#!/bin/bash Font_Black="\033[30m"; Font_Red="\033[31m"; Font_Green="\033[32m"; Font_Yellow="\033[33m"; Font_Blue="\033[34m"; Font_Purple="\033[35m"; Font_SkyBlue="\033[36m"; Font_White="\033[37m"; Font_Suffix="\033[0m"; RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' PLAIN='\033[0m' BLUE="\033[36m" SUPPORT_COUNTRY=(AL DZ AD AO AG AR AM AU AT AZ BS BD BB BE BZ BJ BT BA BW BR BG BF CV CA CL CO KM CR HR CY DK DJ DM DO EC SV EE FJ FI FR GA GM GE DE GH GR GD GT GN GW GY HT HN HU IS IN ID IQ IE IL IT JM JP JO KZ KE KI KW KG LV LB LS LR LI LT LU MG MW MY MV ML MT MH MR MU MX MC MN ME MA MZ MM NA NR NP NL NZ NI NE NG MK NO OM PK PW PA PG PE PH PL PT QA RO RW KN LC VC WS SM ST SN RS SC SL SG SK SI SB ZA ES LK SR SE CH TH TG TO TT TN TR TV UG AE US UY VU ZM BO BN CG CZ VA FM MD PS KR TW TZ TL GB) function test_ipv4() { echo -e "Netflix:"; result=`curl --connect-timeout 10 -4sSL "https://www.netflix.com/" 2>&1`; if [ "$result" == "Not Available" ];then echo -e "${Font_Red}很遗憾 Netflix不服务此地区${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi if [[ "$result" == "curl"* ]];then echo -e "${Font_Red}错误 无法连接到Netflix官网${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi result=`curl -4sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/80018499" 2>&1`; if [[ "$result" == *"page-404"* ]] || [[ "$result" == *"NSEZ-403"* ]];then echo -e "${Font_Red}很遗憾 你的IP不能看Netflix${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi result1=`curl -4sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836" 2>&1`; result2=`curl -4sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/80027042" 2>&1`; result3=`curl -4sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70140425" 2>&1`; result4=`curl -4sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70283261" 2>&1`; result5=`curl -4sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70143860" 2>&1`; result6=`curl -4sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70202589" 2>&1`; if [[ "$result1" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result2" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result3" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result4" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result5" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result6" == *"page-404"* ]];then echo -e "${Font_Yellow}你的IP可以打开Netflix 但是仅解锁自制剧${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi #奈飞IPV4区域测试 region=`tr [:lower:] [:upper:] <<< $(curl -4is "https://www.netflix.com/title/80018499" 2>&1 | sed -n '8p' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f4 | cut -d '-' -f1)` ; if [[ "$region" == *"INDEX"* ]];then region="US"; fi echo -e "${Font_Green}恭喜 你的IP可以打开Netflix 并解锁全部流媒体 区域: ${region}${Font_Suffix}"; return; } function test_ipv6() { echo -e "Netflix:"; result=`curl --connect-timeout 10 -6sSL "https://www.netflix.com/" 2>&1`; if [ "$result" == "Not Available" ];then echo -e "${Font_Red}很遗憾 Netflix不服务此地区${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi if [[ "$result" == "curl"* ]];then echo -e "${Font_Red}错误 无法连接到Netflix官网${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi result=`curl -6sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/80018499" 2>&1`; if [[ "$result" == *"page-404"* ]] || [[ "$result" == *"NSEZ-403"* ]];then echo -e "${Font_Red}很遗憾 你的IP不能看Netflix${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi result1=`curl -6sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836" 2>&1`; result2=`curl -6sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/80027042" 2>&1`; result3=`curl -6sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70140425" 2>&1`; result4=`curl -6sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70283261" 2>&1`; result5=`curl -6sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70143860" 2>&1`; result6=`curl -6sL "https://www.netflix.com/title/70202589" 2>&1`; if [[ "$result1" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result2" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result3" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result4" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result5" == *"page-404"* ]] && [[ "$result6" == *"page-404"* ]];then echo -e "${Font_Yellow}你的IP可以打开Netflix 但是仅解锁自制剧${Font_Suffix}"; return; fi #奈飞IPV4区域测试 region=`tr [:lower:] [:upper:] <<< $(curl -6is "https://www.netflix.com/title/80018499" 2>&1 | sed -n '8p' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f4 | cut -d '-' -f1)` ; if [[ "$region" == *"INDEX"* ]];then region="US"; fi echo -e "${Font_Green}恭喜 你的IP可以打开Netflix 并解锁全部流媒体 区域: ${region}${Font_Suffix}"; return; } yt_ipv4(){ echo -e "YouTube:"; #油管IPV4区域测试 area=$(curl --connect-timeout 10 -4s https://www.youtube.com/red | sed 's/,/\n/g' | grep countryCode | cut -d '"' -f4) if [ ! -n "$area" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Yellow}你的油管角标不显示 可能不支持Premium${Font_Suffix}"; else echo -e "${Font_Green}你的油管角标: ${area}${Font_Suffix}"; fi } yt_ipv6(){ echo -e "YouTube:"; #油管IPV6区域测试 area=$(curl --connect-timeout 10 -6s https://www.youtube.com/red | sed 's/,/\n/g' | grep countryCode | cut -d '"' -f4) if [ ! -n "$area" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Yellow}你的油管角标不显示 可能不支持Premium${Font_Suffix}"; else echo -e "${Font_Green}你的油管角标: ${area}${Font_Suffix}"; fi } steam_v4(){ echo -e "Steam:"; area=$(curl --connect-timeout 10 -s https://store.steampowered.com/app/761830 | grep priceCurrency | cut -d '"' -f4) if [ ! -n "$area" ]; then echo -e "${Font_Red}错误!无法获取到货币数据${Font_Suffix}"; else echo -e "${Font_Green}你的 STEAM 货币为(仅限IPV4): ${area}${Font_Suffix}"; fi } Dazn_v4() { echo -e "Dazn:"; local result=$(curl -4 -s --max-time 30 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"LandingPageKey":"generic","Languages":"zh-CN,zh,en","Platform":"web","PlatformAttributes":{},"Manufacturer":"","PromoCode":"","Version":"2"}' https://startup.core.indazn.com/misl/v5/Startup | python -m json.tool 2> /dev/null |grep GeolocatedCountryName |cut -d '"' -f4) if [[ "$result" == "curl"* ]];then echo -n -e "${Font_Red}错误,无法连接到Dazn!${Font_Suffix}\n" return; fi if [ -n "$result" ]; then if [[ "$result" == "null," ]];then echo -n -e "${Font_Red}抱歉,您服务器所在的地区无法使用Dazn!${Font_Suffix}\n" return; else echo -n -e "${Font_Green}恭喜,你服务器的IP支持Dazn! 区域:[${result}]${Font_Suffix}\n" return; fi else echo -n -e "${Font_Red}很遗憾,你的IP不支持Dazn!${Font_Suffix}\n" return; fi return; } Dazn_v6() { echo -e "Dazn:"; local result=$(curl -6 -s --max-time 30 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"LandingPageKey":"generic","Languages":"zh-CN,zh,en","Platform":"web","PlatformAttributes":{},"Manufacturer":"","PromoCode":"","Version":"2"}' https://startup.core.indazn.com/misl/v5/Startup | python -m json.tool 2> /dev/null |grep GeolocatedCountryName |cut -d '"' -f4) if [[ "$result" == "curl"* ]];then echo -n -e "${Font_Red}错误,无法连接到Dazn!${Font_Suffix}\n" return; fi if [ -n "$result" ]; then if [[ "$result" == "null," ]];then echo -n -e "${Font_Red}抱歉,您服务器所在的地区无法使用Dazn!${Font_Suffix}\n" return; else echo -n -e "${Font_Green}恭喜,你服务器的IP支持Dazn! 区域:[${result}]${Font_Suffix}\n" return; fi else echo -n -e "${Font_Red}很遗憾,你的IP不支持Dazn!${Font_Suffix}\n" return; fi return; } openai_v4() { echo -e "OpenAI:" if [[ $(curl -sS https://chat.openai.com/ -I | grep "text/plain") != "" ]] then echo "您的 IP 已被封锁!" else check4=`ping -c 1 2>&1`; if [[ "$check4" != *"received"* ]] && [[ "$check4" != *"transmitted"* ]];then echo -e "\033[34mIPv4 is not supported on the current host. Skip...\033[0m"; else iso2_code4=$(curl -4 -sS https://chat.openai.com/cdn-cgi/trace | grep "loc=" | awk -F= '{print $2}') if [[ "${SUPPORT_COUNTRY[@]}" =~ "${iso2_code4}" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}您的 IP 支持访问 OpenAI。 地区: ${iso2_code4}${PLAIN}" else echo -e "${RED}地区: ${iso2_code4}. 目前不支持 OpenAI。${PLAIN}" fi fi fi } openai_v6() { echo -e "OpenAI:" if [[ $(curl -sS https://chat.openai.com/ -I | grep "text/plain") != "" ]] then echo "您的 IP 已被封锁!" else check6=`ping6 240c::6666 -c 1 2>&1`; if [[ "$check6" != *"received"* ]] && [[ "$check6" != *"transmitted"* ]];then echo -e "\033[34m当前主机不支持 IPv6。 跳过...\033[0m"; else iso2_code6=$(curl -6 -sS https://chat.openai.com/cdn-cgi/trace | grep "loc=" | awk -F= '{print $2}') if [[ "${SUPPORT_COUNTRY[@]}" =~ "${iso2_code6}" ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}您的 IP 支持访问 OpenAI。 地区: ${iso2_code6}${PLAIN}" else echo -e "${RED}地区: ${iso2_code6}. 目前不支持 OpenAI。${PLAIN}" fi fi fi } #目录 echo -e "${Font_SkyBlue} 流媒体测试脚本 V4.1 ${Font_Suffix}" echo -e "${Font_SkyBlue} GitHub:https://github.com/xb0or/nftest ${Font_Suffix}" echo -e "${Font_SkyBlue} bash <(curl -sSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xb0or/nftest/main/netflix.sh") ${Font_Suffix}" echo -e "${Font_SkyBlue} 国家代码:http://www.loglogo.com/front/countryCode/ ${Font_Suffix}" echo "-------------------------------------" echo " ** 正在测试 IPv4 解锁情况"; check4=`ping -c 1 2>&1`; if [[ "$check4" != *"received"* ]] && [[ "$check4" != *"transmitted"* ]];then echo -e "\033[34m当前主机不支持IPv4,跳过...\033[0m"; else local_ipv4=$(curl -4 -s --max-time 10 api64.ipify.org) local_isp4=$(curl -s -4 --max-time 10 --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.87 Safari/537.36" "https://api.ip.sb/geoip/${local_ipv4}" | grep organization | cut -f4 -d '"') echo -e "${BLUE}您的 IPv4: ${local_ipv4} - ${local_isp4}${PLAIN}" test_ipv4 yt_ipv4 steam_v4 Dazn_v4 openai_v4 fi echo "=====================================" echo " ** 正在测试 IPv6 解锁情况"; check6=`ping6 240c::6666 -c 1 2>&1`; if [[ "$check6" != *"received"* ]] && [[ "$check6" != *"transmitted"* ]];then echo -e "\033[34m当前主机不支持IPv6,跳过...\033[0m"; echo "-------------------------------------" else local_ipv6=$(curl -6 -s --max-time 20 api64.ipify.org) local_isp6=$(curl -s -6 --max-time 10 --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.87 Safari/537.36" "https://api.ip.sb/geoip/${local_ipv6}" | grep organization | cut -f4 -d '"') echo -e "${BLUE}您的 IPv6: ${local_ipv6} - ${local_isp6}${PLAIN}" test_ipv6 yt_ipv6 Dazn_v6 openai_v6 echo "-------------------------------------" fi