requirements.txt ================ Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3 providing autocompletion, syntax highlight and easy version management in requirements.txt files. Installation ============ Install using Package Control or clone this repository into `Packages/requirementstxt` folder (WARNING: previously we used a dot in the package name here, but SublimeText3 changed the way it imports packages, and we need to fall back to ascii name) Usage ===== - Open any requirements.txt file or Set syntax: requirements.txt of newly created file. - Start typing package name -> autocompletion should trigger automatically. - When cursor is placed on a single line, press `Alt+,` to pin package to the most recent version but still in the current major line. For example, if the current version of xyz is 1.2.3, requirements.txt will generate following version line: xyz>=1.2.3,<2.0.0 following - If you wish to hard pin most recent versions, use `Alt+Shift+,` -> line will be replaced with xyz==1.2.3 - If you wish to pin a specific version, press `Alt+.` (soft) or `Alt+Shift+.` (hard) and pick a version from a quick panel. - Commands with `,` support mutliline and multicursor selections. If you wish to bring requirements.txt file up to date, just `Ctrl+A` & `Alt+Shift+`. - Using requirements.txt also normalizes package names, so mysql-python becomes MySQL-python. Screenshots =========== * ![](./doc/img/autocomplete.png) Autocomplete * ![](./doc/img/completed.png) Completed * ![](./doc/img/soft_ver_sel.png) Select exact version for soft pin `Alt+.` * ![](./doc/img/hard_ver_sel.png) Select exact version for hard pin `Alt+Shift+.` * ![](./doc/img/soft_pin.png) Automatically soft pin most recent version `Alt+,` * ![](./doc/img/hard_pin.png) Automatically hard pin most recent version `Alt+Shift+,` * ![](./doc/img/selection.png) Multi-line selection * ![](./doc/img/selection_soft.png) Multi-line selection & `Alt+,` * ![](./doc/img/multicursor.png) Multiple cursors * ![](./doc/img/multicursor_hard.png) Multiple cursor & `Alt+Shift+,`