// Common "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Yes" = "Yes"; "No" = "No"; "OK" = "OK"; "Error" = "Error"; "Edit" = "Edit"; "Close" = "Close"; "Done" = "Done"; "Clear" = "Clear"; "An Error Occurred" = "An Error Occurred"; "Dismiss" = "Dismiss"; // Home "Home" = "Home"; "Info" = "Info"; "Welcome to Zebra!" = "Welcome to Zebra!"; "Report a Bug" = "Report a Bug"; "Changelog" = "Changelog"; "Wish List" = "Wish List"; "Newest First" = "Newest First"; "Oldest First" = "Oldest First"; "No items in Wish List" = "No items in Wish List"; "Community" = "Community"; "Join our Discord" = "Join our Discord"; "Follow us on Twitter" = "Follow us on Twitter"; "Help translate Zebra!" = "Help translate Zebra!"; // Community Source "Community Sources" = "Community Sources"; "You’ve added all of the community sources" = "You’ve added all of the community sources"; "Transfer sources from %@ to Zebra" = "Transfer sources from %@ to Zebra"; "Transfer Sources" = "Transfer Sources"; "Import" = "Import"; "Verifying…" = "Verifying…"; "Confirm Import" = "Confirm Import"; "Import Sources" = "Import Sources"; "No sources to import" = "No sources to import"; "Are you sure that you want to import 1 source into Zebra?" = "Are you sure that you want to import 1 source into Zebra?"; "Are you sure that you want to import %d sources into Zebra?" = "Are you sure that you want to import %d sources into Zebra?"; // Credits "Credits" = "Credits"; "Creators" = "Creators"; "Contributors" = "Contributors"; "Translators" = "Translators"; "Libraries" = "Libraries"; // Settings "Settings" = "Settings"; "Display" = "Display"; "App Icon" = "App Icon"; "Changes" = "Changes"; "Community News" = "Community News"; "Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous"; "Swipe Actions Display As" = "Swipe Actions Display As"; "Text" = "Text"; "Icon" = "Icon"; "Finish Automatically" = "Finish Automatically"; "Always Install Latest" = "Always Install Latest"; "Automatic Refresh" = "Automatic Refresh"; // Accent Colors "Accent Color" = "Accent Color"; "Aqua Velvet" = "Aqua Velvet"; "Cornflower Blue" = "Cornflower Blue"; "Golden Tainoi" = "Golden Tainoi"; "Iris Blue" = "Iris Blue"; "Lotus Pink" = "Lotus Pink"; "Monochrome" = "Monochrome"; "Mountain Meadow" = "Mountain Meadow"; "Pastel Red" = "Pastel Red"; "Purple Heart" = "Purple Heart"; "Royal Blue" = "Royal Blue"; "Shark" = "Shark"; "Storm" = "Storm"; "Use System Accent Color" = "Use System Accent Color"; "Appearance" = "Appearance"; "Use System Appearance" = "Use System Appearance"; "Light" = "Light"; "Dark" = "Dark"; "Pure Black Mode" = "Pure Black Mode"; // Featured "Featured Packages" = "Featured Packages"; "Feature Type" = "Feature Type"; "Repo Featured" = "Repo Featured"; "Random" = "Random"; "Select Repos to be Featured" = "Select Repos to be Featured"; // Reset "Reset" = "Reset"; "Refresh Icon Cache" = "Refresh Icon Cache"; "Clear Image Cache" = "Clear Image Cache"; "Clear Sources Cache" = "Clear Sources Cache"; "Clear Web Cache" = "Clear Web Cache"; "Reset All Settings" = "Reset All Settings"; "Erase All Sources" = "Erase All Sources"; "Erase All Sources and Settings" = "Erase All Sources and Settings"; "Are you sure you want to restart the SpringBoard?" = "Are you sure you want to restart the SpringBoard?"; "Are you sure you want to refresh the icon cache? Your device may become unresponsive until the process is complete." = "Are you sure you want to refresh the icon cache? Your device may become unresponsive until the process is complete."; "Image Cache Cleared" = "Image Cache Cleared"; "Web Cache Cleared" = "Web Cache Cleared"; "Are you sure you want to reset Zebra's source cache? This will remove all cached information from Zebra's database and redownload it. Your sources will not be deleted." = "Are you sure you want to reset Zebra's source cache? This will remove all cached information from Zebra's database and redownload it. Your sources will not be deleted."; "Are you sure you want to reset Zebra's settings? This will reset all of Zebra's settings back to their default values and Zebra will restart." = "Are you sure you want to reset Zebra's settings? This will reset all of Zebra's settings back to their default values and Zebra will restart."; "Are you sure you want to erase all sources? All of your sources will be removed from Zebra and Zebra will restart." = "Are you sure you want to erase all sources? All of your sources will be removed from Zebra and Zebra will restart."; "Are you sure you want to erase all sources and settings? All of your sources will be removed from Zebra and your settings will be reset." = "Are you sure you want to erase all sources and settings? All of your sources will be removed from Zebra and your settings will be reset."; "All of your sources will be deleted and be gone forever and Zebra will restart." = "All of your sources will be deleted and be gone forever and Zebra will restart."; // Documents Directory "Open Documents Directory" = "Open Documents Directory"; "Filza Not Installed" = "Filza Not Installed"; "Zebra cannot open its documents directory because Filza is not installed. Your documents directory is: %@" = "Zebra cannot open its documents directory because Filza is not installed. Your documents directory is: %@"; // Stores "Stores" = "Stores"; "My Account" = "My Account"; "Sign In" = "Sign In"; "Sign Out" = "Sign Out"; "Your Purchases" = "Your Purchases"; "No Storefronts Available" = "No Storefronts Available"; "Could not authenticate" = "Could not authenticate"; "Could not complete purchase" = "Could not complete purchase"; "No packages purchased" = "No packages purchased"; "Signed in as %@" = "Signed in as %@"; "Signed in as %@ (%@)" = "Signed in as %@ (%@)"; // Sources "Sources" = "Sources"; "Unknown" = "Unknown"; "Delete" = "Delete"; "Refresh" = "Refresh"; "All Packages" = "All Packages"; "Remove Source" = "Remove Source"; "Local File" = "Local File"; "Local Repository" = "Local Repository"; "Locally installed packages" = "Locally installed packages"; "Add" = "Add"; "View" = "View"; "Add Sources" = "Add Sources"; "Add Multiple…" = "Add Multiple…"; "Enter Source URL" = "Enter Source URL"; "Please Wait…" = "Please Wait…"; "Updating Sources" = "Updating Sources"; "Invalid URL" = "Invalid URL"; "Invalid Source" = "Invalid Source"; "Tap to learn more" = "Tap to learn more"; "Unable to verify source" = "Unable to verify source"; "Failed to add source" = "Failed to add source"; "Failed to add sources" = "Failed to add sources"; "You have already added this source." = "You have already added this source."; "Unable to locate an APT repository at:" = "Unable to locate an APT repository at:"; "Unable to locate APT repositories at:" = "Unable to locate APT repositories at:"; "Error while downloading %@: %@" = "Error while downloading %@: %@"; "A total of %lu files will be downloaded" = "A total of %lu files will be downloaded"; "Could not parse %@ from %@" = "Could not parse %@ from %@"; "Could not find a download URL for" = "Could not find a download URL for"; "Authorizing Download for %@" = "Authorizing Download for %@"; "Couldn't authorize download for %@." = "Couldn't authorize download for %@."; "Reason: %@" = "Reason: %@"; "Could not download Release file from %@. Reason: %@" = "Could not download Release file from %@. Reason: %@"; "Could not download Packages file from %@. Reason: %@" = "Could not download Packages file from %@. Reason: %@"; "Could not download one or more files from %@. Reason: %@" = "Could not download one or more files from %@. Reason: %@"; "Error while moving file at %@ to %@" = "Error while moving file at %@ to %@"; "The URL you entered is not valid. Please check it and try again." = "The URL you entered is not valid. Please check it and try again."; "Zebra was unable to download the source specified at %@. It may be temporarily inaccessible or could have been added incorrectly." = "Zebra was unable to download the source specified at %@. It may be temporarily inaccessible or could have been added incorrectly."; "Install All" = "Install All"; // Packages "Latest" = "Latest"; "Version" = "Version"; "Packages" = "Packages"; "Show Updates" = "Show Updates"; "Hide Updates" = "Hide Updates"; "Select Version" = "Select Version"; "Select a version to install:" = "Select a version to install:"; "Select a version to upgrade to:" = "Select a version to upgrade to:"; "Select a version to downgrade to:" = "Select a version to downgrade to:"; "Upgrade All" = "Upgrade All"; "Loaded" = "Loaded"; "ABC" = "ABC"; "Date" = "Date"; "Size" = "Size"; "Available Upgrades" = "Available Upgrades"; "Recent" = "Recent"; "Source" = "Source"; "Installed Files" = "Installed Files"; "Modify" = "Modify"; "Authenticate to initiate purchase." = "Authenticate to initiate purchase."; "More by this Developer" = "More by this Developer"; // (Installed Version: ) "%@ (Installed Version: %@)" = "%@ (Installed Version: %@)"; // (Installed Size: ) "%@ (Installed Size: %@)" = "%@ (Installed Size: %@)"; "Add to Wish List" = "Add to Wish List"; "Remove from Wish List" = "Remove from Wish List"; "Email Author" = "Email Author"; "View Support Website" = "View Support Website"; // Package Section Names "Administration" = "Administration"; "Addons" = "Addons"; "App Addons" = "App Addons"; "Archiving" = "Archiving"; "Carrier Support" = "Carrier Support"; "Communication" = "Communication"; "Data Storage" = "Data Storage"; "Development" = "Development"; "Dictionaries" = "Dictionaries"; "Education" = "Education"; "Entertainment" = "Entertainment"; "Games" = "Games"; "Health and Fitness" = "Health and Fitness"; "Imaging" = "Imaging"; "Java" = "Java"; "Keyboards" = "Keyboards"; "Localization" = "Localization"; "Messaging" = "Messaging"; "Multimedia" = "Multimedia"; "Navigation" = "Navigation"; "Networking" = "Networking"; "Packaging" = "Packaging"; "Productivity" = "Productivity"; "Repositories" = "Repositories"; "Ringtones" = "Ringtones"; "Scripting" = "Scripting"; "Security" = "Security"; "Social" = "Social"; "System" = "System"; "Terminal Support" = "Terminal Support"; "Text Editors" = "Text Editors"; "Themes" = "Themes"; "Toys" = "Toys"; "Tweaks" = "Tweaks"; "Utilities" = "Utilities"; "Wallpaper" = "Wallpaper"; "Widgets" = "Widgets"; // Search "Search" = "Search"; "No Results Found" = "No Results Found"; "Name" = "Name"; "Description" = "Description"; "Author" = "Author"; // Console "Console" = "Console"; "Performing Actions…" = "Performing Actions…"; "Updating icon cache asynchronously…" = "Updating icon cache asynchronously…"; "uicache is not available on the simulator" = "uicache is not available on the simulator"; "Close Zebra" = "Close Zebra"; "Closing Zebra…" = "Closing Zebra…"; "Restart SpringBoard" = "Restart SpringBoard"; "Restarting SpringBoard…" = "Restarting SpringBoard…"; "Parsing %@" = "Parsing %@"; "Starting Download" = "Starting Download"; "Downloading" = "Downloading"; "Downloading %@" = "Downloading %@"; "Downloading Packages…" = "Downloading Packages…"; "Download Completed" = "Download Completed"; "Installing" = "Installing"; "Installing Packages…" = "Installing Packages…"; "Removing" = "Removing"; "Removing Packages…" = "Removing Packages…"; "Reinstalling" = "Reinstalling"; "Reinstalling Packages…" = "Reinstalling Packages…"; "Upgrading" = "Upgrading"; "Upgrading Packages…" = "Upgrading Packages…"; "Complete" = "Complete"; "Finished!" = "Finished!"; "Return to Queue" = "Return to Queue"; "Returning to Queue…" = "Returning to Queue…"; "Importing local packages." = "Importing local packages."; "Finished importing local packages." = "Finished importing local packages."; "One or more packages failed to download." = "One or more packages failed to download."; "Click \"Return to Queue\" to return to the Queue and retry the download." = "Click \"Return to Queue\" to return to the Queue and retry the download."; "Could not complete %@ process. Reason: %@" = "Could not complete %@ process. Reason: %@"; "Done…" = "Done…"; "Done %@" = "Done %@"; "Removing Zebra…" = "Removing Zebra…"; "Installing Zebra…" = "Installing Zebra…"; "Error while opening file:" = "Error while opening file:"; "Adding Payment Vendor URL for %@" = "Adding Payment Vendor URL for %@"; "This device is simulated, here are the packages that would be modified in this stage:" = "This device is simulated, here are the packages that would be modified in this stage:"; // Queue Bar "%d Packages Queued" = "%d Packages Queued"; "%d Package Queued" = "%d Package Queued"; "Tap to manage" = "Tap to manage"; "No Packages Queued" = "No Packages Queued"; // Queue "Queue" = "Queue"; "Install" = "Install"; "Reinstall" = "Reinstall"; "Remove" = "Remove"; "Upgrade" = "Upgrade"; "Downgrade" = "Downgrade"; "Download Size" = "Download Size"; "Confirm" = "Confirm"; "Issues" = "Issues"; "Required Package" = "Required Package"; "Are you sure?" = "Are you sure?"; "Remove from Queue" = "Remove from Queue"; "Clear Queue" = "Clear Queue"; "%@ is required by:" = "%@ is required by:"; "\"%@\" conflicts with %@" = "\"%@\" conflicts with %@"; "%@ must be removed because it depends on %@" = "%@ must be removed because it depends on %@"; "%@ has issues that cannot be resolved:" = "%@ has issues that cannot be resolved:"; "Are you sure you want to clear the Queue?" = "Are you sure you want to clear the Queue?"; "%@ is a required package. It should NOT be removed unless you know exactly what you are doing!" = "%@ is a required package. It should NOT be removed unless you know exactly what you are doing!"; // Search "Live Search" = "Live Search"; "Tweaks, Themes, and More" = "Tweaks, Themes, and More"; // is being removed because it depends on . should not be removed unless you know what you are doing. "%@ is a required package and must be removed because it depends on %@. %@ should NOT be removed unless you know exactly what you are doing!" = "%@ is a required package and must be removed because it depends on %@. %@ should NOT be removed unless you know exactly what you are doing!"; "One or more of the packages in the Queue for removal is essential or required. It is not recommended to proceed unless you know exactly what you are doing. Removing these packages could cause irreversible damage to your device and might result in a full restore." = "One or more of the packages in the Queue for removal is essential or required. It is not recommended to proceed unless you know exactly what you are doing. Removing these packages could cause irreversible damage to your device and might result in a full restore."; "Zebra was unable to complete this command because it does not have the proper permissions. Please verify the permissions located at %@ and report this issue on GitHub." = "Zebra was unable to complete this command because it does not have the proper permissions. Please verify the permissions located at %@ and report this issue on GitHub."; "su/sling is not owned by root:wheel. Please verify the permissions of the file located at %@." = "su/sling is not owned by root:wheel. Please verify the permissions of the file located at %@."; "su/sling does not have permission to set the uid or gid. Please verify the permissions of the file located at %@." = "su/sling does not have permission to set the uid or gid. Please verify the permissions of the file located at %@."; "Error while creating documents directory: %@" = "Error while creating documents directory: %@"; "Error while creating lists directory: %@" = "Error while creating lists directory: %@"; "Error while creating sources.list: %@" = "Error while creating sources.list: %@"; "Error while creating debs directory: %@" = "Error while creating debs directory: %@"; "Could not respring. Please respring manually." = "Could not respring. Please respring manually."; "ERROR: Unable to lock status file. Please try again." = "ERROR: Unable to lock status file. Please try again."; "ERROR: Process must be restarted. Please try again." = "ERROR: Process must be restarted. Please try again."; "Could not determine device information." = "Could not determine device information."; "Display featured packages on the homepage." = "Display featured packages on the homepage."; "Refresh Zebra's sources when opening the app." = "Refresh Zebra's sources when opening the app."; "Display recent community posts from /r/jailbreak." = "Display recent community posts from /r/jailbreak."; "Search packages while typing. Disabling this feature may reduce lag on older devices." = "Search packages while typing. Disabling this feature may reduce lag on older devices."; "Configure the appearance of table view swipe actions." = "Configure the appearance of table view swipe actions."; "\"Repo Featured\" will display random packages from repos that support the Featured Package API." = "\"Repo Featured\" will display random packages from repos that support the Featured Package API."; "\"Random\" will display random packages from all repositories that you have added to Zebra." = "\"Random\" will display random packages from all repositories that you have added to Zebra."; "Signing in to sources allows for the purchase of paid packages." = "Signing in to sources allows for the purchase of paid packages."; "Automatically dismiss the Console when all of its tasks have been completed." = "Automatically dismiss the Console when all of its tasks have been completed."; "Always install the most recent version of a package if it is not already installed." = "Always install the most recent version of a package if it is not already installed."; // Filters "Filters" = "Filters"; "Add Filter" = "Add Filter"; "1 Section Hidden" = "1 Section Hidden"; "%lu Sections Hidden" = "%lu Sections Hidden"; "Sections" = "Sections"; "Select a Section" = "Select a Section"; "Hide packages in these sections." = "Hide packages in these sections."; "Select a Source" = "Select a Source"; "Hide packages in these sections from specific sources." = "Hide packages in these sections from specific sources."; "Updates" = "Updates"; "Hide future updates from these packages." = "Hide future updates from these packages."; "Authors" = "Authors"; "Hide packages from these authors." = "Hide packages from these authors."; "Search for an Author" = "Search for an Author"; "This author also goes by the following names:" = "This author also goes by the following names:"; // Language Settings "Language" = "Language"; "Apply" = "Apply"; "Restart Required" = "Restart Required"; "Zebra must be closed in order to change preferred language" = "Zebra must be closed in order to change preferred language"; "Restart" = "Restart"; "Use System Language" = "Use System Language"; "You are adding a repository that is not secure" = "You are adding a repository that is not secure"; "Data downloaded from this repository might not be encrypted. Are you sure you want to add it?" = "Data downloaded from this repository might not be encrypted. Are you sure you want to add it?"; "Unable to complete purchase" = "Unable to complete purchase"; "Package Not Available" = "Package Not Available"; "The package you request is no longer available. It might have been removed from your sources or the package ID requested was incorrect." = "The package you request is no longer available. It might have been removed from your sources or the package ID requested was incorrect."; "%d Seconds" = "%d Seconds"; "Download Timeout" = "Download Timeout"; "Configure the amount of time Zebra will wait for a source to respond before timing out." = "Configure the amount of time Zebra will wait for a source to respond before timing out."; "This timer will reset every time Zebra receives new information from a source." = "This timer will reset every time Zebra receives new information from a source."; "Account information could not be retrieved from the source. Please sign out of the source, sign in, and try again." = "Account information could not be retrieved from the source. Please sign out of the source, sign in, and try again."; // Error Reporting "Error Reports" = "Error Reports"; "Sorry that Zebra crashed." = "Sorry that Zebra crashed."; "Would you like to send this and all future error reports to the Zebra Team? Reports are anonymous and provide technical details of what led to the error." = "Would you like to send this and all future error reports to the Zebra Team? Reports are anonymous and provide technical details of what led to the error."; "About Error Reporting & Privacy…" = "About Error Reporting & Privacy…"; "Help improve Zebra by sending a report to the Zebra Team when the app encounters errors." = "Help improve Zebra by sending a report to the Zebra Team when the app encounters errors."; "Error reports contain technical details of what led to the error. This may include details about your packages, sources, and settings. We try to ensure error reports are anonymous, with no uniquely identifying information about yourself, your device, or payment vendors you’ve logged into, however it is possible for such information to be unintentionally included on occasion." = "Error reports contain technical details of what led to the error. This may include details about your packages, sources, and settings. We try to ensure error reports are anonymous, with no uniquely identifying information about yourself, your device, or payment vendors you’ve logged into, however it is possible for such information to be unintentionally included on occasion."; "Error reports are processed and stored by Sentry. To review their policies, visit https://sentry.io/legal." = "Error reports are processed and stored by Sentry. To review their policies, visit https://sentry.io/legal."; "Send" = "Send"; "Don’t Send" = "Don’t Send"; "Send Error Reports" = "Send Error Reports"; "Don’t Send Error Reports" = "Don’t Send Error Reports"; "Canister Privacy Policy" = "Canister Privacy Policy"; "Canister Data Collection" = "Data collected is used to update the featured page and various recommendation sources. You can always change your choice later. Only package and non-identifying device information is collected."; "Privacy Policy" = "Privacy Policy"; "Accept" = "Accept"; "Decline" = "Decline";