AMPSCRIPT SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTER ==== A Salesforce Marketing Cloud AMPscript syntax highlighter for Sublime Text. INSTALLATION ==== 1. Install [Package Control]( 1. Open package control settings with `CTRL-SHIFT-P` then select `Install Package` 1. Search for `AMPscript Syntax Highlighter` and select it to install USAGE ==== - Opening a file with an `.amp` or `.ampscript` extension will automatically invoke the AMPscript Syntax Highlighter - To apply syntax highlighting to a document, use the `CTRL-SHIFT-P` hotkey combination and search for `AMPscript`. Select `Set Syntax: AMPscript Syntax Highlighter (HTML)`. FEATURES ==== - Identifies the following AMPscript syntax: - code blocks - inline code - functions - language control elements -- conditionals, loops, variable declarations and assignments, operators - numbers - strings - system strings -- block and inline - variables - comments - constants - Supports all 150 AMPscript functions - Parses the majority of the system substitution strings - Highlights both AMPscript block types: `%%[` `]%%` and `` - Inherits base HTML syntax highlighting (`text.html.basic`) UPDATES ==== - 1.0.7 - Added support for BuildRowsetFromJSON() - 1.0.6 - Added wvpv-dark theme - 1.0.5 - Added support for GetSendTime(), GetJWT() and GetJWTByKeyName() functions.