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It is recommended to erase this board prior to using it for DFU. To do this, open nRFgo Studio, select the board from the list and click <b>Erase all</b>. </p> <div class="image"> <img src="erase_all.png" alt="erase_all.png"/> <div class="caption"> Erasing the connectivity board</div></div> <ol type="1"> <li>Connect a development kit to your computer through the USB port. This DK will serve as an intermediate connectivity board.</li> <li>Run nRF Connect. From the list of ports, choose the serial port where the connectivity board is connected. <div class="image"> <img src="nrf_connect_d_1.png" alt="nrf_connect_d_1.png"/> <div class="caption"> Select the board in nRF Connect</div></div> </li> <li>If the board was erased before, a message will appear that no connectivity firmware was detected. Agree to automatically update the connectivity firmware. <div class="image"> <img src="firmware_update.png" alt="firmware_update.png"/> <div class="caption"> Firmware update prompt</div></div> </li> <li>Click <b>Start Scan</b>. From the available discovered devices, connect to <code>Thingy</code>. Make sure it is not bonded to another host. <dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>The list of discovered devices is not automatically refreshed when they stop advertising. Whenever you have problems connecting to a device from the list, try clearing it and rerunning the scan. If the Thingy stops advertising, tap or move it.</dd></dl> </li> <li>Connect to the Thingy. When connecting, you do not need to select any of the optional settings.</li> <li>Expand the FE59 service section and enable notifications by clicking <b>Toggle notifications</b>. Then, type <code>01</code> into the FE59 field. Press Enter or click <b>Write</b>. <div class="image"> <img src="fe59.png" alt="fe59.png"/> <div class="caption"> FE59 service section</div></div> The Thingy now enters DFU mode. You are disconnected from the device and, if you run a new scan, a <code>ThingyDfu</code> device appears in the list of discovered devices. The LED on the Thingy fades in and out rapidly in yellow color. <dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>The <code>ThingyDfu</code> device is the Thingy in DFU mode. Notice that its address is always the address of the Thingy plus 1.</dd></dl> </li> <li>Close nRF Connect. Make sure that nRF Connect and nrfutil applications do not run at the same time.</li> <li>With nrfutil installed, open the command prompt and run the following command: <div class="fragment"><div class="line">nrfutil dfu ble -ic <ic_series> -pkg <package_name.zip></div> </div><!-- fragment --> , where <ic_name> is the Series of the connectivity board (<code>NRF51</code> or <code>NRF52</code>) and <package_name.zip> is the path to the ZIP file that is to be transferred to the Thingy. For example: <div class="fragment"><div class="line">nrfutil dfu ble -ic NRF51 -pkg <span class="stringliteral">"thingy_firmware.zip"</span></div> </div><!-- fragment --></li> <li>You might be prompted to select the connectivity serial port. Select the port that the connectivity board is connected to and press Enter. A progress bar will appear showing the progress of the package transfer.</li> </ol> <h1><a class="anchor" id="dfu_performing_mobile"></a> Upgrading with nRF Connect for mobile</h1> <p>The following procedure involves using a mobile device with nRF Connect installed to run a DFU.</p> <p>Before running this procedure, install <a href="https://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/Nordic-mobile-Apps/nRF-Connect-for-mobile-previously-called-nRF-Master-Control-Panel" target="blank">nRF Connect for Mobile</a>.</p> <ol type="1"> <li>Transfer the ZIP packages that will be used for DFU to your mobile device.</li> <li>Power on the Thingy.</li> <li>Open nRF Connect on your mobile device.</li> <li>Tap <b>Scan</b>. From the available discovered devices, connect to the Thingy. <dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>The list of discovered devices is not automatically refreshed when they stop advertising. Whenever you have problems connecting to a device from the list, try refreshing the list. If the Thingy stops advertising, tap or move the device.</dd></dl> </li> <li>Expand the Secure DFU Service section. There are two icons to the right of the DFU Control Point area.<ol type="a"> <li>The icon to the right toggles notifications. Make sure they are enabled (the icon must be crossed).</li> <li>Tap the icon to the left to put the Thingy into bootloader (DFU) mode. Tap <b>Send</b> when prompted to reset the device to bootloader. <div class="image"> <img src="dfu_mode.png" alt="dfu_mode.png"/> <div class="caption"> Putting the Thingy into DFU mode (1)</div></div> <div class="image"> <img src="bootloader_reset.png" alt="bootloader_reset.png"/> <div class="caption"> Putting the Thingy into DFU mode (2)</div></div> <dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>The Thingy now enters DFU mode. You are disconnected from the device. The LED on the Thingy fades in and out rapidly in yellow color.</dd></dl> </li> </ol> </li> <li>Go to the Scanner tab and run a new scan. A <code>ThingyDfu</code> device appears in the list of discovered devices. <dl class="section note"><dt>Note</dt><dd>The <code>ThingyDfu</code> device is the Thingy in DFU mode. Notice that its address is always the address of the Thingy device plus 1.</dd></dl> </li> <li>Connect to the <code>ThingyDfu</code> device. Tap the DFU icon. <div class="image"> <img src="dfutarg_connect.png" alt="dfutarg_connect.png"/> <div class="caption"> Running DFU on the ThingyDfu device</div></div> </li> <li>Select <b>Distribution packet (ZIP)</b> and navigate to the ZIP package that you previously uploaded to your mobile device. <div class="image"> <img src="distribution_packet.png" alt="distribution_packet.png"/> <div class="caption"> Uploading the ZIP file</div></div> </li> <li>The package is now uploaded to the Thingy in the DFU process. <div class="image"> <img src="dfu_running.png" alt="dfu_running.png"/> <div class="caption"> DFU in progress</div></div> </li> </ol> </div></div><!-- contents --> </div><!-- doc-content --> <div id="nav-path" class="topicfooter"> <a href="mailto:docfeedback@nordicsemi.no?subject=Documentation%20feedback" id="maillink">Documentation feedback</a> | <a href="https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/questions/" target="_blank">Developer Zone</a> | <a href="http://response.nordicsemi.com/subscribe-to-our-newsletters" target="_blank">Subscribe</a> | Updated <span id="date"/> <script> var date = new Date("Tue May 30 2017" + " UTC"); document.getElementById("date").innerHTML = date.toJSON().slice(0, 10); var url=window.location.href.split("?")[0]; var filename=url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1); document.getElementById("maillink").href = "mailto:docfeedback@nordicsemi.no?subject=Documentation%20feedback"+decodeURIComponent("%26")+"body=File%20name%3A%20"+encodeURIComponent(filename); </script> </div> </body> </html>