# Changelog ## [2.3.1] - #98: Update Plugin.Badge.UWP.xr.xml location in nuspec ## [2.3.0] - #87: Updated to XF 4.5 and AndroidX. Target Android 10 ### [2.3.0-pre.1/pre.2] - #87: Updated to XF 4.5 and AndroidX. Target Android 10 ## [2.2.1] - #74: Fix NRE in UpdateBadgeProperties ## [2.2.0] - #67: Update to XF - #72: Fix Android Warnings - #64: Generic XF badge view that can be added to any XF layout - #30: Generic XF badge used with NavigationPage.TitleView ### [2.2.0-pre.1] - #67: Update to XF 4.0-pre. This is a pre release build design to workaround the issue described in #67. If your code is nota ffected by the issue please use the latest stable release instead. ## [2.1.2] - #65 iOS: Update badge properties on icon property changed - #66 Enusure cleanup also takes into account tabs wrapped by navigation pages - Android: Update target sdk to 28 ## [2.1.1] - #62 Merged fix from PR #63 - #61 UWP Nuget pacakge - Explicitly include .xr.xml and .xbf files ## [2.1.0] - #45 WPF Renderer and sample app - #58 Tabs as navigation pages. Consider Badge attached properties for wrapping navigation pages ### [2.1.0-pre.3] - #55 #48 Fix bottom layout and placement. ### [2.1.0-pre.2] - #49 Fix missing UWP dlls from nuget package ### [2.1.0-pre.1] - Update to Xamarin Forms 3.1 - #48 Android Bottom Placement Support - #46 Bugfix: consider tabpage children embedded in navigation pages ## [2.0.0] - #40 Added support for NON-AppCompat android activity (actionbar) - .NET Standard support with backwards compatibility to PCL ## [2.0.0-pre] - .NET Standard 1.4 support ## [1.3.0] - #33 Updated dependencies to Xamarin Forms (first stable 2.4.x) - #37 #20 [Android][MacOS][UWP] Bindable badge postion and margin ### [1.3.0-beta] - #31 MacOS support ## [1.2.1] - #20 Support for more badge postions: TopCenter, BottomCenter, LeftCenter, RightCenter ## [1.2.0] - #8 #20 #36 Bindable badge position for Android and UWP ### [1.2.0-beta3] - UAP ensure missing *.xr.xml is also copied. - UAP XF dependency updated - #26 UWP support ## [1.1.3] - #25 enusure registered event handlers are cleaned up before new ones are registered ## [1.1.2] - #23 Use ViewCompat.SetBackground to prevent missing method crash on Android API 15 ## [1.1.1] - #22 #24 Responds to selector check for iOS text attributes. Prevents crash for versions earlier than iOS 10. ## [1.1.0] - #19 Badge Text Color - #20 Badge font and font attributes - #15 final fix for missing method in android ## [1.0.2] - #15 fixed support for android support libs 25.3.1 - tested sample app with latest XF and android support version ## [1.0.1] - #7 Responds to selector check for iOS badge color. Prevents crash for versions earlier than iOS 10. ## [1.0.0] - first stable release