2\",\r\n \"value\": \"value2\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"COMMERCIAL\"\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nLocation: https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription/6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 4000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 4000\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": -1,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": \"NA\",\r\n \"customAttributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr1\",\r\n \"value\": \"value1\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr2\",\r\n \"value\": \"value2\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"COMMERCIAL\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Add a Subscription Throttling Policy description: | This operation can be used to add a Subscription level throttling policy specifying the details of the policy in the payload. parameters: - in: body name: body description: | Subscripion level policy object that should to be added required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionThrottlePolicy' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' tags: - Subscription Policy (Collection) responses: 201: description: | Created. Successful response with the newly created object as entity in the body. Location header contains URL of newly created entity. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionThrottlePolicy' headers: Location: description: | Location of the newly created Policy object. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 415: description: | Unsupported media type. The entity of the request was in a not supported format. ###################################################### # The "Individual Subscription Throttling Policy" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/subscription/{policyId}': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve a certain Subscription Policy #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription/6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription/6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476 Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 4000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 4000\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": -1,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": \"NA\",\r\n \"customAttributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr1\",\r\n \"value\": \"value1\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr2\",\r\n \"value\": \"value2\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"COMMERCIAL\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get a Subscription Policy description: | Retrieve a single subscription-level throttling policy. We should provide the Id of the policy as a path parameter. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Subscription Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionThrottlePolicy' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Policy does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Delete a Subscription level throttling policy #----------------------------------------------------- delete: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X DELETE -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription/3cc8902e-f7c7-49dc-987b-b146e9bd8ee8" x-wso2-request: | DELETE https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription/3cc8902e-f7c7-49dc-987b-b146e9bd8ee8 Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122 Content-Type: application/json x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Delete a Subscription Policy description: | This operation can be used to delete a subscription-level throttling policy specifying the Id of the policy as a path paramter. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Subscription Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Resource successfully deleted. 404: description: | Not Found. Resource to be deleted does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Update a Subscription Throttling Policy #----------------------------------------------------- put: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X PUT -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription/6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476 -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "PUT https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/subscription/6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 10000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 10000\r\n },\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": -1,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": \"NA\",\r\n \"customAttributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr0\",\r\n \"value\": \"value1\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr1\",\r\n \"value\": \"value1\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"COMMERCIAL\"\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"6dd9fc11-bbe1-4daf-aee5-06a4d0e44476\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Platinum\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 10000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 10000\r\n },\r\n \"rateLimitCount\": -1,\r\n \"rateLimitTimeUnit\": \"NA\",\r\n \"customAttributes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr0\",\r\n \"value\": \"value1\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"name\": \"customAttr1\",\r\n \"value\": \"value1\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"stopOnQuotaReach\": true,\r\n \"billingPlan\": \"COMMERCIAL\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Update a Subscription Policy description: | Updates an existing subscription-level throttling policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - in: body name: body description: | Policy object that needs to be modified required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionThrottlePolicy' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Subscription Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionThrottlePolicy' headers: Location: description: | The URL of the newly created resource. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Custom Rule Collection" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/custom': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve all Custom Rules #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"count\": 1,\r\n \"list\": [\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"custom1\",\r\n \"displayName\": null,\r\n \"description\": \"Allow 10 requests per minute for admin user\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"siddhiQuery\": \"FROM RequestStream\\nSELECT userId, ( userId == 'admin@carbon.super' ) AS isEligible , str:concat('admin@carbon.super','') as throttleKey\\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream; \\n\\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 min) \\nSELECT throttleKey, (count(userId) >= 10) as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey \\nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\",\r\n \"keyTemplate\": \"$userId\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get all Custom Rules description: | Retrieves all Custom Rules. **NOTE:** * Only super tenant users are allowed for this operation. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/Accept' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Custom Rules (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policies returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRuleList' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Add a Custom Rule #----------------------------------------------------- post: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X POST -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"custom1\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allow 10 requests per minute for admin user\",\r\n \"siddhiQuery\": \"FROM RequestStream\\nSELECT userId, ( userId == 'admin@carbon.super' ) AS isEligible , str:concat('admin@carbon.super','') as throttleKey\\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream; \\n\\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 min) \\nSELECT throttleKey, (count(userId) >= 10) as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey \\nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\",\r\n \"keyTemplate\": \"$userId\"\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nLocation: https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom/22c71b7d-7013-4b80-bf7a-e86b471fb575\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"22c71b7d-7013-4b80-bf7a-e86b471fb575\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"custom1\",\r\n \"displayName\": null,\r\n \"description\": \"Allow 10 requests per minute for admin user\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"siddhiQuery\": \"FROM RequestStream\\nSELECT userId, ( userId == 'admin@carbon.super' ) AS isEligible , str:concat('admin@carbon.super','') as throttleKey\\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream; \\n\\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 min) \\nSELECT throttleKey, (count(userId) >= 10) as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey \\nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\",\r\n \"keyTemplate\": \"$userId\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Add a Custom Rule description: | Adds a new Custom Rule. **NOTE:** * Only super tenant users are allowed for this operation. parameters: - in: body name: body description: | Custom Rule object that should to be added required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRule' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' tags: - Custom Rules (Collection) responses: 201: description: | Created. Successful response with the newly created object as entity in the body. Location header contains URL of newly created entity. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRule' headers: Location: description: | Location of the newly created resource. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 415: description: | Unsupported media type. The entity of the request was in a not supported format. ###################################################### # The "Individual Custom Rule" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/custom/{ruleId}': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve a certain Custom Rule #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom/33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom/33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4 Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"custom1\",\r\n \"displayName\": null,\r\n \"description\": \"Allow 10 requests per minute for admin user\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"siddhiQuery\": \"FROM RequestStream\\nSELECT userId, ( userId == 'admin@carbon.super' ) AS isEligible , str:concat('admin@carbon.super','') as throttleKey\\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream; \\n\\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 min) \\nSELECT throttleKey, (count(userId) >= 10) as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey \\nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\",\r\n \"keyTemplate\": \"$userId\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get a Custom Rule description: | Retrieves a Custom Rule. We need to provide the policy Id as a path parameter. **NOTE:** * Only super tenant users are allowed for this operation. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/ruleId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Custom Rules (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRule' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Policy does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Delete a Custom Rule #----------------------------------------------------- delete: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X DELETE -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom/33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4" x-wso2-request: | DELETE https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom/33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4 Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Delete a Custom Rule description: | Delete a Custom Rule. We need to provide the Id of the policy as a path parameter. **NOTE:** * Only super tenant users are allowed for this operation. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/ruleId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Custom Rules (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Resource successfully deleted. 404: description: | Not Found. Resource to be deleted does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Update a Custom Rule #----------------------------------------------------- put: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X PUT -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom/33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4 -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "PUT https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/custom/33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"custom1\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allow 10 requests per minute for admin user\",\r\n \"siddhiQuery\": \"FROM RequestStream\\nSELECT userId, ( userId == 'admin@carbon.super' ) AS isEligible , str:concat('admin@carbon.super','') as throttleKey\\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream; \\n\\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 min) \\nSELECT throttleKey, (count(userId) >= 10) as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey \\nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\",\r\n \"keyTemplate\": \"$userId\"\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"33662a62-8db1-4d75-af08-afd63c6bd0b4\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"custom1\",\r\n \"displayName\": null,\r\n \"description\": \"Allow 10 requests per minute for admin user\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"siddhiQuery\": \"FROM RequestStream\\nSELECT userId, ( userId == 'admin@carbon.super' ) AS isEligible , str:concat('admin@carbon.super','') as throttleKey\\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream; \\n\\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 min) \\nSELECT throttleKey, (count(userId) >= 10) as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey \\nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream;\",\r\n \"keyTemplate\": \"$userId\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Update a Custom Rule description: | Updates an existing Custom Rule. **NOTE:** * Only super tenant users are allowed for this operation. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/ruleId' - in: body name: body description: | Policy object that needs to be modified required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRule' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Custom Rules (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRule' headers: Location: description: | The URL of the newly created resource. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Advanced Throttling Policy Collection" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/advanced': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve all Advanced level policies #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer aa5195d9-3977-33f4-839e-5779dabfe826\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced Authorization: Bearer aa5195d9-3977-33f4-839e-5779dabfe826 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"count\": 4,\r\n \"list\": [\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"85c69cbe-05b7-4293-abff-56f424d51c9c\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"50KPerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"50KPerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 50000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 50000\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"46062a74-edfa-431a-a418-7cb52595baf8\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"20KPerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"20KPerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 20000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 20000\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"0637089f-2128-4a26-9bee-ffb6d85f0f81\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"10KPerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"10KPerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 10000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 10000\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"policyId\": \"c461d87e-dba1-4f57-bc5a-67b97025c1c8\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"Unlimited\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Unlimited\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows unlimited requests\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 2147483647\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get all Advanced throttling policies. description: | Retrieves all existing Advanced level throttling policies. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/Accept' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Advanced Policy (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policies returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AdvancedThrottlePolicyList' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Add an Advanced level throttling policy #----------------------------------------------------- post: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X POST -H \"Authorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced\r\nAuthorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"description\": \"description of the policy\",\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"BandwidthLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 2,\r\n \"dataAmount\": 100,\r\n \"dataUnit\": \"KB\"\r\n },\r\n \"conditionalGroups\": [\r\n {\r\n \"description\": \"Sample description about condition group\",\r\n \"conditions\": [\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"IPCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"ipConditionType\": \"IPSpecific\",\r\n \"specificIP\": \"\",\r\n \"startingIP\": null,\r\n \"endingIP\": null\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"HeaderCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"headerName\": \"Location\",\r\n \"headerValue\": \"google.com\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"HeaderCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"headerName\": \"Host\",\r\n \"headerValue\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"QueryParameterCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"parameterName\": \"name\",\r\n \"parameterValue\": \"admin\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"QueryParameterCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"parameterName\": \"lastAccess\",\r\n \"parameterValue\": \"25-02-2016\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"JWTClaimsCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"claimUrl\": \"claimUrl0\",\r\n \"attribute\": \"claimAttr0\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"JWTClaimsCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"claimUrl\": \"claimUrl1\",\r\n \"attribute\": \"claimAttr\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"limit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"sec\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 60,\r\n \"requestCount\": 0\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"description\": \"Sample description about condition group\",\r\n \"conditions\": [ {\r\n \"type\": \"IPCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"ipConditionType\": \"IPRange\",\r\n \"specificIP\": null,\r\n \"startingIP\": \"\",\r\n \"endingIP\": \"\"\r\n }],\r\n \"limit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"sec\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 60,\r\n \"requestCount\": 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nLocation: https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced/a0c9f368-b7d2-4eec-a757-f67034160208\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"a0c9f368-b7d2-4eec-a757-f67034160208\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"description\": \"description of the policy\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"BandwidthLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 2,\r\n \"dataAmount\": 100,\r\n \"dataUnit\": \"KB\"\r\n },\r\n \"conditionalGroups\": [\r\n {\r\n \"description\": \"Sample description about condition group\",\r\n \"conditions\": [\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"IPCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"ipConditionType\": \"IPSpecific\",\r\n \"specificIP\": \"\",\r\n \"startingIP\": null,\r\n \"endingIP\": null\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"HeaderCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"headerName\": \"Location\",\r\n \"headerValue\": \"google.com\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"HeaderCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"headerName\": \"Host\",\r\n \"headerValue\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"QueryParameterCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"parameterName\": \"name\",\r\n \"parameterValue\": \"admin\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"QueryParameterCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"parameterName\": \"lastAccess\",\r\n \"parameterValue\": \"25-02-2016\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"JWTClaimsCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"claimUrl\": \"claimUrl0\",\r\n \"attribute\": \"claimAttr0\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"JWTClaimsCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"claimUrl\": \"claimUrl1\",\r\n \"attribute\": \"claimAttr\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"limit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"sec\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 60,\r\n \"requestCount\": 0\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"description\": \"Sample description about condition group\",\r\n \"conditions\": [\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"IPCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"ipConditionType\": \"IPRange\",\r\n \"specificIP\": null,\r\n \"startingIP\": \"\",\r\n \"endingIP\": \"\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"limit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"sec\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 60,\r\n \"requestCount\": 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Add an Advanced Throttling Policy description: | Add a new Advanced level throttling policy. parameters: - in: body name: body description: | Advanced level policy object that should to be added required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AdvancedThrottlePolicy' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' tags: - Advanced Policy (Collection) responses: 201: description: | Created. Successful response with the newly created object as entity in the body. Location header contains URL of newly created entity. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AdvancedThrottlePolicy' headers: Location: description: | Location of the newly created Advanced Throttling Policy. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 415: description: | Unsupported media type. The entity of the request was in a not supported format. ###################################################### # The "Individual Advanced Throttling Policy" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/policies/advanced/{policyId}': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve a certain Advanced Throttling Policy #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced/ea4ee02d-6cfb-4eea-9e30-3f548783160b" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced/ea4ee02d-6cfb-4eea-9e30-3f548783160b Authorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"ea4ee02d-6cfb-4eea-9e30-3f548783160b\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"50KPerMin\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"50KPerMin\",\r\n \"description\": \"Allows 50000 requests per minute\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 1,\r\n \"requestCount\": 50000\r\n },\r\n \"conditionalGroups\": []\r\n}\r\n" x-scope: apim:tier_view summary: Get an Advanced Policy description: | Retrieves an Advanced Policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Advanced Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AdvancedThrottlePolicy' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Policy does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Delete an Advanced level throttling policy #----------------------------------------------------- delete: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X DELETE -H \"Authorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced/a0c9f368-b7d2-4eec-a757-f67034160208" x-wso2-request: | DELETE https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced/a0c9f368-b7d2-4eec-a757-f67034160208 Authorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Delete an Advanced Throttling Policy description: | Deletes an Advanced level throttling policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Advanced Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Resource successfully deleted. 404: description: | Not Found. Resource to be deleted does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Update an Advanced Throttling Policy #----------------------------------------------------- put: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X PUT -H \"Authorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced/a0c9f368-b7d2-4eec-a757-f67034160208 -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "PUT https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/policies/advanced/a0c9f368-b7d2-4eec-a757-f67034160208\r\nAuthorization: Bearer f7058af8-65a3-36c0-8d61-bc30476755c7\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"description\": \"description of the policy\",\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"BandwidthLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 2,\r\n \"dataAmount\": 100,\r\n \"dataUnit\": \"KB\"\r\n },\r\n \"conditionalGroups\": [\r\n {\r\n \"description\": \"Sample description about condition group\",\r\n \"conditions\": [\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"IPCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"ipConditionType\": \"IPSpecific\",\r\n \"specificIP\": \"\",\r\n \"startingIP\": null,\r\n \"endingIP\": null\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"HeaderCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"headerName\": \"Host\",\r\n \"headerValue\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"QueryParameterCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"parameterName\": \"name\",\r\n \"parameterValue\": \"admin\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"JWTClaimsCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"claimUrl\": \"claimUrl0\",\r\n \"attribute\": \"claimAttr0\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"limit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"sec\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 60,\r\n \"requestCount\": 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"policyId\": \"a0c9f368-b7d2-4eec-a757-f67034160208\",\r\n \"policyName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"100KBP2Min\",\r\n \"description\": \"description of the policy\",\r\n \"isDeployed\": true,\r\n \"defaultLimit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"BandwidthLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"min\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 2,\r\n \"dataAmount\": 100,\r\n \"dataUnit\": \"KB\"\r\n },\r\n \"conditionalGroups\": [\r\n {\r\n \"description\": \"Sample description about condition group\",\r\n \"conditions\": [\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"IPCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"ipConditionType\": \"IPSpecific\",\r\n \"specificIP\": \"\",\r\n \"startingIP\": null,\r\n \"endingIP\": null\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"HeaderCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"headerName\": \"Host\",\r\n \"headerValue\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"QueryParameterCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": false,\r\n \"parameterName\": \"name\",\r\n \"parameterValue\": \"admin\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"type\": \"JWTClaimsCondition\",\r\n \"invertCondition\": true,\r\n \"claimUrl\": \"claimUrl0\",\r\n \"attribute\": \"claimAttr0\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"limit\": {\r\n \"type\": \"RequestCountLimit\",\r\n \"timeUnit\": \"sec\",\r\n \"unitTime\": 60,\r\n \"requestCount\": 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-scope: apim:tier_manage summary: Update an Advanced Throttling Policy description: | Updates an existing Advanced level throttling policy. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/policyId' - in: body name: body description: | Policy object that needs to be modified required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AdvancedThrottlePolicy' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Advanced Policy (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Policy updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AdvancedThrottlePolicy' headers: Location: description: | The URL of the newly created resource. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Blocking Condition Collection" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/blacklist': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve all Blocking conditions #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist Authorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"count\": 3,\r\n \"list\": [\r\n {\r\n \"conditionId\": \"0b65b686-841b-48eb-b4c2-427d24584d71\",\r\n \"conditionType\": \"IP\",\r\n \"conditionValue\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"conditionId\": \"3baa990c-f90b-4e3e-9db7-f29ee7f46f48\",\r\n \"conditionType\": \"IP\",\r\n \"conditionValue\": \"localhost\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"conditionId\": \"b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363cf\",\r\n \"conditionType\": \"IP\",\r\n \"conditionValue\": \"\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" x-scope: apim:bl_view summary: Get all blocking condtions description: | Retrieves all existing blocking condtions. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/Accept' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Blacklist (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. Blocking conditions returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BlockingConditionList' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Add a Custom Rule #----------------------------------------------------- post: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X POST -H \"Authorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist" x-wso2-request: "POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist\r\nAuthorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"conditionType\": \"IP\",\r\n \"conditionValue\": \"\"\r\n}\r\n" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nLocation: https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist/b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363cf\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"conditionId\": \"b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363cf\",\r\n \"conditionType\": \"IP\",\r\n \"conditionValue\": \"\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:bl_manage summary: Add a Blocking condition description: | Adds a new Blocking condition. parameters: - in: body name: body description: | Blocking condition object that should to be added required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BlockingCondition' - $ref: '#/parameters/Content-Type' tags: - Blacklist (Collection) responses: 201: description: | Created. Successful response with the newly created object as entity in the body. Location header contains URL of newly created entity. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BlockingCondition' headers: Location: description: | Location of the newly created resource. type: string Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 415: description: | Unsupported media type. The entity of the request was in a not supported format. ###################################################### # The "Individual Blocking Condition" resource API ###################################################### '/throttling/blacklist/{conditionId}': #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve a Blocking condition #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist/b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363c" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist/b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363c Authorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"conditionId\": \"b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363cf\",\r\n \"conditionType\": \"IP\",\r\n \"conditionValue\": \"\"\r\n}" x-scope: apim:bl_view summary: Get a Blocking Condition description: | Retrieves a Blocking Condition providing the condition Id parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/conditionId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Modified-Since' tags: - Blacklist (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Condition returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BlockingCondition' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string ETag: description: | Entity Tag of the response resource. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string Last-Modified: description: | Date and time the resource has been modifed the last time. Used by caches, or in conditional requests (Will be supported in future). type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Condition does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Delete a Blocking condition #----------------------------------------------------- delete: x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X DELETE -H \"Authorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist/b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363cf" x-wso2-request: | DELETE https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/throttling/blacklist/b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363cf Authorization: Bearer a1e3951b-a15c-3d79-a15b-99f1d612843e x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" x-scope: apim:bl_manage summary: Delete a Blocking condition description: | Deletes an existing Blocking condition parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/conditionId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Blacklist (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Resource successfully deleted. 404: description: | Not Found. Resource to be deleted does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met (Will be supported in future). schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Application Collection" resource APIs ###################################################### /applications: #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve a list of all applications of a certain subscriber #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-scope: apim:app_owner_change x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/applications Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8 x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8\" \"https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/applications\"" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: application/json\n\n{\n \"previous\": \"\",\n \"list\": [\n {\n \"groupId\": \"\",\n \"owner\": \"admin\",\n \"applicationId\": \"367a2361-8db5-4140-8133-c6c8dc7fa0c4\",\n \"status\": \"APPROVED\",\n \"name\": \"app1\"\n },\n {\n \"groupId\": \"\",\n \"owner\": \"admin\",\n \"applicationId\": \"896658a0-b4ee-4535-bbfa-806c894a4015\",\n \"status\": \"APPROVED\",\n \"name\": \"DefaultApplication\"\n }\n ],\n \"count\": 2,\n \"next\": \"\"\n}" summary: | Retrieve/Search applications description: | This operation can be used to retrieve list of applications that is belonged to the given user, If no user is provided then the application for the user associated with the provided access token will be returned. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/user' - $ref: '#/parameters/limit' - $ref: '#/parameters/offset' - $ref: '#/parameters/Accept' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-None-Match' tags: - Application (Collection) responses: 200: description: | OK. Application list returned. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationList' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string 304: description: | Not Modified. Empty body because the client has already the latest version of the requested resource (Will be supported in future). 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Change Owner" Function resource API ###################################################### /applications/{applicationId}/change-owner: #----------------------------------------------------- # Change the owner of an Application #----------------------------------------------------- post: x-scope: apim:app_owner_change x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8\" -X POST \"https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/applications/890a4f4d-09eb-4877-a323-57f6ce2ed79b/change-owner?owner=admin\"" x-wso2-request: | POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/apis/change-owner?apiId=890a4f4d-09eb-4877-a323-57f6ce2ed79b&action=Publish Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" summary: Change Application Owner description: | This operation is used to change the owner of an Application. In order to change the owner of an application, we need to pass the new application owner as a query parameter parameters: - name: owner in: query type: string required: true - $ref: '#/parameters/applicationId' tags: - Application responses: 200: description: | OK. Application owner changed successfully. 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Application does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 412: description: | Precondition Failed. The request has not been performed because one of the preconditions is not met. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # Export Application Resource API ###################################################### /export/applications: get: x-scope: apim:app_import_export produces: - application/json - application/zip x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8\" -X GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/export/applications?appName=sampleApp&appOwner=admin > admin_sampleApp.zip" x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/export/applications?appName=sampleApp&appOwner=admin Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n Connection: keep-alive\n Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"exported-application.zip\"\n Content-Type: application/zip" summary: Export an Application description: | This operation can be used to export the details of a particular Application as a zip file. parameters: - name: appName in: query description: | Application Name required: true type: string - name: appOwner in: query description: | Owner of the Application required: true type: string tags: - Application (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Export Successful. headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string schema: type: file 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. Requested Application does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # Import Application Resource API ###################################################### /import/applications: post: x-scope: apim:app_import_export consumes: - multipart/form-data x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -F \"file=@exported.zip\" -X POST -H \"Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/import/applications" x-wso2-request: | POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/import/applications Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8 x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\nLocation: https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/applications/c30f3a6e-ffa4-4ae7-afce-224d1f820524\nContent-Type: application/json\n\n{\n \"groupId\": \"\",\n \"callbackUrl\": \"http://my.server.com/callback\",\n \"owner\": \"admin\",\n \"applicationId\": \"c30f3a6e-ffa4-4ae7-afce-224d1f820524\",\n \"status\": \"APPROVED\",\n \"name\": \"sampleapp\" \n}" summary: Import an Application description: | This operation can be used to import an Application. parameters: - name: file in: formData description: | Zip archive consisting of exported Application Configuration. required: true type: file - name: preserveOwner in: query description: | Preserve Original Creator of the Application required: false type: boolean - name: skipSubscriptions in: query description: | Skip importing Subscriptions of the Application required: false type: boolean - name: appOwner in: query description: | Expected Owner of the Application in the Import Environment type: string tags: - Application (Individual) responses: 200: description: | OK. Successful response with the updated object information as entity in the body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationInfo' headers: Content-Type: description: | The content type of the body. type: string 207: description: | Multi Status. Partially successful response with skipped APIs information object as entity in the body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/APIInfoList' 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 406: description: | Not Acceptable. The requested media type is not supported schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #################################################### # The "Label" resource API ###################################################### /labels: #----------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve all labels #----------------------------------------------------- get: x-scope: apim:label_read x-wso2-request: | GET https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/labels Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8 x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -H \"Authorization: Bearer ae4eae22-3f65-387b-a171-d37eaa366fa8\" \"https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/labels\"" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"count\": 1,\r\n \"list\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\":\"d7cf8523-9180-4255-84fa-6cb171c1f779\",\r\n \"name\":\"internal\",\r\n \"description\":\"label used for internal purpose\",\r\n \"accessUrls\":[\r\n \"https://localhost:9095\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" summary: Get all registered Labels description: | Get all registered Labels tags: - Label Collection responses: 200: description: | OK. Labels returned schema: $ref: '#/definitions/LabelList' #----------------------------------------------------- # Add a Label #----------------------------------------------------- post: x-scope: apim:label_manage x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X POST -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://apis.wso2.com/api/am/admin/v0.13/labels -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "POST https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/labels\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n {\r\n \"name\":\"internal\",\r\n \"description\":\"label used for internal purpose\",\r\n \"accessUrls\":[\r\n \"https://localhost:9095\"\r\n ]\r\n }" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"id\":\"d7cf8523-9180-4255-84fa-6cb171c1f779\",\r\n \"name\":\"internal\",\r\n \"description\":\"label used for internal purpose\",\r\n \"accessUrls\":[\r\n \"https://localhost:9095\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" summary: Add a Label description: | Add a new gateway Label parameters: - in: body name: body description: | Label object that should to be added required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Label' tags: - Label responses: 201: description: | Created. Successful response with the newly created object as entity in the body. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Label' 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # The "Individual label" resource APIs ###################################################### /labels/{labelId}: #----------------------------------------------------- # Update a Label #----------------------------------------------------- put: x-scope: apim:label_manage x-wso2-curl: "curl -k -X PUT -H \"Authorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/labels/d7cf8523-9180-4255-84fa-6cb171c1f779 -d @data.json" x-wso2-request: "PUT https://localhost:9443/api/am/admin/v0.13/labels/d7cf8523-9180-4255-84fa-6cb171c1f779\r\nAuthorization: Bearer 0d63e133-7ad6-3aeb-9ca9-9299e0708122\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n {\r\n \"name\":\"update_internal\",\r\n \"description\":\"Updated label used for internal purpose\",\r\n \"accessUrls\":[\r\n \"https://localhost:9095\"\r\n ]\r\n }" x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"id\":\"d7cf8523-9180-4255-84fa-6cb171c1f779\",\r\n \"name\":\"updated_internal\",\r\n \"description\":\"Updated label used for internal purpose\",\r\n \"accessUrls\":[\r\n \"https://localhost:9095\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}" summary: Update a Label description: | Update a Label by label Id parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/labelId' - in: body name: body description: | Label object with updated information required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Label' tags: - Label responses: 200: description: | OK. Label updated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Label' 400: description: | Bad Request. Invalid request or validation error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' 404: description: | Not Found. The resource to be updated does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' #----------------------------------------------------- # Delete a Label #----------------------------------------------------- delete: x-scope: apim:label_manage x-wso2-response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" summary: Delete a Label description: | Delete a Label by label Id parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/labelId' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Match' - $ref: '#/parameters/If-Unmodified-Since' tags: - Label responses: 200: description: | OK. Label successfully deleted. 404: description: | Not Found. Label to be deleted does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' ###################################################### # Parameters - required by some of the APIs above ###################################################### parameters: # Label Id # Specified as part of the path expression labelId: name: labelId in: path description: | Label UUID type: string required: true # Throttling Policy Id # Specified as part of the path expression policyId: name: policyId in: path description: | Thorttle policy UUID type: string required: true # Custom rule Id # Specified as part of the path expression ruleId: name: ruleId in: path description: | Custom rule UUID type: string required: true # Application Id # Specified as part of the path expression applicationId: name: applicationId in: path description: | Application UUID type: string required: true # Blocking Condition Id # Specified as part of the path expression conditionId: name: conditionId in: path description: | Blocking condition identifier type: string required: true # The HTTP Accept header Accept: name: Accept in: header description: | Media types acceptable for the response. Default is application/json. default: application/json type: string # The HTTP Content-Type header Content-Type: name: Content-Type in: header description: | Media type of the entity in the body. Default is application/json. default: application/json required: true type : string # The HTTP If-None-Match header # Used to avoid retrieving data that are already cached If-None-Match: name: If-None-Match in: header description: | Validator for conditional requests; based on the ETag of the formerly retrieved variant of the resource (Will be supported in future). type : string # The HTTP If-Modified-Since header # Used to avoid retrieving data that are already cached If-Modified-Since: name: If-Modified-Since in: header description: | Validator for conditional requests; based on Last Modified header of the formerly retrieved variant of the resource (Will be supported in future). type: string # The HTTP If-Match header # Used to avoid concurrent updates If-Match: name: If-Match in: header description: | Validator for conditional requests; based on ETag (Will be supported in future). type: string # The HTTP If-Unmodified-Since header # Used to avoid concurrent updates If-Unmodified-Since: name: If-Unmodified-Since in: header description: | Validator for conditional requests; based on Last Modified header (Will be supported in future). type: string # Used for pagination: # The maximum number of resoures to be returned by a GET limit: name: limit in: query description: | Maximum size of resource array to return. default: 25 type: integer # Used for pagination: # The order number of an instance in a qualified set of resoures # at which to start to return the next batch of qualified resources offset: name: offset in: query description: | Starting point within the complete list of items qualified. default: 0 type: integer # Mediation policy identifier # Specified as part of the path expression mediationPolicyId: name: mediationPolicyId in: path description: | Mediation policy Id required: true type: string # Group Identifier of the application user: name: user in: query description: | username of the application creator required: false type: string ###################################################### # The resources used by some of the APIs above within the message body ###################################################### definitions: #----------------------------------------------------- # The Error resource #----------------------------------------------------- Error: title: Error object returned with 4XX HTTP status required: - code - message properties: code: type: integer format: int64 description: Error code message: type: string description: Error message. description: type: string description: | A detail description about the error message. moreInfo: type: string description: | Preferably an url with more details about the error. error: type: array description: | If there are more than one error list them out. For example, list out validation errors by each field. items: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorListItem' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Error List Item resource #----------------------------------------------------- ErrorListItem: title: Description of individual errors that may have occurred during a request. required: - code - message properties: code: type: string description: Error code message: type: string description: | Description about individual errors occurred #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling Policy resource #----------------------------------------------------- ThrottlePolicy : title: Generic Throttling Policy required: - policyName properties: policyId: type: string description: Id of policy example: 0c6439fd-9b16-3c2e-be6e-1086e0b9aa93 policyName: type: string description: Name of policy example: Policy1 displayName: type: string description: Display name of the policy description: type: string description: Description of the policy isDeployed: type: boolean default: false description: Indicates whether the policy is deployed successfully or not. #----------------------------------------------------- # The Advanced Throttling Policy Info resource #----------------------------------------------------- AdvancedThrottlePolicyInfo : title: Advanced Throttling Policy required: - defaultLimit allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottlePolicy' - properties: defaultLimit: $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleLimit' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Advanced Throttling Policy resource #----------------------------------------------------- AdvancedThrottlePolicy : title: Advanced Throttling Policy required: - defaultLimit allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottlePolicy' - properties: defaultLimit: $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleLimit' conditionalGroups: type: array description: | Group of conditions which allow adding different parameter conditions to the throttling limit. items: $ref: '#/definitions/ConditionalGroup' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Advanced Throttling Policy List resource #----------------------------------------------------- AdvancedThrottlePolicyList: title: Advanced Throttling Policy List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of Advanced Throttling Policies returned. example: 1 list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AdvancedThrottlePolicyInfo' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Application Throttling Policy resource #----------------------------------------------------- ApplicationThrottlePolicy: title: Application Throttling Policy required: - defaultLimit allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottlePolicy' - properties: defaultLimit: $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleLimit' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Advanced Throttling Policy List resource #----------------------------------------------------- ApplicationThrottlePolicyList: title: Application Level Throttling Policy List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of Application Throttling Policies returned. example: 1 list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationThrottlePolicy' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Subscription Throttling Policy resource #----------------------------------------------------- SubscriptionThrottlePolicy: title: Subscription Throttling Policy required: - defaultLimit allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottlePolicy' - properties: defaultLimit: $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleLimit' rateLimitCount: type: integer default: 0 description: Burst control request count example: 10 rateLimitTimeUnit: type: string description: Burst control time unit customAttributes: description: | Custom attributes added to the Subscription Throttling Policy type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomAttribute' additionalProperties: type: string example: {} stopOnQuotaReach: type: boolean default: false description: | This indicates the action to be taken when a user goes beyond the allocated quota. If checked, the user's requests will be dropped. If unchecked, the requests will be allowed to pass through. billingPlan: type: string description: | define whether this is Paid or a Free plan. Allowed values are FREE or COMMERCIAL. #----------------------------------------------------- # The Subscription Throttling Policy List resource #----------------------------------------------------- SubscriptionThrottlePolicyList: title: Subscription Level Throttling Policy List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of Subscription Throttling Policies returned. example: 1 list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SubscriptionThrottlePolicy' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Custom Rule resource #----------------------------------------------------- CustomRule: title: Custom Rule required: - siddhiQuery - keyTemplate allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottlePolicy' - properties: siddhiQuery: type: string description: Siddhi query which represents the custom throttling policy example: | FROM RequestStream\nSELECT userId, ( userId == 'admin@carbon.super' ) AS isEligible , str:concat('admin@carbon.super','') as throttleKey\nINSERT INTO EligibilityStream; \n\nFROM EligibilityStream[isEligible==true]#throttler:timeBatch(1 min) \nSELECT throttleKey, (count(userId) >= 10) as isThrottled, expiryTimeStamp group by throttleKey \nINSERT ALL EVENTS into ResultStream; keyTemplate: type: string description: The specific combination of attributes that are checked in the policy. example: $userId #----------------------------------------------------- # The Custom Rule List resource #----------------------------------------------------- CustomRuleList: title: Custom Rule List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of Custom Rules returned. example: 1 list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CustomRule' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Conditional Group resource #----------------------------------------------------- ConditionalGroup : title: Conditional Groups for Throttling required: - limit - conditions properties: description: type: string description: Description of the Conditional Group conditions: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleCondition' description: | Individual throttling conditions. They can be defined as either HeaderCondition, IPCondition, JWTClaimsCondition, QueryParameterCondition Please see schemas of each of those throttling condition in Definitions section. example: | [ { "type": "IPCondition", "invertCondition": false, "ipConditionType": "IPSpecific", "specificIP": "", "startingIP": null, "endingIP": null }, { "type": "HeaderCondition", "invertCondition": false, "headerName": "Location", "headerValue": "google.com" } ] limit: $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleLimit' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling Condition resource #----------------------------------------------------- ThrottleCondition: discriminator: type x-wso2-subtypes: - HeaderCondition - IPCondition - JWTClaimsCondition - QueryParameterCondition title: Conditions used for Throttling description: Throttling Conditions required: - type properties: type: type: string enum: - HeaderCondition - IPCondition - JWTClaimsCondition - QueryParameterCondition description: | Type of the thottling condition. Allowed values are HeaderCondition, IPCondition, JWTClaimsCondition, QueryParameterCondition invertCondition: type: boolean default: false description: | Specifies whether inversion of the condition to be matched against the request. **Note:** When you add conditional groups for advanced throttling policies, this paramater should have the same value (`true` or `false`) for the same type of conditional group. #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling HTTP Header Condition resource #----------------------------------------------------- HeaderCondition: title: HTTP Headerc based throttling condition required: - headerName - headerValue allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleCondition' - properties: headerName: type: string description: Name of the header headerValue: type: string description: Value of the header #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling IP Condition resource #----------------------------------------------------- IPCondition: title: IP based throttling condition required: - specificIP allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleCondition' - properties: ipConditionType: type: string enum: - IPRange - IPSpecific description: Type of the IP condition. Allowed values are "IPRange" and "IPSpecific" specificIP: type: string description: Specific IP when "IPSpecific" is used as the ipConditionType startingIP: type: string description: Staring IP when "IPRange" is used as the ipConditionType endingIP: type: string description: Ending IP when "IPRange" is used as the ipConditionType #----------------------------------------------------- # The JWT Claims Condition resource #----------------------------------------------------- JWTClaimsCondition: title: JWT claim attibute based throttling condition required: - claimUrl - attribute allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleCondition' - properties: claimUrl: type: string description: JWT claim URL attribute: type: string description: Attribute to be matched #----------------------------------------------------- # The Query Parameter Condition resource #----------------------------------------------------- QueryParameterCondition: title: Query parameter based throttling condition required: - parameterName - parameterValue allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleCondition' - properties: parameterName: type: string description: Name of the query parameter parameterValue: type: string description: Value of the query parameter to be matched #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling Limit resource #----------------------------------------------------- ThrottleLimit : discriminator: type x-wso2-subtypes: - RequestCountLimit - BandwidthLimit required: - type - timeUnit - unitTime properties: type: type: string enum: - RequestCountLimit - BandwidthLimit description: | Type of the throttling limit. Allowed values are "RequestCountLimit" and "BandwidthLimit". Please see schemas of each of those throttling limit types in Definitions section. example: RequestCountLimit timeUnit: type: string description: Unit of the time. Allowed values are "sec", "min", "hour", "day" example: min unitTime: type: integer default: 0 description: Time limit that the throttling limit applies. example: 10 #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling Bandwidth Limit resource #----------------------------------------------------- BandwidthLimit : required: - dataAmount - dataUnit allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleLimit' - properties: dataAmount: type: integer format: int64 description: Amount of data allowed to be transfered example: 1000 dataUnit: type: string description: Unit of data allowed to be transfered. Allowed values are "KB", "MB" and "GB" example: KB #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling Request Count Limit resource #----------------------------------------------------- RequestCountLimit : required: - requestCount allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ThrottleLimit' - properties: requestCount: type: integer format: int64 example: 1000 description: Maximum number of requests allowed #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling Blocking Condition resource #----------------------------------------------------- BlockingCondition: title: Blocking Conditions description: Blocking Conditions required: - conditionType - conditionValue properties: conditionId: type: string description: Id of the blocking condition example: b513eb68-69e8-4c32-92cf-852c101363cf conditionType: type: string description: Type of the blocking condition example: IP conditionValue: type: string description: Value of the blocking condition example: #----------------------------------------------------- # The Throttling Blocking Condition List resource #----------------------------------------------------- BlockingConditionList: title: Blocking Conditions List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of Blocking Conditions returned. example: 1 list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BlockingCondition' #----------------------------------------------------- # Custom Attribute object #----------------------------------------------------- CustomAttribute: title: Name-Value pair required: - name - value properties: name: type: string description: Name of the custom attribute example: customAttr1 value: type: string description: Value of the custom attribute example: value1 #----------------------------------------------------- # The Mediation List resource #----------------------------------------------------- mediationList: title: Mediation List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of mediation sequences returned. example: 1 next: type: string description: | Link to the next subset of sequences qualified. Empty if no more sequences are to be returned. example: "" previous: type: string description: | Link to the previous subset of sequences qualified. Empty if current subset is the first subset returned. example: "" list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/MediationInfo' #----------------------------------------------------- # The MediationInfo resource #----------------------------------------------------- MediationInfo: title: MediationInfo required: - name - type - id properties: name: type: string example: json_fault.xml id: type: string example: 01234567-0123-0123-0123-012345678901 type: type: string enum: - in - out - fault example: in #----------------------------------------------------- # The Mediation resource #----------------------------------------------------- Mediation: title: Mediation required: - name - type - config properties: id: type: string example: 01234567-0123-0123-0123-012345678901 name: type: string example: json_fault.xml type: type: string enum: - in - out - fault example: in config: type: string example: ' ' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Application List resource #----------------------------------------------------- ApplicationList: title: Application List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of applications returned. example: 1 next: type: string description: | Link to the next subset of resources qualified. Empty if no more resources are to be returned. example: "/applications?limit=1&offset=2&user=" previous: type: string description: | Link to the previous subset of resources qualified. Empty if current subset is the first subset returned. example: "/applications?limit=1&offset=0&user=" list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplicationInfo' #----------------------------------------------------- # The Application Info resource #----------------------------------------------------- ApplicationInfo: title: Application info object with basic application details properties: applicationId: type: string example: 01234567-0123-0123-0123-012345678901 name: type: string example: CalculatorApp owner: type: string example: admin status: type: string example: APPROVED groupId: type: string example: "" #----------------------------------------------------- # The API Info List resource #----------------------------------------------------- APIInfoList: title: API Info List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of API Info objects returned. example: 1 list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/APIInfo' #----------------------------------------------------- # The API Info resource #----------------------------------------------------- APIInfo: title: API info object with basic API details properties: name: type: string description: The name of the API. example: PizzaShackAPI version: type: string description: The version of the API example: 1.0.0 provider: type: string description: The provider of the API example: admin #----------------------------------------------------- # The Label resource #----------------------------------------------------- Label: title: Label required: - name properties: id: type: string example: "This is not mandatory.Auto generate by code" name: type: string example: "Public" description: type: string example: "Label to use for public Gateway" accessUrls: type: array items: type: string example: "http://localhost:9443/" #----------------------------------------------------- # The Label List resource #----------------------------------------------------- LabelList: title: Label List properties: count: type: integer description: | Number of Labels returned. example: 1 list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Label' #----------------------------------------------------- # END-OF-FILE #-----------------------------------------------------