# Sublime-MapTool-Syntax Syntax highlighting for [RPTools' MapTool](http://rptools.net) macros in Sublime Text. ![MapTool Bundle](https://i.imgur.com/BQXrcZ5.png) ## Features * **Syntax Highlight** Does recognize pretty much everything inside the macro tags, with in-place HTML highlighting as well. ## How to install through Sublime Text You can easily install through the Command Palette: * Open the Command Palette... (CTRL+SHIFT+P on Windows/Linux or **⌘⇧P** on Mac) * Type in `Package Control: Install Package` and hit Enter (just `install package` will do too) ![install package on Command Palette](https://i.imgur.com/ThaMg2p.png) * Type in `MapTool Syntax` and hit Enter ![MapTool Syntax Package](https://i.imgur.com/2MgIKH4.png) * Profit! ## or grab your copy and install manually * [Releases page](https://github.com/wwmoraes/Sublime-MapTool-Syntax/releases) * [Master branch zip](https://github.com/wwmoraes/Sublime-MapTool-Syntax/archive/master.zip) Open the Command Palette, type in `Browse Packages` and paste the MapTool.sublime-syntax file there. Sublime Text will automatically load it. You can test it by: * opening an .rpmacro file; * changing the file type through the status bar; * changing the syntax through the Command Palette with the `Set Syntax: MapTool Macro` command. ## To-Do's * Add the new functions (from 1.4 release) * Add javascript highlighting (for MapTool 1.4+) * Expand the repository to have commands and other goodies Happy macro’ing!