============================================================================== WWIV BBS What's New List Copyright 1999-2017 WWIV Software Services ============================================================================== Legend (starting with 5.3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Breaking change (you may need to do something) + New feature - Feature removed * Change or cleanup WWIV 5.3.1 (2018) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixes the dialog to create sysop account (bug #1127) What's New in WWIV 5.3 (2018) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Lots of fixes to the SDK messagebase code. + Created SDK class for handling qscan pointers ! networkf will exit with error level 1 when there is no work to do. * Optimize the full screen message title list by not redrawing the whole screen when there is no change. * Lots of improvements in getting rid of global variables throughout the BBS and especially around the message base code in WWIV * Lots of improvements to the localUI classes used by INIT, also can now optionally have help for edit items displayed in the statusbar and UI pages are easier to create. * Added UI for WWIVD. * Implemented all of the wwiv-server features (auto blocking, country blocking, goodlist, badlist, etc) into wwivd except for "fake mailer mode" * Dont try to use the Full-Screen Reader for emails, since it doesn't work yet. * For linux we now have builds for debian8, debian9 and centos7. + wwivd now offers fakemailer mode and is now has (mostly) feature parity with wwivserver.exe on windows. wwivserver.exe is deprecated with the 5.3 release and will be removed for 5.4 ! INIT has been renamed to WWIVCONFIG. Please delete init.exe or ./init when you upgrade to 5.3 + wwivutil dump will now display control characters (like [^A] for control-A) * On FTN messages bank lines were being striped accidentally, this is now fixed. + wwivconfig has some new parameters for how it works with 4.x WWIV installs. --4xx will launch a menu with only the items that work with 4.x (like wwivd editor and network.json editor) run "wwivconfig --help" for the latest list of command-line parameters. * Fixed internal editor word wrapping on linux. * fixed 8 char packet passwords truncating the last character. * Emails packed in PKT files will now import, previously only ones in bundles (*.su?, *.mo?, etc) would import. ! Fixed the oubound FTN gateway number (network3 thought it was 32675 not 32765). This means you need to run network3 on all FTN node networks (i.e. if fsxnet is network .2 in init then run "network3 .2" to rebuild the bbsdata.* files). ! **!!*!*!*! You need to update the outbound sub by recreating the network node it's under in subedit (J, then M, then the letter, usually A, then retype the echo tag, or just edit data/subs.json and replace 32675 with 32765 everywhere prettymuch (it's under host section)) What's New in WWIV 5.3 (2017) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + WWIVbasic interpreter is available. The menu command is "RUNBASIC". Also you can run a script from the logon event by using @basic:[scriptname.bas] for the LOGON_CMD in wwiv.ini (eventually many other commands will allow you to specify a script to run instead of an external command). + New install.sh on Linux to do the entire installation. * Init no longer prompts for system password. * subs.json is now the source of truth for subs data (before, subs.dat and subs.xtr were both used as source of truth, although subs.json has been written on save since 5.2) - background color pipe code (the format is '|Bn' where n in [0,9]), which were deprecated in 5.2 has been removed. - extended ^P codes > 9 are removed. + New experimental menu editor in INIT. * Most lists in INIT will now keep their selected index when returning to the list. + Added wwivutil status command. 1st operation is "wwivutil status qscan [set|get]". You can set or get the qscan value in status.dat. - Removed internal menueditor, use the one in init if needed. * Upgraded compilers to MSVC 2017 and GCC 6.2. + handling type main_type_sub_list is implemented now, so receiving SUBS.LST from netup for WWIVnet type networks should work in net53. * FTN KLUDGE lines are now hidden for FTN networks. * Heart codes are stripped on outbound FTN messages now. + WWIV now compiles and runs on OpenIndiana (an Open Solaris fork) Thanks to apam for the code! * Many FTN fixes. Also points may now work. + WWIVD now runs on Windows. It has an initial version of a shuttle or matrix logon support. - Removed internal usereditor, use the one in init if needed. + WWIVd now exports connection information to HTTP as a JSON object. on the http port defined on init, URL: "/status" Example output: { "status": [ { "num_instances" : 3 }, { "used_instances": 0 } ] } + New option to set the working directory to the temp directory vs. bbs directory. It's available for both chains and editors. + Added %I when running commands to point to the path to the temporary directory. * Fix some color schemes displaying black-on-black for colors * Fix compilation on GCC 4.9, also fix many warnings from clang-tidy ! Use git submodules for dependencies instead of copyingn in code from another repository. This makes it easier to update to new versions of our dependencies and also push fixes back. You now need to update submodules when cloning unless you clone it recursing submodules. * BinkP Fix (thanks apam) where all FTN addresses were not being presented when answering. ! CMake is now the source-of-truth build system on all platforms. to build use "cmake --build . -- -j8" and not make or msbuild anymore. ! networkb will stay running now and doesn't need to be in a batch file or shells script to loop after each connection. Also even better, let wwivd spawn it as needed vs. running it manually. What's New in WWIV 5.2 (2016) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added "WWIVUTIL FILES" subcommand to list files, file areas and also delete a file entry from the listing. * Fixed "WWIVUTIL FIX" with file entries. It actually works again. * Login prompt looks a little snazzier, uses the colorized input prompt. * config.dat now includes version info on what wrote to it for better versioning of upgrades. The only change is now if you go back to 4.3 you will need to run init to reset your newuser password (if you have one, or to clear it on downgrade since the newuserpw field and version info in config.dat live in the same first 21 characters in the file.) * CONFUG.USR is no longer needed, INIT in 5.2.2129+ will move the data into user.lst and delete the file. * Removed command line option -O, since -X{T,S} implies -O * Removed Control-F1 to shutdown the BBS, it's not needed anymore on non-single user operating systems. * Removed TAB {Instance Editor, didn't really edit, just allowed you to see status or shutdown an instance} command from WFC. Not really needed anymore. * BBS now uses the network support code from the SDK module (like net51). * nodemgr is deleted. wwivd is the new preferred *nix daemon for spawning instances. * bbs -XU is no longer supported. valid connection types are local, ssh and telnet on all platforms. * bbs -I# is no longer supported. It's been a duplicate of -N forever, please use -N## to specify the node number. (It also hasn't worked for quite some time) * installation now includes sample scripts for systemd. * wwivserver (windows), can now run networkb on demand for receiving connections automatically. Make sure that you configure it on the binkp page. This won't callout but will receive network binkp requests. * / callout menu displays host:port if it's a binkp connection. * callout.net flag /## now means ## minutes not ## hours * wwivutil net dump_xxx commands are now just called wwivutil net xxx for example dump_callout -> callout * networkb now supports CRC verification when sending files. To disable it set crc=N in the newly created net.ini * net.ini can now handle defaults on a per-network basis or per-network-node basis (when calling out) using tags of [networkb-network_name] and [networkb-network_name-sendto_node]. The only settings are crc=[Y|N] and skip_net=[Y|N]. * The short lived networkb.ini is renamed to net.ini (yes, this is the same as the WINS one, but WINS will go away over time). * networkb will loop on receive, no need to run binkp.cmd, but since wwivserver can answer binkp for you, no need to run networkb manually to receive traffic. * wwivutil messages now has a pack comand to pack a message area. * Network names "Filenet" and "internet" no longer have special meaning, within the BBS, please ensure those networks are of type "internet" for WWIV to understand those are internet network types. (don't rename them since WINS may care about the name). * networkf is now bundled with the binaries. It can import and export message network types fido. * The fake FTN network address is now hard coded, and it is 32765. * Routing in FTN now works, uou need to define a route string for nodes in the address list in INIT for the network. The format is space separated list of routes. A route is a partial address ending in * as a wildcard. Optionally starting with ! to be a negative match. Example "11:* !11:2/*" would match everything in zone 11, except for everything in net 11:2/*. * NETWORKC.EXE is added, it's like the Cerebrum software clnup.exe. It will run network{1,2,3} as needed to process all mail. It'll also run networkf to export packets to FTN bundles if any exist. * FTN NetMail now works (sometimes). * net.in has a new parameter for section [networkb]. cram_md5=[Y|N]. If set to N, it'll disable cram-md5 and works on either end. If either side disables it, the session won't use it. * Fixed network1 from breaking DE1 packets * Fixed the cram-md5 implementation, it's not correct and can talk to other binkp servers (tested against MIS) using cram-md5. This happened in build 2304. * The new user flow on Linux now works as expected (the screen positioning is not off). * New experimental full screen reader. Enable it with "EXPERIMENTAL_READ_PROMPT = Y" in wwiv.ini. Once enabled it's a per-user option in Defaults. * New file "gfiles/mbfsed.msg" is the help screen for user commands for the full screen message reader. * New file "gfiles/mbfsed-sysop.msg" is the help screen for sysop commands for the full screen message reader. * New file "gfiles/title-fsed.msg" is the help screen for title scan in hte full screen message reader. * readme.510 is now readme-wwiv.txt. * wwivini.510 is now wwivini.txt * Keyboard timeouts are now configurable in WWIV.INI. Also you can configure a different timeout value for connections still at the logon phase, before a user is logged in. That defaults to 30 second (vs. 10 minutes before) The keys with defaults are are: USER_KEY_TIMEOUT = 180 ; Timeout in seconds for non-sysops. SYSOP_KEY_TIMEOUT = 600 ; Timeout in seconds for sysops. LOGON_KEY_TIMEOUT = 130 ; Timeout in second for users logging in ; (i.e. They are at the NN: prompt.) * EXPERIMENTAL_READ_PROMPT is now FULL_SCREEN_READER and defaults to being on. * New Subboard flag (P) to disable the full screen reader for a specific subboard. This is needed for ansi art subs. * USE_NEW_BBSLIST is removed from WWIV.INI. All BBS List is the new JSON format. * fcns.h is finally gone. What's New in WWIV 5.1 (2016) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * removed "debug_level" and Debug menu command. use VLOG(2) now. * "extra color" was only used in transfer section w/o listplus (which means it's not ever used). removed the checks for it. This will come back in the future somewhere else to be useful. * Added IP blacklisting/whitelisting and auto blocking. The settings are on the blacklist page in wwivserver.exe. By default 3 connection attempts in 120 seconds will get an IP blacklisted. * The wwiv server also pretends to be a FTN mailer for fun. * Removed F6 (toggle sysop alert), to page you after a session ends, since this isn't needed post-DOS anymore. * Added wwiv-update.exe (contributed to WWIV by TRI0N from https://github.com/TRI0N/Windows-WWIV-Update/) into nightly builds. wwiv-update.exe is the name of the new binary. * SSH support. Use -XS as the commandline argumetn vs. -XT for telnet. * networkb will use CRAM-MD5 for authentication by default if both systems support it. * The wwiv.ini setting TERMINAL_CMD will be used to launch a terminal program from the WFC using the 'T' command (again). * WWIV5TelnetServer has a log viewer built in you may use to see the state of the various WWIV and network log files. * net.log is now written in normal order for log files with the newest entry at the bottom and never truncated to behave like the rest of the log files in WWIV. * The two laston lists in WWIV have been merged into one. Now last few callers will always display the last few callers regardless of the day they called. * Added -XU command line type for UNIX communication type. On UNIX we temporarily use that type by default for now. * UNIX Local IO is now curses based. Win32 can optionally use curses for local IO by defining WWIV_WIN32_CURSES_IO. * Removed "-w" argument to BBS since there is now just 1 WFC (again). * Removed the --network=[net name] option from networkb.exe, now please use --network_number=N (where N is like you would use with network1 .N) * Created alpha-quality network{1,2,3} replacements. Please feel free to try them out. They will eventually become net51 and replace the DOS based net38. * Renamed WWIV5TelnetServer to WWIVServer, since it also does SSH too. * Numeric subtypes are no longer used. Here's the diff of the change in case you run an older WWIV and want to mod it to behave the same way (using a string version for numeric types). Otherwise just don't use numeric named subs anymore. https://github.com/wwivbbs/wwiv/pull/784/files * What's New in WWIV 5.1 (2015) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Message titles are now limited to 72 characters (same as FidoNet message) limits. In reality they would get truncated around this length anyway and in most places WWIV still forces a max of 60 characters. * Internal application-level caching for posts have been removed. It didn't help access times anymore and added lots of unneeded complexity. * Started new utility WWIVUTIL which will eventually handle maintenance tasks for the bbs. * Updated menus/textfiles to reflect 5.1 and also remove commands that have been removed years ago. * LOCAL_SYSOP has been removed from wwiv.ini, it's always true now. * Callback support has been removed the rest of the way. * Threaded messages support has been removed (it didn't work anyway). * NETUTIL has been merged into WWIVUTIL. Going forward, WWIVUTIL will be the main external command line tool for WWIV on all platforms. * Removed menu commands DownloadPosts and DownloadFileList and the Download Zipped Text menu item from //QWK (all did the same thing). * Removed ability to run WWIVMAIL.EXE from the //QWK menu. If anyone wants this, then can add their own //QWK menu now that we have a menu editor since 4.3. This removed USE_WWIVMAIL and USE_INTERNAL_QWK from wwiv.ini. * removed SLASH_SZ from wwiv.ini. It wasn't enabled by default anyway. * Removed ReadMessages menu item. It wasn't classic WWIV What's New in 2015 (WWIV 5.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * networkb - BINKP transport for WWIV networking is now part of the WWIV builds. * netutil - Network packet and config file utility now included * network - shim to proxy between network0, networkp (PPP project) and networkb is now part of the product. * A SSM will be sent to the sysop when a new user joins the bbs. * WWIV moved from wwiv.sf.net to wwivbbs.org * Source code moved from sourceforge.net to GitHub. * Upgraded compilers from MSVC 2013 to 2015 Community. * Upgraded .NET from 4.0 to 4.6 * Fixed hangs with guest user accounts when they drop connection * Made all QWK filenames lowercase * zip/unzip now bundled with WWIV on Windows * linux builds now just include linux files, ditto for windows What's New in 2014 (WWIV 5.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Many more things work. * Init is open sourced * Full self-bootstrapping support. No longer need 4.30 installed first. * Added new parameter for chains/commands %H = Telnet Socket Handle * Added wwiv.ini setting NO_NEWUSER_FEEDBACK. If set to Y no newuser messages will be sent at all. * Added wwiv.ini setings to control temp/batch directories. This is no longer configured in init. For TEMP_DIRECTORY/BATCH_DIRECTORY the %n is replaced by the node number of the instance. Also paths are relative to the bbs home directory (where config.dat lives). NUM_INSTANCES defines how many intances you want to spawn. Also node that directories are created on demand by the bbs on startup and config.ovr will be created by legacy tools when you run init. Here are the default values: TEMP_DIRECTORY = temp%n BATCH_DIRECTORY = batch%n NUM_INSTANCES = 4 * INIT will create default archiver configuration for infozip's unzip/zip. If you want to try it just delete archiver.dat (back it up first) and rerun INIT to create the new defaults. * Internal QWK support has been added and only works with ZIP archives for now. If you use this, please add the QWK.ANS and QWK.MSG files from the release archive into your GFILES directory. * Added new wwiv.ini setting to enable/disable internal QWK and wwivmail from the //QWK menu. These currently both default to 'Y' (the wwivmail one will shortly default to 'N', so if you use it please add this to your INI) Here are the ini keys and default values: USE_WWIVMAIL = Y USE_INTERNAL_QWK = Y * New files will optionally be displayed at login (right after "login" file): sl### : where ### is the current user SL. dsl### : where ### is the current user DSL. arX : Where X is one of the AR for the user. darX : Where X is one of the DAR for the user. * Added support for QBBS style external editors. Just set the editor type to QuickBBS instead of WWIV. * SPAWNOPT[FSED] is now unused and no longer supported. Spawn options are now set on a per-editor bases in INIT (similiar to how chains work). * Fix now defaults to only fixing critical files. To enable other "fixes" (which I recommend using at your own risk after you backed up DATA/" use the command line flags to enable each of these. See fix -? for help. * EXEC_WAITFORIDLETIME and EXEC_USECWAITFORIDLE are no longer used, EXEC_CHILDWAITTIME should be used to set how long to wait for exec'ed processes to become runnable. It defaults to 500ms. What's New in 5.0 Beta-2 (2004) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Archver commands now work. * F1 User Editor Improvements * PuTTY now works with auto-detect line mode * WFC now clears the screen in places it forgot to. * Fixed Pending Network display glitches * Changed Message Scan Prompt to 1 line from 2. * Added Litebar calls in Your Info and Voting Booth for a more common look and feel. * Fixed missing mutex in telnet handling code. * 2004 Copyright * Misc internal code cleanups. What's New in 5.0 Beta-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * File compatable with 4.30/4.31 * 32-bit Win32 version. * Compiles and Runs on Linux. * Included GUI Telnet Server. * Internal ZModem * DOOR32.SYS support. * Uses the SyncFoss code from Synchronet (thanks to Rob Swindell for helping get this to work) "Emulate Win32 FOSSIL" enables this. * Added commandline option -k (pacK message areas) to wwiv50. This will pack all message areas unless you specify the number of the areas to pack on the commandline. i.e. "wwiv50 -k 1 5 10" would pack areas 1, 5 and 10. (Build46) * If you add "NEW_SCAN_AT_LOGIN=Y" to WWIV.INI, then when a user logs in they will be asked to scan all message areas for new messages. (Build46) * The display while packing message bases is now a bit nicer looking. * Changed filename global.txt to global-.txt (Build43) * Added control-U for who's online hotkey. (Build40) * Fixed laston edge case where the header didn't match the data when EXTENDED_USERINFO = N but SHOW_CITY_ST = Y. (Build40) * FOSSIL can now be specified in WWIV.INI as a valid flag for spawn options (Build37) * Added 2 new pipe codes: * |# as an alternative to the "heart" codes * |@ as an alternative to ^O^O * Existing pipe codes are: |B, and |<2 digit code> for foreground colors. (Build36) * Added parameter "%E" to stuff_in which can be used in doors as the path to the DOOR32.SYS file (You can put this in chainedit or init) (Build35) * Detects WinXP (Build34) * '/A', '/H', '/?' Added to internal message editor (Build33) * New WWIV.INI Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXEC_LOGSYNCFOSS = [ 1 | 0 ] - If non-zero then wwivsync.log will be generated. The default setting is 1 and this is currently ignored. EXEC_USECWAITFORIDLE = [ 1 | 0 ] - Under WindowsNT/2K/XP when launching the child process WWIV uses WaitForInputIdle to wait for the child process to process all normal input before starting the Fossil handling code. Setting this to 0 will disable that (acting like Win9x where we just wait for a bit (See EXEC_CHILDWAITTIME). The default value of this is 1. EXEC_CHILDWAITTIME = (time to wait in milliseconds, this parameter is only used on Win9X unless EXEC_USEWAITFORIDLE is set to 0. The default value is 500 (1/2 second) EXEC_WAITFORIDLETIME = (time to wait in milliseconds, only used on Windows NT/2K/XP unless EXEC_USEWAITFORIDLE=0). The default value for this is 2000 (2 seconds)