#!/bin/bash FWAAS_PATCH="" FWAAS_DASHBOARD_PATCH="" NEUTRON_CLIENT_PATCH="" # Quick sanity check (should be run on Ubuntu 16.04 and MUST be run as root directly) if [ `lsb_release -rs` != "16.04" ] then echo -n "Warning: This script is only tested against Ubuntu xenial. Press to continue at your own risk... " read fi if [ `whoami` != "root" -o -n "$SUDO_COMMAND" ] then echo "This script must be run as root, and not using 'sudo'!" exit 1 fi # Set up the packages we need apt-get update apt-get install git vim jq -y # Clone the devstack repo git clone https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git /tmp/devstack wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xgerman/devstack_deploy/master/local.conf > /tmp/devstack/local.conf # Create the stack user /tmp/devstack/tools/create-stack-user.sh # Apparently the group for libvirt changed to libvirtd in parallels? usermod -a -G libvirtd stack # Move everything into place mv /tmp/devstack /opt/stack/ chown -R stack:stack /opt/stack/devstack/ cat >>/opt/stack/.profile < ~/routes.log route del default gw &> /dev/null # Install tox globally pip install tox &> /dev/null # Install Dashboard # git clone https://github.com/openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard # cd neutron-fwaas-dashboard # git fetch https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard FWAAS_DASHBOARD_PATCH && git checkout FETCH_HEAD # pip install . # #rm /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/*_project_firewalls_v2_panel.py* # cp neutron_fwaas_dashboard/enabled/_70*_project_firewalls*.py /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/ # cd /opt/stack/horizon/ # ./manage.py collectstatic # ./manage.py compress # service apache2 restart # # Drop into a shell su - stack