Here we currently support 3 types of JSON sources: `clipboard/input manually`, `Http Url` and `local file`, each of them are used as follows: - clipboard/input manually With this source type, you can edit the JSON string directly in the text area in the dialog, [![type_directly](] or paste JSON string from clipboard using shortcut `Ctrl+V` or `Command+V`. - Http Url With this source type, you can retrieve JSON string from a http GET request, to do this, right click on the text area and choose "Retrieve content from Http URL", [![http](] - Local File With this source type, you can load a JSON string from a local file, to do this, right click on the text area and choose "Load from local file", ![local_file]( If you want more types of source, please open an issue [here]( or implement yourself and create a pull request [here](