# Copyright (c) 2021, WSO2 Inc. (http://www.wso2.org) All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. openapi: 3.0.0 servers: - url: "{interceptor_service_url}/api/v1" variables: interceptor_service_url: default: https://interceptor-service:8443 description: interceptor_host assigned by the service provider info: title: Choreo-Connect Interceptor Service description: Interceptor Service version: v1 contact: name: WSO2 url: http://wso2.com/products/api-manager/ license: name: Apache 2.0 url: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html tags: - name: interceptor description: Interceptor paths: "/handle-request": post: tags: - Request summary: Handle Request operationId: handleRequest requestBody: description: | Content of the request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RequestHandlerRequestBody" responses: 200: description: Successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RequestHandlerResponseBody" "/handle-response": post: tags: - Response summary: Handle Response operationId: handleResponse requestBody: description: | Content of the request content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResponseHandlerRequestBody" responses: 200: description: Successful operation content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResponseHandlerResponseBody" components: schemas: RequestHandlerRequestBody: title: Request body of Request handler type: object properties: requestHeaders: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Headers" requestTrailers: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Trailers" requestBody: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Body" invocationContext: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvocationContext" RequestHandlerResponseBody: title: Response body of Request handler type: object properties: directRespond: type: boolean example: false responseCode: type: integer example: 200 dynamicEndpoint: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DynamicEndpoint" headersToAdd: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Headers" headersToReplace: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Headers" headersToRemove: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HeaderKeys" trailersToAdd: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Trailers" trailersToReplace: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Trailers" trailersToRemove: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HeaderKeys" pathToRewrite: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Path" body: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Body" interceptorContext: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InterceptorContext" ResponseHandlerRequestBody: title: Request body of Response handler type: object properties: responseCode: type: integer example: 200 requestHeaders: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Headers" requestTrailers: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Trailers" requestBody: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Body" responseHeaders: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Headers" responseTrailers: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Trailers" responseBody: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Body" invocationContext: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InvocationContext" interceptorContext: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InterceptorContext" required: - responseCode ResponseHandlerResponseBody: title: Response Body type: object properties: responseCode: type: integer example: 200 headersToAdd: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Headers" headersToReplace: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Headers" headersToRemove: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HeaderKeys" trailersToAdd: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Trailers" trailersToReplace: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Trailers" trailersToRemove: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HeaderKeys" body: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Body" InvocationContext: title: Invocation context type: object properties: requestId: type: string example: 75269e44-f797-4432-9906-cf39e68d6ab8 protocol: type: string example: HTTP/1.1 scheme: type: string example: https apiName: type: string example: PetStore apiVersion: type: string example: v1.0.0 vhost: type: string example: localhost supportedMethods: type: string example: GET POST method: type: string example: POST basePath: type: string example: /petstore path: type: string example: /petstore/pet/1 pathTemplate: type: string example: /pet/{petID} source: type: string example: prodClusterName: type: string example: carbon.super_clusterProd_localhost_Online-Storev1.0.0 sandClusterName: type: string example: "" authenticationContext: type: object properties: tokenType: type: string example: JWT token: type: string example: xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx keyType: type: string example: PRODUCTION InterceptorContext: title: Interceptor Context type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: | Map (string-to-string dictionary) of key value pairs example: key1: value1 key2: value2 DynamicEndpoint: title: Dynamic endpoint type: object properties: endpointName: type: string example: my-dynamic-endpoint Headers: title: Headers type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: | Map (string-to-string dictionary) of key value pairs of headers example: content-type: application/xml content-length: "40" Path: title: Path type: string description: | New path that should overwrite the original path example: /hello/1.0.0/test?foo=bar Trailers: title: Trailers type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: | Map (string-to-string dictionary) of key value pairs of trailers example: trailer1-key: value HeaderKeys: title: HeaderKeys type: array items: type: string description: | Array of header keys example: - key1 - key2 Body: type: string description: | Base64 encoded body example: PGhlbGxvPndvcmxkPC9oZWxsbz4K