This schema contains core elements for the acfr taxonomy and is a comprehensive list of all roles. 300450 - Statement - Governmental Funds Balance Sheet, Other Funds - Other Unearned Revenue (Details) link:definitionLink link:presentationLink 300735 - Statement - Governmental Funds Balance Sheet, General, Nonmajor, Totals - Other Unearned Revenue (Details) link:definitionLink link:presentationLink Labels for Michigan F-65 Form link:label Example Instant-outflow link:definitionArc link:definitionArc link:definitionArc link:definitionArc link:definitionArc link:definitionArc Links the trait identifier to the domain of possible traits. link:definitionArc Describes those concepts that are properties of a domain. link:definitionArc acfr-all:domain-concept Relates the accrual element to its matching modified accrual element. link:definitionArc