------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxWidgets Change Log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This file contains the list of changes since wxWidgets 3.2, please see docs/changes_32.txt for the earlier changes. INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES SINCE 3.2.x: ================================= Changes in behaviour not resulting in compilation errors -------------------------------------------------------- - wxMSW now uses double buffering by default, meaning that updating the windows using wxClientDC doesn't work any longer, which is consistent with the behaviour of wxGTK with Wayland backend and of wxOSX, but not with the traditional historic behaviour of wxMSW (or wxGTK/X11). You may call MSWDisableComposited() to restore the previous behaviour, however it is strongly recommended to change your redrawing logic to avoid using wxClientDC instead, as the code using it still won't work with wxGTK/wxOSX. You may also choose to globally set the new msw.window.no-composited system option to disable the use of double buffering, but please consider doing it only as a last resort and/or temporary solution, as this _will_ result in flicker and won't be supported at all in the future wxWidgets versions. - wxMSW doesn't support versions of Microsoft Windows before Windows 7. If you need Windows XP or Vista support, please use wxWidgets 3.2. - wxGLCanvas doesn't use multi-sampling by default any longer, please use wxGLAttributes::Samplers(1).SampleBuffers(4) explicitly if you need to keep using the same attributes that were previously used by default. - Default location of file used by wxFileConfig under Unix has changed to XDG-compliant ~/.config/appname.conf instead of ~/.appname but note that any existing files at the old location will still continue to be used. See wxCONFIG_USE_XDG and wxCONFIG_USE_HOME for how to customize this behaviour. You may also find wxFileConfig::MigrateLocalFile() useful. - As first mentioned in 3.0 release notes, the value of wxTHREAD_WAIT_DEFAULT, used by wxThread::Delete() and Wait() by default, has changed from wxTHREAD_WAIT_YIELD to wxTHREAD_WAIT_BLOCK for safety and consistency. - wxDocument::OnCloseDocument() was called twice in previous versions when closing the document from the menu. Now it is only called once and after destroying all the existing document views. If you overrode this function, please check that you don't rely on any views existing when it's called. - wxGrid::FreezeTo() now asserts when passed invalid (out of range) number of rows or columns to freeze. But it also does freeze the requested rows/columns even if the grid is currently too small to show all of them or if there are no unfrozen rows/columns remaining. - Calling wxImageList methods on an invalid wxImageList object now consistently results in assert failures instead of just failing silently. To avoid these asserts, make sure that wxImageList is created with a valid size before operating on it. - wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW doesn't do anything and shouldn't be used any more. If you ever used it under MSW (it never did anything in the other ports), you can turn on the native WS_EX_TRANSPARENT extended style if really needed. - In wxMSW, size passed to wxTextDataObject::SetData() must include the size of the trailing NUL (in bytes, i.e. 2) now, for consistency with GetDataSize(). Typically this function shouldn't be used directly as SetText() should be used instead, but if you do use it, you need to update your code to prevent the last character of the data from being chopped. - Calling wxListCtrl::EditLabel() now asserts if the control doesn't have wxLC_EDIT_LABELS style: previously this silently didn't work in wxMSW. - wxSystemAppearance::IsDark() now returns whether this application uses dark mode under MSW, use the new AreAppsDark() or IsSystemDark() to check if the other applications or the system are using dark mode. - wxUILocale::IsSupported() now returns false for unavailable locales under Unix systems without trying to fall back on another locale using the same language in a different region, e.g. it doesn't use fr_FR if fr_BE is not available. If any locale using the given language is acceptable, the region must be left empty, e.g. just "fr" would use any available "fr_XX". - Deprecated wxPGCellRenderer::DrawCaptionSelectionRect() overload is not called any longer by default, you need to explicitly enable 3.0 compatibility or change your code to override the newer overload, taking a wxWindow pointer. - wxImageList size is now expressed in physical pixels, i.e. its size must be the same as the size of bitmaps added to it, in pixels. This is inconvenient but should be viewed as a hint not to use wxImageList (but wxBitmapBundle) in the applications supporting high DPI. - wxWebRequest doesn't use persistent storage under Mac any longer, as this made is behaviour there incompatible with the other platforms. Please call wxWebRequest::EnablePersistentStorage() explicitly if you need it. Changes in behaviour which may result in build errors ----------------------------------------------------- - Symbols deprecated in 3.0 are still available in this version but disabled by default, you need to set WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_3_0 to 1 to enable them. Symbols deprecated in 2.8 are not available any longer. - Building with wxUSE_UNICODE=0 is not supported any longer. - wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS is now set to 1 by default, see "Container Classes" overview in the manual for the description of the changes this may require in the existing code. Alternatively, explicitly set wxUSE_STD_CONTAINERS=0 when compiling the library to preserve full compatibility with the old versions. - wxUSE_STL option doesn't exist any longer, standard library is always used. However previously setting wxUSE_STL=1 enabled implicit conversion from wxString to std::[w]string which are not enabled by default now, please set wxUSE_STD_STRING_CONV_IN_WXSTRING=1 explicitly if you need them. - wxMotif and wxGTK1 ports have been removed, please use wxWidgets 3.2 if you still need them. - Several private container classes that never made part of wxWidgets public API have been removed. If you used any of them (e.g. wxSimpleDataObjectList) in your code, please switch to using std::vector<> or std::list<> instead. Some other legacy "object array" classes (e.g. wxImageArray) still exist, but are now similar to std::vector<> containing the objects -- they remain mostly compatible with the previous wxWidgets versions, but now compare values, and not pointers, in their Index() member function. - All operators (e.g. "==", "+", etc) on wx types are not defined in global scope any more, resulting in much better error messages but also preventing them from implicitly being used with types convertible to wx types. If you really need to use these operators with your own types, please use explicit conversions. - Due to the possibility to construct wxString from std::string_view some previously valid code, such as "wxstr = {"Hello", 2}", is now ambiguous. Please use explicit class name, e.g. "wxstr = wxString{"Hello", 2}" to preserve the previous behaviour. - Generic wxSearchCtrl doesn't provide methods that make sense only for multiline text controls any longer, for consistency with the other ports. - wxOnAssert() overload taking wide character file name was removed. If you call it for any reason, please use one of the other overloads instead. - 64-bit DLLs now use "x64" suffix in their names for all builds, not just the official ones and those using MSVS projects, but also when using makefile.vc or CMake, for consistency. - Support for memory debugging that was previously disabled but could be activated by using wxUSE_MEMORY_TRACING, wxUSE_GLOBAL_MEMORY_OPERATORS etc options was completely removed. Please use address sanitizer or similar tools that are incomparably more useful for this than that legacy code. - wxTEST_DIALOG() macro now must be followed by semicolon, whereas previously it was only supposed to, but it wasn't mandatory to use one after it. - wxWindow::GetDefaultBorderForControl() is not virtual any longer and will be completely removed in the future. If you overrode this function, don't do it any longer. If you call it, replace it with wxBORDER_THEME constant. - wxGTK wxDirButton::Create() doesn't have unused "wildcard" parameter any longer, please just remove it from your code if you used it. 3.3.0: (released 2022-??-??) ---------------------------- NOTE: In addition to the note below, also incorporate (either by copy or by reference) all the changes in the 3.2 branch (i.e. everything in this file after 3.2.0 in that branch). NOTE: This file is updated only before the release, please use $ git log --notes=changelog --format='%N' v3.2.0..|grep . to see all the change log entries since the last release. To update the notes, fetch them first: $ git fetch origin refs/notes/changelog:refs/notes/changelog then use the following command to update them locally $ git notes --ref=changelog add -m 'wxPort: description.' and finally push it to the server. $ git push origin refs/notes/changelog:refs/notes/changelog If this fails due to a conflict because you had forgotten to run git-fetch first, you can always reset your local notes (LOSING YOUR CHANGES TO THEM, so make sure to make a copy) $ git fetch origin refs/notes/changelog $ git update-ref refs/notes/changelog FETCH_HEAD and then redo "git-notes add" and git-push.