$Module sec 3 "Varnish modsecurity Module" $ABI vrt DESCRIPTION =========== This modules links *modsecurity* in varnish as a vmod and gives the tooling to configure it and act on feedback. Body treatment is still a **proof of concept**, and will probably kill your server. The -p *thread_pool_stack* should be high enough to allow modsecurity to run, (4M worked on my machine, but, ymmv) You still need to configure the ruleset you need, this should be a good starting point : https://www.netnea.com/cms/apache-tutorial-7_including-modsecurity-core-rules/ Example :: import sec; import std; sub vcl_init { new modsec = sec.sec(); /* Configure mod security */ modsec.add_rules("/usr/share/modsecurity-crs/crs-setup.conf"); /* Add a local rules file */ modsec.add_rules("/usr/share/modsecurity-crs/rules/REQUEST-901-INITIALIZATION.conf"); /* Add a remote rules file */ modsec.add_rules("https://www.modsecurity.org/modsecurity-regression-test-secremoterules.txt", "test"); /* Add an inline rule */ modsec.add_rule({"SecRule TX:EXECUTING_PARANOIA_LEVEL "@lt 2" "id:950013332,phase:3,pass,nolog,skipAfter:END-RESPONSE-950-DATA-LEAKAGES"}); /* Allows to dump rules to stdout */ # modsec.dump_rules(); } sub handle_intervention { if (modsec.intervention_getDisrupt()) { std.syslog(9, "Need to mess with ya"); std.syslog("Need to sleep " + modsec.intervention_getPause()); set req.http.X-intervention-status = modsec.intervention_getStatus(); set req.http.X-Intervention-Url = modsec.intervention_getUrl(); std.log(modsec.intervention_getLog()); if (req.http.X-intervention-status == "403") { modsec.conn_close(); } if (req.http.X-intervention-status ~ "^30.$") { return (synth(900, "Intervention")); } } } sub vcl_synth { if (resp.status == 900) { set resp.http.location = req.http.X-intervention-status; set resp.status = std.integer(req.http.X-intervention-status, 302); return(deliver); } } sub vcl_recv { modsec.new_conn(client.ip, std.port(client.ip), server.ip, std.port(server.ip)); call handle_intervention; modsec.process_url(req.url, req.method, regsub(req.proto, "^.*/", "")); call handle_intervention; std.cache_req_body(500KB); modsec.do_process_request_body(true); call handle_intervention; } sub vcl_deliver { modsec.process_response(); call handle_intervention; modsec.do_process_response_body(false); call handle_intervention; } $Event event_function $Object sec() This object will store rules, the per transaction object is linked to the top_request $Method INT .add_rule(STRING rules_string) This will add a rule to the rule set, should follow the modsecurity syntax $Method INT .add_rules(STRING rules_path, [STRING key]) This will add a rules file, should follow the modsecurity syntax too, if key is provided, the rules file is considered remote $Method INT .dump_rules() This will dump rules to stdout $Method INT .new_conn(PRIV_TOP, STRING client_ip, INT client_port, STRING server_ip, INT server_port, [STRING transaction_id]) Handles a new connection, requires client and server ip and port You can optionaly provide a transaction_id $Method INT .process_url(PRIV_TOP, STRING req_url, STRING protocol, STRING http_version) Process the url, method and http version #require body buffered TODO, implement as stream buffer $Method INT .do_process_request_body(PRIV_TOP, BOOL capture_body = 1) This mark the request body as "to be processed, otherwise just skip the record, This needs std.cache_req_body(500KB) to be set $Method INT .process_response(PRIV_TOP, STRING protocol="HTTP 1.1") This handles response headers / status code etc etc # TODO implement as VFP $Method INT .do_process_response_body(PRIV_TOP, BOOL capture_body = 1) This will handle the response body $Method INT .update_status_code(PRIV_TOP, INT status_code) This receives the response status code # Kill the current connection $Method INT .conn_close(PRIV_TOP) #Intervention reading $Method BOOL .intervention_getDisrupt(PRIV_TOP) Get disrupt field from ModSecurityIntervention $Method INT .intervention_getStatus(PRIV_TOP) Get status field from ModSecurityIntervention $Method STRING .intervention_getUrl(PRIV_TOP) Get url field from ModSecurityIntervention if there's a redirection $Method DURATION .intervention_getPause(PRIV_TOP) Get pause field from ModSecurityIntervention, allows to delay response $Method STRING .intervention_getLog(PRIV_TOP) Get the log entry linked to the current ModSecurityIntervention $Method STRING .version() Get the libvmodSecurity version SEE ALSO ======== vcl\(7),varnishd\(1) https://modsecurity.org/