--- name: Xamarin.Android - Android P Mini Demo description: "Demonstrates new display cutout and image notification features (Android Pie)" page_type: sample languages: - csharp products: - xamarin extensions: tags: - androidpie urlFragment: android-p-androidpminidemo --- # Android P Mini Demo **AndroidPMiniDemo** is a sample app that accompanies the article, [Android P Preview](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/platform/android-p). This sample demonstrates the new display cutout and image notification features in Android P. ## Display Cutout Demo The display cutout demo provides three buttons to select a display cutout mode: - **Short Edges** – Clicking this button causes the app to go full screen and set the [LayoutInDisplayCutoutModeShortEdges](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/WindowManager.LayoutParams.html#LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_SHORT_EDGES) window attribute. This causes the app's white background to extend into the display cutout area. - **Never** – Clicking this button causes the app to go full screen and set the [LayoutInDisplayCutoutModeNever](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/WindowManager.LayoutParams.html#LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_NEVER) window attribute. This prevents the app's white background from extending into the display cutout area. - **Reset** – Changes the app back to non-fullscreen mode. If you are using the Android emulator, you must first enable cutout mode from within the emulator while it is running an Android P virtual device image: 1. Go to **System Settings > System > Advanced > Developer Options** 2. Under **Developer Options**, scroll down to **Drawing** and click **Simulate a display with a cutout**. 3. Select **Tall display cutout** to simulate a typical phone. ## Notification Demo The notification demo generates a notification by using the new [Person](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Person.html) class, and it includes an image in the notification by using the new [Notification.MessagingStyle.Message.SetData](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Notification.MessagingStyle.Message.html#setData%28java.lang.String,%20android.net.Uri) method. Clicking the **Send Image Notification** button causes the app to send an example text notification followed (several seconds later) by a notification that contains an image. ## Requirements - **Visual Studio** – If you are using Windows, version 15.8 Preview 5 or later of Visual Studio is required. If you are using a Mac, the current Beta version of Visual Studio for Mac or later is required. - **Xamarin.Android** – Xamarin.Android or later must be installed with Visual Studio. - **Android SDK** – Android SDK API 28 or later must be installed via the Android SDK Manager. ![Android P Mini Demo application screenshot](Screenshots/1-image-notification.png "Android P Mini Demo application screenshot") ## Author Copyright 2018 Microsoft Created by Mark Mclemore