#!/bin/sh # Automatic build script for libssl and libcrypto # for iPhoneOS and iPhoneSimulator # # Created by Felix Schulze on 16.12.10. # Copyright 2010-2019 Felix Schulze. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # -u Attempt to use undefined variable outputs error message, and forces an exit set -u # SCRIPT DEFAULTS # Default version in case no version is specified DEFAULTVERSION="1.1.1w" # Default (=full) set of targets to build DEFAULTTARGETS="ios-sim-cross-x86_64 ios-sim-cross-arm64 ios-cross-arm64 mac-catalyst-x86_64 mac-catalyst-arm64 tvos-sim-cross-x86_64 tvos-sim-cross-arm64 tvos-cross-arm64 watchos-sim-cross-x86_64 watchos-sim-cross-arm64 watchos-cross-armv7k watchos-cross-arm64_32" # Excluded targets: # ios-sim-cross-i386 Legacy # ios-cross-armv7s Dropped by Apple in Xcode 6 (https://www.cocoanetics.com/2014/10/xcode-6-drops-armv7s/) # ios-cross-arm64e Not in use as of Xcode 12 # Minimum iOS/tvOS SDK version to build for IOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="15.0" TVOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="15.0" WATCHOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="8.5" MACOSX_MIN_SDK_VERSION="12.3" # Init optional env variables (use available variable or default to empty string) CURL_OPTIONS="${CURL_OPTIONS:-}" CONFIG_OPTIONS="${CONFIG_OPTIONS:-}" echo_help() { echo "Usage: $0 [options...]" echo "Generic options" echo " --branch=BRANCH Select OpenSSL branch to build. The script will determine and download the latest release for that branch" echo " --cleanup Clean up build directories (bin, include/openssl, lib, src) before starting build" echo " --ec-nistp-64-gcc-128 Enable configure option enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 for 64 bit builds" echo " -h, --help Print help (this message)" echo " --ios-sdk=SDKVERSION Override iOS SDK version" echo " --ios-min-sdk=MINSDKVERSION Override iOS SDK min version" echo " --macosx-sdk=SDKVERSION Override MacOSX SDK version" echo " --macosx-min-sdk=SDKVERSION Override MacOSX SDK min version" echo " --watchos-sdk=SDKVERSION Override watchOS SDK version" echo " --watchos-min-sdk=SDKVERSION Override watchOS SDK min version" echo " --tvos-sdk=SDKVERSION Override tvOS SDK version" echo " --tvos-min-sdk=SDKVERSION Override tvOS SDK min version" echo " --noparallel Disable running make with parallel jobs (make -j)" echo " --disable-bitcode Disable embedding Bitcode" echo " -v, --verbose Enable verbose logging" echo " --verbose-on-error Dump last 500 lines from log file if an error occurs (for Travis builds)" echo " --version=VERSION OpenSSL version to build (defaults to ${DEFAULTVERSION})" echo " --deprecated Exclude no-deprecated configure option and build with deprecated methods" echo " --targets=\"TARGET TARGET ...\" Space-separated list of build targets" echo " Options: ${DEFAULTTARGETS} mac-catalyst-x86_64" echo echo "For custom configure options, set variable CONFIG_OPTIONS" echo "For custom cURL options, set variable CURL_OPTIONS" echo " Example: CURL_OPTIONS=\"--proxy\" ./build-libssl.sh" } spinner() { local pid=$! local delay=0.75 local spinstr='|/-\' while [ "$(ps a | awk '{print $1}' | grep $pid)" ]; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf " [%c]" "$spinstr" local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep $delay printf "\b\b\b\b\b" done wait $pid return $? } # Prepare target and source dir in build loop prepare_target_source_dirs() { # Prepare target dir TARGETDIR="${CURRENTPATH}/bin/${PLATFORM}${SDKVERSION}-${ARCH}.sdk" mkdir -p "${TARGETDIR}" LOG="${TARGETDIR}/build-openssl-${VERSION}.log" echo "Building openssl-${VERSION} for ${PLATFORM} ${SDKVERSION} ${ARCH}..." echo " Logfile: ${LOG}" # Prepare source dir SOURCEDIR="${CURRENTPATH}/src/${PLATFORM}-${ARCH}" mkdir -p "${SOURCEDIR}" tar zxf "${CURRENTPATH}/${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}" -C "${SOURCEDIR}" cd "${SOURCEDIR}/${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_BASE_NAME}" chmod u+x ./Configure } # Check for error status check_status() { local STATUS=$1 local COMMAND=$2 if [ "${STATUS}" != 0 ]; then if [[ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" != "verbose"* ]]; then echo "Problem during ${COMMAND} - Please check ${LOG}" fi # Dump last 500 lines from log file for verbose-on-error if [ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" == "verbose-on-error" ]; then echo "Problem during ${COMMAND} - Dumping last 500 lines from log file" echo tail -n 500 "${LOG}" fi exit 1 fi } # Run Configure in build loop run_configure() { echo " Configure..." set +e if [ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" == "verbose" ]; then ./Configure ${LOCAL_CONFIG_OPTIONS} no-tests | tee "${LOG}" else (./Configure ${LOCAL_CONFIG_OPTIONS} no-tests > "${LOG}" 2>&1) & spinner fi # Check for error status check_status $? "Configure" } # Run make in build loop run_make() { echo " Make (using ${BUILD_THREADS} thread(s))..." if [ "${LOG_VERBOSE}" == "verbose" ]; then make -j "${BUILD_THREADS}" | tee -a "${LOG}" else (make -j "${BUILD_THREADS}" >> "${LOG}" 2>&1) & spinner fi # Check for error status check_status $? "make" } # Cleanup and bookkeeping at end of build loop finish_build_loop() { # Return to ${CURRENTPATH} and remove source dir cd "${CURRENTPATH}" rm -r "${SOURCEDIR}" # Add references to library files to relevant arrays if [[ "${PLATFORM}" == iPhoneOS ]]; then LIBSSL_IOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_IOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX="ios_${ARCH}" elif [[ "${PLATFORM}" == iPhoneSimulator ]]; then LIBSSL_IOSSIM+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_IOSSIM+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX="ios_${ARCH}" elif [[ "${PLATFORM}" == AppleTVOS ]]; then LIBSSL_TVOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_TVOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX="tvos_${ARCH}" elif [[ "${PLATFORM}" == AppleTVSimulator ]]; then LIBSSL_TVOSSIM+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_TVOSSIM+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX="tvos_${ARCH}" elif [[ "${PLATFORM}" == WatchOS ]]; then LIBSSL_WATCHOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_WATCHOS+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX="watchos_${ARCH}" elif [[ "${PLATFORM}" == WatchSimulator ]]; then LIBSSL_WATCHOSSIM+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_WATCHOSSIM+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX="watchos_sim_${ARCH}" else # Catalyst LIBSSL_CATALYST+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libssl.a") LIBCRYPTO_CATALYST+=("${TARGETDIR}/lib/libcrypto.a") OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX="catalyst_${ARCH}" fi # Copy opensslconf.h to bin directory and add to array OPENSSLCONF="opensslconf_${OPENSSLCONF_SUFFIX}.h" cp "${TARGETDIR}/include/openssl/opensslconf.h" "${CURRENTPATH}/bin/${OPENSSLCONF}" OPENSSLCONF_ALL+=("${OPENSSLCONF}") # Keep reference to first build target for include file if [ -z "${INCLUDE_DIR}" ]; then INCLUDE_DIR="${TARGETDIR}/include/openssl" fi } # Init optional command line vars ARCHS="" BRANCH="" CLEANUP="" CONFIG_ENABLE_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128="" CONFIG_DISABLE_BITCODE="" CONFIG_NO_DEPRECATED="" IOS_SDKVERSION="" MACOSX_SDKVERSION="" LOG_VERBOSE="" PARALLEL="" TARGETS="" TVOS_SDKVERSION="" VERSION="" WATCHOS_SDKVERSION="" # Process command line arguments for i in "$@" do case $i in --archs=*) ARCHS="${i#*=}" shift ;; --branch=*) BRANCH="${i#*=}" shift ;; --cleanup) CLEANUP="true" ;; --deprecated) CONFIG_NO_DEPRECATED="false" ;; --ec-nistp-64-gcc-128) CONFIG_ENABLE_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128="true" ;; --disable-bitcode) CONFIG_DISABLE_BITCODE="true" ;; -h|--help) echo_help exit ;; --ios-sdk=*) IOS_SDKVERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --ios-min-sdk=*) IOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --macosx-sdk=*) MACOSX_SDKVERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --macosx-min-sdk=*) MACOSX_MIN_SDK_VERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --tvos-sdk=*) TVOS_SDKVERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --tvos-min-sdk=*) TVOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --watchos-sdk=*) WATCHOS_SDKVERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --watchos-min-sdk=*) WATCHOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; --noparallel) PARALLEL="false" ;; --targets=*) TARGETS="${i#*=}" shift ;; -v|--verbose) LOG_VERBOSE="verbose" ;; --verbose-on-error) LOG_VERBOSE="verbose-on-error" ;; --version=*) VERSION="${i#*=}" shift ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: ${i}" ;; esac done # Don't mix version and branch if [[ -n "${VERSION}" && -n "${BRANCH}" ]]; then echo "Either select a branch (the script will determine and build the latest version) or select a specific version, but not both." exit 1 # Specific version: Verify version number format. Expected: dot notation elif [[ -n "${VERSION}" && ! "${VERSION}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[a-z]*$ ]]; then echo "Unknown version number format. Examples: 1.1.0, 1.1.0l" exit 1 # Specific branch elif [ -n "${BRANCH}" ]; then # Verify version number format. Expected: dot notation if [[ ! "${BRANCH}" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Unknown branch version number format. Examples: 1.1.0, 1.2.0" exit 1 # Valid version number, determine latest version else echo "Checking latest version of ${BRANCH} branch on openssl.org..." # Get directory content listing of /source/ (only contains latest version per branch), limit list to archives (so one archive per branch), # filter for the requested branch, sort the list and get the last item (last two steps to ensure there is always 1 result) VERSION=$(curl ${CURL_OPTIONS} -s https://ftp.openssl.org/source/ | grep -Eo '>openssl-[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9][a-z]*\.tar\.gz<' | grep -Eo "${BRANCH//./\.}[a-z]*" | sort | tail -1) # Verify result if [ -z "${VERSION}" ]; then echo "Could not determine latest version, please check https://www.openssl.org/source/ and use --version option" exit 1 fi fi # Script default elif [ -z "${VERSION}" ]; then VERSION="${DEFAULTVERSION}" fi BUILD_TYPE="targets" # Set default for TARGETS if not specified if [ ! -n "${TARGETS}" ]; then TARGETS="${DEFAULTTARGETS}" fi # Add no-deprecated config option (if not overwritten) if [ "${CONFIG_NO_DEPRECATED}" != "false" ]; then CONFIG_OPTIONS="${CONFIG_OPTIONS} no-deprecated" fi # Determine SDK versions if [ ! -n "${IOS_SDKVERSION}" ]; then IOS_SDKVERSION=$(xcrun -sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-version) fi if [ ! -n "${MACOSX_SDKVERSION}" ]; then MACOSX_SDKVERSION=$(xcrun -sdk macosx --show-sdk-version) fi if [ ! -n "${TVOS_SDKVERSION}" ]; then TVOS_SDKVERSION=$(xcrun -sdk appletvos --show-sdk-version) fi if [ ! -n "${WATCHOS_SDKVERSION}" ]; then WATCHOS_SDKVERSION=$(xcrun -sdk watchos --show-sdk-version) fi # Determine number of cores for (parallel) build BUILD_THREADS=1 if [ "${PARALLEL}" != "false" ]; then BUILD_THREADS=$(sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{print $2}') fi # Determine script directory SCRIPTDIR=$(cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd) # Write files relative to current location and validate directory CURRENTPATH=$(pwd) case "${CURRENTPATH}" in *\ * ) echo "Your path contains whitespaces, which is not supported by 'make install'." exit 1 ;; esac cd "${CURRENTPATH}" # Validate Xcode Developer path DEVELOPER=$(xcode-select -print-path) if [ ! -d "${DEVELOPER}" ]; then echo "Xcode path is not set correctly ${DEVELOPER} does not exist" echo "run" echo "sudo xcode-select -switch " echo "for default installation:" echo "sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" exit 1 fi case "${DEVELOPER}" in *\ * ) echo "Your Xcode path contains whitespaces, which is not supported." exit 1 ;; esac # Show build options echo echo "Build options" echo " OpenSSL version: ${VERSION}" echo " Targets: ${TARGETS}" echo " iOS SDK: ${IOS_SDKVERSION}" echo " iOS min SDK: ${IOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION}" echo " tvOS SDK: ${TVOS_SDKVERSION}" echo " tvOS min SDK: ${TVOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION}" echo " watchOS SDK: ${WATCHOS_SDKVERSION}" echo " watchOS min SDK: ${WATCHOS_MIN_SDK_VERSION}" echo " MacOSX SDK: ${MACOSX_SDKVERSION}" echo " MacOSX min SDK: ${MACOSX_MIN_SDK_VERSION}" if [ "${CONFIG_DISABLE_BITCODE}" == "true" ]; then echo " Bitcode embedding disabled" fi echo " Number of make threads: ${BUILD_THREADS}" if [ -n "${CONFIG_OPTIONS}" ]; then echo " Configure options: ${CONFIG_OPTIONS}" fi echo " Build location: ${CURRENTPATH}" echo # Download OpenSSL when not present OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_BASE_NAME="openssl-${VERSION}" OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME="${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_BASE_NAME}.tar.gz" if [ ! -e ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME} ]; then echo "Downloading ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}..." OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL="https://www.openssl.org/source/${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}" # Check whether file exists here (this is the location of the latest version for each branch) # -s be silent, -f return non-zero exit status on failure, -I get header (do not download) curl ${CURL_OPTIONS} -sfI "${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL}" > /dev/null # If unsuccessful, try the archive if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then BRANCH=$(echo "${VERSION}" | grep -Eo '^[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]') OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL="https://www.openssl.org/source/old/${BRANCH}/${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}" curl ${CURL_OPTIONS} -sfI "${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL}" > /dev/null fi # Both attempts failed, so report the error if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "An error occurred trying to find OpenSSL ${VERSION} on ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL}" echo "Please verify that the version you are trying to build exists, check cURL's error message and/or your network connection." exit 1 fi # Archive was found, so proceed with download. # -O Use server-specified filename for download curl ${CURL_OPTIONS} -O "${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_URL}" else echo "Using ${OPENSSL_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME}" fi # Set reference to custom configuration (OpenSSL 1.1.0) # See: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/commit/afce395cba521e395e6eecdaf9589105f61e4411 export OPENSSL_LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR="${SCRIPTDIR}/config" # -e Abort script at first error, when a command exits with non-zero status (except in until or while loops, if-tests, list constructs) # -o pipefail Causes a pipeline to return the exit status of the last command in the pipe that returned a non-zero return value set -eo pipefail # Clean up target directories if requested and present if [ "${CLEANUP}" == "true" ]; then if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/bin" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/bin" fi if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/include/openssl" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/include/openssl" fi if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/lib" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/lib" fi if [ -d "${CURRENTPATH}/src" ]; then rm -r "${CURRENTPATH}/src" fi fi # (Re-)create target directories mkdir -p "${CURRENTPATH}/bin" mkdir -p "${CURRENTPATH}/lib" mkdir -p "${CURRENTPATH}/src" # Init vars for library references INCLUDE_DIR="" OPENSSLCONF_ALL=() LIBSSL_IOS=() LIBSSL_IOSSIM=() LIBCRYPTO_IOS=() LIBCRYPTO_IOSSIM=() LIBSSL_TVOS=() LIBSSL_TVOSSIM=() LIBCRYPTO_TVOS=() LIBCRYPTO_TVOSSIM=() LIBSSL_WATCHOS=() LIBSSL_WATCHOSSIM=() LIBCRYPTO_WATCHOS=() LIBCRYPTO_WATCHOSSIM=() LIBSSL_CATALYST=() LIBCRYPTO_CATALYST=() # Run relevant build loop source "${SCRIPTDIR}/scripts/build-loop-targets.sh" # Build iOS/Simulator library if selected for build if [ ${#LIBSSL_IOS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for iOS..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_IOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-iOS.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_IOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-iOS.a" echo "\n=====>iOS SSL and Crypto lib files:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-iOS.a" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-iOS.a" fi if [ ${#LIBSSL_IOSSIM[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for iOS Simulator..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_IOSSIM[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-iOS-Sim.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_IOSSIM[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-iOS-Sim.a" echo "\n=====>iOS Simulator SSL and Crypto lib files:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-iOS-Sim.a" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-iOS-Sim.a" fi # Build tvOS/Simulator library if selected for build if [ ${#LIBSSL_TVOS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for tvOS..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_TVOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-tvOS.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_TVOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-tvOS.a" echo "\n=====>tvOS SSL and Crypto lib files:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-tvOS.a" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-tvOS.a" fi if [ ${#LIBSSL_TVOSSIM[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for tvOS..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_TVOSSIM[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-tvOS-Sim.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_TVOSSIM[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-tvOS-Sim.a" echo "\n=====>tvOS Simulator SSL and Crypto lib files:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-tvOS-Sim.a" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-tvOS-Sim.a" fi # Build watchOS/Simulator library if selected for build if [ ${#LIBSSL_WATCHOS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for watchOS..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_WATCHOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-watchOS.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_WATCHOS[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-watchOS.a" echo "\n=====>watchOS SSL and Crypto lib files:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-watchOS.a" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-watchOS.a" fi if [ ${#LIBSSL_WATCHOSSIM[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for watchOS Simulator..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_WATCHOSSIM[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-watchOS-Sim.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_WATCHOSSIM[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-watchOS-Sim.a" echo "\n=====>watchOS Simulator SSL and Crypto lib files:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-watchOS-Sim.a" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-watchOS-Sim.a" fi # Build Catalyst library if selected for build if [ ${#LIBSSL_CATALYST[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Build library for Catalyst..." lipo -create ${LIBSSL_CATALYST[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-Catalyst.a" lipo -create ${LIBCRYPTO_CATALYST[@]} -output "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-Catalyst.a" echo "\n=====>Catalyst SSL and Crypto lib files:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libssl-Catalyst.a" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/lib/libcrypto-Catalyst.a" fi # Copy include directory cp -R "${INCLUDE_DIR}" "${CURRENTPATH}/include/" echo "\n=====>Include directory:" echo "${CURRENTPATH}/include/" # Only create intermediate file when building for multiple targets # For a single target, opensslconf.h is still present in $INCLUDE_DIR (and has just been copied to the target include dir) if [ ${#OPENSSLCONF_ALL[@]} -gt 1 ]; then # Prepare intermediate header file # This overwrites opensslconf.h that was copied from $INCLUDE_DIR OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE="${CURRENTPATH}/include/openssl/opensslconf.h" cp "${CURRENTPATH}/include/opensslconf-template.h" "${OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE}" # Loop all header files LOOPCOUNT=0 for OPENSSLCONF_CURRENT in "${OPENSSLCONF_ALL[@]}" ; do # Copy specific opensslconf file to include dir cp "${CURRENTPATH}/bin/${OPENSSLCONF_CURRENT}" "${CURRENTPATH}/include/openssl" # Determine define condition case "${OPENSSLCONF_CURRENT}" in *_ios_x86_64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR && TARGET_CPU_X86_64" ;; *_ios_i386.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR && TARGET_CPU_X86" ;; *_ios_arm64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_IOS && (TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED || TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR) && TARGET_CPU_ARM64" ;; *_ios_arm64e.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED && TARGET_CPU_ARM64E" ;; *_ios_armv7s.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED && TARGET_CPU_ARM && defined(__ARM_ARCH_7S__)" ;; *_ios_armv7.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED && TARGET_CPU_ARM && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_7S__)" ;; *_catalyst_x86_64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="(TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST || (TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR)) && TARGET_CPU_X86_64" ;; *_catalyst_arm64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="(TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST || (TARGET_OS_IOS && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR)) && TARGET_CPU_ARM64" ;; *_tvos_x86_64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_TV && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR && TARGET_CPU_X86_64" ;; *_tvos_arm64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_TV && (TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED || TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR) && TARGET_CPU_ARM64" ;; *_watchos_i386.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_WATCH && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR && TARGET_CPU_X86" ;; *_watchos_sim_x86_64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_WATCH && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR && TARGET_CPU_X86_64" ;; *_watchos_sim_arm64.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_WATCH && TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR && TARGET_CPU_ARM64" ;; *_watchos_armv7k.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_WATCH && TARGET_CPU_ARM" ;; *_watchos_arm64_32.h) DEFINE_CONDITION="TARGET_OS_WATCH && TARGET_CPU_ARM64" ;; *) # Don't run into unexpected cases by setting the default condition to false DEFINE_CONDITION="0" ;; esac # Determine loopcount; start with if and continue with elif LOOPCOUNT=$((LOOPCOUNT + 1)) if [ ${LOOPCOUNT} -eq 1 ]; then echo "#if ${DEFINE_CONDITION}" >> "${OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE}" else echo "#elif ${DEFINE_CONDITION}" >> "${OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE}" fi # Add include echo "# include " >> "${OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE}" done # Finish echo "#else" >> "${OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE}" echo '# error Unable to determine target or target not included in OpenSSL build' >> "${OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE}" echo "#endif" >> "${OPENSSLCONF_INTERMEDIATE}" fi echo "Done."