var xatkit = /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // create a fake namespace object /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { /******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value); /******/ if(mode & 8) return value; /******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value; /******/ var ns = Object.create(null); /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns); /******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value }); /******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); /******/ return ns; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 189); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ if (false) { var throwOnDirectAccess, isValidElement, REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE; } else { // By explicitly using `prop-types` you are opting into new production behavior. // module.exports = __webpack_require__(71)(); } /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; if (true) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(68); } else {} /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Utilities // function _class(obj) { return; } function isString(obj) { return _class(obj) === '[object String]'; } var _hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function has(object, key) { return, key); } // Merge objects // function assign(obj /*from1, from2, from3, ...*/) { var sources =, 1); sources.forEach(function (source) { if (!source) { return; } if (typeof source !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(source + 'must be object'); } Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) { obj[key] = source[key]; }); }); return obj; } // Remove element from array and put another array at those position. // Useful for some operations with tokens function arrayReplaceAt(src, pos, newElements) { return [].concat(src.slice(0, pos), newElements, src.slice(pos + 1)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isValidEntityCode(c) { /*eslint no-bitwise:0*/ // broken sequence if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF) { return false; } // never used if (c >= 0xFDD0 && c <= 0xFDEF) { return false; } if ((c & 0xFFFF) === 0xFFFF || (c & 0xFFFF) === 0xFFFE) { return false; } // control codes if (c >= 0x00 && c <= 0x08) { return false; } if (c === 0x0B) { return false; } if (c >= 0x0E && c <= 0x1F) { return false; } if (c >= 0x7F && c <= 0x9F) { return false; } // out of range if (c > 0x10FFFF) { return false; } return true; } function fromCodePoint(c) { /*eslint no-bitwise:0*/ if (c > 0xffff) { c -= 0x10000; var surrogate1 = 0xd800 + (c >> 10), surrogate2 = 0xdc00 + (c & 0x3ff); return String.fromCharCode(surrogate1, surrogate2); } return String.fromCharCode(c); } var UNESCAPE_MD_RE = /\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-.\/:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~])/g; var ENTITY_RE = /&([a-z#][a-z0-9]{1,31});/gi; var UNESCAPE_ALL_RE = new RegExp(UNESCAPE_MD_RE.source + '|' + ENTITY_RE.source, 'gi'); var DIGITAL_ENTITY_TEST_RE = /^#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8}))/i; var entities = __webpack_require__(37); function replaceEntityPattern(match, name) { var code = 0; if (has(entities, name)) { return entities[name]; } if (name.charCodeAt(0) === 0x23/* # */ && DIGITAL_ENTITY_TEST_RE.test(name)) { code = name[1].toLowerCase() === 'x' ? parseInt(name.slice(2), 16) : parseInt(name.slice(1), 10); if (isValidEntityCode(code)) { return fromCodePoint(code); } } return match; } /*function replaceEntities(str) { if (str.indexOf('&') < 0) { return str; } return str.replace(ENTITY_RE, replaceEntityPattern); }*/ function unescapeMd(str) { if (str.indexOf('\\') < 0) { return str; } return str.replace(UNESCAPE_MD_RE, '$1'); } function unescapeAll(str) { if (str.indexOf('\\') < 0 && str.indexOf('&') < 0) { return str; } return str.replace(UNESCAPE_ALL_RE, function (match, escaped, entity) { if (escaped) { return escaped; } return replaceEntityPattern(match, entity); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var HTML_ESCAPE_TEST_RE = /[&<>"]/; var HTML_ESCAPE_REPLACE_RE = /[&<>"]/g; var HTML_REPLACEMENTS = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"' }; function replaceUnsafeChar(ch) { return HTML_REPLACEMENTS[ch]; } function escapeHtml(str) { if (HTML_ESCAPE_TEST_RE.test(str)) { return str.replace(HTML_ESCAPE_REPLACE_RE, replaceUnsafeChar); } return str; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var REGEXP_ESCAPE_RE = /[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g; function escapeRE(str) { return str.replace(REGEXP_ESCAPE_RE, '\\$&'); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function isSpace(code) { switch (code) { case 0x09: case 0x20: return true; } return false; } // Zs (unicode class) || [\t\f\v\r\n] function isWhiteSpace(code) { if (code >= 0x2000 && code <= 0x200A) { return true; } switch (code) { case 0x09: // \t case 0x0A: // \n case 0x0B: // \v case 0x0C: // \f case 0x0D: // \r case 0x20: case 0xA0: case 0x1680: case 0x202F: case 0x205F: case 0x3000: return true; } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*eslint-disable max-len*/ var UNICODE_PUNCT_RE = __webpack_require__(27); // Currently without astral characters support. function isPunctChar(ch) { return UNICODE_PUNCT_RE.test(ch); } // Markdown ASCII punctuation characters. // // !, ", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, or ~ // // // Don't confuse with unicode punctuation !!! It lacks some chars in ascii range. // function isMdAsciiPunct(ch) { switch (ch) { case 0x21/* ! */: case 0x22/* " */: case 0x23/* # */: case 0x24/* $ */: case 0x25/* % */: case 0x26/* & */: case 0x27/* ' */: case 0x28/* ( */: case 0x29/* ) */: case 0x2A/* * */: case 0x2B/* + */: case 0x2C/* , */: case 0x2D/* - */: case 0x2E/* . */: case 0x2F/* / */: case 0x3A/* : */: case 0x3B/* ; */: case 0x3C/* < */: case 0x3D/* = */: case 0x3E/* > */: case 0x3F/* ? */: case 0x40/* @ */: case 0x5B/* [ */: case 0x5C/* \ */: case 0x5D/* ] */: case 0x5E/* ^ */: case 0x5F/* _ */: case 0x60/* ` */: case 0x7B/* { */: case 0x7C/* | */: case 0x7D/* } */: case 0x7E/* ~ */: return true; default: return false; } } // Hepler to unify [reference labels]. // function normalizeReference(str) { // use .toUpperCase() instead of .toLowerCase() // here to avoid a conflict with Object.prototype // members (most notably, `__proto__`) return str.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').toUpperCase(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Re-export libraries commonly used in both markdown-it and its plugins, // so plugins won't have to depend on them explicitly, which reduces their // bundled size (e.g. a browser build). // exports.lib = {}; exports.lib.mdurl = __webpack_require__(38); exports.lib.ucmicro = __webpack_require__(87); exports.assign = assign; exports.isString = isString; exports.has = has; exports.unescapeMd = unescapeMd; exports.unescapeAll = unescapeAll; exports.isValidEntityCode = isValidEntityCode; exports.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint; // exports.replaceEntities = replaceEntities; exports.escapeHtml = escapeHtml; exports.arrayReplaceAt = arrayReplaceAt; exports.isSpace = isSpace; exports.isWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace; exports.isMdAsciiPunct = isMdAsciiPunct; exports.isPunctChar = isPunctChar; exports.escapeRE = escapeRE; exports.normalizeReference = normalizeReference; /***/ }), /* 3 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _getPrototypeOf(o) { module.exports = _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); } module.exports = _getPrototypeOf; /***/ }), /* 4 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } module.exports = _classCallCheck; /***/ }), /* 5 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } module.exports = _createClass; /***/ }), /* 6 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _typeof = __webpack_require__(78); var assertThisInitialized = __webpack_require__(9); function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return assertThisInitialized(self); } module.exports = _possibleConstructorReturn; /***/ }), /* 7 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(77); function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } module.exports = _inherits; /***/ }), /* 8 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ (function (global, factory) { true ? module.exports = factory() : undefined; }(this, function () { 'use strict';var SLICE$0 = Array.prototype.slice; function createClass(ctor, superClass) { if (superClass) { ctor.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); } ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor; } function Iterable(value) { return isIterable(value) ? value : Seq(value); } createClass(KeyedIterable, Iterable); function KeyedIterable(value) { return isKeyed(value) ? value : KeyedSeq(value); } createClass(IndexedIterable, Iterable); function IndexedIterable(value) { return isIndexed(value) ? value : IndexedSeq(value); } createClass(SetIterable, Iterable); function SetIterable(value) { return isIterable(value) && !isAssociative(value) ? value : SetSeq(value); } function isIterable(maybeIterable) { return !!(maybeIterable && maybeIterable[IS_ITERABLE_SENTINEL]); } function isKeyed(maybeKeyed) { return !!(maybeKeyed && maybeKeyed[IS_KEYED_SENTINEL]); } function isIndexed(maybeIndexed) { return !!(maybeIndexed && maybeIndexed[IS_INDEXED_SENTINEL]); } function isAssociative(maybeAssociative) { return isKeyed(maybeAssociative) || isIndexed(maybeAssociative); } function isOrdered(maybeOrdered) { return !!(maybeOrdered && maybeOrdered[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL]); } Iterable.isIterable = isIterable; Iterable.isKeyed = isKeyed; Iterable.isIndexed = isIndexed; Iterable.isAssociative = isAssociative; Iterable.isOrdered = isOrdered; Iterable.Keyed = KeyedIterable; Iterable.Indexed = IndexedIterable; Iterable.Set = SetIterable; var IS_ITERABLE_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_ITERABLE__@@'; var IS_KEYED_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_KEYED__@@'; var IS_INDEXED_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_INDEXED__@@'; var IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_ORDERED__@@'; // Used for setting prototype methods that IE8 chokes on. var DELETE = 'delete'; // Constants describing the size of trie nodes. var SHIFT = 5; // Resulted in best performance after ______? var SIZE = 1 << SHIFT; var MASK = SIZE - 1; // A consistent shared value representing "not set" which equals nothing other // than itself, and nothing that could be provided externally. var NOT_SET = {}; // Boolean references, Rough equivalent of `bool &`. var CHANGE_LENGTH = { value: false }; var DID_ALTER = { value: false }; function MakeRef(ref) { ref.value = false; return ref; } function SetRef(ref) { ref && (ref.value = true); } // A function which returns a value representing an "owner" for transient writes // to tries. The return value will only ever equal itself, and will not equal // the return of any subsequent call of this function. function OwnerID() {} // function arrCopy(arr, offset) { offset = offset || 0; var len = Math.max(0, arr.length - offset); var newArr = new Array(len); for (var ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { newArr[ii] = arr[ii + offset]; } return newArr; } function ensureSize(iter) { if (iter.size === undefined) { iter.size = iter.__iterate(returnTrue); } return iter.size; } function wrapIndex(iter, index) { // This implements "is array index" which the ECMAString spec defines as: // // A String property name P is an array index if and only if // ToString(ToUint32(P)) is equal to P and ToUint32(P) is not equal // to 2^32−1. // // if (typeof index !== 'number') { var uint32Index = index >>> 0; // N >>> 0 is shorthand for ToUint32 if ('' + uint32Index !== index || uint32Index === 4294967295) { return NaN; } index = uint32Index; } return index < 0 ? ensureSize(iter) + index : index; } function returnTrue() { return true; } function wholeSlice(begin, end, size) { return (begin === 0 || (size !== undefined && begin <= -size)) && (end === undefined || (size !== undefined && end >= size)); } function resolveBegin(begin, size) { return resolveIndex(begin, size, 0); } function resolveEnd(end, size) { return resolveIndex(end, size, size); } function resolveIndex(index, size, defaultIndex) { return index === undefined ? defaultIndex : index < 0 ? Math.max(0, size + index) : size === undefined ? index : Math.min(size, index); } /* global Symbol */ var ITERATE_KEYS = 0; var ITERATE_VALUES = 1; var ITERATE_ENTRIES = 2; var REAL_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.iterator; var FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = '@@iterator'; var ITERATOR_SYMBOL = REAL_ITERATOR_SYMBOL || FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL; function Iterator(next) { = next; } Iterator.prototype.toString = function() { return '[Iterator]'; }; Iterator.KEYS = ITERATE_KEYS; Iterator.VALUES = ITERATE_VALUES; Iterator.ENTRIES = ITERATE_ENTRIES; Iterator.prototype.inspect = Iterator.prototype.toSource = function () { return this.toString(); } Iterator.prototype[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] = function () { return this; }; function iteratorValue(type, k, v, iteratorResult) { var value = type === 0 ? k : type === 1 ? v : [k, v]; iteratorResult ? (iteratorResult.value = value) : (iteratorResult = { value: value, done: false }); return iteratorResult; } function iteratorDone() { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } function hasIterator(maybeIterable) { return !!getIteratorFn(maybeIterable); } function isIterator(maybeIterator) { return maybeIterator && typeof === 'function'; } function getIterator(iterable) { var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(iterable); return iteratorFn &&; } function getIteratorFn(iterable) { var iteratorFn = iterable && ( (REAL_ITERATOR_SYMBOL && iterable[REAL_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]) || iterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL] ); if (typeof iteratorFn === 'function') { return iteratorFn; } } function isArrayLike(value) { return value && typeof value.length === 'number'; } createClass(Seq, Iterable); function Seq(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptySequence() : isIterable(value) ? value.toSeq() : seqFromValue(value); } Seq.of = function(/*...values*/) { return Seq(arguments); }; Seq.prototype.toSeq = function() { return this; }; Seq.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('Seq {', '}'); }; Seq.prototype.cacheResult = function() { if (!this._cache && this.__iterateUncached) { this._cache = this.entrySeq().toArray(); this.size = this._cache.length; } return this; }; // abstract __iterateUncached(fn, reverse) Seq.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { return seqIterate(this, fn, reverse, true); }; // abstract __iteratorUncached(type, reverse) Seq.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { return seqIterator(this, type, reverse, true); }; createClass(KeyedSeq, Seq); function KeyedSeq(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptySequence().toKeyedSeq() : isIterable(value) ? (isKeyed(value) ? value.toSeq() : value.fromEntrySeq()) : keyedSeqFromValue(value); } KeyedSeq.prototype.toKeyedSeq = function() { return this; }; createClass(IndexedSeq, Seq); function IndexedSeq(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptySequence() : !isIterable(value) ? indexedSeqFromValue(value) : isKeyed(value) ? value.entrySeq() : value.toIndexedSeq(); } IndexedSeq.of = function(/*...values*/) { return IndexedSeq(arguments); }; IndexedSeq.prototype.toIndexedSeq = function() { return this; }; IndexedSeq.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('Seq [', ']'); }; IndexedSeq.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { return seqIterate(this, fn, reverse, false); }; IndexedSeq.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { return seqIterator(this, type, reverse, false); }; createClass(SetSeq, Seq); function SetSeq(value) { return ( value === null || value === undefined ? emptySequence() : !isIterable(value) ? indexedSeqFromValue(value) : isKeyed(value) ? value.entrySeq() : value ).toSetSeq(); } SetSeq.of = function(/*...values*/) { return SetSeq(arguments); }; SetSeq.prototype.toSetSeq = function() { return this; }; Seq.isSeq = isSeq; Seq.Keyed = KeyedSeq; Seq.Set = SetSeq; Seq.Indexed = IndexedSeq; var IS_SEQ_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_SEQ__@@'; Seq.prototype[IS_SEQ_SENTINEL] = true; createClass(ArraySeq, IndexedSeq); function ArraySeq(array) { this._array = array; this.size = array.length; } ArraySeq.prototype.get = function(index, notSetValue) { return this.has(index) ? this._array[wrapIndex(this, index)] : notSetValue; }; ArraySeq.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { var array = this._array; var maxIndex = array.length - 1; for (var ii = 0; ii <= maxIndex; ii++) { if (fn(array[reverse ? maxIndex - ii : ii], ii, this) === false) { return ii + 1; } } return ii; }; ArraySeq.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { var array = this._array; var maxIndex = array.length - 1; var ii = 0; return new Iterator(function() {return ii > maxIndex ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(type, ii, array[reverse ? maxIndex - ii++ : ii++])} ); }; createClass(ObjectSeq, KeyedSeq); function ObjectSeq(object) { var keys = Object.keys(object); this._object = object; this._keys = keys; this.size = keys.length; } ObjectSeq.prototype.get = function(key, notSetValue) { if (notSetValue !== undefined && !this.has(key)) { return notSetValue; } return this._object[key]; }; ObjectSeq.prototype.has = function(key) { return this._object.hasOwnProperty(key); }; ObjectSeq.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { var object = this._object; var keys = this._keys; var maxIndex = keys.length - 1; for (var ii = 0; ii <= maxIndex; ii++) { var key = keys[reverse ? maxIndex - ii : ii]; if (fn(object[key], key, this) === false) { return ii + 1; } } return ii; }; ObjectSeq.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { var object = this._object; var keys = this._keys; var maxIndex = keys.length - 1; var ii = 0; return new Iterator(function() { var key = keys[reverse ? maxIndex - ii : ii]; return ii++ > maxIndex ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(type, key, object[key]); }); }; ObjectSeq.prototype[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL] = true; createClass(IterableSeq, IndexedSeq); function IterableSeq(iterable) { this._iterable = iterable; this.size = iterable.length || iterable.size; } IterableSeq.prototype.__iterateUncached = function(fn, reverse) { if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterate(fn, reverse); } var iterable = this._iterable; var iterator = getIterator(iterable); var iterations = 0; if (isIterator(iterator)) { var step; while (!(step = { if (fn(step.value, iterations++, this) === false) { break; } } } return iterations; }; IterableSeq.prototype.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) { if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterator(type, reverse); } var iterable = this._iterable; var iterator = getIterator(iterable); if (!isIterator(iterator)) { return new Iterator(iteratorDone); } var iterations = 0; return new Iterator(function() { var step =; return step.done ? step : iteratorValue(type, iterations++, step.value); }); }; createClass(IteratorSeq, IndexedSeq); function IteratorSeq(iterator) { this._iterator = iterator; this._iteratorCache = []; } IteratorSeq.prototype.__iterateUncached = function(fn, reverse) { if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterate(fn, reverse); } var iterator = this._iterator; var cache = this._iteratorCache; var iterations = 0; while (iterations < cache.length) { if (fn(cache[iterations], iterations++, this) === false) { return iterations; } } var step; while (!(step = { var val = step.value; cache[iterations] = val; if (fn(val, iterations++, this) === false) { break; } } return iterations; }; IteratorSeq.prototype.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) { if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterator(type, reverse); } var iterator = this._iterator; var cache = this._iteratorCache; var iterations = 0; return new Iterator(function() { if (iterations >= cache.length) { var step =; if (step.done) { return step; } cache[iterations] = step.value; } return iteratorValue(type, iterations, cache[iterations++]); }); }; // # pragma Helper functions function isSeq(maybeSeq) { return !!(maybeSeq && maybeSeq[IS_SEQ_SENTINEL]); } var EMPTY_SEQ; function emptySequence() { return EMPTY_SEQ || (EMPTY_SEQ = new ArraySeq([])); } function keyedSeqFromValue(value) { var seq = Array.isArray(value) ? new ArraySeq(value).fromEntrySeq() : isIterator(value) ? new IteratorSeq(value).fromEntrySeq() : hasIterator(value) ? new IterableSeq(value).fromEntrySeq() : typeof value === 'object' ? new ObjectSeq(value) : undefined; if (!seq) { throw new TypeError( 'Expected Array or iterable object of [k, v] entries, '+ 'or keyed object: ' + value ); } return seq; } function indexedSeqFromValue(value) { var seq = maybeIndexedSeqFromValue(value); if (!seq) { throw new TypeError( 'Expected Array or iterable object of values: ' + value ); } return seq; } function seqFromValue(value) { var seq = maybeIndexedSeqFromValue(value) || (typeof value === 'object' && new ObjectSeq(value)); if (!seq) { throw new TypeError( 'Expected Array or iterable object of values, or keyed object: ' + value ); } return seq; } function maybeIndexedSeqFromValue(value) { return ( isArrayLike(value) ? new ArraySeq(value) : isIterator(value) ? new IteratorSeq(value) : hasIterator(value) ? new IterableSeq(value) : undefined ); } function seqIterate(seq, fn, reverse, useKeys) { var cache = seq._cache; if (cache) { var maxIndex = cache.length - 1; for (var ii = 0; ii <= maxIndex; ii++) { var entry = cache[reverse ? maxIndex - ii : ii]; if (fn(entry[1], useKeys ? entry[0] : ii, seq) === false) { return ii + 1; } } return ii; } return seq.__iterateUncached(fn, reverse); } function seqIterator(seq, type, reverse, useKeys) { var cache = seq._cache; if (cache) { var maxIndex = cache.length - 1; var ii = 0; return new Iterator(function() { var entry = cache[reverse ? maxIndex - ii : ii]; return ii++ > maxIndex ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(type, useKeys ? entry[0] : ii - 1, entry[1]); }); } return seq.__iteratorUncached(type, reverse); } function fromJS(json, converter) { return converter ? fromJSWith(converter, json, '', {'': json}) : fromJSDefault(json); } function fromJSWith(converter, json, key, parentJSON) { if (Array.isArray(json)) { return, key, IndexedSeq(json).map(function(v, k) {return fromJSWith(converter, v, k, json)})); } if (isPlainObj(json)) { return, key, KeyedSeq(json).map(function(v, k) {return fromJSWith(converter, v, k, json)})); } return json; } function fromJSDefault(json) { if (Array.isArray(json)) { return IndexedSeq(json).map(fromJSDefault).toList(); } if (isPlainObj(json)) { return KeyedSeq(json).map(fromJSDefault).toMap(); } return json; } function isPlainObj(value) { return value && (value.constructor === Object || value.constructor === undefined); } /** * An extension of the "same-value" algorithm as [described for use by ES6 Map * and Set]( * * NaN is considered the same as NaN, however -0 and 0 are considered the same * value, which is different from the algorithm described by * [``]( * * This is extended further to allow Objects to describe the values they * represent, by way of `valueOf` or `equals` (and `hashCode`). * * Note: because of this extension, the key equality of Immutable.Map and the * value equality of Immutable.Set will differ from ES6 Map and Set. * * ### Defining custom values * * The easiest way to describe the value an object represents is by implementing * `valueOf`. For example, `Date` represents a value by returning a unix * timestamp for `valueOf`: * * var date1 = new Date(1234567890000); // Fri Feb 13 2009 ... * var date2 = new Date(1234567890000); * date1.valueOf(); // 1234567890000 * assert( date1 !== date2 ); * assert( date1, date2 ) ); * * Note: overriding `valueOf` may have other implications if you use this object * where JavaScript expects a primitive, such as implicit string coercion. * * For more complex types, especially collections, implementing `valueOf` may * not be performant. An alternative is to implement `equals` and `hashCode`. * * `equals` takes another object, presumably of similar type, and returns true * if the it is equal. Equality is symmetrical, so the same result should be * returned if this and the argument are flipped. * * assert( a.equals(b) === b.equals(a) ); * * `hashCode` returns a 32bit integer number representing the object which will * be used to determine how to store the value object in a Map or Set. You must * provide both or neither methods, one must not exist without the other. * * Also, an important relationship between these methods must be upheld: if two * values are equal, they *must* return the same hashCode. If the values are not * equal, they might have the same hashCode; this is called a hash collision, * and while undesirable for performance reasons, it is acceptable. * * if (a.equals(b)) { * assert( a.hashCode() === b.hashCode() ); * } * * All Immutable collections implement `equals` and `hashCode`. * */ function is(valueA, valueB) { if (valueA === valueB || (valueA !== valueA && valueB !== valueB)) { return true; } if (!valueA || !valueB) { return false; } if (typeof valueA.valueOf === 'function' && typeof valueB.valueOf === 'function') { valueA = valueA.valueOf(); valueB = valueB.valueOf(); if (valueA === valueB || (valueA !== valueA && valueB !== valueB)) { return true; } if (!valueA || !valueB) { return false; } } if (typeof valueA.equals === 'function' && typeof valueB.equals === 'function' && valueA.equals(valueB)) { return true; } return false; } function deepEqual(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if ( !isIterable(b) || a.size !== undefined && b.size !== undefined && a.size !== b.size || a.__hash !== undefined && b.__hash !== undefined && a.__hash !== b.__hash || isKeyed(a) !== isKeyed(b) || isIndexed(a) !== isIndexed(b) || isOrdered(a) !== isOrdered(b) ) { return false; } if (a.size === 0 && b.size === 0) { return true; } var notAssociative = !isAssociative(a); if (isOrdered(a)) { var entries = a.entries(); return b.every(function(v, k) { var entry =; return entry && is(entry[1], v) && (notAssociative || is(entry[0], k)); }) &&; } var flipped = false; if (a.size === undefined) { if (b.size === undefined) { if (typeof a.cacheResult === 'function') { a.cacheResult(); } } else { flipped = true; var _ = a; a = b; b = _; } } var allEqual = true; var bSize = b.__iterate(function(v, k) { if (notAssociative ? !a.has(v) : flipped ? !is(v, a.get(k, NOT_SET)) : !is(a.get(k, NOT_SET), v)) { allEqual = false; return false; } }); return allEqual && a.size === bSize; } createClass(Repeat, IndexedSeq); function Repeat(value, times) { if (!(this instanceof Repeat)) { return new Repeat(value, times); } this._value = value; this.size = times === undefined ? Infinity : Math.max(0, times); if (this.size === 0) { if (EMPTY_REPEAT) { return EMPTY_REPEAT; } EMPTY_REPEAT = this; } } Repeat.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.size === 0) { return 'Repeat []'; } return 'Repeat [ ' + this._value + ' ' + this.size + ' times ]'; }; Repeat.prototype.get = function(index, notSetValue) { return this.has(index) ? this._value : notSetValue; }; Repeat.prototype.includes = function(searchValue) { return is(this._value, searchValue); }; Repeat.prototype.slice = function(begin, end) { var size = this.size; return wholeSlice(begin, end, size) ? this : new Repeat(this._value, resolveEnd(end, size) - resolveBegin(begin, size)); }; Repeat.prototype.reverse = function() { return this; }; Repeat.prototype.indexOf = function(searchValue) { if (is(this._value, searchValue)) { return 0; } return -1; }; Repeat.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(searchValue) { if (is(this._value, searchValue)) { return this.size; } return -1; }; Repeat.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { for (var ii = 0; ii < this.size; ii++) { if (fn(this._value, ii, this) === false) { return ii + 1; } } return ii; }; Repeat.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) {var this$0 = this; var ii = 0; return new Iterator(function() {return ii < this$0.size ? iteratorValue(type, ii++, this$0._value) : iteratorDone()} ); }; Repeat.prototype.equals = function(other) { return other instanceof Repeat ? is(this._value, other._value) : deepEqual(other); }; var EMPTY_REPEAT; function invariant(condition, error) { if (!condition) throw new Error(error); } createClass(Range, IndexedSeq); function Range(start, end, step) { if (!(this instanceof Range)) { return new Range(start, end, step); } invariant(step !== 0, 'Cannot step a Range by 0'); start = start || 0; if (end === undefined) { end = Infinity; } step = step === undefined ? 1 : Math.abs(step); if (end < start) { step = -step; } this._start = start; this._end = end; this._step = step; this.size = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((end - start) / step - 1) + 1); if (this.size === 0) { if (EMPTY_RANGE) { return EMPTY_RANGE; } EMPTY_RANGE = this; } } Range.prototype.toString = function() { if (this.size === 0) { return 'Range []'; } return 'Range [ ' + this._start + '...' + this._end + (this._step !== 1 ? ' by ' + this._step : '') + ' ]'; }; Range.prototype.get = function(index, notSetValue) { return this.has(index) ? this._start + wrapIndex(this, index) * this._step : notSetValue; }; Range.prototype.includes = function(searchValue) { var possibleIndex = (searchValue - this._start) / this._step; return possibleIndex >= 0 && possibleIndex < this.size && possibleIndex === Math.floor(possibleIndex); }; Range.prototype.slice = function(begin, end) { if (wholeSlice(begin, end, this.size)) { return this; } begin = resolveBegin(begin, this.size); end = resolveEnd(end, this.size); if (end <= begin) { return new Range(0, 0); } return new Range(this.get(begin, this._end), this.get(end, this._end), this._step); }; Range.prototype.indexOf = function(searchValue) { var offsetValue = searchValue - this._start; if (offsetValue % this._step === 0) { var index = offsetValue / this._step; if (index >= 0 && index < this.size) { return index } } return -1; }; Range.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(searchValue) { return this.indexOf(searchValue); }; Range.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { var maxIndex = this.size - 1; var step = this._step; var value = reverse ? this._start + maxIndex * step : this._start; for (var ii = 0; ii <= maxIndex; ii++) { if (fn(value, ii, this) === false) { return ii + 1; } value += reverse ? -step : step; } return ii; }; Range.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { var maxIndex = this.size - 1; var step = this._step; var value = reverse ? this._start + maxIndex * step : this._start; var ii = 0; return new Iterator(function() { var v = value; value += reverse ? -step : step; return ii > maxIndex ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(type, ii++, v); }); }; Range.prototype.equals = function(other) { return other instanceof Range ? this._start === other._start && this._end === other._end && this._step === other._step : deepEqual(this, other); }; var EMPTY_RANGE; createClass(Collection, Iterable); function Collection() { throw TypeError('Abstract'); } createClass(KeyedCollection, Collection);function KeyedCollection() {} createClass(IndexedCollection, Collection);function IndexedCollection() {} createClass(SetCollection, Collection);function SetCollection() {} Collection.Keyed = KeyedCollection; Collection.Indexed = IndexedCollection; Collection.Set = SetCollection; var imul = typeof Math.imul === 'function' && Math.imul(0xffffffff, 2) === -2 ? Math.imul : function imul(a, b) { a = a | 0; // int b = b | 0; // int var c = a & 0xffff; var d = b & 0xffff; // Shift by 0 fixes the sign on the high part. return (c * d) + ((((a >>> 16) * d + c * (b >>> 16)) << 16) >>> 0) | 0; // int }; // v8 has an optimization for storing 31-bit signed numbers. // Values which have either 00 or 11 as the high order bits qualify. // This function drops the highest order bit in a signed number, maintaining // the sign bit. function smi(i32) { return ((i32 >>> 1) & 0x40000000) | (i32 & 0xBFFFFFFF); } function hash(o) { if (o === false || o === null || o === undefined) { return 0; } if (typeof o.valueOf === 'function') { o = o.valueOf(); if (o === false || o === null || o === undefined) { return 0; } } if (o === true) { return 1; } var type = typeof o; if (type === 'number') { if (o !== o || o === Infinity) { return 0; } var h = o | 0; if (h !== o) { h ^= o * 0xFFFFFFFF; } while (o > 0xFFFFFFFF) { o /= 0xFFFFFFFF; h ^= o; } return smi(h); } if (type === 'string') { return o.length > STRING_HASH_CACHE_MIN_STRLEN ? cachedHashString(o) : hashString(o); } if (typeof o.hashCode === 'function') { return o.hashCode(); } if (type === 'object') { return hashJSObj(o); } if (typeof o.toString === 'function') { return hashString(o.toString()); } throw new Error('Value type ' + type + ' cannot be hashed.'); } function cachedHashString(string) { var hash = stringHashCache[string]; if (hash === undefined) { hash = hashString(string); if (STRING_HASH_CACHE_SIZE === STRING_HASH_CACHE_MAX_SIZE) { STRING_HASH_CACHE_SIZE = 0; stringHashCache = {}; } STRING_HASH_CACHE_SIZE++; stringHashCache[string] = hash; } return hash; } // function hashString(string) { // This is the hash from JVM // The hash code for a string is computed as // s[0] * 31 ^ (n - 1) + s[1] * 31 ^ (n - 2) + ... + s[n - 1], // where s[i] is the ith character of the string and n is the length of // the string. We "mod" the result to make it between 0 (inclusive) and 2^31 // (exclusive) by dropping high bits. var hash = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < string.length; ii++) { hash = 31 * hash + string.charCodeAt(ii) | 0; } return smi(hash); } function hashJSObj(obj) { var hash; if (usingWeakMap) { hash = weakMap.get(obj); if (hash !== undefined) { return hash; } } hash = obj[UID_HASH_KEY]; if (hash !== undefined) { return hash; } if (!canDefineProperty) { hash = obj.propertyIsEnumerable && obj.propertyIsEnumerable[UID_HASH_KEY]; if (hash !== undefined) { return hash; } hash = getIENodeHash(obj); if (hash !== undefined) { return hash; } } hash = ++objHashUID; if (objHashUID & 0x40000000) { objHashUID = 0; } if (usingWeakMap) { weakMap.set(obj, hash); } else if (isExtensible !== undefined && isExtensible(obj) === false) { throw new Error('Non-extensible objects are not allowed as keys.'); } else if (canDefineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(obj, UID_HASH_KEY, { 'enumerable': false, 'configurable': false, 'writable': false, 'value': hash }); } else if (obj.propertyIsEnumerable !== undefined && obj.propertyIsEnumerable === obj.constructor.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable) { // Since we can't define a non-enumerable property on the object // we'll hijack one of the less-used non-enumerable properties to // save our hash on it. Since this is a function it will not show up in // `JSON.stringify` which is what we want. obj.propertyIsEnumerable = function() { return this.constructor.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.apply(this, arguments); }; obj.propertyIsEnumerable[UID_HASH_KEY] = hash; } else if (obj.nodeType !== undefined) { // At this point we couldn't get the IE `uniqueID` to use as a hash // and we couldn't use a non-enumerable property to exploit the // dontEnum bug so we simply add the `UID_HASH_KEY` on the node // itself. obj[UID_HASH_KEY] = hash; } else { throw new Error('Unable to set a non-enumerable property on object.'); } return hash; } // Get references to ES5 object methods. var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible; // True if Object.defineProperty works as expected. IE8 fails this test. var canDefineProperty = (function() { try { Object.defineProperty({}, '@', {}); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }()); // IE has a `uniqueID` property on DOM nodes. We can construct the hash from it // and avoid memory leaks from the IE cloneNode bug. function getIENodeHash(node) { if (node && node.nodeType > 0) { switch (node.nodeType) { case 1: // Element return node.uniqueID; case 9: // Document return node.documentElement && node.documentElement.uniqueID; } } } // If possible, use a WeakMap. var usingWeakMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function'; var weakMap; if (usingWeakMap) { weakMap = new WeakMap(); } var objHashUID = 0; var UID_HASH_KEY = '__immutablehash__'; if (typeof Symbol === 'function') { UID_HASH_KEY = Symbol(UID_HASH_KEY); } var STRING_HASH_CACHE_MIN_STRLEN = 16; var STRING_HASH_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 255; var STRING_HASH_CACHE_SIZE = 0; var stringHashCache = {}; function assertNotInfinite(size) { invariant( size !== Infinity, 'Cannot perform this action with an infinite size.' ); } createClass(Map, KeyedCollection); // @pragma Construction function Map(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptyMap() : isMap(value) && !isOrdered(value) ? value : emptyMap().withMutations(function(map ) { var iter = KeyedIterable(value); assertNotInfinite(iter.size); iter.forEach(function(v, k) {return map.set(k, v)}); }); } Map.of = function() {var keyValues = SLICE$, 0); return emptyMap().withMutations(function(map ) { for (var i = 0; i < keyValues.length; i += 2) { if (i + 1 >= keyValues.length) { throw new Error('Missing value for key: ' + keyValues[i]); } map.set(keyValues[i], keyValues[i + 1]); } }); }; Map.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('Map {', '}'); }; // @pragma Access Map.prototype.get = function(k, notSetValue) { return this._root ? this._root.get(0, undefined, k, notSetValue) : notSetValue; }; // @pragma Modification Map.prototype.set = function(k, v) { return updateMap(this, k, v); }; Map.prototype.setIn = function(keyPath, v) { return this.updateIn(keyPath, NOT_SET, function() {return v}); }; Map.prototype.remove = function(k) { return updateMap(this, k, NOT_SET); }; Map.prototype.deleteIn = function(keyPath) { return this.updateIn(keyPath, function() {return NOT_SET}); }; Map.prototype.update = function(k, notSetValue, updater) { return arguments.length === 1 ? k(this) : this.updateIn([k], notSetValue, updater); }; Map.prototype.updateIn = function(keyPath, notSetValue, updater) { if (!updater) { updater = notSetValue; notSetValue = undefined; } var updatedValue = updateInDeepMap( this, forceIterator(keyPath), notSetValue, updater ); return updatedValue === NOT_SET ? undefined : updatedValue; }; Map.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.size === 0) { return this; } if (this.__ownerID) { this.size = 0; this._root = null; this.__hash = undefined; this.__altered = true; return this; } return emptyMap(); }; // @pragma Composition Map.prototype.merge = function(/*...iters*/) { return mergeIntoMapWith(this, undefined, arguments); }; Map.prototype.mergeWith = function(merger) {var iters = SLICE$, 1); return mergeIntoMapWith(this, merger, iters); }; Map.prototype.mergeIn = function(keyPath) {var iters = SLICE$, 1); return this.updateIn( keyPath, emptyMap(), function(m ) {return typeof m.merge === 'function' ? m.merge.apply(m, iters) : iters[iters.length - 1]} ); }; Map.prototype.mergeDeep = function(/*...iters*/) { return mergeIntoMapWith(this, deepMerger, arguments); }; Map.prototype.mergeDeepWith = function(merger) {var iters = SLICE$, 1); return mergeIntoMapWith(this, deepMergerWith(merger), iters); }; Map.prototype.mergeDeepIn = function(keyPath) {var iters = SLICE$, 1); return this.updateIn( keyPath, emptyMap(), function(m ) {return typeof m.mergeDeep === 'function' ? m.mergeDeep.apply(m, iters) : iters[iters.length - 1]} ); }; Map.prototype.sort = function(comparator) { // Late binding return OrderedMap(sortFactory(this, comparator)); }; Map.prototype.sortBy = function(mapper, comparator) { // Late binding return OrderedMap(sortFactory(this, comparator, mapper)); }; // @pragma Mutability Map.prototype.withMutations = function(fn) { var mutable = this.asMutable(); fn(mutable); return mutable.wasAltered() ? mutable.__ensureOwner(this.__ownerID) : this; }; Map.prototype.asMutable = function() { return this.__ownerID ? this : this.__ensureOwner(new OwnerID()); }; Map.prototype.asImmutable = function() { return this.__ensureOwner(); }; Map.prototype.wasAltered = function() { return this.__altered; }; Map.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { return new MapIterator(this, type, reverse); }; Map.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; var iterations = 0; this._root && this._root.iterate(function(entry ) { iterations++; return fn(entry[1], entry[0], this$0); }, reverse); return iterations; }; Map.prototype.__ensureOwner = function(ownerID) { if (ownerID === this.__ownerID) { return this; } if (!ownerID) { this.__ownerID = ownerID; this.__altered = false; return this; } return makeMap(this.size, this._root, ownerID, this.__hash); }; function isMap(maybeMap) { return !!(maybeMap && maybeMap[IS_MAP_SENTINEL]); } Map.isMap = isMap; var IS_MAP_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_MAP__@@'; var MapPrototype = Map.prototype; MapPrototype[IS_MAP_SENTINEL] = true; MapPrototype[DELETE] = MapPrototype.remove; MapPrototype.removeIn = MapPrototype.deleteIn; // #pragma Trie Nodes function ArrayMapNode(ownerID, entries) { this.ownerID = ownerID; this.entries = entries; } ArrayMapNode.prototype.get = function(shift, keyHash, key, notSetValue) { var entries = this.entries; for (var ii = 0, len = entries.length; ii < len; ii++) { if (is(key, entries[ii][0])) { return entries[ii][1]; } } return notSetValue; }; ArrayMapNode.prototype.update = function(ownerID, shift, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter) { var removed = value === NOT_SET; var entries = this.entries; var idx = 0; for (var len = entries.length; idx < len; idx++) { if (is(key, entries[idx][0])) { break; } } var exists = idx < len; if (exists ? entries[idx][1] === value : removed) { return this; } SetRef(didAlter); (removed || !exists) && SetRef(didChangeSize); if (removed && entries.length === 1) { return; // undefined } if (!exists && !removed && entries.length >= MAX_ARRAY_MAP_SIZE) { return createNodes(ownerID, entries, key, value); } var isEditable = ownerID && ownerID === this.ownerID; var newEntries = isEditable ? entries : arrCopy(entries); if (exists) { if (removed) { idx === len - 1 ? newEntries.pop() : (newEntries[idx] = newEntries.pop()); } else { newEntries[idx] = [key, value]; } } else { newEntries.push([key, value]); } if (isEditable) { this.entries = newEntries; return this; } return new ArrayMapNode(ownerID, newEntries); }; function BitmapIndexedNode(ownerID, bitmap, nodes) { this.ownerID = ownerID; this.bitmap = bitmap; this.nodes = nodes; } BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.get = function(shift, keyHash, key, notSetValue) { if (keyHash === undefined) { keyHash = hash(key); } var bit = (1 << ((shift === 0 ? keyHash : keyHash >>> shift) & MASK)); var bitmap = this.bitmap; return (bitmap & bit) === 0 ? notSetValue : this.nodes[popCount(bitmap & (bit - 1))].get(shift + SHIFT, keyHash, key, notSetValue); }; BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.update = function(ownerID, shift, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter) { if (keyHash === undefined) { keyHash = hash(key); } var keyHashFrag = (shift === 0 ? keyHash : keyHash >>> shift) & MASK; var bit = 1 << keyHashFrag; var bitmap = this.bitmap; var exists = (bitmap & bit) !== 0; if (!exists && value === NOT_SET) { return this; } var idx = popCount(bitmap & (bit - 1)); var nodes = this.nodes; var node = exists ? nodes[idx] : undefined; var newNode = updateNode(node, ownerID, shift + SHIFT, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter); if (newNode === node) { return this; } if (!exists && newNode && nodes.length >= MAX_BITMAP_INDEXED_SIZE) { return expandNodes(ownerID, nodes, bitmap, keyHashFrag, newNode); } if (exists && !newNode && nodes.length === 2 && isLeafNode(nodes[idx ^ 1])) { return nodes[idx ^ 1]; } if (exists && newNode && nodes.length === 1 && isLeafNode(newNode)) { return newNode; } var isEditable = ownerID && ownerID === this.ownerID; var newBitmap = exists ? newNode ? bitmap : bitmap ^ bit : bitmap | bit; var newNodes = exists ? newNode ? setIn(nodes, idx, newNode, isEditable) : spliceOut(nodes, idx, isEditable) : spliceIn(nodes, idx, newNode, isEditable); if (isEditable) { this.bitmap = newBitmap; this.nodes = newNodes; return this; } return new BitmapIndexedNode(ownerID, newBitmap, newNodes); }; function HashArrayMapNode(ownerID, count, nodes) { this.ownerID = ownerID; this.count = count; this.nodes = nodes; } HashArrayMapNode.prototype.get = function(shift, keyHash, key, notSetValue) { if (keyHash === undefined) { keyHash = hash(key); } var idx = (shift === 0 ? keyHash : keyHash >>> shift) & MASK; var node = this.nodes[idx]; return node ? node.get(shift + SHIFT, keyHash, key, notSetValue) : notSetValue; }; HashArrayMapNode.prototype.update = function(ownerID, shift, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter) { if (keyHash === undefined) { keyHash = hash(key); } var idx = (shift === 0 ? keyHash : keyHash >>> shift) & MASK; var removed = value === NOT_SET; var nodes = this.nodes; var node = nodes[idx]; if (removed && !node) { return this; } var newNode = updateNode(node, ownerID, shift + SHIFT, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter); if (newNode === node) { return this; } var newCount = this.count; if (!node) { newCount++; } else if (!newNode) { newCount--; if (newCount < MIN_HASH_ARRAY_MAP_SIZE) { return packNodes(ownerID, nodes, newCount, idx); } } var isEditable = ownerID && ownerID === this.ownerID; var newNodes = setIn(nodes, idx, newNode, isEditable); if (isEditable) { this.count = newCount; this.nodes = newNodes; return this; } return new HashArrayMapNode(ownerID, newCount, newNodes); }; function HashCollisionNode(ownerID, keyHash, entries) { this.ownerID = ownerID; this.keyHash = keyHash; this.entries = entries; } HashCollisionNode.prototype.get = function(shift, keyHash, key, notSetValue) { var entries = this.entries; for (var ii = 0, len = entries.length; ii < len; ii++) { if (is(key, entries[ii][0])) { return entries[ii][1]; } } return notSetValue; }; HashCollisionNode.prototype.update = function(ownerID, shift, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter) { if (keyHash === undefined) { keyHash = hash(key); } var removed = value === NOT_SET; if (keyHash !== this.keyHash) { if (removed) { return this; } SetRef(didAlter); SetRef(didChangeSize); return mergeIntoNode(this, ownerID, shift, keyHash, [key, value]); } var entries = this.entries; var idx = 0; for (var len = entries.length; idx < len; idx++) { if (is(key, entries[idx][0])) { break; } } var exists = idx < len; if (exists ? entries[idx][1] === value : removed) { return this; } SetRef(didAlter); (removed || !exists) && SetRef(didChangeSize); if (removed && len === 2) { return new ValueNode(ownerID, this.keyHash, entries[idx ^ 1]); } var isEditable = ownerID && ownerID === this.ownerID; var newEntries = isEditable ? entries : arrCopy(entries); if (exists) { if (removed) { idx === len - 1 ? newEntries.pop() : (newEntries[idx] = newEntries.pop()); } else { newEntries[idx] = [key, value]; } } else { newEntries.push([key, value]); } if (isEditable) { this.entries = newEntries; return this; } return new HashCollisionNode(ownerID, this.keyHash, newEntries); }; function ValueNode(ownerID, keyHash, entry) { this.ownerID = ownerID; this.keyHash = keyHash; this.entry = entry; } ValueNode.prototype.get = function(shift, keyHash, key, notSetValue) { return is(key, this.entry[0]) ? this.entry[1] : notSetValue; }; ValueNode.prototype.update = function(ownerID, shift, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter) { var removed = value === NOT_SET; var keyMatch = is(key, this.entry[0]); if (keyMatch ? value === this.entry[1] : removed) { return this; } SetRef(didAlter); if (removed) { SetRef(didChangeSize); return; // undefined } if (keyMatch) { if (ownerID && ownerID === this.ownerID) { this.entry[1] = value; return this; } return new ValueNode(ownerID, this.keyHash, [key, value]); } SetRef(didChangeSize); return mergeIntoNode(this, ownerID, shift, hash(key), [key, value]); }; // #pragma Iterators ArrayMapNode.prototype.iterate = HashCollisionNode.prototype.iterate = function (fn, reverse) { var entries = this.entries; for (var ii = 0, maxIndex = entries.length - 1; ii <= maxIndex; ii++) { if (fn(entries[reverse ? maxIndex - ii : ii]) === false) { return false; } } } BitmapIndexedNode.prototype.iterate = HashArrayMapNode.prototype.iterate = function (fn, reverse) { var nodes = this.nodes; for (var ii = 0, maxIndex = nodes.length - 1; ii <= maxIndex; ii++) { var node = nodes[reverse ? maxIndex - ii : ii]; if (node && node.iterate(fn, reverse) === false) { return false; } } } ValueNode.prototype.iterate = function (fn, reverse) { return fn(this.entry); } createClass(MapIterator, Iterator); function MapIterator(map, type, reverse) { this._type = type; this._reverse = reverse; this._stack = map._root && mapIteratorFrame(map._root); } = function() { var type = this._type; var stack = this._stack; while (stack) { var node = stack.node; var index = stack.index++; var maxIndex; if (node.entry) { if (index === 0) { return mapIteratorValue(type, node.entry); } } else if (node.entries) { maxIndex = node.entries.length - 1; if (index <= maxIndex) { return mapIteratorValue(type, node.entries[this._reverse ? maxIndex - index : index]); } } else { maxIndex = node.nodes.length - 1; if (index <= maxIndex) { var subNode = node.nodes[this._reverse ? maxIndex - index : index]; if (subNode) { if (subNode.entry) { return mapIteratorValue(type, subNode.entry); } stack = this._stack = mapIteratorFrame(subNode, stack); } continue; } } stack = this._stack = this._stack.__prev; } return iteratorDone(); }; function mapIteratorValue(type, entry) { return iteratorValue(type, entry[0], entry[1]); } function mapIteratorFrame(node, prev) { return { node: node, index: 0, __prev: prev }; } function makeMap(size, root, ownerID, hash) { var map = Object.create(MapPrototype); map.size = size; map._root = root; map.__ownerID = ownerID; map.__hash = hash; map.__altered = false; return map; } var EMPTY_MAP; function emptyMap() { return EMPTY_MAP || (EMPTY_MAP = makeMap(0)); } function updateMap(map, k, v) { var newRoot; var newSize; if (!map._root) { if (v === NOT_SET) { return map; } newSize = 1; newRoot = new ArrayMapNode(map.__ownerID, [[k, v]]); } else { var didChangeSize = MakeRef(CHANGE_LENGTH); var didAlter = MakeRef(DID_ALTER); newRoot = updateNode(map._root, map.__ownerID, 0, undefined, k, v, didChangeSize, didAlter); if (!didAlter.value) { return map; } newSize = map.size + (didChangeSize.value ? v === NOT_SET ? -1 : 1 : 0); } if (map.__ownerID) { map.size = newSize; map._root = newRoot; map.__hash = undefined; map.__altered = true; return map; } return newRoot ? makeMap(newSize, newRoot) : emptyMap(); } function updateNode(node, ownerID, shift, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter) { if (!node) { if (value === NOT_SET) { return node; } SetRef(didAlter); SetRef(didChangeSize); return new ValueNode(ownerID, keyHash, [key, value]); } return node.update(ownerID, shift, keyHash, key, value, didChangeSize, didAlter); } function isLeafNode(node) { return node.constructor === ValueNode || node.constructor === HashCollisionNode; } function mergeIntoNode(node, ownerID, shift, keyHash, entry) { if (node.keyHash === keyHash) { return new HashCollisionNode(ownerID, keyHash, [node.entry, entry]); } var idx1 = (shift === 0 ? node.keyHash : node.keyHash >>> shift) & MASK; var idx2 = (shift === 0 ? keyHash : keyHash >>> shift) & MASK; var newNode; var nodes = idx1 === idx2 ? [mergeIntoNode(node, ownerID, shift + SHIFT, keyHash, entry)] : ((newNode = new ValueNode(ownerID, keyHash, entry)), idx1 < idx2 ? [node, newNode] : [newNode, node]); return new BitmapIndexedNode(ownerID, (1 << idx1) | (1 << idx2), nodes); } function createNodes(ownerID, entries, key, value) { if (!ownerID) { ownerID = new OwnerID(); } var node = new ValueNode(ownerID, hash(key), [key, value]); for (var ii = 0; ii < entries.length; ii++) { var entry = entries[ii]; node = node.update(ownerID, 0, undefined, entry[0], entry[1]); } return node; } function packNodes(ownerID, nodes, count, excluding) { var bitmap = 0; var packedII = 0; var packedNodes = new Array(count); for (var ii = 0, bit = 1, len = nodes.length; ii < len; ii++, bit <<= 1) { var node = nodes[ii]; if (node !== undefined && ii !== excluding) { bitmap |= bit; packedNodes[packedII++] = node; } } return new BitmapIndexedNode(ownerID, bitmap, packedNodes); } function expandNodes(ownerID, nodes, bitmap, including, node) { var count = 0; var expandedNodes = new Array(SIZE); for (var ii = 0; bitmap !== 0; ii++, bitmap >>>= 1) { expandedNodes[ii] = bitmap & 1 ? nodes[count++] : undefined; } expandedNodes[including] = node; return new HashArrayMapNode(ownerID, count + 1, expandedNodes); } function mergeIntoMapWith(map, merger, iterables) { var iters = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < iterables.length; ii++) { var value = iterables[ii]; var iter = KeyedIterable(value); if (!isIterable(value)) { iter = ) {return fromJS(v)}); } iters.push(iter); } return mergeIntoCollectionWith(map, merger, iters); } function deepMerger(existing, value, key) { return existing && existing.mergeDeep && isIterable(value) ? existing.mergeDeep(value) : is(existing, value) ? existing : value; } function deepMergerWith(merger) { return function(existing, value, key) { if (existing && existing.mergeDeepWith && isIterable(value)) { return existing.mergeDeepWith(merger, value); } var nextValue = merger(existing, value, key); return is(existing, nextValue) ? existing : nextValue; }; } function mergeIntoCollectionWith(collection, merger, iters) { iters = iters.filter(function(x ) {return x.size !== 0}); if (iters.length === 0) { return collection; } if (collection.size === 0 && !collection.__ownerID && iters.length === 1) { return collection.constructor(iters[0]); } return collection.withMutations(function(collection ) { var mergeIntoMap = merger ? function(value, key) { collection.update(key, NOT_SET, function(existing ) {return existing === NOT_SET ? value : merger(existing, value, key)} ); } : function(value, key) { collection.set(key, value); } for (var ii = 0; ii < iters.length; ii++) { iters[ii].forEach(mergeIntoMap); } }); } function updateInDeepMap(existing, keyPathIter, notSetValue, updater) { var isNotSet = existing === NOT_SET; var step =; if (step.done) { var existingValue = isNotSet ? notSetValue : existing; var newValue = updater(existingValue); return newValue === existingValue ? existing : newValue; } invariant( isNotSet || (existing && existing.set), 'invalid keyPath' ); var key = step.value; var nextExisting = isNotSet ? NOT_SET : existing.get(key, NOT_SET); var nextUpdated = updateInDeepMap( nextExisting, keyPathIter, notSetValue, updater ); return nextUpdated === nextExisting ? existing : nextUpdated === NOT_SET ? existing.remove(key) : (isNotSet ? emptyMap() : existing).set(key, nextUpdated); } function popCount(x) { x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555); x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333); x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f; x = x + (x >> 8); x = x + (x >> 16); return x & 0x7f; } function setIn(array, idx, val, canEdit) { var newArray = canEdit ? array : arrCopy(array); newArray[idx] = val; return newArray; } function spliceIn(array, idx, val, canEdit) { var newLen = array.length + 1; if (canEdit && idx + 1 === newLen) { array[idx] = val; return array; } var newArray = new Array(newLen); var after = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < newLen; ii++) { if (ii === idx) { newArray[ii] = val; after = -1; } else { newArray[ii] = array[ii + after]; } } return newArray; } function spliceOut(array, idx, canEdit) { var newLen = array.length - 1; if (canEdit && idx === newLen) { array.pop(); return array; } var newArray = new Array(newLen); var after = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < newLen; ii++) { if (ii === idx) { after = 1; } newArray[ii] = array[ii + after]; } return newArray; } var MAX_ARRAY_MAP_SIZE = SIZE / 4; var MAX_BITMAP_INDEXED_SIZE = SIZE / 2; var MIN_HASH_ARRAY_MAP_SIZE = SIZE / 4; createClass(List, IndexedCollection); // @pragma Construction function List(value) { var empty = emptyList(); if (value === null || value === undefined) { return empty; } if (isList(value)) { return value; } var iter = IndexedIterable(value); var size = iter.size; if (size === 0) { return empty; } assertNotInfinite(size); if (size > 0 && size < SIZE) { return makeList(0, size, SHIFT, null, new VNode(iter.toArray())); } return empty.withMutations(function(list ) { list.setSize(size); iter.forEach(function(v, i) {return list.set(i, v)}); }); } List.of = function(/*...values*/) { return this(arguments); }; List.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('List [', ']'); }; // @pragma Access List.prototype.get = function(index, notSetValue) { index = wrapIndex(this, index); if (index >= 0 && index < this.size) { index += this._origin; var node = listNodeFor(this, index); return node && node.array[index & MASK]; } return notSetValue; }; // @pragma Modification List.prototype.set = function(index, value) { return updateList(this, index, value); }; List.prototype.remove = function(index) { return !this.has(index) ? this : index === 0 ? this.shift() : index === this.size - 1 ? this.pop() : this.splice(index, 1); }; List.prototype.insert = function(index, value) { return this.splice(index, 0, value); }; List.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.size === 0) { return this; } if (this.__ownerID) { this.size = this._origin = this._capacity = 0; this._level = SHIFT; this._root = this._tail = null; this.__hash = undefined; this.__altered = true; return this; } return emptyList(); }; List.prototype.push = function(/*...values*/) { var values = arguments; var oldSize = this.size; return this.withMutations(function(list ) { setListBounds(list, 0, oldSize + values.length); for (var ii = 0; ii < values.length; ii++) { list.set(oldSize + ii, values[ii]); } }); }; List.prototype.pop = function() { return setListBounds(this, 0, -1); }; List.prototype.unshift = function(/*...values*/) { var values = arguments; return this.withMutations(function(list ) { setListBounds(list, -values.length); for (var ii = 0; ii < values.length; ii++) { list.set(ii, values[ii]); } }); }; List.prototype.shift = function() { return setListBounds(this, 1); }; // @pragma Composition List.prototype.merge = function(/*...iters*/) { return mergeIntoListWith(this, undefined, arguments); }; List.prototype.mergeWith = function(merger) {var iters = SLICE$, 1); return mergeIntoListWith(this, merger, iters); }; List.prototype.mergeDeep = function(/*...iters*/) { return mergeIntoListWith(this, deepMerger, arguments); }; List.prototype.mergeDeepWith = function(merger) {var iters = SLICE$, 1); return mergeIntoListWith(this, deepMergerWith(merger), iters); }; List.prototype.setSize = function(size) { return setListBounds(this, 0, size); }; // @pragma Iteration List.prototype.slice = function(begin, end) { var size = this.size; if (wholeSlice(begin, end, size)) { return this; } return setListBounds( this, resolveBegin(begin, size), resolveEnd(end, size) ); }; List.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { var index = 0; var values = iterateList(this, reverse); return new Iterator(function() { var value = values(); return value === DONE ? iteratorDone() : iteratorValue(type, index++, value); }); }; List.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { var index = 0; var values = iterateList(this, reverse); var value; while ((value = values()) !== DONE) { if (fn(value, index++, this) === false) { break; } } return index; }; List.prototype.__ensureOwner = function(ownerID) { if (ownerID === this.__ownerID) { return this; } if (!ownerID) { this.__ownerID = ownerID; return this; } return makeList(this._origin, this._capacity, this._level, this._root, this._tail, ownerID, this.__hash); }; function isList(maybeList) { return !!(maybeList && maybeList[IS_LIST_SENTINEL]); } List.isList = isList; var IS_LIST_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_LIST__@@'; var ListPrototype = List.prototype; ListPrototype[IS_LIST_SENTINEL] = true; ListPrototype[DELETE] = ListPrototype.remove; ListPrototype.setIn = MapPrototype.setIn; ListPrototype.deleteIn = ListPrototype.removeIn = MapPrototype.removeIn; ListPrototype.update = MapPrototype.update; ListPrototype.updateIn = MapPrototype.updateIn; ListPrototype.mergeIn = MapPrototype.mergeIn; ListPrototype.mergeDeepIn = MapPrototype.mergeDeepIn; ListPrototype.withMutations = MapPrototype.withMutations; ListPrototype.asMutable = MapPrototype.asMutable; ListPrototype.asImmutable = MapPrototype.asImmutable; ListPrototype.wasAltered = MapPrototype.wasAltered; function VNode(array, ownerID) { this.array = array; this.ownerID = ownerID; } // TODO: seems like these methods are very similar VNode.prototype.removeBefore = function(ownerID, level, index) { if (index === level ? 1 << level : 0 || this.array.length === 0) { return this; } var originIndex = (index >>> level) & MASK; if (originIndex >= this.array.length) { return new VNode([], ownerID); } var removingFirst = originIndex === 0; var newChild; if (level > 0) { var oldChild = this.array[originIndex]; newChild = oldChild && oldChild.removeBefore(ownerID, level - SHIFT, index); if (newChild === oldChild && removingFirst) { return this; } } if (removingFirst && !newChild) { return this; } var editable = editableVNode(this, ownerID); if (!removingFirst) { for (var ii = 0; ii < originIndex; ii++) { editable.array[ii] = undefined; } } if (newChild) { editable.array[originIndex] = newChild; } return editable; }; VNode.prototype.removeAfter = function(ownerID, level, index) { if (index === (level ? 1 << level : 0) || this.array.length === 0) { return this; } var sizeIndex = ((index - 1) >>> level) & MASK; if (sizeIndex >= this.array.length) { return this; } var newChild; if (level > 0) { var oldChild = this.array[sizeIndex]; newChild = oldChild && oldChild.removeAfter(ownerID, level - SHIFT, index); if (newChild === oldChild && sizeIndex === this.array.length - 1) { return this; } } var editable = editableVNode(this, ownerID); editable.array.splice(sizeIndex + 1); if (newChild) { editable.array[sizeIndex] = newChild; } return editable; }; var DONE = {}; function iterateList(list, reverse) { var left = list._origin; var right = list._capacity; var tailPos = getTailOffset(right); var tail = list._tail; return iterateNodeOrLeaf(list._root, list._level, 0); function iterateNodeOrLeaf(node, level, offset) { return level === 0 ? iterateLeaf(node, offset) : iterateNode(node, level, offset); } function iterateLeaf(node, offset) { var array = offset === tailPos ? tail && tail.array : node && node.array; var from = offset > left ? 0 : left - offset; var to = right - offset; if (to > SIZE) { to = SIZE; } return function() { if (from === to) { return DONE; } var idx = reverse ? --to : from++; return array && array[idx]; }; } function iterateNode(node, level, offset) { var values; var array = node && node.array; var from = offset > left ? 0 : (left - offset) >> level; var to = ((right - offset) >> level) + 1; if (to > SIZE) { to = SIZE; } return function() { do { if (values) { var value = values(); if (value !== DONE) { return value; } values = null; } if (from === to) { return DONE; } var idx = reverse ? --to : from++; values = iterateNodeOrLeaf( array && array[idx], level - SHIFT, offset + (idx << level) ); } while (true); }; } } function makeList(origin, capacity, level, root, tail, ownerID, hash) { var list = Object.create(ListPrototype); list.size = capacity - origin; list._origin = origin; list._capacity = capacity; list._level = level; list._root = root; list._tail = tail; list.__ownerID = ownerID; list.__hash = hash; list.__altered = false; return list; } var EMPTY_LIST; function emptyList() { return EMPTY_LIST || (EMPTY_LIST = makeList(0, 0, SHIFT)); } function updateList(list, index, value) { index = wrapIndex(list, index); if (index !== index) { return list; } if (index >= list.size || index < 0) { return list.withMutations(function(list ) { index < 0 ? setListBounds(list, index).set(0, value) : setListBounds(list, 0, index + 1).set(index, value) }); } index += list._origin; var newTail = list._tail; var newRoot = list._root; var didAlter = MakeRef(DID_ALTER); if (index >= getTailOffset(list._capacity)) { newTail = updateVNode(newTail, list.__ownerID, 0, index, value, didAlter); } else { newRoot = updateVNode(newRoot, list.__ownerID, list._level, index, value, didAlter); } if (!didAlter.value) { return list; } if (list.__ownerID) { list._root = newRoot; list._tail = newTail; list.__hash = undefined; list.__altered = true; return list; } return makeList(list._origin, list._capacity, list._level, newRoot, newTail); } function updateVNode(node, ownerID, level, index, value, didAlter) { var idx = (index >>> level) & MASK; var nodeHas = node && idx < node.array.length; if (!nodeHas && value === undefined) { return node; } var newNode; if (level > 0) { var lowerNode = node && node.array[idx]; var newLowerNode = updateVNode(lowerNode, ownerID, level - SHIFT, index, value, didAlter); if (newLowerNode === lowerNode) { return node; } newNode = editableVNode(node, ownerID); newNode.array[idx] = newLowerNode; return newNode; } if (nodeHas && node.array[idx] === value) { return node; } SetRef(didAlter); newNode = editableVNode(node, ownerID); if (value === undefined && idx === newNode.array.length - 1) { newNode.array.pop(); } else { newNode.array[idx] = value; } return newNode; } function editableVNode(node, ownerID) { if (ownerID && node && ownerID === node.ownerID) { return node; } return new VNode(node ? node.array.slice() : [], ownerID); } function listNodeFor(list, rawIndex) { if (rawIndex >= getTailOffset(list._capacity)) { return list._tail; } if (rawIndex < 1 << (list._level + SHIFT)) { var node = list._root; var level = list._level; while (node && level > 0) { node = node.array[(rawIndex >>> level) & MASK]; level -= SHIFT; } return node; } } function setListBounds(list, begin, end) { // Sanitize begin & end using this shorthand for ToInt32(argument) // if (begin !== undefined) { begin = begin | 0; } if (end !== undefined) { end = end | 0; } var owner = list.__ownerID || new OwnerID(); var oldOrigin = list._origin; var oldCapacity = list._capacity; var newOrigin = oldOrigin + begin; var newCapacity = end === undefined ? oldCapacity : end < 0 ? oldCapacity + end : oldOrigin + end; if (newOrigin === oldOrigin && newCapacity === oldCapacity) { return list; } // If it's going to end after it starts, it's empty. if (newOrigin >= newCapacity) { return list.clear(); } var newLevel = list._level; var newRoot = list._root; // New origin might need creating a higher root. var offsetShift = 0; while (newOrigin + offsetShift < 0) { newRoot = new VNode(newRoot && newRoot.array.length ? [undefined, newRoot] : [], owner); newLevel += SHIFT; offsetShift += 1 << newLevel; } if (offsetShift) { newOrigin += offsetShift; oldOrigin += offsetShift; newCapacity += offsetShift; oldCapacity += offsetShift; } var oldTailOffset = getTailOffset(oldCapacity); var newTailOffset = getTailOffset(newCapacity); // New size might need creating a higher root. while (newTailOffset >= 1 << (newLevel + SHIFT)) { newRoot = new VNode(newRoot && newRoot.array.length ? [newRoot] : [], owner); newLevel += SHIFT; } // Locate or create the new tail. var oldTail = list._tail; var newTail = newTailOffset < oldTailOffset ? listNodeFor(list, newCapacity - 1) : newTailOffset > oldTailOffset ? new VNode([], owner) : oldTail; // Merge Tail into tree. if (oldTail && newTailOffset > oldTailOffset && newOrigin < oldCapacity && oldTail.array.length) { newRoot = editableVNode(newRoot, owner); var node = newRoot; for (var level = newLevel; level > SHIFT; level -= SHIFT) { var idx = (oldTailOffset >>> level) & MASK; node = node.array[idx] = editableVNode(node.array[idx], owner); } node.array[(oldTailOffset >>> SHIFT) & MASK] = oldTail; } // If the size has been reduced, there's a chance the tail needs to be trimmed. if (newCapacity < oldCapacity) { newTail = newTail && newTail.removeAfter(owner, 0, newCapacity); } // If the new origin is within the tail, then we do not need a root. if (newOrigin >= newTailOffset) { newOrigin -= newTailOffset; newCapacity -= newTailOffset; newLevel = SHIFT; newRoot = null; newTail = newTail && newTail.removeBefore(owner, 0, newOrigin); // Otherwise, if the root has been trimmed, garbage collect. } else if (newOrigin > oldOrigin || newTailOffset < oldTailOffset) { offsetShift = 0; // Identify the new top root node of the subtree of the old root. while (newRoot) { var beginIndex = (newOrigin >>> newLevel) & MASK; if (beginIndex !== (newTailOffset >>> newLevel) & MASK) { break; } if (beginIndex) { offsetShift += (1 << newLevel) * beginIndex; } newLevel -= SHIFT; newRoot = newRoot.array[beginIndex]; } // Trim the new sides of the new root. if (newRoot && newOrigin > oldOrigin) { newRoot = newRoot.removeBefore(owner, newLevel, newOrigin - offsetShift); } if (newRoot && newTailOffset < oldTailOffset) { newRoot = newRoot.removeAfter(owner, newLevel, newTailOffset - offsetShift); } if (offsetShift) { newOrigin -= offsetShift; newCapacity -= offsetShift; } } if (list.__ownerID) { list.size = newCapacity - newOrigin; list._origin = newOrigin; list._capacity = newCapacity; list._level = newLevel; list._root = newRoot; list._tail = newTail; list.__hash = undefined; list.__altered = true; return list; } return makeList(newOrigin, newCapacity, newLevel, newRoot, newTail); } function mergeIntoListWith(list, merger, iterables) { var iters = []; var maxSize = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < iterables.length; ii++) { var value = iterables[ii]; var iter = IndexedIterable(value); if (iter.size > maxSize) { maxSize = iter.size; } if (!isIterable(value)) { iter = ) {return fromJS(v)}); } iters.push(iter); } if (maxSize > list.size) { list = list.setSize(maxSize); } return mergeIntoCollectionWith(list, merger, iters); } function getTailOffset(size) { return size < SIZE ? 0 : (((size - 1) >>> SHIFT) << SHIFT); } createClass(OrderedMap, Map); // @pragma Construction function OrderedMap(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptyOrderedMap() : isOrderedMap(value) ? value : emptyOrderedMap().withMutations(function(map ) { var iter = KeyedIterable(value); assertNotInfinite(iter.size); iter.forEach(function(v, k) {return map.set(k, v)}); }); } OrderedMap.of = function(/*...values*/) { return this(arguments); }; OrderedMap.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('OrderedMap {', '}'); }; // @pragma Access OrderedMap.prototype.get = function(k, notSetValue) { var index = this._map.get(k); return index !== undefined ? this._list.get(index)[1] : notSetValue; }; // @pragma Modification OrderedMap.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.size === 0) { return this; } if (this.__ownerID) { this.size = 0; this._map.clear(); this._list.clear(); return this; } return emptyOrderedMap(); }; OrderedMap.prototype.set = function(k, v) { return updateOrderedMap(this, k, v); }; OrderedMap.prototype.remove = function(k) { return updateOrderedMap(this, k, NOT_SET); }; OrderedMap.prototype.wasAltered = function() { return this._map.wasAltered() || this._list.wasAltered(); }; OrderedMap.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return this._list.__iterate( function(entry ) {return entry && fn(entry[1], entry[0], this$0)}, reverse ); }; OrderedMap.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { return this._list.fromEntrySeq().__iterator(type, reverse); }; OrderedMap.prototype.__ensureOwner = function(ownerID) { if (ownerID === this.__ownerID) { return this; } var newMap = this._map.__ensureOwner(ownerID); var newList = this._list.__ensureOwner(ownerID); if (!ownerID) { this.__ownerID = ownerID; this._map = newMap; this._list = newList; return this; } return makeOrderedMap(newMap, newList, ownerID, this.__hash); }; function isOrderedMap(maybeOrderedMap) { return isMap(maybeOrderedMap) && isOrdered(maybeOrderedMap); } OrderedMap.isOrderedMap = isOrderedMap; OrderedMap.prototype[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL] = true; OrderedMap.prototype[DELETE] = OrderedMap.prototype.remove; function makeOrderedMap(map, list, ownerID, hash) { var omap = Object.create(OrderedMap.prototype); omap.size = map ? map.size : 0; omap._map = map; omap._list = list; omap.__ownerID = ownerID; omap.__hash = hash; return omap; } var EMPTY_ORDERED_MAP; function emptyOrderedMap() { return EMPTY_ORDERED_MAP || (EMPTY_ORDERED_MAP = makeOrderedMap(emptyMap(), emptyList())); } function updateOrderedMap(omap, k, v) { var map = omap._map; var list = omap._list; var i = map.get(k); var has = i !== undefined; var newMap; var newList; if (v === NOT_SET) { // removed if (!has) { return omap; } if (list.size >= SIZE && list.size >= map.size * 2) { newList = list.filter(function(entry, idx) {return entry !== undefined && i !== idx}); newMap = newList.toKeyedSeq().map(function(entry ) {return entry[0]}).flip().toMap(); if (omap.__ownerID) { newMap.__ownerID = newList.__ownerID = omap.__ownerID; } } else { newMap = map.remove(k); newList = i === list.size - 1 ? list.pop() : list.set(i, undefined); } } else { if (has) { if (v === list.get(i)[1]) { return omap; } newMap = map; newList = list.set(i, [k, v]); } else { newMap = map.set(k, list.size); newList = list.set(list.size, [k, v]); } } if (omap.__ownerID) { omap.size = newMap.size; omap._map = newMap; omap._list = newList; omap.__hash = undefined; return omap; } return makeOrderedMap(newMap, newList); } createClass(ToKeyedSequence, KeyedSeq); function ToKeyedSequence(indexed, useKeys) { this._iter = indexed; this._useKeys = useKeys; this.size = indexed.size; } ToKeyedSequence.prototype.get = function(key, notSetValue) { return this._iter.get(key, notSetValue); }; ToKeyedSequence.prototype.has = function(key) { return this._iter.has(key); }; ToKeyedSequence.prototype.valueSeq = function() { return this._iter.valueSeq(); }; ToKeyedSequence.prototype.reverse = function() {var this$0 = this; var reversedSequence = reverseFactory(this, true); if (!this._useKeys) { reversedSequence.valueSeq = function() {return this$0._iter.toSeq().reverse()}; } return reversedSequence; }; = function(mapper, context) {var this$0 = this; var mappedSequence = mapFactory(this, mapper, context); if (!this._useKeys) { mappedSequence.valueSeq = function() {return this$0._iter.toSeq().map(mapper, context)}; } return mappedSequence; }; ToKeyedSequence.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; var ii; return this._iter.__iterate( this._useKeys ? function(v, k) {return fn(v, k, this$0)} : ((ii = reverse ? resolveSize(this) : 0), function(v ) {return fn(v, reverse ? --ii : ii++, this$0)}), reverse ); }; ToKeyedSequence.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { if (this._useKeys) { return this._iter.__iterator(type, reverse); } var iterator = this._iter.__iterator(ITERATE_VALUES, reverse); var ii = reverse ? resolveSize(this) : 0; return new Iterator(function() { var step =; return step.done ? step : iteratorValue(type, reverse ? --ii : ii++, step.value, step); }); }; ToKeyedSequence.prototype[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL] = true; createClass(ToIndexedSequence, IndexedSeq); function ToIndexedSequence(iter) { this._iter = iter; this.size = iter.size; } ToIndexedSequence.prototype.includes = function(value) { return this._iter.includes(value); }; ToIndexedSequence.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; var iterations = 0; return this._iter.__iterate(function(v ) {return fn(v, iterations++, this$0)}, reverse); }; ToIndexedSequence.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { var iterator = this._iter.__iterator(ITERATE_VALUES, reverse); var iterations = 0; return new Iterator(function() { var step =; return step.done ? step : iteratorValue(type, iterations++, step.value, step) }); }; createClass(ToSetSequence, SetSeq); function ToSetSequence(iter) { this._iter = iter; this.size = iter.size; } ToSetSequence.prototype.has = function(key) { return this._iter.includes(key); }; ToSetSequence.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return this._iter.__iterate(function(v ) {return fn(v, v, this$0)}, reverse); }; ToSetSequence.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { var iterator = this._iter.__iterator(ITERATE_VALUES, reverse); return new Iterator(function() { var step =; return step.done ? step : iteratorValue(type, step.value, step.value, step); }); }; createClass(FromEntriesSequence, KeyedSeq); function FromEntriesSequence(entries) { this._iter = entries; this.size = entries.size; } FromEntriesSequence.prototype.entrySeq = function() { return this._iter.toSeq(); }; FromEntriesSequence.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return this._iter.__iterate(function(entry ) { // Check if entry exists first so array access doesn't throw for holes // in the parent iteration. if (entry) { validateEntry(entry); var indexedIterable = isIterable(entry); return fn( indexedIterable ? entry.get(1) : entry[1], indexedIterable ? entry.get(0) : entry[0], this$0 ); } }, reverse); }; FromEntriesSequence.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { var iterator = this._iter.__iterator(ITERATE_VALUES, reverse); return new Iterator(function() { while (true) { var step =; if (step.done) { return step; } var entry = step.value; // Check if entry exists first so array access doesn't throw for holes // in the parent iteration. if (entry) { validateEntry(entry); var indexedIterable = isIterable(entry); return iteratorValue( type, indexedIterable ? entry.get(0) : entry[0], indexedIterable ? entry.get(1) : entry[1], step ); } } }); }; ToIndexedSequence.prototype.cacheResult = ToKeyedSequence.prototype.cacheResult = ToSetSequence.prototype.cacheResult = FromEntriesSequence.prototype.cacheResult = cacheResultThrough; function flipFactory(iterable) { var flipSequence = makeSequence(iterable); flipSequence._iter = iterable; flipSequence.size = iterable.size; flipSequence.flip = function() {return iterable}; flipSequence.reverse = function () { var reversedSequence = iterable.reverse.apply(this); // super.reverse() reversedSequence.flip = function() {return iterable.reverse()}; return reversedSequence; }; flipSequence.has = function(key ) {return iterable.includes(key)}; flipSequence.includes = function(key ) {return iterable.has(key)}; flipSequence.cacheResult = cacheResultThrough; flipSequence.__iterateUncached = function (fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return iterable.__iterate(function(v, k) {return fn(k, v, this$0) !== false}, reverse); } flipSequence.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) { if (type === ITERATE_ENTRIES) { var iterator = iterable.__iterator(type, reverse); return new Iterator(function() { var step =; if (!step.done) { var k = step.value[0]; step.value[0] = step.value[1]; step.value[1] = k; } return step; }); } return iterable.__iterator( type === ITERATE_VALUES ? ITERATE_KEYS : ITERATE_VALUES, reverse ); } return flipSequence; } function mapFactory(iterable, mapper, context) { var mappedSequence = makeSequence(iterable); mappedSequence.size = iterable.size; mappedSequence.has = function(key ) {return iterable.has(key)}; mappedSequence.get = function(key, notSetValue) { var v = iterable.get(key, NOT_SET); return v === NOT_SET ? notSetValue :, v, key, iterable); }; mappedSequence.__iterateUncached = function (fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return iterable.__iterate( function(v, k, c) {return fn(, v, k, c), k, this$0) !== false}, reverse ); } mappedSequence.__iteratorUncached = function (type, reverse) { var iterator = iterable.__iterator(ITERATE_ENTRIES, reverse); return new Iterator(function() { var step =; if (step.done) { return step; } var entry = step.value; var key = entry[0]; return iteratorValue( type, key,, entry[1], key, iterable), step ); }); } return mappedSequence; } function reverseFactory(iterable, useKeys) { var reversedSequence = makeSequence(iterable); reversedSequence._iter = iterable; reversedSequence.size = iterable.size; reversedSequence.reverse = function() {return iterable}; if (iterable.flip) { reversedSequence.flip = function () { var flipSequence = flipFactory(iterable); flipSequence.reverse = function() {return iterable.flip()}; return flipSequence; }; } reversedSequence.get = function(key, notSetValue) {return iterable.get(useKeys ? key : -1 - key, notSetValue)}; reversedSequence.has = function(key ) {return iterable.has(useKeys ? key : -1 - key)}; reversedSequence.includes = function(value ) {return iterable.includes(value)}; reversedSequence.cacheResult = cacheResultThrough; reversedSequence.__iterate = function (fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return iterable.__iterate(function(v, k) {return fn(v, k, this$0)}, !reverse); }; reversedSequence.__iterator = function(type, reverse) {return iterable.__iterator(type, !reverse)}; return reversedSequence; } function filterFactory(iterable, predicate, context, useKeys) { var filterSequence = makeSequence(iterable); if (useKeys) { filterSequence.has = function(key ) { var v = iterable.get(key, NOT_SET); return v !== NOT_SET && !!, v, key, iterable); }; filterSequence.get = function(key, notSetValue) { var v = iterable.get(key, NOT_SET); return v !== NOT_SET &&, v, key, iterable) ? v : notSetValue; }; } filterSequence.__iterateUncached = function (fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; var iterations = 0; iterable.__iterate(function(v, k, c) { if (, v, k, c)) { iterations++; return fn(v, useKeys ? k : iterations - 1, this$0); } }, reverse); return iterations; }; filterSequence.__iteratorUncached = function (type, reverse) { var iterator = iterable.__iterator(ITERATE_ENTRIES, reverse); var iterations = 0; return new Iterator(function() { while (true) { var step =; if (step.done) { return step; } var entry = step.value; var key = entry[0]; var value = entry[1]; if (, value, key, iterable)) { return iteratorValue(type, useKeys ? key : iterations++, value, step); } } }); } return filterSequence; } function countByFactory(iterable, grouper, context) { var groups = Map().asMutable(); iterable.__iterate(function(v, k) { groups.update(, v, k, iterable), 0, function(a ) {return a + 1} ); }); return groups.asImmutable(); } function groupByFactory(iterable, grouper, context) { var isKeyedIter = isKeyed(iterable); var groups = (isOrdered(iterable) ? OrderedMap() : Map()).asMutable(); iterable.__iterate(function(v, k) { groups.update(, v, k, iterable), function(a ) {return (a = a || [], a.push(isKeyedIter ? [k, v] : v), a)} ); }); var coerce = iterableClass(iterable); return ) {return reify(iterable, coerce(arr))}); } function sliceFactory(iterable, begin, end, useKeys) { var originalSize = iterable.size; // Sanitize begin & end using this shorthand for ToInt32(argument) // if (begin !== undefined) { begin = begin | 0; } if (end !== undefined) { if (end === Infinity) { end = originalSize; } else { end = end | 0; } } if (wholeSlice(begin, end, originalSize)) { return iterable; } var resolvedBegin = resolveBegin(begin, originalSize); var resolvedEnd = resolveEnd(end, originalSize); // begin or end will be NaN if they were provided as negative numbers and // this iterable's size is unknown. In that case, cache first so there is // a known size and these do not resolve to NaN. if (resolvedBegin !== resolvedBegin || resolvedEnd !== resolvedEnd) { return sliceFactory(iterable.toSeq().cacheResult(), begin, end, useKeys); } // Note: resolvedEnd is undefined when the original sequence's length is // unknown and this slice did not supply an end and should contain all // elements after resolvedBegin. // In that case, resolvedSize will be NaN and sliceSize will remain undefined. var resolvedSize = resolvedEnd - resolvedBegin; var sliceSize; if (resolvedSize === resolvedSize) { sliceSize = resolvedSize < 0 ? 0 : resolvedSize; } var sliceSeq = makeSequence(iterable); // If iterable.size is undefined, the size of the realized sliceSeq is // unknown at this point unless the number of items to slice is 0 sliceSeq.size = sliceSize === 0 ? sliceSize : iterable.size && sliceSize || undefined; if (!useKeys && isSeq(iterable) && sliceSize >= 0) { sliceSeq.get = function (index, notSetValue) { index = wrapIndex(this, index); return index >= 0 && index < sliceSize ? iterable.get(index + resolvedBegin, notSetValue) : notSetValue; } } sliceSeq.__iterateUncached = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; if (sliceSize === 0) { return 0; } if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterate(fn, reverse); } var skipped = 0; var isSkipping = true; var iterations = 0; iterable.__iterate(function(v, k) { if (!(isSkipping && (isSkipping = skipped++ < resolvedBegin))) { iterations++; return fn(v, useKeys ? k : iterations - 1, this$0) !== false && iterations !== sliceSize; } }); return iterations; }; sliceSeq.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) { if (sliceSize !== 0 && reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterator(type, reverse); } // Don't bother instantiating parent iterator if taking 0. var iterator = sliceSize !== 0 && iterable.__iterator(type, reverse); var skipped = 0; var iterations = 0; return new Iterator(function() { while (skipped++ < resolvedBegin) {; } if (++iterations > sliceSize) { return iteratorDone(); } var step =; if (useKeys || type === ITERATE_VALUES) { return step; } else if (type === ITERATE_KEYS) { return iteratorValue(type, iterations - 1, undefined, step); } else { return iteratorValue(type, iterations - 1, step.value[1], step); } }); } return sliceSeq; } function takeWhileFactory(iterable, predicate, context) { var takeSequence = makeSequence(iterable); takeSequence.__iterateUncached = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterate(fn, reverse); } var iterations = 0; iterable.__iterate(function(v, k, c) {return, v, k, c) && ++iterations && fn(v, k, this$0)} ); return iterations; }; takeSequence.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) {var this$0 = this; if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterator(type, reverse); } var iterator = iterable.__iterator(ITERATE_ENTRIES, reverse); var iterating = true; return new Iterator(function() { if (!iterating) { return iteratorDone(); } var step =; if (step.done) { return step; } var entry = step.value; var k = entry[0]; var v = entry[1]; if (!, v, k, this$0)) { iterating = false; return iteratorDone(); } return type === ITERATE_ENTRIES ? step : iteratorValue(type, k, v, step); }); }; return takeSequence; } function skipWhileFactory(iterable, predicate, context, useKeys) { var skipSequence = makeSequence(iterable); skipSequence.__iterateUncached = function (fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterate(fn, reverse); } var isSkipping = true; var iterations = 0; iterable.__iterate(function(v, k, c) { if (!(isSkipping && (isSkipping =, v, k, c)))) { iterations++; return fn(v, useKeys ? k : iterations - 1, this$0); } }); return iterations; }; skipSequence.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) {var this$0 = this; if (reverse) { return this.cacheResult().__iterator(type, reverse); } var iterator = iterable.__iterator(ITERATE_ENTRIES, reverse); var skipping = true; var iterations = 0; return new Iterator(function() { var step, k, v; do { step =; if (step.done) { if (useKeys || type === ITERATE_VALUES) { return step; } else if (type === ITERATE_KEYS) { return iteratorValue(type, iterations++, undefined, step); } else { return iteratorValue(type, iterations++, step.value[1], step); } } var entry = step.value; k = entry[0]; v = entry[1]; skipping && (skipping =, v, k, this$0)); } while (skipping); return type === ITERATE_ENTRIES ? step : iteratorValue(type, k, v, step); }); }; return skipSequence; } function concatFactory(iterable, values) { var isKeyedIterable = isKeyed(iterable); var iters = [iterable].concat(values).map(function(v ) { if (!isIterable(v)) { v = isKeyedIterable ? keyedSeqFromValue(v) : indexedSeqFromValue(Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v]); } else if (isKeyedIterable) { v = KeyedIterable(v); } return v; }).filter(function(v ) {return v.size !== 0}); if (iters.length === 0) { return iterable; } if (iters.length === 1) { var singleton = iters[0]; if (singleton === iterable || isKeyedIterable && isKeyed(singleton) || isIndexed(iterable) && isIndexed(singleton)) { return singleton; } } var concatSeq = new ArraySeq(iters); if (isKeyedIterable) { concatSeq = concatSeq.toKeyedSeq(); } else if (!isIndexed(iterable)) { concatSeq = concatSeq.toSetSeq(); } concatSeq = concatSeq.flatten(true); concatSeq.size = iters.reduce( function(sum, seq) { if (sum !== undefined) { var size = seq.size; if (size !== undefined) { return sum + size; } } }, 0 ); return concatSeq; } function flattenFactory(iterable, depth, useKeys) { var flatSequence = makeSequence(iterable); flatSequence.__iterateUncached = function(fn, reverse) { var iterations = 0; var stopped = false; function flatDeep(iter, currentDepth) {var this$0 = this; iter.__iterate(function(v, k) { if ((!depth || currentDepth < depth) && isIterable(v)) { flatDeep(v, currentDepth + 1); } else if (fn(v, useKeys ? k : iterations++, this$0) === false) { stopped = true; } return !stopped; }, reverse); } flatDeep(iterable, 0); return iterations; } flatSequence.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) { var iterator = iterable.__iterator(type, reverse); var stack = []; var iterations = 0; return new Iterator(function() { while (iterator) { var step =; if (step.done !== false) { iterator = stack.pop(); continue; } var v = step.value; if (type === ITERATE_ENTRIES) { v = v[1]; } if ((!depth || stack.length < depth) && isIterable(v)) { stack.push(iterator); iterator = v.__iterator(type, reverse); } else { return useKeys ? step : iteratorValue(type, iterations++, v, step); } } return iteratorDone(); }); } return flatSequence; } function flatMapFactory(iterable, mapper, context) { var coerce = iterableClass(iterable); return iterable.toSeq().map( function(v, k) {return coerce(, v, k, iterable))} ).flatten(true); } function interposeFactory(iterable, separator) { var interposedSequence = makeSequence(iterable); interposedSequence.size = iterable.size && iterable.size * 2 -1; interposedSequence.__iterateUncached = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; var iterations = 0; iterable.__iterate(function(v, k) {return (!iterations || fn(separator, iterations++, this$0) !== false) && fn(v, iterations++, this$0) !== false}, reverse ); return iterations; }; interposedSequence.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) { var iterator = iterable.__iterator(ITERATE_VALUES, reverse); var iterations = 0; var step; return new Iterator(function() { if (!step || iterations % 2) { step =; if (step.done) { return step; } } return iterations % 2 ? iteratorValue(type, iterations++, separator) : iteratorValue(type, iterations++, step.value, step); }); }; return interposedSequence; } function sortFactory(iterable, comparator, mapper) { if (!comparator) { comparator = defaultComparator; } var isKeyedIterable = isKeyed(iterable); var index = 0; var entries = iterable.toSeq().map( function(v, k) {return [k, v, index++, mapper ? mapper(v, k, iterable) : v]} ).toArray(); entries.sort(function(a, b) {return comparator(a[3], b[3]) || a[2] - b[2]}).forEach( isKeyedIterable ? function(v, i) { entries[i].length = 2; } : function(v, i) { entries[i] = v[1]; } ); return isKeyedIterable ? KeyedSeq(entries) : isIndexed(iterable) ? IndexedSeq(entries) : SetSeq(entries); } function maxFactory(iterable, comparator, mapper) { if (!comparator) { comparator = defaultComparator; } if (mapper) { var entry = iterable.toSeq() .map(function(v, k) {return [v, mapper(v, k, iterable)]}) .reduce(function(a, b) {return maxCompare(comparator, a[1], b[1]) ? b : a}); return entry && entry[0]; } else { return iterable.reduce(function(a, b) {return maxCompare(comparator, a, b) ? b : a}); } } function maxCompare(comparator, a, b) { var comp = comparator(b, a); // b is considered the new max if the comparator declares them equal, but // they are not equal and b is in fact a nullish value. return (comp === 0 && b !== a && (b === undefined || b === null || b !== b)) || comp > 0; } function zipWithFactory(keyIter, zipper, iters) { var zipSequence = makeSequence(keyIter); zipSequence.size = new ArraySeq(iters).map(function(i ) {return i.size}).min(); // Note: this a generic base implementation of __iterate in terms of // __iterator which may be more generically useful in the future. zipSequence.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { /* generic: var iterator = this.__iterator(ITERATE_ENTRIES, reverse); var step; var iterations = 0; while (!(step = { iterations++; if (fn(step.value[1], step.value[0], this) === false) { break; } } return iterations; */ // indexed: var iterator = this.__iterator(ITERATE_VALUES, reverse); var step; var iterations = 0; while (!(step = { if (fn(step.value, iterations++, this) === false) { break; } } return iterations; }; zipSequence.__iteratorUncached = function(type, reverse) { var iterators = ) {return (i = Iterable(i), getIterator(reverse ? i.reverse() : i))} ); var iterations = 0; var isDone = false; return new Iterator(function() { var steps; if (!isDone) { steps = ) {return}); isDone = steps.some(function(s ) {return s.done}); } if (isDone) { return iteratorDone(); } return iteratorValue( type, iterations++, zipper.apply(null, ) {return s.value})) ); }); }; return zipSequence } // #pragma Helper Functions function reify(iter, seq) { return isSeq(iter) ? seq : iter.constructor(seq); } function validateEntry(entry) { if (entry !== Object(entry)) { throw new TypeError('Expected [K, V] tuple: ' + entry); } } function resolveSize(iter) { assertNotInfinite(iter.size); return ensureSize(iter); } function iterableClass(iterable) { return isKeyed(iterable) ? KeyedIterable : isIndexed(iterable) ? IndexedIterable : SetIterable; } function makeSequence(iterable) { return Object.create( ( isKeyed(iterable) ? KeyedSeq : isIndexed(iterable) ? IndexedSeq : SetSeq ).prototype ); } function cacheResultThrough() { if (this._iter.cacheResult) { this._iter.cacheResult(); this.size = this._iter.size; return this; } else { return; } } function defaultComparator(a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0; } function forceIterator(keyPath) { var iter = getIterator(keyPath); if (!iter) { // Array might not be iterable in this environment, so we need a fallback // to our wrapped type. if (!isArrayLike(keyPath)) { throw new TypeError('Expected iterable or array-like: ' + keyPath); } iter = getIterator(Iterable(keyPath)); } return iter; } createClass(Record, KeyedCollection); function Record(defaultValues, name) { var hasInitialized; var RecordType = function Record(values) { if (values instanceof RecordType) { return values; } if (!(this instanceof RecordType)) { return new RecordType(values); } if (!hasInitialized) { hasInitialized = true; var keys = Object.keys(defaultValues); setProps(RecordTypePrototype, keys); RecordTypePrototype.size = keys.length; RecordTypePrototype._name = name; RecordTypePrototype._keys = keys; RecordTypePrototype._defaultValues = defaultValues; } this._map = Map(values); }; var RecordTypePrototype = RecordType.prototype = Object.create(RecordPrototype); RecordTypePrototype.constructor = RecordType; return RecordType; } Record.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString(recordName(this) + ' {', '}'); }; // @pragma Access Record.prototype.has = function(k) { return this._defaultValues.hasOwnProperty(k); }; Record.prototype.get = function(k, notSetValue) { if (!this.has(k)) { return notSetValue; } var defaultVal = this._defaultValues[k]; return this._map ? this._map.get(k, defaultVal) : defaultVal; }; // @pragma Modification Record.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.__ownerID) { this._map && this._map.clear(); return this; } var RecordType = this.constructor; return RecordType._empty || (RecordType._empty = makeRecord(this, emptyMap())); }; Record.prototype.set = function(k, v) { if (!this.has(k)) { throw new Error('Cannot set unknown key "' + k + '" on ' + recordName(this)); } if (this._map && !this._map.has(k)) { var defaultVal = this._defaultValues[k]; if (v === defaultVal) { return this; } } var newMap = this._map && this._map.set(k, v); if (this.__ownerID || newMap === this._map) { return this; } return makeRecord(this, newMap); }; Record.prototype.remove = function(k) { if (!this.has(k)) { return this; } var newMap = this._map && this._map.remove(k); if (this.__ownerID || newMap === this._map) { return this; } return makeRecord(this, newMap); }; Record.prototype.wasAltered = function() { return this._map.wasAltered(); }; Record.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return KeyedIterable(this._defaultValues).map(function(_, k) {return this$0.get(k)}).__iterator(type, reverse); }; Record.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return KeyedIterable(this._defaultValues).map(function(_, k) {return this$0.get(k)}).__iterate(fn, reverse); }; Record.prototype.__ensureOwner = function(ownerID) { if (ownerID === this.__ownerID) { return this; } var newMap = this._map && this._map.__ensureOwner(ownerID); if (!ownerID) { this.__ownerID = ownerID; this._map = newMap; return this; } return makeRecord(this, newMap, ownerID); }; var RecordPrototype = Record.prototype; RecordPrototype[DELETE] = RecordPrototype.remove; RecordPrototype.deleteIn = RecordPrototype.removeIn = MapPrototype.removeIn; RecordPrototype.merge = MapPrototype.merge; RecordPrototype.mergeWith = MapPrototype.mergeWith; RecordPrototype.mergeIn = MapPrototype.mergeIn; RecordPrototype.mergeDeep = MapPrototype.mergeDeep; RecordPrototype.mergeDeepWith = MapPrototype.mergeDeepWith; RecordPrototype.mergeDeepIn = MapPrototype.mergeDeepIn; RecordPrototype.setIn = MapPrototype.setIn; RecordPrototype.update = MapPrototype.update; RecordPrototype.updateIn = MapPrototype.updateIn; RecordPrototype.withMutations = MapPrototype.withMutations; RecordPrototype.asMutable = MapPrototype.asMutable; RecordPrototype.asImmutable = MapPrototype.asImmutable; function makeRecord(likeRecord, map, ownerID) { var record = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(likeRecord)); record._map = map; record.__ownerID = ownerID; return record; } function recordName(record) { return record._name || || 'Record'; } function setProps(prototype, names) { try { names.forEach(setProp.bind(undefined, prototype)); } catch (error) { // Object.defineProperty failed. Probably IE8. } } function setProp(prototype, name) { Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, { get: function() { return this.get(name); }, set: function(value) { invariant(this.__ownerID, 'Cannot set on an immutable record.'); this.set(name, value); } }); } createClass(Set, SetCollection); // @pragma Construction function Set(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptySet() : isSet(value) && !isOrdered(value) ? value : emptySet().withMutations(function(set ) { var iter = SetIterable(value); assertNotInfinite(iter.size); iter.forEach(function(v ) {return set.add(v)}); }); } Set.of = function(/*...values*/) { return this(arguments); }; Set.fromKeys = function(value) { return this(KeyedIterable(value).keySeq()); }; Set.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('Set {', '}'); }; // @pragma Access Set.prototype.has = function(value) { return this._map.has(value); }; // @pragma Modification Set.prototype.add = function(value) { return updateSet(this, this._map.set(value, true)); }; Set.prototype.remove = function(value) { return updateSet(this, this._map.remove(value)); }; Set.prototype.clear = function() { return updateSet(this, this._map.clear()); }; // @pragma Composition Set.prototype.union = function() {var iters = SLICE$, 0); iters = iters.filter(function(x ) {return x.size !== 0}); if (iters.length === 0) { return this; } if (this.size === 0 && !this.__ownerID && iters.length === 1) { return this.constructor(iters[0]); } return this.withMutations(function(set ) { for (var ii = 0; ii < iters.length; ii++) { SetIterable(iters[ii]).forEach(function(value ) {return set.add(value)}); } }); }; Set.prototype.intersect = function() {var iters = SLICE$, 0); if (iters.length === 0) { return this; } iters = ) {return SetIterable(iter)}); var originalSet = this; return this.withMutations(function(set ) { originalSet.forEach(function(value ) { if (!iters.every(function(iter ) {return iter.includes(value)})) { set.remove(value); } }); }); }; Set.prototype.subtract = function() {var iters = SLICE$, 0); if (iters.length === 0) { return this; } iters = ) {return SetIterable(iter)}); var originalSet = this; return this.withMutations(function(set ) { originalSet.forEach(function(value ) { if (iters.some(function(iter ) {return iter.includes(value)})) { set.remove(value); } }); }); }; Set.prototype.merge = function() { return this.union.apply(this, arguments); }; Set.prototype.mergeWith = function(merger) {var iters = SLICE$, 1); return this.union.apply(this, iters); }; Set.prototype.sort = function(comparator) { // Late binding return OrderedSet(sortFactory(this, comparator)); }; Set.prototype.sortBy = function(mapper, comparator) { // Late binding return OrderedSet(sortFactory(this, comparator, mapper)); }; Set.prototype.wasAltered = function() { return this._map.wasAltered(); }; Set.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) {var this$0 = this; return this._map.__iterate(function(_, k) {return fn(k, k, this$0)}, reverse); }; Set.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { return, k) {return k}).__iterator(type, reverse); }; Set.prototype.__ensureOwner = function(ownerID) { if (ownerID === this.__ownerID) { return this; } var newMap = this._map.__ensureOwner(ownerID); if (!ownerID) { this.__ownerID = ownerID; this._map = newMap; return this; } return this.__make(newMap, ownerID); }; function isSet(maybeSet) { return !!(maybeSet && maybeSet[IS_SET_SENTINEL]); } Set.isSet = isSet; var IS_SET_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_SET__@@'; var SetPrototype = Set.prototype; SetPrototype[IS_SET_SENTINEL] = true; SetPrototype[DELETE] = SetPrototype.remove; SetPrototype.mergeDeep = SetPrototype.merge; SetPrototype.mergeDeepWith = SetPrototype.mergeWith; SetPrototype.withMutations = MapPrototype.withMutations; SetPrototype.asMutable = MapPrototype.asMutable; SetPrototype.asImmutable = MapPrototype.asImmutable; SetPrototype.__empty = emptySet; SetPrototype.__make = makeSet; function updateSet(set, newMap) { if (set.__ownerID) { set.size = newMap.size; set._map = newMap; return set; } return newMap === set._map ? set : newMap.size === 0 ? set.__empty() : set.__make(newMap); } function makeSet(map, ownerID) { var set = Object.create(SetPrototype); set.size = map ? map.size : 0; set._map = map; set.__ownerID = ownerID; return set; } var EMPTY_SET; function emptySet() { return EMPTY_SET || (EMPTY_SET = makeSet(emptyMap())); } createClass(OrderedSet, Set); // @pragma Construction function OrderedSet(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptyOrderedSet() : isOrderedSet(value) ? value : emptyOrderedSet().withMutations(function(set ) { var iter = SetIterable(value); assertNotInfinite(iter.size); iter.forEach(function(v ) {return set.add(v)}); }); } OrderedSet.of = function(/*...values*/) { return this(arguments); }; OrderedSet.fromKeys = function(value) { return this(KeyedIterable(value).keySeq()); }; OrderedSet.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('OrderedSet {', '}'); }; function isOrderedSet(maybeOrderedSet) { return isSet(maybeOrderedSet) && isOrdered(maybeOrderedSet); } OrderedSet.isOrderedSet = isOrderedSet; var OrderedSetPrototype = OrderedSet.prototype; OrderedSetPrototype[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL] = true; OrderedSetPrototype.__empty = emptyOrderedSet; OrderedSetPrototype.__make = makeOrderedSet; function makeOrderedSet(map, ownerID) { var set = Object.create(OrderedSetPrototype); set.size = map ? map.size : 0; set._map = map; set.__ownerID = ownerID; return set; } var EMPTY_ORDERED_SET; function emptyOrderedSet() { return EMPTY_ORDERED_SET || (EMPTY_ORDERED_SET = makeOrderedSet(emptyOrderedMap())); } createClass(Stack, IndexedCollection); // @pragma Construction function Stack(value) { return value === null || value === undefined ? emptyStack() : isStack(value) ? value : emptyStack().unshiftAll(value); } Stack.of = function(/*...values*/) { return this(arguments); }; Stack.prototype.toString = function() { return this.__toString('Stack [', ']'); }; // @pragma Access Stack.prototype.get = function(index, notSetValue) { var head = this._head; index = wrapIndex(this, index); while (head && index--) { head =; } return head ? head.value : notSetValue; }; Stack.prototype.peek = function() { return this._head && this._head.value; }; // @pragma Modification Stack.prototype.push = function(/*...values*/) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this; } var newSize = this.size + arguments.length; var head = this._head; for (var ii = arguments.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { head = { value: arguments[ii], next: head }; } if (this.__ownerID) { this.size = newSize; this._head = head; this.__hash = undefined; this.__altered = true; return this; } return makeStack(newSize, head); }; Stack.prototype.pushAll = function(iter) { iter = IndexedIterable(iter); if (iter.size === 0) { return this; } assertNotInfinite(iter.size); var newSize = this.size; var head = this._head; iter.reverse().forEach(function(value ) { newSize++; head = { value: value, next: head }; }); if (this.__ownerID) { this.size = newSize; this._head = head; this.__hash = undefined; this.__altered = true; return this; } return makeStack(newSize, head); }; Stack.prototype.pop = function() { return this.slice(1); }; Stack.prototype.unshift = function(/*...values*/) { return this.push.apply(this, arguments); }; Stack.prototype.unshiftAll = function(iter) { return this.pushAll(iter); }; Stack.prototype.shift = function() { return this.pop.apply(this, arguments); }; Stack.prototype.clear = function() { if (this.size === 0) { return this; } if (this.__ownerID) { this.size = 0; this._head = undefined; this.__hash = undefined; this.__altered = true; return this; } return emptyStack(); }; Stack.prototype.slice = function(begin, end) { if (wholeSlice(begin, end, this.size)) { return this; } var resolvedBegin = resolveBegin(begin, this.size); var resolvedEnd = resolveEnd(end, this.size); if (resolvedEnd !== this.size) { // super.slice(begin, end); return, begin, end); } var newSize = this.size - resolvedBegin; var head = this._head; while (resolvedBegin--) { head =; } if (this.__ownerID) { this.size = newSize; this._head = head; this.__hash = undefined; this.__altered = true; return this; } return makeStack(newSize, head); }; // @pragma Mutability Stack.prototype.__ensureOwner = function(ownerID) { if (ownerID === this.__ownerID) { return this; } if (!ownerID) { this.__ownerID = ownerID; this.__altered = false; return this; } return makeStack(this.size, this._head, ownerID, this.__hash); }; // @pragma Iteration Stack.prototype.__iterate = function(fn, reverse) { if (reverse) { return this.reverse().__iterate(fn); } var iterations = 0; var node = this._head; while (node) { if (fn(node.value, iterations++, this) === false) { break; } node =; } return iterations; }; Stack.prototype.__iterator = function(type, reverse) { if (reverse) { return this.reverse().__iterator(type); } var iterations = 0; var node = this._head; return new Iterator(function() { if (node) { var value = node.value; node =; return iteratorValue(type, iterations++, value); } return iteratorDone(); }); }; function isStack(maybeStack) { return !!(maybeStack && maybeStack[IS_STACK_SENTINEL]); } Stack.isStack = isStack; var IS_STACK_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_STACK__@@'; var StackPrototype = Stack.prototype; StackPrototype[IS_STACK_SENTINEL] = true; StackPrototype.withMutations = MapPrototype.withMutations; StackPrototype.asMutable = MapPrototype.asMutable; StackPrototype.asImmutable = MapPrototype.asImmutable; StackPrototype.wasAltered = MapPrototype.wasAltered; function makeStack(size, head, ownerID, hash) { var map = Object.create(StackPrototype); map.size = size; map._head = head; map.__ownerID = ownerID; map.__hash = hash; map.__altered = false; return map; } var EMPTY_STACK; function emptyStack() { return EMPTY_STACK || (EMPTY_STACK = makeStack(0)); } /** * Contributes additional methods to a constructor */ function mixin(ctor, methods) { var keyCopier = function(key ) { ctor.prototype[key] = methods[key]; }; Object.keys(methods).forEach(keyCopier); Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(methods).forEach(keyCopier); return ctor; } Iterable.Iterator = Iterator; mixin(Iterable, { // ### Conversion to other types toArray: function() { assertNotInfinite(this.size); var array = new Array(this.size || 0); this.valueSeq().__iterate(function(v, i) { array[i] = v; }); return array; }, toIndexedSeq: function() { return new ToIndexedSequence(this); }, toJS: function() { return this.toSeq().map( function(value ) {return value && typeof value.toJS === 'function' ? value.toJS() : value} ).__toJS(); }, toJSON: function() { return this.toSeq().map( function(value ) {return value && typeof value.toJSON === 'function' ? value.toJSON() : value} ).__toJS(); }, toKeyedSeq: function() { return new ToKeyedSequence(this, true); }, toMap: function() { // Use Late Binding here to solve the circular dependency. return Map(this.toKeyedSeq()); }, toObject: function() { assertNotInfinite(this.size); var object = {}; this.__iterate(function(v, k) { object[k] = v; }); return object; }, toOrderedMap: function() { // Use Late Binding here to solve the circular dependency. return OrderedMap(this.toKeyedSeq()); }, toOrderedSet: function() { // Use Late Binding here to solve the circular dependency. return OrderedSet(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, toSet: function() { // Use Late Binding here to solve the circular dependency. return Set(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, toSetSeq: function() { return new ToSetSequence(this); }, toSeq: function() { return isIndexed(this) ? this.toIndexedSeq() : isKeyed(this) ? this.toKeyedSeq() : this.toSetSeq(); }, toStack: function() { // Use Late Binding here to solve the circular dependency. return Stack(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, toList: function() { // Use Late Binding here to solve the circular dependency. return List(isKeyed(this) ? this.valueSeq() : this); }, // ### Common JavaScript methods and properties toString: function() { return '[Iterable]'; }, __toString: function(head, tail) { if (this.size === 0) { return head + tail; } return head + ' ' + this.toSeq().map(this.__toStringMapper).join(', ') + ' ' + tail; }, // ### ES6 Collection methods (ES6 Array and Map) concat: function() {var values = SLICE$, 0); return reify(this, concatFactory(this, values)); }, includes: function(searchValue) { return this.some(function(value ) {return is(value, searchValue)}); }, entries: function() { return this.__iterator(ITERATE_ENTRIES); }, every: function(predicate, context) { assertNotInfinite(this.size); var returnValue = true; this.__iterate(function(v, k, c) { if (!, v, k, c)) { returnValue = false; return false; } }); return returnValue; }, filter: function(predicate, context) { return reify(this, filterFactory(this, predicate, context, true)); }, find: function(predicate, context, notSetValue) { var entry = this.findEntry(predicate, context); return entry ? entry[1] : notSetValue; }, forEach: function(sideEffect, context) { assertNotInfinite(this.size); return this.__iterate(context ? sideEffect.bind(context) : sideEffect); }, join: function(separator) { assertNotInfinite(this.size); separator = separator !== undefined ? '' + separator : ','; var joined = ''; var isFirst = true; this.__iterate(function(v ) { isFirst ? (isFirst = false) : (joined += separator); joined += v !== null && v !== undefined ? v.toString() : ''; }); return joined; }, keys: function() { return this.__iterator(ITERATE_KEYS); }, map: function(mapper, context) { return reify(this, mapFactory(this, mapper, context)); }, reduce: function(reducer, initialReduction, context) { assertNotInfinite(this.size); var reduction; var useFirst; if (arguments.length < 2) { useFirst = true; } else { reduction = initialReduction; } this.__iterate(function(v, k, c) { if (useFirst) { useFirst = false; reduction = v; } else { reduction =, reduction, v, k, c); } }); return reduction; }, reduceRight: function(reducer, initialReduction, context) { var reversed = this.toKeyedSeq().reverse(); return reversed.reduce.apply(reversed, arguments); }, reverse: function() { return reify(this, reverseFactory(this, true)); }, slice: function(begin, end) { return reify(this, sliceFactory(this, begin, end, true)); }, some: function(predicate, context) { return !this.every(not(predicate), context); }, sort: function(comparator) { return reify(this, sortFactory(this, comparator)); }, values: function() { return this.__iterator(ITERATE_VALUES); }, // ### More sequential methods butLast: function() { return this.slice(0, -1); }, isEmpty: function() { return this.size !== undefined ? this.size === 0 : !this.some(function() {return true}); }, count: function(predicate, context) { return ensureSize( predicate ? this.toSeq().filter(predicate, context) : this ); }, countBy: function(grouper, context) { return countByFactory(this, grouper, context); }, equals: function(other) { return deepEqual(this, other); }, entrySeq: function() { var iterable = this; if (iterable._cache) { // We cache as an entries array, so we can just return the cache! return new ArraySeq(iterable._cache); } var entriesSequence = iterable.toSeq().map(entryMapper).toIndexedSeq(); entriesSequence.fromEntrySeq = function() {return iterable.toSeq()}; return entriesSequence; }, filterNot: function(predicate, context) { return this.filter(not(predicate), context); }, findEntry: function(predicate, context, notSetValue) { var found = notSetValue; this.__iterate(function(v, k, c) { if (, v, k, c)) { found = [k, v]; return false; } }); return found; }, findKey: function(predicate, context) { var entry = this.findEntry(predicate, context); return entry && entry[0]; }, findLast: function(predicate, context, notSetValue) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().find(predicate, context, notSetValue); }, findLastEntry: function(predicate, context, notSetValue) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().findEntry(predicate, context, notSetValue); }, findLastKey: function(predicate, context) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().findKey(predicate, context); }, first: function() { return this.find(returnTrue); }, flatMap: function(mapper, context) { return reify(this, flatMapFactory(this, mapper, context)); }, flatten: function(depth) { return reify(this, flattenFactory(this, depth, true)); }, fromEntrySeq: function() { return new FromEntriesSequence(this); }, get: function(searchKey, notSetValue) { return this.find(function(_, key) {return is(key, searchKey)}, undefined, notSetValue); }, getIn: function(searchKeyPath, notSetValue) { var nested = this; // Note: in an ES6 environment, we would prefer: // for (var key of searchKeyPath) { var iter = forceIterator(searchKeyPath); var step; while (!(step = { var key = step.value; nested = nested && nested.get ? nested.get(key, NOT_SET) : NOT_SET; if (nested === NOT_SET) { return notSetValue; } } return nested; }, groupBy: function(grouper, context) { return groupByFactory(this, grouper, context); }, has: function(searchKey) { return this.get(searchKey, NOT_SET) !== NOT_SET; }, hasIn: function(searchKeyPath) { return this.getIn(searchKeyPath, NOT_SET) !== NOT_SET; }, isSubset: function(iter) { iter = typeof iter.includes === 'function' ? iter : Iterable(iter); return this.every(function(value ) {return iter.includes(value)}); }, isSuperset: function(iter) { iter = typeof iter.isSubset === 'function' ? iter : Iterable(iter); return iter.isSubset(this); }, keyOf: function(searchValue) { return this.findKey(function(value ) {return is(value, searchValue)}); }, keySeq: function() { return this.toSeq().map(keyMapper).toIndexedSeq(); }, last: function() { return this.toSeq().reverse().first(); }, lastKeyOf: function(searchValue) { return this.toKeyedSeq().reverse().keyOf(searchValue); }, max: function(comparator) { return maxFactory(this, comparator); }, maxBy: function(mapper, comparator) { return maxFactory(this, comparator, mapper); }, min: function(comparator) { return maxFactory(this, comparator ? neg(comparator) : defaultNegComparator); }, minBy: function(mapper, comparator) { return maxFactory(this, comparator ? neg(comparator) : defaultNegComparator, mapper); }, rest: function() { return this.slice(1); }, skip: function(amount) { return this.slice(Math.max(0, amount)); }, skipLast: function(amount) { return reify(this, this.toSeq().reverse().skip(amount).reverse()); }, skipWhile: function(predicate, context) { return reify(this, skipWhileFactory(this, predicate, context, true)); }, skipUntil: function(predicate, context) { return this.skipWhile(not(predicate), context); }, sortBy: function(mapper, comparator) { return reify(this, sortFactory(this, comparator, mapper)); }, take: function(amount) { return this.slice(0, Math.max(0, amount)); }, takeLast: function(amount) { return reify(this, this.toSeq().reverse().take(amount).reverse()); }, takeWhile: function(predicate, context) { return reify(this, takeWhileFactory(this, predicate, context)); }, takeUntil: function(predicate, context) { return this.takeWhile(not(predicate), context); }, valueSeq: function() { return this.toIndexedSeq(); }, // ### Hashable Object hashCode: function() { return this.__hash || (this.__hash = hashIterable(this)); } // ### Internal // abstract __iterate(fn, reverse) // abstract __iterator(type, reverse) }); // var IS_ITERABLE_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_ITERABLE__@@'; // var IS_KEYED_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_KEYED__@@'; // var IS_INDEXED_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_INDEXED__@@'; // var IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL = '@@__IMMUTABLE_ORDERED__@@'; var IterablePrototype = Iterable.prototype; IterablePrototype[IS_ITERABLE_SENTINEL] = true; IterablePrototype[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] = IterablePrototype.values; IterablePrototype.__toJS = IterablePrototype.toArray; IterablePrototype.__toStringMapper = quoteString; IterablePrototype.inspect = IterablePrototype.toSource = function() { return this.toString(); }; IterablePrototype.chain = IterablePrototype.flatMap; IterablePrototype.contains = IterablePrototype.includes; mixin(KeyedIterable, { // ### More sequential methods flip: function() { return reify(this, flipFactory(this)); }, mapEntries: function(mapper, context) {var this$0 = this; var iterations = 0; return reify(this, this.toSeq().map( function(v, k) {return, [k, v], iterations++, this$0)} ).fromEntrySeq() ); }, mapKeys: function(mapper, context) {var this$0 = this; return reify(this, this.toSeq().flip().map( function(k, v) {return, k, v, this$0)} ).flip() ); } }); var KeyedIterablePrototype = KeyedIterable.prototype; KeyedIterablePrototype[IS_KEYED_SENTINEL] = true; KeyedIterablePrototype[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] = IterablePrototype.entries; KeyedIterablePrototype.__toJS = IterablePrototype.toObject; KeyedIterablePrototype.__toStringMapper = function(v, k) {return JSON.stringify(k) + ': ' + quoteString(v)}; mixin(IndexedIterable, { // ### Conversion to other types toKeyedSeq: function() { return new ToKeyedSequence(this, false); }, // ### ES6 Collection methods (ES6 Array and Map) filter: function(predicate, context) { return reify(this, filterFactory(this, predicate, context, false)); }, findIndex: function(predicate, context) { var entry = this.findEntry(predicate, context); return entry ? entry[0] : -1; }, indexOf: function(searchValue) { var key = this.keyOf(searchValue); return key === undefined ? -1 : key; }, lastIndexOf: function(searchValue) { var key = this.lastKeyOf(searchValue); return key === undefined ? -1 : key; }, reverse: function() { return reify(this, reverseFactory(this, false)); }, slice: function(begin, end) { return reify(this, sliceFactory(this, begin, end, false)); }, splice: function(index, removeNum /*, ...values*/) { var numArgs = arguments.length; removeNum = Math.max(removeNum | 0, 0); if (numArgs === 0 || (numArgs === 2 && !removeNum)) { return this; } // If index is negative, it should resolve relative to the size of the // collection. However size may be expensive to compute if not cached, so // only call count() if the number is in fact negative. index = resolveBegin(index, index < 0 ? this.count() : this.size); var spliced = this.slice(0, index); return reify( this, numArgs === 1 ? spliced : spliced.concat(arrCopy(arguments, 2), this.slice(index + removeNum)) ); }, // ### More collection methods findLastIndex: function(predicate, context) { var entry = this.findLastEntry(predicate, context); return entry ? entry[0] : -1; }, first: function() { return this.get(0); }, flatten: function(depth) { return reify(this, flattenFactory(this, depth, false)); }, get: function(index, notSetValue) { index = wrapIndex(this, index); return (index < 0 || (this.size === Infinity || (this.size !== undefined && index > this.size))) ? notSetValue : this.find(function(_, key) {return key === index}, undefined, notSetValue); }, has: function(index) { index = wrapIndex(this, index); return index >= 0 && (this.size !== undefined ? this.size === Infinity || index < this.size : this.indexOf(index) !== -1 ); }, interpose: function(separator) { return reify(this, interposeFactory(this, separator)); }, interleave: function(/*...iterables*/) { var iterables = [this].concat(arrCopy(arguments)); var zipped = zipWithFactory(this.toSeq(), IndexedSeq.of, iterables); var interleaved = zipped.flatten(true); if (zipped.size) { interleaved.size = zipped.size * iterables.length; } return reify(this, interleaved); }, keySeq: function() { return Range(0, this.size); }, last: function() { return this.get(-1); }, skipWhile: function(predicate, context) { return reify(this, skipWhileFactory(this, predicate, context, false)); }, zip: function(/*, ...iterables */) { var iterables = [this].concat(arrCopy(arguments)); return reify(this, zipWithFactory(this, defaultZipper, iterables)); }, zipWith: function(zipper/*, ...iterables */) { var iterables = arrCopy(arguments); iterables[0] = this; return reify(this, zipWithFactory(this, zipper, iterables)); } }); IndexedIterable.prototype[IS_INDEXED_SENTINEL] = true; IndexedIterable.prototype[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL] = true; mixin(SetIterable, { // ### ES6 Collection methods (ES6 Array and Map) get: function(value, notSetValue) { return this.has(value) ? value : notSetValue; }, includes: function(value) { return this.has(value); }, // ### More sequential methods keySeq: function() { return this.valueSeq(); } }); SetIterable.prototype.has = IterablePrototype.includes; SetIterable.prototype.contains = SetIterable.prototype.includes; // Mixin subclasses mixin(KeyedSeq, KeyedIterable.prototype); mixin(IndexedSeq, IndexedIterable.prototype); mixin(SetSeq, SetIterable.prototype); mixin(KeyedCollection, KeyedIterable.prototype); mixin(IndexedCollection, IndexedIterable.prototype); mixin(SetCollection, SetIterable.prototype); // #pragma Helper functions function keyMapper(v, k) { return k; } function entryMapper(v, k) { return [k, v]; } function not(predicate) { return function() { return !predicate.apply(this, arguments); } } function neg(predicate) { return function() { return -predicate.apply(this, arguments); } } function quoteString(value) { return typeof value === 'string' ? JSON.stringify(value) : String(value); } function defaultZipper() { return arrCopy(arguments); } function defaultNegComparator(a, b) { return a < b ? 1 : a > b ? -1 : 0; } function hashIterable(iterable) { if (iterable.size === Infinity) { return 0; } var ordered = isOrdered(iterable); var keyed = isKeyed(iterable); var h = ordered ? 1 : 0; var size = iterable.__iterate( keyed ? ordered ? function(v, k) { h = 31 * h + hashMerge(hash(v), hash(k)) | 0; } : function(v, k) { h = h + hashMerge(hash(v), hash(k)) | 0; } : ordered ? function(v ) { h = 31 * h + hash(v) | 0; } : function(v ) { h = h + hash(v) | 0; } ); return murmurHashOfSize(size, h); } function murmurHashOfSize(size, h) { h = imul(h, 0xCC9E2D51); h = imul(h << 15 | h >>> -15, 0x1B873593); h = imul(h << 13 | h >>> -13, 5); h = (h + 0xE6546B64 | 0) ^ size; h = imul(h ^ h >>> 16, 0x85EBCA6B); h = imul(h ^ h >>> 13, 0xC2B2AE35); h = smi(h ^ h >>> 16); return h; } function hashMerge(a, b) { return a ^ b + 0x9E3779B9 + (a << 6) + (a >> 2) | 0; // int } var Immutable = { Iterable: Iterable, Seq: Seq, Collection: Collection, Map: Map, OrderedMap: OrderedMap, List: List, Stack: Stack, Set: Set, OrderedSet: OrderedSet, Record: Record, Range: Range, Repeat: Repeat, is: is, fromJS: fromJS }; return Immutable; })); /***/ }), /* 9 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; } module.exports = _assertThisInitialized; /***/ }), /* 10 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** * This is a straight rip-off of the React.js ReactPropTypes.js proptype validators, * modified to make it possible to validate Immutable.js data. * ImmutableTypes.listOf is patterned after React.PropTypes.arrayOf, but for Immutable.List * ImmutableTypes.shape is based on React.PropTypes.shape, but for any Immutable.Iterable */ var Immutable = __webpack_require__(8); var ANONYMOUS = "<>"; var ImmutablePropTypes; if (false) {} else { var productionTypeChecker = function productionTypeChecker() { invariant(false, "ImmutablePropTypes type checking code is stripped in production."); }; productionTypeChecker.isRequired = productionTypeChecker; var getProductionTypeChecker = function getProductionTypeChecker() { return productionTypeChecker; }; ImmutablePropTypes = { listOf: getProductionTypeChecker, mapOf: getProductionTypeChecker, orderedMapOf: getProductionTypeChecker, setOf: getProductionTypeChecker, orderedSetOf: getProductionTypeChecker, stackOf: getProductionTypeChecker, iterableOf: getProductionTypeChecker, recordOf: getProductionTypeChecker, shape: getProductionTypeChecker, contains: getProductionTypeChecker, mapContains: getProductionTypeChecker, orderedMapContains: getProductionTypeChecker, // Primitive Types list: productionTypeChecker, map: productionTypeChecker, orderedMap: productionTypeChecker, set: productionTypeChecker, orderedSet: productionTypeChecker, stack: productionTypeChecker, seq: productionTypeChecker, record: productionTypeChecker, iterable: productionTypeChecker }; } ImmutablePropTypes.iterable.indexed = createIterableSubclassTypeChecker("Indexed", Immutable.Iterable.isIndexed); ImmutablePropTypes.iterable.keyed = createIterableSubclassTypeChecker("Keyed", Immutable.Iterable.isKeyed); function getPropType(propValue) { var propType = typeof propValue; if (Array.isArray(propValue)) { return "array"; } if (propValue instanceof RegExp) { // Old webkits (at least until Android 4.0) return 'function' rather than // 'object' for typeof a RegExp. We'll normalize this here so that /bla/ // passes PropTypes.object. return "object"; } if (propValue instanceof Immutable.Iterable) { return "Immutable." + propValue.toSource().split(" ")[0]; } return propType; } function createChainableTypeChecker(validate) { function checkType(isRequired, props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) { for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = Array(_len > 6 ? _len - 6 : 0), _key = 6; _key < _len; _key++) { rest[_key - 6] = arguments[_key]; } propFullName = propFullName || propName; componentName = componentName || ANONYMOUS; if (props[propName] == null) { var locationName = location; if (isRequired) { return new Error("Required " + locationName + " `" + propFullName + "` was not specified in " + ("`" + componentName + "`.")); } } else { return validate.apply(undefined, [props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName].concat(rest)); } } var chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false); chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true); return chainedCheckType; } function createImmutableTypeChecker(immutableClassName, immutableClassTypeValidator) { function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) { var propValue = props[propName]; if (!immutableClassTypeValidator(propValue)) { var propType = getPropType(propValue); return new Error("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type `" + propType + "` " + ("supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected `" + immutableClassName + "`.")); } return null; } return createChainableTypeChecker(validate); } function createIterableSubclassTypeChecker(subclassName, validator) { return createImmutableTypeChecker("Iterable." + subclassName, function (propValue) { return Immutable.Iterable.isIterable(propValue) && validator(propValue); }); } function createIterableTypeChecker(typeChecker, immutableClassName, immutableClassTypeValidator) { function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) { for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = Array(_len > 5 ? _len - 5 : 0), _key = 5; _key < _len; _key++) { rest[_key - 5] = arguments[_key]; } var propValue = props[propName]; if (!immutableClassTypeValidator(propValue)) { var locationName = location; var propType = getPropType(propValue); return new Error("Invalid " + locationName + " `" + propFullName + "` of type " + ("`" + propType + "` supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected an Immutable.js " + immutableClassName + ".")); } if (typeof typeChecker !== "function") { return new Error("Invalid typeChecker supplied to `" + componentName + "` " + ("for propType `" + propFullName + "`, expected a function.")); } var propValues = propValue.valueSeq().toArray(); for (var i = 0, len = propValues.length; i < len; i++) { var error = typeChecker.apply(undefined, [propValues, i, componentName, location, "" + propFullName + "[" + i + "]"].concat(rest)); if (error instanceof Error) { return error; } } } return createChainableTypeChecker(validate); } function createKeysTypeChecker(typeChecker) { function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) { for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = Array(_len > 5 ? _len - 5 : 0), _key = 5; _key < _len; _key++) { rest[_key - 5] = arguments[_key]; } var propValue = props[propName]; if (typeof typeChecker !== "function") { return new Error("Invalid keysTypeChecker (optional second argument) supplied to `" + componentName + "` " + ("for propType `" + propFullName + "`, expected a function.")); } var keys = propValue.keySeq().toArray(); for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { var error = typeChecker.apply(undefined, [keys, i, componentName, location, "" + propFullName + " -> key(" + keys[i] + ")"].concat(rest)); if (error instanceof Error) { return error; } } } return createChainableTypeChecker(validate); } function createListOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) { return createIterableTypeChecker(typeChecker, "List", Immutable.List.isList); } function createMapOfTypeCheckerFactory(valuesTypeChecker, keysTypeChecker, immutableClassName, immutableClassTypeValidator) { function validate() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return createIterableTypeChecker(valuesTypeChecker, immutableClassName, immutableClassTypeValidator).apply(undefined, args) || keysTypeChecker && createKeysTypeChecker(keysTypeChecker).apply(undefined, args); } return createChainableTypeChecker(validate); } function createMapOfTypeChecker(valuesTypeChecker, keysTypeChecker) { return createMapOfTypeCheckerFactory(valuesTypeChecker, keysTypeChecker, "Map", Immutable.Map.isMap); } function createOrderedMapOfTypeChecker(valuesTypeChecker, keysTypeChecker) { return createMapOfTypeCheckerFactory(valuesTypeChecker, keysTypeChecker, "OrderedMap", Immutable.OrderedMap.isOrderedMap); } function createSetOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) { return createIterableTypeChecker(typeChecker, "Set", Immutable.Set.isSet); } function createOrderedSetOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) { return createIterableTypeChecker(typeChecker, "OrderedSet", Immutable.OrderedSet.isOrderedSet); } function createStackOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) { return createIterableTypeChecker(typeChecker, "Stack", Immutable.Stack.isStack); } function createIterableOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) { return createIterableTypeChecker(typeChecker, "Iterable", Immutable.Iterable.isIterable); } function createRecordOfTypeChecker(recordKeys) { function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) { for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = Array(_len > 5 ? _len - 5 : 0), _key = 5; _key < _len; _key++) { rest[_key - 5] = arguments[_key]; } var propValue = props[propName]; if (!(propValue instanceof Immutable.Record)) { var propType = getPropType(propValue); var locationName = location; return new Error("Invalid " + locationName + " `" + propFullName + "` of type `" + propType + "` " + ("supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected an Immutable.js Record.")); } for (var key in recordKeys) { var checker = recordKeys[key]; if (!checker) { continue; } var mutablePropValue = propValue.toObject(); var error = checker.apply(undefined, [mutablePropValue, key, componentName, location, "" + propFullName + "." + key].concat(rest)); if (error) { return error; } } } return createChainableTypeChecker(validate); } // there is some irony in the fact that shapeTypes is a standard hash and not an immutable collection function createShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes) { var immutableClassName = arguments[1] === undefined ? "Iterable" : arguments[1]; var immutableClassTypeValidator = arguments[2] === undefined ? Immutable.Iterable.isIterable : arguments[2]; function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) { for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = Array(_len > 5 ? _len - 5 : 0), _key = 5; _key < _len; _key++) { rest[_key - 5] = arguments[_key]; } var propValue = props[propName]; if (!immutableClassTypeValidator(propValue)) { var propType = getPropType(propValue); var locationName = location; return new Error("Invalid " + locationName + " `" + propFullName + "` of type `" + propType + "` " + ("supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected an Immutable.js " + immutableClassName + ".")); } var mutablePropValue = propValue.toObject(); for (var key in shapeTypes) { var checker = shapeTypes[key]; if (!checker) { continue; } var error = checker.apply(undefined, [mutablePropValue, key, componentName, location, "" + propFullName + "." + key].concat(rest)); if (error) { return error; } } } return createChainableTypeChecker(validate); } function createShapeChecker(shapeTypes) { return createShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes); } function createMapContainsChecker(shapeTypes) { return createShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes, "Map", Immutable.Map.isMap); } function createOrderedMapContainsChecker(shapeTypes) { return createShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes, "OrderedMap", Immutable.OrderedMap.isOrderedMap); } module.exports = ImmutablePropTypes; /***/ }), /* 11 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } module.exports = _defineProperty; /***/ }), /* 12 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Expose `Emitter`. */ if (true) { module.exports = Emitter; } /** * Initialize a new `Emitter`. * * @api public */ function Emitter(obj) { if (obj) return mixin(obj); }; /** * Mixin the emitter properties. * * @param {Object} obj * @return {Object} * @api private */ function mixin(obj) { for (var key in Emitter.prototype) { obj[key] = Emitter.prototype[key]; } return obj; } /** * Listen on the given `event` with `fn`. * * @param {String} event * @param {Function} fn * @return {Emitter} * @api public */ Emitter.prototype.on = Emitter.prototype.addEventListener = function(event, fn){ this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; (this._callbacks['$' + event] = this._callbacks['$' + event] || []) .push(fn); return this; }; /** * Adds an `event` listener that will be invoked a single * time then automatically removed. * * @param {String} event * @param {Function} fn * @return {Emitter} * @api public */ Emitter.prototype.once = function(event, fn){ function on() {, on); fn.apply(this, arguments); } on.fn = fn; this.on(event, on); return this; }; /** * Remove the given callback for `event` or all * registered callbacks. * * @param {String} event * @param {Function} fn * @return {Emitter} * @api public */ = Emitter.prototype.removeListener = Emitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = Emitter.prototype.removeEventListener = function(event, fn){ this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; // all if (0 == arguments.length) { this._callbacks = {}; return this; } // specific event var callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; if (!callbacks) return this; // remove all handlers if (1 == arguments.length) { delete this._callbacks['$' + event]; return this; } // remove specific handler var cb; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { cb = callbacks[i]; if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) { callbacks.splice(i, 1); break; } } return this; }; /** * Emit `event` with the given args. * * @param {String} event * @param {Mixed} ... * @return {Emitter} */ Emitter.prototype.emit = function(event){ this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; var args = [], 1) , callbacks = this._callbacks['$' + event]; if (callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks.slice(0); for (var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; ++i) { callbacks[i].apply(this, args); } } return this; }; /** * Return array of callbacks for `event`. * * @param {String} event * @return {Array} * @api public */ Emitter.prototype.listeners = function(event){ this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; return this._callbacks['$' + event] || []; }; /** * Check if this emitter has `event` handlers. * * @param {String} event * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ Emitter.prototype.hasListeners = function(event){ return !! this.listeners(event).length; }; /***/ }), /* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var keys = __webpack_require__(175); var hasBinary = __webpack_require__(51); var sliceBuffer = __webpack_require__(177); var after = __webpack_require__(178); var utf8 = __webpack_require__(179); var base64encoder; if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') { base64encoder = __webpack_require__(180); } /** * Check if we are running an android browser. That requires us to use * ArrayBuffer with polling transports... * * */ var isAndroid = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent); /** * Check if we are running in PhantomJS. * Uploading a Blob with PhantomJS does not work correctly, as reported here: * * @type boolean */ var isPhantomJS = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /PhantomJS/i.test(navigator.userAgent); /** * When true, avoids using Blobs to encode payloads. * @type boolean */ var dontSendBlobs = isAndroid || isPhantomJS; /** * Current protocol version. */ exports.protocol = 3; /** * Packet types. */ var packets = exports.packets = { open: 0 // non-ws , close: 1 // non-ws , ping: 2 , pong: 3 , message: 4 , upgrade: 5 , noop: 6 }; var packetslist = keys(packets); /** * Premade error packet. */ var err = { type: 'error', data: 'parser error' }; /** * Create a blob api even for blob builder when vendor prefixes exist */ var Blob = __webpack_require__(181); /** * Encodes a packet. * * [ ] * * Example: * * 5hello world * 3 * 4 * * Binary is encoded in an identical principle * * @api private */ exports.encodePacket = function (packet, supportsBinary, utf8encode, callback) { if (typeof supportsBinary === 'function') { callback = supportsBinary; supportsBinary = false; } if (typeof utf8encode === 'function') { callback = utf8encode; utf8encode = null; } var data = ( === undefined) ? undefined : ||; if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return encodeArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback); } else if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && data instanceof Blob) { return encodeBlob(packet, supportsBinary, callback); } // might be an object with { base64: true, data: dataAsBase64String } if (data && data.base64) { return encodeBase64Object(packet, callback); } // Sending data as a utf-8 string var encoded = packets[packet.type]; // data fragment is optional if (undefined !== { encoded += utf8encode ? utf8.encode(String(, { strict: false }) : String(; } return callback('' + encoded); }; function encodeBase64Object(packet, callback) { // packet data is an object { base64: true, data: dataAsBase64String } var message = 'b' + exports.packets[packet.type] +; return callback(message); } /** * Encode packet helpers for binary types */ function encodeArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback) { if (!supportsBinary) { return exports.encodeBase64Packet(packet, callback); } var data =; var contentArray = new Uint8Array(data); var resultBuffer = new Uint8Array(1 + data.byteLength); resultBuffer[0] = packets[packet.type]; for (var i = 0; i < contentArray.length; i++) { resultBuffer[i+1] = contentArray[i]; } return callback(resultBuffer.buffer); } function encodeBlobAsArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback) { if (!supportsBinary) { return exports.encodeBase64Packet(packet, callback); } var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function() { exports.encodePacket({ type: packet.type, data: fr.result }, supportsBinary, true, callback); }; return fr.readAsArrayBuffer(; } function encodeBlob(packet, supportsBinary, callback) { if (!supportsBinary) { return exports.encodeBase64Packet(packet, callback); } if (dontSendBlobs) { return encodeBlobAsArrayBuffer(packet, supportsBinary, callback); } var length = new Uint8Array(1); length[0] = packets[packet.type]; var blob = new Blob([length.buffer,]); return callback(blob); } /** * Encodes a packet with binary data in a base64 string * * @param {Object} packet, has `type` and `data` * @return {String} base64 encoded message */ exports.encodeBase64Packet = function(packet, callback) { var message = 'b' + exports.packets[packet.type]; if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && instanceof Blob) { var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function() { var b64 = fr.result.split(',')[1]; callback(message + b64); }; return fr.readAsDataURL(; } var b64data; try { b64data = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(; } catch (e) { // iPhone Safari doesn't let you apply with typed arrays var typed = new Uint8Array(; var basic = new Array(typed.length); for (var i = 0; i < typed.length; i++) { basic[i] = typed[i]; } b64data = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, basic); } message += btoa(b64data); return callback(message); }; /** * Decodes a packet. Changes format to Blob if requested. * * @return {Object} with `type` and `data` (if any) * @api private */ exports.decodePacket = function (data, binaryType, utf8decode) { if (data === undefined) { return err; } // String data if (typeof data === 'string') { if (data.charAt(0) === 'b') { return exports.decodeBase64Packet(data.substr(1), binaryType); } if (utf8decode) { data = tryDecode(data); if (data === false) { return err; } } var type = data.charAt(0); if (Number(type) != type || !packetslist[type]) { return err; } if (data.length > 1) { return { type: packetslist[type], data: data.substring(1) }; } else { return { type: packetslist[type] }; } } var asArray = new Uint8Array(data); var type = asArray[0]; var rest = sliceBuffer(data, 1); if (Blob && binaryType === 'blob') { rest = new Blob([rest]); } return { type: packetslist[type], data: rest }; }; function tryDecode(data) { try { data = utf8.decode(data, { strict: false }); } catch (e) { return false; } return data; } /** * Decodes a packet encoded in a base64 string * * @param {String} base64 encoded message * @return {Object} with `type` and `data` (if any) */ exports.decodeBase64Packet = function(msg, binaryType) { var type = packetslist[msg.charAt(0)]; if (!base64encoder) { return { type: type, data: { base64: true, data: msg.substr(1) } }; } var data = base64encoder.decode(msg.substr(1)); if (binaryType === 'blob' && Blob) { data = new Blob([data]); } return { type: type, data: data }; }; /** * Encodes multiple messages (payload). * * :data * * Example: * * 11:hello world2:hi * * If any contents are binary, they will be encoded as base64 strings. Base64 * encoded strings are marked with a b before the length specifier * * @param {Array} packets * @api private */ exports.encodePayload = function (packets, supportsBinary, callback) { if (typeof supportsBinary === 'function') { callback = supportsBinary; supportsBinary = null; } var isBinary = hasBinary(packets); if (supportsBinary && isBinary) { if (Blob && !dontSendBlobs) { return exports.encodePayloadAsBlob(packets, callback); } return exports.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer(packets, callback); } if (!packets.length) { return callback('0:'); } function setLengthHeader(message) { return message.length + ':' + message; } function encodeOne(packet, doneCallback) { exports.encodePacket(packet, !isBinary ? false : supportsBinary, false, function(message) { doneCallback(null, setLengthHeader(message)); }); } map(packets, encodeOne, function(err, results) { return callback(results.join('')); }); }; /** * Async array map using after */ function map(ary, each, done) { var result = new Array(ary.length); var next = after(ary.length, done); var eachWithIndex = function(i, el, cb) { each(el, function(error, msg) { result[i] = msg; cb(error, result); }); }; for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { eachWithIndex(i, ary[i], next); } } /* * Decodes data when a payload is maybe expected. Possible binary contents are * decoded from their base64 representation * * @param {String} data, callback method * @api public */ exports.decodePayload = function (data, binaryType, callback) { if (typeof data !== 'string') { return exports.decodePayloadAsBinary(data, binaryType, callback); } if (typeof binaryType === 'function') { callback = binaryType; binaryType = null; } var packet; if (data === '') { // parser error - ignoring payload return callback(err, 0, 1); } var length = '', n, msg; for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) { var chr = data.charAt(i); if (chr !== ':') { length += chr; continue; } if (length === '' || (length != (n = Number(length)))) { // parser error - ignoring payload return callback(err, 0, 1); } msg = data.substr(i + 1, n); if (length != msg.length) { // parser error - ignoring payload return callback(err, 0, 1); } if (msg.length) { packet = exports.decodePacket(msg, binaryType, false); if (err.type === packet.type && === { // parser error in individual packet - ignoring payload return callback(err, 0, 1); } var ret = callback(packet, i + n, l); if (false === ret) return; } // advance cursor i += n; length = ''; } if (length !== '') { // parser error - ignoring payload return callback(err, 0, 1); } }; /** * Encodes multiple messages (payload) as binary. * * <1 = binary, 0 = string>[...] * * Example: * 1 3 255 1 2 3, if the binary contents are interpreted as 8 bit integers * * @param {Array} packets * @return {ArrayBuffer} encoded payload * @api private */ exports.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer = function(packets, callback) { if (!packets.length) { return callback(new ArrayBuffer(0)); } function encodeOne(packet, doneCallback) { exports.encodePacket(packet, true, true, function(data) { return doneCallback(null, data); }); } map(packets, encodeOne, function(err, encodedPackets) { var totalLength = encodedPackets.reduce(function(acc, p) { var len; if (typeof p === 'string'){ len = p.length; } else { len = p.byteLength; } return acc + len.toString().length + len + 2; // string/binary identifier + separator = 2 }, 0); var resultArray = new Uint8Array(totalLength); var bufferIndex = 0; encodedPackets.forEach(function(p) { var isString = typeof p === 'string'; var ab = p; if (isString) { var view = new Uint8Array(p.length); for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { view[i] = p.charCodeAt(i); } ab = view.buffer; } if (isString) { // not true binary resultArray[bufferIndex++] = 0; } else { // true binary resultArray[bufferIndex++] = 1; } var lenStr = ab.byteLength.toString(); for (var i = 0; i < lenStr.length; i++) { resultArray[bufferIndex++] = parseInt(lenStr[i]); } resultArray[bufferIndex++] = 255; var view = new Uint8Array(ab); for (var i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { resultArray[bufferIndex++] = view[i]; } }); return callback(resultArray.buffer); }); }; /** * Encode as Blob */ exports.encodePayloadAsBlob = function(packets, callback) { function encodeOne(packet, doneCallback) { exports.encodePacket(packet, true, true, function(encoded) { var binaryIdentifier = new Uint8Array(1); binaryIdentifier[0] = 1; if (typeof encoded === 'string') { var view = new Uint8Array(encoded.length); for (var i = 0; i < encoded.length; i++) { view[i] = encoded.charCodeAt(i); } encoded = view.buffer; binaryIdentifier[0] = 0; } var len = (encoded instanceof ArrayBuffer) ? encoded.byteLength : encoded.size; var lenStr = len.toString(); var lengthAry = new Uint8Array(lenStr.length + 1); for (var i = 0; i < lenStr.length; i++) { lengthAry[i] = parseInt(lenStr[i]); } lengthAry[lenStr.length] = 255; if (Blob) { var blob = new Blob([binaryIdentifier.buffer, lengthAry.buffer, encoded]); doneCallback(null, blob); } }); } map(packets, encodeOne, function(err, results) { return callback(new Blob(results)); }); }; /* * Decodes data when a payload is maybe expected. Strings are decoded by * interpreting each byte as a key code for entries marked to start with 0. See * description of encodePayloadAsBinary * * @param {ArrayBuffer} data, callback method * @api public */ exports.decodePayloadAsBinary = function (data, binaryType, callback) { if (typeof binaryType === 'function') { callback = binaryType; binaryType = null; } var bufferTail = data; var buffers = []; while (bufferTail.byteLength > 0) { var tailArray = new Uint8Array(bufferTail); var isString = tailArray[0] === 0; var msgLength = ''; for (var i = 1; ; i++) { if (tailArray[i] === 255) break; // 310 = char length of Number.MAX_VALUE if (msgLength.length > 310) { return callback(err, 0, 1); } msgLength += tailArray[i]; } bufferTail = sliceBuffer(bufferTail, 2 + msgLength.length); msgLength = parseInt(msgLength); var msg = sliceBuffer(bufferTail, 0, msgLength); if (isString) { try { msg = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(msg)); } catch (e) { // iPhone Safari doesn't let you apply to typed arrays var typed = new Uint8Array(msg); msg = ''; for (var i = 0; i < typed.length; i++) { msg += String.fromCharCode(typed[i]); } } } buffers.push(msg); bufferTail = sliceBuffer(bufferTail, msgLength); } var total = buffers.length; buffers.forEach(function(buffer, i) { callback(exports.decodePacket(buffer, binaryType, true), i, total); }); }; /***/ }), /* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = "" /***/ }), /* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var g; // This works in non-strict mode g = (function() { return this; })(); try { // This works if eval is allowed (see CSP) g = g || Function("return this")() || (1, eval)("this"); } catch (e) { // This works if the window reference is available if (typeof window === "object") g = window; } // g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it... // We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's // easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...} module.exports = g; /***/ }), /* 16 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {/* eslint-env browser */ /** * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. */ exports.log = log; exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; = save; exports.load = load; exports.useColors = useColors; = localstorage(); /** * Colors. */ exports.colors = [ '#0000CC', '#0000FF', '#0033CC', '#0033FF', '#0066CC', '#0066FF', '#0099CC', '#0099FF', '#00CC00', '#00CC33', '#00CC66', '#00CC99', '#00CCCC', '#00CCFF', '#3300CC', '#3300FF', '#3333CC', '#3333FF', '#3366CC', '#3366FF', '#3399CC', '#3399FF', '#33CC00', '#33CC33', '#33CC66', '#33CC99', '#33CCCC', '#33CCFF', '#6600CC', '#6600FF', '#6633CC', '#6633FF', '#66CC00', '#66CC33', '#9900CC', '#9900FF', '#9933CC', '#9933FF', '#99CC00', '#99CC33', '#CC0000', '#CC0033', '#CC0066', '#CC0099', '#CC00CC', '#CC00FF', '#CC3300', '#CC3333', '#CC3366', '#CC3399', '#CC33CC', '#CC33FF', '#CC6600', '#CC6633', '#CC9900', '#CC9933', '#CCCC00', '#CCCC33', '#FF0000', '#FF0033', '#FF0066', '#FF0099', '#FF00CC', '#FF00FF', '#FF3300', '#FF3333', '#FF3366', '#FF3399', '#FF33CC', '#FF33FF', '#FF6600', '#FF6633', '#FF9900', '#FF9933', '#FFCC00', '#FFCC33' ]; /** * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known * to support "%c" CSS customizations. * * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity function useColors() { // NB: In an Electron preload script, document will be defined but not fully // initialized. Since we know we're in Chrome, we'll just detect this case // explicitly if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.process && (window.process.type === 'renderer' || window.process.__nwjs)) { return true; } // Internet Explorer and Edge do not support colors. if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) { return false; } // Is webkit? // document is undefined in react-native: return (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.documentElement && && || // Is firebug? (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.console && (window.console.firebug || (window.console.exception && window.console.table))) || // Is firefox >= v31? // (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31) || // Double check webkit in userAgent just in case we are in a worker (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/)); } /** * Colorize log arguments if enabled. * * @api public */ function formatArgs(args) { args[0] = (this.useColors ? '%c' : '') + this.namespace + (this.useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + args[0] + (this.useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + '+' + module.exports.humanize(this.diff); if (!this.useColors) { return; } const c = 'color: ' + this.color; args.splice(1, 0, c, 'color: inherit'); // The final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into let index = 0; let lastC = 0; args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, match => { if (match === '%%') { return; } index++; if (match === '%c') { // We only are interested in the *last* %c // (the user may have provided their own) lastC = index; } }); args.splice(lastC, 0, c); } /** * Invokes `console.log()` when available. * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". * * @api public */ function log(...args) { // This hackery is required for IE8/9, where // the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' return typeof console === 'object' && console.log && console.log(...args); } /** * Save `namespaces`. * * @param {String} namespaces * @api private */ function save(namespaces) { try { if (namespaces) {'debug', namespaces); } else {'debug'); } } catch (error) { // Swallow // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? } } /** * Load `namespaces`. * * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes * @api private */ function load() { let r; try { r ='debug'); } catch (error) { // Swallow // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? } // If debug isn't set in LS, and we're in Electron, try to load $DEBUG if (!r && typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'env' in process) { r = process.env.DEBUG; } return r; } /** * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. * * This is necessary because safari throws * when a user disables cookies/localstorage * and you attempt to access it. * * @return {LocalStorage} * @api private */ function localstorage() { try { // TVMLKit (Apple TV JS Runtime) does not have a window object, just localStorage in the global context // The Browser also has localStorage in the global context. return localStorage; } catch (error) { // Swallow // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? } } module.exports = __webpack_require__(162)(exports); const {formatters} = module.exports; /** * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. */ formatters.j = function (v) { try { return JSON.stringify(v); } catch (error) { return '[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: ' + error.message; } }; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(30))) /***/ }), /* 17 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Compiles a querystring * Returns string representation of the object * * @param {Object} * @api private */ exports.encode = function (obj) { var str = ''; for (var i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (str.length) str += '&'; str += encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[i]); } } return str; }; /** * Parses a simple querystring into an object * * @param {String} qs * @api private */ exports.decode = function(qs){ var qry = {}; var pairs = qs.split('&'); for (var i = 0, l = pairs.length; i < l; i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); qry[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); } return qry; }; /***/ }), /* 18 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function(a, b){ var fn = function(){}; fn.prototype = b.prototype; a.prototype = new fn; a.prototype.constructor = a; }; /***/ }), /* 19 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {/* eslint-env browser */ /** * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. */ exports.log = log; exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; = save; exports.load = load; exports.useColors = useColors; = localstorage(); /** * Colors. */ exports.colors = [ '#0000CC', '#0000FF', '#0033CC', '#0033FF', '#0066CC', '#0066FF', '#0099CC', '#0099FF', '#00CC00', '#00CC33', '#00CC66', '#00CC99', '#00CCCC', '#00CCFF', '#3300CC', '#3300FF', '#3333CC', '#3333FF', '#3366CC', '#3366FF', '#3399CC', '#3399FF', '#33CC00', '#33CC33', '#33CC66', '#33CC99', '#33CCCC', '#33CCFF', '#6600CC', '#6600FF', '#6633CC', '#6633FF', '#66CC00', '#66CC33', '#9900CC', '#9900FF', '#9933CC', '#9933FF', '#99CC00', '#99CC33', '#CC0000', '#CC0033', '#CC0066', '#CC0099', '#CC00CC', '#CC00FF', '#CC3300', '#CC3333', '#CC3366', '#CC3399', '#CC33CC', '#CC33FF', '#CC6600', '#CC6633', '#CC9900', '#CC9933', '#CCCC00', '#CCCC33', '#FF0000', '#FF0033', '#FF0066', '#FF0099', '#FF00CC', '#FF00FF', '#FF3300', '#FF3333', '#FF3366', '#FF3399', '#FF33CC', '#FF33FF', '#FF6600', '#FF6633', '#FF9900', '#FF9933', '#FFCC00', '#FFCC33' ]; /** * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known * to support "%c" CSS customizations. * * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity function useColors() { // NB: In an Electron preload script, document will be defined but not fully // initialized. Since we know we're in Chrome, we'll just detect this case // explicitly if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.process && (window.process.type === 'renderer' || window.process.__nwjs)) { return true; } // Internet Explorer and Edge do not support colors. if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) { return false; } // Is webkit? // document is undefined in react-native: return (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.documentElement && && || // Is firebug? (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.console && (window.console.firebug || (window.console.exception && window.console.table))) || // Is firefox >= v31? // (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31) || // Double check webkit in userAgent just in case we are in a worker (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/)); } /** * Colorize log arguments if enabled. * * @api public */ function formatArgs(args) { args[0] = (this.useColors ? '%c' : '') + this.namespace + (this.useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + args[0] + (this.useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + '+' + module.exports.humanize(this.diff); if (!this.useColors) { return; } const c = 'color: ' + this.color; args.splice(1, 0, c, 'color: inherit'); // The final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into let index = 0; let lastC = 0; args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, match => { if (match === '%%') { return; } index++; if (match === '%c') { // We only are interested in the *last* %c // (the user may have provided their own) lastC = index; } }); args.splice(lastC, 0, c); } /** * Invokes `console.log()` when available. * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". * * @api public */ function log(...args) { // This hackery is required for IE8/9, where // the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' return typeof console === 'object' && console.log && console.log(...args); } /** * Save `namespaces`. * * @param {String} namespaces * @api private */ function save(namespaces) { try { if (namespaces) {'debug', namespaces); } else {'debug'); } } catch (error) { // Swallow // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? } } /** * Load `namespaces`. * * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes * @api private */ function load() { let r; try { r ='debug'); } catch (error) { // Swallow // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? } // If debug isn't set in LS, and we're in Electron, try to load $DEBUG if (!r && typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'env' in process) { r = process.env.DEBUG; } return r; } /** * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. * * This is necessary because safari throws * when a user disables cookies/localstorage * and you attempt to access it. * * @return {LocalStorage} * @api private */ function localstorage() { try { // TVMLKit (Apple TV JS Runtime) does not have a window object, just localStorage in the global context // The Browser also has localStorage in the global context. return localStorage; } catch (error) { // Swallow // XXX (@Qix-) should we be logging these? } } module.exports = __webpack_require__(182)(exports); const {formatters} = module.exports; /** * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. */ formatters.j = function (v) { try { return JSON.stringify(v); } catch (error) { return '[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: ' + error.message; } }; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(30))) /***/ }), /* 20 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = "" /***/ }), /* 21 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = __webpack_require__(81); /***/ }), /* 22 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process ^superscript^ // same as UNESCAPE_MD_RE plus a space var UNESCAPE_RE = /\\([ \\!"#$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~-])/g; function superscript(state, silent) { var found, content, token, max = state.posMax, start = state.pos; if (state.src.charCodeAt(start) !== 0x5E/* ^ */) { return false; } if (silent) { return false; } // don't run any pairs in validation mode if (start + 2 >= max) { return false; } state.pos = start + 1; while (state.pos < max) { if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos) === 0x5E/* ^ */) { found = true; break; }; } if (!found || start + 1 === state.pos) { state.pos = start; return false; } content = state.src.slice(start + 1, state.pos); // don't allow unescaped spaces/newlines inside if (content.match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\s/)) { state.pos = start; return false; } // found! state.posMax = state.pos; state.pos = start + 1; // Earlier we checked !silent, but this implementation does not need it token = state.push('sup_open', 'sup', 1); token.markup = '^'; token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content = content.replace(UNESCAPE_RE, '$1'); token = state.push('sup_close', 'sup', -1); token.markup = '^'; state.pos = state.posMax + 1; state.posMax = max; return true; } module.exports = function sup_plugin(md) { md.inline.ruler.after('emphasis', 'sup', superscript); }; /***/ }), /* 23 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Sanitizer module.exports = function sanitizer_plugin(md, options) { var linkify = md.linkify, escapeHtml = md.utils.escapeHtml, // patternLinkOpen = ']*href="[^"<>]*"[^<>]*)\\s?>', regexpLinkOpen = RegExp(patternLinkOpen, 'i'), // patternImage = ']*src="[^"<>]*"[^<>]*)\\s?\\/?>', regexpImage = RegExp(patternImage, 'i'), regexpImageProtocols = /^(?:https?:)?\/\//i, regexpLinkProtocols = /^(?:https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|\/\/|mailto:|xmpp:)/i; options = options ? options : {}; var removeUnknown = (typeof options.removeUnknown !== 'undefined') ? options.removeUnknown : false; var removeUnbalanced = (typeof options.removeUnbalanced !== 'undefined') ? options.removeUnbalanced : false; var imageClass = (typeof options.imageClass !== 'undefined') ? options.imageClass : ''; var runBalancer = false; var j; var allowedTags = [ 'a', 'b', 'blockquote', 'code', 'em', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'li', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 's', 'sub', 'sup', 'strong', 'ul' ]; var openTagCount = new Array(allowedTags.length); var removeTag = new Array(allowedTags.length); for (j = 0; j < allowedTags.length; j++) { openTagCount[j] = 0; } for (j = 0; j < allowedTags.length; j++) { removeTag[j] = false; } function getUrl(link) { var match = linkify.match(link); if (match && match.length === 1 && match[0].index === 0 && match[0].lastIndex === link.length) { return match[0].url; } return null; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REPLACE UNKNOWN TAGS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function replaceUnknownTags(str) { /* * it starts with '<' and maybe ends with '>', * maybe has a '<' on the right * it doesnt have '<' or '>' in between * -> it's a tag! */ str = str.replace(/<[^<>]*>?/gi, function (tag) { var match, attrs, url, alt, title, tagnameIndex; // '<->', '<- ' and '<3 ' look nice, they are harmless if (/(^<->|^<-\s|^<3\s)/.test(tag)) { return tag; } // images match = tag.match(regexpImage); if (match) { attrs = match[1]; url = getUrl(attrs.match(/src="([^"<>]*)"/i)[1]); alt = attrs.match(/alt="([^"<>]*)"/i); alt = (alt && typeof alt[1] !== 'undefined') ? alt[1] : ''; title = attrs.match(/title="([^"<>]*)"/i); title = (title && typeof title[1] !== 'undefined') ? title[1] : ''; // only http and https are allowed for images if (url && regexpImageProtocols.test(url)) { if (imageClass !== '') { return '' + alt + ''; } return '' + alt + ''; } } // links tagnameIndex = allowedTags.indexOf('a'); match = tag.match(regexpLinkOpen); if (match) { attrs = match[1]; url = getUrl(attrs.match(/href="([^"<>]*)"/i)[1]); title = attrs.match(/title="([^"<>]*)"/i); title = (title && typeof title[1] !== 'undefined') ? title[1] : ''; // only http, https, ftp, mailto and xmpp are allowed for links if (url && regexpLinkProtocols.test(url)) { runBalancer = true; openTagCount[tagnameIndex] += 1; return ''; } } match = /<\/a>/i.test(tag); if (match) { runBalancer = true; openTagCount[tagnameIndex] -= 1; if (openTagCount[tagnameIndex] < 0) { removeTag[tagnameIndex] = true; } return ''; } // standalone tags match = tag.match(/<(br|hr)\s?\/?>/i); if (match) { return '<' + match[1].toLowerCase() + '>'; } // whitelisted tags match = tag.match(/<(\/?)(b|blockquote|code|em|h[1-6]|li|ol(?: start="\d+")?|p|pre|s|sub|sup|strong|ul)>/i); if (match && !/<\/ol start="\d+"/i.test(tag)) { runBalancer = true; tagnameIndex = allowedTags.indexOf(match[2].toLowerCase().split(' ')[0]); if (match[1] === '/') { openTagCount[tagnameIndex] -= 1; } else { openTagCount[tagnameIndex] += 1; } if (openTagCount[tagnameIndex] < 0) { removeTag[tagnameIndex] = true; } return '<' + match[1] + match[2].toLowerCase() + '>'; } // other tags we don't recognize if (removeUnknown === true) { return ''; } return escapeHtml(tag); }); return str; } function sanitizeInlineAndBlock(state) { var i, blkIdx, inlineTokens; // reset counts for (j = 0; j < allowedTags.length; j++) { openTagCount[j] = 0; } for (j = 0; j < allowedTags.length; j++) { removeTag[j] = false; } runBalancer = false; for (blkIdx = 0; blkIdx < state.tokens.length; blkIdx++) { if (state.tokens[blkIdx].type === 'html_block') { state.tokens[blkIdx].content = replaceUnknownTags(state.tokens[blkIdx].content); } if (state.tokens[blkIdx].type !== 'inline') { continue; } inlineTokens = state.tokens[blkIdx].children; for (i = 0; i < inlineTokens.length; i++) { if (inlineTokens[i].type === 'html_inline') { inlineTokens[i].content = replaceUnknownTags(inlineTokens[i].content); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REPLACE UNBALANCED TAGS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function balance(state) { if (runBalancer === false) { return; } var blkIdx, inlineTokens; function replaceUnbalancedTag(str, tagname) { var openingRegexp, closingRegexp; if (tagname === 'a') { openingRegexp = RegExp(']*" title="[^"<>]*" target="_blank">', 'g'); } else if (tagname === 'ol') { openingRegexp = //g; } else { openingRegexp = RegExp('<' + tagname + '>', 'g'); } closingRegexp = RegExp('', 'g'); if (removeUnbalanced === true) { str = str.replace(openingRegexp, ''); str = str.replace(closingRegexp, ''); } else { str = str.replace(openingRegexp, function (m) { return escapeHtml(m); }); str = str.replace(closingRegexp, function (m) { return escapeHtml(m); }); } return str; } function replaceAllUnbalancedTags(str) { var i; for (i = 0; i < allowedTags.length; i++) { if (removeTag[i] === true) { str = replaceUnbalancedTag(str, allowedTags[i]); } } return str; } for (j = 0; j < allowedTags.length; j++) { if (openTagCount[j] !== 0) { removeTag[j] = true; } } // replace unbalanced tags for (blkIdx = 0; blkIdx < state.tokens.length; blkIdx++) { if (state.tokens[blkIdx].type === 'html_block') { state.tokens[blkIdx].content = replaceAllUnbalancedTags(state.tokens[blkIdx].content); continue; } if (state.tokens[blkIdx].type !== 'inline') { continue; } inlineTokens = state.tokens[blkIdx].children; for (j = 0; j < inlineTokens.length; j++) { if (inlineTokens[j].type === 'html_inline') { inlineTokens[j].content = replaceAllUnbalancedTags(inlineTokens[j].content); } } } } md.core.ruler.after('linkify', 'sanitize_inline', sanitizeInlineAndBlock); md.core.ruler.after('sanitize_inline', 'sanitize_balance', balance); }; /***/ }), /* 24 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Adapted from function findFirstMatchingConfig (link, configs) { var i, config var href = link.attrs[link.attrIndex('href')][1] for (i = 0; i < configs.length; ++i) { config = configs[i] // if there is no pattern, config matches for all links // otherwise, only return config if href matches the pattern set if (!config.pattern || new RegExp(config.pattern).test(href)) { return config } } } function applyAttributes (idx, tokens, attributes) { Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (attr) { var attrIndex var value = attributes[attr] if (attr === 'className') { // when dealing with applying classes // programatically, some programmers // may prefer to use the className syntax attr = 'class' } attrIndex = tokens[idx].attrIndex(attr) if (attrIndex < 0) { // attr doesn't exist, add new attribute tokens[idx].attrPush([attr, value]) } else { // attr already exists, overwrite it tokens[idx].attrs[attrIndex][1] = value // replace value of existing attr } }) } function markdownitLinkAttributes (md, configs) { if (!configs) { configs = [] } else { configs = Array.isArray(configs) ? configs : [configs] } Object.freeze(configs) var defaultRender = md.renderer.rules.link_open || this.defaultRender md.renderer.rules.link_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { var config = findFirstMatchingConfig(tokens[idx], configs) var attributes = config && config.attrs if (attributes) { applyAttributes(idx, tokens, attributes) } // pass token to default renderer. return defaultRender(tokens, idx, options, env, self) } } markdownitLinkAttributes.defaultRender = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options) } module.exports = markdownitLinkAttributes /***/ }), /* 25 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = "" /***/ }), /* 26 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /** * Use invariant() to assert state which your program assumes to be true. * * Provide sprintf-style format (only %s is supported) and arguments * to provide information about what broke and what you were * expecting. * * The invariant message will be stripped in production, but the invariant * will remain to ensure logic does not differ in production. */ var invariant = function(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (false) {} if (!condition) { var error; if (format === undefined) { error = new Error( 'Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment ' + 'for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.' ); } else { var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f]; var argIndex = 0; error = new Error( format.replace(/%s/g, function() { return args[argIndex++]; }) ); = 'Invariant Violation'; } error.framesToPop = 1; // we don't care about invariant's own frame throw error; } }; module.exports = invariant; /***/ }), /* 27 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports=/[!-#%-\*,-/:;\?@\[-\]_\{\}\xA1\xA7\xAB\xB6\xB7\xBB\xBF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u09FD\u0AF0\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166D\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E49\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]|\uD800[\uDD00-\uDD02\uDF9F\uDFD0]|\uD801\uDD6F|\uD802[\uDC57\uDD1F\uDD3F\uDE50-\uDE58\uDE7F\uDEF0-\uDEF6\uDF39-\uDF3F\uDF99-\uDF9C]|\uD804[\uDC47-\uDC4D\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDCBE-\uDCC1\uDD40-\uDD43\uDD74\uDD75\uDDC5-\uDDC9\uDDCD\uDDDB\uDDDD-\uDDDF\uDE38-\uDE3D\uDEA9]|\uD805[\uDC4B-\uDC4F\uDC5B\uDC5D\uDCC6\uDDC1-\uDDD7\uDE41-\uDE43\uDE60-\uDE6C\uDF3C-\uDF3E]|\uD806[\uDE3F-\uDE46\uDE9A-\uDE9C\uDE9E-\uDEA2]|\uD807[\uDC41-\uDC45\uDC70\uDC71]|\uD809[\uDC70-\uDC74]|\uD81A[\uDE6E\uDE6F\uDEF5\uDF37-\uDF3B\uDF44]|\uD82F\uDC9F|\uD836[\uDE87-\uDE8B]|\uD83A[\uDD5E\uDD5F]/ /***/ }), /* 28 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** * class Ruler * * Helper class, used by [[MarkdownIt#core]], [[MarkdownIt#block]] and * [[MarkdownIt#inline]] to manage sequences of functions (rules): * * - keep rules in defined order * - assign the name to each rule * - enable/disable rules * - add/replace rules * - allow assign rules to additional named chains (in the same) * - cacheing lists of active rules * * You will not need use this class directly until write plugins. For simple * rules control use [[MarkdownIt.disable]], [[MarkdownIt.enable]] and * [[MarkdownIt.use]]. **/ /** * new Ruler() **/ function Ruler() { // List of added rules. Each element is: // // { // name: XXX, // enabled: Boolean, // fn: Function(), // alt: [ name2, name3 ] // } // this.__rules__ = []; // Cached rule chains. // // First level - chain name, '' for default. // Second level - diginal anchor for fast filtering by charcodes. // this.__cache__ = null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods, should not be used directly // Find rule index by name // Ruler.prototype.__find__ = function (name) { for (var i = 0; i < this.__rules__.length; i++) { if (this.__rules__[i].name === name) { return i; } } return -1; }; // Build rules lookup cache // Ruler.prototype.__compile__ = function () { var self = this; var chains = [ '' ]; // collect unique names self.__rules__.forEach(function (rule) { if (!rule.enabled) { return; } rule.alt.forEach(function (altName) { if (chains.indexOf(altName) < 0) { chains.push(altName); } }); }); self.__cache__ = {}; chains.forEach(function (chain) { self.__cache__[chain] = []; self.__rules__.forEach(function (rule) { if (!rule.enabled) { return; } if (chain && rule.alt.indexOf(chain) < 0) { return; } self.__cache__[chain].push(rule.fn); }); }); }; /** *, fn [, options]) * - name (String): rule name to replace. * - fn (Function): new rule function. * - options (Object): new rule options (not mandatory). * * Replace rule by name with new function & options. Throws error if name not * found. * * ##### Options: * * - __alt__ - array with names of "alternate" chains. * * ##### Example * * Replace existing typographer replacement rule with new one: * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * *'replacements', function replace(state) { * //... * }); * ``` **/ = function (name, fn, options) { var index = this.__find__(name); var opt = options || {}; if (index === -1) { throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + name); } this.__rules__[index].fn = fn; this.__rules__[index].alt = opt.alt || []; this.__cache__ = null; }; /** * Ruler.before(beforeName, ruleName, fn [, options]) * - beforeName (String): new rule will be added before this one. * - ruleName (String): name of added rule. * - fn (Function): rule function. * - options (Object): rule options (not mandatory). * * Add new rule to chain before one with given name. See also * [[Ruler.after]], [[Ruler.push]]. * * ##### Options: * * - __alt__ - array with names of "alternate" chains. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * * md.block.ruler.before('paragraph', 'my_rule', function replace(state) { * //... * }); * ``` **/ Ruler.prototype.before = function (beforeName, ruleName, fn, options) { var index = this.__find__(beforeName); var opt = options || {}; if (index === -1) { throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + beforeName); } this.__rules__.splice(index, 0, { name: ruleName, enabled: true, fn: fn, alt: opt.alt || [] }); this.__cache__ = null; }; /** * Ruler.after(afterName, ruleName, fn [, options]) * - afterName (String): new rule will be added after this one. * - ruleName (String): name of added rule. * - fn (Function): rule function. * - options (Object): rule options (not mandatory). * * Add new rule to chain after one with given name. See also * [[Ruler.before]], [[Ruler.push]]. * * ##### Options: * * - __alt__ - array with names of "alternate" chains. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * * md.inline.ruler.after('text', 'my_rule', function replace(state) { * //... * }); * ``` **/ Ruler.prototype.after = function (afterName, ruleName, fn, options) { var index = this.__find__(afterName); var opt = options || {}; if (index === -1) { throw new Error('Parser rule not found: ' + afterName); } this.__rules__.splice(index + 1, 0, { name: ruleName, enabled: true, fn: fn, alt: opt.alt || [] }); this.__cache__ = null; }; /** * Ruler.push(ruleName, fn [, options]) * - ruleName (String): name of added rule. * - fn (Function): rule function. * - options (Object): rule options (not mandatory). * * Push new rule to the end of chain. See also * [[Ruler.before]], [[Ruler.after]]. * * ##### Options: * * - __alt__ - array with names of "alternate" chains. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * * md.core.ruler.push('my_rule', function replace(state) { * //... * }); * ``` **/ Ruler.prototype.push = function (ruleName, fn, options) { var opt = options || {}; this.__rules__.push({ name: ruleName, enabled: true, fn: fn, alt: opt.alt || [] }); this.__cache__ = null; }; /** * Ruler.enable(list [, ignoreInvalid]) -> Array * - list (String|Array): list of rule names to enable. * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found. * * Enable rules with given names. If any rule name not found - throw Error. * Errors can be disabled by second param. * * Returns list of found rule names (if no exception happened). * * See also [[Ruler.disable]], [[Ruler.enableOnly]]. **/ Ruler.prototype.enable = function (list, ignoreInvalid) { if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; } var result = []; // Search by name and enable list.forEach(function (name) { var idx = this.__find__(name); if (idx < 0) { if (ignoreInvalid) { return; } throw new Error('Rules manager: invalid rule name ' + name); } this.__rules__[idx].enabled = true; result.push(name); }, this); this.__cache__ = null; return result; }; /** * Ruler.enableOnly(list [, ignoreInvalid]) * - list (String|Array): list of rule names to enable (whitelist). * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found. * * Enable rules with given names, and disable everything else. If any rule name * not found - throw Error. Errors can be disabled by second param. * * See also [[Ruler.disable]], [[Ruler.enable]]. **/ Ruler.prototype.enableOnly = function (list, ignoreInvalid) { if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; } this.__rules__.forEach(function (rule) { rule.enabled = false; }); this.enable(list, ignoreInvalid); }; /** * Ruler.disable(list [, ignoreInvalid]) -> Array * - list (String|Array): list of rule names to disable. * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found. * * Disable rules with given names. If any rule name not found - throw Error. * Errors can be disabled by second param. * * Returns list of found rule names (if no exception happened). * * See also [[Ruler.enable]], [[Ruler.enableOnly]]. **/ Ruler.prototype.disable = function (list, ignoreInvalid) { if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; } var result = []; // Search by name and disable list.forEach(function (name) { var idx = this.__find__(name); if (idx < 0) { if (ignoreInvalid) { return; } throw new Error('Rules manager: invalid rule name ' + name); } this.__rules__[idx].enabled = false; result.push(name); }, this); this.__cache__ = null; return result; }; /** * Ruler.getRules(chainName) -> Array * * Return array of active functions (rules) for given chain name. It analyzes * rules configuration, compiles caches if not exists and returns result. * * Default chain name is `''` (empty string). It can't be skipped. That's * done intentionally, to keep signature monomorphic for high speed. **/ Ruler.prototype.getRules = function (chainName) { if (this.__cache__ === null) { this.__compile__(); } // Chain can be empty, if rules disabled. But we still have to return Array. return this.__cache__[chainName] || []; }; module.exports = Ruler; /***/ }), /* 29 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Token class /** * class Token **/ /** * new Token(type, tag, nesting) * * Create new token and fill passed properties. **/ function Token(type, tag, nesting) { /** * Token#type -> String * * Type of the token (string, e.g. "paragraph_open") **/ this.type = type; /** * Token#tag -> String * * html tag name, e.g. "p" **/ this.tag = tag; /** * Token#attrs -> Array * * Html attributes. Format: `[ [ name1, value1 ], [ name2, value2 ] ]` **/ this.attrs = null; /** * Token#map -> Array * * Source map info. Format: `[ line_begin, line_end ]` **/ = null; /** * Token#nesting -> Number * * Level change (number in {-1, 0, 1} set), where: * * - `1` means the tag is opening * - `0` means the tag is self-closing * - `-1` means the tag is closing **/ this.nesting = nesting; /** * Token#level -> Number * * nesting level, the same as `state.level` **/ this.level = 0; /** * Token#children -> Array * * An array of child nodes (inline and img tokens) **/ this.children = null; /** * Token#content -> String * * In a case of self-closing tag (code, html, fence, etc.), * it has contents of this tag. **/ this.content = ''; /** * Token#markup -> String * * '*' or '_' for emphasis, fence string for fence, etc. **/ this.markup = ''; /** * Token#info -> String * * fence infostring **/ = ''; /** * Token#meta -> Object * * A place for plugins to store an arbitrary data **/ this.meta = null; /** * Token#block -> Boolean * * True for block-level tokens, false for inline tokens. * Used in renderer to calculate line breaks **/ this.block = false; /** * Token#hidden -> Boolean * * If it's true, ignore this element when rendering. Used for tight lists * to hide paragraphs. **/ this.hidden = false; } /** * Token.attrIndex(name) -> Number * * Search attribute index by name. **/ Token.prototype.attrIndex = function attrIndex(name) { var attrs, i, len; if (!this.attrs) { return -1; } attrs = this.attrs; for (i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) { if (attrs[i][0] === name) { return i; } } return -1; }; /** * Token.attrPush(attrData) * * Add `[ name, value ]` attribute to list. Init attrs if necessary **/ Token.prototype.attrPush = function attrPush(attrData) { if (this.attrs) { this.attrs.push(attrData); } else { this.attrs = [ attrData ]; } }; /** * Token.attrSet(name, value) * * Set `name` attribute to `value`. Override old value if exists. **/ Token.prototype.attrSet = function attrSet(name, value) { var idx = this.attrIndex(name), attrData = [ name, value ]; if (idx < 0) { this.attrPush(attrData); } else { this.attrs[idx] = attrData; } }; /** * Token.attrGet(name) * * Get the value of attribute `name`, or null if it does not exist. **/ Token.prototype.attrGet = function attrGet(name) { var idx = this.attrIndex(name), value = null; if (idx >= 0) { value = this.attrs[idx][1]; } return value; }; /** * Token.attrJoin(name, value) * * Join value to existing attribute via space. Or create new attribute if not * exists. Useful to operate with token classes. **/ Token.prototype.attrJoin = function attrJoin(name, value) { var idx = this.attrIndex(name); if (idx < 0) { this.attrPush([ name, value ]); } else { this.attrs[idx][1] = this.attrs[idx][1] + ' ' + value; } }; module.exports = Token; /***/ }), /* 30 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // shim for using process in browser var process = module.exports = {}; // cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it // don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is // wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a // function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines. var cachedSetTimeout; var cachedClearTimeout; function defaultSetTimout() { throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined'); } function defaultClearTimeout () { throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined'); } (function () { try { if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') { cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; } else { cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; } } catch (e) { cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout; } try { if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') { cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; } else { cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; } } catch (e) { cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout; } } ()) function runTimeout(fun) { if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) { //normal enviroments in sane situations return setTimeout(fun, 0); } // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) { cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout; return setTimeout(fun, 0); } try { // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0); } catch(e){ try { // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally return, fun, 0); } catch(e){ // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error return, fun, 0); } } } function runClearTimeout(marker) { if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) { //normal enviroments in sane situations return clearTimeout(marker); } // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) { cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout; return clearTimeout(marker); } try { // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness return cachedClearTimeout(marker); } catch (e){ try { // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally return, marker); } catch (e){ // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error. // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout return, marker); } } } var queue = []; var draining = false; var currentQueue; var queueIndex = -1; function cleanUpNextTick() { if (!draining || !currentQueue) { return; } draining = false; if (currentQueue.length) { queue = currentQueue.concat(queue); } else { queueIndex = -1; } if (queue.length) { drainQueue(); } } function drainQueue() { if (draining) { return; } var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick); draining = true; var len = queue.length; while(len) { currentQueue = queue; queue = []; while (++queueIndex < len) { if (currentQueue) { currentQueue[queueIndex].run(); } } queueIndex = -1; len = queue.length; } currentQueue = null; draining = false; runClearTimeout(timeout); } process.nextTick = function (fun) { var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } } queue.push(new Item(fun, args)); if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) { runTimeout(drainQueue); } }; // v8 likes predictible objects function Item(fun, array) { = fun; this.array = array; } = function () {, this.array); }; process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues process.versions = {}; function noop() {} process.on = noop; process.addListener = noop; process.once = noop; = noop; process.removeListener = noop; process.removeAllListeners = noop; process.emit = noop; process.prependListener = noop; process.prependOnceListener = noop; process.listeners = function (name) { return [] } process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); }; process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; process.umask = function() { return 0; }; /***/ }), /* 31 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var debug = __webpack_require__(164)(''); var Emitter = __webpack_require__(12); var binary = __webpack_require__(167); var isArray = __webpack_require__(46); var isBuf = __webpack_require__(47); /** * Protocol version. * * @api public */ exports.protocol = 4; /** * Packet types. * * @api public */ exports.types = [ 'CONNECT', 'DISCONNECT', 'EVENT', 'ACK', 'ERROR', 'BINARY_EVENT', 'BINARY_ACK' ]; /** * Packet type `connect`. * * @api public */ exports.CONNECT = 0; /** * Packet type `disconnect`. * * @api public */ exports.DISCONNECT = 1; /** * Packet type `event`. * * @api public */ exports.EVENT = 2; /** * Packet type `ack`. * * @api public */ exports.ACK = 3; /** * Packet type `error`. * * @api public */ exports.ERROR = 4; /** * Packet type 'binary event' * * @api public */ exports.BINARY_EVENT = 5; /** * Packet type `binary ack`. For acks with binary arguments. * * @api public */ exports.BINARY_ACK = 6; /** * Encoder constructor. * * @api public */ exports.Encoder = Encoder; /** * Decoder constructor. * * @api public */ exports.Decoder = Decoder; /** * A Encoder instance * * @api public */ function Encoder() {} var ERROR_PACKET = exports.ERROR + '"encode error"'; /** * Encode a packet as a single string if non-binary, or as a * buffer sequence, depending on packet type. * * @param {Object} obj - packet object * @param {Function} callback - function to handle encodings (likely engine.write) * @return Calls callback with Array of encodings * @api public */ Encoder.prototype.encode = function(obj, callback){ debug('encoding packet %j', obj); if (exports.BINARY_EVENT === obj.type || exports.BINARY_ACK === obj.type) { encodeAsBinary(obj, callback); } else { var encoding = encodeAsString(obj); callback([encoding]); } }; /** * Encode packet as string. * * @param {Object} packet * @return {String} encoded * @api private */ function encodeAsString(obj) { // first is type var str = '' + obj.type; // attachments if we have them if (exports.BINARY_EVENT === obj.type || exports.BINARY_ACK === obj.type) { str += obj.attachments + '-'; } // if we have a namespace other than `/` // we append it followed by a comma `,` if (obj.nsp && '/' !== obj.nsp) { str += obj.nsp + ','; } // immediately followed by the id if (null != { str +=; } // json data if (null != { var payload = tryStringify(; if (payload !== false) { str += payload; } else { return ERROR_PACKET; } } debug('encoded %j as %s', obj, str); return str; } function tryStringify(str) { try { return JSON.stringify(str); } catch(e){ return false; } } /** * Encode packet as 'buffer sequence' by removing blobs, and * deconstructing packet into object with placeholders and * a list of buffers. * * @param {Object} packet * @return {Buffer} encoded * @api private */ function encodeAsBinary(obj, callback) { function writeEncoding(bloblessData) { var deconstruction = binary.deconstructPacket(bloblessData); var pack = encodeAsString(deconstruction.packet); var buffers = deconstruction.buffers; buffers.unshift(pack); // add packet info to beginning of data list callback(buffers); // write all the buffers } binary.removeBlobs(obj, writeEncoding); } /** * A Decoder instance * * @return {Object} decoder * @api public */ function Decoder() { this.reconstructor = null; } /** * Mix in `Emitter` with Decoder. */ Emitter(Decoder.prototype); /** * Decodes an encoded packet string into packet JSON. * * @param {String} obj - encoded packet * @return {Object} packet * @api public */ Decoder.prototype.add = function(obj) { var packet; if (typeof obj === 'string') { packet = decodeString(obj); if (exports.BINARY_EVENT === packet.type || exports.BINARY_ACK === packet.type) { // binary packet's json this.reconstructor = new BinaryReconstructor(packet); // no attachments, labeled binary but no binary data to follow if (this.reconstructor.reconPack.attachments === 0) { this.emit('decoded', packet); } } else { // non-binary full packet this.emit('decoded', packet); } } else if (isBuf(obj) || obj.base64) { // raw binary data if (!this.reconstructor) { throw new Error('got binary data when not reconstructing a packet'); } else { packet = this.reconstructor.takeBinaryData(obj); if (packet) { // received final buffer this.reconstructor = null; this.emit('decoded', packet); } } } else { throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + obj); } }; /** * Decode a packet String (JSON data) * * @param {String} str * @return {Object} packet * @api private */ function decodeString(str) { var i = 0; // look up type var p = { type: Number(str.charAt(0)) }; if (null == exports.types[p.type]) { return error('unknown packet type ' + p.type); } // look up attachments if type binary if (exports.BINARY_EVENT === p.type || exports.BINARY_ACK === p.type) { var buf = ''; while (str.charAt(++i) !== '-') { buf += str.charAt(i); if (i == str.length) break; } if (buf != Number(buf) || str.charAt(i) !== '-') { throw new Error('Illegal attachments'); } p.attachments = Number(buf); } // look up namespace (if any) if ('/' === str.charAt(i + 1)) { p.nsp = ''; while (++i) { var c = str.charAt(i); if (',' === c) break; p.nsp += c; if (i === str.length) break; } } else { p.nsp = '/'; } // look up id var next = str.charAt(i + 1); if ('' !== next && Number(next) == next) { = ''; while (++i) { var c = str.charAt(i); if (null == c || Number(c) != c) { --i; break; } += str.charAt(i); if (i === str.length) break; } = Number(; } // look up json data if (str.charAt(++i)) { var payload = tryParse(str.substr(i)); var isPayloadValid = payload !== false && (p.type === exports.ERROR || isArray(payload)); if (isPayloadValid) { = payload; } else { return error('invalid payload'); } } debug('decoded %s as %j', str, p); return p; } function tryParse(str) { try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch(e){ return false; } } /** * Deallocates a parser's resources * * @api public */ Decoder.prototype.destroy = function() { if (this.reconstructor) { this.reconstructor.finishedReconstruction(); } }; /** * A manager of a binary event's 'buffer sequence'. Should * be constructed whenever a packet of type BINARY_EVENT is * decoded. * * @param {Object} packet * @return {BinaryReconstructor} initialized reconstructor * @api private */ function BinaryReconstructor(packet) { this.reconPack = packet; this.buffers = []; } /** * Method to be called when binary data received from connection * after a BINARY_EVENT packet. * * @param {Buffer | ArrayBuffer} binData - the raw binary data received * @return {null | Object} returns null if more binary data is expected or * a reconstructed packet object if all buffers have been received. * @api private */ BinaryReconstructor.prototype.takeBinaryData = function(binData) { this.buffers.push(binData); if (this.buffers.length === this.reconPack.attachments) { // done with buffer list var packet = binary.reconstructPacket(this.reconPack, this.buffers); this.finishedReconstruction(); return packet; } return null; }; /** * Cleans up binary packet reconstruction variables. * * @api private */ BinaryReconstructor.prototype.finishedReconstruction = function() { this.reconPack = null; this.buffers = []; }; function error(msg) { return { type: exports.ERROR, data: 'parser error: ' + msg }; } /***/ }), /* 32 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/*! * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. * * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh * @license MIT */ /* eslint-disable no-proto */ var base64 = __webpack_require__(168) var ieee754 = __webpack_require__(169) var isArray = __webpack_require__(170) exports.Buffer = Buffer exports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50 /** * If `Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT`: * === true Use Uint8Array implementation (fastest) * === false Use Object implementation (most compatible, even IE6) * * Browsers that support typed arrays are IE 10+, Firefox 4+, Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+, * Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+. * * Due to various browser bugs, sometimes the Object implementation will be used even * when the browser supports typed arrays. * * Note: * * - Firefox 4-29 lacks support for adding new properties to `Uint8Array` instances, * See: * * - Chrome 9-10 is missing the `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function. * * - IE10 has a broken `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function which returns arrays of * incorrect length in some situations. * We detect these buggy browsers and set `Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT` to `false` so they * get the Object implementation, which is slower but behaves correctly. */ Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = global.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT !== undefined ? global.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT : typedArraySupport() /* * Export kMaxLength after typed array support is determined. */ exports.kMaxLength = kMaxLength() function typedArraySupport () { try { var arr = new Uint8Array(1) arr.__proto__ = {__proto__: Uint8Array.prototype, foo: function () { return 42 }} return === 42 && // typed array instances can be augmented typeof arr.subarray === 'function' && // chrome 9-10 lack `subarray` arr.subarray(1, 1).byteLength === 0 // ie10 has broken `subarray` } catch (e) { return false } } function kMaxLength () { return Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? 0x7fffffff : 0x3fffffff } function createBuffer (that, length) { if (kMaxLength() < length) { throw new RangeError('Invalid typed array length') } if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance, for best performance that = new Uint8Array(length) that.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype } else { // Fallback: Return an object instance of the Buffer class if (that === null) { that = new Buffer(length) } that.length = length } return that } /** * The Buffer constructor returns instances of `Uint8Array` that have their * prototype changed to `Buffer.prototype`. Furthermore, `Buffer` is a subclass of * `Uint8Array`, so the returned instances will have all the node `Buffer` methods * and the `Uint8Array` methods. Square bracket notation works as expected -- it * returns a single octet. * * The `Uint8Array` prototype remains unmodified. */ function Buffer (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) { if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && !(this instanceof Buffer)) { return new Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length) } // Common case. if (typeof arg === 'number') { if (typeof encodingOrOffset === 'string') { throw new Error( 'If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string' ) } return allocUnsafe(this, arg) } return from(this, arg, encodingOrOffset, length) } Buffer.poolSize = 8192 // not used by this implementation // TODO: Legacy, not needed anymore. Remove in next major version. Buffer._augment = function (arr) { arr.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype return arr } function from (that, value, encodingOrOffset, length) { if (typeof value === 'number') { throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number') } if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && value instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return fromArrayBuffer(that, value, encodingOrOffset, length) } if (typeof value === 'string') { return fromString(that, value, encodingOrOffset) } return fromObject(that, value) } /** * Functionally equivalent to Buffer(arg, encoding) but throws a TypeError * if value is a number. * Buffer.from(str[, encoding]) * Buffer.from(array) * Buffer.from(buffer) * Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]]) **/ Buffer.from = function (value, encodingOrOffset, length) { return from(null, value, encodingOrOffset, length) } if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { Buffer.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype Buffer.__proto__ = Uint8Array if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.species && Buffer[Symbol.species] === Buffer) { // Fix subarray() in ES2016. See: Object.defineProperty(Buffer, Symbol.species, { value: null, configurable: true }) } } function assertSize (size) { if (typeof size !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number') } else if (size < 0) { throw new RangeError('"size" argument must not be negative') } } function alloc (that, size, fill, encoding) { assertSize(size) if (size <= 0) { return createBuffer(that, size) } if (fill !== undefined) { // Only pay attention to encoding if it's a string. This // prevents accidentally sending in a number that would // be interpretted as a start offset. return typeof encoding === 'string' ? createBuffer(that, size).fill(fill, encoding) : createBuffer(that, size).fill(fill) } return createBuffer(that, size) } /** * Creates a new filled Buffer instance. * alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]]) **/ Buffer.alloc = function (size, fill, encoding) { return alloc(null, size, fill, encoding) } function allocUnsafe (that, size) { assertSize(size) that = createBuffer(that, size < 0 ? 0 : checked(size) | 0) if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) { that[i] = 0 } } return that } /** * Equivalent to Buffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance. * */ Buffer.allocUnsafe = function (size) { return allocUnsafe(null, size) } /** * Equivalent to SlowBuffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance. */ Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (size) { return allocUnsafe(null, size) } function fromString (that, string, encoding) { if (typeof encoding !== 'string' || encoding === '') { encoding = 'utf8' } if (!Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) { throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding') } var length = byteLength(string, encoding) | 0 that = createBuffer(that, length) var actual = that.write(string, encoding) if (actual !== length) { // Writing a hex string, for example, that contains invalid characters will // cause everything after the first invalid character to be ignored. (e.g. // 'abxxcd' will be treated as 'ab') that = that.slice(0, actual) } return that } function fromArrayLike (that, array) { var length = array.length < 0 ? 0 : checked(array.length) | 0 that = createBuffer(that, length) for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { that[i] = array[i] & 255 } return that } function fromArrayBuffer (that, array, byteOffset, length) { array.byteLength // this throws if `array` is not a valid ArrayBuffer if (byteOffset < 0 || array.byteLength < byteOffset) { throw new RangeError('\'offset\' is out of bounds') } if (array.byteLength < byteOffset + (length || 0)) { throw new RangeError('\'length\' is out of bounds') } if (byteOffset === undefined && length === undefined) { array = new Uint8Array(array) } else if (length === undefined) { array = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset) } else { array = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset, length) } if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance, for best performance that = array that.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype } else { // Fallback: Return an object instance of the Buffer class that = fromArrayLike(that, array) } return that } function fromObject (that, obj) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) { var len = checked(obj.length) | 0 that = createBuffer(that, len) if (that.length === 0) { return that } obj.copy(that, 0, 0, len) return that } if (obj) { if ((typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) || 'length' in obj) { if (typeof obj.length !== 'number' || isnan(obj.length)) { return createBuffer(that, 0) } return fromArrayLike(that, obj) } if (obj.type === 'Buffer' && isArray( { return fromArrayLike(that, } } throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.') } function checked (length) { // Note: cannot use `length < kMaxLength()` here because that fails when // length is NaN (which is otherwise coerced to zero.) if (length >= kMaxLength()) { throw new RangeError('Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum ' + 'size: 0x' + kMaxLength().toString(16) + ' bytes') } return length | 0 } function SlowBuffer (length) { if (+length != length) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq length = 0 } return Buffer.alloc(+length) } Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer (b) { return !!(b != null && b._isBuffer) } = function compare (a, b) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b)) { throw new TypeError('Arguments must be Buffers') } if (a === b) return 0 var x = a.length var y = b.length for (var i = 0, len = Math.min(x, y); i < len; ++i) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { x = a[i] y = b[i] break } } if (x < y) return -1 if (y < x) return 1 return 0 } Buffer.isEncoding = function isEncoding (encoding) { switch (String(encoding).toLowerCase()) { case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return true default: return false } } Buffer.concat = function concat (list, length) { if (!isArray(list)) { throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers') } if (list.length === 0) { return Buffer.alloc(0) } var i if (length === undefined) { length = 0 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { length += list[i].length } } var buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(length) var pos = 0 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { var buf = list[i] if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) { throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers') } buf.copy(buffer, pos) pos += buf.length } return buffer } function byteLength (string, encoding) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(string)) { return string.length } if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && typeof ArrayBuffer.isView === 'function' && (ArrayBuffer.isView(string) || string instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { return string.byteLength } if (typeof string !== 'string') { string = '' + string } var len = string.length if (len === 0) return 0 // Use a for loop to avoid recursion var loweredCase = false for (;;) { switch (encoding) { case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return len case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case undefined: return utf8ToBytes(string).length case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return len * 2 case 'hex': return len >>> 1 case 'base64': return base64ToBytes(string).length default: if (loweredCase) return utf8ToBytes(string).length // assume utf8 encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase() loweredCase = true } } } Buffer.byteLength = byteLength function slowToString (encoding, start, end) { var loweredCase = false // No need to verify that "this.length <= MAX_UINT32" since it's a read-only // property of a typed array. // This behaves neither like String nor Uint8Array in that we set start/end // to their upper/lower bounds if the value passed is out of range. // undefined is handled specially as per ECMA-262 6th Edition, // Section Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization. if (start === undefined || start < 0) { start = 0 } // Return early if start > this.length. Done here to prevent potential uint32 // coercion fail below. if (start > this.length) { return '' } if (end === undefined || end > this.length) { end = this.length } if (end <= 0) { return '' } // Force coersion to uint32. This will also coerce falsey/NaN values to 0. end >>>= 0 start >>>= 0 if (end <= start) { return '' } if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8' while (true) { switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return hexSlice(this, start, end) case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8Slice(this, start, end) case 'ascii': return asciiSlice(this, start, end) case 'latin1': case 'binary': return latin1Slice(this, start, end) case 'base64': return base64Slice(this, start, end) case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return utf16leSlice(this, start, end) default: if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding) encoding = (encoding + '').toLowerCase() loweredCase = true } } } // The property is used by `Buffer.isBuffer` and `is-buffer` (in Safari 5-7) to detect // Buffer instances. Buffer.prototype._isBuffer = true function swap (b, n, m) { var i = b[n] b[n] = b[m] b[m] = i } Buffer.prototype.swap16 = function swap16 () { var len = this.length if (len % 2 !== 0) { throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits') } for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { swap(this, i, i + 1) } return this } Buffer.prototype.swap32 = function swap32 () { var len = this.length if (len % 4 !== 0) { throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits') } for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { swap(this, i, i + 3) swap(this, i + 1, i + 2) } return this } Buffer.prototype.swap64 = function swap64 () { var len = this.length if (len % 8 !== 0) { throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits') } for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { swap(this, i, i + 7) swap(this, i + 1, i + 6) swap(this, i + 2, i + 5) swap(this, i + 3, i + 4) } return this } Buffer.prototype.toString = function toString () { var length = this.length | 0 if (length === 0) return '' if (arguments.length === 0) return utf8Slice(this, 0, length) return slowToString.apply(this, arguments) } Buffer.prototype.equals = function equals (b) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer') if (this === b) return true return, b) === 0 } Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect () { var str = '' var max = exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES if (this.length > 0) { str = this.toString('hex', 0, max).match(/.{2}/g).join(' ') if (this.length > max) str += ' ... ' } return '' } = function compare (target, start, end, thisStart, thisEnd) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(target)) { throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer') } if (start === undefined) { start = 0 } if (end === undefined) { end = target ? target.length : 0 } if (thisStart === undefined) { thisStart = 0 } if (thisEnd === undefined) { thisEnd = this.length } if (start < 0 || end > target.length || thisStart < 0 || thisEnd > this.length) { throw new RangeError('out of range index') } if (thisStart >= thisEnd && start >= end) { return 0 } if (thisStart >= thisEnd) { return -1 } if (start >= end) { return 1 } start >>>= 0 end >>>= 0 thisStart >>>= 0 thisEnd >>>= 0 if (this === target) return 0 var x = thisEnd - thisStart var y = end - start var len = Math.min(x, y) var thisCopy = this.slice(thisStart, thisEnd) var targetCopy = target.slice(start, end) for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (thisCopy[i] !== targetCopy[i]) { x = thisCopy[i] y = targetCopy[i] break } } if (x < y) return -1 if (y < x) return 1 return 0 } // Finds either the first index of `val` in `buffer` at offset >= `byteOffset`, // OR the last index of `val` in `buffer` at offset <= `byteOffset`. // // Arguments: // - buffer - a Buffer to search // - val - a string, Buffer, or number // - byteOffset - an index into `buffer`; will be clamped to an int32 // - encoding - an optional encoding, relevant is val is a string // - dir - true for indexOf, false for lastIndexOf function bidirectionalIndexOf (buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) { // Empty buffer means no match if (buffer.length === 0) return -1 // Normalize byteOffset if (typeof byteOffset === 'string') { encoding = byteOffset byteOffset = 0 } else if (byteOffset > 0x7fffffff) { byteOffset = 0x7fffffff } else if (byteOffset < -0x80000000) { byteOffset = -0x80000000 } byteOffset = +byteOffset // Coerce to Number. if (isNaN(byteOffset)) { // byteOffset: it it's undefined, null, NaN, "foo", etc, search whole buffer byteOffset = dir ? 0 : (buffer.length - 1) } // Normalize byteOffset: negative offsets start from the end of the buffer if (byteOffset < 0) byteOffset = buffer.length + byteOffset if (byteOffset >= buffer.length) { if (dir) return -1 else byteOffset = buffer.length - 1 } else if (byteOffset < 0) { if (dir) byteOffset = 0 else return -1 } // Normalize val if (typeof val === 'string') { val = Buffer.from(val, encoding) } // Finally, search either indexOf (if dir is true) or lastIndexOf if (Buffer.isBuffer(val)) { // Special case: looking for empty string/buffer always fails if (val.length === 0) { return -1 } return arrayIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) } else if (typeof val === 'number') { val = val & 0xFF // Search for a byte value [0-255] if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function') { if (dir) { return, val, byteOffset) } else { return, val, byteOffset) } } return arrayIndexOf(buffer, [ val ], byteOffset, encoding, dir) } throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer') } function arrayIndexOf (arr, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) { var indexSize = 1 var arrLength = arr.length var valLength = val.length if (encoding !== undefined) { encoding = String(encoding).toLowerCase() if (encoding === 'ucs2' || encoding === 'ucs-2' || encoding === 'utf16le' || encoding === 'utf-16le') { if (arr.length < 2 || val.length < 2) { return -1 } indexSize = 2 arrLength /= 2 valLength /= 2 byteOffset /= 2 } } function read (buf, i) { if (indexSize === 1) { return buf[i] } else { return buf.readUInt16BE(i * indexSize) } } var i if (dir) { var foundIndex = -1 for (i = byteOffset; i < arrLength; i++) { if (read(arr, i) === read(val, foundIndex === -1 ? 0 : i - foundIndex)) { if (foundIndex === -1) foundIndex = i if (i - foundIndex + 1 === valLength) return foundIndex * indexSize } else { if (foundIndex !== -1) i -= i - foundIndex foundIndex = -1 } } } else { if (byteOffset + valLength > arrLength) byteOffset = arrLength - valLength for (i = byteOffset; i >= 0; i--) { var found = true for (var j = 0; j < valLength; j++) { if (read(arr, i + j) !== read(val, j)) { found = false break } } if (found) return i } } return -1 } Buffer.prototype.includes = function includes (val, byteOffset, encoding) { return this.indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) !== -1 } Buffer.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) { return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, true) } Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) { return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, false) } function hexWrite (buf, string, offset, length) { offset = Number(offset) || 0 var remaining = buf.length - offset if (!length) { length = remaining } else { length = Number(length) if (length > remaining) { length = remaining } } // must be an even number of digits var strLen = string.length if (strLen % 2 !== 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid hex string') if (length > strLen / 2) { length = strLen / 2 } for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var parsed = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16) if (isNaN(parsed)) return i buf[offset + i] = parsed } return i } function utf8Write (buf, string, offset, length) { return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length) } function asciiWrite (buf, string, offset, length) { return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), buf, offset, length) } function latin1Write (buf, string, offset, length) { return asciiWrite(buf, string, offset, length) } function base64Write (buf, string, offset, length) { return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length) } function ucs2Write (buf, string, offset, length) { return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length) } Buffer.prototype.write = function write (string, offset, length, encoding) { // Buffer#write(string) if (offset === undefined) { encoding = 'utf8' length = this.length offset = 0 // Buffer#write(string, encoding) } else if (length === undefined && typeof offset === 'string') { encoding = offset length = this.length offset = 0 // Buffer#write(string, offset[, length][, encoding]) } else if (isFinite(offset)) { offset = offset | 0 if (isFinite(length)) { length = length | 0 if (encoding === undefined) encoding = 'utf8' } else { encoding = length length = undefined } // legacy write(string, encoding, offset, length) - remove in v0.13 } else { throw new Error( 'Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported' ) } var remaining = this.length - offset if (length === undefined || length > remaining) length = remaining if ((string.length > 0 && (length < 0 || offset < 0)) || offset > this.length) { throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds') } if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8' var loweredCase = false for (;;) { switch (encoding) { case 'hex': return hexWrite(this, string, offset, length) case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8Write(this, string, offset, length) case 'ascii': return asciiWrite(this, string, offset, length) case 'latin1': case 'binary': return latin1Write(this, string, offset, length) case 'base64': // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write return base64Write(this, string, offset, length) case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return ucs2Write(this, string, offset, length) default: if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding) encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase() loweredCase = true } } } Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON () { return { type: 'Buffer', data: || this, 0) } } function base64Slice (buf, start, end) { if (start === 0 && end === buf.length) { return base64.fromByteArray(buf) } else { return base64.fromByteArray(buf.slice(start, end)) } } function utf8Slice (buf, start, end) { end = Math.min(buf.length, end) var res = [] var i = start while (i < end) { var firstByte = buf[i] var codePoint = null var bytesPerSequence = (firstByte > 0xEF) ? 4 : (firstByte > 0xDF) ? 3 : (firstByte > 0xBF) ? 2 : 1 if (i + bytesPerSequence <= end) { var secondByte, thirdByte, fourthByte, tempCodePoint switch (bytesPerSequence) { case 1: if (firstByte < 0x80) { codePoint = firstByte } break case 2: secondByte = buf[i + 1] if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) { tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0x1F) << 0x6 | (secondByte & 0x3F) if (tempCodePoint > 0x7F) { codePoint = tempCodePoint } } break case 3: secondByte = buf[i + 1] thirdByte = buf[i + 2] if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) { tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0xC | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (thirdByte & 0x3F) if (tempCodePoint > 0x7FF && (tempCodePoint < 0xD800 || tempCodePoint > 0xDFFF)) { codePoint = tempCodePoint } } break case 4: secondByte = buf[i + 1] thirdByte = buf[i + 2] fourthByte = buf[i + 3] if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (fourthByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) { tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0x12 | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0xC | (thirdByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (fourthByte & 0x3F) if (tempCodePoint > 0xFFFF && tempCodePoint < 0x110000) { codePoint = tempCodePoint } } } } if (codePoint === null) { // we did not generate a valid codePoint so insert a // replacement char (U+FFFD) and advance only 1 byte codePoint = 0xFFFD bytesPerSequence = 1 } else if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) { // encode to utf16 (surrogate pair dance) codePoint -= 0x10000 res.push(codePoint >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800) codePoint = 0xDC00 | codePoint & 0x3FF } res.push(codePoint) i += bytesPerSequence } return decodeCodePointsArray(res) } // Based on, the browser with // the lowest limit is Chrome, with 0x10000 args. // We go 1 magnitude less, for safety var MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH = 0x1000 function decodeCodePointsArray (codePoints) { var len = codePoints.length if (len <= MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codePoints) // avoid extra slice() } // Decode in chunks to avoid "call stack size exceeded". var res = '' var i = 0 while (i < len) { res += String.fromCharCode.apply( String, codePoints.slice(i, i += MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH) ) } return res } function asciiSlice (buf, start, end) { var ret = '' end = Math.min(buf.length, end) for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) { ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i] & 0x7F) } return ret } function latin1Slice (buf, start, end) { var ret = '' end = Math.min(buf.length, end) for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) { ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]) } return ret } function hexSlice (buf, start, end) { var len = buf.length if (!start || start < 0) start = 0 if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len var out = '' for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) { out += toHex(buf[i]) } return out } function utf16leSlice (buf, start, end) { var bytes = buf.slice(start, end) var res = '' for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) { res += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i] + bytes[i + 1] * 256) } return res } Buffer.prototype.slice = function slice (start, end) { var len = this.length start = ~~start end = end === undefined ? len : ~~end if (start < 0) { start += len if (start < 0) start = 0 } else if (start > len) { start = len } if (end < 0) { end += len if (end < 0) end = 0 } else if (end > len) { end = len } if (end < start) end = start var newBuf if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { newBuf = this.subarray(start, end) newBuf.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype } else { var sliceLen = end - start newBuf = new Buffer(sliceLen, undefined) for (var i = 0; i < sliceLen; ++i) { newBuf[i] = this[i + start] } } return newBuf } /* * Need to make sure that buffer isn't trying to write out of bounds. */ function checkOffset (offset, ext, length) { if ((offset % 1) !== 0 || offset < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint') if (offset + ext > length) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length') } Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE = function readUIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) { offset = offset | 0 byteLength = byteLength | 0 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length) var val = this[offset] var mul = 1 var i = 0 while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) { val += this[offset + i] * mul } return val } Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE = function readUIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) { offset = offset | 0 byteLength = byteLength | 0 if (!noAssert) { checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length) } var val = this[offset + --byteLength] var mul = 1 while (byteLength > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) { val += this[offset + --byteLength] * mul } return val } Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8 (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length) return this[offset] } Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function readUInt16LE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length) return this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8) } Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function readUInt16BE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length) return (this[offset] << 8) | this[offset + 1] } Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function readUInt32LE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length) return ((this[offset]) | (this[offset + 1] << 8) | (this[offset + 2] << 16)) + (this[offset + 3] * 0x1000000) } Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function readUInt32BE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length) return (this[offset] * 0x1000000) + ((this[offset + 1] << 16) | (this[offset + 2] << 8) | this[offset + 3]) } Buffer.prototype.readIntLE = function readIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) { offset = offset | 0 byteLength = byteLength | 0 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length) var val = this[offset] var mul = 1 var i = 0 while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) { val += this[offset + i] * mul } mul *= 0x80 if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) return val } Buffer.prototype.readIntBE = function readIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) { offset = offset | 0 byteLength = byteLength | 0 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length) var i = byteLength var mul = 1 var val = this[offset + --i] while (i > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) { val += this[offset + --i] * mul } mul *= 0x80 if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) return val } Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function readInt8 (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length) if (!(this[offset] & 0x80)) return (this[offset]) return ((0xff - this[offset] + 1) * -1) } Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function readInt16LE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length) var val = this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8) return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val } Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function readInt16BE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length) var val = this[offset + 1] | (this[offset] << 8) return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val } Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function readInt32LE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length) return (this[offset]) | (this[offset + 1] << 8) | (this[offset + 2] << 16) | (this[offset + 3] << 24) } Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function readInt32BE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length) return (this[offset] << 24) | (this[offset + 1] << 16) | (this[offset + 2] << 8) | (this[offset + 3]) } Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function readFloatLE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length) return, offset, true, 23, 4) } Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function readFloatBE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length) return, offset, false, 23, 4) } Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function readDoubleLE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length) return, offset, true, 52, 8) } Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function readDoubleBE (offset, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length) return, offset, false, 52, 8) } function checkInt (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance') if (value > max || value < min) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds') if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') } Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE = function writeUIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 byteLength = byteLength | 0 if (!noAssert) { var maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1 checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0) } var mul = 1 var i = 0 this[offset] = value & 0xFF while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) { this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF } return offset + byteLength } Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE = function writeUIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 byteLength = byteLength | 0 if (!noAssert) { var maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1 checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0) } var i = byteLength - 1 var mul = 1 this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) { this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF } return offset + byteLength } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function writeUInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0xff, 0) if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value) this[offset] = (value & 0xff) return offset + 1 } function objectWriteUInt16 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) { if (value < 0) value = 0xffff + value + 1 for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 2); i < j; ++i) { buf[offset + i] = (value & (0xff << (8 * (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i)))) >>> (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i) * 8 } } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function writeUInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0) if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value & 0xff) this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) } else { objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true) } return offset + 2 } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function writeUInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0) if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value >>> 8) this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff) } else { objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false) } return offset + 2 } function objectWriteUInt32 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) { if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1 for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 4); i < j; ++i) { buf[offset + i] = (value >>> (littleEndian ? i : 3 - i) * 8) & 0xff } } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function writeUInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0) if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16) this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) this[offset] = (value & 0xff) } else { objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true) } return offset + 4 } Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function writeUInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0) if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value >>> 24) this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16) this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8) this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff) } else { objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false) } return offset + 4 } Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE = function writeIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) { var limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength - 1) checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit) } var i = 0 var mul = 1 var sub = 0 this[offset] = value & 0xFF while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) { if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i - 1] !== 0) { sub = 1 } this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF } return offset + byteLength } Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE = function writeIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) { var limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength - 1) checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit) } var i = byteLength - 1 var mul = 1 var sub = 0 this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) { if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i + 1] !== 0) { sub = 1 } this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF } return offset + byteLength } Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function writeInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0x7f, -0x80) if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value) if (value < 0) value = 0xff + value + 1 this[offset] = (value & 0xff) return offset + 1 } Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function writeInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000) if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value & 0xff) this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) } else { objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true) } return offset + 2 } Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function writeInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000) if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value >>> 8) this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff) } else { objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false) } return offset + 2 } Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function writeInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000) if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value & 0xff) this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8) this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16) this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24) } else { objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true) } return offset + 4 } Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function writeInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) { value = +value offset = offset | 0 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000) if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1 if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value >>> 24) this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16) this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8) this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff) } else { objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false) } return offset + 4 } function checkIEEE754 (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) { if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') if (offset < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') } function writeFloat (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 4, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38) } ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 23, 4) return offset + 4 } Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function writeFloatLE (value, offset, noAssert) { return writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert) } Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function writeFloatBE (value, offset, noAssert) { return writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert) } function writeDouble (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) { if (!noAssert) { checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 8, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308) } ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 52, 8) return offset + 8 } Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function writeDoubleLE (value, offset, noAssert) { return writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert) } Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function writeDoubleBE (value, offset, noAssert) { return writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert) } // copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length) Buffer.prototype.copy = function copy (target, targetStart, start, end) { if (!start) start = 0 if (!end && end !== 0) end = this.length if (targetStart >= target.length) targetStart = target.length if (!targetStart) targetStart = 0 if (end > 0 && end < start) end = start // Copy 0 bytes; we're done if (end === start) return 0 if (target.length === 0 || this.length === 0) return 0 // Fatal error conditions if (targetStart < 0) { throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds') } if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) throw new RangeError('sourceStart out of bounds') if (end < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds') // Are we oob? if (end > this.length) end = this.length if (target.length - targetStart < end - start) { end = target.length - targetStart + start } var len = end - start var i if (this === target && start < targetStart && targetStart < end) { // descending copy from end for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) { target[i + targetStart] = this[i + start] } } else if (len < 1000 || !Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { // ascending copy from start for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { target[i + targetStart] = this[i + start] } } else { target, this.subarray(start, start + len), targetStart ) } return len } // Usage: // buffer.fill(number[, offset[, end]]) // buffer.fill(buffer[, offset[, end]]) // buffer.fill(string[, offset[, end]][, encoding]) Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill (val, start, end, encoding) { // Handle string cases: if (typeof val === 'string') { if (typeof start === 'string') { encoding = start start = 0 end = this.length } else if (typeof end === 'string') { encoding = end end = this.length } if (val.length === 1) { var code = val.charCodeAt(0) if (code < 256) { val = code } } if (encoding !== undefined && typeof encoding !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string') } if (typeof encoding === 'string' && !Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) { throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding) } } else if (typeof val === 'number') { val = val & 255 } // Invalid ranges are not set to a default, so can range check early. if (start < 0 || this.length < start || this.length < end) { throw new RangeError('Out of range index') } if (end <= start) { return this } start = start >>> 0 end = end === undefined ? this.length : end >>> 0 if (!val) val = 0 var i if (typeof val === 'number') { for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { this[i] = val } } else { var bytes = Buffer.isBuffer(val) ? val : utf8ToBytes(new Buffer(val, encoding).toString()) var len = bytes.length for (i = 0; i < end - start; ++i) { this[i + start] = bytes[i % len] } } return this } // HELPER FUNCTIONS // ================ var INVALID_BASE64_RE = /[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g function base64clean (str) { // Node strips out invalid characters like \n and \t from the string, base64-js does not str = stringtrim(str).replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE, '') // Node converts strings with length < 2 to '' if (str.length < 2) return '' // Node allows for non-padded base64 strings (missing trailing ===), base64-js does not while (str.length % 4 !== 0) { str = str + '=' } return str } function stringtrim (str) { if (str.trim) return str.trim() return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') } function toHex (n) { if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16) return n.toString(16) } function utf8ToBytes (string, units) { units = units || Infinity var codePoint var length = string.length var leadSurrogate = null var bytes = [] for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { codePoint = string.charCodeAt(i) // is surrogate component if (codePoint > 0xD7FF && codePoint < 0xE000) { // last char was a lead if (!leadSurrogate) { // no lead yet if (codePoint > 0xDBFF) { // unexpected trail if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD) continue } else if (i + 1 === length) { // unpaired lead if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD) continue } // valid lead leadSurrogate = codePoint continue } // 2 leads in a row if (codePoint < 0xDC00) { if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD) leadSurrogate = codePoint continue } // valid surrogate pair codePoint = (leadSurrogate - 0xD800 << 10 | codePoint - 0xDC00) + 0x10000 } else if (leadSurrogate) { // valid bmp char, but last char was a lead if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD) } leadSurrogate = null // encode utf8 if (codePoint < 0x80) { if ((units -= 1) < 0) break bytes.push(codePoint) } else if (codePoint < 0x800) { if ((units -= 2) < 0) break bytes.push( codePoint >> 0x6 | 0xC0, codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80 ) } else if (codePoint < 0x10000) { if ((units -= 3) < 0) break bytes.push( codePoint >> 0xC | 0xE0, codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80, codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80 ) } else if (codePoint < 0x110000) { if ((units -= 4) < 0) break bytes.push( codePoint >> 0x12 | 0xF0, codePoint >> 0xC & 0x3F | 0x80, codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80, codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80 ) } else { throw new Error('Invalid code point') } } return bytes } function asciiToBytes (str) { var byteArray = [] for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F.. byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF) } return byteArray } function utf16leToBytes (str, units) { var c, hi, lo var byteArray = [] for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { if ((units -= 2) < 0) break c = str.charCodeAt(i) hi = c >> 8 lo = c % 256 byteArray.push(lo) byteArray.push(hi) } return byteArray } function base64ToBytes (str) { return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(str)) } function blitBuffer (src, dst, offset, length) { for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if ((i + offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length)) break dst[i + offset] = src[i] } return i } function isnan (val) { return val !== val // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(15))) /***/ }), /* 33 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // browser shim for xmlhttprequest module var hasCORS = __webpack_require__(173); module.exports = function (opts) { var xdomain = opts.xdomain; // scheme must be same when usign XDomainRequest // var xscheme = opts.xscheme; // XDomainRequest has a flow of not sending cookie, therefore it should be disabled as a default. // var enablesXDR = opts.enablesXDR; // XMLHttpRequest can be disabled on IE try { if ('undefined' !== typeof XMLHttpRequest && (!xdomain || hasCORS)) { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } } catch (e) { } // Use XDomainRequest for IE8 if enablesXDR is true // because loading bar keeps flashing when using jsonp-polling // try { if ('undefined' !== typeof XDomainRequest && !xscheme && enablesXDR) { return new XDomainRequest(); } } catch (e) { } if (!xdomain) { try { return new self[['Active'].concat('Object').join('X')]('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (e) { } } }; /***/ }), /* 34 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var parser = __webpack_require__(13); var Emitter = __webpack_require__(12); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = Transport; /** * Transport abstract constructor. * * @param {Object} options. * @api private */ function Transport (opts) { this.path = opts.path; this.hostname = opts.hostname; this.port = opts.port; =; this.query = opts.query; this.timestampParam = opts.timestampParam; this.timestampRequests = opts.timestampRequests; this.readyState = ''; this.agent = opts.agent || false; this.socket = opts.socket; this.enablesXDR = opts.enablesXDR; this.withCredentials = opts.withCredentials; // SSL options for Node.js client this.pfx = opts.pfx; this.key = opts.key; this.passphrase = opts.passphrase; this.cert = opts.cert; =; this.ciphers = opts.ciphers; this.rejectUnauthorized = opts.rejectUnauthorized; this.forceNode = opts.forceNode; // results of ReactNative environment detection this.isReactNative = opts.isReactNative; // other options for Node.js client this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; this.localAddress = opts.localAddress; } /** * Mix in `Emitter`. */ Emitter(Transport.prototype); /** * Emits an error. * * @param {String} str * @return {Transport} for chaining * @api public */ Transport.prototype.onError = function (msg, desc) { var err = new Error(msg); err.type = 'TransportError'; err.description = desc; this.emit('error', err); return this; }; /** * Opens the transport. * * @api public */ = function () { if ('closed' === this.readyState || '' === this.readyState) { this.readyState = 'opening'; this.doOpen(); } return this; }; /** * Closes the transport. * * @api private */ Transport.prototype.close = function () { if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState) { this.doClose(); this.onClose(); } return this; }; /** * Sends multiple packets. * * @param {Array} packets * @api private */ Transport.prototype.send = function (packets) { if ('open' === this.readyState) { this.write(packets); } else { throw new Error('Transport not open'); } }; /** * Called upon open * * @api private */ Transport.prototype.onOpen = function () { this.readyState = 'open'; this.writable = true; this.emit('open'); }; /** * Called with data. * * @param {String} data * @api private */ Transport.prototype.onData = function (data) { var packet = parser.decodePacket(data, this.socket.binaryType); this.onPacket(packet); }; /** * Called with a decoded packet. */ Transport.prototype.onPacket = function (packet) { this.emit('packet', packet); }; /** * Called upon close. * * @api private */ Transport.prototype.onClose = function () { this.readyState = 'closed'; this.emit('close'); }; /***/ }), /* 35 */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global, module) {/* harmony import */ var _ponyfill_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(60); /* global window */ var root; if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { root = self; } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { root = window; } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { root = global; } else if (true) { root = module; } else {} var result = Object(_ponyfill_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* default */ "a"])(root); /* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (result); /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(15), __webpack_require__(76)(module))) /***/ }), /* 36 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* object-assign (c) Sindre Sorhus @license MIT */ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var propIsEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; function toObject(val) { if (val === null || val === undefined) { throw new TypeError('Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined'); } return Object(val); } function shouldUseNative() { try { if (!Object.assign) { return false; } // Detect buggy property enumeration order in older V8 versions. // var test1 = new String('abc'); // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers test1[5] = 'de'; if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test1)[0] === '5') { return false; } // var test2 = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { test2['_' + String.fromCharCode(i)] = i; } var order2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test2).map(function (n) { return test2[n]; }); if (order2.join('') !== '0123456789') { return false; } // var test3 = {}; 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function (letter) { test3[letter] = letter; }); if (Object.keys(Object.assign({}, test3)).join('') !== 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst') { return false; } return true; } catch (err) { // We don't expect any of the above to throw, but better to be safe. return false; } } module.exports = shouldUseNative() ? Object.assign : function (target, source) { var from; var to = toObject(target); var symbols; for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) { from = Object(arguments[s]); for (var key in from) { if (, key)) { to[key] = from[key]; } } if (getOwnPropertySymbols) { symbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(from); for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) { if (, symbols[i])) { to[symbols[i]] = from[symbols[i]]; } } } } return to; }; /***/ }), /* 37 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // HTML5 entities map: { name -> utf16string } // /*eslint quotes:0*/ module.exports = __webpack_require__(82); /***/ }), /* 38 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports.encode = __webpack_require__(83); module.exports.decode = __webpack_require__(84); module.exports.format = __webpack_require__(85); module.exports.parse = __webpack_require__(86); /***/ }), /* 39 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports=/[\0-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/ /***/ }), /* 40 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports=/[\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/ /***/ }), /* 41 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports=/[ \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]/ /***/ }), /* 42 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Regexps to match html elements var attr_name = '[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9:._-]*'; var unquoted = '[^"\'=<>`\\x00-\\x20]+'; var single_quoted = "'[^']*'"; var double_quoted = '"[^"]*"'; var attr_value = '(?:' + unquoted + '|' + single_quoted + '|' + double_quoted + ')'; var attribute = '(?:\\s+' + attr_name + '(?:\\s*=\\s*' + attr_value + ')?)'; var open_tag = '<[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\\-]*' + attribute + '*\\s*\\/?>'; var close_tag = '<\\/[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\\-]*\\s*>'; var comment = '|'; var processing = '<[?].*?[?]>'; var declaration = ']*>'; var cdata = ''; var HTML_TAG_RE = new RegExp('^(?:' + open_tag + '|' + close_tag + '|' + comment + '|' + processing + '|' + declaration + '|' + cdata + ')'); var HTML_OPEN_CLOSE_TAG_RE = new RegExp('^(?:' + open_tag + '|' + close_tag + ')'); module.exports.HTML_TAG_RE = HTML_TAG_RE; module.exports.HTML_OPEN_CLOSE_TAG_RE = HTML_OPEN_CLOSE_TAG_RE; /***/ }), /* 43 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // ~~strike through~~ // // Insert each marker as a separate text token, and add it to delimiter list // module.exports.tokenize = function strikethrough(state, silent) { var i, scanned, token, len, ch, start = state.pos, marker = state.src.charCodeAt(start); if (silent) { return false; } if (marker !== 0x7E/* ~ */) { return false; } scanned = state.scanDelims(state.pos, true); len = scanned.length; ch = String.fromCharCode(marker); if (len < 2) { return false; } if (len % 2) { token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content = ch; len--; } for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content = ch + ch; state.delimiters.push({ marker: marker, jump: i, token: state.tokens.length - 1, level: state.level, end: -1, open: scanned.can_open, close: scanned.can_close }); } state.pos += scanned.length; return true; }; // Walk through delimiter list and replace text tokens with tags // module.exports.postProcess = function strikethrough(state) { var i, j, startDelim, endDelim, token, loneMarkers = [], delimiters = state.delimiters, max = state.delimiters.length; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { startDelim = delimiters[i]; if (startDelim.marker !== 0x7E/* ~ */) { continue; } if (startDelim.end === -1) { continue; } endDelim = delimiters[startDelim.end]; token = state.tokens[startDelim.token]; token.type = 's_open'; token.tag = 's'; token.nesting = 1; token.markup = '~~'; token.content = ''; token = state.tokens[endDelim.token]; token.type = 's_close'; token.tag = 's'; token.nesting = -1; token.markup = '~~'; token.content = ''; if (state.tokens[endDelim.token - 1].type === 'text' && state.tokens[endDelim.token - 1].content === '~') { loneMarkers.push(endDelim.token - 1); } } // If a marker sequence has an odd number of characters, it's splitted // like this: `~~~~~` -> `~` + `~~` + `~~`, leaving one marker at the // start of the sequence. // // So, we have to move all those markers after subsequent s_close tags. // while (loneMarkers.length) { i = loneMarkers.pop(); j = i + 1; while (j < state.tokens.length && state.tokens[j].type === 's_close') { j++; } j--; if (i !== j) { token = state.tokens[j]; state.tokens[j] = state.tokens[i]; state.tokens[i] = token; } } }; /***/ }), /* 44 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process *this* and _that_ // // Insert each marker as a separate text token, and add it to delimiter list // module.exports.tokenize = function emphasis(state, silent) { var i, scanned, token, start = state.pos, marker = state.src.charCodeAt(start); if (silent) { return false; } if (marker !== 0x5F /* _ */ && marker !== 0x2A /* * */) { return false; } scanned = state.scanDelims(state.pos, marker === 0x2A); for (i = 0; i < scanned.length; i++) { token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content = String.fromCharCode(marker); state.delimiters.push({ // Char code of the starting marker (number). // marker: marker, // Total length of these series of delimiters. // length: scanned.length, // An amount of characters before this one that's equivalent to // current one. In plain English: if this delimiter does not open // an emphasis, neither do previous `jump` characters. // // Used to skip sequences like "*****" in one step, for 1st asterisk // value will be 0, for 2nd it's 1 and so on. // jump: i, // A position of the token this delimiter corresponds to. // token: state.tokens.length - 1, // Token level. // level: state.level, // If this delimiter is matched as a valid opener, `end` will be // equal to its position, otherwise it's `-1`. // end: -1, // Boolean flags that determine if this delimiter could open or close // an emphasis. // open: scanned.can_open, close: scanned.can_close }); } state.pos += scanned.length; return true; }; // Walk through delimiter list and replace text tokens with tags // module.exports.postProcess = function emphasis(state) { var i, startDelim, endDelim, token, ch, isStrong, delimiters = state.delimiters, max = state.delimiters.length; for (i = max - 1; i >= 0; i--) { startDelim = delimiters[i]; if (startDelim.marker !== 0x5F/* _ */ && startDelim.marker !== 0x2A/* * */) { continue; } // Process only opening markers if (startDelim.end === -1) { continue; } endDelim = delimiters[startDelim.end]; // If the previous delimiter has the same marker and is adjacent to this one, // merge those into one strong delimiter. // // `whatever` -> `whatever` // isStrong = i > 0 && delimiters[i - 1].end === startDelim.end + 1 && delimiters[i - 1].token === startDelim.token - 1 && delimiters[startDelim.end + 1].token === endDelim.token + 1 && delimiters[i - 1].marker === startDelim.marker; ch = String.fromCharCode(startDelim.marker); token = state.tokens[startDelim.token]; token.type = isStrong ? 'strong_open' : 'em_open'; token.tag = isStrong ? 'strong' : 'em'; token.nesting = 1; token.markup = isStrong ? ch + ch : ch; token.content = ''; token = state.tokens[endDelim.token]; token.type = isStrong ? 'strong_close' : 'em_close'; token.tag = isStrong ? 'strong' : 'em'; token.nesting = -1; token.markup = isStrong ? ch + ch : ch; token.content = ''; if (isStrong) { state.tokens[delimiters[i - 1].token].content = ''; state.tokens[delimiters[startDelim.end + 1].token].content = ''; i--; } } }; /***/ }), /* 45 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Parses an URI * * @author Steven Levithan (MIT license) * @api private */ var re = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)(http|https|ws|wss):\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?((?:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:){2,7}[a-f0-9]{0,4}|[^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/; var parts = [ 'source', 'protocol', 'authority', 'userInfo', 'user', 'password', 'host', 'port', 'relative', 'path', 'directory', 'file', 'query', 'anchor' ]; module.exports = function parseuri(str) { var src = str, b = str.indexOf('['), e = str.indexOf(']'); if (b != -1 && e != -1) { str = str.substring(0, b) + str.substring(b, e).replace(/:/g, ';') + str.substring(e, str.length); } var m = re.exec(str || ''), uri = {}, i = 14; while (i--) { uri[parts[i]] = m[i] || ''; } if (b != -1 && e != -1) { uri.source = src; =, - 1).replace(/;/g, ':'); uri.authority = uri.authority.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace(/;/g, ':'); uri.ipv6uri = true; } return uri; }; /***/ }), /* 46 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { return == '[object Array]'; }; /***/ }), /* 47 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) { module.exports = isBuf; var withNativeBuffer = typeof Buffer === 'function' && typeof Buffer.isBuffer === 'function'; var withNativeArrayBuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function'; var isView = function (obj) { return typeof ArrayBuffer.isView === 'function' ? ArrayBuffer.isView(obj) : (obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer); }; /** * Returns true if obj is a buffer or an arraybuffer. * * @api private */ function isBuf(obj) { return (withNativeBuffer && Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) || (withNativeArrayBuffer && (obj instanceof ArrayBuffer || isView(obj))); } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(32).Buffer)) /***/ }), /* 48 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var eio = __webpack_require__(171); var Socket = __webpack_require__(54); var Emitter = __webpack_require__(12); var parser = __webpack_require__(31); var on = __webpack_require__(55); var bind = __webpack_require__(56); var debug = __webpack_require__(16)(''); var indexOf = __webpack_require__(53); var Backoff = __webpack_require__(188); /** * IE6+ hasOwnProperty */ var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; /** * Module exports */ module.exports = Manager; /** * `Manager` constructor. * * @param {String} engine instance or engine uri/opts * @param {Object} options * @api public */ function Manager (uri, opts) { if (!(this instanceof Manager)) return new Manager(uri, opts); if (uri && ('object' === typeof uri)) { opts = uri; uri = undefined; } opts = opts || {}; opts.path = opts.path || '/'; this.nsps = {}; this.subs = []; this.opts = opts; this.reconnection(opts.reconnection !== false); this.reconnectionAttempts(opts.reconnectionAttempts || Infinity); this.reconnectionDelay(opts.reconnectionDelay || 1000); this.reconnectionDelayMax(opts.reconnectionDelayMax || 5000); this.randomizationFactor(opts.randomizationFactor || 0.5); this.backoff = new Backoff({ min: this.reconnectionDelay(), max: this.reconnectionDelayMax(), jitter: this.randomizationFactor() }); this.timeout(null == opts.timeout ? 20000 : opts.timeout); this.readyState = 'closed'; this.uri = uri; this.connecting = []; this.lastPing = null; this.encoding = false; this.packetBuffer = []; var _parser = opts.parser || parser; this.encoder = new _parser.Encoder(); this.decoder = new _parser.Decoder(); this.autoConnect = opts.autoConnect !== false; if (this.autoConnect); } /** * Propagate given event to sockets and emit on `this` * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.emitAll = function () { this.emit.apply(this, arguments); for (var nsp in this.nsps) { if (, nsp)) { this.nsps[nsp].emit.apply(this.nsps[nsp], arguments); } } }; /** * Update `` of all sockets * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.updateSocketIds = function () { for (var nsp in this.nsps) { if (, nsp)) { this.nsps[nsp].id = this.generateId(nsp); } } }; /** * generate `` for the given `nsp` * * @param {String} nsp * @return {String} * @api private */ Manager.prototype.generateId = function (nsp) { return (nsp === '/' ? '' : (nsp + '#')) +; }; /** * Mix in `Emitter`. */ Emitter(Manager.prototype); /** * Sets the `reconnection` config. * * @param {Boolean} true/false if it should automatically reconnect * @return {Manager} self or value * @api public */ Manager.prototype.reconnection = function (v) { if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnection; this._reconnection = !!v; return this; }; /** * Sets the reconnection attempts config. * * @param {Number} max reconnection attempts before giving up * @return {Manager} self or value * @api public */ Manager.prototype.reconnectionAttempts = function (v) { if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnectionAttempts; this._reconnectionAttempts = v; return this; }; /** * Sets the delay between reconnections. * * @param {Number} delay * @return {Manager} self or value * @api public */ Manager.prototype.reconnectionDelay = function (v) { if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnectionDelay; this._reconnectionDelay = v; this.backoff && this.backoff.setMin(v); return this; }; Manager.prototype.randomizationFactor = function (v) { if (!arguments.length) return this._randomizationFactor; this._randomizationFactor = v; this.backoff && this.backoff.setJitter(v); return this; }; /** * Sets the maximum delay between reconnections. * * @param {Number} delay * @return {Manager} self or value * @api public */ Manager.prototype.reconnectionDelayMax = function (v) { if (!arguments.length) return this._reconnectionDelayMax; this._reconnectionDelayMax = v; this.backoff && this.backoff.setMax(v); return this; }; /** * Sets the connection timeout. `false` to disable * * @return {Manager} self or value * @api public */ Manager.prototype.timeout = function (v) { if (!arguments.length) return this._timeout; this._timeout = v; return this; }; /** * Starts trying to reconnect if reconnection is enabled and we have not * started reconnecting yet * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.maybeReconnectOnOpen = function () { // Only try to reconnect if it's the first time we're connecting if (!this.reconnecting && this._reconnection && this.backoff.attempts === 0) { // keeps reconnection from firing twice for the same reconnection loop this.reconnect(); } }; /** * Sets the current transport `socket`. * * @param {Function} optional, callback * @return {Manager} self * @api public */ = Manager.prototype.connect = function (fn, opts) { debug('readyState %s', this.readyState); if (~this.readyState.indexOf('open')) return this; debug('opening %s', this.uri); this.engine = eio(this.uri, this.opts); var socket = this.engine; var self = this; this.readyState = 'opening'; this.skipReconnect = false; // emit `open` var openSub = on(socket, 'open', function () { self.onopen(); fn && fn(); }); // emit `connect_error` var errorSub = on(socket, 'error', function (data) { debug('connect_error'); self.cleanup(); self.readyState = 'closed'; self.emitAll('connect_error', data); if (fn) { var err = new Error('Connection error'); = data; fn(err); } else { // Only do this if there is no fn to handle the error self.maybeReconnectOnOpen(); } }); // emit `connect_timeout` if (false !== this._timeout) { var timeout = this._timeout; debug('connect attempt will timeout after %d', timeout); // set timer var timer = setTimeout(function () { debug('connect attempt timed out after %d', timeout); openSub.destroy(); socket.close(); socket.emit('error', 'timeout'); self.emitAll('connect_timeout', timeout); }, timeout); this.subs.push({ destroy: function () { clearTimeout(timer); } }); } this.subs.push(openSub); this.subs.push(errorSub); return this; }; /** * Called upon transport open. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.onopen = function () { debug('open'); // clear old subs this.cleanup(); // mark as open this.readyState = 'open'; this.emit('open'); // add new subs var socket = this.engine; this.subs.push(on(socket, 'data', bind(this, 'ondata'))); this.subs.push(on(socket, 'ping', bind(this, 'onping'))); this.subs.push(on(socket, 'pong', bind(this, 'onpong'))); this.subs.push(on(socket, 'error', bind(this, 'onerror'))); this.subs.push(on(socket, 'close', bind(this, 'onclose'))); this.subs.push(on(this.decoder, 'decoded', bind(this, 'ondecoded'))); }; /** * Called upon a ping. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.onping = function () { this.lastPing = new Date(); this.emitAll('ping'); }; /** * Called upon a packet. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.onpong = function () { this.emitAll('pong', new Date() - this.lastPing); }; /** * Called with data. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.ondata = function (data) { this.decoder.add(data); }; /** * Called when parser fully decodes a packet. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.ondecoded = function (packet) { this.emit('packet', packet); }; /** * Called upon socket error. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.onerror = function (err) { debug('error', err); this.emitAll('error', err); }; /** * Creates a new socket for the given `nsp`. * * @return {Socket} * @api public */ Manager.prototype.socket = function (nsp, opts) { var socket = this.nsps[nsp]; if (!socket) { socket = new Socket(this, nsp, opts); this.nsps[nsp] = socket; var self = this; socket.on('connecting', onConnecting); socket.on('connect', function () { = self.generateId(nsp); }); if (this.autoConnect) { // manually call here since connecting event is fired before listening onConnecting(); } } function onConnecting () { if (!~indexOf(self.connecting, socket)) { self.connecting.push(socket); } } return socket; }; /** * Called upon a socket close. * * @param {Socket} socket */ Manager.prototype.destroy = function (socket) { var index = indexOf(this.connecting, socket); if (~index) this.connecting.splice(index, 1); if (this.connecting.length) return; this.close(); }; /** * Writes a packet. * * @param {Object} packet * @api private */ Manager.prototype.packet = function (packet) { debug('writing packet %j', packet); var self = this; if (packet.query && packet.type === 0) packet.nsp += '?' + packet.query; if (!self.encoding) { // encode, then write to engine with result self.encoding = true; this.encoder.encode(packet, function (encodedPackets) { for (var i = 0; i < encodedPackets.length; i++) { self.engine.write(encodedPackets[i], packet.options); } self.encoding = false; self.processPacketQueue(); }); } else { // add packet to the queue self.packetBuffer.push(packet); } }; /** * If packet buffer is non-empty, begins encoding the * next packet in line. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.processPacketQueue = function () { if (this.packetBuffer.length > 0 && !this.encoding) { var pack = this.packetBuffer.shift(); this.packet(pack); } }; /** * Clean up transport subscriptions and packet buffer. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.cleanup = function () { debug('cleanup'); var subsLength = this.subs.length; for (var i = 0; i < subsLength; i++) { var sub = this.subs.shift(); sub.destroy(); } this.packetBuffer = []; this.encoding = false; this.lastPing = null; this.decoder.destroy(); }; /** * Close the current socket. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.close = Manager.prototype.disconnect = function () { debug('disconnect'); this.skipReconnect = true; this.reconnecting = false; if ('opening' === this.readyState) { // `onclose` will not fire because // an open event never happened this.cleanup(); } this.backoff.reset(); this.readyState = 'closed'; if (this.engine) this.engine.close(); }; /** * Called upon engine close. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.onclose = function (reason) { debug('onclose'); this.cleanup(); this.backoff.reset(); this.readyState = 'closed'; this.emit('close', reason); if (this._reconnection && !this.skipReconnect) { this.reconnect(); } }; /** * Attempt a reconnection. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.reconnect = function () { if (this.reconnecting || this.skipReconnect) return this; var self = this; if (this.backoff.attempts >= this._reconnectionAttempts) { debug('reconnect failed'); this.backoff.reset(); this.emitAll('reconnect_failed'); this.reconnecting = false; } else { var delay = this.backoff.duration(); debug('will wait %dms before reconnect attempt', delay); this.reconnecting = true; var timer = setTimeout(function () { if (self.skipReconnect) return; debug('attempting reconnect'); self.emitAll('reconnect_attempt', self.backoff.attempts); self.emitAll('reconnecting', self.backoff.attempts); // check again for the case socket closed in above events if (self.skipReconnect) return; (err) { if (err) { debug('reconnect attempt error'); self.reconnecting = false; self.reconnect(); self.emitAll('reconnect_error',; } else { debug('reconnect success'); self.onreconnect(); } }); }, delay); this.subs.push({ destroy: function () { clearTimeout(timer); } }); } }; /** * Called upon successful reconnect. * * @api private */ Manager.prototype.onreconnect = function () { var attempt = this.backoff.attempts; this.reconnecting = false; this.backoff.reset(); this.updateSocketIds(); this.emitAll('reconnect', attempt); }; /***/ }), /* 49 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies */ var XMLHttpRequest = __webpack_require__(33); var XHR = __webpack_require__(174); var JSONP = __webpack_require__(184); var websocket = __webpack_require__(185); /** * Export transports. */ exports.polling = polling; exports.websocket = websocket; /** * Polling transport polymorphic constructor. * Decides on xhr vs jsonp based on feature detection. * * @api private */ function polling (opts) { var xhr; var xd = false; var xs = false; var jsonp = false !== opts.jsonp; if (typeof location !== 'undefined') { var isSSL = 'https:' === location.protocol; var port = location.port; // some user agents have empty `location.port` if (!port) { port = isSSL ? 443 : 80; } xd = opts.hostname !== location.hostname || port !== opts.port; xs = !== isSSL; } opts.xdomain = xd; opts.xscheme = xs; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(opts); if ('open' in xhr && !opts.forceJSONP) { return new XHR(opts); } else { if (!jsonp) throw new Error('JSONP disabled'); return new JSONP(opts); } } /***/ }), /* 50 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var Transport = __webpack_require__(34); var parseqs = __webpack_require__(17); var parser = __webpack_require__(13); var inherit = __webpack_require__(18); var yeast = __webpack_require__(52); var debug = __webpack_require__(19)(''); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = Polling; /** * Is XHR2 supported? */ var hasXHR2 = (function () { var XMLHttpRequest = __webpack_require__(33); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest({ xdomain: false }); return null != xhr.responseType; })(); /** * Polling interface. * * @param {Object} opts * @api private */ function Polling (opts) { var forceBase64 = (opts && opts.forceBase64); if (!hasXHR2 || forceBase64) { this.supportsBinary = false; }, opts); } /** * Inherits from Transport. */ inherit(Polling, Transport); /** * Transport name. */ = 'polling'; /** * Opens the socket (triggers polling). We write a PING message to determine * when the transport is open. * * @api private */ Polling.prototype.doOpen = function () { this.poll(); }; /** * Pauses polling. * * @param {Function} callback upon buffers are flushed and transport is paused * @api private */ Polling.prototype.pause = function (onPause) { var self = this; this.readyState = 'pausing'; function pause () { debug('paused'); self.readyState = 'paused'; onPause(); } if (this.polling || !this.writable) { var total = 0; if (this.polling) { debug('we are currently polling - waiting to pause'); total++; this.once('pollComplete', function () { debug('pre-pause polling complete'); --total || pause(); }); } if (!this.writable) { debug('we are currently writing - waiting to pause'); total++; this.once('drain', function () { debug('pre-pause writing complete'); --total || pause(); }); } } else { pause(); } }; /** * Starts polling cycle. * * @api public */ Polling.prototype.poll = function () { debug('polling'); this.polling = true; this.doPoll(); this.emit('poll'); }; /** * Overloads onData to detect payloads. * * @api private */ Polling.prototype.onData = function (data) { var self = this; debug('polling got data %s', data); var callback = function (packet, index, total) { // if its the first message we consider the transport open if ('opening' === self.readyState) { self.onOpen(); } // if its a close packet, we close the ongoing requests if ('close' === packet.type) { self.onClose(); return false; } // otherwise bypass onData and handle the message self.onPacket(packet); }; // decode payload parser.decodePayload(data, this.socket.binaryType, callback); // if an event did not trigger closing if ('closed' !== this.readyState) { // if we got data we're not polling this.polling = false; this.emit('pollComplete'); if ('open' === this.readyState) { this.poll(); } else { debug('ignoring poll - transport state "%s"', this.readyState); } } }; /** * For polling, send a close packet. * * @api private */ Polling.prototype.doClose = function () { var self = this; function close () { debug('writing close packet'); self.write([{ type: 'close' }]); } if ('open' === this.readyState) { debug('transport open - closing'); close(); } else { // in case we're trying to close while // handshaking is in progress (GH-164) debug('transport not open - deferring close'); this.once('open', close); } }; /** * Writes a packets payload. * * @param {Array} data packets * @param {Function} drain callback * @api private */ Polling.prototype.write = function (packets) { var self = this; this.writable = false; var callbackfn = function () { self.writable = true; self.emit('drain'); }; parser.encodePayload(packets, this.supportsBinary, function (data) { self.doWrite(data, callbackfn); }); }; /** * Generates uri for connection. * * @api private */ Polling.prototype.uri = function () { var query = this.query || {}; var schema = ? 'https' : 'http'; var port = ''; // cache busting is forced if (false !== this.timestampRequests) { query[this.timestampParam] = yeast(); } if (!this.supportsBinary && !query.sid) { query.b64 = 1; } query = parseqs.encode(query); // avoid port if default for schema if (this.port && (('https' === schema && Number(this.port) !== 443) || ('http' === schema && Number(this.port) !== 80))) { port = ':' + this.port; } // prepend ? to query if (query.length) { query = '?' + query; } var ipv6 = this.hostname.indexOf(':') !== -1; return schema + '://' + (ipv6 ? '[' + this.hostname + ']' : this.hostname) + port + this.path + query; }; /***/ }), /* 51 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {/* global Blob File */ /* * Module requirements. */ var isArray = __webpack_require__(176); var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var withNativeBlob = typeof Blob === 'function' || typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && === '[object BlobConstructor]'; var withNativeFile = typeof File === 'function' || typeof File !== 'undefined' && === '[object FileConstructor]'; /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = hasBinary; /** * Checks for binary data. * * Supports Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Blob and File. * * @param {Object} anything * @api public */ function hasBinary (obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') { return false; } if (isArray(obj)) { for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) { if (hasBinary(obj[i])) { return true; } } return false; } if ((typeof Buffer === 'function' && Buffer.isBuffer && Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) || (typeof ArrayBuffer === 'function' && obj instanceof ArrayBuffer) || (withNativeBlob && obj instanceof Blob) || (withNativeFile && obj instanceof File) ) { return true; } // see: if (obj.toJSON && typeof obj.toJSON === 'function' && arguments.length === 1) { return hasBinary(obj.toJSON(), true); } for (var key in obj) { if (, key) && hasBinary(obj[key])) { return true; } } return false; } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(32).Buffer)) /***/ }), /* 52 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var alphabet = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_'.split('') , length = 64 , map = {} , seed = 0 , i = 0 , prev; /** * Return a string representing the specified number. * * @param {Number} num The number to convert. * @returns {String} The string representation of the number. * @api public */ function encode(num) { var encoded = ''; do { encoded = alphabet[num % length] + encoded; num = Math.floor(num / length); } while (num > 0); return encoded; } /** * Return the integer value specified by the given string. * * @param {String} str The string to convert. * @returns {Number} The integer value represented by the string. * @api public */ function decode(str) { var decoded = 0; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { decoded = decoded * length + map[str.charAt(i)]; } return decoded; } /** * Yeast: A tiny growing id generator. * * @returns {String} A unique id. * @api public */ function yeast() { var now = encode(+new Date()); if (now !== prev) return seed = 0, prev = now; return now +'.'+ encode(seed++); } // // Map each character to its index. // for (; i < length; i++) map[alphabet[i]] = i; // // Expose the `yeast`, `encode` and `decode` functions. // yeast.encode = encode; yeast.decode = decode; module.exports = yeast; /***/ }), /* 53 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var indexOf = [].indexOf; module.exports = function(arr, obj){ if (indexOf) return arr.indexOf(obj); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { if (arr[i] === obj) return i; } return -1; }; /***/ }), /* 54 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var parser = __webpack_require__(31); var Emitter = __webpack_require__(12); var toArray = __webpack_require__(187); var on = __webpack_require__(55); var bind = __webpack_require__(56); var debug = __webpack_require__(16)(''); var parseqs = __webpack_require__(17); var hasBin = __webpack_require__(51); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = exports = Socket; /** * Internal events (blacklisted). * These events can't be emitted by the user. * * @api private */ var events = { connect: 1, connect_error: 1, connect_timeout: 1, connecting: 1, disconnect: 1, error: 1, reconnect: 1, reconnect_attempt: 1, reconnect_failed: 1, reconnect_error: 1, reconnecting: 1, ping: 1, pong: 1 }; /** * Shortcut to `Emitter#emit`. */ var emit = Emitter.prototype.emit; /** * `Socket` constructor. * * @api public */ function Socket (io, nsp, opts) { = io; this.nsp = nsp; this.json = this; // compat this.ids = 0; this.acks = {}; this.receiveBuffer = []; this.sendBuffer = []; this.connected = false; this.disconnected = true; this.flags = {}; if (opts && opts.query) { this.query = opts.query; } if (; } /** * Mix in `Emitter`. */ Emitter(Socket.prototype); /** * Subscribe to open, close and packet events * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.subEvents = function () { if (this.subs) return; var io =; this.subs = [ on(io, 'open', bind(this, 'onopen')), on(io, 'packet', bind(this, 'onpacket')), on(io, 'close', bind(this, 'onclose')) ]; }; /** * "Opens" the socket. * * @api public */ = Socket.prototype.connect = function () { if (this.connected) return this; this.subEvents();; // ensure open if ('open' === this.onopen(); this.emit('connecting'); return this; }; /** * Sends a `message` event. * * @return {Socket} self * @api public */ Socket.prototype.send = function () { var args = toArray(arguments); args.unshift('message'); this.emit.apply(this, args); return this; }; /** * Override `emit`. * If the event is in `events`, it's emitted normally. * * @param {String} event name * @return {Socket} self * @api public */ Socket.prototype.emit = function (ev) { if (events.hasOwnProperty(ev)) { emit.apply(this, arguments); return this; } var args = toArray(arguments); var packet = { type: (this.flags.binary !== undefined ? this.flags.binary : hasBin(args)) ? parser.BINARY_EVENT : parser.EVENT, data: args }; packet.options = {}; packet.options.compress = !this.flags || false !== this.flags.compress; // event ack callback if ('function' === typeof args[args.length - 1]) { debug('emitting packet with ack id %d', this.ids); this.acks[this.ids] = args.pop(); = this.ids++; } if (this.connected) { this.packet(packet); } else { this.sendBuffer.push(packet); } this.flags = {}; return this; }; /** * Sends a packet. * * @param {Object} packet * @api private */ Socket.prototype.packet = function (packet) { packet.nsp = this.nsp;; }; /** * Called upon engine `open`. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onopen = function () { debug('transport is open - connecting'); // write connect packet if necessary if ('/' !== this.nsp) { if (this.query) { var query = typeof this.query === 'object' ? parseqs.encode(this.query) : this.query; debug('sending connect packet with query %s', query); this.packet({type: parser.CONNECT, query: query}); } else { this.packet({type: parser.CONNECT}); } } }; /** * Called upon engine `close`. * * @param {String} reason * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onclose = function (reason) { debug('close (%s)', reason); this.connected = false; this.disconnected = true; delete; this.emit('disconnect', reason); }; /** * Called with socket packet. * * @param {Object} packet * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onpacket = function (packet) { var sameNamespace = packet.nsp === this.nsp; var rootNamespaceError = packet.type === parser.ERROR && packet.nsp === '/'; if (!sameNamespace && !rootNamespaceError) return; switch (packet.type) { case parser.CONNECT: this.onconnect(); break; case parser.EVENT: this.onevent(packet); break; case parser.BINARY_EVENT: this.onevent(packet); break; case parser.ACK: this.onack(packet); break; case parser.BINARY_ACK: this.onack(packet); break; case parser.DISCONNECT: this.ondisconnect(); break; case parser.ERROR: this.emit('error',; break; } }; /** * Called upon a server event. * * @param {Object} packet * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onevent = function (packet) { var args = || []; debug('emitting event %j', args); if (null != { debug('attaching ack callback to event'); args.push(this.ack(; } if (this.connected) { emit.apply(this, args); } else { this.receiveBuffer.push(args); } }; /** * Produces an ack callback to emit with an event. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.ack = function (id) { var self = this; var sent = false; return function () { // prevent double callbacks if (sent) return; sent = true; var args = toArray(arguments); debug('sending ack %j', args); self.packet({ type: hasBin(args) ? parser.BINARY_ACK : parser.ACK, id: id, data: args }); }; }; /** * Called upon a server acknowlegement. * * @param {Object} packet * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onack = function (packet) { var ack = this.acks[]; if ('function' === typeof ack) { debug('calling ack %s with %j',,; ack.apply(this,; delete this.acks[]; } else { debug('bad ack %s',; } }; /** * Called upon server connect. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onconnect = function () { this.connected = true; this.disconnected = false; this.emit('connect'); this.emitBuffered(); }; /** * Emit buffered events (received and emitted). * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.emitBuffered = function () { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.receiveBuffer.length; i++) { emit.apply(this, this.receiveBuffer[i]); } this.receiveBuffer = []; for (i = 0; i < this.sendBuffer.length; i++) { this.packet(this.sendBuffer[i]); } this.sendBuffer = []; }; /** * Called upon server disconnect. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.ondisconnect = function () { debug('server disconnect (%s)', this.nsp); this.destroy(); this.onclose('io server disconnect'); }; /** * Called upon forced client/server side disconnections, * this method ensures the manager stops tracking us and * that reconnections don't get triggered for this. * * @api private. */ Socket.prototype.destroy = function () { if (this.subs) { // clean subscriptions to avoid reconnections for (var i = 0; i < this.subs.length; i++) { this.subs[i].destroy(); } this.subs = null; }; }; /** * Disconnects the socket manually. * * @return {Socket} self * @api public */ Socket.prototype.close = Socket.prototype.disconnect = function () { if (this.connected) { debug('performing disconnect (%s)', this.nsp); this.packet({ type: parser.DISCONNECT }); } // remove socket from pool this.destroy(); if (this.connected) { // fire events this.onclose('io client disconnect'); } return this; }; /** * Sets the compress flag. * * @param {Boolean} if `true`, compresses the sending data * @return {Socket} self * @api public */ Socket.prototype.compress = function (compress) { this.flags.compress = compress; return this; }; /** * Sets the binary flag * * @param {Boolean} whether the emitted data contains binary * @return {Socket} self * @api public */ Socket.prototype.binary = function (binary) { this.flags.binary = binary; return this; }; /***/ }), /* 55 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = on; /** * Helper for subscriptions. * * @param {Object|EventEmitter} obj with `Emitter` mixin or `EventEmitter` * @param {String} event name * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ function on (obj, ev, fn) { obj.on(ev, fn); return { destroy: function () { obj.removeListener(ev, fn); } }; } /***/ }), /* 56 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Slice reference. */ var slice = [].slice; /** * Bind `obj` to `fn`. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {Function|String} fn or string * @return {Function} * @api public */ module.exports = function(obj, fn){ if ('string' == typeof fn) fn = obj[fn]; if ('function' != typeof fn) throw new Error('bind() requires a function'); var args =, 2); return function(){ return fn.apply(obj, args.concat(; } }; /***/ }), /* 57 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; function checkDCE() { /* global __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ */ if ( typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === 'undefined' || typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE !== 'function' ) { return; } if (false) {} try { // Verify that the code above has been dead code eliminated (DCE'd). __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE(checkDCE); } catch (err) { // DevTools shouldn't crash React, no matter what. // We should still report in case we break this code. console.error(err); } } if (true) { // DCE check should happen before ReactDOM bundle executes so that // DevTools can report bad minification during injection. checkDCE(); module.exports = __webpack_require__(67); } else {} /***/ }), /* 58 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var reactIs = __webpack_require__(73); /** * Copyright 2015, Yahoo! Inc. * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ var REACT_STATICS = { childContextTypes: true, contextType: true, contextTypes: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, getDefaultProps: true, getDerivedStateFromError: true, getDerivedStateFromProps: true, mixins: true, propTypes: true, type: true }; var KNOWN_STATICS = { name: true, length: true, prototype: true, caller: true, callee: true, arguments: true, arity: true }; var FORWARD_REF_STATICS = { '$$typeof': true, render: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, propTypes: true }; var MEMO_STATICS = { '$$typeof': true, compare: true, defaultProps: true, displayName: true, propTypes: true, type: true }; var TYPE_STATICS = {}; TYPE_STATICS[reactIs.ForwardRef] = FORWARD_REF_STATICS; TYPE_STATICS[reactIs.Memo] = MEMO_STATICS; function getStatics(component) { // React v16.11 and below if (reactIs.isMemo(component)) { return MEMO_STATICS; } // React v16.12 and above return TYPE_STATICS[component['$$typeof']] || REACT_STATICS; } var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var objectPrototype = Object.prototype; function hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, sourceComponent, blacklist) { if (typeof sourceComponent !== 'string') { // don't hoist over string (html) components if (objectPrototype) { var inheritedComponent = getPrototypeOf(sourceComponent); if (inheritedComponent && inheritedComponent !== objectPrototype) { hoistNonReactStatics(targetComponent, inheritedComponent, blacklist); } } var keys = getOwnPropertyNames(sourceComponent); if (getOwnPropertySymbols) { keys = keys.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(sourceComponent)); } var targetStatics = getStatics(targetComponent); var sourceStatics = getStatics(sourceComponent); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; if (!KNOWN_STATICS[key] && !(blacklist && blacklist[key]) && !(sourceStatics && sourceStatics[key]) && !(targetStatics && targetStatics[key])) { var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(sourceComponent, key); try { // Avoid failures from read-only properties defineProperty(targetComponent, key, descriptor); } catch (e) {} } } } return targetComponent; } module.exports = hoistNonReactStatics; /***/ }), /* 59 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; if (true) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(75); } else {} /***/ }), /* 60 */ /***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return symbolObservablePonyfill; }); function symbolObservablePonyfill(root) { var result; var Symbol = root.Symbol; if (typeof Symbol === 'function') { if (Symbol.observable) { result = Symbol.observable; } else { result = Symbol('observable'); Symbol.observable = result; } } else { result = '@@observable'; } return result; }; /***/ }), /* 61 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _extends() { module.exports = _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } module.exports = _extends; /***/ }), /* 62 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = "" /***/ }), /* 63 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = "" /***/ }), /* 64 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = "" /***/ }), /* 65 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = "" /***/ }), /* 66 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var url = __webpack_require__(161); var parser = __webpack_require__(31); var Manager = __webpack_require__(48); var debug = __webpack_require__(16)(''); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = exports = lookup; /** * Managers cache. */ var cache = exports.managers = {}; /** * Looks up an existing `Manager` for multiplexing. * If the user summons: * * `io('http://localhost/a');` * `io('http://localhost/b');` * * We reuse the existing instance based on same scheme/port/host, * and we initialize sockets for each namespace. * * @api public */ function lookup (uri, opts) { if (typeof uri === 'object') { opts = uri; uri = undefined; } opts = opts || {}; var parsed = url(uri); var source = parsed.source; var id =; var path = parsed.path; var sameNamespace = cache[id] && path in cache[id].nsps; var newConnection = opts.forceNew || opts['force new connection'] || false === opts.multiplex || sameNamespace; var io; if (newConnection) { debug('ignoring socket cache for %s', source); io = Manager(source, opts); } else { if (!cache[id]) { debug('new io instance for %s', source); cache[id] = Manager(source, opts); } io = cache[id]; } if (parsed.query && !opts.query) { opts.query = parsed.query; } return io.socket(parsed.path, opts); } /** * Protocol version. * * @api public */ exports.protocol = parser.protocol; /** * `connect`. * * @param {String} uri * @api public */ exports.connect = lookup; /** * Expose constructors for standalone build. * * @api public */ exports.Manager = __webpack_require__(48); exports.Socket = __webpack_require__(54); /***/ }), /* 67 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** @license React v16.13.1 * react-dom.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /* Modernizr 3.0.0pre (Custom Build) | MIT */ var aa=__webpack_require__(1),n=__webpack_require__(36),r=__webpack_require__(69);function u(a){for(var b=""+a,c=1;cb}return!1}function v(a,b,c,d,e,f){this.acceptsBooleans=2===b||3===b||4===b;this.attributeName=d;this.attributeNamespace=e;this.mustUseProperty=c;this.propertyName=a;this.type=b;this.sanitizeURL=f}var C={}; "children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style".split(" ").forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,0,!1,a,null,!1)});[["acceptCharset","accept-charset"],["className","class"],["htmlFor","for"],["httpEquiv","http-equiv"]].forEach(function(a){var b=a[0];C[b]=new v(b,1,!1,a[1],null,!1)});["contentEditable","draggable","spellCheck","value"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,2,!1,a.toLowerCase(),null,!1)}); ["autoReverse","externalResourcesRequired","focusable","preserveAlpha"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,2,!1,a,null,!1)});"allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope".split(" ").forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,3,!1,a.toLowerCase(),null,!1)}); ["checked","multiple","muted","selected"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,3,!0,a,null,!1)});["capture","download"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,4,!1,a,null,!1)});["cols","rows","size","span"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,6,!1,a,null,!1)});["rowSpan","start"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,5,!1,a.toLowerCase(),null,!1)});var Ua=/[\-:]([a-z])/g;function Va(a){return a[1].toUpperCase()} "accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height".split(" ").forEach(function(a){var b=a.replace(Ua, Va);C[b]=new v(b,1,!1,a,null,!1)});"xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type".split(" ").forEach(function(a){var b=a.replace(Ua,Va);C[b]=new v(b,1,!1,a,"",!1)});["xml:base","xml:lang","xml:space"].forEach(function(a){var b=a.replace(Ua,Va);C[b]=new v(b,1,!1,a,"",!1)});["tabIndex","crossOrigin"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,1,!1,a.toLowerCase(),null,!1)}); C.xlinkHref=new v("xlinkHref",1,!1,"xlink:href","",!0);["src","href","action","formAction"].forEach(function(a){C[a]=new v(a,1,!1,a.toLowerCase(),null,!0)});var Wa=aa.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;Wa.hasOwnProperty("ReactCurrentDispatcher")||(Wa.ReactCurrentDispatcher={current:null});Wa.hasOwnProperty("ReactCurrentBatchConfig")||(Wa.ReactCurrentBatchConfig={suspense:null}); function Xa(a,b,c,d){var e=C.hasOwnProperty(b)?C[b]:null;var f=null!==e?0===e.type:d?!1:!(2=c.length))throw Error(u(93));c=c[0]}b=c}null==b&&(b="");c=b}a._wrapperState={initialValue:rb(c)}} function Kb(a,b){var c=rb(b.value),d=rb(b.defaultValue);null!=c&&(c=""+c,c!==a.value&&(a.value=c),null==b.defaultValue&&a.defaultValue!==c&&(a.defaultValue=c));null!=d&&(a.defaultValue=""+d)}function Lb(a){var b=a.textContent;b===a._wrapperState.initialValue&&""!==b&&null!==b&&(a.value=b)}var Mb={html:"",mathml:"",svg:""}; function Nb(a){switch(a){case "svg":return"";case "math":return"";default:return""}}function Ob(a,b){return null==a||""===a?Nb(b):""===a&&"foreignObject"===b?"":a} var Pb,Qb=function(a){return"undefined"!==typeof MSApp&&MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction?function(b,c,d,e){MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function(){return a(b,c,d,e)})}:a}(function(a,b){if(a.namespaceURI!==Mb.svg||"innerHTML"in a)a.innerHTML=b;else{Pb=Pb||document.createElement("div");Pb.innerHTML=""+b.valueOf().toString()+"";for(b=Pb.firstChild;a.firstChild;)a.removeChild(a.firstChild);for(;b.firstChild;)a.appendChild(b.firstChild)}}); function Rb(a,b){if(b){var c=a.firstChild;if(c&&c===a.lastChild&&3===c.nodeType){c.nodeValue=b;return}}a.textContent=b}function Sb(a,b){var c={};c[a.toLowerCase()]=b.toLowerCase();c["Webkit"+a]="webkit"+b;c["Moz"+a]="moz"+b;return c}var 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b=bc.get(a);void 0===b&&(b=new Map,bc.set(a,b));return b} function dc(a){var b=a,c=a;if(a.alternate)for(;b.return;)b=b.return;else{a=b;do b=a,0!==(b.effectTag&1026)&&(c=b.return),a=b.return;while(a)}return 3===b.tag?c:null}function ec(a){if(13===a.tag){var b=a.memoizedState;null===b&&(a=a.alternate,null!==a&&(b=a.memoizedState));if(null!==b)return b.dehydrated}return null}function fc(a){if(dc(a)!==a)throw Error(u(188));} function gc(a){var b=a.alternate;if(!b){b=dc(a);if(null===b)throw Error(u(188));return b!==a?null:a}for(var c=a,d=b;;){var e=c.return;if(null===e)break;var f=e.alternate;if(null===f){d=e.return;if(null!==d){c=d;continue}break}if(e.child===f.child){for(f=e.child;f;){if(f===c)return fc(e),a;if(f===d)return fc(e),b;f=f.sibling}throw Error(u(188));}if(c.return!==d.return)c=e,d=f;else{for(var g=!1,h=e.child;h;){if(h===c){g=!0;c=e;d=f;break}if(h===d){g=!0;d=e;c=f;break}h=h.sibling}if(!g){for(h=f.child;h;){if(h=== c){g=!0;c=f;d=e;break}if(h===d){g=!0;d=f;c=e;break}h=h.sibling}if(!g)throw Error(u(189));}}if(c.alternate!==d)throw Error(u(190));}if(3!==c.tag)throw Error(u(188));return c.stateNode.current===c?a:b}function hc(a){a=gc(a);if(!a)return null;for(var b=a;;){if(5===b.tag||6===b.tag)return b;if(b.child)b.child.return=b,b=b.child;else{if(b===a)break;for(;!b.sibling;){if(!b.return||b.return===a)return null;b=b.return}b.sibling.return=b.return;b=b.sibling}}return null} function ic(a,b){if(null==b)throw Error(u(30));if(null==a)return b;if(Array.isArray(a)){if(Array.isArray(b))return a.push.apply(a,b),a;a.push(b);return a}return Array.isArray(b)?[a].concat(b):[a,b]}function jc(a,b,c){Array.isArray(a)?a.forEach(b,c):a&&,a)}var kc=null; function lc(a){if(a){var b=a._dispatchListeners,c=a._dispatchInstances;if(Array.isArray(b))for(var d=0;dpc.length&&pc.push(a)} function rc(a,b,c,d){if(pc.length){var e=pc.pop();e.topLevelType=a;e.eventSystemFlags=d;e.nativeEvent=b;e.targetInst=c;return e}return{topLevelType:a,eventSystemFlags:d,nativeEvent:b,targetInst:c,ancestors:[]}} function sc(a){var b=a.targetInst,c=b;do{if(!c){a.ancestors.push(c);break}var d=c;if(3===d.tag)d=d.stateNode.containerInfo;else{for(;d.return;)d=d.return;d=3!==d.tag?null:d.stateNode.containerInfo}if(!d)break;b=c.tag;5!==b&&6!==b||a.ancestors.push(c);c=tc(d)}while(c);for(c=0;c=b)return{node:c,offset:b-a};a=d}a:{for(;c;){if(c.nextSibling){c=c.nextSibling;break a}c=c.parentNode}c=void 0}c=ud(c)}} function wd(a,b){return a&&b?a===b?!0:a&&3===a.nodeType?!1:b&&3===b.nodeType?wd(a,b.parentNode):"contains"in a?a.contains(b):a.compareDocumentPosition?!!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b)&16):!1:!1}function xd(){for(var a=window,b=td();b instanceof a.HTMLIFrameElement;){try{var c="string"===typeof b.contentWindow.location.href}catch(d){c=!1}if(c)a=b.contentWindow;else break;b=td(a.document)}return b} function yd(a){var b=a&&a.nodeName&&a.nodeName.toLowerCase();return 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f=e.baseQueue,g=e.shared.pending;if(null!==g){if(null!==f){var;;}f=g;e.shared.pending=null;h=a.alternate;null!==h&&(h=h.updateQueue,null!==h&&(h.baseQueue=g))}if(null!==f){;var k=e.baseState,l=0,m=null,p=null,x=null;if(null!==h){var z=h;do{g=z.expirationTime;if(gl&&(l=g)}else{null!==x&&({expirationTime:1073741823,suspenseConfig:z.suspenseConfig,tag:z.tag,payload:z.payload,callback:z.callback,next:null});Ag(g,z.suspenseConfig);a:{var D=a,t=z;g=b;ca=c;switch(t.tag){case 1:D=t.payload;if("function"===typeof D){,k,g);break a}k=D;break a;case 3:D.effectTag=D.effectTag&-4097|64;case 0:D=t.payload;g="function"===typeof D?,k,g):D;if(null===g||void 0===g)break a;k=n({},k,g);break a;case 2:tg=!0}}null!==z.callback&& (a.effectTag|=32,g=e.effects,null===g?e.effects=[z]:g.push(z))};if(null===z||z===h)if(g=e.shared.pending,null===g)break;else,,e.baseQueue=f=g,e.shared.pending=null}while(1)}null===x?;e.baseState=m;e.baseQueue=x;Bg(l);a.expirationTime=l;a.memoizedState=k}} function Cg(a,b,c){a=b.effects;b.effects=null;if(null!==a)for(b=0;by?(A=m,m=null):A=m.sibling;var q=x(e,m,h[y],k);if(null===q){null===m&&(m=A);break}a&& m&&null===q.alternate&&b(e,m);g=f(q,g,y);null===t?l=q:t.sibling=q;t=q;m=A}if(y===h.length)return c(e,m),l;if(null===m){for(;yy?(A=t,t=null):A=t.sibling;var D=x(e,t,q.value,l);if(null===D){null===t&&(t=A);break}a&&t&&null===D.alternate&&b(e,t);g=f(D,g,y);null===m?k=D:m.sibling=D;m=D;t=A}if(q.done)return c(e,t),k;if(null===t){for(;!q.done;y++,,q.value,l),null!==q&&(g=f(q,g,y),null===m?k=q:m.sibling=q,m=q);return k}for(t=d(e,t);!q.done;y++,,e,y,q.value,l),null!==q&&(a&&null!== q.alternate&&t.delete(null===q.key?y:q.key),g=f(q,g,y),null===m?k=q:m.sibling=q,m=q);a&&t.forEach(function(a){return b(e,a)});return k}return function(a,d,f,h){var k="object"===typeof f&&null!==f&&f.type===ab&&null===f.key;k&&(f=f.props.children);var l="object"===typeof f&&null!==f;if(l)switch(f.$$typeof){case Za:a:{l=f.key;for(k=d;null!==k;){if(k.key===l){switch(k.tag){case 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a=a.type,Error(u(152,a.displayName||||"Component"));}return c(a,d)}}var Xg=Rg(!0),Yg=Rg(!1),Zg={},$g={current:Zg},ah={current:Zg},bh={current:Zg}; function ch(a){if(a===Zg)throw Error(u(174));return a}function dh(a,b){I(bh,b);I(ah,a);I($g,Zg);a=b.nodeType;switch(a){case 9:case 11:b=(b=b.documentElement)?b.namespaceURI:Ob(null,"");break;default:a=8===a?b.parentNode:b,b=a.namespaceURI||null,a=a.tagName,b=Ob(b,a)}H($g);I($g,b)}function eh(){H($g);H(ah);H(bh)}function fh(a){ch(bh.current);var b=ch($g.current);var c=Ob(b,a.type);b!==c&&(I(ah,a),I($g,c))}function gh(a){ah.current===a&&(H($g),H(ah))}var M={current:0}; function hh(a){for(var b=a;null!==b;){if(13===b.tag){var c=b.memoizedState;if(null!==c&&(c=c.dehydrated,null===c|||| b}else if(19===b.tag&&void 0!==b.memoizedProps.revealOrder){if(0!==(b.effectTag&64))return b}else if(null!==b.child){b.child.return=b;b=b.child;continue}if(b===a)break;for(;null===b.sibling;){if(null===b.return||b.return===a)return null;b=b.return}b.sibling.return=b.return;b=b.sibling}return null}function ih(a,b){return{responder:a,props:b}} var jh=Wa.ReactCurrentDispatcher,kh=Wa.ReactCurrentBatchConfig,lh=0,N=null,O=null,P=null,mh=!1;function Q(){throw Error(u(321));}function nh(a,b){if(null===b)return!1;for(var c=0;cf))throw Error(u(301));f+=1;P=O=null;b.updateQueue=null;jh.current=rh;a=c(d,e)}while(b.expirationTime===lh)}jh.current=sh;b=null!==O&&null!;lh=0;P=O=N=null;mh=!1;if(b)throw Error(u(300));return a} function th(){var a={memoizedState:null,baseState:null,baseQueue:null,queue:null,next:null};null===P?;return P}function uh(){if(null===O){var a=N.alternate;a=null!==a?a.memoizedState:null}else;var b=null===P?;if(null!==b)P=b,O=a;else{if(null===a)throw Error(u(310));O=a;a={memoizedState:O.memoizedState,baseState:O.baseState,baseQueue:O.baseQueue,queue:O.queue,next:null};null===P?}return P} function vh(a,b){return"function"===typeof b?b(a):b} function wh(a){var b=uh(),c=b.queue;if(null===c)throw Error(u(311));c.lastRenderedReducer=a;var d=O,e=d.baseQueue,f=c.pending;if(null!==f){if(null!==e){var;;}d.baseQueue=e=f;c.pending=null}if(null!==e){;d=d.baseState;var h=g=f=null,k=e;do{var l=k.expirationTime;if(lN.expirationTime&& (N.expirationTime=l,Bg(l))}else null!==h&&({expirationTime:1073741823,suspenseConfig:k.suspenseConfig,action:k.action,eagerReducer:k.eagerReducer,eagerState:k.eagerState,next:null}),Ag(l,k.suspenseConfig),d=k.eagerReducer===a?k.eagerState:a(d,k.action);}while(null!==k&&k!==e);null===h?;$e(d,b.memoizedState)||(rg=!0);b.memoizedState=d;b.baseState=f;b.baseQueue=h;c.lastRenderedState=d}return[b.memoizedState,c.dispatch]} function xh(a){var b=uh(),c=b.queue;if(null===c)throw Error(u(311));c.lastRenderedReducer=a;var d=c.dispatch,e=c.pending,f=b.memoizedState;if(null!==e){c.pending=null;var;do f=a(f,g.action),;while(g!==e);$e(f,b.memoizedState)||(rg=!0);b.memoizedState=f;null===b.baseQueue&&(b.baseState=f);c.lastRenderedState=f}return[f,d]} function yh(a){var b=th();"function"===typeof a&&(a=a());b.memoizedState=b.baseState=a;a=b.queue={pending:null,dispatch:null,lastRenderedReducer:vh,lastRenderedState:a};a=a.dispatch=zh.bind(null,N,a);return[b.memoizedState,a]}function Ah(a,b,c,d){a={tag:a,create:b,destroy:c,deps:d,next:null};b=N.updateQueue;null===b?(b={lastEffect:null},N.updateQueue=b,,null===c?,,,b.lastEffect=a));return a} function Bh(){return uh().memoizedState}function Ch(a,b,c,d){var e=th();N.effectTag|=a;e.memoizedState=Ah(1|b,c,void 0,void 0===d?null:d)}function Dh(a,b,c,d){var e=uh();d=void 0===d?null:d;var f=void 0;if(null!==O){var g=O.memoizedState;f=g.destroy;if(null!==d&&nh(d,g.deps)){Ah(b,c,f,d);return}}N.effectTag|=a;e.memoizedState=Ah(1|b,c,f,d)}function Eh(a,b){return Ch(516,4,a,b)}function Fh(a,b){return Dh(516,4,a,b)}function Gh(a,b){return Dh(4,2,a,b)} function Hh(a,b){if("function"===typeof b)return a=a(),b(a),function(){b(null)};if(null!==b&&void 0!==b)return a=a(),b.current=a,function(){b.current=null}}function Ih(a,b,c){c=null!==c&&void 0!==c?c.concat([a]):null;return Dh(4,2,Hh.bind(null,b,a),c)}function Jh(){}function Kh(a,b){th().memoizedState=[a,void 0===b?null:b];return a}function Lh(a,b){var c=uh();b=void 0===b?null:b;var d=c.memoizedState;if(null!==d&&null!==b&&nh(b,d[1]))return d[0];c.memoizedState=[a,b];return a} function Mh(a,b){var c=uh();b=void 0===b?null:b;var d=c.memoizedState;if(null!==d&&null!==b&&nh(b,d[1]))return d[0];a=a();c.memoizedState=[a,b];return a}function Nh(a,b,c){var d=ag();cg(98>d?98:d,function(){a(!0)});cg(97\x3c/script>",a=a.removeChild(a.firstChild)):"string"===typeof,{}):(a=g.createElement(e),"select"===e&&(g=a,d.multiple?g.multiple=!0:d.size&&(g.size=d.size))):a=g.createElementNS(a,e);a[Md]=b;a[Nd]=d;ni(a,b,!1,!1);b.stateNode=a;g=pd(e,d);switch(e){case "iframe":case "object":case "embed":F("load", a);h=d;break;case "video":case "audio":for(h=0;hd.tailExpiration&&1b)&&tj.set(a,b)))}} function xj(a,b){a.expirationTimea?c:a;return 2>=a&&b!==a?0:a} function Z(a){if(0!==a.lastExpiredTime)a.callbackExpirationTime=1073741823,a.callbackPriority=99,a.callbackNode=eg(yj.bind(null,a));else{var b=zj(a),c=a.callbackNode;if(0===b)null!==c&&(a.callbackNode=null,a.callbackExpirationTime=0,a.callbackPriority=90);else{var d=Gg();1073741823===b?d=99:1===b||2===b?d=95:(d=10*(1073741821-b)-10*(1073741821-d),d=0>=d?99:250>=d?98:5250>=d?97:95);if(null!==c){var e=a.callbackPriority;if(a.callbackExpirationTime===b&&e>=d)return;c!==Tf&&Kf(c)}a.callbackExpirationTime= b;a.callbackPriority=d;b=1073741823===b?eg(yj.bind(null,a)):dg(d,Bj.bind(null,a),{timeout:10*(1073741821-b)-$f()});a.callbackNode=b}}} function Bj(a,b){wj=0;if(b)return b=Gg(),Cj(a,b),Z(a),null;var c=zj(a);if(0!==c){b=a.callbackNode;if((W&(fj|gj))!==V)throw Error(u(327));Dj();a===T&&c===U||Ej(a,c);if(null!==X){var d=W;W|=fj;var e=Fj();do try{Gj();break}catch(h){Hj(a,h)}while(1);ng();W=d;cj.current=e;if(S===hj)throw b=kj,Ej(a,c),xi(a,c),Z(a),b;if(null===X)switch(e=a.finishedWork=a.current.alternate,a.finishedExpirationTime=c,d=S,T=null,d){case ti:case hj:throw Error(u(345));case ij:Cj(a,2=c){a.lastPingedTime=c;Ej(a,c);break}}f=zj(a);if(0!==f&&f!==c)break;if(0!==d&&d!==c){a.lastPingedTime=d;break}a.timeoutHandle=Hd(Jj.bind(null,a),e);break}Jj(a);break;case vi:xi(a,c);d=a.lastSuspendedTime;c===d&&(a.nextKnownPendingLevel=Ij(e));if(oj&&(e=a.lastPingedTime,0===e||e>=c)){a.lastPingedTime=c;Ej(a,c);break}e=zj(a);if(0!==e&&e!==c)break;if(0!==d&&d!==c){a.lastPingedTime= d;break}1073741823!==mj?d=10*(1073741821-mj)-$f():1073741823===lj?d=0:(d=10*(1073741821-lj)-5E3,e=$f(),c=10*(1073741821-c)-e,d=e-d,0>d&&(d=0),d=(120>d?120:480>d?480:1080>d?1080:1920>d?1920:3E3>d?3E3:4320>d?4320:1960*bj(d/1960))-d,c=d?d=0:(e=g.busyDelayMs|0,f=$f()-(10*(1073741821-f)-(g.timeoutMs|0||5E3)),d=f<=e?0:e+d-f);if(10 component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display."+qb(g))}S!== jj&&(S=ij);h=Ai(h,g);p=f;do{switch(p.tag){case 3:k=h;p.effectTag|=4096;p.expirationTime=b;var B=Xi(p,k,b);yg(p,B);break a;case 1:k=h;var w=p.type,ub=p.stateNode;if(0===(p.effectTag&64)&&("function"===typeof w.getDerivedStateFromError||null!==ub&&"function"===typeof ub.componentDidCatch&&(null===aj||!aj.has(ub)))){p.effectTag|=4096;p.expirationTime=b;var vb=$i(p,k,b);yg(p,vb);break a}}p=p.return}while(null!==p)}X=Pj(X)}catch(Xc){b=Xc;continue}break}while(1)} function Fj(){var a=cj.current;cj.current=sh;return null===a?sh:a}function Ag(a,b){awi&&(wi=a)}function Kj(){for(;null!==X;)X=Qj(X)}function Gj(){for(;null!==X&&!Uf();)X=Qj(X)}function Qj(a){var b=Rj(a.alternate,a,U);a.memoizedProps=a.pendingProps;null===b&&(b=Pj(a));dj.current=null;return b} function Pj(a){X=a;do{var b=X.alternate;a=X.return;if(0===(X.effectTag&2048)){b=si(b,X,U);if(1===U||1!==X.childExpirationTime){for(var c=0,d=X.child;null!==d;){var e=d.expirationTime,f=d.childExpirationTime;e>c&&(c=e);f>c&&(c=f);d=d.sibling}X.childExpirationTime=c}if(null!==b)return b;null!==a&&0===(a.effectTag&2048)&&(null===a.firstEffect&&(a.firstEffect=X.firstEffect),null!==X.lastEffect&&(null!==a.lastEffect&&(a.lastEffect.nextEffect=X.firstEffect),a.lastEffect=X.lastEffect),1a?b:a}function Jj(a){var b=ag();cg(99,Sj.bind(null,a,b));return null} function Sj(a,b){do Dj();while(null!==rj);if((W&(fj|gj))!==V)throw Error(u(327));var c=a.finishedWork,d=a.finishedExpirationTime;if(null===c)return null;a.finishedWork=null;a.finishedExpirationTime=0;if(c===a.current)throw Error(u(177));a.callbackNode=null;a.callbackExpirationTime=0;a.callbackPriority=90;a.nextKnownPendingLevel=0;var e=Ij(c);a.firstPendingTime=e;d<=a.lastSuspendedTime?a.firstSuspendedTime=a.lastSuspendedTime=a.nextKnownPendingLevel=0:d<=a.firstSuspendedTime&&(a.firstSuspendedTime= d-1);d<=a.lastPingedTime&&(a.lastPingedTime=0);d<=a.lastExpiredTime&&(a.lastExpiredTime=0);a===T&&(X=T=null,U=0);1h&&(l=h,h=g,g=l),l=vd(q,g),m=vd(q,h),l&&m&&(1!==w.rangeCount||w.anchorNode!==l.node||w.anchorOffset!==l.offset||w.focusNode!==m.node||w.focusOffset!==m.offset)&&(B=B.createRange(),B.setStart(l.node,l.offset),w.removeAllRanges(),g>h?(w.addRange(B),w.extend(m.node,m.offset)):(B.setEnd(m.node,m.offset),w.addRange(B))))));B=[];for(w=q;w=w.parentNode;)1===w.nodeType&&B.push({element:w,left:w.scrollLeft, top:w.scrollTop});"function"===typeof q.focus&&q.focus();for(q=0;q=c)return ji(a,b,c);I(M,M.current&1);b=$h(a,b,c);return null!==b?b.sibling:null}I(M,M.current&1);break;case 19:d=b.childExpirationTime>=c;if(0!==(a.effectTag&64)){if(d)return mi(a,b,c);b.effectTag|=64}e=b.memoizedState;null!==e&&(e.rendering=null,e.tail=null);I(M,M.current);if(!d)return null}return $h(a,b,c)}rg=!1}}else rg=!1;b.expirationTime=0;switch(b.tag){case 2:d=b.type;null!==a&&(a.alternate=null,b.alternate=null,b.effectTag|=2);a=b.pendingProps;e=Cf(b,J.current);qg(b,c);e=oh(null, b,d,a,e,c);b.effectTag|=1;if("object"===typeof e&&null!==e&&"function"===typeof e.render&&void 0===e.$$typeof){b.tag=1;b.memoizedState=null;b.updateQueue=null;if(L(d)){var f=!0;Gf(b)}else f=!1;b.memoizedState=null!==e.state&&void 0!==e.state?e.state:null;ug(b);var g=d.getDerivedStateFromProps;"function"===typeof g&&Fg(b,d,g,a);e.updater=Jg;b.stateNode=e;e._reactInternalFiber=b;Ng(b,d,a,c);b=gi(null,b,d,!0,f,c)}else b.tag=0,R(null,b,e,c),b=b.child;return b;case 16:a:{e=b.elementType;null!==a&&(a.alternate= null,b.alternate=null,b.effectTag|=2);a=b.pendingProps;ob(e);if(1!==e._status)throw e._result;e=e._result;b.type=e;f=b.tag=Xj(e);a=ig(e,a);switch(f){case 0:b=di(null,b,e,a,c);break a;case 1:b=fi(null,b,e,a,c);break a;case 11:b=Zh(null,b,e,a,c);break a;case 14:b=ai(null,b,e,ig(e.type,a),d,c);break a}throw Error(u(306,e,""));}return b;case 0:return d=b.type,e=b.pendingProps,e=b.elementType===d?e:ig(d,e),di(a,b,d,e,c);case 1:return d=b.type,e=b.pendingProps,e=b.elementType===d?e:ig(d,e),fi(a,b,d,e,c); case 3:hi(b);d=b.updateQueue;if(null===a||null===d)throw Error(u(282));d=b.pendingProps;e=b.memoizedState;e=null!==e?e.element:null;vg(a,b);zg(b,d,null,c);d=b.memoizedState.element;if(d===e)Xh(),b=$h(a,b,c);else{if(e=b.stateNode.hydrate)Ph=Jd(b.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild),Oh=b,e=Qh=!0;if(e)for(c=Yg(b,null,d,c),b.child=c;c;)c.effectTag=c.effectTag&-3|1024,c=c.sibling;else R(a,b,d,c),Xh();b=b.child}return b;case 5:return fh(b),null===a&&Uh(b),d=b.type,e=b.pendingProps,f=null!==a?a.memoizedProps: null,g=e.children,Gd(d,e)?g=null:null!==f&&Gd(d,f)&&(b.effectTag|=16),ei(a,b),b.mode&4&&1!==c&&e.hidden?(b.expirationTime=b.childExpirationTime=1,b=null):(R(a,b,g,c),b=b.child),b;case 6:return null===a&&Uh(b),null;case 13:return ji(a,b,c);case 4:return dh(b,b.stateNode.containerInfo),d=b.pendingProps,null===a?b.child=Xg(b,null,d,c):R(a,b,d,c),b.child;case 11:return d=b.type,e=b.pendingProps,e=b.elementType===d?e:ig(d,e),Zh(a,b,d,e,c);case 7:return R(a,b,b.pendingProps,c),b.child;case 8:return R(a, b,b.pendingProps.children,c),b.child;case 12:return R(a,b,b.pendingProps.children,c),b.child;case 10:a:{d=b.type._context;e=b.pendingProps;g=b.memoizedProps;f=e.value;var h=b.type._context;I(jg,h._currentValue);h._currentValue=f;if(null!==g)if(h=g.value,f=$e(h,f)?0:("function"===typeof d._calculateChangedBits?d._calculateChangedBits(h,f):1073741823)|0,0===f){if(g.children===e.children&&!K.current){b=$h(a,b,c);break a}}else for(h=b.child,null!==h&&(h.return=b);null!==h;){var k=h.dependencies;if(null!== k){g=h.child;for(var l=k.firstContext;null!==l;){if(l.context===d&&0!==(l.observedBits&f)){1===h.tag&&(l=wg(c,null),l.tag=2,xg(h,l));h.expirationTime=b&&a<=b}function xi(a,b){var c=a.firstSuspendedTime,d=a.lastSuspendedTime;cb||0===c)a.lastSuspendedTime=b;b<=a.lastPingedTime&&(a.lastPingedTime=0);b<=a.lastExpiredTime&&(a.lastExpiredTime=0)} function yi(a,b){b>a.firstPendingTime&&(a.firstPendingTime=b);var c=a.firstSuspendedTime;0!==c&&(b>=c?a.firstSuspendedTime=a.lastSuspendedTime=a.nextKnownPendingLevel=0:b>=a.lastSuspendedTime&&(a.lastSuspendedTime=b+1),b>a.nextKnownPendingLevel&&(a.nextKnownPendingLevel=b))}function Cj(a,b){var c=a.lastExpiredTime;if(0===c||c>b)a.lastExpiredTime=b} function bk(a,b,c,d){var e=b.current,f=Gg(),g=Dg.suspense;f=Hg(f,e,g);a:if(c){c=c._reactInternalFiber;b:{if(dc(c)!==c||1!==c.tag)throw Error(u(170));var h=c;do{switch(h.tag){case 3:h=h.stateNode.context;break b;case 1:if(L(h.type)){h=h.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;break b}}h=h.return}while(null!==h);throw Error(u(171));}if(1===c.tag){var k=c.type;if(L(k)){c=Ff(c,k,h);break a}}c=h}else c=Af;null===b.context?b.context=c:b.pendingContext=c;b=wg(f,g);b.payload={element:a};d=void 0=== d?null:d;null!==d&&(b.callback=d);xg(e,b);Ig(e,f);return f}function ck(a){a=a.current;if(!a.child)return null;switch(a.child.tag){case 5:return a.child.stateNode;default:return a.child.stateNode}}function dk(a,b){a=a.memoizedState;null!==a&&null!==a.dehydrated&&a.retryTimeQ.length&&Q.push(a)} function T(a,b,c,e){var d=typeof a;if("undefined"===d||"boolean"===d)a=null;var g=!1;if(null===a)g=!0;else switch(d){case "string":case "number":g=!0;break;case "object":switch(a.$$typeof){case p:case q:g=!0}}if(g)return c(e,a,""===b?"."+U(a,0):b),1;g=0;b=""===b?".":b+":";if(Array.isArray(a))for(var k=0;k=G};l=function(){};exports.unstable_forceFrameRate=function(a){0>a||125>>1,e=a[d];if(void 0!==e&&0K(n,c))void 0!==r&&0>K(r,n)?(a[d]=r,a[v]=c,d=v):(a[d]=n,a[m]=c,d=m);else if(void 0!==r&&0>K(r,c))a[d]=r,a[v]=c,d=v;else break a}}return b}return null}function K(a,b){var c=a.sortIndex-b.sortIndex;return 0!==c?}var N=[],O=[],P=1,Q=null,R=3,S=!1,T=!1,U=!1; function V(a){for(var b=L(O);null!==b;){if(null===b.callback)M(O);else if(b.startTime<=a)M(O),b.sortIndex=b.expirationTime,J(N,b);else break;b=L(O)}}function W(a){U=!1;V(a);if(!T)if(null!==L(N))T=!0,f(X);else{var b=L(O);null!==b&&g(W,b.startTime-a)}} function X(a,b){T=!1;U&&(U=!1,h());S=!0;var c=R;try{V(b);for(Q=L(N);null!==Q&&(!(Q.expirationTime>b)||a&&!k());){var d=Q.callback;if(null!==d){Q.callback=null;R=Q.priorityLevel;var e=d(Q.expirationTime<=b);b=exports.unstable_now();"function"===typeof e?Q.callback=e:Q===L(N)&&M(N);V(b)}else M(N);Q=L(N)}if(null!==Q)var m=!0;else{var n=L(O);null!==n&&g(W,n.startTime-b);m=!1}return m}finally{Q=null,R=c,S=!1}} function Y(a){switch(a){case 1:return-1;case 2:return 250;case 5:return 1073741823;case 4:return 1E4;default:return 5E3}}var Z=l;exports.unstable_IdlePriority=5;exports.unstable_ImmediatePriority=1;exports.unstable_LowPriority=4;exports.unstable_NormalPriority=3;exports.unstable_Profiling=null;exports.unstable_UserBlockingPriority=2;exports.unstable_cancelCallback=function(a){a.callback=null};exports.unstable_continueExecution=function(){T||S||(T=!0,f(X))}; exports.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel=function(){return R};exports.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode=function(){return L(N)};exports.unstable_next=function(a){switch(R){case 1:case 2:case 3:var b=3;break;default:b=R}var c=R;R=b;try{return a()}finally{R=c}};exports.unstable_pauseExecution=function(){};exports.unstable_requestPaint=Z;exports.unstable_runWithPriority=function(a,b){switch(a){case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:break;default:a=3}var c=R;R=a;try{return b()}finally{R=c}}; exports.unstable_scheduleCallback=function(a,b,c){var d=exports.unstable_now();if("object"===typeof c&&null!==c){var e=c.delay;e="number"===typeof e&&0d?(a.sortIndex=e,J(O,a),null===L(N)&&a===L(O)&&(U?h():U=!0,g(W,e-d))):(a.sortIndex=c,J(N,a),T||S||(T=!0,f(X)));return a}; exports.unstable_shouldYield=function(){var a=exports.unstable_now();V(a);var b=L(N);return b!==Q&&null!==Q&&null!==b&&null!==b.callback&&b.startTime<=a&&b.expirationTime= 0) { try { parsed.hostname = punycode.toASCII(parsed.hostname); } catch (er) { /**/ } } } return mdurl.encode(mdurl.format(parsed)); } function normalizeLinkText(url) { var parsed = mdurl.parse(url, true); if (parsed.hostname) { // Encode hostnames in urls like: // `http://host/`, `https://host/`, `mailto:user@host`, `//host/` // // We don't encode unknown schemas, because it's likely that we encode // something we shouldn't (e.g. `skype:name` treated as `skype:host`) // if (!parsed.protocol || RECODE_HOSTNAME_FOR.indexOf(parsed.protocol) >= 0) { try { parsed.hostname = punycode.toUnicode(parsed.hostname); } catch (er) { /**/ } } } return mdurl.decode(mdurl.format(parsed)); } /** * class MarkdownIt * * Main parser/renderer class. * * ##### Usage * * ```javascript * // node.js, "classic" way: * var MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it'), * md = new MarkdownIt(); * var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz!'); * * // node.js, the same, but with sugar: * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz!'); * * // browser without AMD, added to "window" on script load * // Note, there are no dash. * var md = window.markdownit(); * var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz!'); * ``` * * Single line rendering, without paragraph wrap: * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * var result = md.renderInline('__markdown-it__ rulezz!'); * ``` **/ /** * new MarkdownIt([presetName, options]) * - presetName (String): optional, `commonmark` / `zero` * - options (Object) * * Creates parser instanse with given config. Can be called without `new`. * * ##### presetName * * MarkdownIt provides named presets as a convenience to quickly * enable/disable active syntax rules and options for common use cases. * * - ["commonmark"]( - * configures parser to strict [CommonMark]( mode. * - [default]( - * similar to GFM, used when no preset name given. Enables all available rules, * but still without html, typographer & autolinker. * - ["zero"]( - * all rules disabled. Useful to quickly setup your config via `.enable()`. * For example, when you need only `bold` and `italic` markup and nothing else. * * ##### options: * * - __html__ - `false`. Set `true` to enable HTML tags in source. Be careful! * That's not safe! You may need external sanitizer to protect output from XSS. * It's better to extend features via plugins, instead of enabling HTML. * - __xhtmlOut__ - `false`. Set `true` to add '/' when closing single tags * (`
`). This is needed only for full CommonMark compatibility. In real * world you will need HTML output. * - __breaks__ - `false`. Set `true` to convert `\n` in paragraphs into `
`. * - __langPrefix__ - `language-`. CSS language class prefix for fenced blocks. * Can be useful for external highlighters. * - __linkify__ - `false`. Set `true` to autoconvert URL-like text to links. * - __typographer__ - `false`. Set `true` to enable [some language-neutral * replacement]( + * quotes beautification (smartquotes). * - __quotes__ - `“”‘’`, String or Array. Double + single quotes replacement * pairs, when typographer enabled and smartquotes on. For example, you can * use `'«»„“'` for Russian, `'„“‚‘'` for German, and * `['«\xA0', '\xA0»', '‹\xA0', '\xA0›']` for French (including nbsp). * - __highlight__ - `null`. Highlighter function for fenced code blocks. * Highlighter `function (str, lang)` should return escaped HTML. It can also * return empty string if the source was not changed and should be escaped * externaly. If result starts with `): * * ```javascript * var hljs = require('highlight.js') // * * // Actual default values * var md = require('markdown-it')({ * highlight: function (str, lang) { * if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) { * try { * return '
' +
 *                hljs.highlight(lang, str, true).value +
 *                '
'; * } catch (__) {} * } * * return '
' + md.utils.escapeHtml(str) + '
'; * } * }); * ``` * **/ function MarkdownIt(presetName, options) { if (!(this instanceof MarkdownIt)) { return new MarkdownIt(presetName, options); } if (!options) { if (!utils.isString(presetName)) { options = presetName || {}; presetName = 'default'; } } /** * MarkdownIt#inline -> ParserInline * * Instance of [[ParserInline]]. You may need it to add new rules when * writing plugins. For simple rules control use [[MarkdownIt.disable]] and * [[MarkdownIt.enable]]. **/ this.inline = new ParserInline(); /** * MarkdownIt#block -> ParserBlock * * Instance of [[ParserBlock]]. You may need it to add new rules when * writing plugins. For simple rules control use [[MarkdownIt.disable]] and * [[MarkdownIt.enable]]. **/ this.block = new ParserBlock(); /** * MarkdownIt#core -> Core * * Instance of [[Core]] chain executor. You may need it to add new rules when * writing plugins. For simple rules control use [[MarkdownIt.disable]] and * [[MarkdownIt.enable]]. **/ this.core = new ParserCore(); /** * MarkdownIt#renderer -> Renderer * * Instance of [[Renderer]]. Use it to modify output look. Or to add rendering * rules for new token types, generated by plugins. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * * function myToken(tokens, idx, options, env, self) { * //... * return result; * }; * * md.renderer.rules['my_token'] = myToken * ``` * * See [[Renderer]] docs and [source code]( **/ this.renderer = new Renderer(); /** * MarkdownIt#linkify -> LinkifyIt * * [linkify-it]( instance. * Used by [linkify]( * rule. **/ this.linkify = new LinkifyIt(); /** * MarkdownIt#validateLink(url) -> Boolean * * Link validation function. CommonMark allows too much in links. By default * we disable `javascript:`, `vbscript:`, `file:` schemas, and almost all `data:...` schemas * except some embedded image types. * * You can change this behaviour: * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * // enable everything * md.validateLink = function () { return true; } * ``` **/ this.validateLink = validateLink; /** * MarkdownIt#normalizeLink(url) -> String * * Function used to encode link url to a machine-readable format, * which includes url-encoding, punycode, etc. **/ this.normalizeLink = normalizeLink; /** * MarkdownIt#normalizeLinkText(url) -> String * * Function used to decode link url to a human-readable format` **/ this.normalizeLinkText = normalizeLinkText; // Expose utils & helpers for easy acces from plugins /** * MarkdownIt#utils -> utils * * Assorted utility functions, useful to write plugins. See details * [here]( **/ this.utils = utils; /** * MarkdownIt#helpers -> helpers * * Link components parser functions, useful to write plugins. See details * [here]( **/ this.helpers = utils.assign({}, helpers); this.options = {}; this.configure(presetName); if (options) { this.set(options); } } /** chainable * MarkdownIt.set(options) * * Set parser options (in the same format as in constructor). Probably, you * will never need it, but you can change options after constructor call. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')() * .set({ html: true, breaks: true }) * .set({ typographer, true }); * ``` * * __Note:__ To achieve the best possible performance, don't modify a * `markdown-it` instance options on the fly. If you need multiple configurations * it's best to create multiple instances and initialize each with separate * config. **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.set = function (options) { utils.assign(this.options, options); return this; }; /** chainable, internal * MarkdownIt.configure(presets) * * Batch load of all options and compenent settings. This is internal method, * and you probably will not need it. But if you with - see available presets * and data structure [here]( * * We strongly recommend to use presets instead of direct config loads. That * will give better compatibility with next versions. **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.configure = function (presets) { var self = this, presetName; if (utils.isString(presets)) { presetName = presets; presets = config[presetName]; if (!presets) { throw new Error('Wrong `markdown-it` preset "' + presetName + '", check name'); } } if (!presets) { throw new Error('Wrong `markdown-it` preset, can\'t be empty'); } if (presets.options) { self.set(presets.options); } if (presets.components) { Object.keys(presets.components).forEach(function (name) { if (presets.components[name].rules) { self[name].ruler.enableOnly(presets.components[name].rules); } if (presets.components[name].rules2) { self[name].ruler2.enableOnly(presets.components[name].rules2); } }); } return this; }; /** chainable * MarkdownIt.enable(list, ignoreInvalid) * - list (String|Array): rule name or list of rule names to enable * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found. * * Enable list or rules. It will automatically find appropriate components, * containing rules with given names. If rule not found, and `ignoreInvalid` * not set - throws exception. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')() * .enable(['sub', 'sup']) * .disable('smartquotes'); * ``` **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.enable = function (list, ignoreInvalid) { var result = []; if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; } [ 'core', 'block', 'inline' ].forEach(function (chain) { result = result.concat(this[chain].ruler.enable(list, true)); }, this); result = result.concat(this.inline.ruler2.enable(list, true)); var missed = list.filter(function (name) { return result.indexOf(name) < 0; }); if (missed.length && !ignoreInvalid) { throw new Error('MarkdownIt. Failed to enable unknown rule(s): ' + missed); } return this; }; /** chainable * MarkdownIt.disable(list, ignoreInvalid) * - list (String|Array): rule name or list of rule names to disable. * - ignoreInvalid (Boolean): set `true` to ignore errors when rule not found. * * The same as [[MarkdownIt.enable]], but turn specified rules off. **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.disable = function (list, ignoreInvalid) { var result = []; if (!Array.isArray(list)) { list = [ list ]; } [ 'core', 'block', 'inline' ].forEach(function (chain) { result = result.concat(this[chain].ruler.disable(list, true)); }, this); result = result.concat(this.inline.ruler2.disable(list, true)); var missed = list.filter(function (name) { return result.indexOf(name) < 0; }); if (missed.length && !ignoreInvalid) { throw new Error('MarkdownIt. Failed to disable unknown rule(s): ' + missed); } return this; }; /** chainable * MarkdownIt.use(plugin, params) * * Load specified plugin with given params into current parser instance. * It's just a sugar to call `plugin(md, params)` with curring. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var iterator = require('markdown-it-for-inline'); * var md = require('markdown-it')() * .use(iterator, 'foo_replace', 'text', function (tokens, idx) { * tokens[idx].content = tokens[idx].content.replace(/foo/g, 'bar'); * }); * ``` **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.use = function (plugin /*, params, ... */) { var args = [ this ].concat(, 1)); plugin.apply(plugin, args); return this; }; /** internal * MarkdownIt.parse(src, env) -> Array * - src (String): source string * - env (Object): environment sandbox * * Parse input string and returns list of block tokens (special token type * "inline" will contain list of inline tokens). You should not call this * method directly, until you write custom renderer (for example, to produce * AST). * * `env` is used to pass data between "distributed" rules and return additional * metadata like reference info, needed for the renderer. It also can be used to * inject data in specific cases. Usually, you will be ok to pass `{}`, * and then pass updated object to renderer. **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.parse = function (src, env) { if (typeof src !== 'string') { throw new Error('Input data should be a String'); } var state = new this.core.State(src, this, env); this.core.process(state); return state.tokens; }; /** * MarkdownIt.render(src [, env]) -> String * - src (String): source string * - env (Object): environment sandbox * * Render markdown string into html. It does all magic for you :). * * `env` can be used to inject additional metadata (`{}` by default). * But you will not need it with high probability. See also comment * in [[MarkdownIt.parse]]. **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.render = function (src, env) { env = env || {}; return this.renderer.render(this.parse(src, env), this.options, env); }; /** internal * MarkdownIt.parseInline(src, env) -> Array * - src (String): source string * - env (Object): environment sandbox * * The same as [[MarkdownIt.parse]] but skip all block rules. It returns the * block tokens list with the single `inline` element, containing parsed inline * tokens in `children` property. Also updates `env` object. **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.parseInline = function (src, env) { var state = new this.core.State(src, this, env); state.inlineMode = true; this.core.process(state); return state.tokens; }; /** * MarkdownIt.renderInline(src [, env]) -> String * - src (String): source string * - env (Object): environment sandbox * * Similar to [[MarkdownIt.render]] but for single paragraph content. Result * will NOT be wrapped into `

` tags. **/ MarkdownIt.prototype.renderInline = function (src, env) { env = env || {}; return this.renderer.render(this.parseInline(src, env), this.options, env); }; module.exports = MarkdownIt; /***/ }), /* 82 */ /***/ (function(module) { module.exports = 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encode(string, exclude, keepEscaped) { var i, l, code, nextCode, cache, result = ''; if (typeof exclude !== 'string') { // encode(string, keepEscaped) keepEscaped = exclude; exclude = encode.defaultChars; } if (typeof keepEscaped === 'undefined') { keepEscaped = true; } cache = getEncodeCache(exclude); for (i = 0, l = string.length; i < l; i++) { code = string.charCodeAt(i); if (keepEscaped && code === 0x25 /* % */ && i + 2 < l) { if (/^[0-9a-f]{2}$/i.test(string.slice(i + 1, i + 3))) { result += string.slice(i, i + 3); i += 2; continue; } } if (code < 128) { result += cache[code]; continue; } if (code >= 0xD800 && code <= 0xDFFF) { if (code >= 0xD800 && code <= 0xDBFF && i + 1 < l) { nextCode = string.charCodeAt(i + 1); if (nextCode >= 0xDC00 && nextCode <= 0xDFFF) { result += encodeURIComponent(string[i] + string[i + 1]); i++; continue; } } result += '%EF%BF%BD'; continue; } result += encodeURIComponent(string[i]); } return result; } encode.defaultChars = ";/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()#"; encode.componentChars = "-_.!~*'()"; module.exports = encode; /***/ }), /* 84 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ var decodeCache = {}; function getDecodeCache(exclude) { var i, ch, cache = decodeCache[exclude]; if (cache) { return cache; } cache = decodeCache[exclude] = []; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { ch = String.fromCharCode(i); cache.push(ch); } for (i = 0; i < exclude.length; i++) { ch = exclude.charCodeAt(i); cache[ch] = '%' + ('0' + ch.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-2); } return cache; } // Decode percent-encoded string. // function decode(string, exclude) { var cache; if (typeof exclude !== 'string') { exclude = decode.defaultChars; } cache = getDecodeCache(exclude); return string.replace(/(%[a-f0-9]{2})+/gi, function(seq) { var i, l, b1, b2, b3, b4, chr, result = ''; for (i = 0, l = seq.length; i < l; i += 3) { b1 = parseInt(seq.slice(i + 1, i + 3), 16); if (b1 < 0x80) { result += cache[b1]; continue; } if ((b1 & 0xE0) === 0xC0 && (i + 3 < l)) { // 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx b2 = parseInt(seq.slice(i + 4, i + 6), 16); if ((b2 & 0xC0) === 0x80) { chr = ((b1 << 6) & 0x7C0) | (b2 & 0x3F); if (chr < 0x80) { result += '\ufffd\ufffd'; } else { result += String.fromCharCode(chr); } i += 3; continue; } } if ((b1 & 0xF0) === 0xE0 && (i + 6 < l)) { // 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx b2 = parseInt(seq.slice(i + 4, i + 6), 16); b3 = parseInt(seq.slice(i + 7, i + 9), 16); if ((b2 & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (b3 & 0xC0) === 0x80) { chr = ((b1 << 12) & 0xF000) | ((b2 << 6) & 0xFC0) | (b3 & 0x3F); if (chr < 0x800 || (chr >= 0xD800 && chr <= 0xDFFF)) { result += '\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd'; } else { result += String.fromCharCode(chr); } i += 6; continue; } } if ((b1 & 0xF8) === 0xF0 && (i + 9 < l)) { // 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx b2 = parseInt(seq.slice(i + 4, i + 6), 16); b3 = parseInt(seq.slice(i + 7, i + 9), 16); b4 = parseInt(seq.slice(i + 10, i + 12), 16); if ((b2 & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (b3 & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (b4 & 0xC0) === 0x80) { chr = ((b1 << 18) & 0x1C0000) | ((b2 << 12) & 0x3F000) | ((b3 << 6) & 0xFC0) | (b4 & 0x3F); if (chr < 0x10000 || chr > 0x10FFFF) { result += '\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd'; } else { chr -= 0x10000; result += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (chr >> 10), 0xDC00 + (chr & 0x3FF)); } i += 9; continue; } } result += '\ufffd'; } return result; }); } decode.defaultChars = ';/?:@&=+$,#'; decode.componentChars = ''; module.exports = decode; /***/ }), /* 85 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = function format(url) { var result = ''; result += url.protocol || ''; result += url.slashes ? '//' : ''; result += url.auth ? url.auth + '@' : ''; if (url.hostname && url.hostname.indexOf(':') !== -1) { // ipv6 address result += '[' + url.hostname + ']'; } else { result += url.hostname || ''; } result += url.port ? ':' + url.port : ''; result += url.pathname || ''; result += || ''; result += url.hash || ''; return result; }; /***/ }), /* 86 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Changes from joyent/node: // // 1. No leading slash in paths, // e.g. in `url.parse('http://foo?bar')` pathname is ``, not `/` // // 2. Backslashes are not replaced with slashes, // so `http:\\\` is treated like a relative path // // 3. Trailing colon is treated like a part of the path, // i.e. in `` pathname is `:foo` // // 4. Nothing is URL-encoded in the resulting object, // (in joyent/node some chars in auth and paths are encoded) // // 5. `url.parse()` does not have `parseQueryString` argument // // 6. Removed extraneous result properties: `host`, `path`, `query`, etc., // which can be constructed using other parts of the url. // function Url() { this.protocol = null; this.slashes = null; this.auth = null; this.port = null; this.hostname = null; this.hash = null; = null; this.pathname = null; } // Reference: RFC 3986, RFC 1808, RFC 2396 // define these here so at least they only have to be // compiled once on the first module load. var protocolPattern = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i, portPattern = /:[0-9]*$/, // Special case for a simple path URL simplePathPattern = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/, // RFC 2396: characters reserved for delimiting URLs. // We actually just auto-escape these. delims = [ '<', '>', '"', '`', ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t' ], // RFC 2396: characters not allowed for various reasons. unwise = [ '{', '}', '|', '\\', '^', '`' ].concat(delims), // Allowed by RFCs, but cause of XSS attacks. Always escape these. autoEscape = [ '\'' ].concat(unwise), // Characters that are never ever allowed in a hostname. // Note that any invalid chars are also handled, but these // are the ones that are *expected* to be seen, so we fast-path // them. nonHostChars = [ '%', '/', '?', ';', '#' ].concat(autoEscape), hostEndingChars = [ '/', '?', '#' ], hostnameMaxLen = 255, hostnamePartPattern = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/, hostnamePartStart = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/, // protocols that can allow "unsafe" and "unwise" chars. /* eslint-disable no-script-url */ // protocols that never have a hostname. hostlessProtocol = { 'javascript': true, 'javascript:': true }, // protocols that always contain a // bit. slashedProtocol = { 'http': true, 'https': true, 'ftp': true, 'gopher': true, 'file': true, 'http:': true, 'https:': true, 'ftp:': true, 'gopher:': true, 'file:': true }; /* eslint-enable no-script-url */ function urlParse(url, slashesDenoteHost) { if (url && url instanceof Url) { return url; } var u = new Url(); u.parse(url, slashesDenoteHost); return u; } Url.prototype.parse = function(url, slashesDenoteHost) { var i, l, lowerProto, hec, slashes, rest = url; // trim before proceeding. // This is to support parse stuff like " \n" rest = rest.trim(); if (!slashesDenoteHost && url.split('#').length === 1) { // Try fast path regexp var simplePath = simplePathPattern.exec(rest); if (simplePath) { this.pathname = simplePath[1]; if (simplePath[2]) { = simplePath[2]; } return this; } } var proto = protocolPattern.exec(rest); if (proto) { proto = proto[0]; lowerProto = proto.toLowerCase(); this.protocol = proto; rest = rest.substr(proto.length); } // figure out if it's got a host // user@server is *always* interpreted as a hostname, and url // resolution will treat //foo/bar as host=foo,path=bar because that's // how the browser resolves relative URLs. if (slashesDenoteHost || proto || rest.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) { slashes = rest.substr(0, 2) === '//'; if (slashes && !(proto && hostlessProtocol[proto])) { rest = rest.substr(2); this.slashes = true; } } if (!hostlessProtocol[proto] && (slashes || (proto && !slashedProtocol[proto]))) { // there's a hostname. // the first instance of /, ?, ;, or # ends the host. // // If there is an @ in the hostname, then non-host chars *are* allowed // to the left of the last @ sign, unless some host-ending character // comes *before* the @-sign. // URLs are obnoxious. // // ex: // http://a@b@c/ => user:a@b host:c // http://a@b?@c => user:a host:c path:/?@c // v0.12 TODO(isaacs): This is not quite how Chrome does things. // Review our test case against browsers more comprehensively. // find the first instance of any hostEndingChars var hostEnd = -1; for (i = 0; i < hostEndingChars.length; i++) { hec = rest.indexOf(hostEndingChars[i]); if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd)) { hostEnd = hec; } } // at this point, either we have an explicit point where the // auth portion cannot go past, or the last @ char is the decider. var auth, atSign; if (hostEnd === -1) { // atSign can be anywhere. atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@'); } else { // atSign must be in auth portion. // http://a@b/c@d => host:b auth:a path:/c@d atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@', hostEnd); } // Now we have a portion which is definitely the auth. // Pull that off. if (atSign !== -1) { auth = rest.slice(0, atSign); rest = rest.slice(atSign + 1); this.auth = auth; } // the host is the remaining to the left of the first non-host char hostEnd = -1; for (i = 0; i < nonHostChars.length; i++) { hec = rest.indexOf(nonHostChars[i]); if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd)) { hostEnd = hec; } } // if we still have not hit it, then the entire thing is a host. if (hostEnd === -1) { hostEnd = rest.length; } if (rest[hostEnd - 1] === ':') { hostEnd--; } var host = rest.slice(0, hostEnd); rest = rest.slice(hostEnd); // pull out port. this.parseHost(host); // we've indicated that there is a hostname, // so even if it's empty, it has to be present. this.hostname = this.hostname || ''; // if hostname begins with [ and ends with ] // assume that it's an IPv6 address. var ipv6Hostname = this.hostname[0] === '[' && this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1] === ']'; // validate a little. if (!ipv6Hostname) { var hostparts = this.hostname.split(/\./); for (i = 0, l = hostparts.length; i < l; i++) { var part = hostparts[i]; if (!part) { continue; } if (!part.match(hostnamePartPattern)) { var newpart = ''; for (var j = 0, k = part.length; j < k; j++) { if (part.charCodeAt(j) > 127) { // we replace non-ASCII char with a temporary placeholder // we need this to make sure size of hostname is not // broken by replacing non-ASCII by nothing newpart += 'x'; } else { newpart += part[j]; } } // we test again with ASCII char only if (!newpart.match(hostnamePartPattern)) { var validParts = hostparts.slice(0, i); var notHost = hostparts.slice(i + 1); var bit = part.match(hostnamePartStart); if (bit) { validParts.push(bit[1]); notHost.unshift(bit[2]); } if (notHost.length) { rest = notHost.join('.') + rest; } this.hostname = validParts.join('.'); break; } } } } if (this.hostname.length > hostnameMaxLen) { this.hostname = ''; } // strip [ and ] from the hostname // the host field still retains them, though if (ipv6Hostname) { this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2); } } // chop off from the tail first. var hash = rest.indexOf('#'); if (hash !== -1) { // got a fragment string. this.hash = rest.substr(hash); rest = rest.slice(0, hash); } var qm = rest.indexOf('?'); if (qm !== -1) { = rest.substr(qm); rest = rest.slice(0, qm); } if (rest) { this.pathname = rest; } if (slashedProtocol[lowerProto] && this.hostname && !this.pathname) { this.pathname = ''; } return this; }; Url.prototype.parseHost = function(host) { var port = portPattern.exec(host); if (port) { port = port[0]; if (port !== ':') { this.port = port.substr(1); } host = host.substr(0, host.length - port.length); } if (host) { this.hostname = host; } }; module.exports = urlParse; /***/ }), /* 87 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; exports.Any = __webpack_require__(39); exports.Cc = __webpack_require__(40); exports.Cf = __webpack_require__(88); exports.P = __webpack_require__(27); exports.Z = __webpack_require__(41); /***/ }), /* 88 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports=/[\xAD\u0600-\u0605\u061C\u06DD\u070F\u08E2\u180E\u200B-\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u2064\u2066-\u206F\uFEFF\uFFF9-\uFFFB]|\uD804\uDCBD|\uD82F[\uDCA0-\uDCA3]|\uD834[\uDD73-\uDD7A]|\uDB40[\uDC01\uDC20-\uDC7F]/ /***/ }), /* 89 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Just a shortcut for bulk export exports.parseLinkLabel = __webpack_require__(90); exports.parseLinkDestination = __webpack_require__(91); exports.parseLinkTitle = __webpack_require__(92); /***/ }), /* 90 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Parse link label // // this function assumes that first character ("[") already matches; // returns the end of the label // module.exports = function parseLinkLabel(state, start, disableNested) { var level, found, marker, prevPos, labelEnd = -1, max = state.posMax, oldPos = state.pos; state.pos = start + 1; level = 1; while (state.pos < max) { marker = state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos); if (marker === 0x5D /* ] */) { level--; if (level === 0) { found = true; break; } } prevPos = state.pos;; if (marker === 0x5B /* [ */) { if (prevPos === state.pos - 1) { // increase level if we find text `[`, which is not a part of any token level++; } else if (disableNested) { state.pos = oldPos; return -1; } } } if (found) { labelEnd = state.pos; } // restore old state state.pos = oldPos; return labelEnd; }; /***/ }), /* 91 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Parse link destination // var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; var unescapeAll = __webpack_require__(2).unescapeAll; module.exports = function parseLinkDestination(str, pos, max) { var code, level, lines = 0, start = pos, result = { ok: false, pos: 0, lines: 0, str: '' }; if (str.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x3C /* < */) { pos++; while (pos < max) { code = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (code === 0x0A /* \n */ || isSpace(code)) { return result; } if (code === 0x3E /* > */) { result.pos = pos + 1; result.str = unescapeAll(str.slice(start + 1, pos)); result.ok = true; return result; } if (code === 0x5C /* \ */ && pos + 1 < max) { pos += 2; continue; } pos++; } // no closing '>' return result; } // this should be ... } else { ... branch level = 0; while (pos < max) { code = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (code === 0x20) { break; } // ascii control characters if (code < 0x20 || code === 0x7F) { break; } if (code === 0x5C /* \ */ && pos + 1 < max) { pos += 2; continue; } if (code === 0x28 /* ( */) { level++; } if (code === 0x29 /* ) */) { if (level === 0) { break; } level--; } pos++; } if (start === pos) { return result; } if (level !== 0) { return result; } result.str = unescapeAll(str.slice(start, pos)); result.lines = lines; result.pos = pos; result.ok = true; return result; }; /***/ }), /* 92 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Parse link title // var unescapeAll = __webpack_require__(2).unescapeAll; module.exports = function parseLinkTitle(str, pos, max) { var code, marker, lines = 0, start = pos, result = { ok: false, pos: 0, lines: 0, str: '' }; if (pos >= max) { return result; } marker = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (marker !== 0x22 /* " */ && marker !== 0x27 /* ' */ && marker !== 0x28 /* ( */) { return result; } pos++; // if opening marker is "(", switch it to closing marker ")" if (marker === 0x28) { marker = 0x29; } while (pos < max) { code = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (code === marker) { result.pos = pos + 1; result.lines = lines; result.str = unescapeAll(str.slice(start + 1, pos)); result.ok = true; return result; } else if (code === 0x0A) { lines++; } else if (code === 0x5C /* \ */ && pos + 1 < max) { pos++; if (str.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x0A) { lines++; } } pos++; } return result; }; /***/ }), /* 93 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** * class Renderer * * Generates HTML from parsed token stream. Each instance has independent * copy of rules. Those can be rewritten with ease. Also, you can add new * rules if you create plugin and adds new token types. **/ var assign = __webpack_require__(2).assign; var unescapeAll = __webpack_require__(2).unescapeAll; var escapeHtml = __webpack_require__(2).escapeHtml; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var default_rules = {}; default_rules.code_inline = function (tokens, idx, options, env, slf) { var token = tokens[idx]; return '' + escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + ''; }; default_rules.code_block = function (tokens, idx, options, env, slf) { var token = tokens[idx]; return '' + escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + '\n'; }; default_rules.fence = function (tokens, idx, options, env, slf) { var token = tokens[idx], info = ? unescapeAll( : '', langName = '', highlighted, i, tmpAttrs, tmpToken; if (info) { langName = info.split(/\s+/g)[0]; } if (options.highlight) { highlighted = options.highlight(token.content, langName) || escapeHtml(token.content); } else { highlighted = escapeHtml(token.content); } if (highlighted.indexOf('' + highlighted + '\n'; } return '

        + highlighted
        + '
\n'; }; default_rules.image = function (tokens, idx, options, env, slf) { var token = tokens[idx]; // "alt" attr MUST be set, even if empty. Because it's mandatory and // should be placed on proper position for tests. // // Replace content with actual value token.attrs[token.attrIndex('alt')][1] = slf.renderInlineAsText(token.children, options, env); return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); }; default_rules.hardbreak = function (tokens, idx, options /*, env */) { return options.xhtmlOut ? '
\n' : '
\n'; }; default_rules.softbreak = function (tokens, idx, options /*, env */) { return options.breaks ? (options.xhtmlOut ? '
\n' : '
\n') : '\n'; }; default_rules.text = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */) { return escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content); }; default_rules.html_block = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */) { return tokens[idx].content; }; default_rules.html_inline = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */) { return tokens[idx].content; }; /** * new Renderer() * * Creates new [[Renderer]] instance and fill [[Renderer#rules]] with defaults. **/ function Renderer() { /** * Renderer#rules -> Object * * Contains render rules for tokens. Can be updated and extended. * * ##### Example * * ```javascript * var md = require('markdown-it')(); * * md.renderer.rules.strong_open = function () { return ''; }; * md.renderer.rules.strong_close = function () { return ''; }; * * var result = md.renderInline(...); * ``` * * Each rule is called as independent static function with fixed signature: * * ```javascript * function my_token_render(tokens, idx, options, env, renderer) { * // ... * return renderedHTML; * } * ``` * * See [source code]( * for more details and examples. **/ this.rules = assign({}, default_rules); } /** * Renderer.renderAttrs(token) -> String * * Render token attributes to string. **/ Renderer.prototype.renderAttrs = function renderAttrs(token) { var i, l, result; if (!token.attrs) { return ''; } result = ''; for (i = 0, l = token.attrs.length; i < l; i++) { result += ' ' + escapeHtml(token.attrs[i][0]) + '="' + escapeHtml(token.attrs[i][1]) + '"'; } return result; }; /** * Renderer.renderToken(tokens, idx, options) -> String * - tokens (Array): list of tokens * - idx (Numbed): token index to render * - options (Object): params of parser instance * * Default token renderer. Can be overriden by custom function * in [[Renderer#rules]]. **/ Renderer.prototype.renderToken = function renderToken(tokens, idx, options) { var nextToken, result = '', needLf = false, token = tokens[idx]; // Tight list paragraphs if (token.hidden) { return ''; } // Insert a newline between hidden paragraph and subsequent opening // block-level tag. // // For example, here we should insert a newline before blockquote: // - a // > // if (token.block && token.nesting !== -1 && idx && tokens[idx - 1].hidden) { result += '\n'; } // Add token name, e.g. ``. // needLf = false; } } } } result += needLf ? '>\n' : '>'; return result; }; /** * Renderer.renderInline(tokens, options, env) -> String * - tokens (Array): list on block tokens to renter * - options (Object): params of parser instance * - env (Object): additional data from parsed input (references, for example) * * The same as [[Renderer.render]], but for single token of `inline` type. **/ Renderer.prototype.renderInline = function (tokens, options, env) { var type, result = '', rules = this.rules; for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; i++) { type = tokens[i].type; if (typeof rules[type] !== 'undefined') { result += rules[type](tokens, i, options, env, this); } else { result += this.renderToken(tokens, i, options); } } return result; }; /** internal * Renderer.renderInlineAsText(tokens, options, env) -> String * - tokens (Array): list on block tokens to renter * - options (Object): params of parser instance * - env (Object): additional data from parsed input (references, for example) * * Special kludge for image `alt` attributes to conform CommonMark spec. * Don't try to use it! Spec requires to show `alt` content with stripped markup, * instead of simple escaping. **/ Renderer.prototype.renderInlineAsText = function (tokens, options, env) { var result = ''; for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; i++) { if (tokens[i].type === 'text') { result += tokens[i].content; } else if (tokens[i].type === 'image') { result += this.renderInlineAsText(tokens[i].children, options, env); } } return result; }; /** * Renderer.render(tokens, options, env) -> String * - tokens (Array): list on block tokens to renter * - options (Object): params of parser instance * - env (Object): additional data from parsed input (references, for example) * * Takes token stream and generates HTML. Probably, you will never need to call * this method directly. **/ Renderer.prototype.render = function (tokens, options, env) { var i, len, type, result = '', rules = this.rules; for (i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; i++) { type = tokens[i].type; if (type === 'inline') { result += this.renderInline(tokens[i].children, options, env); } else if (typeof rules[type] !== 'undefined') { result += rules[tokens[i].type](tokens, i, options, env, this); } else { result += this.renderToken(tokens, i, options, env); } } return result; }; module.exports = Renderer; /***/ }), /* 94 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** internal * class Core * * Top-level rules executor. Glues block/inline parsers and does intermediate * transformations. **/ var Ruler = __webpack_require__(28); var _rules = [ [ 'normalize', __webpack_require__(95) ], [ 'block', __webpack_require__(96) ], [ 'inline', __webpack_require__(97) ], [ 'linkify', __webpack_require__(98) ], [ 'replacements', __webpack_require__(99) ], [ 'smartquotes', __webpack_require__(100) ] ]; /** * new Core() **/ function Core() { /** * Core#ruler -> Ruler * * [[Ruler]] instance. Keep configuration of core rules. **/ this.ruler = new Ruler(); for (var i = 0; i < _rules.length; i++) { this.ruler.push(_rules[i][0], _rules[i][1]); } } /** * Core.process(state) * * Executes core chain rules. **/ Core.prototype.process = function (state) { var i, l, rules; rules = this.ruler.getRules(''); for (i = 0, l = rules.length; i < l; i++) { rules[i](state); } }; Core.prototype.State = __webpack_require__(101); module.exports = Core; /***/ }), /* 95 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Normalize input string var NEWLINES_RE = /\r[\n\u0085]?|[\u2424\u2028\u0085]/g; var NULL_RE = /\u0000/g; module.exports = function inline(state) { var str; // Normalize newlines str = state.src.replace(NEWLINES_RE, '\n'); // Replace NULL characters str = str.replace(NULL_RE, '\uFFFD'); state.src = str; }; /***/ }), /* 96 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = function block(state) { var token; if (state.inlineMode) { token = new state.Token('inline', '', 0); token.content = state.src; = [ 0, 1 ]; token.children = []; state.tokens.push(token); } else {,, state.env, state.tokens); } }; /***/ }), /* 97 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = function inline(state) { var tokens = state.tokens, tok, i, l; // Parse inlines for (i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++) { tok = tokens[i]; if (tok.type === 'inline') {,, state.env, tok.children); } } }; /***/ }), /* 98 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Replace link-like texts with link nodes. // // Currently restricted by `md.validateLink()` to http/https/ftp // var arrayReplaceAt = __webpack_require__(2).arrayReplaceAt; function isLinkOpen(str) { return /^\s]/i.test(str); } function isLinkClose(str) { return /^<\/a\s*>/i.test(str); } module.exports = function linkify(state) { var i, j, l, tokens, token, currentToken, nodes, ln, text, pos, lastPos, level, htmlLinkLevel, url, fullUrl, urlText, blockTokens = state.tokens, links; if (! { return; } for (j = 0, l = blockTokens.length; j < l; j++) { if (blockTokens[j].type !== 'inline' || ![j].content)) { continue; } tokens = blockTokens[j].children; htmlLinkLevel = 0; // We scan from the end, to keep position when new tags added. // Use reversed logic in links start/end match for (i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { currentToken = tokens[i]; // Skip content of markdown links if (currentToken.type === 'link_close') { i--; while (tokens[i].level !== currentToken.level && tokens[i].type !== 'link_open') { i--; } continue; } // Skip content of html tag links if (currentToken.type === 'html_inline') { if (isLinkOpen(currentToken.content) && htmlLinkLevel > 0) { htmlLinkLevel--; } if (isLinkClose(currentToken.content)) { htmlLinkLevel++; } } if (htmlLinkLevel > 0) { continue; } if (currentToken.type === 'text' && { text = currentToken.content; links =; // Now split string to nodes nodes = []; level = currentToken.level; lastPos = 0; for (ln = 0; ln < links.length; ln++) { url = links[ln].url; fullUrl =; if (! { continue; } urlText = links[ln].text; // Linkifier might send raw hostnames like "", where url // starts with domain name. So we prepend http:// in those cases, // and remove it afterwards. // if (!links[ln].schema) { urlText ='http://' + urlText).replace(/^http:\/\//, ''); } else if (links[ln].schema === 'mailto:' && !/^mailto:/i.test(urlText)) { urlText ='mailto:' + urlText).replace(/^mailto:/, ''); } else { urlText =; } pos = links[ln].index; if (pos > lastPos) { token = new state.Token('text', '', 0); token.content = text.slice(lastPos, pos); token.level = level; nodes.push(token); } token = new state.Token('link_open', 'a', 1); token.attrs = [ [ 'href', fullUrl ] ]; token.level = level++; token.markup = 'linkify'; = 'auto'; nodes.push(token); token = new state.Token('text', '', 0); token.content = urlText; token.level = level; nodes.push(token); token = new state.Token('link_close', 'a', -1); token.level = --level; token.markup = 'linkify'; = 'auto'; nodes.push(token); lastPos = links[ln].lastIndex; } if (lastPos < text.length) { token = new state.Token('text', '', 0); token.content = text.slice(lastPos); token.level = level; nodes.push(token); } // replace current node blockTokens[j].children = tokens = arrayReplaceAt(tokens, i, nodes); } } } }; /***/ }), /* 99 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Simple typographyc replacements // // (c) (C) → © // (tm) (TM) → ™ // (r) (R) → ® // +- → ± // (p) (P) -> § // ... → … (also ?.... → ?.., !.... → !..) // ???????? → ???, !!!!! → !!!, `,,` → `,` // -- → –, --- → — // // TODO: // - fractionals 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 -> ½, ¼, ¾ // - miltiplication 2 x 4 -> 2 × 4 var RARE_RE = /\+-|\.\.|\?\?\?\?|!!!!|,,|--/; // Workaround for phantomjs - need regex without /g flag, // or root check will fail every second time var SCOPED_ABBR_TEST_RE = /\((c|tm|r|p)\)/i; var SCOPED_ABBR_RE = /\((c|tm|r|p)\)/ig; var SCOPED_ABBR = { c: '©', r: '®', p: '§', tm: '™' }; function replaceFn(match, name) { return SCOPED_ABBR[name.toLowerCase()]; } function replace_scoped(inlineTokens) { var i, token, inside_autolink = 0; for (i = inlineTokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { token = inlineTokens[i]; if (token.type === 'text' && !inside_autolink) { token.content = token.content.replace(SCOPED_ABBR_RE, replaceFn); } if (token.type === 'link_open' && === 'auto') { inside_autolink--; } if (token.type === 'link_close' && === 'auto') { inside_autolink++; } } } function replace_rare(inlineTokens) { var i, token, inside_autolink = 0; for (i = inlineTokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { token = inlineTokens[i]; if (token.type === 'text' && !inside_autolink) { if (RARE_RE.test(token.content)) { token.content = token.content .replace(/\+-/g, '±') // .., ..., ....... -> … // but ?..... & !..... -> ?.. & !.. .replace(/\.{2,}/g, '…').replace(/([?!])…/g, '$1..') .replace(/([?!]){4,}/g, '$1$1$1').replace(/,{2,}/g, ',') // em-dash .replace(/(^|[^-])---([^-]|$)/mg, '$1\u2014$2') // en-dash .replace(/(^|\s)--(\s|$)/mg, '$1\u2013$2') .replace(/(^|[^-\s])--([^-\s]|$)/mg, '$1\u2013$2'); } } if (token.type === 'link_open' && === 'auto') { inside_autolink--; } if (token.type === 'link_close' && === 'auto') { inside_autolink++; } } } module.exports = function replace(state) { var blkIdx; if (! { return; } for (blkIdx = state.tokens.length - 1; blkIdx >= 0; blkIdx--) { if (state.tokens[blkIdx].type !== 'inline') { continue; } if (SCOPED_ABBR_TEST_RE.test(state.tokens[blkIdx].content)) { replace_scoped(state.tokens[blkIdx].children); } if (RARE_RE.test(state.tokens[blkIdx].content)) { replace_rare(state.tokens[blkIdx].children); } } }; /***/ }), /* 100 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Convert straight quotation marks to typographic ones // var isWhiteSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isWhiteSpace; var isPunctChar = __webpack_require__(2).isPunctChar; var isMdAsciiPunct = __webpack_require__(2).isMdAsciiPunct; var QUOTE_TEST_RE = /['"]/; var QUOTE_RE = /['"]/g; var APOSTROPHE = '\u2019'; /* ’ */ function replaceAt(str, index, ch) { return str.substr(0, index) + ch + str.substr(index + 1); } function process_inlines(tokens, state) { var i, token, text, t, pos, max, thisLevel, item, lastChar, nextChar, isLastPunctChar, isNextPunctChar, isLastWhiteSpace, isNextWhiteSpace, canOpen, canClose, j, isSingle, stack, openQuote, closeQuote; stack = []; for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { token = tokens[i]; thisLevel = tokens[i].level; for (j = stack.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (stack[j].level <= thisLevel) { break; } } stack.length = j + 1; if (token.type !== 'text') { continue; } text = token.content; pos = 0; max = text.length; /*eslint no-labels:0,block-scoped-var:0*/ OUTER: while (pos < max) { QUOTE_RE.lastIndex = pos; t = QUOTE_RE.exec(text); if (!t) { break; } canOpen = canClose = true; pos = t.index + 1; isSingle = (t[0] === "'"); // Find previous character, // default to space if it's the beginning of the line // lastChar = 0x20; if (t.index - 1 >= 0) { lastChar = text.charCodeAt(t.index - 1); } else { for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (tokens[j].type === 'softbreak' || tokens[j].type === 'hardbreak') break; // lastChar defaults to 0x20 if (tokens[j].type !== 'text') continue; lastChar = tokens[j].content.charCodeAt(tokens[j].content.length - 1); break; } } // Find next character, // default to space if it's the end of the line // nextChar = 0x20; if (pos < max) { nextChar = text.charCodeAt(pos); } else { for (j = i + 1; j < tokens.length; j++) { if (tokens[j].type === 'softbreak' || tokens[j].type === 'hardbreak') break; // nextChar defaults to 0x20 if (tokens[j].type !== 'text') continue; nextChar = tokens[j].content.charCodeAt(0); break; } } isLastPunctChar = isMdAsciiPunct(lastChar) || isPunctChar(String.fromCharCode(lastChar)); isNextPunctChar = isMdAsciiPunct(nextChar) || isPunctChar(String.fromCharCode(nextChar)); isLastWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace(lastChar); isNextWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace(nextChar); if (isNextWhiteSpace) { canOpen = false; } else if (isNextPunctChar) { if (!(isLastWhiteSpace || isLastPunctChar)) { canOpen = false; } } if (isLastWhiteSpace) { canClose = false; } else if (isLastPunctChar) { if (!(isNextWhiteSpace || isNextPunctChar)) { canClose = false; } } if (nextChar === 0x22 /* " */ && t[0] === '"') { if (lastChar >= 0x30 /* 0 */ && lastChar <= 0x39 /* 9 */) { // special case: 1"" - count first quote as an inch canClose = canOpen = false; } } if (canOpen && canClose) { // treat this as the middle of the word canOpen = false; canClose = isNextPunctChar; } if (!canOpen && !canClose) { // middle of word if (isSingle) { token.content = replaceAt(token.content, t.index, APOSTROPHE); } continue; } if (canClose) { // this could be a closing quote, rewind the stack to get a match for (j = stack.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { item = stack[j]; if (stack[j].level < thisLevel) { break; } if (item.single === isSingle && stack[j].level === thisLevel) { item = stack[j]; if (isSingle) { openQuote =[2]; closeQuote =[3]; } else { openQuote =[0]; closeQuote =[1]; } // replace token.content *before* tokens[item.token].content, // because, if they are pointing at the same token, replaceAt // could mess up indices when quote length != 1 token.content = replaceAt(token.content, t.index, closeQuote); tokens[item.token].content = replaceAt( tokens[item.token].content, item.pos, openQuote); pos += closeQuote.length - 1; if (item.token === i) { pos += openQuote.length - 1; } text = token.content; max = text.length; stack.length = j; continue OUTER; } } } if (canOpen) { stack.push({ token: i, pos: t.index, single: isSingle, level: thisLevel }); } else if (canClose && isSingle) { token.content = replaceAt(token.content, t.index, APOSTROPHE); } } } } module.exports = function smartquotes(state) { /*eslint max-depth:0*/ var blkIdx; if (! { return; } for (blkIdx = state.tokens.length - 1; blkIdx >= 0; blkIdx--) { if (state.tokens[blkIdx].type !== 'inline' || !QUOTE_TEST_RE.test(state.tokens[blkIdx].content)) { continue; } process_inlines(state.tokens[blkIdx].children, state); } }; /***/ }), /* 101 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Core state object // var Token = __webpack_require__(29); function StateCore(src, md, env) { this.src = src; this.env = env; this.tokens = []; this.inlineMode = false; = md; // link to parser instance } // re-export Token class to use in core rules StateCore.prototype.Token = Token; module.exports = StateCore; /***/ }), /* 102 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** internal * class ParserBlock * * Block-level tokenizer. **/ var Ruler = __webpack_require__(28); var _rules = [ // First 2 params - rule name & source. Secondary array - list of rules, // which can be terminated by this one. [ 'table', __webpack_require__(103), [ 'paragraph', 'reference' ] ], [ 'code', __webpack_require__(104) ], [ 'fence', __webpack_require__(105), [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote', 'list' ] ], [ 'blockquote', __webpack_require__(106), [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote', 'list' ] ], [ 'hr', __webpack_require__(107), [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote', 'list' ] ], [ 'list', __webpack_require__(108), [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote' ] ], [ 'reference', __webpack_require__(109) ], [ 'heading', __webpack_require__(110), [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote' ] ], [ 'lheading', __webpack_require__(111) ], [ 'html_block', __webpack_require__(112), [ 'paragraph', 'reference', 'blockquote' ] ], [ 'paragraph', __webpack_require__(114) ] ]; /** * new ParserBlock() **/ function ParserBlock() { /** * ParserBlock#ruler -> Ruler * * [[Ruler]] instance. Keep configuration of block rules. **/ this.ruler = new Ruler(); for (var i = 0; i < _rules.length; i++) { this.ruler.push(_rules[i][0], _rules[i][1], { alt: (_rules[i][2] || []).slice() }); } } // Generate tokens for input range // ParserBlock.prototype.tokenize = function (state, startLine, endLine) { var ok, i, rules = this.ruler.getRules(''), len = rules.length, line = startLine, hasEmptyLines = false, maxNesting =; while (line < endLine) { state.line = line = state.skipEmptyLines(line); if (line >= endLine) { break; } // Termination condition for nested calls. // Nested calls currently used for blockquotes & lists if (state.sCount[line] < state.blkIndent) { break; } // If nesting level exceeded - skip tail to the end. That's not ordinary // situation and we should not care about content. if (state.level >= maxNesting) { state.line = endLine; break; } // Try all possible rules. // On success, rule should: // // - update `state.line` // - update `state.tokens` // - return true for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ok = rules[i](state, line, endLine, false); if (ok) { break; } } // set state.tight if we had an empty line before current tag // i.e. latest empty line should not count state.tight = !hasEmptyLines; // paragraph might "eat" one newline after it in nested lists if (state.isEmpty(state.line - 1)) { hasEmptyLines = true; } line = state.line; if (line < endLine && state.isEmpty(line)) { hasEmptyLines = true; line++; state.line = line; } } }; /** * ParserBlock.parse(str, md, env, outTokens) * * Process input string and push block tokens into `outTokens` **/ ParserBlock.prototype.parse = function (src, md, env, outTokens) { var state; if (!src) { return; } state = new this.State(src, md, env, outTokens); this.tokenize(state, state.line, state.lineMax); }; ParserBlock.prototype.State = __webpack_require__(115); module.exports = ParserBlock; /***/ }), /* 103 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // GFM table, non-standard var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; function getLine(state, line) { var pos = state.bMarks[line] + state.blkIndent, max = state.eMarks[line]; return state.src.substr(pos, max - pos); } function escapedSplit(str) { var result = [], pos = 0, max = str.length, ch, escapes = 0, lastPos = 0, backTicked = false, lastBackTick = 0; ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); while (pos < max) { if (ch === 0x60/* ` */) { if (backTicked) { // make \` close code sequence, but not open it; // the reason is: `\` is correct code block backTicked = false; lastBackTick = pos; } else if (escapes % 2 === 0) { backTicked = true; lastBackTick = pos; } } else if (ch === 0x7c/* | */ && (escapes % 2 === 0) && !backTicked) { result.push(str.substring(lastPos, pos)); lastPos = pos + 1; } if (ch === 0x5c/* \ */) { escapes++; } else { escapes = 0; } pos++; // If there was an un-closed backtick, go back to just after // the last backtick, but as if it was a normal character if (pos === max && backTicked) { backTicked = false; pos = lastBackTick + 1; } ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); } result.push(str.substring(lastPos)); return result; } module.exports = function table(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var ch, lineText, pos, i, nextLine, columns, columnCount, token, aligns, t, tableLines, tbodyLines; // should have at least two lines if (startLine + 2 > endLine) { return false; } nextLine = startLine + 1; if (state.sCount[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { return false; } // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } // first character of the second line should be '|', '-', ':', // and no other characters are allowed but spaces; // basically, this is the equivalent of /^[-:|][-:|\s]*$/ regexp pos = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]; if (pos >= state.eMarks[nextLine]) { return false; } ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); if (ch !== 0x7C/* | */ && ch !== 0x2D/* - */ && ch !== 0x3A/* : */) { return false; } while (pos < state.eMarks[nextLine]) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch !== 0x7C/* | */ && ch !== 0x2D/* - */ && ch !== 0x3A/* : */ && !isSpace(ch)) { return false; } pos++; } lineText = getLine(state, startLine + 1); columns = lineText.split('|'); aligns = []; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { t = columns[i].trim(); if (!t) { // allow empty columns before and after table, but not in between columns; // e.g. allow ` |---| `, disallow ` ---||--- ` if (i === 0 || i === columns.length - 1) { continue; } else { return false; } } if (!/^:?-+:?$/.test(t)) { return false; } if (t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) === 0x3A/* : */) { aligns.push(t.charCodeAt(0) === 0x3A/* : */ ? 'center' : 'right'); } else if (t.charCodeAt(0) === 0x3A/* : */) { aligns.push('left'); } else { aligns.push(''); } } lineText = getLine(state, startLine).trim(); if (lineText.indexOf('|') === -1) { return false; } if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } columns = escapedSplit(lineText.replace(/^\||\|$/g, '')); // header row will define an amount of columns in the entire table, // and align row shouldn't be smaller than that (the rest of the rows can) columnCount = columns.length; if (columnCount > aligns.length) { return false; } if (silent) { return true; } token = state.push('table_open', 'table', 1); = tableLines = [ startLine, 0 ]; token = state.push('thead_open', 'thead', 1); = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; token = state.push('tr_open', 'tr', 1); = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { token = state.push('th_open', 'th', 1); = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; if (aligns[i]) { token.attrs = [ [ 'style', 'text-align:' + aligns[i] ] ]; } token = state.push('inline', '', 0); token.content = columns[i].trim(); = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; token.children = []; token = state.push('th_close', 'th', -1); } token = state.push('tr_close', 'tr', -1); token = state.push('thead_close', 'thead', -1); token = state.push('tbody_open', 'tbody', 1); = tbodyLines = [ startLine + 2, 0 ]; for (nextLine = startLine + 2; nextLine < endLine; nextLine++) { if (state.sCount[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { break; } lineText = getLine(state, nextLine).trim(); if (lineText.indexOf('|') === -1) { break; } if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { break; } columns = escapedSplit(lineText.replace(/^\||\|$/g, '')); token = state.push('tr_open', 'tr', 1); for (i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { token = state.push('td_open', 'td', 1); if (aligns[i]) { token.attrs = [ [ 'style', 'text-align:' + aligns[i] ] ]; } token = state.push('inline', '', 0); token.content = columns[i] ? columns[i].trim() : ''; token.children = []; token = state.push('td_close', 'td', -1); } token = state.push('tr_close', 'tr', -1); } token = state.push('tbody_close', 'tbody', -1); token = state.push('table_close', 'table', -1); tableLines[1] = tbodyLines[1] = nextLine; state.line = nextLine; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 104 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Code block (4 spaces padded) module.exports = function code(state, startLine, endLine/*, silent*/) { var nextLine, last, token; if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent < 4) { return false; } last = nextLine = startLine + 1; while (nextLine < endLine) { if (state.isEmpty(nextLine)) { nextLine++; continue; } if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { nextLine++; last = nextLine; continue; } break; } state.line = last; token = state.push('code_block', 'code', 0); token.content = state.getLines(startLine, last, 4 + state.blkIndent, true); = [ startLine, state.line ]; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 105 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // fences (``` lang, ~~~ lang) module.exports = function fence(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var marker, len, params, nextLine, mem, token, markup, haveEndMarker = false, pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], max = state.eMarks[startLine]; // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } if (pos + 3 > max) { return false; } marker = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (marker !== 0x7E/* ~ */ && marker !== 0x60 /* ` */) { return false; } // scan marker length mem = pos; pos = state.skipChars(pos, marker); len = pos - mem; if (len < 3) { return false; } markup = state.src.slice(mem, pos); params = state.src.slice(pos, max); if (params.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(marker)) >= 0) { return false; } // Since start is found, we can report success here in validation mode if (silent) { return true; } // search end of block nextLine = startLine; for (;;) { nextLine++; if (nextLine >= endLine) { // unclosed block should be autoclosed by end of document. // also block seems to be autoclosed by end of parent break; } pos = mem = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]; max = state.eMarks[nextLine]; if (pos < max && state.sCount[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { // non-empty line with negative indent should stop the list: // - ``` // test break; } if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== marker) { continue; } if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { // closing fence should be indented less than 4 spaces continue; } pos = state.skipChars(pos, marker); // closing code fence must be at least as long as the opening one if (pos - mem < len) { continue; } // make sure tail has spaces only pos = state.skipSpaces(pos); if (pos < max) { continue; } haveEndMarker = true; // found! break; } // If a fence has heading spaces, they should be removed from its inner block len = state.sCount[startLine]; state.line = nextLine + (haveEndMarker ? 1 : 0); token = state.push('fence', 'code', 0); = params; token.content = state.getLines(startLine + 1, nextLine, len, true); token.markup = markup; = [ startLine, state.line ]; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 106 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Block quotes var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; module.exports = function blockquote(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var adjustTab, ch, i, initial, l, lastLineEmpty, lines, nextLine, offset, oldBMarks, oldBSCount, oldIndent, oldParentType, oldSCount, oldTShift, spaceAfterMarker, terminate, terminatorRules, token, wasOutdented, oldLineMax = state.lineMax, pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], max = state.eMarks[startLine]; // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } // check the block quote marker if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos++) !== 0x3E/* > */) { return false; } // we know that it's going to be a valid blockquote, // so no point trying to find the end of it in silent mode if (silent) { return true; } // skip spaces after ">" and re-calculate offset initial = offset = state.sCount[startLine] + pos - (state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine]); // skip one optional space after '>' if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x20 /* space */) { // ' > test ' // ^ -- position start of line here: pos++; initial++; offset++; adjustTab = false; spaceAfterMarker = true; } else if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x09 /* tab */) { spaceAfterMarker = true; if ((state.bsCount[startLine] + offset) % 4 === 3) { // ' >\t test ' // ^ -- position start of line here (tab has width===1) pos++; initial++; offset++; adjustTab = false; } else { // ' >\t test ' // ^ -- position start of line here + shift bsCount slightly // to make extra space appear adjustTab = true; } } else { spaceAfterMarker = false; } oldBMarks = [ state.bMarks[startLine] ]; state.bMarks[startLine] = pos; while (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (isSpace(ch)) { if (ch === 0x09) { offset += 4 - (offset + state.bsCount[startLine] + (adjustTab ? 1 : 0)) % 4; } else { offset++; } } else { break; } pos++; } oldBSCount = [ state.bsCount[startLine] ]; state.bsCount[startLine] = state.sCount[startLine] + 1 + (spaceAfterMarker ? 1 : 0); lastLineEmpty = pos >= max; oldSCount = [ state.sCount[startLine] ]; state.sCount[startLine] = offset - initial; oldTShift = [ state.tShift[startLine] ]; state.tShift[startLine] = pos - state.bMarks[startLine]; terminatorRules ='blockquote'); oldParentType = state.parentType; state.parentType = 'blockquote'; wasOutdented = false; // Search the end of the block // // Block ends with either: // 1. an empty line outside: // ``` // > test // // ``` // 2. an empty line inside: // ``` // > // test // ``` // 3. another tag: // ``` // > test // - - - // ``` for (nextLine = startLine + 1; nextLine < endLine; nextLine++) { // check if it's outdented, i.e. it's inside list item and indented // less than said list item: // // ``` // 1. anything // > current blockquote // 2. checking this line // ``` if (state.sCount[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) wasOutdented = true; pos = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]; max = state.eMarks[nextLine]; if (pos >= max) { // Case 1: line is not inside the blockquote, and this line is empty. break; } if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos++) === 0x3E/* > */ && !wasOutdented) { // This line is inside the blockquote. // skip spaces after ">" and re-calculate offset initial = offset = state.sCount[nextLine] + pos - (state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]); // skip one optional space after '>' if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x20 /* space */) { // ' > test ' // ^ -- position start of line here: pos++; initial++; offset++; adjustTab = false; spaceAfterMarker = true; } else if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x09 /* tab */) { spaceAfterMarker = true; if ((state.bsCount[nextLine] + offset) % 4 === 3) { // ' >\t test ' // ^ -- position start of line here (tab has width===1) pos++; initial++; offset++; adjustTab = false; } else { // ' >\t test ' // ^ -- position start of line here + shift bsCount slightly // to make extra space appear adjustTab = true; } } else { spaceAfterMarker = false; } oldBMarks.push(state.bMarks[nextLine]); state.bMarks[nextLine] = pos; while (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (isSpace(ch)) { if (ch === 0x09) { offset += 4 - (offset + state.bsCount[nextLine] + (adjustTab ? 1 : 0)) % 4; } else { offset++; } } else { break; } pos++; } lastLineEmpty = pos >= max; oldBSCount.push(state.bsCount[nextLine]); state.bsCount[nextLine] = state.sCount[nextLine] + 1 + (spaceAfterMarker ? 1 : 0); oldSCount.push(state.sCount[nextLine]); state.sCount[nextLine] = offset - initial; oldTShift.push(state.tShift[nextLine]); state.tShift[nextLine] = pos - state.bMarks[nextLine]; continue; } // Case 2: line is not inside the blockquote, and the last line was empty. if (lastLineEmpty) { break; } // Case 3: another tag found. terminate = false; for (i = 0, l = terminatorRules.length; i < l; i++) { if (terminatorRules[i](state, nextLine, endLine, true)) { terminate = true; break; } } if (terminate) { // Quirk to enforce "hard termination mode" for paragraphs; // normally if you call `tokenize(state, startLine, nextLine)`, // paragraphs will look below nextLine for paragraph continuation, // but if blockquote is terminated by another tag, they shouldn't state.lineMax = nextLine; if (state.blkIndent !== 0) { // state.blkIndent was non-zero, we now set it to zero, // so we need to re-calculate all offsets to appear as // if indent wasn't changed oldBMarks.push(state.bMarks[nextLine]); oldBSCount.push(state.bsCount[nextLine]); oldTShift.push(state.tShift[nextLine]); oldSCount.push(state.sCount[nextLine]); state.sCount[nextLine] -= state.blkIndent; } break; } oldBMarks.push(state.bMarks[nextLine]); oldBSCount.push(state.bsCount[nextLine]); oldTShift.push(state.tShift[nextLine]); oldSCount.push(state.sCount[nextLine]); // A negative indentation means that this is a paragraph continuation // state.sCount[nextLine] = -1; } oldIndent = state.blkIndent; state.blkIndent = 0; token = state.push('blockquote_open', 'blockquote', 1); token.markup = '>'; = lines = [ startLine, 0 ];, startLine, nextLine); token = state.push('blockquote_close', 'blockquote', -1); token.markup = '>'; state.lineMax = oldLineMax; state.parentType = oldParentType; lines[1] = state.line; // Restore original tShift; this might not be necessary since the parser // has already been here, but just to make sure we can do that. for (i = 0; i < oldTShift.length; i++) { state.bMarks[i + startLine] = oldBMarks[i]; state.tShift[i + startLine] = oldTShift[i]; state.sCount[i + startLine] = oldSCount[i]; state.bsCount[i + startLine] = oldBSCount[i]; } state.blkIndent = oldIndent; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 107 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Horizontal rule var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; module.exports = function hr(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var marker, cnt, ch, token, pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], max = state.eMarks[startLine]; // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } marker = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); // Check hr marker if (marker !== 0x2A/* * */ && marker !== 0x2D/* - */ && marker !== 0x5F/* _ */) { return false; } // markers can be mixed with spaces, but there should be at least 3 of them cnt = 1; while (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); if (ch !== marker && !isSpace(ch)) { return false; } if (ch === marker) { cnt++; } } if (cnt < 3) { return false; } if (silent) { return true; } state.line = startLine + 1; token = state.push('hr', 'hr', 0); = [ startLine, state.line ]; token.markup = Array(cnt + 1).join(String.fromCharCode(marker)); return true; }; /***/ }), /* 108 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Lists var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; // Search `[-+*][\n ]`, returns next pos after marker on success // or -1 on fail. function skipBulletListMarker(state, startLine) { var marker, pos, max, ch; pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine]; max = state.eMarks[startLine]; marker = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); // Check bullet if (marker !== 0x2A/* * */ && marker !== 0x2D/* - */ && marker !== 0x2B/* + */) { return -1; } if (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(ch)) { // " -test " - is not a list item return -1; } } return pos; } // Search `\d+[.)][\n ]`, returns next pos after marker on success // or -1 on fail. function skipOrderedListMarker(state, startLine) { var ch, start = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], pos = start, max = state.eMarks[startLine]; // List marker should have at least 2 chars (digit + dot) if (pos + 1 >= max) { return -1; } ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); if (ch < 0x30/* 0 */ || ch > 0x39/* 9 */) { return -1; } for (;;) { // EOL -> fail if (pos >= max) { return -1; } ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); if (ch >= 0x30/* 0 */ && ch <= 0x39/* 9 */) { // List marker should have no more than 9 digits // (prevents integer overflow in browsers) if (pos - start >= 10) { return -1; } continue; } // found valid marker if (ch === 0x29/* ) */ || ch === 0x2e/* . */) { break; } return -1; } if (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(ch)) { // " 1.test " - is not a list item return -1; } } return pos; } function markTightParagraphs(state, idx) { var i, l, level = state.level + 2; for (i = idx + 2, l = state.tokens.length - 2; i < l; i++) { if (state.tokens[i].level === level && state.tokens[i].type === 'paragraph_open') { state.tokens[i + 2].hidden = true; state.tokens[i].hidden = true; i += 2; } } } module.exports = function list(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var ch, contentStart, i, indent, indentAfterMarker, initial, isOrdered, itemLines, l, listLines, listTokIdx, markerCharCode, markerValue, max, nextLine, offset, oldIndent, oldLIndent, oldParentType, oldTShift, oldTight, pos, posAfterMarker, prevEmptyEnd, start, terminate, terminatorRules, token, isTerminatingParagraph = false, tight = true; // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } // limit conditions when list can interrupt // a paragraph (validation mode only) if (silent && state.parentType === 'paragraph') { // Next list item should still terminate previous list item; // // This code can fail if plugins use blkIndent as well as lists, // but I hope the spec gets fixed long before that happens. // if (state.tShift[startLine] >= state.blkIndent) { isTerminatingParagraph = true; } } // Detect list type and position after marker if ((posAfterMarker = skipOrderedListMarker(state, startLine)) >= 0) { isOrdered = true; start = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine]; markerValue = Number(state.src.substr(start, posAfterMarker - start - 1)); // If we're starting a new ordered list right after // a paragraph, it should start with 1. if (isTerminatingParagraph && markerValue !== 1) return false; } else if ((posAfterMarker = skipBulletListMarker(state, startLine)) >= 0) { isOrdered = false; } else { return false; } // If we're starting a new unordered list right after // a paragraph, first line should not be empty. if (isTerminatingParagraph) { if (state.skipSpaces(posAfterMarker) >= state.eMarks[startLine]) return false; } // We should terminate list on style change. Remember first one to compare. markerCharCode = state.src.charCodeAt(posAfterMarker - 1); // For validation mode we can terminate immediately if (silent) { return true; } // Start list listTokIdx = state.tokens.length; if (isOrdered) { token = state.push('ordered_list_open', 'ol', 1); if (markerValue !== 1) { token.attrs = [ [ 'start', markerValue ] ]; } } else { token = state.push('bullet_list_open', 'ul', 1); } = listLines = [ startLine, 0 ]; token.markup = String.fromCharCode(markerCharCode); // // Iterate list items // nextLine = startLine; prevEmptyEnd = false; terminatorRules ='list'); oldParentType = state.parentType; state.parentType = 'list'; while (nextLine < endLine) { pos = posAfterMarker; max = state.eMarks[nextLine]; initial = offset = state.sCount[nextLine] + posAfterMarker - (state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine]); while (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 0x09) { offset += 4 - (offset + state.bsCount[nextLine]) % 4; } else if (ch === 0x20) { offset++; } else { break; } pos++; } contentStart = pos; if (contentStart >= max) { // trimming space in "- \n 3" case, indent is 1 here indentAfterMarker = 1; } else { indentAfterMarker = offset - initial; } // If we have more than 4 spaces, the indent is 1 // (the rest is just indented code block) if (indentAfterMarker > 4) { indentAfterMarker = 1; } // " - test" // ^^^^^ - calculating total length of this thing indent = initial + indentAfterMarker; // Run subparser & write tokens token = state.push('list_item_open', 'li', 1); token.markup = String.fromCharCode(markerCharCode); = itemLines = [ startLine, 0 ]; oldIndent = state.blkIndent; oldTight = state.tight; oldTShift = state.tShift[startLine]; oldLIndent = state.sCount[startLine]; state.blkIndent = indent; state.tight = true; state.tShift[startLine] = contentStart - state.bMarks[startLine]; state.sCount[startLine] = offset; if (contentStart >= max && state.isEmpty(startLine + 1)) { // workaround for this case // (list item is empty, list terminates before "foo"): // ~~~~~~~~ // - // // foo // ~~~~~~~~ state.line = Math.min(state.line + 2, endLine); } else {, startLine, endLine, true); } // If any of list item is tight, mark list as tight if (!state.tight || prevEmptyEnd) { tight = false; } // Item become loose if finish with empty line, // but we should filter last element, because it means list finish prevEmptyEnd = (state.line - startLine) > 1 && state.isEmpty(state.line - 1); state.blkIndent = oldIndent; state.tShift[startLine] = oldTShift; state.sCount[startLine] = oldLIndent; state.tight = oldTight; token = state.push('list_item_close', 'li', -1); token.markup = String.fromCharCode(markerCharCode); nextLine = startLine = state.line; itemLines[1] = nextLine; contentStart = state.bMarks[startLine]; if (nextLine >= endLine) { break; } // // Try to check if list is terminated or continued. // if (state.sCount[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { break; } // fail if terminating block found terminate = false; for (i = 0, l = terminatorRules.length; i < l; i++) { if (terminatorRules[i](state, nextLine, endLine, true)) { terminate = true; break; } } if (terminate) { break; } // fail if list has another type if (isOrdered) { posAfterMarker = skipOrderedListMarker(state, nextLine); if (posAfterMarker < 0) { break; } } else { posAfterMarker = skipBulletListMarker(state, nextLine); if (posAfterMarker < 0) { break; } } if (markerCharCode !== state.src.charCodeAt(posAfterMarker - 1)) { break; } } // Finalize list if (isOrdered) { token = state.push('ordered_list_close', 'ol', -1); } else { token = state.push('bullet_list_close', 'ul', -1); } token.markup = String.fromCharCode(markerCharCode); listLines[1] = nextLine; state.line = nextLine; state.parentType = oldParentType; // mark paragraphs tight if needed if (tight) { markTightParagraphs(state, listTokIdx); } return true; }; /***/ }), /* 109 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var normalizeReference = __webpack_require__(2).normalizeReference; var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; module.exports = function reference(state, startLine, _endLine, silent) { var ch, destEndPos, destEndLineNo, endLine, href, i, l, label, labelEnd, oldParentType, res, start, str, terminate, terminatorRules, title, lines = 0, pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], max = state.eMarks[startLine], nextLine = startLine + 1; // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false; } // Simple check to quickly interrupt scan on [link](url) at the start of line. // Can be useful on practice: while (++pos < max) { if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x5D /* ] */ && state.src.charCodeAt(pos - 1) !== 0x5C/* \ */) { if (pos + 1 === max) { return false; } if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1) !== 0x3A/* : */) { return false; } break; } } endLine = state.lineMax; // jump line-by-line until empty one or EOF terminatorRules ='reference'); oldParentType = state.parentType; state.parentType = 'reference'; for (; nextLine < endLine && !state.isEmpty(nextLine); nextLine++) { // this would be a code block normally, but after paragraph // it's considered a lazy continuation regardless of what's there if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent > 3) { continue; } // quirk for blockquotes, this line should already be checked by that rule if (state.sCount[nextLine] < 0) { continue; } // Some tags can terminate paragraph without empty line. terminate = false; for (i = 0, l = terminatorRules.length; i < l; i++) { if (terminatorRules[i](state, nextLine, endLine, true)) { terminate = true; break; } } if (terminate) { break; } } str = state.getLines(startLine, nextLine, state.blkIndent, false).trim(); max = str.length; for (pos = 1; pos < max; pos++) { ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 0x5B /* [ */) { return false; } else if (ch === 0x5D /* ] */) { labelEnd = pos; break; } else if (ch === 0x0A /* \n */) { lines++; } else if (ch === 0x5C /* \ */) { pos++; if (pos < max && str.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x0A) { lines++; } } } if (labelEnd < 0 || str.charCodeAt(labelEnd + 1) !== 0x3A/* : */) { return false; } // [label]: destination 'title' // ^^^ skip optional whitespace here for (pos = labelEnd + 2; pos < max; pos++) { ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 0x0A) { lines++; } else if (isSpace(ch)) { /*eslint no-empty:0*/ } else { break; } } // [label]: destination 'title' // ^^^^^^^^^^^ parse this res =, pos, max); if (!res.ok) { return false; } href =; if (! { return false; } pos = res.pos; lines += res.lines; // save cursor state, we could require to rollback later destEndPos = pos; destEndLineNo = lines; // [label]: destination 'title' // ^^^ skipping those spaces start = pos; for (; pos < max; pos++) { ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch === 0x0A) { lines++; } else if (isSpace(ch)) { /*eslint no-empty:0*/ } else { break; } } // [label]: destination 'title' // ^^^^^^^ parse this res =, pos, max); if (pos < max && start !== pos && res.ok) { title = res.str; pos = res.pos; lines += res.lines; } else { title = ''; pos = destEndPos; lines = destEndLineNo; } // skip trailing spaces until the rest of the line while (pos < max) { ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(ch)) { break; } pos++; } if (pos < max && str.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x0A) { if (title) { // garbage at the end of the line after title, // but it could still be a valid reference if we roll back title = ''; pos = destEndPos; lines = destEndLineNo; while (pos < max) { ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(ch)) { break; } pos++; } } } if (pos < max && str.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x0A) { // garbage at the end of the line return false; } label = normalizeReference(str.slice(1, labelEnd)); if (!label) { // CommonMark 0.20 disallows empty labels return false; } // Reference can not terminate anything. This check is for safety only. /*istanbul ignore if*/ if (silent) { return true; } if (typeof state.env.references === 'undefined') { state.env.references = {}; } if (typeof state.env.references[label] === 'undefined') { state.env.references[label] = { title: title, href: href }; } state.parentType = oldParentType; state.line = startLine + lines + 1; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 110 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // heading (#, ##, ...) var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; module.exports = function heading(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var ch, level, tmp, token, pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], max = state.eMarks[startLine]; // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch !== 0x23/* # */ || pos >= max) { return false; } // count heading level level = 1; ch = state.src.charCodeAt(++pos); while (ch === 0x23/* # */ && pos < max && level <= 6) { level++; ch = state.src.charCodeAt(++pos); } if (level > 6 || (pos < max && !isSpace(ch))) { return false; } if (silent) { return true; } // Let's cut tails like ' ### ' from the end of string max = state.skipSpacesBack(max, pos); tmp = state.skipCharsBack(max, 0x23, pos); // # if (tmp > pos && isSpace(state.src.charCodeAt(tmp - 1))) { max = tmp; } state.line = startLine + 1; token = state.push('heading_open', 'h' + String(level), 1); token.markup = '########'.slice(0, level); = [ startLine, state.line ]; token = state.push('inline', '', 0); token.content = state.src.slice(pos, max).trim(); = [ startLine, state.line ]; token.children = []; token = state.push('heading_close', 'h' + String(level), -1); token.markup = '########'.slice(0, level); return true; }; /***/ }), /* 111 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // lheading (---, ===) module.exports = function lheading(state, startLine, endLine/*, silent*/) { var content, terminate, i, l, token, pos, max, level, marker, nextLine = startLine + 1, oldParentType, terminatorRules ='paragraph'); // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } oldParentType = state.parentType; state.parentType = 'paragraph'; // use paragraph to match terminatorRules // jump line-by-line until empty one or EOF for (; nextLine < endLine && !state.isEmpty(nextLine); nextLine++) { // this would be a code block normally, but after paragraph // it's considered a lazy continuation regardless of what's there if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent > 3) { continue; } // // Check for underline in setext header // if (state.sCount[nextLine] >= state.blkIndent) { pos = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]; max = state.eMarks[nextLine]; if (pos < max) { marker = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (marker === 0x2D/* - */ || marker === 0x3D/* = */) { pos = state.skipChars(pos, marker); pos = state.skipSpaces(pos); if (pos >= max) { level = (marker === 0x3D/* = */ ? 1 : 2); break; } } } } // quirk for blockquotes, this line should already be checked by that rule if (state.sCount[nextLine] < 0) { continue; } // Some tags can terminate paragraph without empty line. terminate = false; for (i = 0, l = terminatorRules.length; i < l; i++) { if (terminatorRules[i](state, nextLine, endLine, true)) { terminate = true; break; } } if (terminate) { break; } } if (!level) { // Didn't find valid underline return false; } content = state.getLines(startLine, nextLine, state.blkIndent, false).trim(); state.line = nextLine + 1; token = state.push('heading_open', 'h' + String(level), 1); token.markup = String.fromCharCode(marker); = [ startLine, state.line ]; token = state.push('inline', '', 0); token.content = content; = [ startLine, state.line - 1 ]; token.children = []; token = state.push('heading_close', 'h' + String(level), -1); token.markup = String.fromCharCode(marker); state.parentType = oldParentType; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 112 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // HTML block var block_names = __webpack_require__(113); var HTML_OPEN_CLOSE_TAG_RE = __webpack_require__(42).HTML_OPEN_CLOSE_TAG_RE; // An array of opening and corresponding closing sequences for html tags, // last argument defines whether it can terminate a paragraph or not // var HTML_SEQUENCES = [ [ /^<(script|pre|style)(?=(\s|>|$))/i, /<\/(script|pre|style)>/i, true ], [ /^/, true ], [ /^<\?/, /\?>/, true ], [ /^/, true ], [ /^/, true ], [ new RegExp('^|$))', 'i'), /^$/, true ], [ new RegExp(HTML_OPEN_CLOSE_TAG_RE.source + '\\s*$'), /^$/, false ] ]; module.exports = function html_block(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var i, nextLine, token, lineText, pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], max = state.eMarks[startLine]; // if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false; } if (! { return false; } if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x3C/* < */) { return false; } lineText = state.src.slice(pos, max); for (i = 0; i < HTML_SEQUENCES.length; i++) { if (HTML_SEQUENCES[i][0].test(lineText)) { break; } } if (i === HTML_SEQUENCES.length) { return false; } if (silent) { // true if this sequence can be a terminator, false otherwise return HTML_SEQUENCES[i][2]; } nextLine = startLine + 1; // If we are here - we detected HTML block. // Let's roll down till block end. if (!HTML_SEQUENCES[i][1].test(lineText)) { for (; nextLine < endLine; nextLine++) { if (state.sCount[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { break; } pos = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]; max = state.eMarks[nextLine]; lineText = state.src.slice(pos, max); if (HTML_SEQUENCES[i][1].test(lineText)) { if (lineText.length !== 0) { nextLine++; } break; } } } state.line = nextLine; token = state.push('html_block', '', 0); = [ startLine, nextLine ]; token.content = state.getLines(startLine, nextLine, state.blkIndent, true); return true; }; /***/ }), /* 113 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // List of valid html blocks names, accorting to commonmark spec // module.exports = [ 'address', 'article', 'aside', 'base', 'basefont', 'blockquote', 'body', 'caption', 'center', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'details', 'dialog', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hr', 'html', 'iframe', 'legend', 'li', 'link', 'main', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'nav', 'noframes', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'p', 'param', 'section', 'source', 'summary', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'ul' ]; /***/ }), /* 114 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Paragraph module.exports = function paragraph(state, startLine/*, endLine*/) { var content, terminate, i, l, token, oldParentType, nextLine = startLine + 1, terminatorRules ='paragraph'), endLine = state.lineMax; oldParentType = state.parentType; state.parentType = 'paragraph'; // jump line-by-line until empty one or EOF for (; nextLine < endLine && !state.isEmpty(nextLine); nextLine++) { // this would be a code block normally, but after paragraph // it's considered a lazy continuation regardless of what's there if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent > 3) { continue; } // quirk for blockquotes, this line should already be checked by that rule if (state.sCount[nextLine] < 0) { continue; } // Some tags can terminate paragraph without empty line. terminate = false; for (i = 0, l = terminatorRules.length; i < l; i++) { if (terminatorRules[i](state, nextLine, endLine, true)) { terminate = true; break; } } if (terminate) { break; } } content = state.getLines(startLine, nextLine, state.blkIndent, false).trim(); state.line = nextLine; token = state.push('paragraph_open', 'p', 1); = [ startLine, state.line ]; token = state.push('inline', '', 0); token.content = content; = [ startLine, state.line ]; token.children = []; token = state.push('paragraph_close', 'p', -1); state.parentType = oldParentType; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 115 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Parser state class var Token = __webpack_require__(29); var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; function StateBlock(src, md, env, tokens) { var ch, s, start, pos, len, indent, offset, indent_found; this.src = src; // link to parser instance = md; this.env = env; // // Internal state vartiables // this.tokens = tokens; this.bMarks = []; // line begin offsets for fast jumps this.eMarks = []; // line end offsets for fast jumps this.tShift = []; // offsets of the first non-space characters (tabs not expanded) this.sCount = []; // indents for each line (tabs expanded) // An amount of virtual spaces (tabs expanded) between beginning // of each line (bMarks) and real beginning of that line. // // It exists only as a hack because blockquotes override bMarks // losing information in the process. // // It's used only when expanding tabs, you can think about it as // an initial tab length, e.g. bsCount=21 applied to string `\t123` // means first tab should be expanded to 4-21%4 === 3 spaces. // this.bsCount = []; // block parser variables this.blkIndent = 0; // required block content indent // (for example, if we are in list) this.line = 0; // line index in src this.lineMax = 0; // lines count this.tight = false; // loose/tight mode for lists this.ddIndent = -1; // indent of the current dd block (-1 if there isn't any) // can be 'blockquote', 'list', 'root', 'paragraph' or 'reference' // used in lists to determine if they interrupt a paragraph this.parentType = 'root'; this.level = 0; // renderer this.result = ''; // Create caches // Generate markers. s = this.src; indent_found = false; for (start = pos = indent = offset = 0, len = s.length; pos < len; pos++) { ch = s.charCodeAt(pos); if (!indent_found) { if (isSpace(ch)) { indent++; if (ch === 0x09) { offset += 4 - offset % 4; } else { offset++; } continue; } else { indent_found = true; } } if (ch === 0x0A || pos === len - 1) { if (ch !== 0x0A) { pos++; } this.bMarks.push(start); this.eMarks.push(pos); this.tShift.push(indent); this.sCount.push(offset); this.bsCount.push(0); indent_found = false; indent = 0; offset = 0; start = pos + 1; } } // Push fake entry to simplify cache bounds checks this.bMarks.push(s.length); this.eMarks.push(s.length); this.tShift.push(0); this.sCount.push(0); this.bsCount.push(0); this.lineMax = this.bMarks.length - 1; // don't count last fake line } // Push new token to "stream". // StateBlock.prototype.push = function (type, tag, nesting) { var token = new Token(type, tag, nesting); token.block = true; if (nesting < 0) { this.level--; } token.level = this.level; if (nesting > 0) { this.level++; } this.tokens.push(token); return token; }; StateBlock.prototype.isEmpty = function isEmpty(line) { return this.bMarks[line] + this.tShift[line] >= this.eMarks[line]; }; StateBlock.prototype.skipEmptyLines = function skipEmptyLines(from) { for (var max = this.lineMax; from < max; from++) { if (this.bMarks[from] + this.tShift[from] < this.eMarks[from]) { break; } } return from; }; // Skip spaces from given position. StateBlock.prototype.skipSpaces = function skipSpaces(pos) { var ch; for (var max = this.src.length; pos < max; pos++) { ch = this.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(ch)) { break; } } return pos; }; // Skip spaces from given position in reverse. StateBlock.prototype.skipSpacesBack = function skipSpacesBack(pos, min) { if (pos <= min) { return pos; } while (pos > min) { if (!isSpace(this.src.charCodeAt(--pos))) { return pos + 1; } } return pos; }; // Skip char codes from given position StateBlock.prototype.skipChars = function skipChars(pos, code) { for (var max = this.src.length; pos < max; pos++) { if (this.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== code) { break; } } return pos; }; // Skip char codes reverse from given position - 1 StateBlock.prototype.skipCharsBack = function skipCharsBack(pos, code, min) { if (pos <= min) { return pos; } while (pos > min) { if (code !== this.src.charCodeAt(--pos)) { return pos + 1; } } return pos; }; // cut lines range from source. StateBlock.prototype.getLines = function getLines(begin, end, indent, keepLastLF) { var i, lineIndent, ch, first, last, queue, lineStart, line = begin; if (begin >= end) { return ''; } queue = new Array(end - begin); for (i = 0; line < end; line++, i++) { lineIndent = 0; lineStart = first = this.bMarks[line]; if (line + 1 < end || keepLastLF) { // No need for bounds check because we have fake entry on tail. last = this.eMarks[line] + 1; } else { last = this.eMarks[line]; } while (first < last && lineIndent < indent) { ch = this.src.charCodeAt(first); if (isSpace(ch)) { if (ch === 0x09) { lineIndent += 4 - (lineIndent + this.bsCount[line]) % 4; } else { lineIndent++; } } else if (first - lineStart < this.tShift[line]) { // patched tShift masked characters to look like spaces (blockquotes, list markers) lineIndent++; } else { break; } first++; } if (lineIndent > indent) { // partially expanding tabs in code blocks, e.g '\t\tfoobar' // with indent=2 becomes ' \tfoobar' queue[i] = new Array(lineIndent - indent + 1).join(' ') + this.src.slice(first, last); } else { queue[i] = this.src.slice(first, last); } } return queue.join(''); }; // re-export Token class to use in block rules StateBlock.prototype.Token = Token; module.exports = StateBlock; /***/ }), /* 116 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; /** internal * class ParserInline * * Tokenizes paragraph content. **/ var Ruler = __webpack_require__(28); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parser rules var _rules = [ [ 'text', __webpack_require__(117) ], [ 'newline', __webpack_require__(118) ], [ 'escape', __webpack_require__(119) ], [ 'backticks', __webpack_require__(120) ], [ 'strikethrough', __webpack_require__(43).tokenize ], [ 'emphasis', __webpack_require__(44).tokenize ], [ 'link', __webpack_require__(121) ], [ 'image', __webpack_require__(122) ], [ 'autolink', __webpack_require__(123) ], [ 'html_inline', __webpack_require__(124) ], [ 'entity', __webpack_require__(125) ] ]; var _rules2 = [ [ 'balance_pairs', __webpack_require__(126) ], [ 'strikethrough', __webpack_require__(43).postProcess ], [ 'emphasis', __webpack_require__(44).postProcess ], [ 'text_collapse', __webpack_require__(127) ] ]; /** * new ParserInline() **/ function ParserInline() { var i; /** * ParserInline#ruler -> Ruler * * [[Ruler]] instance. Keep configuration of inline rules. **/ this.ruler = new Ruler(); for (i = 0; i < _rules.length; i++) { this.ruler.push(_rules[i][0], _rules[i][1]); } /** * ParserInline#ruler2 -> Ruler * * [[Ruler]] instance. Second ruler used for post-processing * (e.g. in emphasis-like rules). **/ this.ruler2 = new Ruler(); for (i = 0; i < _rules2.length; i++) { this.ruler2.push(_rules2[i][0], _rules2[i][1]); } } // Skip single token by running all rules in validation mode; // returns `true` if any rule reported success // ParserInline.prototype.skipToken = function (state) { var ok, i, pos = state.pos, rules = this.ruler.getRules(''), len = rules.length, maxNesting =, cache = state.cache; if (typeof cache[pos] !== 'undefined') { state.pos = cache[pos]; return; } if (state.level < maxNesting) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Increment state.level and decrement it later to limit recursion. // It's harmless to do here, because no tokens are created. But ideally, // we'd need a separate private state variable for this purpose. // state.level++; ok = rules[i](state, true); state.level--; if (ok) { break; } } } else { // Too much nesting, just skip until the end of the paragraph. // // NOTE: this will cause links to behave incorrectly in the following case, // when an amount of `[` is exactly equal to `maxNesting + 1`: // // [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[foo]() // // TODO: remove this workaround when CM standard will allow nested links // (we can replace it by preventing links from being parsed in // validation mode) // state.pos = state.posMax; } if (!ok) { state.pos++; } cache[pos] = state.pos; }; // Generate tokens for input range // ParserInline.prototype.tokenize = function (state) { var ok, i, rules = this.ruler.getRules(''), len = rules.length, end = state.posMax, maxNesting =; while (state.pos < end) { // Try all possible rules. // On success, rule should: // // - update `state.pos` // - update `state.tokens` // - return true if (state.level < maxNesting) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ok = rules[i](state, false); if (ok) { break; } } } if (ok) { if (state.pos >= end) { break; } continue; } state.pending += state.src[state.pos++]; } if (state.pending) { state.pushPending(); } }; /** * ParserInline.parse(str, md, env, outTokens) * * Process input string and push inline tokens into `outTokens` **/ ParserInline.prototype.parse = function (str, md, env, outTokens) { var i, rules, len; var state = new this.State(str, md, env, outTokens); this.tokenize(state); rules = this.ruler2.getRules(''); len = rules.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { rules[i](state); } }; ParserInline.prototype.State = __webpack_require__(128); module.exports = ParserInline; /***/ }), /* 117 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Skip text characters for text token, place those to pending buffer // and increment current pos // Rule to skip pure text // '{}$%@~+=:' reserved for extentions // !, ", #, $, %, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, -, ., /, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, or ~ // !!!! Don't confuse with "Markdown ASCII Punctuation" chars // function isTerminatorChar(ch) { switch (ch) { case 0x0A/* \n */: case 0x21/* ! */: case 0x23/* # */: case 0x24/* $ */: case 0x25/* % */: case 0x26/* & */: case 0x2A/* * */: case 0x2B/* + */: case 0x2D/* - */: case 0x3A/* : */: case 0x3C/* < */: case 0x3D/* = */: case 0x3E/* > */: case 0x40/* @ */: case 0x5B/* [ */: case 0x5C/* \ */: case 0x5D/* ] */: case 0x5E/* ^ */: case 0x5F/* _ */: case 0x60/* ` */: case 0x7B/* { */: case 0x7D/* } */: case 0x7E/* ~ */: return true; default: return false; } } module.exports = function text(state, silent) { var pos = state.pos; while (pos < state.posMax && !isTerminatorChar(state.src.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } if (pos === state.pos) { return false; } if (!silent) { state.pending += state.src.slice(state.pos, pos); } state.pos = pos; return true; }; // Alternative implementation, for memory. // // It costs 10% of performance, but allows extend terminators list, if place it // to `ParcerInline` property. Probably, will switch to it sometime, such // flexibility required. /* var TERMINATOR_RE = /[\n!#$%&*+\-:<=>@[\\\]^_`{}~]/; module.exports = function text(state, silent) { var pos = state.pos, idx = state.src.slice(pos).search(TERMINATOR_RE); // first char is terminator -> empty text if (idx === 0) { return false; } // no terminator -> text till end of string if (idx < 0) { if (!silent) { state.pending += state.src.slice(pos); } state.pos = state.src.length; return true; } if (!silent) { state.pending += state.src.slice(pos, pos + idx); } state.pos += idx; return true; };*/ /***/ }), /* 118 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Proceess '\n' var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; module.exports = function newline(state, silent) { var pmax, max, pos = state.pos; if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x0A/* \n */) { return false; } pmax = state.pending.length - 1; max = state.posMax; // ' \n' -> hardbreak // Lookup in pending chars is bad practice! Don't copy to other rules! // Pending string is stored in concat mode, indexed lookups will cause // convertion to flat mode. if (!silent) { if (pmax >= 0 && state.pending.charCodeAt(pmax) === 0x20) { if (pmax >= 1 && state.pending.charCodeAt(pmax - 1) === 0x20) { state.pending = state.pending.replace(/ +$/, ''); state.push('hardbreak', 'br', 0); } else { state.pending = state.pending.slice(0, -1); state.push('softbreak', 'br', 0); } } else { state.push('softbreak', 'br', 0); } } pos++; // skip heading spaces for next line while (pos < max && isSpace(state.src.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } state.pos = pos; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 119 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process escaped chars and hardbreaks var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; var ESCAPED = []; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ESCAPED.push(0); } '\\!"#$%&\'()*+,./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~-' .split('').forEach(function (ch) { ESCAPED[ch.charCodeAt(0)] = 1; }); module.exports = function escape(state, silent) { var ch, pos = state.pos, max = state.posMax; if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x5C/* \ */) { return false; } pos++; if (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch < 256 && ESCAPED[ch] !== 0) { if (!silent) { state.pending += state.src[pos]; } state.pos += 2; return true; } if (ch === 0x0A) { if (!silent) { state.push('hardbreak', 'br', 0); } pos++; // skip leading whitespaces from next line while (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(ch)) { break; } pos++; } state.pos = pos; return true; } } if (!silent) { state.pending += '\\'; } state.pos++; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 120 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Parse backticks module.exports = function backtick(state, silent) { var start, max, marker, matchStart, matchEnd, token, pos = state.pos, ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch !== 0x60/* ` */) { return false; } start = pos; pos++; max = state.posMax; while (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x60/* ` */) { pos++; } marker = state.src.slice(start, pos); matchStart = matchEnd = pos; while ((matchStart = state.src.indexOf('`', matchEnd)) !== -1) { matchEnd = matchStart + 1; while (matchEnd < max && state.src.charCodeAt(matchEnd) === 0x60/* ` */) { matchEnd++; } if (matchEnd - matchStart === marker.length) { if (!silent) { token = state.push('code_inline', 'code', 0); token.markup = marker; token.content = state.src.slice(pos, matchStart) .replace(/[ \n]+/g, ' ') .trim(); } state.pos = matchEnd; return true; } } if (!silent) { state.pending += marker; } state.pos += marker.length; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 121 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process [link]( "stuff") var normalizeReference = __webpack_require__(2).normalizeReference; var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; module.exports = function link(state, silent) { var attrs, code, label, labelEnd, labelStart, pos, res, ref, title, token, href = '', oldPos = state.pos, max = state.posMax, start = state.pos, parseReference = true; if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false; } labelStart = state.pos + 1; labelEnd =, state.pos, true); // parser failed to find ']', so it's not a valid link if (labelEnd < 0) { return false; } pos = labelEnd + 1; if (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x28/* ( */) { // // Inline link // // might have found a valid shortcut link, disable reference parsing parseReference = false; // [link]( "title" ) // ^^ skipping these spaces pos++; for (; pos < max; pos++) { code = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(code) && code !== 0x0A) { break; } } if (pos >= max) { return false; } // [link]( "title" ) // ^^^^^^ parsing link destination start = pos; res =, pos, state.posMax); if (res.ok) { href =; if ( { pos = res.pos; } else { href = ''; } } // [link]( "title" ) // ^^ skipping these spaces start = pos; for (; pos < max; pos++) { code = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(code) && code !== 0x0A) { break; } } // [link]( "title" ) // ^^^^^^^ parsing link title res =, pos, state.posMax); if (pos < max && start !== pos && res.ok) { title = res.str; pos = res.pos; // [link]( "title" ) // ^^ skipping these spaces for (; pos < max; pos++) { code = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(code) && code !== 0x0A) { break; } } } else { title = ''; } if (pos >= max || state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x29/* ) */) { // parsing a valid shortcut link failed, fallback to reference parseReference = true; } pos++; } if (parseReference) { // // Link reference // if (typeof state.env.references === 'undefined') { return false; } if (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x5B/* [ */) { start = pos + 1; pos =, pos); if (pos >= 0) { label = state.src.slice(start, pos++); } else { pos = labelEnd + 1; } } else { pos = labelEnd + 1; } // covers label === '' and label === undefined // (collapsed reference link and shortcut reference link respectively) if (!label) { label = state.src.slice(labelStart, labelEnd); } ref = state.env.references[normalizeReference(label)]; if (!ref) { state.pos = oldPos; return false; } href = ref.href; title = ref.title; } // // We found the end of the link, and know for a fact it's a valid link; // so all that's left to do is to call tokenizer. // if (!silent) { state.pos = labelStart; state.posMax = labelEnd; token = state.push('link_open', 'a', 1); token.attrs = attrs = [ [ 'href', href ] ]; if (title) { attrs.push([ 'title', title ]); }; token = state.push('link_close', 'a', -1); } state.pos = pos; state.posMax = max; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 122 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process ![image]( "title") var normalizeReference = __webpack_require__(2).normalizeReference; var isSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isSpace; module.exports = function image(state, silent) { var attrs, code, content, label, labelEnd, labelStart, pos, ref, res, title, token, tokens, start, href = '', oldPos = state.pos, max = state.posMax; if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos) !== 0x21/* ! */) { return false; } if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 1) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false; } labelStart = state.pos + 2; labelEnd =, state.pos + 1, false); // parser failed to find ']', so it's not a valid link if (labelEnd < 0) { return false; } pos = labelEnd + 1; if (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x28/* ( */) { // // Inline link // // [link]( "title" ) // ^^ skipping these spaces pos++; for (; pos < max; pos++) { code = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(code) && code !== 0x0A) { break; } } if (pos >= max) { return false; } // [link]( "title" ) // ^^^^^^ parsing link destination start = pos; res =, pos, state.posMax); if (res.ok) { href =; if ( { pos = res.pos; } else { href = ''; } } // [link]( "title" ) // ^^ skipping these spaces start = pos; for (; pos < max; pos++) { code = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(code) && code !== 0x0A) { break; } } // [link]( "title" ) // ^^^^^^^ parsing link title res =, pos, state.posMax); if (pos < max && start !== pos && res.ok) { title = res.str; pos = res.pos; // [link]( "title" ) // ^^ skipping these spaces for (; pos < max; pos++) { code = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (!isSpace(code) && code !== 0x0A) { break; } } } else { title = ''; } if (pos >= max || state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x29/* ) */) { state.pos = oldPos; return false; } pos++; } else { // // Link reference // if (typeof state.env.references === 'undefined') { return false; } if (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x5B/* [ */) { start = pos + 1; pos =, pos); if (pos >= 0) { label = state.src.slice(start, pos++); } else { pos = labelEnd + 1; } } else { pos = labelEnd + 1; } // covers label === '' and label === undefined // (collapsed reference link and shortcut reference link respectively) if (!label) { label = state.src.slice(labelStart, labelEnd); } ref = state.env.references[normalizeReference(label)]; if (!ref) { state.pos = oldPos; return false; } href = ref.href; title = ref.title; } // // We found the end of the link, and know for a fact it's a valid link; // so all that's left to do is to call tokenizer. // if (!silent) { content = state.src.slice(labelStart, labelEnd); content,, state.env, tokens = [] ); token = state.push('image', 'img', 0); token.attrs = attrs = [ [ 'src', href ], [ 'alt', '' ] ]; token.children = tokens; token.content = content; if (title) { attrs.push([ 'title', title ]); } } state.pos = pos; state.posMax = max; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 123 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process autolinks '' /*eslint max-len:0*/ var EMAIL_RE = /^<([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)>/; var AUTOLINK_RE = /^<([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.\-]{1,31}):([^<>\x00-\x20]*)>/; module.exports = function autolink(state, silent) { var tail, linkMatch, emailMatch, url, fullUrl, token, pos = state.pos; if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x3C/* < */) { return false; } tail = state.src.slice(pos); if (tail.indexOf('>') < 0) { return false; } if (AUTOLINK_RE.test(tail)) { linkMatch = tail.match(AUTOLINK_RE); url = linkMatch[0].slice(1, -1); fullUrl =; if (! { return false; } if (!silent) { token = state.push('link_open', 'a', 1); token.attrs = [ [ 'href', fullUrl ] ]; token.markup = 'autolink'; = 'auto'; token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content =; token = state.push('link_close', 'a', -1); token.markup = 'autolink'; = 'auto'; } state.pos += linkMatch[0].length; return true; } if (EMAIL_RE.test(tail)) { emailMatch = tail.match(EMAIL_RE); url = emailMatch[0].slice(1, -1); fullUrl ='mailto:' + url); if (! { return false; } if (!silent) { token = state.push('link_open', 'a', 1); token.attrs = [ [ 'href', fullUrl ] ]; token.markup = 'autolink'; = 'auto'; token = state.push('text', '', 0); token.content =; token = state.push('link_close', 'a', -1); token.markup = 'autolink'; = 'auto'; } state.pos += emailMatch[0].length; return true; } return false; }; /***/ }), /* 124 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process html tags var HTML_TAG_RE = __webpack_require__(42).HTML_TAG_RE; function isLetter(ch) { /*eslint no-bitwise:0*/ var lc = ch | 0x20; // to lower case return (lc >= 0x61/* a */) && (lc <= 0x7a/* z */); } module.exports = function html_inline(state, silent) { var ch, match, max, token, pos = state.pos; if (! { return false; } // Check start max = state.posMax; if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x3C/* < */ || pos + 2 >= max) { return false; } // Quick fail on second char ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1); if (ch !== 0x21/* ! */ && ch !== 0x3F/* ? */ && ch !== 0x2F/* / */ && !isLetter(ch)) { return false; } match = state.src.slice(pos).match(HTML_TAG_RE); if (!match) { return false; } if (!silent) { token = state.push('html_inline', '', 0); token.content = state.src.slice(pos, pos + match[0].length); } state.pos += match[0].length; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 125 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Process html entity - {, ¯, ", ... var entities = __webpack_require__(37); var has = __webpack_require__(2).has; var isValidEntityCode = __webpack_require__(2).isValidEntityCode; var fromCodePoint = __webpack_require__(2).fromCodePoint; var DIGITAL_RE = /^&#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8}));/i; var NAMED_RE = /^&([a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31});/i; module.exports = function entity(state, silent) { var ch, code, match, pos = state.pos, max = state.posMax; if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x26/* & */) { return false; } if (pos + 1 < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1); if (ch === 0x23 /* # */) { match = state.src.slice(pos).match(DIGITAL_RE); if (match) { if (!silent) { code = match[1][0].toLowerCase() === 'x' ? parseInt(match[1].slice(1), 16) : parseInt(match[1], 10); state.pending += isValidEntityCode(code) ? fromCodePoint(code) : fromCodePoint(0xFFFD); } state.pos += match[0].length; return true; } } else { match = state.src.slice(pos).match(NAMED_RE); if (match) { if (has(entities, match[1])) { if (!silent) { state.pending += entities[match[1]]; } state.pos += match[0].length; return true; } } } } if (!silent) { state.pending += '&'; } state.pos++; return true; }; /***/ }), /* 126 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // For each opening emphasis-like marker find a matching closing one // module.exports = function link_pairs(state) { var i, j, lastDelim, currDelim, delimiters = state.delimiters, max = state.delimiters.length; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { lastDelim = delimiters[i]; if (!lastDelim.close) { continue; } j = i - lastDelim.jump - 1; while (j >= 0) { currDelim = delimiters[j]; if ( && currDelim.marker === lastDelim.marker && currDelim.end < 0 && currDelim.level === lastDelim.level) { // typeofs are for backward compatibility with plugins var odd_match = (currDelim.close || && typeof currDelim.length !== 'undefined' && typeof lastDelim.length !== 'undefined' && (currDelim.length + lastDelim.length) % 3 === 0; if (!odd_match) { lastDelim.jump = i - j; = false; currDelim.end = i; currDelim.jump = 0; break; } } j -= currDelim.jump + 1; } } }; /***/ }), /* 127 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Merge adjacent text nodes into one, and re-calculate all token levels // module.exports = function text_collapse(state) { var curr, last, level = 0, tokens = state.tokens, max = state.tokens.length; for (curr = last = 0; curr < max; curr++) { // re-calculate levels level += tokens[curr].nesting; tokens[curr].level = level; if (tokens[curr].type === 'text' && curr + 1 < max && tokens[curr + 1].type === 'text') { // collapse two adjacent text nodes tokens[curr + 1].content = tokens[curr].content + tokens[curr + 1].content; } else { if (curr !== last) { tokens[last] = tokens[curr]; } last++; } } if (curr !== last) { tokens.length = last; } }; /***/ }), /* 128 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Inline parser state var Token = __webpack_require__(29); var isWhiteSpace = __webpack_require__(2).isWhiteSpace; var isPunctChar = __webpack_require__(2).isPunctChar; var isMdAsciiPunct = __webpack_require__(2).isMdAsciiPunct; function StateInline(src, md, env, outTokens) { this.src = src; this.env = env; = md; this.tokens = outTokens; this.pos = 0; this.posMax = this.src.length; this.level = 0; this.pending = ''; this.pendingLevel = 0; this.cache = {}; // Stores { start: end } pairs. Useful for backtrack // optimization of pairs parse (emphasis, strikes). this.delimiters = []; // Emphasis-like delimiters } // Flush pending text // StateInline.prototype.pushPending = function () { var token = new Token('text', '', 0); token.content = this.pending; token.level = this.pendingLevel; this.tokens.push(token); this.pending = ''; return token; }; // Push new token to "stream". // If pending text exists - flush it as text token // StateInline.prototype.push = function (type, tag, nesting) { if (this.pending) { this.pushPending(); } var token = new Token(type, tag, nesting); if (nesting < 0) { this.level--; } token.level = this.level; if (nesting > 0) { this.level++; } this.pendingLevel = this.level; this.tokens.push(token); return token; }; // Scan a sequence of emphasis-like markers, and determine whether // it can start an emphasis sequence or end an emphasis sequence. // // - start - position to scan from (it should point at a valid marker); // - canSplitWord - determine if these markers can be found inside a word // StateInline.prototype.scanDelims = function (start, canSplitWord) { var pos = start, lastChar, nextChar, count, can_open, can_close, isLastWhiteSpace, isLastPunctChar, isNextWhiteSpace, isNextPunctChar, left_flanking = true, right_flanking = true, max = this.posMax, marker = this.src.charCodeAt(start); // treat beginning of the line as a whitespace lastChar = start > 0 ? this.src.charCodeAt(start - 1) : 0x20; while (pos < max && this.src.charCodeAt(pos) === marker) { pos++; } count = pos - start; // treat end of the line as a whitespace nextChar = pos < max ? this.src.charCodeAt(pos) : 0x20; isLastPunctChar = isMdAsciiPunct(lastChar) || isPunctChar(String.fromCharCode(lastChar)); isNextPunctChar = isMdAsciiPunct(nextChar) || isPunctChar(String.fromCharCode(nextChar)); isLastWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace(lastChar); isNextWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace(nextChar); if (isNextWhiteSpace) { left_flanking = false; } else if (isNextPunctChar) { if (!(isLastWhiteSpace || isLastPunctChar)) { left_flanking = false; } } if (isLastWhiteSpace) { right_flanking = false; } else if (isLastPunctChar) { if (!(isNextWhiteSpace || isNextPunctChar)) { right_flanking = false; } } if (!canSplitWord) { can_open = left_flanking && (!right_flanking || isLastPunctChar); can_close = right_flanking && (!left_flanking || isNextPunctChar); } else { can_open = left_flanking; can_close = right_flanking; } return { can_open: can_open, can_close: can_close, length: count }; }; // re-export Token class to use in block rules StateInline.prototype.Token = Token; module.exports = StateInline; /***/ }), /* 129 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers // Merge objects // function assign(obj /*from1, from2, from3, ...*/) { var sources =, 1); sources.forEach(function (source) { if (!source) { return; } Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) { obj[key] = source[key]; }); }); return obj; } function _class(obj) { return; } function isString(obj) { return _class(obj) === '[object String]'; } function isObject(obj) { return _class(obj) === '[object Object]'; } function isRegExp(obj) { return _class(obj) === '[object RegExp]'; } function isFunction(obj) { return _class(obj) === '[object Function]'; } function escapeRE(str) { return str.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, '\\$&'); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var defaultOptions = { fuzzyLink: true, fuzzyEmail: true, fuzzyIP: false }; function isOptionsObj(obj) { return Object.keys(obj || {}).reduce(function (acc, k) { return acc || defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(k); }, false); } var defaultSchemas = { 'http:': { validate: function (text, pos, self) { var tail = text.slice(pos); if (! { // compile lazily, because "host"-containing variables can change on tlds update. = new RegExp( '^\\/\\/' + + +, 'i' ); } if ( { return tail.match([0].length; } return 0; } }, 'https:': 'http:', 'ftp:': 'http:', '//': { validate: function (text, pos, self) { var tail = text.slice(pos); if (! { // compile lazily, because "host"-containing variables can change on tlds update. = new RegExp( '^' + + // Don't allow single-level domains, because of false positives like '//test' // with code comments '(?:localhost|(?:(?:' + + ')\\.)+' + + ')' + + +, 'i' ); } if ( { // should not be `://` & `///`, that protects from errors in protocol name if (pos >= 3 && text[pos - 3] === ':') { return 0; } if (pos >= 3 && text[pos - 3] === '/') { return 0; } return tail.match([0].length; } return 0; } }, 'mailto:': { validate: function (text, pos, self) { var tail = text.slice(pos); if (! { = new RegExp( '^' + + '@' +, 'i' ); } if ( { return tail.match([0].length; } return 0; } } }; /*eslint-disable max-len*/ // RE pattern for 2-character tlds (autogenerated by ./support/tlds_2char_gen.js) var tlds_2ch_src_re = 'a[cdefgilmnoqrstuwxz]|b[abdefghijmnorstvwyz]|c[acdfghiklmnoruvwxyz]|d[ejkmoz]|e[cegrstu]|f[ijkmor]|g[abdefghilmnpqrstuwy]|h[kmnrtu]|i[delmnoqrst]|j[emop]|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|m[acdeghklmnopqrstuvwxyz]|n[acefgilopruz]|om|p[aefghklmnrstwy]|qa|r[eosuw]|s[abcdeghijklmnortuvxyz]|t[cdfghjklmnortvwz]|u[agksyz]|v[aceginu]|w[fs]|y[et]|z[amw]'; // DON'T try to make PRs with changes. Extend TLDs with LinkifyIt.tlds() instead var tlds_default = 'biz|com|edu|gov|net|org|pro|web|xxx|aero|asia|coop|info|museum|name|shop|рф'.split('|'); /*eslint-enable max-len*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function resetScanCache(self) { self.__index__ = -1; self.__text_cache__ = ''; } function createValidator(re) { return function (text, pos) { var tail = text.slice(pos); if (re.test(tail)) { return tail.match(re)[0].length; } return 0; }; } function createNormalizer() { return function (match, self) { self.normalize(match); }; } // Schemas compiler. Build regexps. // function compile(self) { // Load & clone RE patterns. var re = = __webpack_require__(130)(self.__opts__); // Define dynamic patterns var tlds = self.__tlds__.slice(); self.onCompile(); if (!self.__tlds_replaced__) { tlds.push(tlds_2ch_src_re); } tlds.push(re.src_xn); re.src_tlds = tlds.join('|'); function untpl(tpl) { return tpl.replace('%TLDS%', re.src_tlds); } re.email_fuzzy = RegExp(untpl(re.tpl_email_fuzzy), 'i'); re.link_fuzzy = RegExp(untpl(re.tpl_link_fuzzy), 'i'); re.link_no_ip_fuzzy = RegExp(untpl(re.tpl_link_no_ip_fuzzy), 'i'); re.host_fuzzy_test = RegExp(untpl(re.tpl_host_fuzzy_test), 'i'); // // Compile each schema // var aliases = []; self.__compiled__ = {}; // Reset compiled data function schemaError(name, val) { throw new Error('(LinkifyIt) Invalid schema "' + name + '": ' + val); } Object.keys(self.__schemas__).forEach(function (name) { var val = self.__schemas__[name]; // skip disabled methods if (val === null) { return; } var compiled = { validate: null, link: null }; self.__compiled__[name] = compiled; if (isObject(val)) { if (isRegExp(val.validate)) { compiled.validate = createValidator(val.validate); } else if (isFunction(val.validate)) { compiled.validate = val.validate; } else { schemaError(name, val); } if (isFunction(val.normalize)) { compiled.normalize = val.normalize; } else if (!val.normalize) { compiled.normalize = createNormalizer(); } else { schemaError(name, val); } return; } if (isString(val)) { aliases.push(name); return; } schemaError(name, val); }); // // Compile postponed aliases // aliases.forEach(function (alias) { if (!self.__compiled__[self.__schemas__[alias]]) { // Silently fail on missed schemas to avoid errons on disable. // schemaError(alias, self.__schemas__[alias]); return; } self.__compiled__[alias].validate = self.__compiled__[self.__schemas__[alias]].validate; self.__compiled__[alias].normalize = self.__compiled__[self.__schemas__[alias]].normalize; }); // // Fake record for guessed links // self.__compiled__[''] = { validate: null, normalize: createNormalizer() }; // // Build schema condition // var slist = Object.keys(self.__compiled__) .filter(function (name) { // Filter disabled & fake schemas return name.length > 0 && self.__compiled__[name]; }) .map(escapeRE) .join('|'); // (?!_) cause 1.5x slowdown = RegExp('(^|(?!_)(?:[><\uff5c]|' + re.src_ZPCc + '))(' + slist + ')', 'i'); = RegExp('(^|(?!_)(?:[><\uff5c]|' + re.src_ZPCc + '))(' + slist + ')', 'ig'); = RegExp( '(' + + ')|' + '(' + + ')|' + '@', 'i'); // // Cleanup // resetScanCache(self); } /** * class Match * * Match result. Single element of array, returned by [[LinkifyIt#match]] **/ function Match(self, shift) { var start = self.__index__, end = self.__last_index__, text = self.__text_cache__.slice(start, end); /** * Match#schema -> String * * Prefix (protocol) for matched string. **/ this.schema = self.__schema__.toLowerCase(); /** * Match#index -> Number * * First position of matched string. **/ this.index = start + shift; /** * Match#lastIndex -> Number * * Next position after matched string. **/ this.lastIndex = end + shift; /** * Match#raw -> String * * Matched string. **/ this.raw = text; /** * Match#text -> String * * Notmalized text of matched string. **/ this.text = text; /** * Match#url -> String * * Normalized url of matched string. **/ this.url = text; } function createMatch(self, shift) { var match = new Match(self, shift); self.__compiled__[match.schema].normalize(match, self); return match; } /** * class LinkifyIt **/ /** * new LinkifyIt(schemas, options) * - schemas (Object): Optional. Additional schemas to validate (prefix/validator) * - options (Object): { fuzzyLink|fuzzyEmail|fuzzyIP: true|false } * * Creates new linkifier instance with optional additional schemas. * Can be called without `new` keyword for convenience. * * By default understands: * * - `http(s)://...` , `ftp://...`, `mailto:...` & `//...` links * - "fuzzy" links and emails (, * * `schemas` is an object, where each key/value describes protocol/rule: * * - __key__ - link prefix (usually, protocol name with `:` at the end, `skype:` * for example). `linkify-it` makes shure that prefix is not preceeded with * alphanumeric char and symbols. Only whitespaces and punctuation allowed. * - __value__ - rule to check tail after link prefix * - _String_ - just alias to existing rule * - _Object_ * - _validate_ - validator function (should return matched length on success), * or `RegExp`. * - _normalize_ - optional function to normalize text & url of matched result * (for example, for @twitter mentions). * * `options`: * * - __fuzzyLink__ - recognige URL-s without `http(s):` prefix. Default `true`. * - __fuzzyIP__ - allow IPs in fuzzy links above. Can conflict with some texts * like version numbers. Default `false`. * - __fuzzyEmail__ - recognize emails without `mailto:` prefix. * **/ function LinkifyIt(schemas, options) { if (!(this instanceof LinkifyIt)) { return new LinkifyIt(schemas, options); } if (!options) { if (isOptionsObj(schemas)) { options = schemas; schemas = {}; } } this.__opts__ = assign({}, defaultOptions, options); // Cache last tested result. Used to skip repeating steps on next `match` call. this.__index__ = -1; this.__last_index__ = -1; // Next scan position this.__schema__ = ''; this.__text_cache__ = ''; this.__schemas__ = assign({}, defaultSchemas, schemas); this.__compiled__ = {}; this.__tlds__ = tlds_default; this.__tlds_replaced__ = false; = {}; compile(this); } /** chainable * LinkifyIt#add(schema, definition) * - schema (String): rule name (fixed pattern prefix) * - definition (String|RegExp|Object): schema definition * * Add new rule definition. See constructor description for details. **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.add = function add(schema, definition) { this.__schemas__[schema] = definition; compile(this); return this; }; /** chainable * LinkifyIt#set(options) * - options (Object): { fuzzyLink|fuzzyEmail|fuzzyIP: true|false } * * Set recognition options for links without schema. **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.set = function set(options) { this.__opts__ = assign(this.__opts__, options); return this; }; /** * LinkifyIt#test(text) -> Boolean * * Searches linkifiable pattern and returns `true` on success or `false` on fail. **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.test = function test(text) { // Reset scan cache this.__text_cache__ = text; this.__index__ = -1; if (!text.length) { return false; } var m, ml, me, len, shift, next, re, tld_pos, at_pos; // try to scan for link with schema - that's the most simple rule if ( { re =; re.lastIndex = 0; while ((m = re.exec(text)) !== null) { len = this.testSchemaAt(text, m[2], re.lastIndex); if (len) { this.__schema__ = m[2]; this.__index__ = m.index + m[1].length; this.__last_index__ = m.index + m[0].length + len; break; } } } if (this.__opts__.fuzzyLink && this.__compiled__['http:']) { // guess schemaless links tld_pos =; if (tld_pos >= 0) { // if tld is located after found link - no need to check fuzzy pattern if (this.__index__ < 0 || tld_pos < this.__index__) { if ((ml = text.match(this.__opts__.fuzzyIP ? : !== null) { shift = ml.index + ml[1].length; if (this.__index__ < 0 || shift < this.__index__) { this.__schema__ = ''; this.__index__ = shift; this.__last_index__ = ml.index + ml[0].length; } } } } } if (this.__opts__.fuzzyEmail && this.__compiled__['mailto:']) { // guess schemaless emails at_pos = text.indexOf('@'); if (at_pos >= 0) { // We can't skip this check, because this cases are possible: //, if ((me = text.match( !== null) { shift = me.index + me[1].length; next = me.index + me[0].length; if (this.__index__ < 0 || shift < this.__index__ || (shift === this.__index__ && next > this.__last_index__)) { this.__schema__ = 'mailto:'; this.__index__ = shift; this.__last_index__ = next; } } } } return this.__index__ >= 0; }; /** * LinkifyIt#pretest(text) -> Boolean * * Very quick check, that can give false positives. Returns true if link MAY BE * can exists. Can be used for speed optimization, when you need to check that * link NOT exists. **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.pretest = function pretest(text) { return; }; /** * LinkifyIt#testSchemaAt(text, name, position) -> Number * - text (String): text to scan * - name (String): rule (schema) name * - position (Number): text offset to check from * * Similar to [[LinkifyIt#test]] but checks only specific protocol tail exactly * at given position. Returns length of found pattern (0 on fail). **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.testSchemaAt = function testSchemaAt(text, schema, pos) { // If not supported schema check requested - terminate if (!this.__compiled__[schema.toLowerCase()]) { return 0; } return this.__compiled__[schema.toLowerCase()].validate(text, pos, this); }; /** * LinkifyIt#match(text) -> Array|null * * Returns array of found link descriptions or `null` on fail. We strongly * recommend to use [[LinkifyIt#test]] first, for best speed. * * ##### Result match description * * - __schema__ - link schema, can be empty for fuzzy links, or `//` for * protocol-neutral links. * - __index__ - offset of matched text * - __lastIndex__ - index of next char after mathch end * - __raw__ - matched text * - __text__ - normalized text * - __url__ - link, generated from matched text **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.match = function match(text) { var shift = 0, result = []; // Try to take previous element from cache, if .test() called before if (this.__index__ >= 0 && this.__text_cache__ === text) { result.push(createMatch(this, shift)); shift = this.__last_index__; } // Cut head if cache was used var tail = shift ? text.slice(shift) : text; // Scan string until end reached while (this.test(tail)) { result.push(createMatch(this, shift)); tail = tail.slice(this.__last_index__); shift += this.__last_index__; } if (result.length) { return result; } return null; }; /** chainable * LinkifyIt#tlds(list [, keepOld]) -> this * - list (Array): list of tlds * - keepOld (Boolean): merge with current list if `true` (`false` by default) * * Load (or merge) new tlds list. Those are user for fuzzy links (without prefix) * to avoid false positives. By default this algorythm used: * * - hostname with any 2-letter root zones are ok. * - biz|com|edu|gov|net|org|pro|web|xxx|aero|asia|coop|info|museum|name|shop|рф * are ok. * - encoded (`xn--...`) root zones are ok. * * If list is replaced, then exact match for 2-chars root zones will be checked. **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.tlds = function tlds(list, keepOld) { list = Array.isArray(list) ? list : [ list ]; if (!keepOld) { this.__tlds__ = list.slice(); this.__tlds_replaced__ = true; compile(this); return this; } this.__tlds__ = this.__tlds__.concat(list) .sort() .filter(function (el, idx, arr) { return el !== arr[idx - 1]; }) .reverse(); compile(this); return this; }; /** * LinkifyIt#normalize(match) * * Default normalizer (if schema does not define it's own). **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.normalize = function normalize(match) { // Do minimal possible changes by default. Need to collect feedback prior // to move forward if (!match.schema) { match.url = 'http://' + match.url; } if (match.schema === 'mailto:' && !/^mailto:/i.test(match.url)) { match.url = 'mailto:' + match.url; } }; /** * LinkifyIt#onCompile() * * Override to modify basic RegExp-s. **/ LinkifyIt.prototype.onCompile = function onCompile() { }; module.exports = LinkifyIt; /***/ }), /* 130 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; module.exports = function (opts) { var re = {}; // Use direct extract instead of `regenerate` to reduse browserified size re.src_Any = __webpack_require__(39).source; re.src_Cc = __webpack_require__(40).source; re.src_Z = __webpack_require__(41).source; re.src_P = __webpack_require__(27).source; // \p{\Z\P\Cc\CF} (white spaces + control + format + punctuation) re.src_ZPCc = [ re.src_Z, re.src_P, re.src_Cc ].join('|'); // \p{\Z\Cc} (white spaces + control) re.src_ZCc = [ re.src_Z, re.src_Cc ].join('|'); // Experimental. List of chars, completely prohibited in links // because can separate it from other part of text var text_separators = '[><\uff5c]'; // All possible word characters (everything without punctuation, spaces & controls) // Defined via punctuation & spaces to save space // Should be something like \p{\L\N\S\M} (\w but without `_`) re.src_pseudo_letter = '(?:(?!' + text_separators + '|' + re.src_ZPCc + ')' + re.src_Any + ')'; // The same as abothe but without [0-9] // var src_pseudo_letter_non_d = '(?:(?![0-9]|' + src_ZPCc + ')' + src_Any + ')'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// re.src_ip4 = '(?:(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)'; // Prohibit any of "@/[]()" in user/pass to avoid wrong domain fetch. re.src_auth = '(?:(?:(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|[@/\\[\\]()]).)+@)?'; re.src_port = '(?::(?:6(?:[0-4]\\d{3}|5(?:[0-4]\\d{2}|5(?:[0-2]\\d|3[0-5])))|[1-5]?\\d{1,4}))?'; re.src_host_terminator = '(?=$|' + text_separators + '|' + re.src_ZPCc + ')(?!-|_|:\\d|\\.-|\\.(?!$|' + re.src_ZPCc + '))'; re.src_path = '(?:' + '[/?#]' + '(?:' + '(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|' + text_separators + '|[()[\\]{}.,"\'?!\\-]).|' + '\\[(?:(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|\\]).)*\\]|' + '\\((?:(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|[)]).)*\\)|' + '\\{(?:(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|[}]).)*\\}|' + '\\"(?:(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|["]).)+\\"|' + "\\'(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[']).)+\\'|" + "\\'(?=" + re.src_pseudo_letter + '|[-]).|' + // allow `I'm_king` if no pair found '\\.{2,3}[a-zA-Z0-9%/]|' + // github has ... in commit range links. Restrict to // - english // - percent-encoded // - parts of file path // until more examples found. '\\.(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|[.]).|' + (opts && opts['---'] ? '\\-(?!--(?:[^-]|$))(?:-*)|' // `---` => long dash, terminate : '\\-+|' ) + '\\,(?!' + re.src_ZCc + ').|' + // allow `,,,` in paths '\\!(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|[!]).|' + '\\?(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|[?]).' + ')+' + '|\\/' + ')?'; re.src_email_name = '[\\-;:&=\\+\\$,\\"\\.a-zA-Z0-9_]+'; re.src_xn = 'xn--[a-z0-9\\-]{1,59}'; // More to read about domain names // re.src_domain_root = // Allow letters & digits (http://test1) '(?:' + re.src_xn + '|' + re.src_pseudo_letter + '{1,63}' + ')'; re.src_domain = '(?:' + re.src_xn + '|' + '(?:' + re.src_pseudo_letter + ')' + '|' + // don't allow `--` in domain names, because: // - that can conflict with markdown — / – // - nobody use those anyway '(?:' + re.src_pseudo_letter + '(?:-(?!-)|' + re.src_pseudo_letter + '){0,61}' + re.src_pseudo_letter + ')' + ')'; re.src_host = '(?:' + // Don't need IP check, because digits are already allowed in normal domain names // src_ip4 + // '|' + '(?:(?:(?:' + re.src_domain + ')\\.)*' + re.src_domain/*_root*/ + ')' + ')'; re.tpl_host_fuzzy = '(?:' + re.src_ip4 + '|' + '(?:(?:(?:' + re.src_domain + ')\\.)+(?:%TLDS%))' + ')'; re.tpl_host_no_ip_fuzzy = '(?:(?:(?:' + re.src_domain + ')\\.)+(?:%TLDS%))'; re.src_host_strict = re.src_host + re.src_host_terminator; re.tpl_host_fuzzy_strict = re.tpl_host_fuzzy + re.src_host_terminator; re.src_host_port_strict = re.src_host + re.src_port + re.src_host_terminator; re.tpl_host_port_fuzzy_strict = re.tpl_host_fuzzy + re.src_port + re.src_host_terminator; re.tpl_host_port_no_ip_fuzzy_strict = re.tpl_host_no_ip_fuzzy + re.src_port + re.src_host_terminator; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main rules // Rude test fuzzy links by host, for quick deny re.tpl_host_fuzzy_test = 'localhost|www\\.|\\.\\d{1,3}\\.|(?:\\.(?:%TLDS%)(?:' + re.src_ZPCc + '|>|$))'; re.tpl_email_fuzzy = '(^|' + text_separators + '|\\(|' + re.src_ZCc + ')(' + re.src_email_name + '@' + re.tpl_host_fuzzy_strict + ')'; re.tpl_link_fuzzy = // Fuzzy link can't be prepended with .:/\- and non punctuation. // but can start with > (markdown blockquote) '(^|(?![.:/\\-_@])(?:[$+<=>^`|\uff5c]|' + re.src_ZPCc + '))' + '((?![$+<=>^`|\uff5c])' + re.tpl_host_port_fuzzy_strict + re.src_path + ')'; re.tpl_link_no_ip_fuzzy = // Fuzzy link can't be prepended with .:/\- and non punctuation. // but can start with > (markdown blockquote) '(^|(?![.:/\\-_@])(?:[$+<=>^`|\uff5c]|' + re.src_ZPCc + '))' + '((?![$+<=>^`|\uff5c])' + re.tpl_host_port_no_ip_fuzzy_strict + re.src_path + ')'; return re; }; /***/ }), /* 131 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module, global) {var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*! v1.4.1 by @mathias */ ;(function(root) { /** Detect free variables */ var freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; var freeModule = typeof module == 'object' && module && !module.nodeType && module; var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global; if ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.self === freeGlobal ) { root = freeGlobal; } /** * The `punycode` object. * @name punycode * @type Object */ var punycode, /** Highest positive signed 32-bit float value */ maxInt = 2147483647, // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1 /** Bootstring parameters */ base = 36, tMin = 1, tMax = 26, skew = 38, damp = 700, initialBias = 72, initialN = 128, // 0x80 delimiter = '-', // '\x2D' /** Regular expressions */ regexPunycode = /^xn--/, regexNonASCII = /[^\x20-\x7E]/, // unprintable ASCII chars + non-ASCII chars regexSeparators = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, // RFC 3490 separators /** Error messages */ errors = { 'overflow': 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process', 'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)', 'invalid-input': 'Invalid input' }, /** Convenience shortcuts */ baseMinusTMin = base - tMin, floor = Math.floor, stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode, /** Temporary variable */ key; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A generic error utility function. * @private * @param {String} type The error type. * @returns {Error} Throws a `RangeError` with the applicable error message. */ function error(type) { throw new RangeError(errors[type]); } /** * A generic `Array#map` utility function. * @private * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every array * item. * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback function. */ function map(array, fn) { var length = array.length; var result = []; while (length--) { result[length] = fn(array[length]); } return result; } /** * A simple `Array#map`-like wrapper to work with domain name strings or email * addresses. * @private * @param {String} domain The domain name or email address. * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every * character. * @returns {Array} A new string of characters returned by the callback * function. */ function mapDomain(string, fn) { var parts = string.split('@'); var result = ''; if (parts.length > 1) { // In email addresses, only the domain name should be punycoded. Leave // the local part (i.e. everything up to `@`) intact. result = parts[0] + '@'; string = parts[1]; } // Avoid `split(regex)` for IE8 compatibility. See #17. string = string.replace(regexSeparators, '\x2E'); var labels = string.split('.'); var encoded = map(labels, fn).join('.'); return result + encoded; } /** * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally, * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point, * matching UTF-16. * @see `punycode.ucs2.encode` * @see * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 * @name decode * @param {String} string The Unicode input string (UCS-2). * @returns {Array} The new array of code points. */ function ucs2decode(string) { var output = [], counter = 0, length = string.length, value, extra; while (counter < length) { value = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { // high surrogate, and there is a next character extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); } else { // unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the next // code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair output.push(value); counter--; } } else { output.push(value); } } return output; } /** * Creates a string based on an array of numeric code points. * @see `punycode.ucs2.decode` * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 * @name encode * @param {Array} codePoints The array of numeric code points. * @returns {String} The new Unicode string (UCS-2). */ function ucs2encode(array) { return map(array, function(value) { var output = ''; if (value > 0xFFFF) { value -= 0x10000; output += stringFromCharCode(value >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800); value = 0xDC00 | value & 0x3FF; } output += stringFromCharCode(value); return output; }).join(''); } /** * Converts a basic code point into a digit/integer. * @see `digitToBasic()` * @private * @param {Number} codePoint The basic numeric code point value. * @returns {Number} The numeric value of a basic code point (for use in * representing integers) in the range `0` to `base - 1`, or `base` if * the code point does not represent a value. */ function basicToDigit(codePoint) { if (codePoint - 48 < 10) { return codePoint - 22; } if (codePoint - 65 < 26) { return codePoint - 65; } if (codePoint - 97 < 26) { return codePoint - 97; } return base; } /** * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point. * @see `basicToDigit()` * @private * @param {Number} digit The numeric value of a basic code point. * @returns {Number} The basic code point whose value (when used for * representing integers) is `digit`, which needs to be in the range * `0` to `base - 1`. If `flag` is non-zero, the uppercase form is * used; else, the lowercase form is used. The behavior is undefined * if `flag` is non-zero and `digit` has no uppercase form. */ function digitToBasic(digit, flag) { // 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z // 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9 return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5); } /** * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492. * * @private */ function adapt(delta, numPoints, firstTime) { var k = 0; delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; delta += floor(delta / numPoints); for (/* no initialization */; delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) { delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); } return floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); } /** * Converts a Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols to a string of Unicode * symbols. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. * @returns {String} The resulting string of Unicode symbols. */ function decode(input) { // Don't use UCS-2 var output = [], inputLength = input.length, out, i = 0, n = initialN, bias = initialBias, basic, j, index, oldi, w, k, digit, t, /** Cached calculation results */ baseMinusT; // Handle the basic code points: let `basic` be the number of input code // points before the last delimiter, or `0` if there is none, then copy // the first basic code points to the output. basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter); if (basic < 0) { basic = 0; } for (j = 0; j < basic; ++j) { // if it's not a basic code point if (input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) { error('not-basic'); } output.push(input.charCodeAt(j)); } // Main decoding loop: start just after the last delimiter if any basic code // points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise. for (index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; /* no final expression */) { // `index` is the index of the next character to be consumed. // Decode a generalized variable-length integer into `delta`, // which gets added to `i`. The overflow checking is easier // if we increase `i` as we go, then subtract off its starting // value at the end to obtain `delta`. for (oldi = i, w = 1, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) { if (index >= inputLength) { error('invalid-input'); } digit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++)); if (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i) / w)) { error('overflow'); } i += digit * w; t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); if (digit < t) { break; } baseMinusT = base - t; if (w > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) { error('overflow'); } w *= baseMinusT; } out = output.length + 1; bias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi == 0); // `i` was supposed to wrap around from `out` to `0`, // incrementing `n` each time, so we'll fix that now: if (floor(i / out) > maxInt - n) { error('overflow'); } n += floor(i / out); i %= out; // Insert `n` at position `i` of the output output.splice(i++, 0, n); } return ucs2encode(output); } /** * Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a * Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The string of Unicode symbols. * @returns {String} The resulting Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. */ function encode(input) { var n, delta, handledCPCount, basicLength, bias, j, m, q, k, t, currentValue, output = [], /** `inputLength` will hold the number of code points in `input`. */ inputLength, /** Cached calculation results */ handledCPCountPlusOne, baseMinusT, qMinusT; // Convert the input in UCS-2 to Unicode input = ucs2decode(input); // Cache the length inputLength = input.length; // Initialize the state n = initialN; delta = 0; bias = initialBias; // Handle the basic code points for (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) { currentValue = input[j]; if (currentValue < 0x80) { output.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue)); } } handledCPCount = basicLength = output.length; // `handledCPCount` is the number of code points that have been handled; // `basicLength` is the number of basic code points. // Finish the basic string - if it is not empty - with a delimiter if (basicLength) { output.push(delimiter); } // Main encoding loop: while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { // All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next // larger one: for (m = maxInt, j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) { currentValue = input[j]; if (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) { m = currentValue; } } // Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's state to , // but guard against overflow handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; if (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { error('overflow'); } delta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne; n = m; for (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) { currentValue = input[j]; if (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) { error('overflow'); } if (currentValue == n) { // Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer for (q = delta, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) { t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); if (q < t) { break; } qMinusT = q - t; baseMinusT = base - t; output.push( stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0)) ); q = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); } output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q, 0))); bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); delta = 0; ++handledCPCount; } } ++delta; ++n; } return output.join(''); } /** * Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name or an email address * to Unicode. Only the Punycoded parts of the input will be converted, i.e. * it doesn't matter if you call it on a string that has already been * converted to Unicode. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The Punycoded domain name or email address to * convert to Unicode. * @returns {String} The Unicode representation of the given Punycode * string. */ function toUnicode(input) { return mapDomain(input, function(string) { return regexPunycode.test(string) ? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : string; }); } /** * Converts a Unicode string representing a domain name or an email address to * Punycode. Only the non-ASCII parts of the domain name will be converted, * i.e. it doesn't matter if you call it with a domain that's already in * ASCII. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The domain name or email address to convert, as a * Unicode string. * @returns {String} The Punycode representation of the given domain name or * email address. */ function toASCII(input) { return mapDomain(input, function(string) { return regexNonASCII.test(string) ? 'xn--' + encode(string) : string; }); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Define the public API */ punycode = { /** * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number. * @memberOf punycode * @type String */ 'version': '1.4.1', /** * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back. * @see * @memberOf punycode * @type Object */ 'ucs2': { 'decode': ucs2decode, 'encode': ucs2encode }, 'decode': decode, 'encode': encode, 'toASCII': toASCII, 'toUnicode': toUnicode }; /** Expose `punycode` */ // Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns // like the following: if ( true ) { !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function() { return punycode; }).call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); } else {} }(this)); /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(132)(module), __webpack_require__(15))) /***/ }), /* 132 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function(module) { if (!module.webpackPolyfill) { module.deprecate = function() {}; module.paths = []; // module.parent = undefined by default if (!module.children) module.children = []; Object.defineProperty(module, "loaded", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return module.l; } }); Object.defineProperty(module, "id", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return module.i; } }); module.webpackPolyfill = 1; } return module; }; /***/ }), /* 133 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // markdown-it default options module.exports = { options: { html: false, // Enable HTML tags in source xhtmlOut: false, // Use '/' to close single tags (
) breaks: false, // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into
langPrefix: 'language-', // CSS language prefix for fenced blocks linkify: false, // autoconvert URL-like texts to links // Enable some language-neutral replacements + quotes beautification typographer: false, // Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when typographer enabled, // and smartquotes on. Could be either a String or an Array. // // For example, you can use '«»„“' for Russian, '„“‚‘' for German, // and ['«\xA0', '\xA0»', '‹\xA0', '\xA0›'] for French (including nbsp). quotes: '\u201c\u201d\u2018\u2019', /* “”‘’ */ // Highlighter function. Should return escaped HTML, // or '' if the source string is not changed and should be escaped externaly. // If result starts with ) breaks: false, // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into
langPrefix: 'language-', // CSS language prefix for fenced blocks linkify: false, // autoconvert URL-like texts to links // Enable some language-neutral replacements + quotes beautification typographer: false, // Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when typographer enabled, // and smartquotes on. Could be either a String or an Array. // // For example, you can use '«»„“' for Russian, '„“‚‘' for German, // and ['«\xA0', '\xA0»', '‹\xA0', '\xA0›'] for French (including nbsp). quotes: '\u201c\u201d\u2018\u2019', /* “”‘’ */ // Highlighter function. Should return escaped HTML, // or '' if the source string is not changed and should be escaped externaly. // If result starts with ) breaks: false, // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into
langPrefix: 'language-', // CSS language prefix for fenced blocks linkify: false, // autoconvert URL-like texts to links // Enable some language-neutral replacements + quotes beautification typographer: false, // Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when typographer enabled, // and smartquotes on. Could be either a String or an Array. // // For example, you can use '«»„“' for Russian, '„“‚‘' for German, // and ['«\xA0', '\xA0»', '‹\xA0', '\xA0›'] for French (including nbsp). quotes: '\u201c\u201d\u2018\u2019', /* “”‘’ */ // Highlighter function. Should return escaped HTML, // or '' if the source string is not changed and should be escaped externaly. // If result starts with { createDebug[key] = env[key]; }); /** * Active `debug` instances. */ createDebug.instances = []; /** * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. */ createDebug.names = []; createDebug.skips = []; /** * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. * * Valid key names are a single, lower or upper-case letter, i.e. "n" and "N". */ createDebug.formatters = {}; /** * Selects a color for a debug namespace * @param {String} namespace The namespace string for the for the debug instance to be colored * @return {Number|String} An ANSI color code for the given namespace * @api private */ function selectColor(namespace) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < namespace.length; i++) { hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + namespace.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return createDebug.colors[Math.abs(hash) % createDebug.colors.length]; } createDebug.selectColor = selectColor; /** * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. * * @param {String} namespace * @return {Function} * @api public */ function createDebug(namespace) { let prevTime; function debug(...args) { // Disabled? if (!debug.enabled) { return; } const self = debug; // Set `diff` timestamp const curr = Number(new Date()); const ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); self.diff = ms; self.prev = prevTime; self.curr = curr; prevTime = curr; args[0] = createDebug.coerce(args[0]); if (typeof args[0] !== 'string') { // Anything else let's inspect with %O args.unshift('%O'); } // Apply any `formatters` transformations let index = 0; args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format) => { // If we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index if (match === '%%') { return match; } index++; const formatter = createDebug.formatters[format]; if (typeof formatter === 'function') { const val = args[index]; match =, val); // Now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` args.splice(index, 1); index--; } return match; }); // Apply env-specific formatting (colors, etc.), args); const logFn = self.log || createDebug.log; logFn.apply(self, args); } debug.namespace = namespace; debug.enabled = createDebug.enabled(namespace); debug.useColors = createDebug.useColors(); debug.color = selectColor(namespace); debug.destroy = destroy; debug.extend = extend; // Debug.formatArgs = formatArgs; // debug.rawLog = rawLog; // env-specific initialization logic for debug instances if (typeof createDebug.init === 'function') { createDebug.init(debug); } createDebug.instances.push(debug); return debug; } function destroy() { const index = createDebug.instances.indexOf(this); if (index !== -1) { createDebug.instances.splice(index, 1); return true; } return false; } function extend(namespace, delimiter) { const newDebug = createDebug(this.namespace + (typeof delimiter === 'undefined' ? ':' : delimiter) + namespace); newDebug.log = this.log; return newDebug; } /** * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes * separated by a colon and wildcards. * * @param {String} namespaces * @api public */ function enable(namespaces) {; createDebug.names = []; createDebug.skips = []; let i; const split = (typeof namespaces === 'string' ? namespaces : '').split(/[\s,]+/); const len = split.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!split[i]) { // ignore empty strings continue; } namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); if (namespaces[0] === '-') { createDebug.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); } else { createDebug.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); } } for (i = 0; i < createDebug.instances.length; i++) { const instance = createDebug.instances[i]; instance.enabled = createDebug.enabled(instance.namespace); } } /** * Disable debug output. * * @return {String} namespaces * @api public */ function disable() { const namespaces = [, => '-' + namespace) ].join(','); createDebug.enable(''); return namespaces; } /** * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. * * @param {String} name * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ function enabled(name) { if (name[name.length - 1] === '*') { return true; } let i; let len; for (i = 0, len = createDebug.skips.length; i < len; i++) { if (createDebug.skips[i].test(name)) { return false; } } for (i = 0, len = createDebug.names.length; i < len; i++) { if (createDebug.names[i].test(name)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Convert regexp to namespace * * @param {RegExp} regxep * @return {String} namespace * @api private */ function toNamespace(regexp) { return regexp.toString() .substring(2, regexp.toString().length - 2) .replace(/\.\*\?$/, '*'); } /** * Coerce `val`. * * @param {Mixed} val * @return {Mixed} * @api private */ function coerce(val) { if (val instanceof Error) { return val.stack || val.message; } return val; } createDebug.enable(createDebug.load()); return createDebug; } module.exports = setup; /***/ }), /* 163 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Helpers. */ var s = 1000; var m = s * 60; var h = m * 60; var d = h * 24; var w = d * 7; var y = d * 365.25; /** * Parse or format the given `val`. * * Options: * * - `long` verbose formatting [false] * * @param {String|Number} val * @param {Object} [options] * @throws {Error} throw an error if val is not a non-empty string or a number * @return {String|Number} * @api public */ module.exports = function(val, options) { options = options || {}; var type = typeof val; if (type === 'string' && val.length > 0) { return parse(val); } else if (type === 'number' && isFinite(val)) { return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val); } throw new Error( 'val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=' + JSON.stringify(val) ); }; /** * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. * * @param {String} str * @return {Number} * @api private */ function parse(str) { str = String(str); if (str.length > 100) { return; } var match = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec( str ); if (!match) { return; } var n = parseFloat(match[1]); var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); switch (type) { case 'years': case 'year': case 'yrs': case 'yr': case 'y': return n * y; case 'weeks': case 'week': case 'w': return n * w; case 'days': case 'day': case 'd': return n * d; case 'hours': case 'hour': case 'hrs': case 'hr': case 'h': return n * h; case 'minutes': case 'minute': case 'mins': case 'min': case 'm': return n * m; case 'seconds': case 'second': case 'secs': case 'sec': case 's': return n * s; case 'milliseconds': case 'millisecond': case 'msecs': case 'msec': case 'ms': return n; default: return undefined; } } /** * Short format for `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {String} * @api private */ function fmtShort(ms) { var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); if (msAbs >= d) { return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; } if (msAbs >= h) { return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; } if (msAbs >= m) { return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; } if (msAbs >= s) { return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; } return ms + 'ms'; } /** * Long format for `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {String} * @api private */ function fmtLong(ms) { var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); if (msAbs >= d) { return plural(ms, msAbs, d, 'day'); } if (msAbs >= h) { return plural(ms, msAbs, h, 'hour'); } if (msAbs >= m) { return plural(ms, msAbs, m, 'minute'); } if (msAbs >= s) { return plural(ms, msAbs, s, 'second'); } return ms + ' ms'; } /** * Pluralization helper. */ function plural(ms, msAbs, n, name) { var isPlural = msAbs >= n * 1.5; return Math.round(ms / n) + ' ' + name + (isPlural ? 's' : ''); } /***/ }), /* 164 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {/** * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. * * Expose `debug()` as the module. */ exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(165); exports.log = log; exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; = save; exports.load = load; exports.useColors = useColors; = 'undefined' != typeof chrome && 'undefined' != typeof ? : localstorage(); /** * Colors. */ exports.colors = [ '#0000CC', '#0000FF', '#0033CC', '#0033FF', '#0066CC', '#0066FF', '#0099CC', '#0099FF', '#00CC00', '#00CC33', '#00CC66', '#00CC99', '#00CCCC', '#00CCFF', '#3300CC', '#3300FF', '#3333CC', '#3333FF', '#3366CC', '#3366FF', '#3399CC', '#3399FF', '#33CC00', '#33CC33', '#33CC66', '#33CC99', '#33CCCC', '#33CCFF', '#6600CC', '#6600FF', '#6633CC', '#6633FF', '#66CC00', '#66CC33', '#9900CC', '#9900FF', '#9933CC', '#9933FF', '#99CC00', '#99CC33', '#CC0000', '#CC0033', '#CC0066', '#CC0099', '#CC00CC', '#CC00FF', '#CC3300', '#CC3333', '#CC3366', '#CC3399', '#CC33CC', '#CC33FF', '#CC6600', '#CC6633', '#CC9900', '#CC9933', '#CCCC00', '#CCCC33', '#FF0000', '#FF0033', '#FF0066', '#FF0099', '#FF00CC', '#FF00FF', '#FF3300', '#FF3333', '#FF3366', '#FF3399', '#FF33CC', '#FF33FF', '#FF6600', '#FF6633', '#FF9900', '#FF9933', '#FFCC00', '#FFCC33' ]; /** * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known * to support "%c" CSS customizations. * * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors */ function useColors() { // NB: In an Electron preload script, document will be defined but not fully // initialized. Since we know we're in Chrome, we'll just detect this case // explicitly if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.process && window.process.type === 'renderer') { return true; } // Internet Explorer and Edge do not support colors. if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) { return false; } // is webkit? // document is undefined in react-native: return (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.documentElement && && || // is firebug? (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.console && (window.console.firebug || (window.console.exception && window.console.table))) || // is firefox >= v31? // (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31) || // double check webkit in userAgent just in case we are in a worker (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/)); } /** * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. */ exports.formatters.j = function(v) { try { return JSON.stringify(v); } catch (err) { return '[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: ' + err.message; } }; /** * Colorize log arguments if enabled. * * @api public */ function formatArgs(args) { var useColors = this.useColors; args[0] = (useColors ? '%c' : '') + this.namespace + (useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + args[0] + (useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + '+' + exports.humanize(this.diff); if (!useColors) return; var c = 'color: ' + this.color; args.splice(1, 0, c, 'color: inherit') // the final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into var index = 0; var lastC = 0; args[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, function(match) { if ('%%' === match) return; index++; if ('%c' === match) { // we only are interested in the *last* %c // (the user may have provided their own) lastC = index; } }); args.splice(lastC, 0, c); } /** * Invokes `console.log()` when available. * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". * * @api public */ function log() { // this hackery is required for IE8/9, where // the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' return 'object' === typeof console && console.log &&, console, arguments); } /** * Save `namespaces`. * * @param {String} namespaces * @api private */ function save(namespaces) { try { if (null == namespaces) {'debug'); } else { = namespaces; } } catch(e) {} } /** * Load `namespaces`. * * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes * @api private */ function load() { var r; try { r =; } catch(e) {} // If debug isn't set in LS, and we're in Electron, try to load $DEBUG if (!r && typeof process !== 'undefined' && 'env' in process) { r = process.env.DEBUG; } return r; } /** * Enable namespaces listed in `localStorage.debug` initially. */ exports.enable(load()); /** * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. * * This is necessary because safari throws * when a user disables cookies/localstorage * and you attempt to access it. * * @return {LocalStorage} * @api private */ function localstorage() { try { return window.localStorage; } catch (e) {} } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(30))) /***/ }), /* 165 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser * implementations of `debug()`. * * Expose `debug()` as the module. */ exports = module.exports = createDebug.debug = createDebug['default'] = createDebug; exports.coerce = coerce; exports.disable = disable; exports.enable = enable; exports.enabled = enabled; exports.humanize = __webpack_require__(166); /** * Active `debug` instances. */ exports.instances = []; /** * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. */ exports.names = []; exports.skips = []; /** * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. * * Valid key names are a single, lower or upper-case letter, i.e. "n" and "N". */ exports.formatters = {}; /** * Select a color. * @param {String} namespace * @return {Number} * @api private */ function selectColor(namespace) { var hash = 0, i; for (i in namespace) { hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + namespace.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return exports.colors[Math.abs(hash) % exports.colors.length]; } /** * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. * * @param {String} namespace * @return {Function} * @api public */ function createDebug(namespace) { var prevTime; function debug() { // disabled? if (!debug.enabled) return; var self = debug; // set `diff` timestamp var curr = +new Date(); var ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); self.diff = ms; self.prev = prevTime; self.curr = curr; prevTime = curr; // turn the `arguments` into a proper Array var args = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } args[0] = exports.coerce(args[0]); if ('string' !== typeof args[0]) { // anything else let's inspect with %O args.unshift('%O'); } // apply any `formatters` transformations var index = 0; args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, function(match, format) { // if we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index if (match === '%%') return match; index++; var formatter = exports.formatters[format]; if ('function' === typeof formatter) { var val = args[index]; match =, val); // now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` args.splice(index, 1); index--; } return match; }); // apply env-specific formatting (colors, etc.), args); var logFn = debug.log || exports.log || console.log.bind(console); logFn.apply(self, args); } debug.namespace = namespace; debug.enabled = exports.enabled(namespace); debug.useColors = exports.useColors(); debug.color = selectColor(namespace); debug.destroy = destroy; // env-specific initialization logic for debug instances if ('function' === typeof exports.init) { exports.init(debug); } exports.instances.push(debug); return debug; } function destroy () { var index = exports.instances.indexOf(this); if (index !== -1) { exports.instances.splice(index, 1); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes * separated by a colon and wildcards. * * @param {String} namespaces * @api public */ function enable(namespaces) {; exports.names = []; exports.skips = []; var i; var split = (typeof namespaces === 'string' ? namespaces : '').split(/[\s,]+/); var len = split.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!split[i]) continue; // ignore empty strings namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); if (namespaces[0] === '-') { exports.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); } else { exports.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); } } for (i = 0; i < exports.instances.length; i++) { var instance = exports.instances[i]; instance.enabled = exports.enabled(instance.namespace); } } /** * Disable debug output. * * @api public */ function disable() { exports.enable(''); } /** * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. * * @param {String} name * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ function enabled(name) { if (name[name.length - 1] === '*') { return true; } var i, len; for (i = 0, len = exports.skips.length; i < len; i++) { if (exports.skips[i].test(name)) { return false; } } for (i = 0, len = exports.names.length; i < len; i++) { if (exports.names[i].test(name)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Coerce `val`. * * @param {Mixed} val * @return {Mixed} * @api private */ function coerce(val) { if (val instanceof Error) return val.stack || val.message; return val; } /***/ }), /* 166 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Helpers. */ var s = 1000; var m = s * 60; var h = m * 60; var d = h * 24; var y = d * 365.25; /** * Parse or format the given `val`. * * Options: * * - `long` verbose formatting [false] * * @param {String|Number} val * @param {Object} [options] * @throws {Error} throw an error if val is not a non-empty string or a number * @return {String|Number} * @api public */ module.exports = function(val, options) { options = options || {}; var type = typeof val; if (type === 'string' && val.length > 0) { return parse(val); } else if (type === 'number' && isNaN(val) === false) { return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val); } throw new Error( 'val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=' + JSON.stringify(val) ); }; /** * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. * * @param {String} str * @return {Number} * @api private */ function parse(str) { str = String(str); if (str.length > 100) { return; } var match = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec( str ); if (!match) { return; } var n = parseFloat(match[1]); var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); switch (type) { case 'years': case 'year': case 'yrs': case 'yr': case 'y': return n * y; case 'days': case 'day': case 'd': return n * d; case 'hours': case 'hour': case 'hrs': case 'hr': case 'h': return n * h; case 'minutes': case 'minute': case 'mins': case 'min': case 'm': return n * m; case 'seconds': case 'second': case 'secs': case 'sec': case 's': return n * s; case 'milliseconds': case 'millisecond': case 'msecs': case 'msec': case 'ms': return n; default: return undefined; } } /** * Short format for `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {String} * @api private */ function fmtShort(ms) { if (ms >= d) { return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; } if (ms >= h) { return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; } if (ms >= m) { return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; } if (ms >= s) { return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; } return ms + 'ms'; } /** * Long format for `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {String} * @api private */ function fmtLong(ms) { return plural(ms, d, 'day') || plural(ms, h, 'hour') || plural(ms, m, 'minute') || plural(ms, s, 'second') || ms + ' ms'; } /** * Pluralization helper. */ function plural(ms, n, name) { if (ms < n) { return; } if (ms < n * 1.5) { return Math.floor(ms / n) + ' ' + name; } return Math.ceil(ms / n) + ' ' + name + 's'; } /***/ }), /* 167 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /*global Blob,File*/ /** * Module requirements */ var isArray = __webpack_require__(46); var isBuf = __webpack_require__(47); var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var withNativeBlob = typeof Blob === 'function' || (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && === '[object BlobConstructor]'); var withNativeFile = typeof File === 'function' || (typeof File !== 'undefined' && === '[object FileConstructor]'); /** * Replaces every Buffer | ArrayBuffer in packet with a numbered placeholder. * Anything with blobs or files should be fed through removeBlobs before coming * here. * * @param {Object} packet - event packet * @return {Object} with deconstructed packet and list of buffers * @api public */ exports.deconstructPacket = function(packet) { var buffers = []; var packetData =; var pack = packet; = _deconstructPacket(packetData, buffers); pack.attachments = buffers.length; // number of binary 'attachments' return {packet: pack, buffers: buffers}; }; function _deconstructPacket(data, buffers) { if (!data) return data; if (isBuf(data)) { var placeholder = { _placeholder: true, num: buffers.length }; buffers.push(data); return placeholder; } else if (isArray(data)) { var newData = new Array(data.length); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { newData[i] = _deconstructPacket(data[i], buffers); } return newData; } else if (typeof data === 'object' && !(data instanceof Date)) { var newData = {}; for (var key in data) { newData[key] = _deconstructPacket(data[key], buffers); } return newData; } return data; } /** * Reconstructs a binary packet from its placeholder packet and buffers * * @param {Object} packet - event packet with placeholders * @param {Array} buffers - binary buffers to put in placeholder positions * @return {Object} reconstructed packet * @api public */ exports.reconstructPacket = function(packet, buffers) { = _reconstructPacket(, buffers); packet.attachments = undefined; // no longer useful return packet; }; function _reconstructPacket(data, buffers) { if (!data) return data; if (data && data._placeholder) { return buffers[data.num]; // appropriate buffer (should be natural order anyway) } else if (isArray(data)) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = _reconstructPacket(data[i], buffers); } } else if (typeof data === 'object') { for (var key in data) { data[key] = _reconstructPacket(data[key], buffers); } } return data; } /** * Asynchronously removes Blobs or Files from data via * FileReader's readAsArrayBuffer method. Used before encoding * data as msgpack. Calls callback with the blobless data. * * @param {Object} data * @param {Function} callback * @api private */ exports.removeBlobs = function(data, callback) { function _removeBlobs(obj, curKey, containingObject) { if (!obj) return obj; // convert any blob if ((withNativeBlob && obj instanceof Blob) || (withNativeFile && obj instanceof File)) { pendingBlobs++; // async filereader var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function() { // this.result == arraybuffer if (containingObject) { containingObject[curKey] = this.result; } else { bloblessData = this.result; } // if nothing pending its callback time if(! --pendingBlobs) { callback(bloblessData); } }; fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(obj); // blob -> arraybuffer } else if (isArray(obj)) { // handle array for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { _removeBlobs(obj[i], i, obj); } } else if (typeof obj === 'object' && !isBuf(obj)) { // and object for (var key in obj) { _removeBlobs(obj[key], key, obj); } } } var pendingBlobs = 0; var bloblessData = data; _removeBlobs(bloblessData); if (!pendingBlobs) { callback(bloblessData); } }; /***/ }), /* 168 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; exports.byteLength = byteLength exports.toByteArray = toByteArray exports.fromByteArray = fromByteArray var lookup = [] var revLookup = [] var Arr = typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? Uint8Array : Array var code = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) { lookup[i] = code[i] revLookup[code.charCodeAt(i)] = i } // Support decoding URL-safe base64 strings, as Node.js does. // See: revLookup['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62 revLookup['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63 function getLens (b64) { var len = b64.length if (len % 4 > 0) { throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4') } // Trim off extra bytes after placeholder bytes are found // See: var validLen = b64.indexOf('=') if (validLen === -1) validLen = len var placeHoldersLen = validLen === len ? 0 : 4 - (validLen % 4) return [validLen, placeHoldersLen] } // base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data function byteLength (b64) { var lens = getLens(b64) var validLen = lens[0] var placeHoldersLen = lens[1] return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen } function _byteLength (b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen) { return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen } function toByteArray (b64) { var tmp var lens = getLens(b64) var validLen = lens[0] var placeHoldersLen = lens[1] var arr = new Arr(_byteLength(b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen)) var curByte = 0 // if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars var len = placeHoldersLen > 0 ? validLen - 4 : validLen for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { tmp = (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 18) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 12) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] << 6) | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 3)] arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 16) & 0xFF arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF } if (placeHoldersLen === 2) { tmp = (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 2) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] >> 4) arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF } if (placeHoldersLen === 1) { tmp = (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 10) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 4) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] >> 2) arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF } return arr } function tripletToBase64 (num) { return lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F] } function encodeChunk (uint8, start, end) { var tmp var output = [] for (var i = start; i < end; i += 3) { tmp = ((uint8[i] << 16) & 0xFF0000) + ((uint8[i + 1] << 8) & 0xFF00) + (uint8[i + 2] & 0xFF) output.push(tripletToBase64(tmp)) } return output.join('') } function fromByteArray (uint8) { var tmp var len = uint8.length var extraBytes = len % 3 // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes var parts = [] var maxChunkLength = 16383 // must be multiple of 3 // go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later for (var i = 0, len2 = len - extraBytes; i < len2; i += maxChunkLength) { parts.push(encodeChunk( uint8, i, (i + maxChunkLength) > len2 ? len2 : (i + maxChunkLength) )) } // pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes if (extraBytes === 1) { tmp = uint8[len - 1] parts.push( lookup[tmp >> 2] + lookup[(tmp << 4) & 0x3F] + '==' ) } else if (extraBytes === 2) { tmp = (uint8[len - 2] << 8) + uint8[len - 1] parts.push( lookup[tmp >> 10] + lookup[(tmp >> 4) & 0x3F] + lookup[(tmp << 2) & 0x3F] + '=' ) } return parts.join('') } /***/ }), /* 169 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { var e, m var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 var eBias = eMax >> 1 var nBits = -7 var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0 var d = isLE ? -1 : 1 var s = buffer[offset + i] i += d e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) s >>= (-nBits) nBits += eLen for (; nBits > 0; e = (e * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1) e >>= (-nBits) nBits += mLen for (; nBits > 0; m = (m * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {} if (e === 0) { e = 1 - eBias } else if (e === eMax) { return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity) } else { m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen) e = e - eBias } return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen) } exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) { var e, m, c var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1 var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1 var eBias = eMax >> 1 var rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0) var i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1) var d = isLE ? 1 : -1 var s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0 value = Math.abs(value) if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) { m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0 e = eMax } else { e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2) if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) { e-- c *= 2 } if (e + eBias >= 1) { value += rt / c } else { value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias) } if (value * c >= 2) { e++ c /= 2 } if (e + eBias >= eMax) { m = 0 e = eMax } else if (e + eBias >= 1) { m = ((value * c) - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen) e = e + eBias } else { m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen) e = 0 } } for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8) {} e = (e << mLen) | m eLen += mLen for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8) {} buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128 } /***/ }), /* 170 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { return == '[object Array]'; }; /***/ }), /* 171 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(172); /** * Exports parser * * @api public * */ module.exports.parser = __webpack_require__(13); /***/ }), /* 172 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * Module dependencies. */ var transports = __webpack_require__(49); var Emitter = __webpack_require__(12); var debug = __webpack_require__(19)(''); var index = __webpack_require__(53); var parser = __webpack_require__(13); var parseuri = __webpack_require__(45); var parseqs = __webpack_require__(17); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = Socket; /** * Socket constructor. * * @param {String|Object} uri or options * @param {Object} options * @api public */ function Socket (uri, opts) { if (!(this instanceof Socket)) return new Socket(uri, opts); opts = opts || {}; if (uri && 'object' === typeof uri) { opts = uri; uri = null; } if (uri) { uri = parseuri(uri); opts.hostname =; = uri.protocol === 'https' || uri.protocol === 'wss'; opts.port = uri.port; if (uri.query) opts.query = uri.query; } else if ( { opts.hostname = parseuri(; } = null != ? : (typeof location !== 'undefined' && 'https:' === location.protocol); if (opts.hostname && !opts.port) { // if no port is specified manually, use the protocol default opts.port = ? '443' : '80'; } this.agent = opts.agent || false; this.hostname = opts.hostname || (typeof location !== 'undefined' ? location.hostname : 'localhost'); this.port = opts.port || (typeof location !== 'undefined' && location.port ? location.port : ( ? 443 : 80)); this.query = opts.query || {}; if ('string' === typeof this.query) this.query = parseqs.decode(this.query); this.upgrade = false !== opts.upgrade; this.path = (opts.path || '/').replace(/\/$/, '') + '/'; this.forceJSONP = !!opts.forceJSONP; this.jsonp = false !== opts.jsonp; this.forceBase64 = !!opts.forceBase64; this.enablesXDR = !!opts.enablesXDR; this.withCredentials = false !== opts.withCredentials; this.timestampParam = opts.timestampParam || 't'; this.timestampRequests = opts.timestampRequests; this.transports = opts.transports || ['polling', 'websocket']; this.transportOptions = opts.transportOptions || {}; this.readyState = ''; this.writeBuffer = []; this.prevBufferLen = 0; this.policyPort = opts.policyPort || 843; this.rememberUpgrade = opts.rememberUpgrade || false; this.binaryType = null; this.onlyBinaryUpgrades = opts.onlyBinaryUpgrades; this.perMessageDeflate = false !== opts.perMessageDeflate ? (opts.perMessageDeflate || {}) : false; if (true === this.perMessageDeflate) this.perMessageDeflate = {}; if (this.perMessageDeflate && null == this.perMessageDeflate.threshold) { this.perMessageDeflate.threshold = 1024; } // SSL options for Node.js client this.pfx = opts.pfx || null; this.key = opts.key || null; this.passphrase = opts.passphrase || null; this.cert = opts.cert || null; = || null; this.ciphers = opts.ciphers || null; this.rejectUnauthorized = opts.rejectUnauthorized === undefined ? true : opts.rejectUnauthorized; this.forceNode = !!opts.forceNode; // detect ReactNative environment this.isReactNative = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator.product === 'string' && navigator.product.toLowerCase() === 'reactnative'); // other options for Node.js or ReactNative client if (typeof self === 'undefined' || this.isReactNative) { if (opts.extraHeaders && Object.keys(opts.extraHeaders).length > 0) { this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; } if (opts.localAddress) { this.localAddress = opts.localAddress; } } // set on handshake = null; this.upgrades = null; this.pingInterval = null; this.pingTimeout = null; // set on heartbeat this.pingIntervalTimer = null; this.pingTimeoutTimer = null;; } Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = false; /** * Mix in `Emitter`. */ Emitter(Socket.prototype); /** * Protocol version. * * @api public */ Socket.protocol = parser.protocol; // this is an int /** * Expose deps for legacy compatibility * and standalone browser access. */ Socket.Socket = Socket; Socket.Transport = __webpack_require__(34); Socket.transports = __webpack_require__(49); Socket.parser = __webpack_require__(13); /** * Creates transport of the given type. * * @param {String} transport name * @return {Transport} * @api private */ Socket.prototype.createTransport = function (name) { debug('creating transport "%s"', name); var query = clone(this.query); // append protocol identifier query.EIO = parser.protocol; // transport name query.transport = name; // per-transport options var options = this.transportOptions[name] || {}; // session id if we already have one if ( query.sid =; var transport = new transports[name]({ query: query, socket: this, agent: options.agent || this.agent, hostname: options.hostname || this.hostname, port: options.port || this.port, secure: ||, path: options.path || this.path, forceJSONP: options.forceJSONP || this.forceJSONP, jsonp: options.jsonp || this.jsonp, forceBase64: options.forceBase64 || this.forceBase64, enablesXDR: options.enablesXDR || this.enablesXDR, withCredentials: options.withCredentials || this.withCredentials, timestampRequests: options.timestampRequests || this.timestampRequests, timestampParam: options.timestampParam || this.timestampParam, policyPort: options.policyPort || this.policyPort, pfx: options.pfx || this.pfx, key: options.key || this.key, passphrase: options.passphrase || this.passphrase, cert: options.cert || this.cert, ca: ||, ciphers: options.ciphers || this.ciphers, rejectUnauthorized: options.rejectUnauthorized || this.rejectUnauthorized, perMessageDeflate: options.perMessageDeflate || this.perMessageDeflate, extraHeaders: options.extraHeaders || this.extraHeaders, forceNode: options.forceNode || this.forceNode, localAddress: options.localAddress || this.localAddress, requestTimeout: options.requestTimeout || this.requestTimeout, protocols: options.protocols || void (0), isReactNative: this.isReactNative }); return transport; }; function clone (obj) { var o = {}; for (var i in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) { o[i] = obj[i]; } } return o; } /** * Initializes transport to use and starts probe. * * @api private */ = function () { var transport; if (this.rememberUpgrade && Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess && this.transports.indexOf('websocket') !== -1) { transport = 'websocket'; } else if (0 === this.transports.length) { // Emit error on next tick so it can be listened to var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.emit('error', 'No transports available'); }, 0); return; } else { transport = this.transports[0]; } this.readyState = 'opening'; // Retry with the next transport if the transport is disabled (jsonp: false) try { transport = this.createTransport(transport); } catch (e) { this.transports.shift();; return; }; this.setTransport(transport); }; /** * Sets the current transport. Disables the existing one (if any). * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.setTransport = function (transport) { debug('setting transport %s',; var self = this; if (this.transport) { debug('clearing existing transport %s',; this.transport.removeAllListeners(); } // set up transport this.transport = transport; // set up transport listeners transport .on('drain', function () { self.onDrain(); }) .on('packet', function (packet) { self.onPacket(packet); }) .on('error', function (e) { self.onError(e); }) .on('close', function () { self.onClose('transport close'); }); }; /** * Probes a transport. * * @param {String} transport name * @api private */ Socket.prototype.probe = function (name) { debug('probing transport "%s"', name); var transport = this.createTransport(name, { probe: 1 }); var failed = false; var self = this; Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = false; function onTransportOpen () { if (self.onlyBinaryUpgrades) { var upgradeLosesBinary = !this.supportsBinary && self.transport.supportsBinary; failed = failed || upgradeLosesBinary; } if (failed) return; debug('probe transport "%s" opened', name); transport.send([{ type: 'ping', data: 'probe' }]); transport.once('packet', function (msg) { if (failed) return; if ('pong' === msg.type && 'probe' === { debug('probe transport "%s" pong', name); self.upgrading = true; self.emit('upgrading', transport); if (!transport) return; Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = 'websocket' ===; debug('pausing current transport "%s"',; self.transport.pause(function () { if (failed) return; if ('closed' === self.readyState) return; debug('changing transport and sending upgrade packet'); cleanup(); self.setTransport(transport); transport.send([{ type: 'upgrade' }]); self.emit('upgrade', transport); transport = null; self.upgrading = false; self.flush(); }); } else { debug('probe transport "%s" failed', name); var err = new Error('probe error'); err.transport =; self.emit('upgradeError', err); } }); } function freezeTransport () { if (failed) return; // Any callback called by transport should be ignored since now failed = true; cleanup(); transport.close(); transport = null; } // Handle any error that happens while probing function onerror (err) { var error = new Error('probe error: ' + err); error.transport =; freezeTransport(); debug('probe transport "%s" failed because of error: %s', name, err); self.emit('upgradeError', error); } function onTransportClose () { onerror('transport closed'); } // When the socket is closed while we're probing function onclose () { onerror('socket closed'); } // When the socket is upgraded while we're probing function onupgrade (to) { if (transport && !== { debug('"%s" works - aborting "%s"',,; freezeTransport(); } } // Remove all listeners on the transport and on self function cleanup () { transport.removeListener('open', onTransportOpen); transport.removeListener('error', onerror); transport.removeListener('close', onTransportClose); self.removeListener('close', onclose); self.removeListener('upgrading', onupgrade); } transport.once('open', onTransportOpen); transport.once('error', onerror); transport.once('close', onTransportClose); this.once('close', onclose); this.once('upgrading', onupgrade);; }; /** * Called when connection is deemed open. * * @api public */ Socket.prototype.onOpen = function () { debug('socket open'); this.readyState = 'open'; Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = 'websocket' ===; this.emit('open'); this.flush(); // we check for `readyState` in case an `open` // listener already closed the socket if ('open' === this.readyState && this.upgrade && this.transport.pause) { debug('starting upgrade probes'); for (var i = 0, l = this.upgrades.length; i < l; i++) { this.probe(this.upgrades[i]); } } }; /** * Handles a packet. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onPacket = function (packet) { if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState || 'closing' === this.readyState) { debug('socket receive: type "%s", data "%s"', packet.type,; this.emit('packet', packet); // Socket is live - any packet counts this.emit('heartbeat'); switch (packet.type) { case 'open': this.onHandshake(JSON.parse(; break; case 'pong': this.setPing(); this.emit('pong'); break; case 'error': var err = new Error('server error'); err.code =; this.onError(err); break; case 'message': this.emit('data',; this.emit('message',; break; } } else { debug('packet received with socket readyState "%s"', this.readyState); } }; /** * Called upon handshake completion. * * @param {Object} handshake obj * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onHandshake = function (data) { this.emit('handshake', data); = data.sid; this.transport.query.sid = data.sid; this.upgrades = this.filterUpgrades(data.upgrades); this.pingInterval = data.pingInterval; this.pingTimeout = data.pingTimeout; this.onOpen(); // In case open handler closes socket if ('closed' === this.readyState) return; this.setPing(); // Prolong liveness of socket on heartbeat this.removeListener('heartbeat', this.onHeartbeat); this.on('heartbeat', this.onHeartbeat); }; /** * Resets ping timeout. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onHeartbeat = function (timeout) { clearTimeout(this.pingTimeoutTimer); var self = this; self.pingTimeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () { if ('closed' === self.readyState) return; self.onClose('ping timeout'); }, timeout || (self.pingInterval + self.pingTimeout)); }; /** * Pings server every `this.pingInterval` and expects response * within `this.pingTimeout` or closes connection. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.setPing = function () { var self = this; clearTimeout(self.pingIntervalTimer); self.pingIntervalTimer = setTimeout(function () { debug('writing ping packet - expecting pong within %sms', self.pingTimeout);; self.onHeartbeat(self.pingTimeout); }, self.pingInterval); }; /** * Sends a ping packet. * * @api private */ = function () { var self = this; this.sendPacket('ping', function () { self.emit('ping'); }); }; /** * Called on `drain` event * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onDrain = function () { this.writeBuffer.splice(0, this.prevBufferLen); // setting prevBufferLen = 0 is very important // for example, when upgrading, upgrade packet is sent over, // and a nonzero prevBufferLen could cause problems on `drain` this.prevBufferLen = 0; if (0 === this.writeBuffer.length) { this.emit('drain'); } else { this.flush(); } }; /** * Flush write buffers. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.flush = function () { if ('closed' !== this.readyState && this.transport.writable && !this.upgrading && this.writeBuffer.length) { debug('flushing %d packets in socket', this.writeBuffer.length); this.transport.send(this.writeBuffer); // keep track of current length of writeBuffer // splice writeBuffer and callbackBuffer on `drain` this.prevBufferLen = this.writeBuffer.length; this.emit('flush'); } }; /** * Sends a message. * * @param {String} message. * @param {Function} callback function. * @param {Object} options. * @return {Socket} for chaining. * @api public */ Socket.prototype.write = Socket.prototype.send = function (msg, options, fn) { this.sendPacket('message', msg, options, fn); return this; }; /** * Sends a packet. * * @param {String} packet type. * @param {String} data. * @param {Object} options. * @param {Function} callback function. * @api private */ Socket.prototype.sendPacket = function (type, data, options, fn) { if ('function' === typeof data) { fn = data; data = undefined; } if ('function' === typeof options) { fn = options; options = null; } if ('closing' === this.readyState || 'closed' === this.readyState) { return; } options = options || {}; options.compress = false !== options.compress; var packet = { type: type, data: data, options: options }; this.emit('packetCreate', packet); this.writeBuffer.push(packet); if (fn) this.once('flush', fn); this.flush(); }; /** * Closes the connection. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.close = function () { if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState) { this.readyState = 'closing'; var self = this; if (this.writeBuffer.length) { this.once('drain', function () { if (this.upgrading) { waitForUpgrade(); } else { close(); } }); } else if (this.upgrading) { waitForUpgrade(); } else { close(); } } function close () { self.onClose('forced close'); debug('socket closing - telling transport to close'); self.transport.close(); } function cleanupAndClose () { self.removeListener('upgrade', cleanupAndClose); self.removeListener('upgradeError', cleanupAndClose); close(); } function waitForUpgrade () { // wait for upgrade to finish since we can't send packets while pausing a transport self.once('upgrade', cleanupAndClose); self.once('upgradeError', cleanupAndClose); } return this; }; /** * Called upon transport error * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onError = function (err) { debug('socket error %j', err); Socket.priorWebsocketSuccess = false; this.emit('error', err); this.onClose('transport error', err); }; /** * Called upon transport close. * * @api private */ Socket.prototype.onClose = function (reason, desc) { if ('opening' === this.readyState || 'open' === this.readyState || 'closing' === this.readyState) { debug('socket close with reason: "%s"', reason); var self = this; // clear timers clearTimeout(this.pingIntervalTimer); clearTimeout(this.pingTimeoutTimer); // stop event from firing again for transport this.transport.removeAllListeners('close'); // ensure transport won't stay open this.transport.close(); // ignore further transport communication this.transport.removeAllListeners(); // set ready state this.readyState = 'closed'; // clear session id = null; // emit close event this.emit('close', reason, desc); // clean buffers after, so users can still // grab the buffers on `close` event self.writeBuffer = []; self.prevBufferLen = 0; } }; /** * Filters upgrades, returning only those matching client transports. * * @param {Array} server upgrades * @api private * */ Socket.prototype.filterUpgrades = function (upgrades) { var filteredUpgrades = []; for (var i = 0, j = upgrades.length; i < j; i++) { if (~index(this.transports, upgrades[i])) filteredUpgrades.push(upgrades[i]); } return filteredUpgrades; }; /***/ }), /* 173 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Module exports. * * Logic borrowed from Modernizr: * * - */ try { module.exports = typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined' && 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (err) { // if XMLHttp support is disabled in IE then it will throw // when trying to create module.exports = false; } /***/ }), /* 174 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* global attachEvent */ /** * Module requirements. */ var XMLHttpRequest = __webpack_require__(33); var Polling = __webpack_require__(50); var Emitter = __webpack_require__(12); var inherit = __webpack_require__(18); var debug = __webpack_require__(19)(''); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = XHR; module.exports.Request = Request; /** * Empty function */ function empty () {} /** * XHR Polling constructor. * * @param {Object} opts * @api public */ function XHR (opts) {, opts); this.requestTimeout = opts.requestTimeout; this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; if (typeof location !== 'undefined') { var isSSL = 'https:' === location.protocol; var port = location.port; // some user agents have empty `location.port` if (!port) { port = isSSL ? 443 : 80; } this.xd = (typeof location !== 'undefined' && opts.hostname !== location.hostname) || port !== opts.port; this.xs = !== isSSL; } } /** * Inherits from Polling. */ inherit(XHR, Polling); /** * XHR supports binary */ XHR.prototype.supportsBinary = true; /** * Creates a request. * * @param {String} method * @api private */ XHR.prototype.request = function (opts) { opts = opts || {}; opts.uri = this.uri(); opts.xd = this.xd; opts.xs = this.xs; opts.agent = this.agent || false; opts.supportsBinary = this.supportsBinary; opts.enablesXDR = this.enablesXDR; opts.withCredentials = this.withCredentials; // SSL options for Node.js client opts.pfx = this.pfx; opts.key = this.key; opts.passphrase = this.passphrase; opts.cert = this.cert; =; opts.ciphers = this.ciphers; opts.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized; opts.requestTimeout = this.requestTimeout; // other options for Node.js client opts.extraHeaders = this.extraHeaders; return new Request(opts); }; /** * Sends data. * * @param {String} data to send. * @param {Function} called upon flush. * @api private */ XHR.prototype.doWrite = function (data, fn) { var isBinary = typeof data !== 'string' && data !== undefined; var req = this.request({ method: 'POST', data: data, isBinary: isBinary }); var self = this; req.on('success', fn); req.on('error', function (err) { self.onError('xhr post error', err); }); this.sendXhr = req; }; /** * Starts a poll cycle. * * @api private */ XHR.prototype.doPoll = function () { debug('xhr poll'); var req = this.request(); var self = this; req.on('data', function (data) { self.onData(data); }); req.on('error', function (err) { self.onError('xhr poll error', err); }); this.pollXhr = req; }; /** * Request constructor * * @param {Object} options * @api public */ function Request (opts) { this.method = opts.method || 'GET'; this.uri = opts.uri; this.xd = !!opts.xd; this.xs = !!opts.xs; this.async = false !== opts.async; = undefined !== ? : null; this.agent = opts.agent; this.isBinary = opts.isBinary; this.supportsBinary = opts.supportsBinary; this.enablesXDR = opts.enablesXDR; this.withCredentials = opts.withCredentials; this.requestTimeout = opts.requestTimeout; // SSL options for Node.js client this.pfx = opts.pfx; this.key = opts.key; this.passphrase = opts.passphrase; this.cert = opts.cert; =; this.ciphers = opts.ciphers; this.rejectUnauthorized = opts.rejectUnauthorized; // other options for Node.js client this.extraHeaders = opts.extraHeaders; this.create(); } /** * Mix in `Emitter`. */ Emitter(Request.prototype); /** * Creates the XHR object and sends the request. * * @api private */ Request.prototype.create = function () { var opts = { agent: this.agent, xdomain: this.xd, xscheme: this.xs, enablesXDR: this.enablesXDR }; // SSL options for Node.js client opts.pfx = this.pfx; opts.key = this.key; opts.passphrase = this.passphrase; opts.cert = this.cert; =; opts.ciphers = this.ciphers; opts.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized; var xhr = this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(opts); var self = this; try { debug('xhr open %s: %s', this.method, this.uri);, this.uri, this.async); try { if (this.extraHeaders) { xhr.setDisableHeaderCheck && xhr.setDisableHeaderCheck(true); for (var i in this.extraHeaders) { if (this.extraHeaders.hasOwnProperty(i)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(i, this.extraHeaders[i]); } } } } catch (e) {} if ('POST' === this.method) { try { if (this.isBinary) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/octet-stream'); } else { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); } } catch (e) {} } try { xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', '*/*'); } catch (e) {} // ie6 check if ('withCredentials' in xhr) { xhr.withCredentials = this.withCredentials; } if (this.requestTimeout) { xhr.timeout = this.requestTimeout; } if (this.hasXDR()) { xhr.onload = function () { self.onLoad(); }; xhr.onerror = function () { self.onError(xhr.responseText); }; } else { xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 2) { try { var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'); if (self.supportsBinary && contentType === 'application/octet-stream' || contentType === 'application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8') { xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; } } catch (e) {} } if (4 !== xhr.readyState) return; if (200 === xhr.status || 1223 === xhr.status) { self.onLoad(); } else { // make sure the `error` event handler that's user-set // does not throw in the same tick and gets caught here setTimeout(function () { self.onError(typeof xhr.status === 'number' ? xhr.status : 0); }, 0); } }; } debug('xhr data %s',; xhr.send(; } catch (e) { // Need to defer since .create() is called directly fhrom the constructor // and thus the 'error' event can only be only bound *after* this exception // occurs. Therefore, also, we cannot throw here at all. setTimeout(function () { self.onError(e); }, 0); return; } if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.index = Request.requestsCount++; Request.requests[this.index] = this; } }; /** * Called upon successful response. * * @api private */ Request.prototype.onSuccess = function () { this.emit('success'); this.cleanup(); }; /** * Called if we have data. * * @api private */ Request.prototype.onData = function (data) { this.emit('data', data); this.onSuccess(); }; /** * Called upon error. * * @api private */ Request.prototype.onError = function (err) { this.emit('error', err); this.cleanup(true); }; /** * Cleans up house. * * @api private */ Request.prototype.cleanup = function (fromError) { if ('undefined' === typeof this.xhr || null === this.xhr) { return; } // xmlhttprequest if (this.hasXDR()) { this.xhr.onload = this.xhr.onerror = empty; } else { this.xhr.onreadystatechange = empty; } if (fromError) { try { this.xhr.abort(); } catch (e) {} } if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { delete Request.requests[this.index]; } this.xhr = null; }; /** * Called upon load. * * @api private */ Request.prototype.onLoad = function () { var data; try { var contentType; try { contentType = this.xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'); } catch (e) {} if (contentType === 'application/octet-stream' || contentType === 'application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8') { data = this.xhr.response || this.xhr.responseText; } else { data = this.xhr.responseText; } } catch (e) { this.onError(e); } if (null != data) { this.onData(data); } }; /** * Check if it has XDomainRequest. * * @api private */ Request.prototype.hasXDR = function () { return typeof XDomainRequest !== 'undefined' && !this.xs && this.enablesXDR; }; /** * Aborts the request. * * @api public */ Request.prototype.abort = function () { this.cleanup(); }; /** * Aborts pending requests when unloading the window. This is needed to prevent * memory leaks (e.g. when using IE) and to ensure that no spurious error is * emitted. */ Request.requestsCount = 0; Request.requests = {}; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { if (typeof attachEvent === 'function') { attachEvent('onunload', unloadHandler); } else if (typeof addEventListener === 'function') { var terminationEvent = 'onpagehide' in self ? 'pagehide' : 'unload'; addEventListener(terminationEvent, unloadHandler, false); } } function unloadHandler () { for (var i in Request.requests) { if (Request.requests.hasOwnProperty(i)) { Request.requests[i].abort(); } } } /***/ }), /* 175 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Gets the keys for an object. * * @return {Array} keys * @api private */ module.exports = Object.keys || function keys (obj){ var arr = []; var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; for (var i in obj) { if (, i)) { arr.push(i); } } return arr; }; /***/ }), /* 176 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { return == '[object Array]'; }; /***/ }), /* 177 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * An abstraction for slicing an arraybuffer even when * ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice is not supported * * @api public */ module.exports = function(arraybuffer, start, end) { var bytes = arraybuffer.byteLength; start = start || 0; end = end || bytes; if (arraybuffer.slice) { return arraybuffer.slice(start, end); } if (start < 0) { start += bytes; } if (end < 0) { end += bytes; } if (end > bytes) { end = bytes; } if (start >= bytes || start >= end || bytes === 0) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } var abv = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer); var result = new Uint8Array(end - start); for (var i = start, ii = 0; i < end; i++, ii++) { result[ii] = abv[i]; } return result.buffer; }; /***/ }), /* 178 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = after function after(count, callback, err_cb) { var bail = false err_cb = err_cb || noop proxy.count = count return (count === 0) ? callback() : proxy function proxy(err, result) { if (proxy.count <= 0) { throw new Error('after called too many times') } --proxy.count // after first error, rest are passed to err_cb if (err) { bail = true callback(err) // future error callbacks will go to error handler callback = err_cb } else if (proxy.count === 0 && !bail) { callback(null, result) } } } function noop() {} /***/ }), /* 179 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /*! v2.1.2 by @mathias */ var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; // Taken from function ucs2decode(string) { var output = []; var counter = 0; var length = string.length; var value; var extra; while (counter < length) { value = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { // high surrogate, and there is a next character extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); } else { // unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the next // code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair output.push(value); counter--; } } else { output.push(value); } } return output; } // Taken from function ucs2encode(array) { var length = array.length; var index = -1; var value; var output = ''; while (++index < length) { value = array[index]; if (value > 0xFFFF) { value -= 0x10000; output += stringFromCharCode(value >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800); value = 0xDC00 | value & 0x3FF; } output += stringFromCharCode(value); } return output; } function checkScalarValue(codePoint, strict) { if (codePoint >= 0xD800 && codePoint <= 0xDFFF) { if (strict) { throw Error( 'Lone surrogate U+' + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + ' is not a scalar value' ); } return false; } return true; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function createByte(codePoint, shift) { return stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> shift) & 0x3F) | 0x80); } function encodeCodePoint(codePoint, strict) { if ((codePoint & 0xFFFFFF80) == 0) { // 1-byte sequence return stringFromCharCode(codePoint); } var symbol = ''; if ((codePoint & 0xFFFFF800) == 0) { // 2-byte sequence symbol = stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> 6) & 0x1F) | 0xC0); } else if ((codePoint & 0xFFFF0000) == 0) { // 3-byte sequence if (!checkScalarValue(codePoint, strict)) { codePoint = 0xFFFD; } symbol = stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> 12) & 0x0F) | 0xE0); symbol += createByte(codePoint, 6); } else if ((codePoint & 0xFFE00000) == 0) { // 4-byte sequence symbol = stringFromCharCode(((codePoint >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xF0); symbol += createByte(codePoint, 12); symbol += createByte(codePoint, 6); } symbol += stringFromCharCode((codePoint & 0x3F) | 0x80); return symbol; } function utf8encode(string, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var strict = false !== opts.strict; var codePoints = ucs2decode(string); var length = codePoints.length; var index = -1; var codePoint; var byteString = ''; while (++index < length) { codePoint = codePoints[index]; byteString += encodeCodePoint(codePoint, strict); } return byteString; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function readContinuationByte() { if (byteIndex >= byteCount) { throw Error('Invalid byte index'); } var continuationByte = byteArray[byteIndex] & 0xFF; byteIndex++; if ((continuationByte & 0xC0) == 0x80) { return continuationByte & 0x3F; } // If we end up here, it’s not a continuation byte throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); } function decodeSymbol(strict) { var byte1; var byte2; var byte3; var byte4; var codePoint; if (byteIndex > byteCount) { throw Error('Invalid byte index'); } if (byteIndex == byteCount) { return false; } // Read first byte byte1 = byteArray[byteIndex] & 0xFF; byteIndex++; // 1-byte sequence (no continuation bytes) if ((byte1 & 0x80) == 0) { return byte1; } // 2-byte sequence if ((byte1 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { byte2 = readContinuationByte(); codePoint = ((byte1 & 0x1F) << 6) | byte2; if (codePoint >= 0x80) { return codePoint; } else { throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); } } // 3-byte sequence (may include unpaired surrogates) if ((byte1 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { byte2 = readContinuationByte(); byte3 = readContinuationByte(); codePoint = ((byte1 & 0x0F) << 12) | (byte2 << 6) | byte3; if (codePoint >= 0x0800) { return checkScalarValue(codePoint, strict) ? codePoint : 0xFFFD; } else { throw Error('Invalid continuation byte'); } } // 4-byte sequence if ((byte1 & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { byte2 = readContinuationByte(); byte3 = readContinuationByte(); byte4 = readContinuationByte(); codePoint = ((byte1 & 0x07) << 0x12) | (byte2 << 0x0C) | (byte3 << 0x06) | byte4; if (codePoint >= 0x010000 && codePoint <= 0x10FFFF) { return codePoint; } } throw Error('Invalid UTF-8 detected'); } var byteArray; var byteCount; var byteIndex; function utf8decode(byteString, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var strict = false !== opts.strict; byteArray = ucs2decode(byteString); byteCount = byteArray.length; byteIndex = 0; var codePoints = []; var tmp; while ((tmp = decodeSymbol(strict)) !== false) { codePoints.push(tmp); } return ucs2encode(codePoints); } module.exports = { version: '2.1.2', encode: utf8encode, decode: utf8decode }; /***/ }), /* 180 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /* * base64-arraybuffer * * * Copyright (c) 2012 Niklas von Hertzen * Licensed under the MIT license. */ (function(){ "use strict"; var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; // Use a lookup table to find the index. var lookup = new Uint8Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { lookup[chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } exports.encode = function(arraybuffer) { var bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer), i, len = bytes.length, base64 = ""; for (i = 0; i < len; i+=3) { base64 += chars[bytes[i] >> 2]; base64 += chars[((bytes[i] & 3) << 4) | (bytes[i + 1] >> 4)]; base64 += chars[((bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2) | (bytes[i + 2] >> 6)]; base64 += chars[bytes[i + 2] & 63]; } if ((len % 3) === 2) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 1) + "="; } else if (len % 3 === 1) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 2) + "=="; } return base64; }; exports.decode = function(base64) { var bufferLength = base64.length * 0.75, len = base64.length, i, p = 0, encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4; if (base64[base64.length - 1] === "=") { bufferLength--; if (base64[base64.length - 2] === "=") { bufferLength--; } } var arraybuffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength), bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer); for (i = 0; i < len; i+=4) { encoded1 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i)]; encoded2 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+1)]; encoded3 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+2)]; encoded4 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i+3)]; bytes[p++] = (encoded1 << 2) | (encoded2 >> 4); bytes[p++] = ((encoded2 & 15) << 4) | (encoded3 >> 2); bytes[p++] = ((encoded3 & 3) << 6) | (encoded4 & 63); } return arraybuffer; }; })(); /***/ }), /* 181 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Create a blob builder even when vendor prefixes exist */ var BlobBuilder = typeof BlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? BlobBuilder : typeof WebKitBlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? WebKitBlobBuilder : typeof MSBlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? MSBlobBuilder : typeof MozBlobBuilder !== 'undefined' ? MozBlobBuilder : false; /** * Check if Blob constructor is supported */ var blobSupported = (function() { try { var a = new Blob(['hi']); return a.size === 2; } catch(e) { return false; } })(); /** * Check if Blob constructor supports ArrayBufferViews * Fails in Safari 6, so we need to map to ArrayBuffers there. */ var blobSupportsArrayBufferView = blobSupported && (function() { try { var b = new Blob([new Uint8Array([1,2])]); return b.size === 2; } catch(e) { return false; } })(); /** * Check if BlobBuilder is supported */ var blobBuilderSupported = BlobBuilder && BlobBuilder.prototype.append && BlobBuilder.prototype.getBlob; /** * Helper function that maps ArrayBufferViews to ArrayBuffers * Used by BlobBuilder constructor and old browsers that didn't * support it in the Blob constructor. */ function mapArrayBufferViews(ary) { return { if (chunk.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { var buf = chunk.buffer; // if this is a subarray, make a copy so we only // include the subarray region from the underlying buffer if (chunk.byteLength !== buf.byteLength) { var copy = new Uint8Array(chunk.byteLength); copy.set(new Uint8Array(buf, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength)); buf = copy.buffer; } return buf; } return chunk; }); } function BlobBuilderConstructor(ary, options) { options = options || {}; var bb = new BlobBuilder(); mapArrayBufferViews(ary).forEach(function(part) { bb.append(part); }); return (options.type) ? bb.getBlob(options.type) : bb.getBlob(); }; function BlobConstructor(ary, options) { return new Blob(mapArrayBufferViews(ary), options || {}); }; if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined') { BlobBuilderConstructor.prototype = Blob.prototype; BlobConstructor.prototype = Blob.prototype; } module.exports = (function() { if (blobSupported) { return blobSupportsArrayBufferView ? Blob : BlobConstructor; } else if (blobBuilderSupported) { return BlobBuilderConstructor; } else { return undefined; } })(); /***/ }), /* 182 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * This is the common logic for both the Node.js and web browser * implementations of `debug()`. */ function setup(env) { createDebug.debug = createDebug; createDebug.default = createDebug; createDebug.coerce = coerce; createDebug.disable = disable; createDebug.enable = enable; createDebug.enabled = enabled; createDebug.humanize = __webpack_require__(183); Object.keys(env).forEach(key => { createDebug[key] = env[key]; }); /** * Active `debug` instances. */ createDebug.instances = []; /** * The currently active debug mode names, and names to skip. */ createDebug.names = []; createDebug.skips = []; /** * Map of special "%n" handling functions, for the debug "format" argument. * * Valid key names are a single, lower or upper-case letter, i.e. "n" and "N". */ createDebug.formatters = {}; /** * Selects a color for a debug namespace * @param {String} namespace The namespace string for the for the debug instance to be colored * @return {Number|String} An ANSI color code for the given namespace * @api private */ function selectColor(namespace) { let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < namespace.length; i++) { hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + namespace.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return createDebug.colors[Math.abs(hash) % createDebug.colors.length]; } createDebug.selectColor = selectColor; /** * Create a debugger with the given `namespace`. * * @param {String} namespace * @return {Function} * @api public */ function createDebug(namespace) { let prevTime; function debug(...args) { // Disabled? if (!debug.enabled) { return; } const self = debug; // Set `diff` timestamp const curr = Number(new Date()); const ms = curr - (prevTime || curr); self.diff = ms; self.prev = prevTime; self.curr = curr; prevTime = curr; args[0] = createDebug.coerce(args[0]); if (typeof args[0] !== 'string') { // Anything else let's inspect with %O args.unshift('%O'); } // Apply any `formatters` transformations let index = 0; args[0] = args[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (match, format) => { // If we encounter an escaped % then don't increase the array index if (match === '%%') { return match; } index++; const formatter = createDebug.formatters[format]; if (typeof formatter === 'function') { const val = args[index]; match =, val); // Now we need to remove `args[index]` since it's inlined in the `format` args.splice(index, 1); index--; } return match; }); // Apply env-specific formatting (colors, etc.), args); const logFn = self.log || createDebug.log; logFn.apply(self, args); } debug.namespace = namespace; debug.enabled = createDebug.enabled(namespace); debug.useColors = createDebug.useColors(); debug.color = selectColor(namespace); debug.destroy = destroy; debug.extend = extend; // Debug.formatArgs = formatArgs; // debug.rawLog = rawLog; // env-specific initialization logic for debug instances if (typeof createDebug.init === 'function') { createDebug.init(debug); } createDebug.instances.push(debug); return debug; } function destroy() { const index = createDebug.instances.indexOf(this); if (index !== -1) { createDebug.instances.splice(index, 1); return true; } return false; } function extend(namespace, delimiter) { const newDebug = createDebug(this.namespace + (typeof delimiter === 'undefined' ? ':' : delimiter) + namespace); newDebug.log = this.log; return newDebug; } /** * Enables a debug mode by namespaces. This can include modes * separated by a colon and wildcards. * * @param {String} namespaces * @api public */ function enable(namespaces) {; createDebug.names = []; createDebug.skips = []; let i; const split = (typeof namespaces === 'string' ? namespaces : '').split(/[\s,]+/); const len = split.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!split[i]) { // ignore empty strings continue; } namespaces = split[i].replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); if (namespaces[0] === '-') { createDebug.skips.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces.substr(1) + '$')); } else { createDebug.names.push(new RegExp('^' + namespaces + '$')); } } for (i = 0; i < createDebug.instances.length; i++) { const instance = createDebug.instances[i]; instance.enabled = createDebug.enabled(instance.namespace); } } /** * Disable debug output. * * @return {String} namespaces * @api public */ function disable() { const namespaces = [, => '-' + namespace) ].join(','); createDebug.enable(''); return namespaces; } /** * Returns true if the given mode name is enabled, false otherwise. * * @param {String} name * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ function enabled(name) { if (name[name.length - 1] === '*') { return true; } let i; let len; for (i = 0, len = createDebug.skips.length; i < len; i++) { if (createDebug.skips[i].test(name)) { return false; } } for (i = 0, len = createDebug.names.length; i < len; i++) { if (createDebug.names[i].test(name)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Convert regexp to namespace * * @param {RegExp} regxep * @return {String} namespace * @api private */ function toNamespace(regexp) { return regexp.toString() .substring(2, regexp.toString().length - 2) .replace(/\.\*\?$/, '*'); } /** * Coerce `val`. * * @param {Mixed} val * @return {Mixed} * @api private */ function coerce(val) { if (val instanceof Error) { return val.stack || val.message; } return val; } createDebug.enable(createDebug.load()); return createDebug; } module.exports = setup; /***/ }), /* 183 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * Helpers. */ var s = 1000; var m = s * 60; var h = m * 60; var d = h * 24; var w = d * 7; var y = d * 365.25; /** * Parse or format the given `val`. * * Options: * * - `long` verbose formatting [false] * * @param {String|Number} val * @param {Object} [options] * @throws {Error} throw an error if val is not a non-empty string or a number * @return {String|Number} * @api public */ module.exports = function(val, options) { options = options || {}; var type = typeof val; if (type === 'string' && val.length > 0) { return parse(val); } else if (type === 'number' && isFinite(val)) { return options.long ? fmtLong(val) : fmtShort(val); } throw new Error( 'val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=' + JSON.stringify(val) ); }; /** * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. * * @param {String} str * @return {Number} * @api private */ function parse(str) { str = String(str); if (str.length > 100) { return; } var match = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec( str ); if (!match) { return; } var n = parseFloat(match[1]); var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); switch (type) { case 'years': case 'year': case 'yrs': case 'yr': case 'y': return n * y; case 'weeks': case 'week': case 'w': return n * w; case 'days': case 'day': case 'd': return n * d; case 'hours': case 'hour': case 'hrs': case 'hr': case 'h': return n * h; case 'minutes': case 'minute': case 'mins': case 'min': case 'm': return n * m; case 'seconds': case 'second': case 'secs': case 'sec': case 's': return n * s; case 'milliseconds': case 'millisecond': case 'msecs': case 'msec': case 'ms': return n; default: return undefined; } } /** * Short format for `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {String} * @api private */ function fmtShort(ms) { var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); if (msAbs >= d) { return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; } if (msAbs >= h) { return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; } if (msAbs >= m) { return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; } if (msAbs >= s) { return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; } return ms + 'ms'; } /** * Long format for `ms`. * * @param {Number} ms * @return {String} * @api private */ function fmtLong(ms) { var msAbs = Math.abs(ms); if (msAbs >= d) { return plural(ms, msAbs, d, 'day'); } if (msAbs >= h) { return plural(ms, msAbs, h, 'hour'); } if (msAbs >= m) { return plural(ms, msAbs, m, 'minute'); } if (msAbs >= s) { return plural(ms, msAbs, s, 'second'); } return ms + ' ms'; } /** * Pluralization helper. */ function plural(ms, msAbs, n, name) { var isPlural = msAbs >= n * 1.5; return Math.round(ms / n) + ' ' + name + (isPlural ? 's' : ''); } /***/ }), /* 184 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/** * Module requirements. */ var Polling = __webpack_require__(50); var inherit = __webpack_require__(18); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = JSONPPolling; /** * Cached regular expressions. */ var rNewline = /\n/g; var rEscapedNewline = /\\n/g; /** * Global JSONP callbacks. */ var callbacks; /** * Noop. */ function empty () { } /** * Until is shipped. */ function glob () { return typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {}; } /** * JSONP Polling constructor. * * @param {Object} opts. * @api public */ function JSONPPolling (opts) {, opts); this.query = this.query || {}; // define global callbacks array if not present // we do this here (lazily) to avoid unneeded global pollution if (!callbacks) { // we need to consider multiple engines in the same page var global = glob(); callbacks = global.___eio = (global.___eio || []); } // callback identifier this.index = callbacks.length; // add callback to jsonp global var self = this; callbacks.push(function (msg) { self.onData(msg); }); // append to query string this.query.j = this.index; // prevent spurious errors from being emitted when the window is unloaded if (typeof addEventListener === 'function') { addEventListener('beforeunload', function () { if (self.script) self.script.onerror = empty; }, false); } } /** * Inherits from Polling. */ inherit(JSONPPolling, Polling); /* * JSONP only supports binary as base64 encoded strings */ JSONPPolling.prototype.supportsBinary = false; /** * Closes the socket. * * @api private */ JSONPPolling.prototype.doClose = function () { if (this.script) { this.script.parentNode.removeChild(this.script); this.script = null; } if (this.form) { this.form.parentNode.removeChild(this.form); this.form = null; this.iframe = null; }; }; /** * Starts a poll cycle. * * @api private */ JSONPPolling.prototype.doPoll = function () { var self = this; var script = document.createElement('script'); if (this.script) { this.script.parentNode.removeChild(this.script); this.script = null; } script.async = true; script.src = this.uri(); script.onerror = function (e) { self.onError('jsonp poll error', e); }; var insertAt = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; if (insertAt) { insertAt.parentNode.insertBefore(script, insertAt); } else { (document.head || document.body).appendChild(script); } this.script = script; var isUAgecko = 'undefined' !== typeof navigator && /gecko/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (isUAgecko) { setTimeout(function () { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); document.body.removeChild(iframe); }, 100); } }; /** * Writes with a hidden iframe. * * @param {String} data to send * @param {Function} called upon flush. * @api private */ JSONPPolling.prototype.doWrite = function (data, fn) { var self = this; if (!this.form) { var form = document.createElement('form'); var area = document.createElement('textarea'); var id = this.iframeId = 'eio_iframe_' + this.index; var iframe; form.className = 'socketio'; = 'absolute'; = '-1000px'; = '-1000px'; = id; form.method = 'POST'; form.setAttribute('accept-charset', 'utf-8'); = 'd'; form.appendChild(area); document.body.appendChild(form); this.form = form; this.area = area; } this.form.action = this.uri(); function complete () { initIframe(); fn(); } function initIframe () { if (self.iframe) { try { self.form.removeChild(self.iframe); } catch (e) { self.onError('jsonp polling iframe removal error', e); } } try { // ie6 dynamic iframes with target="" support (thanks Chris Lambacher) var html = '