# RedisJSON Jedis Quick Start Jedis supports [RedisJSON](https://oss.redis.com/redisjson/) and [RediSearch](https://oss.redis.com/redisearch/). The latest versions of RedisJSON let you store, manipulate, index, and query JSON. To use these features with Jedis, you'll need to use the `UnifiedJedis` interface or a sub-class of it. Let's see how this works. ## Creating with RedisJSON client First, let's create a `JedisPooled` client instance: ```java JedisPooled client = new JedisPooled("localhost", 6479); ``` Or, a `JedisCluster` client instance: ```java Set nodes = new HashSet<>(); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 7379)); nodes.add(new HostAndPort("", 7380)); JedisCluster client = new JedisCluster(nodes); ``` Now we can start working with JSON. For these examples, we'll be using [GSON](https://github.com/google/gson) to handle the serialization of POJOs to JSON. ## Creating JSON documents Suppose we're building an online learning platform, and we want to represent students. Let's create a POJO to represent our students: ```java private class Student { private String firstName; private String lastName; public Student(String firstName, String lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } } ``` Now we can create some students and store them in Redis as JSON: ```java final Gson gson = new Gson(); Student maya = new Student("Maya", "Jayavant"); client.jsonSet("student:111", gson.toJson(maya)); Student oliwia = new Student("Oliwia", "Jagoda"); client.jsonSet("student:112", gson.toJson(oliwia)); ``` Some of other ways to store POJOs as JSON: ``` client.jsonSetLegacy("student:111", maya); client.jsonSetWithEscape("student:112", oliwia); ``` ## Querying and indexing JSON If we want to be able to query this JSON, we'll need to create an index. Let's create an index on the "firstName" and "lastName" fields. 1. We define which fields to index ("firstName" and "lastName"). 2. We set up the index definition to recognize JSON and include only those documents whose key starts with "student:". 3. Then we actually create the index, called "student-index", by calling `ftCreate()`. ```java Schema schema = new Schema().addTextField("$.firstName", 1.0).addTextField("$" + ".lastName", 1.0); IndexDefinition rule = new IndexDefinition(IndexDefinition.Type.JSON) .setPrefixes(new String[]{"student:"}); client.ftCreate("student-index", IndexOptions.defaultOptions().setDefinition(rule), schema); ``` With an index now defined, we can query our JSON. Let's find all students whose name begins with "maya": ```java Query q = new Query("@\\$\\" + ".firstName:maya*"); SearchResult mayaSearch = client.ftSearch("student-index", q); ``` We can then iterate over our search results: ```java List docs = mayaSearch.getDocuments(); for (Document doc : docs) { System.out.println(doc); } ``` This example just scratches the surface. You can atomically manipulate JSON documents and query them in a variety of ways. See the [RedisJSON docs](https://oss.redis.com/redisjson/), the [RediSearch](https://oss.redis.com/redisearch/) docs, and our course, ["Querying, Indexing, and Full-text Search in Redis"](https://university.redis.com/courses/ru203/), for a lot more examples.